St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 21, 1920, Image 6

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Archeologltts Plan Most Thorough
Examination of Structures at
.-. Camp Sherman, In Ohio.
' Excavations of Bovon rrchlAtor1c
mounds at Cnmn Shcrmnn will be
fltnrted by Dr. William 0. Mills, ctira
tor of tho Ohio State Archcolojjlcal
nnd Historical society. Tho funn on
.which tho mounds nro nltunted was
ono of thoso condemned (tnd purchasQd
by tho jrorcrfliiicnt for Cnmt Shonnnn
Tho only wrnmlnntlon ever mndo of
tho moundu wns by Squlor nnd Davis
In 1810. Itellcs thoy tuicoered wero
purclmscd by tho Ulnckmoru museum,
Salisbury, Knglnnd, for S 10,000.
Squler and Davis wero responsible
for tlio conclusion that tho mounds
wero built by n distinct rnco, known ns
".Mound llullders." 'Ibis Uieory Is ig-
orously contested by Doctor Mills nnd
other noted nrcheologlsts. They nay
tlicro Is concluslvo ovldenco that tho
mounds were built by Amurlcnn In
dlnns of tho Algonquin fntnlly. Kipilcr
end Davis, In their examination of
tho mounds, merely tunneled several
of tho mounds. Doctor Mills will coin
plctely tear them down sifting u front
part of tho dirt through screens. Thoro
nro 1 mounds In tho group. Homo al
ready hnvo been excavated by Doctor
Mills. Ono wns found to contnln l.'KI
skeletons nnd 12,000 epcclmcns of Hint,
copper nnd pottery Implements nnd
"Little Zlon" Dcomc Park.
Threo hundred miles south of Suit
T.ako City nnd reached by ntitomoblln
from I.iind, Utiih, Is I.tttlu Zlon can
yon, tho newest of American natlounl
Tho canyon derives Its naino from
Salt l.nko City, which nbout M) years
ngn was known ns 'Amu Ilrlglifiiii
Young nnd other Mormons visited the
district nnd tho Inhabitants decided
tlmt thoy would mlt the canyon "Lit
tlo Zlon," evidently considering Salt
Lake City n big plnce.
Within tho Inst few years, I.lttlo.lon
cniiyon ban been visited by n Inrce
number of tourists nnd homo of them
linvo termed It "Tho Itnlnbow of tho
Thcro nro deep ennyom with cliffs
of Wood red and cliffs of creum white
rising to n height of 2,C00 feet. Ilutc
natural brlilgi" nnd level-lopped pin
tenus, with precipitous cliffs nnd pic
turesrtio nmphlthenters, provide n pic
ture that strikes ono with nwe. Chris
tian Hclcnro Monitor.
A Wortliy CandUIaien
Rales by Hour or Contract
92$South Decatur
IMibnc Columbia 108
Work of American
-Converted jtland
Medical Officer
From Plaaue
Wo fool wo could not be ddj
our renders juatico should wd
fail at this time to call attention
in thn pnnrlirlnnw nf Pnl WnlfWj"
D. Whitcomb for State Senatbj1.
. ir..u i n ..."rJI
irom iuuiinomnn uaunty on-ipa
Republican ticket in this isUel;
iCol. Whitcomb haa been adt-j
ivoly associated with business
affairs in Portland since -1910,
bcin(r associated with Whitfield,
&Whitcomb Company, Certified
Public Accountants with bran
ches in all tho large Pacific
Coast cities. In the sprint: of
1017 Mr. WMr.nnmh nnliHinrl in
the Medical Corps as a private, '6rfotWpicasure rtcsort,
wnit nnnt nvornonn nnrl rvimilnrilv I
promoted until he returned to this
country after tho war was over
and was discharged from his
country's service a Lieutenant
Col. Whitcomb has devoted
much of his time to the develop
ment and furtherance of the in
tereat of various community ac
tivities. Ho stands nt tho ton
of his profession, having served
as Prosidont of the Oregon State
Society of Coritifcd Public Ac
countants and on tho Examining
lioard representing tho Pacific
Coast of tho Amorican Institute
of Accountants and is n member
of the State Board of Account
ancy of Oregon. His slotrnn is
tho watch word of tho future.
