St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 18, 1920, Image 2

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A. W Mnrklc, I'rtllor
Published Friday of Each Week
. ,......- -.Mf.rT-mm -
Subiorlptlon prloa $1.60 paryanr.
Tirn Ruvihw Is entered nt post oflice
In Portland, Oregon , a timll Jimttcr
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of March J, 1879.
Have you ever considered how
often this question is naked in
the ordinary homo? Mother is
the most neoded person in the
whole family. The little infant,
before it is old enough to utter a
word.nsks the question by crying
when it needs something. Little
children are diligent in asking
tho question when they find
Mother out of sight. Older
children keep tip the habit. Tho
husband and father expects
Mother to be in tho house when
ho enters it, and his first ques
tion upon entering and finding
Mothor out of sight is, Where is
Where is Mother? She may
bo nronar nir meal, may be sit
tintr bv the Hide of somo sick
child, may be bunding over the
wush tub. may be in some neigh
bor's house giving comfort and
holt) to the diutrosscd and neudy
there, may be lying upon the
niinli onf forlntr fmm n vlnlmir.
headncho. may bo in her closet Xr,,.'.n,,,,lr """''nw'.iii.chi.i
..,miu ,., nuwn ' t'Y, 1 " . " ., flue four room modem cott.iKo tivnrly
wayward son or daughter, may lluu. ,,, MKtmM, fi,iC nnd dm.dv con-
bo out in tllO COlU (lOiflg HOm ttiu. hent imrlof St. Johns iMidence
things that others ought to have Uwikmi. i'rlce$2MX), ot to imvc nbout
1 1 iwin ciittintr wood mav bill WMJiiowh on mi placemen kooii lerins.
.1. ... "....i.r.:..L.i . ".Ti.: " . TIiMsii tcKulnnluiililc constructed home
HiiuiiK uuwii ruauiiK mm inurt iik limi ls Worth the money.
.no i p lunwini iur u are a A w AVS
"A" .V'rA"",u..i. i"' 202 N. Jersey SI.
Wbiii fitf fiiiw v ar
fiti MnMmi Im tlif IniMiii!. tiiiimlmi
of the family. Sho ia a willing U A TAPRDil I
Horvant often a slave giving " v.rHIlLL
hor lifo for tho welfare and tho
Weekly Real Estate
Thli Week's Leader, nnd It enn'tbe equal
ed in nil the ads you arc yoiug to rend.
5 room modern house double constructed,
with fine river view, close to center of
town and a 50x100 corner Jot with sewer
connection. The house is new nnd in
the (link of condition. I'rlce Is f 27C0. It
takes $050 cash to handle this tiroticrly
(hen you cnu tay f30 per mouth which
includes the interest. The house would
cost more than the price.
1'our room modern double constructed
with sewer connection, rlL'lit in the close
centre, COxlOO lot for f2C50, with JG00
cash then $30 per month iiictiuliiig inter
est, nenr the industries on top of the
hill with n fine river view. A first class
N'lnc room modern with fire place, in
cludes 400 worth of furniture now empty
t r.. . tf(ruii
(tun reiuiy lur tn:i;ujj.iiiuy. i iiuu ri'vu,
tnkes f 1150 to handle. The house would
cost $:troo to build.
Three rooms (laruc), closet nnd bath
room, j;ood cesspool, youn fruit trees
and Harden. Price f 1000, JS20O cash, bal
ance morlKKe f 100 then 7 )er cent
l'our room modern buiiimlow wilh
looxloo lot, lots of line fruit, nil street
Improvements paid. Price $2500, $f00
cash, Imlauce terms; close In
l'our rooms strictly modern and up to
dntu, nice location, built In effects, line
little home. Price f 2800, takes f MX) cash
for this, balance monthly,
l'our rooms, hath mid toilet, with
Inr, wood house, chicken house and j;ar
ne, some fruit, Includes H'od mime, lot
Goxloo. A jjood buy for $1550, half cash
balance on niorlnf;1-''
Six room modern house, has fruit nnd
flowers, el 1 no in for J2500. If you can
iliK up fllM or more 011 this place the rest
Dont worry about
what you want to
eat. Just
or phone
have lots
drop in
of good
C. S. Bucy
Phone Columbia 528
2 202 S. Jersey Street
For liargains
a1 1 1 , . a
Boautlful gray or
black adult caskot,
hoarse, box, 2 autos
ombnlmlng nnd rofln
od service for
l'uncrnls If desired for J20, $30, f 10, $G0. Higher priced funerals In pro
wrtloii, We manufacture caskets. I.ady assistant.
