St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 21, 1920, Image 2

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A. W. Morlcle, Uilllor
PubHslied Friday of Each Weak
r., f-ur. tnjV-jr "f i:T-x-.-
Subiorlptton prto $1.60 par year.
Tint RKvmw Is entered nt post office
In Portland, Oregon, ns uinil tnntlcr
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of Mutch 3, 1879.
Every knock is a boost, it is
said, and election returns often
seem to verify the saying.
Owinjr to the Review proint? to
nress so much earlier this week
local news matter is somewhat
1 curtailed.
Men frequently make promises
tlmt more mature judgment or
urealer consideration impel them
to retract.
Mistakes are the common lot
of the human family. But what
often seems mistakes to some
peoplo appear just the reverse to
others. Una must nave the in
side facts to justly judge.
The return of capital punish
ment ib ono of the measures
bo voted UDon today, Friday
Why such a step backward, wine
the passage of this measure
would mean, should bo taken is
difficult to understand.
In the spelling contest
North school tlio three success
ful spoilers were Andrew Hasoy
Otillia Kutzkey and Clyclo Mon
tnea. Thcso met at James John
High with eighteen others from
the 8th grades on the Peninsula.
After spoiling the allotted time
Oitillia Kutzkoy and Clyde Mon
tago were numbered among the
successful five who had not
missed n word. Thcso will moot
with others for tho final tryout
at tho Auditorium at 8 p. m
on May 28.
Voter of tho I'oninsulu, if you
want to nominate a man for
County Commissioner who
familiar with our territory, wit
our surroundings, with our wants
and requirements, vote for A.
A. Muck. Ho known, and ho
other candidate is so well in
formed. He has done much for
tho Peninsula, and will do muc
more it elected. Why make a
change at this time? It was
largely through his efforts that
tho Greeley street project wsa
made possible. Tho Peninsula
is surely entitled to reprosonta
tion in the Commisisoncr's of
ice. And Mr. Muck has tin
doubtedly been a good man for
this section, and if reflected
is needless to state that ho wil
continue such. Why taku
chanco and voto for some other
candidate not so greatly interes
ted in tho Peninsula's welfare!
It is a good time 10 show an
proclntion of tho good work Mr.
Muck has accomplished.
W. C. Aldorson, formerly
principal of the St. Johns schools.
a charter member of Doric Lodge
and a tast chancellor of Iiolmen
Lodge, is a candidate to succeed
himself as County Supcrinton
dent. In spunking of Mr. Aid
erson tho uregon voter says:
W. U. Aidcrson, Portland; grad
unto of Willamotto Univuraity.
a Ann . I a
iBtw; aorvou Hueci'HHvoiy as
principal of Kaimow, Clint in,
Kelly, Sellwood, Peninsula and
Holman schools in Portland;
city superintendent of St. Johns
schools, rjuo.UHz: then cIiohimi
as principal of Lincoln High
school in Portland and served
tintil elected county school super
intondent in P.) Hi; president of
Oregon Stato Teachers' Ass'n;
Oregon director National Teach
ers' Ass'n; had been active hi
oudoavor to socuro adoption of
county unit plan for school din
trict consolidation; has mado an
excellent record; stands high n
an educator and an official ami
is entitled to ro-oloction.
Interested patrons, ontliuni
astic children and onrnostsponk
en madu up a crowd that as
sombled at Central School Mon.
day night at oight o'clock. The
hall was attractively decorated
with flowers and Japnneso lan
terns. Tho program was inter
pursed with Bongs, drills, dia
logues and duets. Mr. Charles
Diamond of the G. F. Johnson
Piano Company and of the Dia
mond Orchestra lent interest by
his playing and cheerful respon
ses to encores. The children
showed careful training and
ability. Splendid arguments
were presented by the speakers
to the parents as tho ones most
vitally interested in tho educa
tion bills, 310 and 3M, for the
support of tho millago tax. It
might further bo said that the
money obtained for Portland is
spent hero and that tli9 teachers
are not asking an increase of
salary but that tho salaries do
not return to a prewar basis.
Davis' Weekly Real Estate
Just think of this one. Nine rooms,
modern with fireplace, nil double con
structed, includes nlmul fiOO worth of
furniture, on n 50x100 lot, well located
for 2900, with $ 1150 cash, balance mart
gage at 7 per cent. You couldn't build
the house for $4500; its In good condition,
Ilctter look this tip or you will be miss
ing something.