"I will hnndlu your business in
a business like manner." It is
Mr. Whitcomb's theory that the
best business methods should be
applied to thu Stato's business,
and tho best business nonso
used in solving public problems.
.. Architectural
? And
Mechanical Drafting
When Mankind Was Young.
Not being ns well Informed ns Dr.
W. D. Mntlhnws, curator of tho Amer
ican Museum of Natural History, Is
nbout tho matter, you hiivu to take bis
word for It. "It" happens to bo tho
Tulnoden," or "Terrlblo Tooth," n
prehistoric animal that must hnvo re
nomblwl somo oiiiitlly prehistoric de
lirium tromrus niiluial,
What really Interests us Is tho fol
lowing statement from Doctor Mat
thaws: "At that tlmo our nncestors worn lit
tle, oposNtimllko, furry creature, liv
ing In trees nnd quite too small nnd
Inconitplcunui to bo troubled hy tho
huce reittlles who In Ihoso tliij'H held
thn earth In fro."
Olio opossum, llko n lot of men, Is
fond of snoozing.
Good Roads may 2i
Vote. 302 X Vtt for 4 SUto Road Bond Limit
lll jv
Cuban tlllto n grunt denl of prldo In
tho l'rnilon, splendid iiveiiue about two
miles In length extending from a
chnrmllfg (nirk to tho Ituniiit water
front. Severn! yours ngo the tourist
who liad 'walked on the 1'rado was
genernlly hold to Iim,vo risked his life
by mingling with the crowd, when yel
low fovor scourged Cuba nintually.
Malaria was also frequent, and Iln
vuna had thu reputation of being ono
of the uuhcnllhlefft places In the
In 1!M)1 Oenernl fJorgas, then a
mnjor, became sanitary ollker nt Ha
vuna, and dealt so offecllvely with the
terrlblo plaguo that by 11)10 not a
i.'ii so had originated In tho city. The
succe-mful light against thu fever was
duo to tho remarkablo dUcoverks by
American physicians that thixo dis
eases wero transmitted by mosqultoc,
Thu light ngalnst yellow fever helped
to curb other epidemics.
lluvnnn has generally been ejetraor
dlnarly prosperous. Under the harsh
.Spanish rule, nt n tlmo when only a
tenth of tho land In Cuba was culti
vated, tho Island wns nblo to pay
Spain between ?ao,WX),0(K) nnd .? lO.tKX).
000 iiiinnnllj. Tho world shortage of
sugar has uiadn this properlty of tho
past seem n small matter. Million
aires have been iiuulo over night, tho
Cubans having so much money nnd
entertaining so many millionaires from'
America that Ilaviina Is not n good
place for u poor man to visit.
111 a . iviJ iWiX sfi1 . f i3 W?VtVr.row.llll
SqulrrtU Dig it Cstt.
Thcro Is no country Hint enn rival
North America for tho great number
of squirrels, belli species mid subspo
clrs, represented In her fauna, In so
far ns brilliancy of color and alio nro
coucsrned, however, says tho Amerl
rnn Konwtry Magardno of Washington,
tbo hnndxomoNt nnd largest squirrels
In tho world are found In tho Orient
nnd tho Ifcmt Indies. Along thu coast
of MalaliHr Is found n Mpilrrel ns big
ns an ordlnnry cat; this animal Is
bright red on tho upper part of Its
body, offnot by tlio most Intense black,
whllo all tlio lower parts nro of a
clear yellow.
A Searching
of this store's method is cor
dially welcomed. We invite
you to come and examine our
paint. To note the quality.
To compare prices. To take
cognizanco of tho consider
ation shown you. Wo leave
it to your judgment as to
whether to buy or not. Sure
ly that is a challenge you
must admit is fair.
Byerle & Armstrong
'120 N. Jersey St.
Discovery by EnQlleh Scientist That
Is of Monetary at Well as
Practical Value.
