I j2Sr II I I II II II Our Malt snd Hypophosites Compound will! Ccd Liicr Cil Strengthen.. th. - tJ and the tissues, improves respiration, nmkes the lungs strong; corrects indigestion, strengthens the blood aud gives you more energy, and iu this way heads off ill ness. Tlieu it is good after cold or grippe to give strength. St. Johns Pharmacy PHONE COLUMBIA 138 The Prescription Storo COLUMBIA RECORDS SUNRAY GAS RANGE For Convenient Cooking We have just received a lino of beau-" tiful, useful and durable GAS RANGES which we can sell at very Reasonable Prices and on Easy Terms. Below is a partial description of these up-to-date pas ranges. We will be pleased to accept your old stove or rango as part payment on a new gas range. 3 Burner Gas Range has 18 inch oven, white enamel oven door $26.50 Terms $3 cash, $3 a month 4 Burner Square Style Gas Range has largo oven, white enamel oven door $31.50 Terms $3.50 cash, $3.50 a month 4 Burner Square Gas Range with oven and broiler, white enameled oven door $37,50 Terms $4.50 cash, $1 a week High Oven Leg Base Style Gas Range has oven and broiler, 1 giant burner, 3 medium size burners and 1 summor burner, white enamel oven doors and splasher back, also white enamel drip per under burners $02.50 Terms $6.50 cash, $1.50 n week OAmondu Baos The largest walnut grove in tho United Stntesis near Amity, Ore. Every crood citizen nhnnlrl cnat his ballot at tho primary today, Friday. Tho biccest broom factorv west of tho Mississinui River is in Oregon. Oregon nroduced 10 nor cent of tho platinum used by tho Un ited states during tho war. A fino babv bov wns born to Mr. and Mrs. Rov Crouchlov Saturday evening. Remember D. C. Lewis is run ning for Stato Senator. Why not givo him a rousing voto on thq l'eninsula7 The Cash and Carry Grabateria The Changing Times The era of Chain Stores came about because a group of men with large capital could, by starting stores in different localities increase the outlet of merchandise eminating from one source. The Chain Store system is nothing more than auy other store except the buying part is concentrat ed at one place. The buyers for these stores have their headquarters at the source of production aud they buy direct' from the packer or the producer. It goes without saying that a buyer who can buy the same sort of merchandise for several hundred stores can command a better price than a buyer for just one store. The secret of advantageous grocery prices in St. Johns is this ability to buy in connection with many other stores. That is why you have had established by this store better prices than prevail almost any where in Portland. Coupled with this buying capacity, the activity of the owners, the acquaintance with the locality be cause of our long residence here ought to convince any one that we can do business at less cost than the average grocery. We always believed that "a word to the wise was suficint." The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery SCALES & CURRIER, Inc. OWNERS Mrs. Honrv Mannevof Seattle has boon spending somo time with her daughter, Mrs. R. G. Jfrand on soncca street. Mrs. Hamilton Fletcher has returned from a pleasant visit with her mother at Grnnts Pass. m . . ano report ovcrytliinsr in a flourishing condition there. Lang and Company of Portland will begin construction of a now wnrohouso at Eugene shortly. PlnnB call for a building 80 by 128 foot, of reinforced concrete. There is nothing slow about Klamatb County lumber industry this year. Mill owners nro preparing for an estimated cut of 250,000,000 feet and 20 saw mills will be in operation. Arthur Iionz of Seattle who has been a guest at tho home of Lewis Simmons has decided to remain permanently nnd has accepted a position in tho office of tho Emergency Fleet at St. John 8. To tho Hawloy Pulp and Paper Company has just been sold a strip of land on tho river front in Milwnukio containing 3209 acres, it is understood that tho manufacturing concern gavo ?u,uvy iui mu iiiutu, which uu Joins tho Haw Icy mill thoro. Asbestos covered nine manu facturero aro getting plenty of competition from tho Associated Engineering Company of this city, which sold 110 Radio pipe less furnaces in Portland, alone, last wcck. i no plant now em ployes CG men. Pity tho poor fish! With 232 now fishing boats registered at tho customs houso at Astoria, tho royal chinook is' going to find scant roftigo around tho mouth of tho Columbia. At tho opening of tho aenson tho fleet was greater than over beforo and a record pack is forecasted. Tho yeast cako nnd somo of tho other articles that depond on hops for their existence are a long way from extermination. Increasing demand for bona and offerings of high prices ranging from CO cents to 05 cents a pound has led to tho replanting of many Willamette Valloy districts this year. Trains In the United Kingdom aro to travel over