flwiTTi mni hi i m jwati.ii.iwjiiiw the sf. Johns rf.view A. W. Marklc, Htlilor Published Friday of Each Woek .1.1 j. .. r-r t -m 1 Subiorlptlon price $1.60 pmr year. TitB RHVlrtW Is entered nt post office In Portland, Oregon, ns nmll matter o( tbc second class under the Act of Con gress of Mnrcli 3, 1879, The school election to be held next Saturday, June 19th, is of vast importance to St. Johns in particular, because if the bond issue carries it will mean a new high school building for St. Johns and the lower peninsula. Every voter should voto for the bonds at this election. Do no fail to vote, and do not fail to rend the largo announcement concerning the coming election on the last iiaco of his naner. It gives much information on the subject that tho voter should bo informed unon. Tho snaco wns generous Iv donated for tho purpose by Bonham & Currier and the Pen insula National Hank, both of whom have given much time and money toward tho development and advancement of St. Johns. Members of tho class of eighth grado graduates from the North school are elated over tho fact that not a failure was rocordejl in the class of twenty-two mem bcrs. The class includes Hazel Stark, Audrey Waitc, Alice Cilnub. Emma llcihl. Eva Iilack. Huby Thorp, LydiaFraily, Kath erinc Honliam, Dollie Harris, Kathryne McChcsney, Josephine ParriBh, Lothu Fuller, LoHoy Calhoun, Cecilo Albeo, Leslie Murray, Fred Smith, Edward ltcihl. Claude Welsh. Clyde Mon tag, Walter Markwart, Hans Widmor and Eugene Greene. Tho fortieth anniversary of tho Women's Home Mlnsionary Society of tho Methodist, hpiseo pal church will beheld at the M. IS. church at an all day session Tuesday of next weok. A basket dinner will be served and toasts will bo given. Mrs. W. E. Klos tor acting as toast mistress. Mrs. Shaw will speak on "Work in tho Community." Mrs. Hlew on "Publicity," and MissOvorstreot on "Home Missions and the Church." Everybody welcome "Unklo Joe" lias a attaint communication in this issue, the outstanding feature of which is a plea for a high bridge at St. Johns. The time $ ripe for agitation of this important pro ject and it need is becoming more apparent all the while. Let ererybody boost for the high bridge. u 1 Davis Weekly Real Estate BULLETIN This Week's Leader, nnd it can't be equal ed In nil the nils you are uolng to rend. C room modem house double constructed, with fine river view, close to center of town nnd a COxlOO corner lot with fewer connection. The house is new nnd in the pink of condition, l'rlce Is f 2760, It takes $GGO ensh to handle this nropcrly then you cnu pay f20 per mouth which includes the interest. The house would cost more than the price. l'our room modern double constructed with icrtcr connection, right In the close centre, 50x100 lot for f2G60. with JGOO cash then $30 iter month including inter-, est, near the industries on top of the lilll with n film rlvir vlmv. A (irnl rlilA Nine room modern with fire place. In. thlllgS. chides I0O worth of furniture now empty and ready for occupancy. Price 2'JOO, takes 1150 to handle. The house would cost $3500 to build. Three rooms (large), closet nnd bath room, good ceMjiooi, young fruit trees nnd garden. Price J 1000, f 200 cash, bal ance mortgage f 100 llicii f 20, 7 per cent. Pour room modern buugatow willi looxloo lot, lots of fine fruit, nil street Improvements jmid. Price $2500, $500 cash, balance terms; close in. Pour rooms ktrictly modern nnd up to date, nice location, built In effects, a fine little home, l'lcc 2800, takes f 500 cash for this, balance monthly. Pour rooms, tmth uud toilet, with cel lar, wood house, chicken bouse and gar age, some fruit, includes good range, lot fioxloo. A good buy for $1550, half ensh Ixilnucc on mortgage. .Six room modern house, has fruit nnd Mowers, close in