Ilcautlful funeral chapel,
Main 2691 Independent Funornl Directors
A 7006
Washington at Clla Street, Uclnccn 20th and 21st Street, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
n 1 t fA 1 I A t r . f nnn
woll buliiir of hor own.
Hut Mothor in htinuin. Shu hits
11 body Unit Ih oanahlo ofbocom
iiiK' oxhauHtod, fuuliiiKH thai aru
canahlu of holntr wounded, a
Hweot deposition that Ih capahlu
of Ijoimr Hourod. Alany a woman
who iniKht havo noun an iiKrcu
ahlu comimnion ami a noulo mo
thor htiH huun iranaformuil into
a hoinu that Ih anything ltit
airroealilo and nohlo, uiinnly ho
catiHo hIio did not havo tho treat
muntthatHho duorvod or hIioiiIi
havo had. That niisi'H another
uiioHtion. Whoro is Mothor
that Ih, what iilaeo does hIio oc
cuny- in your affoctionV
Noxt to (iod, hIio Ih your mo.'it
tondor and lovinir friend, Noxt
to God, hIio Hhould havo the first
plnco in your heart. Suo that
you tfivo her tho attention that
Ih duo hor. Lot her know that
you appreciate her Maori f ices in
your holiall. Let her know tho
affeetionft you havo for hor by
tho kind way that you Hneak to
her: by the way you do all you
can to make her burden lilit
and her bourn chuerf ul; by your
carofuluoHa that there Ik notliiiiK
in your lifo that urlevoH her: by
your Mtipnort of her in all her tin
dortakiuirri, 1 hrow oh inui'li huh
Hhino around her path aa you I only ond block from ear line;
can, and help her in ail the ways pnuo ouu; iD(ll) cnali, balance
that you can: for you will not I terms. If you want a kooi! liomo
liavo nor with you Iour. I mih wee huh.
HiiKKeww ono more (pieHiion. -rA rvi i o.
Whoro is Mother Ih alio utill JU4) IN. JCI'SCy bl
nun;, in nun inn iaiiu uiklmi nt;r
homo? MoHt of ti8 will have to
ntiHwor tho latter. They whone
mothorH are still with them do
not always ronllze what a Imm
ure thoy havo. It is only when
Mother is L'ono that who Im moHt
adly misned and, oftentiineii,
appreciatod. I'rizo hor while you
havo hor with you.
Add to hor days by tloitiK all
you can to make hor life ehuor
ftil and hor burden liulu. Learn
all you can from her while you
havo opportunity, for her exper
ience in worth Homthimr. Then
it will bo worth KomothhiK to
you, after she is none, to bo able
to reflect that you wore always
kind to hor and tried to do your
duty by hor. Whoro i mother?
lHBhotitm with you? Thank
God for your treasure. Has she
irono on to her eternal
Suo that your lifo is such
whon Gixl calls you from time to
eternity you may met hor in tho
Klory world,- Hov. Hatos, Salem.
Ucnl I:s(ac Broker
A few of tho many baraina
uarroii lias to offer this week:
Four room modern buntralow.
ono of the bust buys in St. Johns
district, lot fiOxliJO, street im
proved; price $2.'J00, half cash,
tmlanco terms.
Six room house close in. fine
location, niirtlv modern, nrico
only $inuo, ijwJU cash, balance
like rent.
Hvo rooms, Homi-modorn.
plastered, uood condition: nrico
only .$1200. ?:)00 cash, balance
like rent,
i'iii'ht room modern, close in.
on paved street, lot fiOx 100; close
(o iiusinoss and car lino: nrico
$2000, half cash, balance like
100x100, fine fruit, jrood five
room House, ood location;
price $2(100, half cash, balance
IOO.v'.OJ. thruo rooms, lot well
improved with fruit, irood loca
tion: I'rico $1000. SfiOO cash.
balance $25 monthly and interest.
in 'oo rooms. olfiOxHO. nonr
(.ooperano; price $IO,r0, $250
cash, ir monthly and interest.
Uno of tho boMt liuvs In the
bt. Johns district, f room modern,
No. r,2!) Six room modem house, 2000,
i'lOOcnnh, halauce $20 Kr mouth nnd
No. Mil 1'ivc room modern house, lot
fmxloo, all street and sewer paid. $2700,
000 cash, balance easy.
No. fll I 1'ivc room modem house, fine
fruit, $2170, GOO cash, Imlauce $30 111
cludlni! interest tier month.
