St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 28, 1920, Image 2

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A. W. Mnrkle, IJilllor
Published Friday of Each VVeqk
Subierjptlon prlca $1.60 par year.
Tint RkviKW is entered at post office
In Portland , Oregon, ns mall mntlcr
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
Davis' Weekly Real Estate
Three rooms (large), closet nnd bath
room, good cesstiool, young fruit trees
and garden. 1'ricc 1000, 5200 cash, bal
ance mortgage J400 then $20, 1 per cent.
Seven room modern cottngc, nil In the
very pink of condition, newly painted
nnd kalsamincd, well located, with some
fruit on the lot. This house is nil double
constructed and would cost 3500 to build
at the present time; it's as good ns new.
J'ricc witli $IUUU casli. balance
Orin Fi Fondcrson, 35, of
Seattle, was placed on trial bo
fore Municipal dudixc Kossman terms to suit
tlnR mnt'nincr on clinrcrna of hnv. I'our room modern buimalow with
5 tier nttnckffl two little irirh in looxloo lot, lots of fine fruit, nil street
'& st'l&kt&a". SX?JS;Am' 5500
The honrinB will be continued ,,oUr fOOI118 rttlctl;r lll0,,ufn nI1(j lip to
inia juiuniuuii. ruiniurauii, wnu date, nice lucnt on. uu ill in effects, n line
Euya ho came to Portland about little home i'ricof2800,tokes500cash
ten days auo, wag arrested by or 'm,Bc.c nuiiy.
Sergeant K.L.Crane and Pa- i'our rm piMtcrea cottage right in
i , t)..i..i r ii. c?t center of town, has patent toilet, chicken
uuiuiuii jkuuenn, ui mu hU. i ..i. n.i..ti' tori,
. .. I tl 4- " 1 I ilUKBV miu wiiiu II imi I iiv.v f UUV ffeirv
uuiuia aiiiuu Buiuuii, ai. uuiumum cflkli llien fib iter montli. J ilts is n rent
UOUIOvaru anu Vjliuurt bireui, ill- ueiuer wnu 101 wxim wiui sireeis im
tor an extended chase thronirh proved.
Mm wnnAa Tin ivnn jfmmnil I l'olir rooms. Imtll und toilet, with Ccl
it... n ..i...i. i.. ....... o.. r. wtMNi House. cnicKcu House nna nnr
wiu ijuiicu hiuiu. of .y uiwr aur- ; mme frltit, fncludca good range 'lot
scant Crane had ordered Koborls, 5xio.. a good buy for $iggo, hair cash
wnu was in inu leau, 10 snoot, balance on mongngc
According to tllO police, two Hlx room modern house, has fruit nud
BiBtnrfl, aged 5 and 8 yoarB, nuwew, cio m for foo. ' m qao C Intent; Qtvnnt
wore lured to the woods by u K ") JCI SCV Jll CCl
i. n'l ....
uu uuiujiii. xiiuiuuur Hin uh- l'lne four room modern cottngc nearly
called. , it Wiia BUld, and Went new. full bHWtiicnt. flue nnd dandy con-
linmn. fnllmvnd n fmv rrmrrinntH dition, licit imrt of St. Johns residence
1nnliM Mm uniimr'nr uluini- 'P,5 SCtlioll. I'rlCC 2000, got to lmVC llboilt
..tX... II,.. ,,ii ' it ' 7 ' n $750 down on this place then good terms.
PiPry .PMfc. tho l'lico on. tl C traf . ThlsUttreKulardoublcconstructcdhome
J I1C Clllltlrcn Wore HOC injured, nnd i worth the money.
A IIBtOf BOmo fifty or BiXty names i'our rooms, modern except lxtsemi'iil,
woodslmd ioxl l, lot 5oxloo, fine imrritti
nud strMwbcrry bctl. Price f2(K)0. Tnkis
about half ciihIi on this nud then ou can
ty flu er moiiui,
02 N. Jci-scy SI
Following the cus
tom of previous
years, our Store
will close at noon
DAY during the
months 01 June,
July and August
C S. Bucy
of little uirls with nddrcsses
Hi ron trhout tho stato and in
Seattle and Tacoma was Haiti to
have been found in Fondorson's
possession. Wednesday's Tole
Tho Peninsula National Dunk.
oldost bunk on the Poniiisula, i
now protectod byono of tho most
modoni, uplo-theminutu burir-
lar alarm signal HjutoiiiH over
itiBtalled in tliu city of Portland.
J ho system rcprosontH an ex
penditure of more than a Uiouh-
and dollarH and in ho intricate
that it has required several
months to do the work.
