VIEW VOLUME 1G ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1920. NUMBER 30 JOHNS The St. Johns Community Club partook of an appetizing and satisfying dinner served by t ho ladies of the M. E. church in tho basement of the church Tuosday ovening. After the excellent dinner lind been well taken care of tho members as sombled in the auditorium above whore a pleasing program was rendered. Miss Lola Murphy Bang two delightful solos, nc companied upon the piano by Mr. Chas. E. Bailoy: Miss Zolda Mulkey and Miss Lucilo Bailoy gave entertaining read ings and tho Eggcrman sisters delighted tho audience with two duets. William Woodward of Portland gavo a most interesting' talk on community sorvicc. A short business session followed in which hospital and the pro posed roadway to tho Swift Packing Co. received attention. Upon the hospital matter it was decided that President Monahan appoint a committee from the various industries. A letter from Commissioner Mann gave assurance that permanent water standpipo would soon be installed in St. Johns. Tho next meeting will bo held Tuesday evening, June 15th, which will bo in tho nature of a house warming in tho building that wub formerly tho Baptist church on Chicago street, and which has been remodled, altored , and repaired in first class man ner, and the members will be the guests of Mrs. bhaw. faergcant The Dramatic Order of tho Crano and Mrs. Shaw will Imvoj Khorasaans. Kninhta of Pythias, chnrgoof tho entertainment parti ami wmt a sometimes called of tho oventng. and Sergeant, "the aunahino of tho order," Crano suggests that tho mem.jWj mi n a ceremonial at bora.proparo for tho worst. tho hall tomorrow, Siturdny, Enough flour for one million loavos ot broad, or one loaf per day to every person in Portland, bcattlo and lncoma combined could be mado from the daily ! output of only ono of the many I flouring mills in Portland, nc- cording to statistics presented, by A. O. Clark, manager of Associated Industries, in a re-'view it. Tho cats will bo sor cent speech. This plant uscsved at the skating rink. nf inVnAKrnnm' of 180 acres of land or luO.OOU acroa oMvhoat each year. 1 ho output is 27,000 barrels of flour daily. SPORT SHIRTS. ROGERS. ELMER SNEED "" Violin Instructio STUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse Street Tlioue Columbia 302 Mrs.BerthaC.Burdick (I.iccntitatc of the Koyal Academy of Music. London.) Icnclier of Piano 1957 Hodge St. Phone Col. 87s Phone Columbia 379 lies. Columbia 1131 Dr. F. P. Schultze Physician and Surgeon Room 4 Peninsula Dank Building Dr. L. F. Pickens DENTIST Office Hours 8 to 12 A. M. 1 to G P. M. Evenings 7 to 9 Peninsula Rank BUIk. Office l'honc Columbia i:83 J. W. BOTTOM Kalsomining Painting Columbia 873 607 IS. Allegheny St. Dunning School Music MRS. FRANK A. RICE . Announces that bhe has received from Carrie Louise Dunning a diploma as" an exponeut of the Dunning System of Im proved Music Study, which includes the Faelten prin ciples concentration and the Leschetzky Technic, Formed into classes pupils are taught by musical characters and rhythm sticks. An ingeuiously constructed keyboard with grand staff attached, simplifies notation by uuiting these two important factors. ' Each difficulty is presented in such a thorough manner that a child of ten or twelve years can master transposition, scale building, melody writing by dictation, the Dominant Sevcuth and Modulation. The written w ork teaches the student that music, as a language, they must learn to write, as well as interpret. The muscles of fingers, wrists and arms are .strengthened by table technic; ear training and sight reading forms a part of every lesson. ' Mrs. Rice will be glad to show you BY APPOINTMENT the especially made apparatus for teaching this system which in cludes oue class lesson and one private lesson each week, making a far more economical way of acquiring a musical education. GlaSSeS belli Jline 1 4 Spwlal classes for children 5 to IP yrs. Studio 412 S. Edison, cor. Richmond Phone Col. 389 The West begins Where the East leaves off And no man knows the spot; The starting point of tho sunny South Is tho place whoretho North is not; We call it East where tho wel come sun First tints th2 rosy skies; Wo call it West where the shadows fade When tho evening twilight dies; We call it North where the snow drifts pile, When tho wintry blizzards blow; Wo call it South where tho oranges b oom And tho sweet mugnolias grow ; wo will travel East, wo will wander West To tho North or Sduth