Tho extraction of alcohol from coke
oven gns on a commercial scale wns
proved poHNlblo at a meeting of thu
Cleveland lustltutu of ICugiueer nt
Middlesbrough (lluglaud) by truest
llury of thu Kkluulugrnvo Iron nnd
.Steel works. Mr. llury showed that
ho had succeeded In extracting el by I
alcohol nnd Its derivatives. Tho prac
tical' working of Mr. llury's procesi
nt tho .Skluiilugrovu plant, where f'.SOO
tons of coal nro carbonlxed per Meek,
revealed an average yield of 1.0 gal
lons of alcohol per ton of coal car
houlxcd. Tho total weight of coal re
duced to coko In tho I'liltcd Kingdom
In 1018 having been M.a'tt.OOO tons,
tho application of Mr. llury's procesx
to tho entire iimouut of coal would
yield '.'lU UI.OOO gallons, tho vnluo of
which would bo $ I !,:: .000. The re-
covin y of alcohol at the gas works of
tho country would yield a further 7,
000.000 gallons, or, alcohol anil heiixol
taken together, would amount to 111,
000.000 to meet Hid requirement of
the country, which niiiomiu to 100,
000,000 per unuum.
You can look your best in garments
of reasonable price. The myriad pat
terns of printed voiles will do the trick,
the array of colors is marvelous. The
Butterick Pattern, some study, a little
bit of ingenuity and you have a sum
mer dress, if chosen with good taste
that will go a long way toward making
you look your best.
The prices of Voiles and Flaxons start
at 50 and run to $1.50
Other Practical Materials
Organdies, Swiss, Kobe Silks, Galatea, Devonshire, Ginghams, Percales,
Suitings of Tricotine, Serge, Silk Poplins, Wool Poplins.
White Shoes Some Shoe Bargains Hosiery
White Oxfords, Plain Pumps, Perfectly good, honestly made Misses Blnck, Brown nnd White
Buckle Pumps with turn leather sll0C5 for womcll) giris ami child- Lisle Hose; the silky finish, good
sole. And a popular line of Rub- run nt $UQQ Q $ ir looUhlg, good wcnrhlg kind. For
her Soled footwear; priced s.3.50 to thc Ladies, Palm Beach, Champ-
$5.00. White is thc coul material You are fortunate if you can be nign, Brown, White and Black
for summer wear. fiUca ju l vav 0 ti,csc si10CS Silk $2.00 to' $3.00 per pair.
$2.00 to $6.50
Sunset Cash Grocery
111 Philadelphia Street
Phono Columbia 1 1 -IS
1000 lbs. Given Away Free
1'Or.GltR'S GOI.DUN OATH You will like it because
it is the bcKt Hint can be produced.
Half Pound Can (liven Away with Each 2.'i pound Tin
Ono Pound Cnu Given Away wilh Uach Five pound Tin
Here are sonic Ultio Monday Clmsorss;
Crystul White Soap, 15 burs for $1.00, 7 lor EOc
Royal White Soap, A for 25c, 8 for fiOc
llob White Soap, 4 forURc, 8 for fiOc
Cream Oil Toilet Soap, 3 for 25c
Sea Foam Powder, bin JackiiRe , 25c
Star Naptha Powder, stilt sold here at each , , , 5c
Marshmallow Syrup, 10 lb. cuus $1.15
Mnrshinnllow Syrup, 5 lb. cuus 75c
Marshmallow Syrup, small cans 35c
Karo Syrup, JJlue Label, 10 lb. can $1.10
Kuro Syrup, Red Label, 10 lb. can 1.20
Small White Ueuus, J lbs. for 25e7T:i lbs. for.. ". 1.00
Last day at this price.
Plywood In Alrplnne Construction.
