Substitute flour may have gone out of vogue since the war, but the spud product is still holding its own at Gresham, whore the Northwest Potato Starch & Mill ing Company is converting them into potato flour. It is now running its maxium capacity. J. G. Griffith, inventor of the process, expects to lino up cnouch ncroatreto keen thenlant in operation aftor mid-summer and will preparo to increaso its nrodtiction. The factory is us ing culls, thus doing away with n big waste. nwnrn I L Children cry for ROGERS TENNIS SHOES. I r To Our Customers fi 4i ti ) A f. it LEADS IN MINERAL WEALTH Architectural And Mechanical Drafting Rates by Hour or Contract 023 South Decatur Phone Columbia 108 ! I Monday, May 31st, being ob served as Memorial Day, this store will be closed all day. Buy your groceries Saturday to last over Monday. Thanking you for your patronage. R. L. BARTLETT Successor to Harry Laird Leonard Ear Oil Relieves Deafness, Slops Head Noises It is not put in thccniH, liiit is "Rubbed in Dnck of lints" mid "Inserted in the Nos trils." Huh limlti Successful Sale since l'J07 1'orsnlc In SI. John, Orci(OU, by St. John I'lmriniwy. IOC N. Jersey St, n.r .1 ............. .. in i. i... ii. ..i .i. i.i ' i iuwi vi uiiL-pn mil iik igiYi'ii jvii iiy iiiu mnivc iuhK1"" This Signature on Yellow Dox and en Bottle WW United States Easily First In Metals of Greatest Importance to tho World's Industries. This country of ours tmwuxri more mliicnil wenlth tlinn miy otlior tuition though Orent llillnln (Including wlmi ulic controlH) Is n close vncond. Wo lend the world wllli !t" per rent of nil tlio Iron and 35 per cent of nil tho eonl4 Those, of cniirxu, nro nm-l linporlniit. Wo own or control 72 per cent of till tlio patrolenm. Copper Is tlio trout Atnorlcnn iii'l d Wo produce CO per cent of the en' re wnrld'H yield of Hint liivnlilidile Mill- iitnncp. Of lend wo product) 111 per cent nno" of stlne .12 per rent. MWiiini Is nwny nueiitl of lis where cold Is concerned. Wo produce only 2'l per cent .of this preclou Huff, where ns Orent llrlttdn's output ninounts to UN per cent. On tlio oilier Imnd, we clnltn f2 per cent of thi mJIvui Die Mexlenn out put lielnu' miiVir our coinmerelnl f ti Irol mill It Is iiclurdly In tin po.. i of our Kovcrnincnt to innlte tint tnnrkei prlco tif tlio wlilto nietnl wlmtover t'n- cle Sum clmnxe. Of tlio world's sulphur wo produce OS per cent Mut we hnve no tin worth nientlonlnn (n serious inUrm--Itnie) und tittle iintnsh, Now, ho- ever, tho poliiNh wipply Is m loiiit'-r rontrolled hy (tertniiny, territory re cently rellntiilshed to Kroneo rontnln Iiir n Inrp) purt of the th-po- Its of thnt mineral inlt. t'hllndelphlii I.cdper I BMSMiJSMMI U Memorial Day This'storc will be closed ull day Mou day, May 31i to observe Memorial Day. Community Club Meeting The Udlcs of tho Methodist Church have signified n willingness to serve dinner for The Community Cluh nt our tioxt meeting Tuesday, June 1st, in their Chinch Uasctuent at 0:30. The cost will be seventy-five cents per plntc. It has been decided to meet at their invita tion Instead of going to the High School as decided at the last Cluh meeting. Closing Notice Beginning June 9th our store will close on each Wednesday during the summer at noon. This is being done in defercnci to our help aud ourselves and is follow ing the lead of the local Industries in giving the help half day each week. ' THE GRADUATES Our Drv Goods Dcnartmcnl has stocked rtinnv sheer, thin material nrrfnrtttr cultnblo far Ptna Dmt nr rim,!,. .t... n..