THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. W. Marklc, Ilditor Published Fridayof Each Week Subscription prloa $1.60 par your. Tntt Rrvikw In Portland. Orccon. ns umil matter o( the second clfiss under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. Tho Woman's Christian Tem perance Union will meot next Monday at 2 p. m. withMra. S. C. Cook, 1002 East Oswego Btreet. Mrs. W. E. Kloater will read a paper on, The W. C. T. U. s a factor in whitening the World's map. All -r ladies invited. The literary paKeant given Saturday under direction of Miss Ethel Bowers, librarian, and her assistant. Miss Elizabeth Hales, was an immonso succoss. It was participated in by 150 children of tho lour public schools of St. Johns, and in it wero represent ations of many literary characters and historical celebrities. Among them was Queen Elizabeth, Cap tain John Smith. Mother Goose. George Washington and otters. Tho parade marched and counter marched on Jersey street, and then on the library lawn were oresonted "Dandy Longlecs." ''Green Gables," fairy dancing and a Maypolo dance. Mnny grownups enjoyed tho affair. Miss Bowors was assisted by Miss Clara Nelson, Mrs. J. M. Shaw, Miss Shaw, Miss Grot- chon Cormany and others. ; f Tho St. Johns Auto Electric Service Co. will begin at omco tho erection of a battery service utalion at the corner of Jersey and Charleston streets. K. b. Clore, wno una neotiwiin tne reninsuia Electric Co. for almost a year, will have charge. The battery service of the Peninsula Electric Co. will bo discontinued at tho old stand on North Jersey street. Increased business has neccsHlta ted moro comodious quartern for this branch of Die business. TIim new company is tho mithorlzoi uub saleii agency for tho Willard batteries and will continue tiie well known Willard service. They will also handle n first class lino of electrical accessories and do repairs on ignition, utartets and generators: in fact, any thing electrical pertaining to cars. Tho new station will bo somowhat after tho typo of the Standard Oil station at Richmond and Jersey struots, and will be mado attractive and inviting in appearance The Evangelical meetings in the Christian church are prov- lntr very successful. Tho at tendance has bean large and a number have already united with the church. Evangelist Percy George Cros3 is a very fluent and impressive speaker and Mrs. Cross' beautiful singing is high ly appreciated. The services will continue all next week, the sub jects of which appear on the first page of this paper. Cards of thanks notices are charged for at the rate of fifty cents each. Persons desiring to have such notices published should make a note of this. Davis' Weekly Real Estate BULLETIN Three rooms (lnrjc), clotct nnd room. L'ood cessiiooi. vomit.' fruit nnd K'rdun. I'rlcc flCOO, 200 cash, bal hath fruit trccR 12 Holidays Following the cus tom of previous years, our Store will close at noon each WEDNES DAY during the months of June, July and August C. S. Bucy Grocer Phone Columbia 528 &'s!."i, 202S. Jersey Street SEE J. F. GILLMOKE For Bargains Some four room houses, mice mortiitfe ll)0 then f 20, 7 per cent. Seven room modern cottage, all in the very Dink oi condition, newly ikiIiulii nnd ktilsoinliK'd, well located, with sonic Iruiton the lot. Thin house Is nil double constructed nnd would cost f 3500 to build nt the present time; it's ns good I'rlcc $3000, Witli terms to suit. l'our room modern bungalow with looxloo lot, lots of fine fruit, nil street improvement paid. I'rlcc $2500, $500 cash, balance terms; close In, l'our rooms strictly modern land up to ,-,,. SS(, -..