wood from Oro gon forests, for 40 per cent of this year's vast shipment to bo made by Douglas Mr Exploit ation and Export Company is to bo loaded in tho Columbia River. mi a f i l ino concern nas jusc cioseu a deal for 21.000.000 feot to be shipped from North Pacific ports. Cherries have?joinod tho ranks of aristocrats this season and growers at tho Dalles havo con tracted their crop for 15 cents a pound. Libby, McNeil and Libby, who aro tho purchasers, by sat ting this figure, went beyond the highest price ever paid for cherries in the state. lrostand cold damaged orchards elswhere and this accounts for tho high figure Oregon fruit will bring. From tho Amazon, where raw rubber is harvested, until the same material comes out of a Portland mill in tho form of rub ber heels, the industry is traced in a motion picture just prepared by the 1'ortland Rubber Mills. This educational film shows the manufacture of rubber soles, heels and other similar products. as handled at tho local plant. First aids to the gardener will be turned out from the now plant the Pacific Products Com pany has just commenced con struction on in tho Peninsula industrial (district. Julius Dos sche. president of the concern. has just announced the purchase of a six and a half acre tract on which a factory will be built to handle ground. shell products and fertilizers. Florence Orchard, daughter of Fireman Orchard of St. Johns, won the cash prize iu the foot race for youngsters at the Firemen's picnic at Crystal Lake Park last Sunday. KHAKI SHIRTS. ROGERS. Tho largest prune orchard tho United States is near Eu gene. Mrs. C. C. Currinhns returned from n visit with her mother in Eastern Oregon. A baby boy arrived at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Alertas on Buchanan street the past WCCK. Ono county in Oregon, Uma una county, produces ono per cent or tno wneat or the United btatcs. BornTo Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Oliver a daughter, at the! homo 1108 S. Syracuse street, May 7th. A bouncing baby boy arrived nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. liert Johns of Moro, Oregon, formerly of St. Johns, tho past WCOK. E. W. Ancrell. a former citizen of St. Johns but for tho past three years located at Fall urmgo in tno railway service, is spending a few weeks among nis old time frionds here. Murphy nnd Allen of the Mnr phy Timber Company hnvo taken ovor the r mailer of tho Monarch mills in North Portlnnd this week. Thoy exnect to oner- ato it as a tio factory. Tho Bachelor club celebrated its 11th anniversary Inst Friduv evening at thoir rooms, which wero artistically and beautifully decorated for tho occasion. It is needless to sny that a jolly good timo was had. Portland is about to givo cold storngo facilities a biir boost. Company lias just contracted to build ZOO refrigerator cars in tho local shops for the Pacific Fruit Express Company as soon as materials aro available. No Shriner will leuvo Oreiron ignorant of its industries if tho Portland Ad Club has its sav in tho mntter. Tho organization has an inudustrinl committee headed by Gcorgo L. Rauch. which is ask hg cooperation of local merchants in having win dow displays fenturing Oregon products during Shriner and Roso Festival weeks. Tho largest lumberintr nlnnt in Amoricn is to bo brought to Astoria through an option just secured by R. A. Booth nnd Amndco M. Smith on 150 acres of land owned by tho Astoria Marino Iron works. Tho deal involves payment of $150,000 for tho property, which is on Youngs Bay, but the total investment, Deluding tho erection of a mill. is expected to reach the 2,000, 000 mark. Pickles and snuerkraut plenty of i horn are to bo turned out from tho modern plant at Kenton now being built by tho Oregon Packing Company, ono of tho largest institutions of its kind in the Northwest. It has branches at Vancouver. Wash.. Lowiston, Idaho and Salem and handles various kinds of fruits and vegetables. Tho pickle fac tory Is to bo 80 by 180 foot and ono story high. GLOVES LARGE ASSORTMENT W. W. ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN The dates for the St. Johns Cliau tattqtia this year will be July 20-20. The St. Johns Community Club held an interesting session at the li brary Tuesday evening. A hum bcr of matters of local interest were taken up. A review of the meet ing will appear iu the next issue. The Sunshine Club met at the home of Mrs. Frank Thombrue in Rose City Park for an all day meet iug Thursday, May 13th. A dainty luncheon was served by the hostess Mrs. Clansman will entertain the club at the next regular meeting May 27th. A. L. Smock and his wife aud mother and grandmother motored to Wasco Inst Friday, returning on Monday, with the exception of Ins wife, who will visit iu Wasco with relatives for a couple of weeks. Archie reports the trip a glorious one and the scenery immense. Mr. Geo. Snrenger and Miss Eva Edwards wero united in marriage at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Brico Saturday evening, May 15th. Tho cere mony was performed by Dr. II. F. Jones. The brido is a niceo of Mrs. Brice. Tho happy young coniilo left for California on their honeymoon. Thoy will mak their homo at 10 Webster street upon their return. Jazz caps. ROGERS. Good cow for sale. Cull 1010 N. Ivanhoe. Panama Hats $2.00. 