REVIEW 7' VOLUME 1G ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1920. NUMBER 29 ST. JOHNS With the filing of articles of incorporation nt tho office of the secretary of state at Salem, the first definite step has been taken in the organization of tho Portland Vegetable Oil Mills company, which is to establish an industry that will require about 2000 tonB a month of copra. The authorized capital is $1,000, 000, divided into shares of the par value of $100 each. More than half of tho stock has been subscribed, chiefly by business men who have appraised tho valuo of tho enterprise in develop ment of tho traffic of tho port. Tho remainder of tho capital stock Will be quickly absorbed, in tho opinion of those familiar with tho industry. Tho loca tion of tho now plant will bo on a tract of land containing nino acres, located at Linnton, and with a water front of 400 feet. It ia-located between tho rail road tracks and water front, with every advantage for tho economic handling of cargo and products. The plans contemplate the cofjKl Btruction oi a rciniorceci concrete bulkhead and modern dock witlv a reinforced concoreto buildln of thfl most permanent character of construction. Tho estimated investment w II bo. $260,000 in buildings and $200,000 in mnch- in cry. tho can Italization nrovid ing ample fund Is lot operation in tho commodities from which oil is obtained and involving con siderable investment at'timea in order to accumulate tho supply in tho far islands of tho Indian ocean and South Bias and in; otner section oi tno Antipodes. Installation of now mnchinory and equipment, which has just boon completed, makes tho plant of tho Peninsula Iron works ono of tho most complcto foundries and machine shops in tho North west. The improvmcnts incluao tho installation of n now two-ton electric furnace, as well as thrco largo new transformers. Two jarring machines lmvo recently boon installed in tho foundry to savo hand work in making moulds. Tho machine shop is thoroughly equipped, tho plant containing several pieces of special machinery. One of tho lathes handles work up to forty two inches by thirty-one feet in dimensions. Another is nearly as largo, and thero aro sovon of smaller sizes. A twenty-four inch Universal milling machine; also is provided for special work. A five-ton traveling crano is iionil In .tA.itna lift linatri, I mntni-tol frnm flin fnlin,! in tho machino shop. Tho crano is electrically driven. A pattern shop is operated in connection with tho business. Tl c dint1 occupies an entire block. From .eight to 100 men aro employed by tho tho company, tho payroll running about $150,000 annually. A T n MMrtii I to 9a 1 1 rtM nn.l general manager: P. Sinnrock" is vice-president; M. R. Mor row, secretary; Timothy O'Brien is superintendent. Telogram, The Ladies Aid of tho Congre gational church and a large number of their friends met ut tho homo of Mrs, Cado on 1010 South Willamette boulevard on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Tho occasion was a sil ver tea which was tastefully served by several of tho mem bers. Several instrumental sel ections on tho piano wero ren dered by Miss Veda Carlie, solos by Mrs. Edith Schuartz and Mrs. Grace Blair, with Mrs. Bailey at the piano. Every ono present had a very enjoyable aftornoon. :swmi School of Improved Music Study MRS. FRANK A. RICE Announces that she has received from Carrie Louise Dunning a diploma as an exponent of the Dunning System of Im proved Music Study, which includes the Faelten prin ciples concentration and the Leschstzky Technic. Formed into classes pupils are taught by musical characters and rhythm sticks. An Ingeniously constructed keyboard with grand staff attached, simplifies notation by uniting these two important factors. Each difficulty is presented in such a thorough manner that a child of ten or twelve years can master transposition, scale building, melody writing by dictation, the Dominant Seventh and Modulation. The written work teaches the student that music, as a language, they must learn to write, as well as interpret. The muscles of fingers, wrists and arfns are strengthened by table technic; ear training' and sight reading forms apart of every lesson. 