-i. ,..,1 m,.. date, nice location, uum in cnccis, it line r , - A to brevity. Of roiirMt Invvlly mil ln mrrlitl loo fur. i mi v ln uwliwunl nod IiihiIIi'iiIhi nnd liii-omiil' lo. UV mw) In- brlof nml ttillmiH ul I In wihk tlm. Komi' urn brought VnliMlit'. Hi'' mmhIw of ! Hy nil I'plKrMiii In Ihii IIiwh "All!" wild VollMlm "Wry kmhI. bill II drii! In ipiltN." Till "Id 1Mltlt' llfHIIIHllitl mi I' I of ii dull iwif : "Tin' Im-imb1 mnUi brtivlty rldli'iilniiH." V iti ihiI winil to initio- lmvlly riilli'iilmw or bl II little home. I'rlcc J2800, Hikes f 500 cash for this, balance monthly l'our room plnilercd cottaue right in center of town. Ii.n tmtcnt toilet, chicken house nnd omu fruit, I'rlcc $1350, $250 msh then f 20 per month. This Is n rent beater with a lot -10x132 with streets Im proved. l'our rooms, Iwitli nnd toilet, with eel Inr. wood house, chicken house nnd gar age, some fruit, includes good range, lot fxixliMi. A good buy for $1550, half cash liHlnucf mi mortgage. Six loom modem house, has fruit and lluwcis, cIom: In for 2C00. If you can dig up flWiO or more on this place tin.' tent can go on a Mir moniiii y jwy muni iiii'iuii nils' Interest 1'lne lour loom modern cottage nearly new, lull iMM'iiieut, line ami ilanily con ililioii, U't iMtt of St. Johns luMilcuce M-i tioii. Price $2500, got to have about VruOilowu on huh place liiuu gooti terins, I'lioiisa icgular duitblu constructed home and is woith the inoiicy. l'our riMiius, iniHleru except basement, wiHuUhfd lioxl I, lot ftuxloo, line gulden and rirHwlH'iry IkhI. Price f-2000. Takes nlKMit half null on this and then jou can My flu ht mouiii. A. W. DAVIS, 1!()2 N. .Ii-rsoy SI W. A. CARROLL Real Eslatc Broker A few of the iiiiinv uood Inn uiiiiis i.iinoii iv Miens novo in nl'IVr lliis wet' 'IVu room, modern, lot (ill li-Il nMMI, hull block lo car line; i'icv $1000 ctisli, Imliinn: iiiuiillily piiymeuls. Nine I'tiom, moiliTii. lot )2s 1 ."(; t'l('Liiiit home, close in. Htm le.sKieniiiil uisirici; pnee 7s J. it), ensli linliiiice snl islnelory lenns will he imide. One mill one-linll neres close in, no buililinus. ensli. No. 4'JH I'lvc room modern liouw lot 100x100, fine fruit, J 100, 1800 cntli. bal mice f 15 per month, Interest 0 ercent No. -187 Seven room modern bouse all in flue shape $2500, $500 cash, balance like rent. N'o. 503 I'lvc room home, lot 100x100, fine fruit, f2T00, 500 ensh. This Is dandy. I'lvc room modern house with garage l ins is n line corner; slrrcl nml icer improvements all ild; f3200,?1000 cash Nine room, modern in every reside hardwiNMl Hours, double lite place, lot 100x100, 0500, J2000 cash. The home could not be built for the money. No. 519 l'lve room modem house, lot rx x loo, yaw, liiW casli. No. fild l'our room Iioiim?, fine fruit 11500, WOO rash, Iwlsuce like rent, No. fill l'our loom new house c1oe toxlHHil, $1760. f 300 cash Seven room modem house, lot 100x100 leet, lots hi Iruil. This is a flue corner, I'lvc room modern house, fine fruit good location. flinOO, $500 rash, Isitauc like rent. Seven room nnxleru house, close to l'fiiiusulH mill, $1050, $U50 cash. This is it fine pliieo for some one lo kee iMHiiuers. I eu loom nousc, inoiiem lu every re stK'ct. lot 100x100, MOO. 500 ensli. l'lve room miHlern boiisv, line Ikou mum, 2700. f700 chsIi, ImIiiiicu easy Six loom inoiiem houe, comer lot new house with garage, street Improve incuts iaid, 3700, $700 cash, l'ive riKiui modem house, lot MxlOO, all in hue shape, goo garage, fZtHM jiwmcMnii. j iii is a snap. If you want to sell