- W store is your store and wc invite you to examine and price what wc have before or after you have done so over town. We arc assured ii win oc to your auvamngc to ue:u witn us. you win nnu everyunng trom Ribbons to Silk Underwear. ADOBE AS BUILDING MATERIAL Mtl!ll.(lltf! ; l'illhAr New Vork City COLUMBIA GARAGE Pioneer in St. Johns Has NOT Moved But Will Continue in Business at the Old Stand Gas, Oils, Supplies, Stomo mid Repairs 107 Fessenden Street Near Jersey Portland Manufacturing Co. MANri'ACTl'KKKS OV- Panels, Berry Boxes, Coffee Drums, Ex celsior Grape Boxes, Egg Case Stock, aud all kinds of Veneer FACTORY, FOOT OP RICHAIONI) STREET t I Sunset Cash Grocery 111 Philadelphia Street Phono Columbia IMS QUALITY SERVICE PRICE I AN UP-TO-DATE GROCERY STORE We honestly think our store merits this title. We have done our bet to justify it, ntul we are constantly trying to improve. Our special sale on Holgor's Golden Gate Coffee was n grand success, mid we again ofler for Saturday: Golden Gate Coffee, 1 lb. can 55c Koyal Club Coffee, 1 lb. out r5c Ud ward's Dependable Coffee, 1 Ib.'enu 55c Sunset Special Coffee, 35c lb., 8 for $1,00 Experiment!) Have Gliown, It Is Claimed, Durability of This Old and Inexpensive Material. Adoho, tho oldest Itnown hiilldlne miiteiliil In southern Ciitlfnrnln, Is iln--for ii revival, necordliiK to .Itdin W. C'luird, Hniitu itnrluirn urthlle'l. He HHsertM t lint If properly prepared this unlive material can he titx-d to t ry eoiislderahly cut the cost of hulldliiK'. "Kxprliueiits," nays Mr. Chard, "have hhowii that adohe Is the least nffeetetl hy cliutiKeH of teiiiperiiture niiiong nil the Iniltdlnc materials. Ten Is show that ndolm hrletts rejiNter no more than six degrees difference he tweeii I'cliruiiry cold and extreme Hep temher heat. As a hulldlug material It Is fur htriuiuor tlinn Is gunernlly Mip posed, und devtdops a ("impressive strength as htgh as 1(H) pounds to the hipinro liii'h. "The proper plaster protection will Insure an udohu wall iittiilnut delerloria tlon. Hard cement plaster Ihorotmh ly uueliDretl Into the walls mid treat- etl with an ull-mliiernl wnter-proollng compound u III give ndtihu walls great durability. "Adobe Is wet soil mixed with straw, cHst Into mold of required w mid left to dry In tbu nun, As u Imild Iiik maturlal ndoho Is vvcrlnsUng. soiiudiroof, iinneoiiducllve mul lire proof, al ways of minimi temperNture, mid Is cool In summer and warm In winter." Los AimeltM Times, h3 Boy's Suits Never during the II. C. h, period have wc marked our cloth ing up with the firm intention that wc would have to mark it -down twenty per cent to trfovc it. Our boy's Suits arc at all times and always have been priced at n closer margin of profit than the City stocks. Wc know; it is easy for us to compare our lines aud prices with those stores; just ns easy as for you to do f.o. Our only difficulty is in convincing you of what arc plain facts. Your boy may have n pront Incut part in the School closing activities; he should be well dress cdjniul he tuny he nt your door. lif I IKSSCS? Time's Chanaea In Dlsbee, lllnhtie, Arlx., where Is now heard the honk of the modern niitomohlle, the licit of wrist watches and the wa'.l of sill; hose of all colors extending over tho tops of $10 shoes, was entire ly different til. visirs ago, remlulsees a writer In tho Ilovlew of ItlstKto, Tlien tho hard-working miner hud to si rug gle for hours to get a ami nt a poker table nr a "IihiI; In" nt m furo Kme, Main street was mice one of the live liest