Carroll & Lucas
Real Estate Brokers
A ft'w of Hit nianv flood bar-
tfiiiiis Ciiiroll ic Lucas have In
offer this week:
Ten room, modern, lol (10 2-11
MUD, hull block In our line;
Tl o M"''01' Wm lim cnMl,
Ponlnaula IGlectric company, of '"',,,l",f". plumbing. lot looxioo. wu fmit.
which H. II. Wall is manaKor. ,-;?.,,u , ,(',M ioi li. am !,. $moo,fioucMii.
l'or llaruains
Some four room bouses,
$1 (),"(); $."() cash, bill, like rent.
No. Uli I'lvc room modern house lol
100x100, fine ft tilt. WW, $800 cash, Iml
mice fit) per montli, interest 0 twr cent.
No. '187 Seven room modem house all
in fine shape $2600, f&OO cash, balance
iikc rent,
No. SOU I'lve room house, lol 100x100,
flue fruit, 2700, tfm cash. This is a
I'lvc room modern House Willi Rsmgc
nils is n line corner; street mm sener
Improvements nil jmld; fita0O,?lSO0 cash.
Nine room, modern in every resH-ol,
Imnlwood lloors, double fltc place, lot
IIWxlOO, 0500, j200(l cash. The house
could uol be built for the money
Six acre on highway; this will make
u fine chicken ranch; one mile front St.
lohiis; ;i2000, fftOO vhsIi, or will trade for
Six mom modurii house on Mvel
street, lCtOO, ItOOca.h.lmlniicellk irnt,
imtk at tills,
Seven loom moiletu liotise, double
iiiHtnllod flit! MVHtnm iindnr llm ". "'"H'l'll IIOIIU, finso III,
direct BimorviBion of Chief "' 1,l,r 0,5 l"'k'
Charlos A.Savariou, Supt.of Firo K'2' t,l!?11 -X . biilanct-sat-
Alarm and police teleraph of m t,u,.v V1 ' ",ll'.t'-
city of Portland, and Seim'ant . "ikmiim iiiiMmii iipw closi
K. L. Crane. Tho vault of tho "'. '' imimniKs. rnce .iui
bank, including floor nnd coiliiiK. 0,1 v,'.'
lu , ,,! tr. ....... .In I..!,. I lNillC-t'lllllll llfllim. lill'fl Int.
in iiuy uiibiinuii ill if.iiivia iiiui .. . ...........
I.n.... Iw.n.. ...;.., ., Wl' lll'lll'l. VV (' S fi (II . SKI 111 """"'.
... i- .... ii - .. p: I I. ,. I, . ').-. , u.itiii ..i I fen room House, modern In every te
iiwtfv v a iiiiv v 1 v. i irii vt uir i - t i "
closely are tho wires sot toirothof ' PI'i' t't'iil inlncst.
that it impossible to punetrato . "air iiciv, two-room house
tho walls withotitcomliiff in con J"sl lIclr city limits, Imriilii
tact with tho wires. Moro than m ; some lerms.
15 miles of wire were used in Mne-room niodcrn, lol l(i().
the panels and till batteriofl lilil'L'. fmnlly orchard, near car
placed within thu vault furnish Hut'. Price $1500; bair cash,
juice. 'The entire system is balance can be aiTiuicd at 7
connected by a direct lino w th per cent.
thu St. Johns police station! ICiuht-room modern, lot hirue.
whoro the alarm has been placed, tin elegant home wilh ood view
It is so conHtructed Hint the of Willamette river. Price
oponiim or closing of the vault, I WOOD, .f.'WOO cunIi, balance
tliu bruaktne; of one of Hie wires terms.
Seven room iiuMlern house, lol UK)xl00
feet, lots of fruit. This is a line uoriifr,
I'lve room modem house, fine fruit,
good location. flfeOO, $1100 cmIi. Imlance
like runt,
Seven room modern house, close to
IViiinsula mill, $1UM). $itK0 cash. This
Is a line place for some one lo keep
spuct, lol 100x100, M00, fm) push.
I'lve mom modern house, flue le-
muni, fzm), f700cnsli, Iwlauce easy.
Six room modern hotoe, corner lot,
new house Willi garage, street Improve
ments J1HIII, fJTiltU, 97IHI t'MSII.
I'lve room modutu house, lot ROxlOO,
nil In fine shape, good garage, fiOQO,
fiuw casli. i iiu it a simp.
If you want to wll your property
come in ami we me. i can sun tuoryou.
lllli North Jersey Strcut
IMionu Coliiiubiii 81
or cuiumr oi inomam line Mtaris i Ct
tho boll at tho station which pU4 IN. JdSCy bl
ruiKH GoniiuunuHiy uuiii turned
off within tliu vault. If the
vault is boimr oponud or closed.
thuy must first hIkiiiiI thu policu
station and recuivu an answur
boforo procuudiiiK. A dayliKht
alarm is also counuctud with tho
Pliouc Coltinibin 42S
A Few of Our Bargains
No. 80--Five room bumralovv
modern except toilet, has coruor
lot with improved struct: only
S1700. Pay $500 cash, balance
$25 monthly.
