St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 18, 1920, Image 1

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The St. Johns Community
Club( met at the handsomely
appointed and attractive new
home of the Y. W. C. A. on
Chicago street Tuesday even
ing as tho guests of Mrs. J. M.
Shaw, tho popular and efficient
secretary of tho Y. W. C. A.
in St. Johns. Tho truests in
spected tho new quartors, which
were immensely admired. Many
alterations and improvements
had been made to the building
and tho now homo is a delightfu
one. 'lobe fully appreciated
personal visitation is necessary
E. II. Tennant and force of
workmen did splendid work, as
did nlsoL. E. Wood in beautify
ing the lawn and aiding in the
After a thorough inspection
had been made. Mrs. Shaw in a
neat little uddrcss extended
cordial welcome to all, which
was followed by a few words
from President Monahan that
were highly complimentary to
the new home, and in which he
stated that Mrs. Shaw had given
assurance that tho building would
bo at tho disposal of tho Com
munity Club for thoir Tuesday
o von ing meetings.
Mr. Noweli of the School
Board gavo an interesting talk
on the proposed tax iovy to bn
voted upon tomorrow. Saturday.
nnd impressed upon his hearers
tho actual necessity of its adon
tion. Ho gave assuranco, that
about 25 per cent of tho levy.
if adopted, would bo used in con
structing a high school in bt.
uonns, that eigne or ten acres
would bo required and not less
than thirty rooms. Ho said the
tho now high school project in St.
Johns was the only one officially
sanctioned thus far by the school
board. Frank L. Shull, can
didate for school director, then
made n few remarks relative to
his candidacy, after which the
meeting was turned over to
chairman of tho entertainment
committee, Sergeant Crano, who,
with tho assistanco of Mrs. Shaw,
had provided a lino cntortnin
mcnt. Tho first number was a
violin solo by Miss Mildred Nich-
oi n, who- provoa to do a bkiiiou
musician of a high class, Mr.
McLean, a Washington high
school student, gavo a reading
that was well delivered and high
ly entertaining. Mrs. Fred 01
son, one of the most pleasing vo
calists of Portland, accompanied
by Miss Nettie Leona Foy, gavo
several vocal solos that were im
mensely enjoyed. She has a
wonderful voice. The famous
police quartet, of which Sergeant
Crane is one. dcliirhted the aud
ience with a trio of selections,
and measured fully up to their
reputation of about tho best there
is. Charades acted out furnish
ed much amusement, and J. M.
Shaw pulled off an important
message stunt that tickled tho
asssemlage. Mrs. Christio of
tho Portland Y. W. C. A. told
of tho work being dono at the
parent organmttton'und told scv
crnl amusingstories in an inimit
ablo manner. She paid u glowing
tribute to the work Mrs. Shaw
has accomplished in St. Johns
Refreshments consisting of ico
cream and enko were then sorvet
and all departed for their res
pectivo homes well pleased with
the beautiful new Y. W. C. A
home and tho very pleasant oven
ing they enjoyed.
June is a busy month for the
Internal Revenue Bureau as
during that month all special tax
os for tho fiscal year cndinir on
June SO, 1921, arc duo mid nay
able. Collector of Internal Rev
cnue, Milton A. Miller, has
mailed out to all special tax pav
ers forms upon which return for
nnvmunt of tax miiHt bo made.
These special taxpayers include
proprietors of theaters, for hire
automobiles, nlonsiiro boats
pool and billiard tables, bowling
alloys, shooting galleries, retail
dealers in oleonuinrnrine. brok
era. pawn brokers, etc. Other
classes of taxpayers affected arc
druggists, phvsiciiins. dentists
nnd other practitioners, who
must complete their ro-rcgistra
tion under tho Harrison Act not
ater than July first, after which
unto they will be delinquent.
Promise yourself to bo too
onto for worry, too noblo for
minor, too strong for rear, and
too happy to permit tho prcsenco
of trouble. To think well of
yourself nnd to proclaim this fact
to tho world not in loud words,
but in great deeds. To livo in
tho faith that tho world Ib on
your sido so long as you aro truo
to tnu best tlint is in you. Lx.