Plywood In wood of nny vnrli'1) tlmt
Iiiin Ihhjii cut liy 11 iniii'liliu Into lliln
liiyiTN mill kIiiimI tojwllit'r nii'ilu In
Much n way that tlio nrilii of one Inycr
rtiiiN nt 1111 iiiikIu to thu cmln of two
niljnivnt luyoi'rt. Tlio hlroiiKili of 11
(ilywootl imiiel, In two (ilnuex. urcnlly
KXl'lH'lU lllllt Of HtlH'l. Willi KOIU wihhI.
liy coiiililnlii); en I h. It U ovtfii (mimIIiIo
to Kt't Krwilor iixtltttiiuco to Htrt-M In
nil th no plmuw tlmn xtiHtl nfroril",
tlioucli It nirWy nwi-ury to k
fur, Ordlnnry worn! iiihhI for wlrplniK1
foiiKlriU'tlmi lo not rtMjiiIrt) to wllli
NtHtid .virt hirtHit n mor limn
tWO lllllllt. WIlHt (llyWlHHl IllfHIW to
nlriiluiu' eoniitriu'tloii U wull tlliutrat
mI liy I lie Drt lliivlliinil-l. llHforo tlwt
nmtliod of nhliii; woml wnw IiivouImI
llio luNit nliiliiiu wlnic rlli wolclitHl 7.U5
oiinoiM, and vu i-hiimIiIo of ho(uIiiIiik
u loud of only Ml itountU. Slniv tliJi
llio plywiHwl rlli iimnI ihi tint 1 llnvl
iHllll Wl'lMllK .MS iHUIDW mimI will eniTy
a limd of '-'71 lHiuudd. l'ninilr Mo-
cluiuU'M MmjHiluo.
We have a special price on brooms this week Gl)c, $1.00, 11.35,
$1-50. This is the best buy in the city at this price.
Carnation and Horden's Milk, tall, 2 cans for 25c, case $5.75
Hardwood Mill:, tall, 6 cans for 70c, case 5,50
Caroline Milk, tall, 3 cans ,35c
Jersey Uelle aud Hazel wood 11 utter, lb COc
Oakdale Mutter, lb 5(c
Our butter has always Mood the test aud is pleasing a
laie number of families in St. Johns.
Jelto, all flavors, 2 for , 25c
Jifjcy Jell, two for 25c
Ice Cream Powder Cake Filler aud Jelly Powder, limited, ea. 10c
Royal Shaker Salt, each 10c
Hand Soap, lifs the dirt but not the skin, 3 for 25c
Pure Cone Honey, each 35c
Luminous Olalt Popular.
Tlio i-Hdluiu wnlili IntlUhtry, which
Iiiin uroMii In n fow your to mioJi
Initio iinMirtIiin). Iiokhii with tlio pro
duotlon of 0110 watch In luo3 hy thu
tiolcntlst Dr. CoorKo V. Klin. Dur-
Ii 11c 1IH1S-10 a fow liiiudr.! bucli
wnlrlioH woio Imported and Mild un
dfr patontH owihmI liy u Inrgo Amorl-
enn rnilluiu ooiiiimny. l'rom 1010 until
tlio pivM'iit tlmo tho Industry tins
Krown 8tMdlly, In 101 II nbout I1.W0
radium wntohod hiu! clocks woro 8uld
In tho l'nllo.1 StHtos. hihI hy 1015
tlicro wns more than a live fold In
croiiHo In tills iiunilior. I'nmi thwo
Kiunll hoKlunlnirii the w of radio
luminous comHiuud hus crown Into nn
Industry with nn output which In 1010
approximated U.S00.000 Aniorlcmi high
Knulo nnd chwp wutctuv mid clocks
mill upward of pOO.000 ImiHirted Unto
Almost Dessrved to Escape,
Uutlcr served to the prisoners In
tho county Jail at I.n Crosso, Wts.,
holptHl 0110 of them In trying to oa
capo. Tlio nutter, mixoti witn otne
cell dUltiftH'tiuit, inndo a Kuliitnnee
which furnUhed him with light for his
night work. A strip torn from his
shirt mndo a wick, With this Itupro
vised candle ho worked uluhtK. cut
tho tloor of tho coll. mnklni; a lutlo
lurKo cnouch to let hint through. A
short tunnel took him to tho brick
wall, which would have boon sy
pIckliiK for him had ho not bucu discovered.