thorouKhfiiroti In the western hemisphere. Miliums, glided slid other wise, having been the honored tmiiie3 I enteriirUeti which lined Uith side of tho street. If nioboily had prtHilcted Hint a street railway would at some future time run through tho cuiijer of .Main street, or that It would wine I day liciHime as dry and arid h tlw .Sahara and Hold deserts, he would ha tuedlately have heeu taUou hefoie a lunacy comuilMiluu. KEDS The clean cool, comfortnhle white ICeds for Ml, Woiiiuii mid Child ren, ' vtm-m wrnxm SaA 5 1 -IltffKl I a 1 ! i'lr r NwrtRorontERa I- 1 i. Slen's Suits Nifty., new models of Men's Suits in Serges and Worsteds and no excessive "mark ups." While the stock is not extens ive, it is ample. The patterns comprise Greys, Drowns aud Dluc. MEN'S KEDS Kcds nro xulnr with Men mid Hoys, too, for evening and Sunday wear. I'M Milk is due for a further ndvnncc. Carnation and Borden's Milk, tall, 2 cans for 25c, case $5.75 Hardwood Milk, tall, 0 cans for 70c, case 5 50 Caroline Milk, tall, 8 cans 85c, case .5.80 CROWN FI.OUR, limited, sack .'. ". .'. . ."$8.55 lfUI!IrCUJAM CIIKKSK. w lb 85c Canned Goods at I.ow Prices: Shnsta Teas, 15c can, G for. . , , 85c Iowa Corn, 18c can, 0 for $1,05 Solid Pack Tomatoes, 10c can, (5 for. . . . , 50o Standard Tomatoes 2 for 25c, b for , ,75c liooth's Sardines 19c can, 3 for , , , , . .55c American Sardines, 3 for, , 25c Council Deviled Meat , 5 for ,, tJ t, . , ., , , . . , , , 25c Crystal White Soap, 10 bars for ... . .", . . . t7. ". . . . . .72c Dob White Soap, 10 bars for t G5o Sunny Monday Soap, 10 bars for 70c Cream Oil Toilet Soap, 3 for. 25c Dutch Cleanser, per can , i,. , '. T, , 10c Too Much Ceremony, The Imttullou was nn-llai: Imtldo the road toward the end of Its lil mlle hike. After the weary marchers had en) their pucka and nipped fmui their near ly empty canteens, they watched dis piritedly the ,enen:etle setting-up ex ercises bollix Kme Ihrouch hy a straup outfit In a neu by Held. "What's tlait there khukT' Imiulrod Private Hanks of Oklahoma without enthusiasm. "Infantry candidates' school," r- piled tho corporal. "Candidates! infantry candidates I" m plotted Hunks. "My good kos.1i I Do you have to make application aud be Initiated to get Into this luoai noun- duys7" The Home Sector. CKRUALSt Kellogg's Dran, packet ,, 20c Ralston bran, packet 18c Wheat Hearts No. 4, packet !s8c Post Toasties, 2 for , o5c Kellogg's Corn Plakes, 2 for !..!!!!!!!!! 25c Kellogg's Krumbles, 2 for , 25c Ghr. Grouud Chocolate, lb , , , ,,,.f,, .loc " " " 8 ibs :.$ii0 Fostum Cereal, packet t 20c x insi, targe .jgc Knticy Italian Prunus, 20c lb, 5 for 95c X Kaucy White aud Black V igs 18c lb, 2 for . , 35c Sculptors In the Doldrums. According t Aiuerlean Art .Vows, the sculptoi-j complain that there Is lit tle work at present tu their line of on- deliver, and even the loadiiw men aro "waiting." The eointuoiuointlve war statues und patriotic groups that were to decorate cities, towns and ceme teries have not thus far materialised. The unsettled conditions uf tho coun try, they contend, which aro holdlne up building, uro accountable for tho present "doldrums." No Wonder He's Crazy. This poor follow Is In n terrible condition." Mild tho visitor. "Yos," replied the asylum attendant. "He's the most vlolout (Kittout wo have In this ward." "What caused htm to lose hU mlnitr "He tried to tlgiiro out some wny to IwruesM iko energy that was goliig to Mia in ttuistj iirlora.Kr-aiIrnliiB. ham AgivlleroloV ' Wash Materials Common sense teaches us to