vour moiiertv come in nun see me. I can cell It lor you North Jersey Street I'lioiiu Columbia 81 McKINNEY'S BARGAINS No. 41 -Five room modern Immrulovv. one of tho host in St. loluiH, improved street. Howor. ful comont basement. S2U0O. rnv Price Jji21(l(J I armill cuah payment, balance like rum. No. 122-Fivo room uiodorn Nine-room house. Inruo lol l 'iko iin w,. locnlnl. Price SlfiOO, .f,S(l(i couiiko, lot oxlUU, fin vimv of NiviTiiiiisi. wo Hhmii.i nil do wiu , s, i,.,!.,,,,.,, -, ,,.. ,l,i, ,,i the river, a ilandy buy at ?ll)00. to ...uiivni. ..d prMciic brovi.y. hh.i L' ,s " , " ' ' ,llllt;,,,u ,,",,IIM Pay ?300 cash, balnnco like rent, wo may i.h m. iimi : wo ...b in , ': Vm)111 1()llst, No. ll'J-Fivo room modom much umri'iui.-nwl lo If wotkt.hw. , i"n iiiu, io inoill iioum CQttn., , utreet imnrovod lot f0. -Youth". (Minmuiiou. Jl outsiile city limits, Imrtfiiui 1 1 n n t. . r r . , rr V, 1 r h i ' ! viwwi. ufiiiui in, mt: xiru, lias traraKo, fruit of all inoreilulous Lady. "U'hy do you nil lit h nulla biwrd when you mlKbt bo enjoying IiiIiti's;- lim winverMillimT You ftm'l Mlvu it Ibliig Hi t'y my." "Wi'll," rcplliHl Mlm t'Myi'iin. "I mightn't bidluvu the- couonwtun, llhiT." TO THE PUBLIC Nine-room modern, lot l(i(). lltll1., family orchard, near cm line. Price $mm; hall cash. luihince can lie iirranic(l at per cent. 1'inlil-rooin modern, lot lnn'e. an eleKiiiil Home Willi ood view ul wiliame te river. Pr ci KWOO, ifllSOO cash, balance terms. 304 N. Jersey St JOWER BLOCK I Phone Columbia 42S A Few of Our Bargains In the future Bige- low's Confectionery Two Room Hotiik. lot 75x100, lou of fruit. 5150U. SfiOO down, Imlunco to .suit. rhree Room House, fruit in yard. SUM). S ISOdowii. S20 ncr mouth N ' l'our Hooiu Modern House, near will hcmrlln n .l.'nll ir line. 1700. $500 down, 20 IUU iUlUVll CV X llll MKT IllOlltll. i; -pi i -- i Six Hooui Modern on paved line oi ixoyai idcIK-uwt. ixm, ?5oo down, ?ao per uiouiii, fee litis. UOUUS. cUOllO l'lve rooms (U)W s,rths. space up ,w awil, tr wins, tltuilJlll-y IIIUllLIII, liueliaseiueut, iool location. $5000, pf JoOO ilown, itiorlnujje back on bat unco. Kiue home. I welve rooms Kootnitur House. ii r..-.. .1 r. i . .in.. YT I "i it nm iiuiiisuvii, uuc piuiiu, HU nimi uicicie oi vo- iuu,ecl- s,,m" ,,misc ,eur rums for SS.00 and garage rents for S5 00 rroive onrl T-TnH- nv )tir aioatli. All rooms Idled. Can b"u behandlwl for S2.000 01). A find for some one who really wants a money maker. A fine Wood Saw on IS, M. V 1 ruck. Good as new. All tools go (or $(wU. Look at this. Finest farms near Portland. FaC' toiy sites, bee us. ery with our line of Home Made Pies. Chocolates at right prices. We have the only Red Cross Kitchenette a n ci Greater Si Johns Fountain i n St. Johns. "Sanitation and Service" our motto. Co. 403 N. Jersey St. PHONE COLUMBIA 160 A. LANG fWlO.V TAILOU CIcialnL Prmlnt nJ Rtmodtlint Suits Miiic lo Order Homt Tillorlni 928 S. Jersey St, Cor. Buchanan St. lolum, Oruyozi kindfl; come and see it: nriucd at $12000. Pay $500 cash, balnnco us rent. iso. iui iiranu new a room modern bunualow, lot 50x100. fine location, $2100. with $500 citHh, lialimce like rent. No. (IS Dandy 5 room bunira low on a irood street, well located, nrlco only ?su. I'ay cash $50U, balanco aa rent. No. !!) l'ivo room modern cottauo with laruo lot, some fruit, $1700. Small payment down, balance like rent. No. U0-Kivo room buiiKalow modern except bath, corner lot with streets improved and nn id. only $1700. Pay $500 cash, bal an co rent. No. 117 Five room modern bungalow located close in on improved street, connected to sower; ono of tne best buys in St, Johns at $1700. Pay $100 cash, balanco rent. No. 110 -Nice ! room bun- trnlow on dandy wood street for $1000. I'ay $325 cash, balance rent. No. 115 Eight room modern homo on hardsurfaco street, fine location for $2050: terms. Ale KINNEY. 