Seven room modern cottage, nil in the
very pink ol condition, newly panned
and knlsomlncd, well located, with som
fruit on the lot. Thlshouseisalldoubl
constructed nnd would cost $3500 to build
at the present time: it's as kooiI ns new
I'ricc 13000, with $1000 cash, balance
terms to suit.
l'our room cottage with water, lights
and ims, lias lots oi nice irult on tlic lot
which is 10x140, nnd there is no better
location. Trice on this nlace Is $1250
Will accept ns low as $300 cash with bill-
auco uiontuly
l'our room modern bungalow with
looxloo lot. lots of fine fruit, nil street
improvements paid. I'ricc $2500, $500
cash, balance terms; close in
l'our rooms strictly modern and up to
dale, nice locution, built In effects, n fine
little home, l'rlcu $2800, takes $500 cash
for this, balance monthly
l'our room plastered cottage right in
center of town, has lxitciu toilet, chicken
home nnd some fruit. Price $1350, $250
rash then fiti per moutli, Tills is n rent
beatur with u lot 10x132 with streets Im
l'our rooms, Imth und toilet, with cel
lar, wood house, chicken house nnd gar
age, wiine fruit, includes good range, lot
5oxloo. A good buy for 11550, huff cash
balance on mortgage.
Six room modern house, has fruit and
flowers, close in for $2500. If you can
dig U) $350 or more on this place the rest
can go on n nur mommy payment iiicjuh
lug interest
l'i tie four room modern cottage nearly
new. full basement, line mid dandy con
dition, best imrt of St. Johns rosldencc
section. I'ricc $2500, got to have about
berries and raspberries to sell. Also
plenty of garden space. Buy now
and sell the fruit yourself. Income
$44 per month. Good reason for
this bargain; going Knst. Save
agent's commission; $500 cash and
terms to stilt. See owner, C. J.
VHSLKY, G07 South Hudson St.,
corner Oswego, St. Johns.
i 202 S. Jersey Street
Phone Columbia 528
C S. Bucy
For Hargains
Some four room houses,
$760 down on IhU place then good terms, S (),-,(). JitfO ciisll, bill, like rent.
Thlslsii regular double constructed home , . . ...i.i. .....
and is worth the money.
l'our rooms, modern except basement.
woodshed 2xl4, lot 5oxloo, fine uardeti
mid strawberry bed. l'rlcu $2000. Takes
uliout half cusii on this nnd then you can
I my $10 per inonin.
improvement nil xild; $3200,11600 cash
Nine room, modern In every respect,
hardwood lloors, double lire place, lol
100x100, $0500, $2000 cash. The Iioiim:
could not be built for the money
tiiv ai.. ii lilitlitvfi.' till lt'111 (Haiti
1202 N. Jersey SI. L fine chicken ranch: one mile from St.
Johns; $2000, $600 cash, or will trade for
Six room modern home on jwvil
street, fHJIW, fUOUauli, ixtluncc like relit
look nt this.
Seven room modern house, double
plumbing, lot 100x100, kxhI fruit. ThU
Is n fine corner. $8400, $600 chIi.
Seven room modern lion, lot 100x100
feet, lot of fruit. This In h line corner,
I'lve loom modern Imiihw, fine fruit,
good locution. $lte00, $100 rnsh. ImIhiki
Carroll & Lucas
Real Estate Brokers
A few of the ninny uood bin
gains (,ii noli Lucas have lo
offer this week:
Ten mom, modern, lot (1(1 2-'.
MOD. Hull Mock lo car lim
u-icr iJWini), ijilOOO cash, balance like rent.
monthly piiyiiicnl.s.
Mne room, modern, lot r2x
I fill; elegant home, close in,
good ivsiiliiilinl district r price
.MJ.iu, nisn Diilnnce sal'
sluclory lenus will be iiiude.
One mid one-linir acres close
ii, no buildings. Price .$2101)
Nino-room house, large lol.
well located. Price $1500. $8011
wish, 'immure .2: per month ul
per ecu i interest.
Half nere. two-room house
. . a. . .
Juki otiiside city lliulls, linrgiiiii
n -todo; some terms.
.Nine-room modem, lot
I'M' , family orcliiml, near enr
inc. Price SlfiOO: hull' cash.
iiil.iiice nut be arrniigi'd nt
er eeni,
I'.iglil-room modern, lol urge.
in cicgniil home Willi good view
l Willamette river. Price
.-()()(, $:t8()U cash, balance
304K N. Jersey St
lionc Columbia 425
A Few ol Our Bargains
I'ive loom modem hotwc $ll00, $1000
cnli, balance winy.