No. 511 I'ive room house, lot looxloo,
Karate uud barn, fine fruit, $2000, $fXK)
No. .I'Ji l'lvc room modern house lot
100x100, fiuc fruit, 2I00. $800 cash, hal
ance 15 tor month, interest 0 percent.
No. 'IH7 .Seven room modern house nil
In line shape $2A00, SfXX) cash, lialancc
like rent.
I'ive loom modem iioiiic witli Karate
nils In n line corner; street anil sewer
Improvements all paid; IWO0.$10O0 cash.
Nine room, modern hi every lesjieet,
hanlMOod Moors, double fire place, lot
100x100. 0WI0. iUOOO cash. The house
could not he hullt for the money.
No, nil l'our room new house close
lotchool, $17110, .tl)0 cash.
No. Mi! (1 room modem house, ood
location, f Moo, $ loo cash, ImI. like rent.
No. Rtfi It room modern house JOoo.
nail i-iuli, ImI. terms. Look at tills.
No. fctt I room new mnderii house.
clie to iHCtory, 2oo, fioo cnsli, Ixi 1.
f 20 and iiitciest per mouth.
Mix iihiiii modern Iioukc, comer lot,
new house with Karaee, tfeel Improve
meiiiH uiiii, iiiiiu, $tuu casii.
If you want to sell your property
come in ami mu inc. i can sen uior you
11UJ North Jersey Street
I'lionu Coluinbiit 81
Phone Columbia I2S
A Few of Our Bargains
run Room I Ion. Iit 75x100,
lot, of fruit. jSlfiOO. $T)00 down.
Ixuunce to suit.
I hrce Kooin IIouso, (rait in vnrd.
$i:i00. S ir.0dovii, S20 iw month
at ( pur cunt itueri'Kt.
rour kooiu .louiin House, nenr
cat line. ?17()0, SoOO down. S20
per moiiiu.
Six Room Mode tn on imved
ittcct. S2o00, ?o00 down. SUO oer has irarneo.
utoutli, See this. street, close
S Greater St. Johns Realty Co. J&rfflraE
in lJt''oentie AO M , ' Kus, wired for electricity, fixtures
will convene in San 403 N, Jersey St. nll iu conUccttH, vvilh evcr 8(0
Tho bi convention at I'liicitKO
is now over nnd Harding and
CoolidKo havo been declared the
Republican standard bearers as a
result of tho bij? caucus. The
instructed delegate system vu3
more or loss disreirarded and tho
rank and file of tho party had
little to do in making the choice.
auio men, nowover, wore nom
mated for tho
in tho nation
It 1 Jt.w
rrancisco Juno zain, ami wnen
tho nominations are made thero
the hip fijjht will bo on. The
Democratic choice will have much
to do in nrodotormiuintf the re
sult of the Novembor election.
Hryan. in spite of throo defeats,
is probably the strongest and
ablost man in tho paity, but bis
chances of nomination are far
from promising at this sttiRo.
The Shrinors tiro coming,
oh! oh, oil!
They'll cortninly give us a
jazz show;
Save yournioklos anddimos,
Don't think of hard timos
Put on your bust duds and lot
i'ive rooms down M-ors. sixtce tin
t ....
lor miir rooms, nowmiteiy modern.
line Imsement, kooi on. SAOOn.
rest? S2500 down, niorlK:e Imck on bal
tutu ance. l'liio lioine.
twelve rooms Roouiiiitr House.
wen lurnislied, line piuno, lot 100x
1UU leet. Maul) lionw rear rents
for $S 00 and KitniKc teals for $5.00
jht tuontit, All roojns tilled. Can
he handled for $2.000 00. A find
lor some one who tenlly wnnts n
money maker.
A fine Wood Saw on IS. M. 1.
I ruck. Good ns new. All tools no
lor ?iu. Look at tins.
l-inest farms near l'orllaml, l-'uc
toty sites. See us
No.KK) Five room modern
home, clone in to business ecu
tor. Inruo lot 100x100. C luruo
chorry trees, street improved
and paid. $2000. I'uy $uoo cash,
balance liko rent.
No. 128 -Fivo room house, mod
orn except bath, on hardsurfaco
street ami sewer, close to manu-
facturini: district, SlUOO. Pay
i2o cash, iialaiico liko rent.
No. Ill) rive room modorn
cottiiKO. improved Btreet, laro
lot r)0xlf)0,$2000. I'uy $500 cash,
lalanco like rent.