No. '19 Fivo room niodorn
homu with lat'Ku lot located closo
in: prico 1700. Pay $500 cash,
!... 1J ... ir,.., I... nr..inn UllltlllCU IlKUlUIH.
- ' iuuin tiuiiit, mi lll.MUll, xi in irt 1 1
T ,i, ' m. iw iuuuum uiiiiKitiuvv,
ThoL turnrvD troatof Mnvw.l 1...1 ' ' Vt. T"vv modom uxcopt Uath. $1500.
.(..tnoil n mnut nv,...Iln., -. ."... . . . Pav S100 casli. balance liko ront.
... rS VT I,0M5T: 'rnu y,m No. 2(5-Fivo room home, mod-
ti.yi. if'ioui own, jwr moniu ern except bath, has lot 100x100,
. ii vum imuiw. ota of fill t. no ocat Ion.S22fiO.
Four Koom Modern House, nenr Pay $!150 cash, balance liko ront.
cirmitf. wvu, 5j(X) tJown, so No. (i unndy o room mod
jr montli. ern buiiKnlow, lot 50x100, im-
coiilaintid a most excellent ar
tiulu on thu wholly inado(iiate
pay of Undo bum's postal em-
ployos, and should Do road by all.
It Htiyu in part: "Our postal
laws, until wo cIuiuku tliiim,
trtuitiiH nninlnviw. IiIl'Ii niul Imv
latter carrior, porter, doikand Six Ko Modern on paved proved streot, $2250. Pay $
tiuporintondont in tho most nix- $2500, $500 down, $J10 per tmlance liko ront. ,
yardly way. Thoy work nutht month, Sccihls. No. 101-Hrand now -l rr
. . .1 .r.... : .l -i.
. . . i iitniiiiKii ii i iwvm r in n iinitiin vijiiiii
anu uay, unuu in unwnoiesonu' i'lve rooms down stuir. space up '''"' "'''. j. ?iw.
quartors and undorsovurostrain. lor four rooms, altMilutdy mixlern, l ft; cas h. tmlanco liko ront.
Thoir minds aro crowded with llntf iKisement, koo1 location. $i000. 10 Hvo room moduru
undloss details of an oxactinf $2f.00 down, mortgage Iwek on bnl- MtttnRe, has fire-placu and hard-
systum. Thoir bo.lius are rack- ancc. Fine home. SuJlC0 ?1t,'eoi?, " hmily .bu.y for
nd ntul worn bv harsh eiiMiUflnnu i.... i. felYoO. Pay SU50 cash, ba htllCO
I ..J.Jiitn .MnJIIlllIU 14UI19V.I
.1 I 1 I 1.1
ami cruo. uur .ou, mm may art- wdl furnished, fine piano, lot 10Dx
' ii T ro iV 1U0 leet. Small liouse tear rents
. t " .t'V. or iS 00 and .Ranw tents for 95-00
to UQO
In conclu
to your CoiiRruisman and to both
of your senators, every ono of
you men and women who has a
heart and an active sense oi
human justice. Don't put it off
tho time boforo Congress will
all to know thu ac . and Tmh "' All Si I "can
that qmek jl sticu isdoue." w lmtulled for $2.()iH) 00. A find
elusion it advisus: 'Write for some one who ieHy wants a
r Prill trriiasmnn niul in Imfli ... . V
money innkor.
like ront.
No. 115 -Eight room modorn
home, fine river viuw, on hard
surface stroet. $2(550. Pay $1000
cash, ualanco liko rout.
No. 'II Fivo room modorn
bumralow. ono of tho best in St.
Johns, improved street and con-
A fine Wood Saw on 15. M. V, noctod to sower, $2(500. Pny $00
i mi:, vjuini u.i urv. jh ioois uo imsi i. im ntien nrnw.
for $(550. Look at this.
Finest farms near Portland.
See us
adjourn in short. Uruu them to ,0,.v sl,us
aS!3U"ffi. SSKS Greater St. Johns Realty Co.
into effect a substantial increase a rm m i c,
r w v iti, uDiaoy oi.
Don't Miss This
of salaries throughout the entire
postal service of tiie United
Statos. Uongross will lad
nnd quickly pass this bill when
tho American pconlo rally to its
support. If you don't know tho
numes of tho Senators and Con-
Krossman ask yourlottor-carrior,
or postmaster, or oankor. Let
o. i lo i wo nouses on ono
corner lot 50x100. ono ! room.
tho other tl rooms; tho two uoos
for $1500. Pay $a00 cash, bab
ance $20 month y.
Somo fine buys at Portsmouth
and University. Comu in and
talk with mo about them.