I'ive room limit, fiuu fruit, SIOKO,
WOO uitli.
Seven loom minium house, clot! to
l'eiiiusulH mill. SHIM), i0 cnoh. This
is ii fun place for Mime dim to keep
Ten loom liouu-, nxHitirn in every to-
siiect, lot 100x100, $6600, $600
hovcii loom modern liuiiM. utmiiitt
plumbing, lot 100x100, fluo Irult, $11000.
fan) eauii, iMlunce Iwenly dollar per
iiinuih, luleieitt MX iercent.
I'lve loom model u houw, fine Ihim;
ment, $2700, $700chkIi, ImIiiiicc ixny.
Six room modern inmo, comer lot,
new house with gnrHge, ktreel Inijirove
iiiem Mid, fimu, 7iMi ensu.
I'ive riKiiu modern house, lot 6OkI00,
nil In fine nhnpe, good gnrHge, $1KXW,
$1000 null, I liu Is ii una p.
If you want to nil your lutiwty
come in und we me, I can vll 1 1 for you.
1111 J North Jewy Street
Phone Columbia 81
I wo Hootn House, lot 75x100,
ots of fruit. S1500, S500 down.
biilniuc to Milt.
IMirec Room IIonsi. frnil In vnrl $1500.
5i;joo, iniMlowu, jjiuo per moutli 4U,'l
No. 'I Seven room niodorn
homo on hard Htirfaco street, lot
75x100, lota of fruit: a dandy
fino buy at S. Pay $500.
cash, balanco like rent.
No. 15 b room modern home.
full cement basement and furn
ace, streets improved, line cor
ner lot ouxioo: price S27M):
terms can be arrangod. You had
better see this home.
No. 19 Now 11 room modorn
bungalow, improved stroot. price
Pay $150 cash, bal. Iil;u
at 0 per cunt interest
Pour Kooni Modern I louse, nenr
ear hue. $1700, $500 down. $20
. i .
cr momti,
Six Hoom Modern
No. 2G 5 room modorn homo,
corner lot. 100x100, lots of fruit;
nrico S2225 Pay S250 casli,
balanco like rent.
No HO S room lnminilmv. biith
u.i nvt-u mul dectric llglits. cornorlot.
htrcot. $2500, $500 down, $110 per Ltreots improved; price $1050.'
uiuiiwi, gec una.
I'lve rooms down .stuir. .space up
lor lour rooms, nusointeiy modern.
fine basement i good locution. $5000,
$2500 down, mortgage back on bal
ance, l'iiic home.
1 welve rooms Rooming House,
ell furnished, fine piano, lot lOOx
UU teet. buinll liotue tear rents
Pay $500 cash, balanco like rent.
No. dO- 5 room modern homo.
lot 50x1117; price SK500. Pay
500 cash, balanco like rent.
No. ba 5 room modern bun-
galow, improvod stroot, a dandy
price $2000. Pay $500 cash, bal
anco like rent.
wo. iui uranu now ! room
Vote for Good Roads
Vote 302 X Yes for
4 Stato Road Bond Limit
Prwent Auto License Fecsi and Gnjoline
Tm will py both principal nnd intercit
on all tke bondt under tliii conilitutional
amendment. Approval of this amendment
ii necessary to permit cuily completion of
State High ways,
I'aUaJv i
for $8 00 and garoge tents for $5.00 modern bungalow, a dandy with
per month. All rooms filled. Con 'ot 50x100, price only $2100, pay
be handled for $2,000-00. A find $5 cash, balance total payment
lor some one who really wants a P inuiiwi,
tnonev maker. No. 1075 room modern cot
A fine Wood Saw on K. M. P. l?K ,u3. TO".1 "i ?ur.InC0
Pmrk. fSon.l n ,.,.,v. A II ,t. Birt'Ul, 101 OUX lUO. 1IUS IS tl
. w,. .... . 4i wi I .1 1 . . 1 i i. ;i i a.
for SU50. Look at this. uwnuy uuy oun i iui to sue u.
- , A Ili.H.OLiniitlt Inn IT
i r. i....l i uHOHiuiiuii uiiu u luuill
i-lliv.l IIUIUS UCIU i OniaiHl. raC mn, nm iiimrn nu nitninnt linon
ioij sutb. oce ns. met cemeMt noori lota of fn,jti
nroitnr Ct nhno DnnUw Pn garden in and up. largo lot 100
UIUUIUI 01. JUilllO liUdliy UU. xllO with IS ft.alley. Host buy
. . . I . i.lrri
403 IJ. Jersov St yuu over miw, rrico wiou, wimi ntiof nml.liil l .null litiln..m. I
llllrolf rl llllmn r- in ivih uiiu'imu vuoii Ullltllliv u
nunc i-uLunioin ton vM 7
J Vl J fVt Will
rfc ft. IM: TL- mClVliNNUY.