we'll roam; If we're still in sight of tho Stars and Stripes, That spot is home, sweet home. For tho starry bannor shall float alort" From the calm Pacific shores To tho rugged rocks of tho far oif coast Where tho broad Atlantic roars. There is no North, thcro is no South, And wo know no East, no West; For any old place in tho U. S. A. Is tho spot that God loves best. -Ex. .evening. Previous to tho cere moninl thcro will bo a big street parade, which will occur at 7:,i0. Tho D. 0. K. K. band of thirty piece? or mnro will lead the pro cession followed by tho patrol team and about 25 officers and 800 votaries and others. It will bo quito n gain event and everybody should turn out and T,,e Baccalaureate sermon will i. .i..u i o i ing ,,,. n n.ik in r.,ifiif,,rinm of tho James John High school. Rov. Chester P. Gates will dc liver tho oration. DEARING'S For Fine Chocolates Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars 311 South Jersey Street Davis Barber Shop oi)d 11 A Til ROOM S. tf. DAYI5, Proprietor 108 N"clpliln St. Hatha 35c PENINSULA TITLE ABSTRACI i REALTY CO H. HENDERSON, Manager 402 N.Jortay Street Abstracts of Title Prewired Titles Kxamined Phone Columbia 255 Real Estate CENTRAL LOCATION Thirteen years in the business In St. Johns, I.i.t our property with us. We make tales. S. C. COOK, -102 N. Jersey. Poff & O'Neil TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand and Gravel Daily Trips to Portland Phone Col. 308 206 N. JERSEY ST of Improved Study fare is to with an cent for additional charge of 1 a transfer. Mayor Caldwell makes tho announcement that tho council will pass an ordinance fixing the new fare. Tho pres ent faro is 6 cents. Hero we have tho first concrete results of municipal ownership. A lit tle more than a year ago Seattle bought the street car system, giving its "note" for SIC.OOO. 000. It continued to.cnrry pass engers for 5 cents, and it lost money. Deficits steadily grow larger. , Sinco tho beginning of this year, tho monthly deficit has been moro than $100,000 a month, with succeeding months showing a deeper into red ink." But that is only a part of the disastrous experiment in municipal ownership. Tho pro perty is deteriorating, and there is no money to keep the system in good repair. No provision whatever has been mado for retiring the first bonds matur ing next year. Add to the act ual deficit the annual cost of upkeep and tho interest charges, the city is goinx behind about $2,000,000 a year on a C cent far. Of course thcro wus nothing else to do but raiso the fare. It will bo interesting to watch whether tho city will "break oven" with tho increase. Tele gram. Fonrlnir her children would oiitKfow her mentally. .Mrs. J. W. Schtid. mother of four, with a Inre house to keen up, found time to ttiKu an near om c course at tho fifth Avenue Nitrht llih School, where uhe litis lrraduiitcd with the hiirhcat honors of her class. Some time ao Mrs. Schncl noticud tnat her children weru foririni: ahead of lioth her and her husband. She found she wus no longer able to help them with their studies. So she went to nijrbt school. Slio foun-.J time totuko up English, French, and Gorman, which sha writes .and speaks. Mrs. Schad has one son in high school and three children in the lower- grades. Asked what she intendon to do if her children should advance furthor, Mrs. Schad declared sho would take a coIIcko course. UxchnnKe. In Seattle, street car be raised to 7 cents, MEN'S COOL Underwear $1.25, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 I Tennis Cool Hats and Caps Shirts, Pants, Belts Socks, Gloves, Neckties PANAMA HATS $2.00 OVERALLS S1.90, 2.50, 3.00 t . Good Stuff at snnr fy w ji l. n w THE RAINCOAT MAN Bank of Commerce Bidding ST. JOHNS Open Evenings St. Johns Undertaking Co. THOS. GRICE, Manager 208 North Jersey Street Office, Columbia 527 PHONES Residence, Columbia 299 yiUT00&ILE IIE.1R&E DAY OR NIGHT CALLS GIVEN PROA1PT ATTENTION This is not a branch of any city undertaker's Safe Deposit Boxes Protect your bonds and valuable papers by renting a safe de posit box. The annual rental iu snrpriinyly small less than lc per day. We have a limited number of vacant boxes. Phone your reservation. This is a good time to check up on your fire insurance. Have you increased your fire insurance to keep pace with cost of re placements? We will be pleased to quote you rates and explain forms that will give you the broadest covering at lowest cost. lro Wrlto All JinoH oi Iiisuriuiuo PENINSULA SECURITY CO. 108 South