for J 2600. If you can (tig up f'MA) or more on this place the rest cnu go on ii fair monthly payment inelinl hit; Interest. Pine four room modern cottage nearly new, full basement, fine nnd dandy con dition, best tmrt of .St. Johns residence section. Price $2500, got to have about $750down on this place then good terms, Dont worry about what you want to eat. Just di;op in or phone us. We have lots of good C. S. Bucy Grocer Phone Columbia 528 202 S. Jersey Street SEE J. F. GILLMOKE For bargains I ins is n regular iiouuie const rue Km I Home nnd is worth the money. A. W. DAVIS, 202 N. Jersey St. W. A. CARROLL Real Estate Broker The Popular Idea "All work and no play makes Jack a dull hoy." All work and no recreation makes a poor tales man. The half holiday one each week for tho Industrial Km- ploycoH is making dissatisfied Hales pcoplo in the stores of St. dohns. It is tho popular idea all over tho city to shorten the hours of employment of meroait' tile workers. In many cities tho large department stores as well as specialty shops close at noon on Saturday. This custom will prevail in Portland before A few of tho many bargains Carroll has to offer this week: Four room modern bumralow. one of tho bust buys in St. Johns district, lot BOxlOO. street im proved; prico .T2;i00, half cash, balance terms. Six room limine close in. fine location, partly modern, nrieo only SlfiOO, $fiU() cash, balance like rent. I'ive rooms, nomi-modcrii. plastered, good condition: nrice only $1200, $:i()0 cash, balance like rent. Eight room modem, close in. on paved street; lot HOx 100; close to business and car line: nrieo ?2(iC0, half cash, balance like rent. 100x100, fino fruit, good five room house, irooil locution: price $2(500, half cash, balance terms. 100x10'). threo rooms, lot well improved with fruit, good loca tion: Frico $1(500. 5,100 cash. naiancc monthly and nterest. Some four room houses, $ I ()."(); .?"() cash, hoi. like rent. No, -193 Plve room modem house lot 100x100. fine fruit, 2I0O, $800 cash, 1ml ntiec fin per mouth, interest G percent. No. -187 Seven room modern house nil in fine shape $2500, $500 cash, balance like rent. No. 503 Plve room house, lot 100x100, fine fruit, 2700, 500 ensh. This is n ilnudy. Plve loom modern bouse with garage. This Is n fine corner; street nuil sewer Improvements nil iiM; ;3200,$1000 cash. Nine room, modem III every respect, Itntilwood Doors, double fire place, lot 100x100. (W)0, fi2000 cash. The bouse could not lie built for the money. No. Till) Plve room modern house, lot ftoxl'Xi, $2250. $250 cnih. No. 510 Pour room house, fine fruit, iwiu, J ciisn. ImIhiicc like rent. No. fffl Pour room new house close to ftchool. $1750. MOO cash. Seven mom modern house, lot 100x100 feet, lots of fruit. This Is n fine corner, filtOO. No. 52(50 room modem house, good liK'Htloii, flGoo, $loo cash, li.il. like rent. No. Mtfi !l room modem house f 8oo, half cash, ImI. terms, l.ook nt this. No, 522 I loom new modern house, close to incioiy, ?2too, 700 cusll, ImI. i'M uud Interest per month, .Seven loom modem house, close to Peninsula mill, $I'.I50, $250 cash. This Is it fine place for some one In keep hoarders, Six 100m modern house, comer lot, new house with g.irngc, street Improve ments Kiid, 37(H), $700 cash. If you want to sell your proierty conic in nnd see me, I ran sell itfor yon, 1135 North Jersey Street Phone: Cuhtuihiii 81 McKINNEY'S BARGAINS JOWCR BLOCK Plionc Columbia 12S A Few of Our Bargains ('ooporaiio; price $1050, $250 cash, $u monthly and interest. Uno of tho host Iiiivh in tho bt. .Johns district, i room modern, only ono block from car line; price S2B0O: 5151)0 cash, halnnce terms. If you want a good homo Inner. tmrUmilnrlv .Inrlnir tlu.""v -... .... , Btimmor months. In tho minds slid. Z IM ovcnr of tho employees