215 N. Jersey S 1 Hone Columbia 2
Helpers Wanted
l-or i'ouiulry Work. Men want-
2 Five Room Modern Flats 2
100x125 corner lot, heart of St.
all business houses bo hoard from Johns, i) blocks from school, 1W
and nil civic sociotios nnd frntor. M'l'ks to car, hard surface street, inn steady work who have had no
mil orders. Koscuo these postal aoiue newly painted iusideattd out. experience in foundry are rated nt
toilers from penury and narrow & complete sets oi waite enamel S. so per uay tirst two weeks, sec
liYea and sot them on their foot rubing, UibIi fence chicken run, pint two weeks $4.75, end of fifth
as American citizens who need 12 full bearing trees, 3 cherry, 3 week 5.14. This is steady for
not suf for nor bo ashumod in Ienr 2 prune, 2 apple, 1 peach, 1 men who want to work.
onutlful gray or
blaok adult casket,
hearse, box, 2 nutos
embalming and refln
od servloe for
I'uuemls If ilcslre.1 for 20, $30, f!0, $C0. Higher priced fuuernls In pro
liortlon. We tnanufrtcture caskets. Tady nsslstnnt.
Ucntitlful funeral clinpcl.
Main 2691 Indopondont Funornl Dlroctora A 7006
Washington nt Ella Strccl, Between 20lh and 21st Street, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
CM Central Ave. N.
Phone Columbia 888
Summer is Almost Here.
Thitite t)T tltv Jx'allol from l)rulfxory during tho
mioi outlier. jot ino
The High Cost
of Living
la Mnrtltr ftin fa ill f nf flin l-llvrr w
not kuowiim lust where to pur
chase to get -the lowest prices, 5
nna tne most tor tue money
expended. When it comes to '
meat our shop is the place to J
come. Our prices are cqnita- J1
ble, our meat always fresh,
nnd we give full value for the J;
We have plenty of Pulp Fed Steer s
.Beef, Gram J'ed Jorlc, Milk Jf ed
Veal and Sprint Lambs at rea- i
GEO. W. I M BO DEN, Prop. I
inn Tn.e C(
Electric Washer
The APEX will wash your clothes faster than
any other washer made. Its shining copper tub
oscilates to and fro 80 times every minute, flushing
out every particle of dirt in 10 minutes or less.
Thero is absolutely no wear-not even the fric
tion of any moving parts against your clothes.
Strong substantial mechanism, guaranteed to
give service for years without expense to you.
lilcvtrlvnl Contviiotlnii I'lxttiros mid Sujmllvn,
JXiotur I nstullnt ltiin.
418 N. Jersey Street
Dear Mary
This morning I saw a new runr in tho window at
II. F. CLARK'S. My heart was instantly so set on it
that I went right in and bought it. It was an oriental de
sign. Rugs, I think, aro the very BASIS of beautifvincr
your home. Without pretty rugs a woman cannot have a
charming home. What; a joy it is to tread upon a luxuri
ous rug in your own home!
Your friend-HELEN. .
P. S. Just scores and scores of wonderful rues oricea
so reasonably down at '
H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man
400-402 S. Jersey St.- j
Phone Col. 977
Peninsula Motor Sales Go.
212 South Jersey Street
Can make immediate delivery
New and Used Cars
Beginning the first Wednes
day in June this Store will
close at noon and continue
closing at that hour each
Wednesday during June, July
and August v
St Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot of Burlington St.
MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey Phene CL 118 ;
thoir gorvicoof ua all."
. ClMBlnt Vmtht snj Itcinodttini
Julli mit lo Ofdtr Home Tailoring
928 5. Jersey St, Cor. Buchanan
St, JohiiH, Oi-uyon
In order to Insure a change ot a
quince and 1 walnut; plenty of
gooseberries, loganberries, black
berries ami raspberries to sell. Also
fifty rose bushes. Price $3-100.00.
Plenty of gunleii space. Buy now
ami sell the fruit yourself. Income
$14 per month, CI owl reason for
tins bargain; going ltust. Save
agent s commission; $500 cash ami
terms to suit. See owner. C. J.
hould reach tM office not later then VKSMSY, GQ7 South Hudson St.,
Apply to Walker,
Koot of Uichmottd St.
St. Jot i.n'S, Or kq on
Patronizo tho Hqvi'ow ailvor-tisurs.
Wdneday, at a o'clock p. m.
I corner Oswego, St. Johns.
The. St. Johns Millinery
For Seasonable Hats at Reasonable Prices
Order work and Remodeling a Specialty
Hats Reblocked, Plumes Cleaned, Curled and Dyed
Mrs. M. E. CRANE, Proprietress
One Load of Fir Wood
Is worth two loads of Spruce or Hemlock
Be careful what you Buy
We sell only FIR
St. Johns Lumber Co.