'Mrs. Rice will be glad to show you BY APPOINTMENT the especially made apparatus for teaching this system which in cludes one class lesson and one private lesson each week, making , a far more economical way of acquiring a musical education. Classes Now Being Formed i Studio 412 S. Edtaon, cor. Richmond Phone Col.389 A growth of 51,074 residents for Portland has been experienced in tho last 10 years, according to census ngures just announced, which place tho city's popula tion at 258,288. This means an increase of 24.G per cent. Pract ically all of its growth has been since 1845, when it was first recognized as a town. Kb area then composed 16 cityblocks. One year later tho city was en larged and covered ono square mile of territory. But today Port laud includes G6 Enuaro miles. The first census ever taken here was in 1850, when 821 persons wero counted. Tho city grow so rapidly that in 1910. GO venra later, its official census was given aB 207,214 people and Port land was then ranked as tho twenty-oiirhth city in tho United States. Ten years after the first constiH was taken the city had , . from V . - tiiHrt 1'mm r ii i. u ".! .71 nil uit rHt"' ; p. ri ,-. fen .-m:b l.V. r ' the lSVd c mils jliewH Portlur.d hurt 82U i0 urtl TJC'. so tbf?i -:i t 'lufcor Hiui aoilth MU'JfittiSi i-ftn e a part of thu citt'.-sPitii!i v.n takn to annex St. Johns ,f - 'ills ,V '0 duruv tb'u per- I If 'Hi iiruipriu,H' Pl..'n T i o i ln8t named districts wero nddod to Portland in 1915. in 1918 a small area between St. Johns and Portland was nnnexed to tho fast growing metropolis. East morcionu ami ucrkeloy were brought within tho city limits during the 1918-1920 period. In thoprcsenco of a largo com pany of friends and relatives as sembled at tho Evangelical church, tho wedding of Faith Isabello Greene, only daughter or Mr. ana Mrs. w.i' urccne, ana rcrcy uarrotc smitn was solemnized at 3 p. m. Sunday, May lu. Edith urccne, 4 year old cousin of tho brido, carried tho ring upon a lily and Dora Layton and Hazel Grceno atton ded the brido. Cecil Greeno and Orlo Young attended tho groom. Tho Rov. A. P. Layton of Cor- valliB, former paitor of tho church, read tho ring cermony The bridorwos given in marriago by her father. Mr. and Mrs. Oy Hi Sllll til arO botll well known on tho Peninsula. Mrs. Smith came horo two years ago from Denver. She 1b a graduate of Denver Bch001 nn( nlso of Bohnko Walker Business college. Mr. Smith is tho son of Captain and Mrs. F. E. Smith and was born and reared on tho Peninsula. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will reside ot Johns. A thrco mill tax measuro to provido funds for tho construc tion of permanent school build ings in Portland will bo submit ted to tho votora in the Portland school district at the annual school election next month. There is great need, it is argued by tho school directors, for permanent- school buildings. Tho present buildings aro filled to overflowing and thousands of pupils are being housed in tem poral y structures. A three-mill tax for two or three years will provide funds, it is said, suf ficient to build several large buildings which are most badly needed. Astract. 1 nroine, sti' jnrrcaao oi i itwiiv l&?5ovor Lhe p.vUmi, count. 'Ami taking bast ro.tiai;'! ..i AWlna WSt-W fljiy, annexed to vr, city . j.atwomn. tlu At eight, while 1 am still in bed, I take a tablet for the head, At nine a doso of Aspirgin, At ten my headache medicine. I At eleven gnrglo at tho sink With stuff that tastes like prin ters' ink: At twelve through rubber tubes and glass I breathe hot Eucalyptus gas. At one I take a thingumgig With which I push and poke and dig Until 1 reach a tender spot And wonder will I sneeze, or not7 At two I press Eau-doCoIogno On cotton 'gainst the nasnl bona, Then until thrco I spray cocaine l'ooasooff tho resulting pain: At tour it b unenoiorm ior mo In moro than moderate quantity, At five I nearly, molt away, But I uso Bad renal in to star; At bIx I sweat, at seven freeze, At eight I've only strength to Doctor l)v i, i il mo intv Tnugh kuening all fr.H air tli ruo eiiuuio menla drum th-.t I can i yoo ioti - fThi this buastly Plain are now under for thu orn :tion of n n".