Jersey St. Settlement of 127,151 insur ance claims, for death and total permanent disability, and repre senting n total value of SI, 135, C55,173.15, is announced by Dir ector It. G. Cholme!"y-Joncs of, tne uurenu oi war uisk insur ance. Only 5,119 claims aro pending, and in these cases the claimants are beneficiaries in many instances residing in for eign countries where disturbed conditions render communication impossible. It now requires on ly about five days from receipt of final evidence of death in an insurance ease for the issuance of the first check, andfrenuent ly cases linvo been handled oven more rapidly in the Compens ntion and Insurance Claims D vision of the Liurenu. in cases of total permanent disability men hnvo been examined, tho award made, and tho first check placed in their hands, all within a very few hours. One of the wonders of plant life is thi weeping tree of the Canary Islands. It is of the laurel family, and rains down a copious shower of water drops from its tufted foliage. Hub water is often collected at the foot of the tree and forms a kind of pond, from which the inhab itants of tiio ncigmiornood can supply themselves with a bever- iu to that is absolutely fresh and pure. Tho water comes out of tho tree itself through innumer able little pores situated at tho margin of tho leaves. It issues from the nlitia as vapors during the daytime, when the heat is sufficiently grant to preserve it n that condition; bur. in tliu evening, when the temperature has lowered very much, a con Biddable mmntityof it is exuded in tho form or liquid drops thai collect near tho eogo3 of the leaves tint these members so bend down that tho tears tumble off on the ground below in a ver itable shower. J. N. Kdlofscn of tho I'enln- Hula National Dank and wife lavo returned from a most en joyable sojourn in California, which extended to tnc Mexican border. Hoys' Hlouses S1.35 nncl$l.G0. ROG13KS. Shoes the Might Price roc Phone Columbia 1C1 HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Every ono is burning tho mid night oil, ns final exams, be gin Monduy morning. At tne regular assembly on Thursdny, the faculty favored the students with n selection. The Hiak Klatawa girls went on an initiation hike on Tuesday afternoon ufter school The new girls returned dignified mem bers of that worthy club. The Tumalum will soon be out. ns it bus gone to nress. Each class ia trying to sell the great est number of subscriptions fori the paper in order to Silver Tumalum Cup. get the Tho Juniors entertained the Seniors last Saturday on a boat excursion to Government Island, the home of Helen Hood, a Jun ior. Miss Von. Mis3 Brewer, Miss Clinton, MissStraube, Mr. McMillan, Mr. Getz and Mr. Fletcher accompanied tho happy crpwd. Tho executive board of the Latin Club presented u modern version of tho familiar story o Theseus and the Minotaur, at assembly on Tuesday morning Tl, -.,. I., 1. ..I !..( .... 'Opera" by Miss Clinton ntu Stnnlov O'Connor, for tho last Latin Club mooting of this seme ster, and by apodal request was given at assembly. A committee representing tho btuuunt Uody, consisting of by hi Unrrett, liolon Jacobson, Mary licnson and Jack Vinson on Men day decorated the craves o; James John, the man to whom Oiir school owes so much. Tri butos of flower were also placet on the graves of DorothyO'Hrion. Lillian Keis. Harvey ch ard Howies. Arkio Anderson urn Sam Dugce, former students of the high school. Tho last luncheon of this seme ster served to people of this community wub given last l hurs day. Mrs. Durham was hostess for Mrs. Shaw: Mrs. Iirand. Mrs. Newell, and Mrs. Nich olson. C. A. W. Pnmama llats?2.00. ROGERS. FOY'S StJohnsFair Store Ugliest Quality and Lowest Prices Toys a Specialty !07 N. Jersey St. Phone Col 8119 Dr. W.Uilslrap Physician and Surgeon Glasses Accurately Fitted oi'i'icit UQvna 9:00 to 12 M. OlM'ICKS 1 :i) to 4:) 1. M, l'kmluKila i- 7:00 to B;00 V. M. curtly hll ikIhj s, D.00 to 10:80 A. M. Dr. Evart P. Borden 'alnlcss Extraction of Tuoth under citrous Oxiilu Gas Office Peninsula Dank hldg. Office (ilionc Col, OGfi; rut, (ilion Col. 177 Horn 9.12 a. in.; 1:30-6 ami 7-H . tu. Dr. Herbert F. Jones CHIROPRACTOR 311 North Jersey Strecl Day Phone Columbia 97 Niht Phone Columbia 090 Dr. Samuel A. Mulkey lillXTliiT Office Kooins 0, 7 ami H PENINSULA SECURITY BIDG. Houri 9 to 12; l:0 to G I'.vuiiKs X to 9 I08,'4 S. Jersey St. ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND. OREGON Phone Columbia 930 Dr. Lewis J. Keliher -- DENTIST Peninsula Bank Bldg. Consolidated with DR. BORDEN Office Phone Columbia 793 Private Operating Room The trade in human hair is a big industry. Italians easily take the lead in this traffic, the main source of their supply be ing obtained from the peasant womon of Italy. Dalmatia and bwitzoriand. bovcral times a year these human hair merchants send their agents around to collect supplies, which are usually im monse. for hair-crowing is cult ivated on a very largo scalo by theso women and yieldB a good remuneration to tho producer. Two crops of hair n yoar, and looking none tho worse for tho loss, is not extraordinary among theso peasant women. Ha the hair at the back of tho head is shorn off, the remaining half being drawn over tho exposed pnrt and dressed in such a man ner ns only to bo detected on very closo scrutiny and by those experienced in tho trade. Christian Church Oswego and Central HERBERT F. JONES Minister. PERCY GEORGE GROSS AND Mrs, Percy George Gross Evangelists Dally Services Except Sunday June 8 to 13, 1920 TUKSDAY "The Foolishness of God" WKDNIiSDAY "The Thief on the Cross" THURSDAY "The Church or Hell Which?" I' It I DAY "Noah's Ark Where Is It?" SATURDAY "Must the Hible Go?" LORD'S DAY Morning "Manifesting the Life of Jesus." 11 A. M. livening "The Seven Church I'acts." 8 1. M. Song Service begins promptly ot o CIOCK. MOMMA'S Fine line of Vogan's Candies ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS. CONFECTIONERY, BUTTER, 0oio Con tnil Soioo lid. Monahan, Prop. Furniture Repaired and Jtlil'lXlSUlil) Prices RuuMiuublu EDWARD BROOKS, Fix up Shop, 62Ti . 627 Cohmiblu Illvd I'rcncli Mock. LEWIS CALDWELL LEADING HAKHElt The iilucc where wood service uml ourteous treatment prevail. Children's unircuttliiK receive hciul attention. 109 BURLINGTON STREET rank A. Rice LAWYER Office in Peninsula Security Building Phone Col. 887 IttaMonc Col. 389 Pulley & Zurcher lumbing, Heating & Tinning We Repair Aluminum Wurc Phone Col. 92 207 S. Jersey St. QUONG TONCj CAPE Try Chop Suey uud Noodles ut popular prices. Home made iwbtry tvery duy ut "Cale o( Merit." c serve breakfast uuil dinner, Oicii from 0 u, in. to 12 p, ni -ivj tit nucci Shingles Coated Over With PETROLASTIC CHMENT All work Kimrautced Stops all leaks and preserves hinles and nails. Phon Tabor 772 T. W. HAYES Plowing and General Team Work Basement Excavating 710 Calhoun Street LEE MEAD CONCRETE CONTRACTOR AND HOUSE REPAIRING Kktimutei furnUtied on nil kinds oi Con crete mid Kcpttlr Work, Phone Columbia 4II 6I7 N.Jersey St. PORTLAND, ORE, Open Sundays 2:15 to 11:00. Moiulnys mul Saturdays ot.eii at 6:80, Other days at 7:00. Saturday, June Ctli GLADYS BROCKWELLln "IIKUKUN COMMANUM1CNTS," Vox, Sunday, June fitli HOBART BOSWORTH In " HINU TI1I DOOR," ArtcrHft. A exceptionally strong picture. uonuny ami Tuesday .June 7 and 8tli MARION DHVIES in "Al'llII, l'OM.W No. 0. Also Invisible Hutul" Wednesday, June Otli FRANK MAYO In "A l'ltDDMUl 01' MKS," Universal. Thursday and 1'rlday, June It) and 11 a mu khx "HACH Special, "THE SILVER HORDE" A story of Alaska. You have rend It, sec it. This picture was shown over town at SOo, but we otTer it to you at our tegular admission price. Saturday, June 12th KOBT. WARWICK I" "JACK STRAW," Paramount. Sunday, June Will .1. WARREN KERRIGAN in "A JOYOUS MAR." See your old ( vnrlto once again. Monday and Tuesday, June inlay a A lir I t and 15- rainoiuit-Artcntit pclal, 11 V LADY'S OARTltK." Mm "lnvt. ible Hand" No. 10. WcdiiCMlny, June UHli-- PRISCILLA DEAN In "TIIJl VI R. GIN OI' STAMIIOI I.," iu miviiu nclii. A mighty kihh kture. ThtiriKluv Add I'rlilav, June 17 mid H .1A(1K PICKFORD In "TI I IC I. IT HIIKl'IIKRI) UP K1NKDMAI COM It," from the hook by JuVtti l'ox, Jr. Snlurdny, June 19th Win. Pox picuciitit NING STROKE." 'THE WIN- Pot Plants Vegetable Plants Cut Flowers Floral Designs Beckett's Greenhouses 814 and 81G North Phone CtlumbU 401 Kellogg Street Willamette Blvd. SANATARIUM 1270 Willamette Blvd. Special care given to Maternity Cases. Prices reasonable. Call Woodlawn 2150 A. M. Warner Contractor-Builder A ITIJRATIONS RUPAIRS Phone Columbia 'Mi). Office 08 South Jcrwjy. Co 111 eRigiit Along If you are in need of hard ware anu aro particular about quality as well as cost. you win unci ngni nerc hardware that will surely meet your views in both re spects. You can easily pay more than we ask without etting better hardware. You cannot pay less and got within a mile of the quality we supply. Beyerle & Armstrong 420 N. Jersey St. r f" ----" ---