handle only wash materials that nre sub stantial aud permanent in color and fabric. Our store has sold yards and yards of Dcvoushircs, Ginghams, Percales and Ripplctcs and uever a single solitary complaint do we hear. When we buy aprons or house dresses it is our firm endeavor to deal with those houses who give us sub stantial merchandise. The sales we make 011 these garments convinces us wc have what is right. Hosiery Lisle Hosiery has been scarce in the better grades ns it has been popular because of the extremely high price of Silk Hose. We are particularly fortu nate of having a good stock of these in all sizes for all people. The Misses styles are from 5Qf to 75 per pair; Ladies 75to$1.25. BONHAM & CURRIER L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Men's Dept. 151 4 1 1 11 THE ST, JOHNS GARAGE 216 North Jersey St. Autlioriml Ford Service Sta tion. Only cenuiue . Ford parts used. Paint Your House Now Our Paints are good and prices right. We have your kind.. Tires, lubes nnd accessor ies. CARS STORED - Woo'.ley Bros. I'hviK- Columbia C90. CHAMBERS COMPANY J. O, ChamKrs Mrs. II. U. Lowry Funeral Directors KillingswortU Avenue PORTLAND, ORIiGON Telephones: Woodlawu SS0G C 1133 Mr. Chauibeis is the only O. A. R. undertaker iu the city of Portland. Personal attention and supervision given to arrsugeuieuts. Paint your automobile now before the dust comes. Buy your' Lawn Hose and Sprink lers Qf us now at last 'years prices while they last.' Our Building Material prices are right. I KnigMs and Ladies of Security ! Or. Johns fniinrll milK RtguLf btulu.n nitcltoK itl nl j4 UoniUy. Open rarctlnii. to lb public ml rocmUts tad mlth lguily.. VMtort nil raciabcf cor dUlly Invited (a itlcnd l tUcr 11.11. Laurel Lodge, 1, 0, 0, F, rto, ibo, at. Johns. Oregon Meets each Monday cveniuK in Oddl'el- lows hall at 7:3o. A cordial welcome to all visiting brothers, C V. Dahl. N. O, Crl Scckmtn. V. O. Joe KoUlU. Krc. Ikc a. W. Nottot, Via. Ike .11. V. CUrk.TrcM. SI, Johns Gamp No. 7546 - Modern Woodmen of America. We heartily solicit the attendance of our members at our regular meetings every 2d and 4tu Thursday evening. G, W, Muhtu, Irvln Grouiachey, Clerks consul, yiu if. bymcu. ttOLMES LODGE NO iOU. kwciits or pvntws Meets every Friday night at 7:30 o'clock In BICKNBR Hall. Visitors always we- come. . ANDY KERR, C. C. 4 Dr. N. E. McAlister PENINSULA BANK BLDG, Jflkc Phone CvlutuhU 251 -toldeucc Phouc aiSCo St. Johns, Portland; Oregon JJrtas In your Job 'prtntlos walls yea think of It. Doa't wait ' i Come and see us r ' Home Mercantile Co. 209 West Burlington Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON E. W. Hood Coiisultini' Member ot the American Technical Society, Builder of Automatic Machines Practical, expert advice itlven 011 anr- tliiu; mechanical. H27 9ott It. Pm14m4 PAT'S S Barber Shop S 108 N. Jersey St. Woodmen Of the World St. Johns Camp 773 Meet every Thursday evening in I. O. O. FHall, Vavitt and Jersey streets. Visitors always welcome. N. J. Simmon., C C; O, U, WorthlDgton.Cltrk. DORIC LODGE NO. 132 A. C srs A. M. Meets the first aud third Wedacsday of each taoatlt ia Masoaic Uall. Vkl tors vrelcoeae. A.R. Davis, W. M. A. W. Davis. Secretary, Minerva CfcapUr No. I059 0. E. S. ra v Meets everv aecnnit ami fourth IVesday of each mouth ia Masonic Hall. Visitors welcome. Catherine K. Stephen.. W. U Hcuie V, Foit. Sec m; S. Priccrton strert United Artisans Wlllumbki Assembly No. 300' r . m . n - everj iucsuay ai o r. M. Joe Roberta, M. A. Vary RobccW, Sk' Pro Tm. V