- kicking plant for the Storrett rm'kinir impHny, nccoruing to tiM.'Hincc niinf. niHt nmiln liv .1 I.. S 1, . I HUll, head of tho company. plant is to bo located in tho North XIIU IliTlV Portlnnd industrial district, ad joining tho Portland Union Stock yurds company's property. An option hns been held on the pro perty for some time and Mr. Stcrrctt has finally decided to locato the plant there. Accord ing to Mr. Storrett tho cost of tho building to bo occupied by the company will bo something in the neighborhood of $100,000, including tho cost of spccinl equipment for refrigeration pur poses. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fnnncll. of 814 Oswego street aro being folicitntcd upon tho birth of a daughter Sundny. ,1U1 MEN'S READY MADE SUITS $25.00, $28.50, Underwear, Hats and Caps SHOES I Neckwear, Hosiery, Gloves ii Good Stuff at the Right Price ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN Bank of ComiMfce Building ' ST. JOHNS Opn Eveninp St. Johns Undertaking Co. THOS. GRICE, Manager 208 North Jersey Street Office, Columbia 527 PHONES-- Residence, Columbia 299 ylUTOflOBIlLE HEARSE DAY OR NIGHT CALLS GIVEN PROAIPT ATTENTION This is not a branch of any city undertaker's Safe Deposit Boxes Protect your bonds and valuable papers by reutiug a safe de posit box. The annual rental is surprisingly small less than lc per day. We have a limited number of vacant boxes. Phone your reservation. -This is a good time to check up on youc fire insurance. Have you increased your fire insurance to keep pace with cost of re placements? We. will be pleased to quote you rates and explain forms that will give you tie broadest covering at lowest cost. Wo "Wrlto All L.ino oi Iimiiriinoo PENINSULA SECURITY CO. : I 108 South Jersey St. The Oregon Gropo Club was royally entertained at tho homo of Mrs. Annie MncGrezor. 1404 Mears street, on Wednesday. I A f ino chickon dinner was served nt 1 o'clock, by a very competent rnmmlttoo. and n lollv crood timo nninvnri liv nil. nflpr whlrh thn retrnV Club meeting was held. nml anvnrnl nnw nnmna nrirltrl fn the membership list, inoso pre sent were Mcsdumes Armstrong, Brice, Boyd, Benm, Bigler, Ber ry, Bell, Costello, Cormany, Earl, Frmitz, Gage, Haines, Muhm, MacGregor, Munden, Mnrchand, ! Killcbrew. Murphy, Miller, Pal mer. Russell, Rowekamp, Teel- ing, Thomas, Weimer, Hotelier, rum, miSHua uuiuuuu mukuiuKui, Vivian Muhm, Doris Earl, Ethel Bigler, Mary Jane Gage, Mar jorie Munden, Joan Munden, Master liornnra Murphy, Mcrio Berry. John Rowekamp and Prnnkio Costello. The Club wil hold tho next meeting at the homo of Mrs. Weimer, 003 East Burlington street. Saturday afternoon May 20th tho children of the St. Johns Schools aro going to present a nngennt under the auspices ot tho St. Johns Library. Tho nnurennt will Btnrt from tho lib rary nt two p. m. and pnrndo down Jersey street returning to the brnry whero scenes from books, drills, and a Maypole dance will bo given on tho lib rarv Inwn. weuther permitting Tho Pled Piuer will lead tho pro cession followed by Mother Gooao and all her children. Sunbonnet Babies and Overall Boys, Twins from all tho different nations Buffalo BBIII, Tom Sawyer. Joan of Arc. Queen E zabeth anc her train, and mnny many other characters from books, dear lo tho hearts of children. About ono hundred children will take part. Saturday p. m. 2 o'clock. May 20th. Remember the dato Wanted Capable lady or gen tlomnn to soli high grndo pro ducts direct from manufacturer to consumer. Permanent, picas ant work with good pny for right parly. Givo address unu toio- I'liuuu illinium in enro Review office. $30.00, $42.50 Phone Columbia 161 The St. Johns Lumber Co. I ball team won from Nevvberg Sundny afternoon by a score 11 to 4, the gamo taking placo at Newberg. Tho result