Bestfcr Cor. s and Bunions too, K0RN REMOVER Dining Room A safe, painless ami reliable remedy for hard and soft corns, bunions nnd callouses, lnj-y to ap ply, causes no pain and requires no plasters or bandaRing. Put up in clean packages, ready for use aud highly recommended where other remedies have failed. He sure it is KORN R12MOVKR. ohns Pharmacy FURNITU The Prescription Store PHONE COLUMBIA 138 COLUMBIA RECORDS St. J MODERNM And Furnishings On Easy Terms Dining Room Suite No. 1 Heavy quartered oak Dining Tabic, has 54 inch plank top on 10 inch square taper ed pedestal, feet and legs extend up nearly to top of pedestal. Top extends to 8 feet. Price $81.00 Large quartered oak Buffet to match table, has large linen drawer at bottom, space for utensils, one shallow long drawer and two small drawers at top. Price $80.00 Kivc solid oak Dining Chairs with genuine leather, slip scats and i carver to match. Price of j not $76.00 TOTAL $236.00 $25 ensh, $i.50 n week Dining Room Suite No. 2 Plank top quartered oak Dining Table, has large pedestal, carved feet. Top is 45 inch diameter, extends to 6 fect. Price $55.00 Six solid oak Dining Chairs with genuine leather seats. Price $-16.50 TOTAL $101.50 $10 cash, $2 n week 6o piece Dinner Sets, (American Semi Porcelain) $33-50 Community Silver 26 Pieces and Chest, 25 year guarantee $20.00 26 Pieces and Chest, 50 year guarantee $40.00 Your Credit is Good OAmandu Bags The Cash and Carry Grabateria The Changing Times The era of Chain Stores came about because a group of men with large capital could, by starting stores in differeut localities increase the outlet of .merchandise emulating from one source. The Chain Store system is nothing more than any other store except the buying part is concentrat ed at one place. The buyers for these stores have their headquarters at the source of production aud they, buy direct from the packer or the producer. It goes without saying that a buyer who can buy the same sort of merchandise for several hundred stores can command a better price than a buyer for just one store. The secret of advantageous grocery prices in St, Johns is this ability to buy in connection with many other stores. That is why you have had established by this store better prices than prevail almost any where in Portland Coupled with this buying capacity, the activity of the owners, the acquaintance with the locality be cause of our long residence here ought to couviuce any one that we can do business at less cost thau the average grocery. We always believed that "a word to the wise was suficient." The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery SCALES & CURRIER, Inc. OWNERS W.J. McKonzio was on tlio( Bring in your news items, sick list the first of the weckj De(ijcat0M services of the A night man should be uut on, Christian church will be held at the East St. Johns station. 'Sunday, June 20tli. The little baby of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bay has been quite ill with pneumonia. Mrs. George Worthington of 101 N. Swenson street has been ill for.several days. Some big timo in Chicago his week. What the result will be is still an open question. Mrs. Anna Goodhue will leave in a few days for nn extended visit to relntives and friends in Battlo Creek. Mich. Tho Evangelical services at the Christian church are stil proving nigny - sticcossnii nnd the attendance is large. Mr. andMra. C. F. Homvoori of Victoria, B. C are visiting the latter s mother. Mrs. II. A Longstnff, 1)21 N. Hudson street Members of the Christian church made n house to house canvass of St. Johns last Sun day, leaving literature at the various homes. Tho Greater St. Johns Realty Company is negotiating with n manufacturing concern that is considering the mirchasu of a site in St. Johns. Mr. nnd Mrs. B. L. Odgcn and daughter, Ernestine, arrived from Council Bluff. la.. lr day, and will make their home here. Mrs. B. A. Omen and Mrs Merrill. 