of the various " ""W stores in bt. Johns there appears no good reason why the mer cautile help should not enjoy privileges equal to those of the industrial plants. Most of the bt. Johns stores have agreed to a Wednesday afternoon closing, remaining closed until Thursday morning. Tho undersigned employees in vito tho cooperation of tho work urs of the Industrial l'lants in making tho Wednesday afternoon holiday apply to all mercantile establishments in this locality. At least two of the stores have signified unwillingness to co operate nnd have declared em phatically their intention of stay ing open. Wo ask tno workers to bo loyal to other workers and arrange their purchases of Giro No. '11 Five room modern bungalow, one of tho best in St. Johns, imnmvod slront. miwer. Ilreo rooms, lot fiOxlOO, near full cement basoment. $2(500. Pay small cash payment, imlnnco liko rent. . No. 122 Five room modorn cottage, lot 75x100, fino viow of tho river, a dandy buy at $1000. I'ay $1100 cash, balance liko rent. No. Ill) -Five room modern cottage, street improved, lot 50. xl50, has garage, fruit of all kinds: come and see it; priced at $2000. I'ay $500 cash, balance as rent. No. 101 Hrand new ! room modern bungalow, lot 50x100, fino location, $2100, with $500 ensh, tiaiance like rent. No. OS Dandy 5 room bungn low on a goodstreot, well locatod, nrieo only $2250. Pay cash $500, balance as rent. No. -19 -Five room modern cottage with Inrgo lot, some fruit, $1700. Small payment down, balance liko rent. N!n Jill l.'li.n rnnm l,...,,..,'... now ii, M) modern exeopt bath, corirer lot with streets improved and paid, mil v Si 700. lv SKfHl nnuli ImI., tsornn mrnn .1 .".. ' 7 ' " -vv..w.., )wu, ifovu uuwii, per aneo rent. No. 117 -l-ive room modorn bungalow located closo in on improved Two Room Hoipii?, lot 75x100. lots of fittit. 51500. S500 down. balance to .sail, Three Room House, fruit hi vntd. $KI()0, $150 down, $20 per month ut (5 ht cent intetest. P'ottr U00111 Moilurn House, uenr cur hue. f 1700. S500 K-r mouth. Six: Room Modern on tmved sucei. tiioitth, See this. Five rooms down slmrs. siwce up for four rooms, absolutely modem, street, connected to k,u nun inn iiuiaua 111 vjiu- !,..., nnii tnM,i,.., ernnn I u.nvoi-. nnn nf I :.. .nx.ii,. M.,.o lint. l!,uw a U w.,u . -...... , rti iuu, " " u' l viiv ui vuu uuav UIIJ3 ill muj, muiiiD. im vil'uun, oillius, KMIilil .1 i. . ... ' . . Ci ..l ctrtnn n.... ii q null nnvntliiirnnoilq tlniH V",,uu i""UK"Be "CK oh uai fi, uuuiia iiiiioo. ray ?IUl) ance. lMtie home. Twelve rooms Rooming House. well furnished, fine piano, lot 100x 1UU ieei. Miinii House tear rents A find wnuts n he hiunlled for $2,000-00. for seme one who really money tnuKwr. A fine Wood Saw on H. M, if. Truck. Good as new. All tools go for $1550. Look at-this. Finest farms near Portland . Fac iei y sites, See us. cash, Imlnnco rent. No. 110 Nice 1 room bun galow on dandy good street for $1(500. Pay $325 cash, balance room modern homo on hardsurface street, fine location tor fc20f0 ; terms, AlcKlNNGY. . 215 N. Jersey 8 I hone Columbia 2 Notions and any other needs that may nriso on Wednesday, so that it will not 1)0 uucessnry to pat ronizo the stores that refuse to mitt In fliit itlrtutiiir iir)tiitt (Signed) M " S-00 and garage rents for $5.00 ro"f' . Oscar Moe. Ilucv's tlrocorv: rur m0llt,. All rooms filled. Can , 0' Hb flight Goo. Lindley, The CJrabatoriM Grocery; L. C. Kennoday. The GrabatoriaGrocorj1; L. K. Rose, Uonham & Currier; 1). Frank Horsman, Uonham & Currier; Harry E.Pratt, Owens Grocery; Ralph Pratt, Owens Grocery; Mrs. Russell, Owens Grocery: W. W. Rogers, Tho Raincoat Man: M ham & Cv Uonham AiacMivon, Uonham & Currier; PHONE COLUMBIA H5u luiuubeth Kohorts, Uonham Currier; Leo L. Currier, Hon. ham & Currier. For Sale G' jt Johns