Violin Instructio
STUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse -Street
Miotic Columbia 302
(Liccutitate'of the Royal Academy
of Music, London.)
Tcnclicr of Piano
1957 Hodge St. Plioue Col. 87a
Phone Columbia 379
Res. Columbia 1 131
Dr. F, P. Schultze
Physician nnd Surgeon
Room 4 Peninsula Dank Jltillding
Dr. L. F. Pickens
Office Hours 8 to 12 A." M. 1 to 6 V. M.
Kvctiitigs 7 to 9
Peninsula Hank Wile.
Office rhuiie.Columbia 1 183
For Fine Chocolates
'cc Cream, Tobacco and Cigars
311 South Jersey Street
Davis Barber Shop
S. W. DAVIS, Proprietor
108. Philadelphia St. Hntlis 35c
Kalsomining Painting
Columbia 873
607 U. Allegheny St.
402 N. Jorsay Straet
AUtracts of Title rrewred
Titles Kxamlned
l'lioiie Columbia 265
Real Estate
Thirteen years In the business In St.
Johns. I.lst your property with us. We
make sales. S. C. COOK.402 N. Jersey.
Poff& O'Neil "
Sand and Gravel
Daily Trips to Portland
Phone Col. 30B 206 N. JERSEY ST
Dunning School of Improved
Announces that the has received from Carrie Louise Dunning a
diploma as an exponent of the Dunning System of Im
proved Music Study, which includes the Faelten prin
ciples concentration and the Leschetzky Technic.
Formed into classes pupils are taught by musical characters and
rhythm sticks. An ingeniously constructed keyboard with grand
staff attached, simplifies notation by uniting these two important
Bach difficulty is presented in such a thorough manner that
a child of ten or twelve years can master transposition, scale
building, melody writing by dictation, the Dominant Seventh
and Modulation. The written work teaches the student that music,
as a language, they must learn to write, as well as interpret.
The muscles of fingers, wrists and arms are strengthened by
table technic; ear training and sight reading forms apart of every
Mrs. Rice will be glad to show you BY APPOINTMENT
the especially made apparatus for teaching this system which in
cludes one class lesson and one private lesson each week, making
a far more economical way of acquiring a musical education.
GlaSSeS begin JlMB 1 4 Social classes for children 5 lo 10 yrs.
Studio 412 S. Edison, cor. Richmond Phone Col. 389
I Tho Pioneers of St. Johns were
hiKhly entertained at the home
of Mr. nnd Mrs. L. B. Chipmnn,
Juno 8th. A lnr?e nttmidnnce
was present. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Ernst of Van
couver, Wnsn; Mr. and Airs. L.
F. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
Monahan, Mrs. Thayer. Mrs.
Masscy, Mrs. lloberts, Mrs. P.
X. Smith, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Hurl
burt, Mrs. May Hoyt, Mrs. Hose
Benjamin, Mrs. A. J. Hanson,
Mrs. Frances Frcutn, Mr. and
Mrs. L. li. Chinmnn. twodaimh
tors and niece. The absent ones
do not know what they missed,
for a Kctleral Rood time was had.
The business meeting was quite
short and tho Rood of the order
was listening to remarks by as
many who vc'c called on by the
President. Mrs. Clark. Each
member paid their annual lee of
iwumyiivu cunitMiiuKiiiKU luuw
in the treasury of between seven
and eight dollars. Tho new
officers for tho onsuliiR year aro
as follows: Mrs. Hose benjamin.
president; Mrs. J. A. Ernst, vice
president; Airs. C. II. Thayer ro
ftlnnfnrl f rnn at hiw nnrl rtr?n it tat
IIUIIOVUUI til I It Ul fttlll l7b
Mrs. T. J. Mnnnhan reelected
Chaplain; Mrs, A. J. Hanson
secretary, ro-elected for seven
times. iho next place of meet
inR will be at Mrs. Hosu Ben
jamin's. Mrs. A. J. Hanson,
Tomorrow. Saturday.istlio dnv
ot mo scnooi election, ucsiues
two directors to bo elected, n
tax levy for additional school
facilities will also be voted unon.