01 Joiinn. are (laughters of Mr. and Mr. Og den. Mrs. S. M. Tufts is here for a fow weeks from lnglowood. Cnl.. whero recently she has mmlo her homo Willi her son. flioso lulls. Mrs. Tufts was a resident of St. Johns for many years. J. B. Thorn has returned from a three weckir sojourn in South crn Texas, whero he was called by tho death of his mother. Be sides Mr. Thorp tho deceased left her husband, five sons and threw daughters, forty grandchildren nnd soven grcnt grandchildren. Mr. Thorj) reports tho crops the best in years with help scarce. Tho Royal Neighbors gavo Mrs. I'angborn a farowoll surpriso party at her home on Lombard street Inst Thursday ovenimr. Mrs.Pnnghorn In leaving to spend tho summer nunr Mt. Hood. Those present wore Musdnmos Corbott, Bold, Wright. Borry. Wood, Fairchild, Henderson, Boyd nnd lloynolds. Light ro freshments were served and a pleasant evening was enjoyed by nil. For the second consecutive month tho telephono service given by tho local office has been rated firat by telephono comnanv nccordingto tho regular monthly teat. Uf 1 ho o k it off cos in the city. St. Johns is tho smallest and Jive llnes.nro tried out dally for sneed in completing the call. Tho St. Johns girls are proud of their record for April and May and are trying to keep tho re cord for June. Ernest Adamson of Chicago was the goest of his uncle. S. C. Cook, and his family, 1002 Os- wflzo street. Saturday and Sun day. Adnmson is in the West in the interest or tho Moinrnth brokerage company of Chicago. Branch houses of this firm arc situated in San Francisco and Seattle and, according to Adam son, an office will in all pro bability be established hero in tho near future. Koso Temple No. 43. Pythian Sisters, held their regular meet ing last Thursday evening, when several new members were taken in. Past Supremo Chief Cora M. DariB being present, put on the initiatory work in her usual winning manner. Aftar the business closed refreshments were served. This lemple is growing every meeting and meets tho first and third Thursday of each month, to which each and every member is earnestly in vited to be present. -Reported. The firo department and the nolice department will be soon comfortably quartered in the old city'hall. Tho work is being done by the firemen under Cap tain btark, with Chief Holden architect, B. S. Henry chief nlumber. The entire second story will be devoted to the fire men's dormitory, baths, lockers and officer's quarters. The first story will be given over to the police officers quarters, the prisoners' cells and accommoda tions. The basement will con tain a kitchenette, garage, fire engine room and storage. There will also be two cells for prison-era. Mrs. S. L. Lloyd of Orchards, Wash., called on a number of her old friends here Wednesday. Mrs. II. V. Whitlow and son of Topekn, Kansas, are visiting Mrs. Whitney nose at present. Tho Homo Mercantile Comnany will handle strawberry crates for tho Portland Manufacturing Company. Ur. McChcsnoy liaa relumed from his trip to thu East nnd has opened up offices in room 5, Peninsula Bank building. liny B. Walls has purchased the lot at the northwest corner of Jersey and Charleston street from O. P. Wolcott. 1 ho Community Club meets next Tuesday evening, Do not forget. The former Baptist church on Chicago street is the place. Attend. C. A. Fry, formerly principal of tho James John High school, has been promoted from Clencoe to tho prlncipalship of the Sunny side school. Qunrterly Conference will bo held at thu Evangelical church Sunday. Uov. Lovell of Salem will speak in tho evening, and children's services will be held in the morning. Tho Dopcndablo club, under auspices of tho Y. W. C. A.. Tuo day afternoon gavo a lun cheon in tho library in honor of Geraldino Barllett, a member, whose birthdny was celobrated. GLOVES LAUGH ASSORTMKNT W. W. UOGKRS TIIH RAINCOAT MAN Overalls $2.50. ROQEKS. Wanted About one dozen Whito Leghorn hens, price not over $1 each. (;. ). McKcc, 912 N. Ivanhoo street. Cool Underwear for Men $1.25 up.. ROGERS. Found Bicycle at tho North School. Owner may have Bamo by anulying to janitor of North School nnd paying for adv. HATS and CAPS $1.00 up ROGERS. Wanted A woman or girl for house work, two or threo bourn each day. Call Columbia 264. ROGERS sells SHOES. Lost Bunch of keys on Jersey strcot Tuesday. Finder kindly leave at Sunset Grocery; reward. Mcii'h WORK SHOES $3.85. ROGERS. For Sale Garage. J. M. Mur phy, 410 Philadelphia street. Neckties. ROGERS. ROGERS sells BELTS. Wanted Lady to work a few hours dully or all day. Call Central Cafe, St. Johns. Jazz caps. ROGERS. Lost Brown kind glove near Mohawk and Columbia boulevard. Finder lenvo at 012 Columbia boulevard. WORK SHIRTS. ROGERS. For Sale Baby carriage, good as new. call u.kjo mi it street, J. B. Fletcher is bullJing three neat three-room cottnuos with m modern conveniences on Leonard; e ... 