Realty Co. RRST Rl IV Si Currier; Jennie 403 N. Jersey St. UkLJ I UU I In St. Johns L GORMANY Architectural And Mechanical Drafting Rates by Hour or Contract 923 South Uecatur Phone Columbia 108 t THE HUFF STUDIO 204 N. Jersey Street. St. Johni rOK HNE PORTK.iin AND views We make enliirKtmeiiU unv ue fioui Koil.it iilun or K'HxI I'hotoi, il. artUtie Iiiiihi uinl nut eutliiiK. cojiy M jict una. If you lmc iitiytliiiiK in this line liriiif,' It to uic for bct results. A new l.ilitliiK System recently installed, C. A. MUFF, Photourapher, Five room motU'ru littugulow, full concrete basement 21x11, piped for gas, wired for electricity, fixtures ull in, connected with sewer, 800 lineal feet sewer, 300 lineal feet of sidewalk ami crosswalks nrotuul this block and all paid, hen house, barn, 21 fruit trees. This nronertv Cars Without Drivers is f,ce ""J1 ,cleQ.r "ml wiU ivc 00tl Wiua n 1 1 mm l Ul 1 Lib terms and divide property to riKltt FOR HIPF l)ait'- It must be been to be fully lllt appreciated. See Poff & O'Neil j. S. Downey 206 N Jersey St. Phone Col. 30S im N. Syracuse Street. FUNERALS Doautlful gray or black adult caaket) hearse, box, 2 autos ombalmlng and refln od servlc for ... ailLI.KR TKACY II 1 l'uiiernls II ileslreil for 20, $30, f 10, $G0. HlKltcr priced funerals In pro. jwrtlon. We iimnufncture enskcts. I.ndy nsslstnnt. Ilcnutifiil funcrnl clmpel. MILLER & TRACEY Main 2601 Indopondent Funornl Dlrsctora A 7BQ5 Washington at tll.i Slrcct, Uctwccn 20lli and 21st Strict, West Side ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE "W. A. ANDREWS, Representative CM Central Ave. N. Phone Columhia 888 The High Cost of Living i is partly the fault of the buyer not knowing just where to pur- j chase to get the lowest prices, and the most for the money 4 expended. .When it comes to J meat our shop is the place to come. Our prices arc cqnita- 1 ble, our meat always fresh, J and we give full value for the money. 4 We have plenty of Pulp Fed Steer Beef, Grain Fed Pork, Milk Fed Veal and Spring Lambs at rea sonable prices. ST. JOHNS CASH MARKET . $ " GEO. W. IMBODEN, Prop. 100 North Jersey Street Market Phone Columbia 21 i ten APEX ftuv; a New Room SeV. Washing Machine and your wash day troubles will be ended. Why not stop in and let us demonstrate ono to you, or phone us and we will deliver one to your residence and do your washing. Hundreds of satisfied owners are boosting: the APEX. Sold on easy terms. "IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST." liloutrlonl Contrnotliit: I'lxturu nnd StipplloH, Motor Instnllntlon, liiZmioos of nil JclntlH. PENINSULA ELECTRIC CO. 418 N. Jersey Street Phone Col. 977 Mrs. Homelovor: When your relatives and friends come to visit you. have a new bedroom for them. Also keep your homo beautiful for your family. Tou will bo proud of your bedrooms if you buy your beds and other home furnishings at our store. Our furniture is stylish and dependableour PRICES are always fair and reasonable. H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man 400-402 S. Jersey St. CHEVROLET Peninsula Motor Sales Go, NOW LOCATED IN THEIR NEW QUARTERS AT 212 South Jersey Street Can make immediate delivery New nnd Used Cars Beginning the-first Wednes day in June this Store will close at noon and continue closing at that hour each Wednesday during June, July m and August ' I MUCK GROCERY '301 S. Jersey Phone Col. 118 St. Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail 7a i j cr. r T" 131 Foot of Burlington St. LOaO Ol lf WOOU .Is worth two loads of Spruce or Hemlock The St. Johns Millinery Be carefu, wha yQU Buy For Seasonable Hats at Reasonable Prices Order worR and Remodeling a Specialty Sell Oflly FIR Hats Reblocked, Plumes Cleaned, Curled and Dyed J(jf LlfTlfo(if CO Mrs. M. E. CRANE, Proprietress - m