Tho adoption of tltis levy will
mean a now h Rh school for the
St. Johns district, which is un
derstood generally to bo badly
needed, and unless tho tax levy
dooa carry hope for relief .in the
way of a new high school build
ing rocs RlimmeritiR for a lomr
time to come. So tho duty of
tho voter is plain. Wo need the
now building nnd tho onnor-
tunity to get it is ut hand. Let
no voter in St.Johns fail to do his
full duty ut tlto polls tomorrow.
Our car fnranow jumps to eight
lust add n small sum to expense;
Jon't worry, don't awoar.
Gladly dig up tho fare
Just think what n long rido to
It costs less to handle import
and export freight over munici
pal terminal No. 4 than over any
other dock in tho Northwest, ac
cording to figures compiled by
the railroad for December, Janu
ary and February. In the fig
ures compiled, receiving from
and delivering freight to ships
by sling costs, on nn average,
51 cents a ton over railroad docks:
18 cents over municipal dock ana
D8.9 cents over private docks. ,
Tho grand nverage is 52.9 cents,
while the cost at municipal term
inal No. a is only iit). cents, or
less than any other dock in the
Northwest. These figures in
cludo tho cost of actual labor, ex
clusivo of overhead and profit
Tho cost for oad iir and un oat:
ing cars on railroads docks is
'18.5 cents; municipal docks, '11.
cents and private docks, 39.
cents, making a grand nverage
of 41.1 cents. Tho cost for load
ing and unlonding cars nt munic
ipal terminal No. 1 is U2.8 cents
or less than on any other dock in
the Northwest. The total la
bor cost of handling freight over
docks is: Hnilrond docks, 11)0,
cents; municipal docks, P9.
cents: private docks, 1)8.8 cento
or n grand average of 97 ecnti
The total cost oi nanunng trcignt
over municipal terminal No.
wnB by.B cents, i he low cos
of handling import and export
freight over municipal tormina
No. '1 is largely due to the
splendid equipment for handling
freight and tno organization oi
tho force of employes.
The Scandinn inn Lutheran
church was the scene of a pretty
wedding Wednesday evening
when Helen Hudhoii, daughter
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hen Hanson
became tho In itio of the Hcv. N
Thorpe of Santa Barbara, Cal
Miss Lena roster was maid o
honor and uonnio uevauit anc
Miss Whito wero bridesmaids,
Bert Hanson, brother of the.
untie, aitcnueu uiu nmicgroom
Tho Hov. Mr. Knutson. pastor
of tho cr urch, read tho ceremony.
Tho Hov. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thorpe
lert immediately lor a honey
moon in the East.
It is rumored that Sergeant H.
L. Crano is seriously contemplat
Senator Harding would
proud to wear one of ROGERS
$25.00, $28.50, $30.00, $42.50
Shirts, Gloves, Socks
Wash Ties, Collars, Belts
Good Stuff at the Right Price
Bank of Commerce Building ST. JOHNS Open Evenings
St.Johns Undertaking Co.
THOS. GRICE, Manager
208 North Jersey Street
Office, Columbia 527 PHONES Residence, Columbia 299
This is not a branch 'of any city undertaker's
Safe Deposit Boxes
Protect your bonds and valuably papers by renting a safe de
posll box. The annual rental is surprisingly small less than lc
per day. We have a limited number of vacant boxes. Phone
your reservation.
This is a good time to check up on your fire insurance. Have
you hicreased your fire insurance to keep pace with cost of re
placements? We will be pleased to quote you rates and explain
forms that will give you the broadest covering at lowest cost.