4, ... vnr street close to tho business imrt I h 'm 8 Suits $25'00 u' U0Cl- of town. They have been rented "Ho. in advance of their completion, j Wanted To sell house and Jeff Pitchford. who formerly I !. . ! . luiiik-uiiuiiui oiuiu uii i milium phln street, has, togothor with ins urotnor, Perry Pitchford, purchased an establishment nt Kenton of liko nature. Tho St. Johna Lumber Co. hull tnnm will nlnv tint Pmilnrwl Lumbar Co. team nt 12th and i Davis streots nextSundav morn ing, nnd in tho afternoon will lny Hondnunrtors at tho oca grounds on tho Hill tract. Mr. Harry II. Samuelson and Miss Laura Ross wore united in marrago in rortlnnd Mondny. Both are well known nnd havo tunny friends in St. Johns, whoro tho groom resides and where tho irido resided for a number of years. Tho graduating class of tho Janus John high school will be addressod this, Friday, ovening by 15. I1. Irvine, ed tor of tho Journal. There will be present ation of certificates, a musical program and othor features. Tho Girls' Gloo club will sing and Miss Ruth Hoffman will givo ono of her celebrated readings. Myrma Lane aud Irono Faulkner will present a piano duet. Barefoot Sandals $1.7G, $1.85, $2.25. ROGERS. Wanted Modorn houso of to 8 rooms with ono or morolots. Write particulars to xxx, St. Johns Review. PANAMA HATS $2.00. ROG ERS. Wunted- Practical nurse to tnko confinement case. Call 714 S. Princeton struct, nanr Tylur. WORK PANTS. ROGERS. For Salo Shetland pony buggy, cart and ImriiUBH. Phono Columbia 024. Thov'ro wearing ROGERS $2.00 PANAMA HATS at th'i Chicago convention. For Rent Furnished house keeping rooms and sleeping room. llu Decatur street, phono Colum bin 1071. For Rent - Two honseko"ping rooms: Apply G02 North Ivan hoo street. For Ront Two furnished housekeeping npartmouts, good location. 501 North Syracuse. Tlioyare SAFL ajaojsyio OPERATE OUK OIL STOVES HEAT QUICKLY AND COOL QUICKLY. IF YOU HAVEN'T GOT AN OIL STOVE. YOU'LL UK SUKPIUSED AT WIAT YOU CAN DO WITH ONE. COME IN, liET US SllOW YOU. Tim PRICE IS VERY LOW. OUK 11 AKDWAKE IS THE IlESTi IT STANDS THE TEST. St. Johns Hardware Co. The Winchester Stor e Phone Columbia 35 Cloverland Creamery Pasteurized Milk and Cream Fresh Buttermilk Daily BUTTER Am COTTAGE CHEESE Phone Columbia 659 We carry a full line of Edison Blue Records and Disk Records to play on all machines, also full line of Phonograph Necessities. SA I ET r Mm Em Our list of weekly sales prices has become too long to be printed iu this space. We are now headed toward our final big closcout sale, but iu most lines there is still a large stock roin which to make selections. Prudent buyer will not de- ay making purcnases, as tnere will ue more broken Hues each week. Remember this sale is genuine. We intend to retire from business and the only way to quit is to quit. Why go into the city and pav higher prices than we are ask ing for the same class of goods. We have a line of Men's Straw Hats priced at $1.50 to $2.50 which are the same kind you will find priced at $5.00 or more 'in some of the city stores. We mention this as one item out of many 011 which you can save money by buying at our store, Ely's Cash Store 113 W. Burlington Street The STtradivara Shop 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns Auto Transit For Hire Cars. Any Place any Time. Sf. ioii.m 'i'vrinliml ittttl ,firifo.i 7Vh Stnnd Una A'orfii , St root, St .s ('oonCAits c wuu'i'i, immms mtu ks ri;iit Phone Columbia 308, between 7 A. Al. mul 10 P. Al. Flour That Is Sure to Suit There arc so many kinds of flour and so many good claims made for each that it's hard for housewives to decide which to buy. We can supply almost n rt m .4 r rt ! trt 1 want, but will be glad to jJ tall .Ml tKijl nit i AM It'll Jf Jt VVIIIV.II VV believe you will like the best. Poor flour is expensive at any price. The best is cheapest at the price we offer. SIAIAIONS G01 1'esseiiilen & CO., Grocers l'liuuc Columbia 210 Let Me Care for Your Eyes and Your Eyes Will Care for You VII MTTD CT.nDT r 20C-7.H SWETLAND BLOC, rif tli und Washington Street Main 7SC7 Portland, Oregon ring la your jcb printing while jou think ol It, Don't wait I H TO THE PUBLIC In the future Bige lo w's Confectionery (successor to Beam) will handle a full line of Royal Bak ery goods, along with our line of Home Made Pies. High grade of Vor gan's and Hofller Chocolates at right prices. We have the only Red Cross Kitchenette a n cl Fountain i n St. Johns. "Sanitation and Service" our motto. Rclilonti of St. ami city lion to Jouiu bavftig tL ny iu ItortUnu make Uittir iMiyiiients without lucottvmit. dice liy Hvailiun themselves uf our &fr vices, we win ky wuut aaa siu yor receipt without fitcoitvuiitCt to yii 1'ec, 36o. Kafurvucw: Auy St. jotlM Hank. Peninsula Title, AtMtmpt aSu Realty Co., by II. Iltitiilunmu, Muiwacr; 402 North Jersey Street.