of this Ignme places tho locals and tho Eastern & Western club tie for first place wit i a percentage o 1 1000 each. These two clubs wil tussle for first honors nt Collim uta rarx next Sunday ueginmng at tho noon hour, and undoubted ly it will bo n warmly contestct struggle A star feature of tho cranio nt Newbenr wna Phil Flet chnr'a homo run in tho ninth with tho bases filled. Phil is tho center fielder for tho locals. Kay urouso again pitched gilt edged ball, striking out ten nion nnu allowing only thrco hits. Tho bnttory for Nowberg was Carson. Padden and Vcstilo; for the locals Urouso and Smith. Tho standing of tho other clubs in tho League: Newberg GG0, Port land Lumber Co. 333, and the Poninnulu Lumber Co. and Head quarters linvo not yet won i gamo. Tno Sunshine Club gnvo a birth day nnd fnrewoll party at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Sconso on Burr street Friday evening. May zist. ilio homo was benuti fully decorated for thu occasion. Tho evening wns token op with music nnd games. Ico cream, enko and punch wns served. Thu farewell was in honor of Mrs. Hoy McWndo who expects to soon leave for Oakland, Cal.. and tho birthdays of Mrs. W. A. Sconso and Mrs. S. Hcnmcr wore honor ed. Members present wero Mr. nnd Mrs. G. Rosso . Mrs. J. Mc Donald, Mrs. W. J. Mackcy, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hcnmer, Mrs. llynn, Mr. nnd Mrs. McWndo, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. II. Poclcrand. Mrs. II. Shilti. Mrs. C. Cnmnbiill. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. W. Davis, Mr. and Airs. bconBc. ilio guests wore Mr. and Mrs. Orvil GainoB. Wo understand that most of tho loading businoss houncs of St. Johns will close on Wed nosdny afternoon during tho months of Juno, July and A.i giiBt, providing no holidays oc cur during tho wcok. This will nfforu tho proprietors nnd nssis tants an afternoon of recreation during tho warm summer months, and tho public will not bo incommodntod to any oxtcnt when it gets used to tho chsing. Cortnlnly tho business men nro entitled to this period of recrea tion, as their hours aro so long. As Monday is a holiday tho Wednesday aftornoon closing will not bo inaugurated until thu following weok. A visit to tho Dovils Punch iiowl and a shower behind Mult nomah Falls woro included in tho adventures of tho motor party from St. Qlemcnts Catholic school Monday honoring the graduates. Lunch was served nt Eagle Creek. Included in tho pnrtv wero Father Hyacinth and Father Ridonmy, Sister Ger- adine, biator Joscttn, sister Lililosa, Mr. nnd Mrs. Mack Ihringcr nnd daughter Eleanor, Mrs, Holmes and daughter Mary, nnd the graduates, Ruth Smith, Stella Hulisz, Margaret! Poopp. ing, Margaret Kearney. Clement Muck. George Dougherty. John Stedemoier and William Gatton. Monday will bo observed as Memorial Day instead of May 30th, which occurs on Sunday. ho program will bo found elswhcro in this papor. Cool Dress CAPS $1.00. UOG-3RS. rpHE story of the Brunswick Method A Reproduction is to music lovers "The Sweetest Story Ever Told." For is tjie story of true music. The Brunswick Phonograph once heard adds another admirer to the millions. Of its handsome design and beauty of case finishes there i highest praise. Hear The Brunrwick today. See if you agree that it it the most perfeet. EASY TERMS Currin's for Drugs HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Cedar Brook was tho scene of n hnnuy week-end for six of tho Boy Scouts from Jnmes John. It is to bo concluded that Mr. dcorge, their leader, had as much real Bport as tho boys had. The last regular Student Body Assembly of this somestcr was held Tuosdny morning. Tho ro tiring officers reviewed tho semesters work of thoir depart msnts and tho newly elected of ficers briefly outlined their pol icies for tho ensuing term. Tho officers for tho Student Body Council of next semester nro Jack Vinson, pres. ; Romayno Brand. Public Wcfaro Com.: Sybil Barrett, Literary Com.; Adeln do ISggtnan. Music Com.: Selma Moo, Finance Com.; and Peter Ermlcr, Athletic Com. Tito