215 N. Jett-vy 8 1 hone Columbia 2 For Sale BEST BUY In St. Johns Five room modern buuealow, full conctele basement 2-tx l l, piped for Has, wired for electricity, fixtures all in, connected witli sewer, SG0 lineal feet sewer, 1500 lineal feet of sidewalk and crosvalks around this block and all paid, hen house, barn, 21 fruit trees. This property is free and clear and wilt give uood terms ami divide property to right parly. It must he seen to be fully appreciated. See J. S. Downey 1)33 N. Syracuse Street. I ' 1 man 'FUNERALS' Beautiful gray or black adult casket, hearse, box, 2 nutos embalming and refin ed scrvlco for TKACBY funerals if ltslrcd for f20, $30, f 10, $G0. Higher priced funcrnls In pro portion. We nmnufneture caskets. I.nily assistant, licnutlful funeral chnpcl. MILLER & TRACEY Main 2691 Independent Funeral Directors A 7085 Washington nt did Street, Between 201b and 21st Street, West Side ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS, Representative 614 Central Ave. N. Phone Columbia 888 BuyjnAPEX Washing Machine and your wash day troubles will bo ended. Why not stop in and let us demonstrate one to you, or phone us and we will deliver one to your residence and do your washing. Hundreds of satisfied owners are boosting the Al'EX. Sold on easy terms. "IT PAYS TO BUY TIIE BEST." lih'vtrlonl Cmtt rttot Inn i'txturvs nnd SnpjUvs, .Aof or IntitnUntliinn, Apillnnovs of nil IcIiuIh. ENINSULA ELECTRIC CO. Phone Col. 977 4 IS N. Jersey Street The High Cost of Living is partly the fault of the buyer not knowing just where to pur chase to get the lowest prices, and the most for the money expended. When it conies to meat our shop is the place to come. Our prices are equita ble, our meat always fresh, and we give full value for the money. i We have plenty of Pulp Fed Steer I Beef, Grain Fed Pork, Milk Fed 3 Veal and Spring Lambs at rea- $ I sonable prices. ! TT7J0HNS CASH MARKET7 I GEO. W. IMBODEN, Prop. 109 North Jersey Street Market Phone Columbia 21 CHEVROLET Peninsula Motor Sales Go, NOW LOCATED IN THEIR NEW QUARTERS AT 212 South Jersey Street Can make Immediate delivery New and Used Cars St Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 C 1101 Foot of Burlington St. NWs Home -Lover: Read every week what we say abouY JurnsVv9 yur Yome It is not the quantity of things you have, but the qual ity and fitness" of your Furniture that makes your home attractive. We have had long experience in furnishing homes, and each week we will tell you about the Home Furnish ings you need. Our store always has a big stock of Furniture and Rugs, correct in style and artistic in design. Our QUALITY is always HIGH; our PRICE is al ways LOW. H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man 400-402 S. Jersey St. Beginning the first Wednes day in June this Store will close at noon and continue closing at that hour each Wednesday during June, July and August MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey Phone Col. 118 The St. Johns Millinery For Seasonable Hats at Reasonable Prices Order Work and Remodeling a Specialty Hats Reblocked, Plumes Cleaned, Curled and Dyed Mrs. M. E. CRANE, Proprietress One Load of Fir Wood Is worth two loads of Spruce or Hemlock Be careful what you Buy We sell only FIR St. Johns Lumber Co.