UUll L IVlIaN I IBIS 216 N. Jerey S- Phaue Columbia 2
Patronize tho
Review adver-
Good Roads may 21
2 -Five Room Modern Plats 2
100x125 corner lot, heutt of St.
Johns, 3 blocks from school, Hj
blocks to car, hard surface street,
house newly painted inside and out.
2 complete sets of white enamel VU382 XYm fw4SUttRJB9adUH !
pliuubiug, high fence chicken run,
12 full bearing trees, 3 cherry, 3
pear, v. prune, y apple, 1 peach. 1
quince nnd 1 walnut; plenty of
gooseberries, loganberries, black-
4ll JV
In order to Insure a chanaa of
Kertisomont the copy (or aush ehinga
should reach t.Mt office not later thsn
Wodnesdiy, at 3 o'clock p. m.
I'ive room modern liounc with linrHKc.
Tills is flue corner; street riuil ecr
snutlful gray or
black adult onskat,
hoarse, box, 2 outoo
ombnlmlng nnd refin
ed service for ...
l'uuernls l( desired fur 20, $30, f iO, $6U. INj-licr priced luncrals In pro
portion, We manufacture ensket. Lndy nssistnnt.
llcnuliftll fllliernl clmpel,
Main 2691 Independent Funeral Dlroctora A 7006
Washington ul Ella Slice), Between 20lli and 21st Street, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
CM Central Ave. N.
Phone Columbia 888
Summer is Almost Here.
Tliltilc oT tho H'olloi JVon liftnlfxory ilurlitg tho
Hut Woitthov. Jvt tho
Electric Washer
Tlie APEX will wash your clothes faster than
any other washer mado. Its shining copper tub
oseilutos to and fro SO times every minute, flushing
out every particle of dirt in 10 minutes or less.
There is absolutely no wear - not oven tho fric
tion of any moving parts against your clothes.
Strong substantial mechanism, guaranteed to
give service for years without expense to you.
lilvvt rlvnl Cntitrnotlnix I'l.xtuvvs mul Siiji11os,
,o(r liiHtuUntloiis.
Phone Col. 977
418 N. Jersey Street
Peninsula Motor Sales Co,
212 South Jersey Street
Can mnhe immediate delivery
New nnd Used Cars
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot of Burlington St.
The St Johns Millinery
For Seasonable Hats at Reasonable Prices
- mm i i -
Order work and Remodeling a Specialty
Hats Reblocked, Plumes Cleaned, Curled and Dyed
Mrs. M. E. CRANE, Proprietress
The High Cost
of Living
is partly the fault of the buyer
not knowing just, where to pur
chose to get the lowest prices,
nud the most for the uioucy
expended. When it comes to
meat our shop is the place to
come. Our prices arc equita
ble, our meat always fresh,
and we give full value for the
We have plenty of Pulp Fed Steer
Beef. Grain Fed Pork, Milk Fed
Veal and Spring Lambs at rea-
sonable prices.
GEO. W. I M BO DEN, Prop.
109 North Jersey Street Market Phone Columbia 21
Ihll! (But oar
7.0 n
arc j)reiti).
uk" J I
Dear Mary
I told you that you would thank me for urging you to
get new linoleum for your kitchen. Why, my "girl" keepa
the kitchen so clean that I can go in there now with my
best dress on and know that it won't be soiled.
It was worth more than it cost us to freshen up our
homes, wasn't it?
P. S. Weren't the prices rcasonablo on our linoleum
and matting at
H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man
400-402 S. Jersey St.
Best Grade Lard and
Cooking Oils
all- u -.v m
mi .wjor s
I if '
There are many
grades of lard and the
price usually governs the
quality. However, wc can
tupplyyou with a high grade
at a moderate price.
We can also give you
some very good values in
imported olive oils and
all the vartout cooking oils that
you mieht need, for
cooking and salads.
Our oils comply with
all the requirements of
the pure food laws, so you
can be sure their quality is right
And so are the prices.
MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey Phone Col. 118
One Load of Fir Wood
Is worth two loads of Spruce or Hemlock
Be careful what you Buy
We sell only FIR
St Johns Lumber Co.