"Wo Wrlto All hluvn ui Innurntiou
108 South Jersey St. Phone Columbia 1G1
In celebration of the fortieth
anniversary of tho organization
ins compinns a book which will i of tho Women's Homo MiBsion
bo entitled "Wild Animals I have I ary society an all day meeting
Known in St. Johns and How My was held at Pioneer Methodist
Officors Coped With Them." j church on Tuesday. About forty
Daily, without exception, com-1 women wero in attendance in
plaints come to tho notice of Sor- eluding somo from University
ucant Crane concerning a vicious Park Methodist Missionary so
dog, stray cats musical ones as cioty. Tho program bagan at
a rule roaming cows, smolly I ten o'clock with a song sorvico
goats and also the garden eating, leu by Mrs. F. JN. Sandifur,
variety: nibbling rabbits who followed by dovotionslod by Mrs.
have a particular fondneas for . T. H. Short. Ur. E. P. Bordon's
tho other fellow's garden, ducks talk on tho Church's Commission
which seem cither to have no was very muoh appreciated by
owner or two owners, occasion tho women. Those who know
ally a stray horse, and chickens 'Dr. Uorden boat aro well awaro
by tho score of tho feathered that ho does not soaro tho truth
nor souk to cover up tho short
comings. Mrs. A. H. Mullin
spoke on Our Fortieth Anniver
sary: Miss Olln Davis, super
intendent of the Portland Settle
ment Center, and Mrs. II. Peter
son, conference president of the
society, also gavo addresses.
Spocial music was furnished
by Mrs. Laura Isbcll, Mrs. F. N.
Sandifur and Miss Olla Davis.
Luncheon was served in tho base
ment ut noon. Mrs. J. M.Shaw,
Mrs. G.W. Overstrcet, and Miss
Davis gavo tho toasts.--J. L. )l.
Tho Public Dock Commission
!b preparing to build an exten
sion of tho St. Johns lino of the
Portland Railway Light & Power
Co. of terminal No. 1. Plans
and specifications aro being
prepared and as soon as tho
county commissioners grant a
franchise on Kellogg streot for
the lino, bids will bo asked on
the project. Tho extension will
bo about one mile in length and
tt ill cost approximately $10,000.
Mrs. Myrtle Weeks and mother,
Mrs. Churchill, loftSunduy for
Dulutli. Minn., whoro they ox
pect to remain until tho Fall term
or school opens, liiey will go
by the way of Prince Hunort and
Winnipeg, and will visit the
lo owstono Park on their way
bomo surpriso was croatcd ro
vurioty which refuse absolutely
to stay in their own back yard.
Among tho latest of tho animal
family to bo haled Into police
court was a mad cow. which,
according lo Officer Kelly's re
port, ho was unnblo to tame.
She did not have much respect
for a policeman, ho said, so was
unable to copo with tho situa
tion. A long drawn out argu
ment over a duck was listened
to by Officer Anderson, who
saw noppssiblo end to it, as tho
argument was ueiween two
women, so ho left tho situation
to solve itself. Dating back
the days of King Solomon
similar argument over a child
was brought to an end by tho
introduction of a sword to divide
the child. Whether this mcth
od was rcstortcd to was not as
certained, though a later roport
shows that a hammer played
part in settling the argument
hut it was not used on tho duck
Officer Maxwell is tho goat
specialist, and whether or not h
is ablo to find tho goat ho can
always detect the smell, lie can
also catch a rabbit miickor than
the rabbit can wink i s eye.
is also rumored that Officer
Black has lost a few friends be
cause hu refused to notify ttium
more than fit teen times to keip
their cows off tho sidewalk
Such is life among the St. Johns
policemon. J. L. Is.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. A
C. Hansen, Oil) N. Hudson
street, Juno lfith, a daughter.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Dav'd llat'voy, JWO Central avc
nuc, tho samo day.
St Ins Fair Store
Highest Quality nnd Lowest Prices
Toys a Specially
207 N. Jersey St. Phone Col. 839
Dr. W. J. Gilslrap
Physician nnd Surgeon
Glasses Accurately fitted
'J.(K) to 12 M.
I:0 lo 1:30 I. M.
7:00 to8;00 1'. M.
I'Kiiilimla S
curily klilK
Sumliiyii, U.00 to IQM A. M.
Dr. Evart P. Borden
Painless Kxtractiou of Teeth under
Vitrous Oxide Gas
Office Peninsula linnk bldg.
Office plioue Col. 025; rt. jiliottc- Col, 177
IIour 0-12 u. in.; l;0 ouul 7-8 p. iu.