representatives of each class for clcanup week worked exceedingly well and fast Wed nesday morning nnd so trans formed tho building and grounds that they looked as though a thousand good Brownies had been at work. All honest labor has its reward, thcrcforo Mr. Plot- chcr presented oach team with a hugo cream pio of a delicacy fairly to melt in their mouths. Mr. MncMillian. who acted as supervisor of tho cloon-up stunt, and Mr. Taylor, who acted as judge, wore also rewarded. On account of unsettled weather nnd too great expense tho Hiak Klatawa girls gavo up their trip to Englo Crook. Later on they will havo an excursion of some kind, tho it has not yet been decided whnt or whore or when it will bo. Mr. Fletcher entertained City Supt. Grout Asst.Supts Whitney nnu Thomas Principals. Jenkins of Jefferson Davis of Lincoln; Cleveland of Benson Tech; Arnold of tho Girls' Tech.: Ball of Franklin ticrdan oi Washington; nnu Elton of Commercial, at n do icious luncheon prepared by tho Domestic Scionco J girls, iho girls transformed tho dining room into a bower of loveliness with masses of flowers and a riot of color every whore. Many nconlo visited tho Art Sowing nnd Manual Training exhibit at tho High School Wed nesday afternoon. Dainty ro freslimonts woro served by sov oral girls from tho Domestic Scienco Dopartmont.C. A. W. Let's Fight the High Cost of New Shoes lly KettliiK the old ones repaired at the same old price, In first class shape. Men s leather hull soles. ,f 1.K0 to 1.76 pr, .dies " " " 1.10tol.26pr Men's leather heels , ,COc ladles' leather heels, Otic Voting folks half soles from GOc up All Oak Tan .adlcs new heels froi 91.00 to 11.25 W15DNHSUAYS SI'IlCIAl, I'or ONE MONTH commeiicliij: Mny 20 Wednesdays ONLY, wc will moken tcclal rice on rubber Kd'i Ml"'! Hcst (irndc, iion skld rubber heols for men, women and children,. . 35c Men's rubber half soles...... $1,00 a pair lAdfeV rubber half soles, . . . , .00c a pair Alto a out price on everything All of our work Is ubiolutely fjuuraulcvil We carry everything In thu shoe line Wc aicslhocumkcrsof IS years exM.'rlvuce St. Johns Shoe Shop 201 South Jersey Street Phoic Columbia 1137 The Only Union Shoe Shop in St. Johns of it Hj -in rnv MULTNOMAH, THEATRE Open Suutkys 2:15 to 11:00. Mondny ntnl Satunhiys open nt 6:30. Other ilaj-.i nt 7:00. Saturday, Mny 20lh ROBERT WARWICK l 'IN ailSSUUKI," l'arnmount. Sunday, Mny SOlh u, w. uritntn presents A bltf seven net Western picture. AUo At St. John In "Sltll' AltOV." A show that will please, Monday and Tuesday, May lU-Junu 1 BERT LYTELLIu1 lllli RIGHT OI' WAY," Metro, blc Hand" No. 8. Also "Iiivlsl- Wednesday, tunc 2 MARGUERITE CLARK In-'UASV TO OUT," Paramount. A Rood one. Thursday and l'rldny, June 3 nnd i III "PINTO." The twit she has made si ncc'Mlclccy.' Saturday, June Gth GLADYS BROCKWELLIu "llRUlvHN COMMANDMUNTS," l'ox. Sunday, June Ctlt MOBART BOSWORT in "lilt. 1UN1) Tint DOUR," Aricrutt. An exceptionally strong picture. Monday and Tuesday, June 7 nnd 8th mnruuN uavies ju "Ai'iw, l'OM.Y." Also "invisible J Unit" No. I). Wednesday, June 0th FRANK MAYO l "A I'HDDI.HR 01' MHS," Universal. Thursday mid l'rlday, tunc 10 and 11 A 111k KKX IIHACII Special, "THE SILVER HORDE" A story of Alaska. You have read It, sec it. This picture was shown over town at 60c, but wc oiler It to you at our regular admission prices. Plants Vegetable Plants Cut Flowers Floral Designs Beckett's Greenhouses 814 nnd 816 North Kellogg Street Phoic Cslombli 401 Willamette Blvd. SANATARIUM 1270 Willamette Blvd. Special enro given to Maternity Cases. Prices reasonable. Call Woodlawn 2I50 A. M. Warner Contrnctor-Bulldcr AIritRATIONS-RKPAIRS Phone Columbia 010. Office 208 South Jersey. Come Right Along f you are in need of hard ware and are narticular about quality as well as cost. You will find right hero hardware that will riivpIv meet your views in both re spects, you can easily pay moro than we ask without getting better hardware. You cannot pay less and get within a mile of the quality we supply. Pot Beyerle & Armstrong 420 N. Jersey St.