Mvo room cottairo iiim crii ex
cept bath, has larjco corner lot,
street improved, best location:
price $1000. Pay $150 cash, hal-
unco like rent.
No. 117. Five room modern bun
kiiiow, iinprorea streot, sowor.
fine location. $1700. Pay $100
cash, tmlanco liko rent.
No. 101 New 'I room modem
bunmilow, best location, $2100.
Assume street bonds, nay $300
cash, balance rent.
Ac l'ortsmouth, u room cottage
somwuodern, lartro corner lot
100x110. all kinds of fruit, irar
den all in coos wilh the place at
WM. i'uy ;si.'u cash, balance
$20 monthly, includes interest.
Six room modern bunealow.
on hard surface
to car, tho price
Washing Machine
and your wash day troubles will bo ended.
Why not stop in and let us demonstrate one to
you, or phone us and we will deliver one to your
residence and do your washing.
Hundreds of satisfied owners are boosting the
Sold on easy terms.
ISIovt rc Cant mot Inn Wxttivvs iintl Stipplios,
.Motor IiiHtnlltttloiiH, A iiIIinvun ui' nil UIihIh,
Phone Col. 977
418 N. Jersey Street
1I1C Allgll VUSL
of Living
is partly the fault of the buyer
not knowing just where to pur-
chase to get tue lowest prices,
and tht most for the money
expended. When it comes to
meat our shop is the place to
come. Our prices arc equita
ble, our meat always fresh,
and we give full value for the
S We have plenty of Pulp Fed Steer
Jtjeei, liram rea rone, miik rea
Veal and Spring Lambs at rea
sonable prices.
109 North Jersey Street Market Phone Columbia 21
I IV'V .til MX ViCTirN
Pv ,1
need a nev'
3 We mjqi
Mrs. Homelowr:
Every home should have an ice-box. It is economical;
it SAVES FOOD. It is SANITARY and will save more
in doctor's bills than it will cost.
Do not waste food. Dmiot endanger tho health of
your family.
Come in and buy today that new ice-box you so badly
H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man
400-402 S. Jersey St.
ff Flavoring Extracts
aJIH -mrr All IfmAcf
only ?2500. lay $1000 cash, bal
anco monthly,
Somodandv buys at University
and Columbia l'ark.
215 N, Jiri-y S l iiouc Coluiiiblu 2
For Sale
In St. Johns
Peninsula Motor Sales Co,
212 South Jersey Street
Can make immediate delivery
New nnd Used Cars
I'ive room modern bungalow, full
lineal feet sewer, 300 lineal feet of
rtiMit ijiipn nriMimn oiutMiuiv null VIU.VV.1IK lUOlUHl I
1 11C il U r I" M U l) 1 U this block and all paid, hen house,
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
204 N. Jersey Street, St. Johns
Wc make cnliUKeiiK-iiU any biie from
Ktxlnk 111 urn or muxl riiolo, ilo urtUtic
fiuuiiiiK uiul mat cutting, com- olil iict
urm. H you hint any tiling in this line
hrniK' It to me (or tvt result. A new
I.ijjhtuiK .System reeentlv Installed.
C. A. UUF1 , I'hotour.pher,
onru, mut trees. Tins property
is free and clear uiul will give rckhI
terms and divide property to right
parly. It must lie seen to be fully
appreciated. See
J. S. Downey
1)33 N Syracuse Street.
Foot of Burlington St,
in -
1 AA I
Before you start
to bake that cake,
make sure you have the
kind of flavoring extract
you need the kind the
family likes the best
Our stock is complete
and comprises the best
known and purest quality ob
tainable. Don't take chances
with cheapened, unreliable
adulterated brands.
The prices we charge
are as low as can be, and
we are sure you will be
more than pleased with tho
Quality and the fesulu.
MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey Phone Col. 118
PilC VVifliruif ritStrnc ii i . n -.
,w,a neroert uean uirar
I . I ft I ft-l 1 I ft I 7 I w
Poff & O'Ncil
206 N Jersey St. Phone Col. 308 1
His Quality. Quantity mil Korknuuhlp
I'niiw Mmle Pre-war Site
FACTORY, I22h Union Ave.
On Sale at leading St. Johns Stores
The St Johns Millinery
For Seasonable Hats at Reasonable Prices
Order work and Remodeling a Specialty
Hats Reblocked, Plumes Cleaned, Curled and Dyed
Mrs. M. E. CRANE, Proprietress
One Load of Fir Wood
.Is worth two loads of Spruce or Hemlock
Be careful what you Buy
We sell only FIR
St. Johns Lumber Co.