2.50. ROG ERS. While thoy last, livo prong cultivator, special priced $1.00 each, bee window display bt. Johns Hardware Co. Dress shirts. ROGERS. For Rent -Nice clean furnish cd housekeeping rooms: 110 Do cntur street, phono Columbia 1071. Mens Shoes. ROGERS. For Salo Fivo room modern house, $1750, somo terms. Cal 808 North Ivanhoe street. I, C. Weir. 20 Cool WORK HATS 75c up, KUUUKS. Savo timo in tho garden. Uso n Hall Wheel Cultivutor.with fivo tools, $5.75. See window dis piny. St. Johns Hardware Co, REAL LEATHER PUTTEES $7.50. ROGERS. Bo on tho watch for tho cater pillar this year. Spray tho trees and bushes with salt und you will help keep them away, says Wood, tho landscapor. AHilnMf UNION SHITS Si W ROGERS. For Salo Now milk by month from Jersey cow. Call at 100 N. Leonard street. Mens SUITS $25.00 up. ROG ERS. urow with us In the past three years the deposits of the Peninsula National Bank have grown from $742,373.96 to $1,713,504.64, a gain of $971,130.68. This satisfactory growth in dicates two things, among others, Namely: 1. Our community and its citizens are prosperous. 2. The safety of this bank inspires the confidence of depositors and the pub lic, while its service is genuinely helpful to them. You are cordially invited to join forces with this grow ing institution. Let us co operate for our mutual ad vantage and to promote our individual prosperity and that of the community. S A L E We intend to quit business iu St. Johns and we are selling goods real houest-to-goodness reduced prices. Some of the prices quoted lelow are old-time wholesale prices. Come and get the benefit of them. This is an opportunity that you cannot afford to miss. The increasing num hers of people who visit our store daily is convincing proof that the pco pie of St. Johns know bargains when they see them. A lTo-' llitt'ixnltM foiitionotl Jiolftw to Coho Out 3000 yard Hmbroldcry anil Insertion, at oM wholrcilo prices 3Jc, GJc, 9c IW fleeced union aims ,ii.ii to yi.il value, now at All 4 fold Yarn......... worth 111c wlioleule, now ut Adjustable Kiddie lar ii.00 value, now nt Ladle' Patent Leather Slippers COO value, now at Misses School Shoes , , , . . , 1.00 value, now at Men's Shoes. , , 7.60 value, now at Men's Shoes.,, , , 6.00 value, now at Men's Shoes CM value, now at 1 lot o( Niehoff Shoes.......,.,,. , 7,60 value, now at " NiekolT Shoes. C.60 value, now at Men's Heavy Wool Shirts fi.W value, now at 3.00 Heavy Knitting Yarn 1.16 value, now at .86 Saxony Yarn ', , ,, ,35 value, iioh at ,26 Men's Aquapelle Pants.,,,,,, 4.00 value, now at' 3.60 Men's Heavy Socks 30 value, now at .25 Men's Heavy Socks , ,, 40 value, now at ,35 Men's Heavy Socks ,,,, , GO value, now at ,15 Men's Cotton bocics loo to WJc Rain Coats 4.60 value, now at Heavy Coat Sweaters ....... f , , 1.60 value, now at Heavy Gloves 2.25 value, now at Illankets, (Woolnap) 8.60 value, now ut Dlankets 4.00 value, now at Heavy Comforters COO value, now at Good nrooni , Meu's Dress Pants 8.85 to f8.25 Hoy's Summer Under Drawers and Shirts 46c Columbia and Texto Crochet Thread 12c 1 Lot Dress I'asteuers, 4 Dot, 0c value 2T Men's Cotton Gloves.per puir, 15c, 20c, 26c $2.00 .35 2.25 2.05 3.15 6.60 J.Wi 4.35 0.60 I. Hi, 3.60 1.15 1.60 0.60 a.oo 3.7G .CO Ely's Cash Store 113 W. Burlington Street I sPeninsula Nationa an Member Federal Reserve System f'S O . .-. - yx tin k-1C. 5 f i an vvnaows. carry 11 X.M t ut j ft vm m mm mm r w m mm m W Insects ; in 1 SCKEKN YOUK I'OHCl! ALSO. SO THAT SUMMKK EVENINGS YOU CAN SIT OUTSIDE AND NOT HAVE TO FIGHT FLIES OK LISTEN TO THE SONGS OF MOSQUITOES. DOING THIS WILL GAINST SICKNESS. ALSO HE GOOD INSURANCE A- IT WON'T COST MUCH TO DO THE JOH WHEN WE SUPPLY THE SCREENS. OUK HARDWARE IS THE IJESTi IT STANDS THE TEST' St. Johns Hardware Co. Phone Columbia 35 Cloverland Creamery Pasteurized Milk and Cream Fresh Buttermilk Daily Phone Columbia 659 We carry a full line of Edison Blue Records and Disk Records to play on all machines, also full line of Phonograph Necessities. The STtradivara Shop 202 N. Jersey St. Cool Ureas CAPS $1.00. ROG- :ns. Tho entertaining piny, ' ' Breezy 'oint." will bo irivon in tho Moose hall Friduy evening. Tick et 30 cents. Janitress wants office work. Adtlreai 115 W. Mohawk. 28 Shingles Coated Over With PETR0LASTIC CEMENT All work guaranteed Stop3 all leaks and prefiervw? shingles und nails. Phono Tabor 772 s i . .1 .1 m Patronizo tho homo merchant. . i t t i i i