Dr. Herbert F. Jones
311 North Jersey Street
Day Phone
Columbia 97
Nilil Phone
Columbia GOO
Dr. Samuel A. Mulkey
Office Rooms 0, 7 and 8
Hour 0 to 12; 1:30 to 5 Uvcnlnns 8 to 0
I08 S. Jersey St.
Phont Columbia 930
Dr. Lewis J. Keliher
Open Sitmlny 2:15 to 11:00.
Moudnvs ntul S.itunlnjs o(n nt 6"J0.
Other dnyg nt 7:00.
Snturdny, June 19tli
win. ox presents
Sundny, June 20th-
I'nthc Special Production.
Monday nnd Tuesday, June 21 nnd
in "nn.i.KT proop." ,io "In-
visible llnnd" No. 11.
Wednesday, June 23
P1C10N," I'nlvcrMl.
Thursdnynnd Pridny, June 21 and 'Mi-
POLLYANNA." Alohitly
best since "D.uldy I.oiiK-I.euii.
Riturtlny, June 20th
DARK MIRROR," Arlcrnlt.
Tho O. O. P.'h ruthless discard
Lendinir candidates all
Have mot with a fall-
Tho plum noes to Wnrron G.
Collar Pins. ItOGEUS.
Mechanical Drafting
$ Rates by Hour or Contract
023 South Decatur
Phone Columbia 108
Fine line of Vogan's Candies
0)o.sra Cvtitvnl Huluxil
lid, Monahan, Prop.
Furniture Repaired and
Prices KtMifconuliIe
b'llt . G27 Columbia Illvd Prum-h Itlock.
The idure where K'kjcI service and
rourteouk treutincnt prevail Children's
nir cuuitiK receive tneciiii aueiiuoii.
rank A. Rice
f flee in Peninsula Security Building
Phorw Col. B87 RwJdwi Col. 389
Peninsula Bank Bldg.
Office Phone Columbia 793
Private Operating Room
Plowing and General Team Work
Basement! Excavating
Call Colnmbli 774 after S P. M.
710 Calhoun St. Portland, Ore.
A. M. Warner
Phone Columbia D IG
Office 208 South Jersey.
Try Chop Hucy and Noodles at popular
price. Home made puttry every day at
''Cafe of lerit." We serve brcuWatt
and dinner. Open from G a, in. to 12 p.
m. 1(W S. Jersey street,
If you can
find the time
it will pay you well to pay a
visit to this store. In fact it
will be profitable to make
time. For there are decided
advantages in coming hero
for anything in the way of
paint. Take the time to come
and learn what they arc. We
guarantee you'll be well re
paid for your visit.
Beyerle & Armstrong
420 N. Jersey St.
Vegetable Plants
Cut Flowers
Floral Designs
Beckett's Greenhouses
814 and 816 North Kellogg Street
Phoie Ctlumblt 401
Let's Fight
lie Hich Cost of New Shoes
lly KettltiK the old oue repaired at tlu
lame old price, In flut el i shape.
Men leather half wile .f 1.0O to 1.75 r.
.adles' " " " 1.10 to 126 r
Men's leather heels 50e
,tdie' leather heuM 35c,
Youiik folks half wiles from 00c up
All Uak Tail
ndiei' new heels from. . . , flM to 1,8ft
Rubber Heels, 35c
For ONE MONTH ending on June kl,
Wednesdays ONLY, we will make u special
price on rubber Kuods, as fallows;
licit grade, lion skid rubber lieuU
fur men, women aud children . . . 8S
Men's rubber half soles f 1.00 a pair
.adles' rubber half soles Dte a (nir
AIM a cut price on everything
All of our work is absolutely ijuurautwd.
We carry everything in the shoe liu
We are shoemakers of IS years experience
St. Johns Shoe Shop
201 South Jersey Street
Phoit Columbia 1137
he Only Union Shoe Shop In St. Johns
Pulley & Zurcher
Plumbing, Heating & Tinning
We Repair Aluminum Ware"
l'houe Col. S2 207 S. Jersey St.