Men's Suits
$27 50 to $55.00
Dutchess Trousers
Men and Boy's $1.75 to $8.50
The Regal for Men
The Shoe with a reputation
The staple Easy Fitting Lasts
L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Men's Dept.
Beginning the first Wednesday in June our store will close at noon and
continue closing at that hour each Wednesday during June, July and
216 North Jersey St.
Autli irwed Ford Service Sta
tion. Only genuine Ford
parts used.
Tires, tubes nnd accesaor-
Woo'ley Bros.
t'hoiic Columbia 690.
J. O. Cli.iiubcrs Mrs. II. K. Lowiy
Funeral Directors
KillliiKSwortn Avenue
TelepJwius: Wootllawu S30G C 1133
Mr. Chambers is the only G. A, K.
umlerUkir in thc city of Portland.
IVisouhI attention and supervision
Kiven to aiuiiKemcuts,
Street car riding is time lost. Buy your groceries
at The Sunset and save money.
Its Specialty,
'They nre talking of sending the
kulser to Uumcoa."
"i'w, aud they say bo will get n
cc-rUlnl welcouio there.'
Dr. N. E. McAlister
Ottke I'houe Columbls 2SI
LKwiiloHCt I'houc 31SC5
St. Johns, Portland, Oregon
tiring In your Job prlatlcj
you think ot It. Doa't wait
Tramp, scuffl Tramp, scull! All day long. No unprotected
floor can stand it. The surface goes, the wood warps and splint
ers. Your ffoor is a sight I
It is cheaper to walk on Acme Quality floor varnish than on
a bare floor. Varnish saves the surface and thereby saves all. A
varnished floor is easier to clean thau a bare one. It looks better.
It is better.
We keep a complete Hue of Acme Quality floor varnish. Stop
in and we will tell you something of floor ecouomy,
Home Mercantile Go.
209 West Burlington Street
Knights and Ladies of Security
l Cf Inline rminrll T77C
Regular builnex nutting lit and J Monday.
Optn mtttlngi lo the public ami ratmtxri jud
aud 4tu MoniUya, VI Jlora and uciabvta cor
dllljrltlllrd lo attend at lllcijaf r Hall.
Laurel Lodge, 1, 0. 0, F.
No. 186. SI. Johna. Oiinon
Meets each Monday evening in Oddl'el
lows hall at 7:3o. A cordial welcome to
11 visiting brothers.
C V Dab). N O, Carl Bcckman, Y, O.
Joe Kolxtti, Ktc fcrt. O. W. NortM, Flu, Sec.
II. V. Clark Treat.
St. Johns Gamp No, 7546
Modern Woodmen of America.
We heartily solicit the atteudaure of
our members at our regular meetings
every 2d and 4th Thursday eveniug.
O. W. Muhui, Irvln Gromachey, Clerk
Consul. aiu N. byracusc.
Meets every I'riday night at
730 o'clock in BICKNER
Hall, Visitors always wel
E. W. Hood
Coiuultlui: Member of the American
Techuical Society.
Builder of Automatic Machines
Practical, expert advice Klven ou any.
thiug mechanical. H27 fettti St. FtUm4
ig Barber Shop
108 N. Jersey St.
Woodmen of the World
St. Johns Camp 773
Meet every Thursday evening in
I. O. O. F. Hall, Leavitt and Jersey
streets. Visitors always welcome.
N. J. Slmmooa, C C O, M. Worthlogton.Clcrk.
A. Is. and A. M.
Meets the first and third
Wednesday of each month
in xasontc nail, vui
tors welcome.
A.R. Davis. W, M.
A. W. Davis. Secretary.
Minerva Chapter No. 105, 0.E.S.
Meets every second and
fourth Tuesday of each
month in Masonic Hall.
Visitors welcome.
Catherine K. Stcphcna, W. M
Ueuic V. roat, Sec
1117 S. Princeton atrett
United Artisans
Willumbia Assembly No. 300
Aleets every Tuesday at a 1'. M.
Joe Roberts, M. A.
Mary Retort, Sc'y Pre Twa,