Special Sale ".'il'JMM OF Grass Rugs, Fiber Rugs, Jute and Grass Rugs, Wool Fiber Rugs, Japanese Matting Rugs We have a large stock of these inexpensive floor cov erings which we are offering at a great reduction just at the time of year when they are the most useful. Every item listed is far below the present market value, and it will pay you to see our of fering and place your order early. 8xio Grass Rug, regular $10.50 9x12 " " rcgulnr 12.50-13.75 83xio Fiber Rugs,, regular 19.75 ( 9x12 " " regular 24.50 83xio Wool Fibre, regular 19.75 9x12 regular 24.50 8x10 Jute and Grass regular 13.50 9x9 9x12 9x11 Jap. Matting regular 7.25 11 11 11 " regular 13.50 " regular 17.50 $8.00 9.75 14.75 18.50 15.50 19.75 9.75 9.75 13.25 . 5.75 GARDEN HOSE 50 foot lengths of x, inch 4 ply rubber hose, special $4-75 50 foot lengths of inch 5 ply rubber hose, special 5.50 Refrigerators $1.00 a week OAmandiJ Baos The Cash and Carry Grabateria The Changing Times The era of Chain Stores came about because a group of men with large capital could, by starting stores in different localities increase the outlet of merchandise eminatiug from one source. The Chain Store system is nothing more than any other store except the buying part is concentrat ed at one place. The buyers for these stores have their headquarters at the source of production and they buy direct from the packer or the producer. It goes without saying that a buyer who can buy the same sort of merchandise for several hundred stores can command a better price than a buyer for just one store. The secret of advantageous grocery prices in St, Johus is this ability to buy in connection with many other stores. That is why you have had established by this store better prices than prevail almost any where in Portland. Coupled with this buying capacity, the activity of the owners, the acquaintance with the locality be cause of our long residence here ought - to .convince any one that we can do business at less cost than the average grocery. We always believed that "a word to the wise was suficint." I Our Malt end Hpphosites Compound with God Liver Oil Strengthens the body ami the tissues, improves respiration, makes the lungs strong; corrects indigestion, strengthens the blood aud gives you more energy, aud iu this way heads off ill ness. Then it is good after cold or grippe to give strength. St. Johns Pharmacy PHONE COLUMBIA 138 The Prescription Store COLUMBIA RECORDS The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery SCALES & CURRIER, Inc. OWNCftS St. Johns is still on the man ana mora so now than ever before. A. M. Belicu of Seaside. Ore gon, spent Sunday with his sis ter, Mra. J. B. Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ptirka- pile are receiving congratulat ions upon the birth of a son Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham of the Sunset Grocery are enjoy- incr a nicasnnt sojourn in sunnv I California. Mrs. Claudo Waterbury of Baker, underwent an oneration I at tho Sell wood Hospital, nnd is recovering at the homo of her mother, Mrs. Mattle Short, 509 I In. Jcrsoy Btrcot. Mra. J. It. Nunamaker. of Hood Kivcr and Mrs. J. Gciss o Adams who spont tho Winter at Lontr Beach. Cal.. sncntsov oral days last week with thci cousin, Mrs. J. B. Fletcher. Read tho nolitlcnl ads in this I issue. Many of tho candidates take this method of asking; your support, -who find it impossible to see more than n small nor I cent of tho voters personally Tho residence of M E. Morris on base uuennnan street, was considerably damnKcd by fire last Thursday at '1:15 n. m. when a coal oil stove exploded. Tho Iosb was not covered bv Insuranco Ex Sorvico Mod. Attention. You nr requested to call at 208 South Jerioy street any cvonlnir between 7 and o, or Sunday from 2 to 0 p. m. Somcthimr of Im portance to men who have server In tho army, navy or marines, to bo talked oyer. A. ftl. Warner. Tho Woman's Christian Tom pcranco Union will meet next Monday at 12 p. in. with Mrs Turn. 017 East Cli cauo Street Subject, "Tho Monaco of Ages now Threatens America," by Mrs. Short. It will bo interest Injr. Clarence ioss and wifo wero in tho dlstrcHslnsr wreck that proved ratal to ten nnd wounded a hal liunurou others which occurred at Bortlm station Sunday morn intr. C aronco escnneu with t slight injury and Mrs. Foss was practically unharmed. Tho D. O. K. K. band renderod somo delightful music on tho strcots Wednesday ovoninj; be lore tho ontortalnmont given b tho Peninsula Minstrols. whicl was (riven under tho auspices of tho Knights of Pythias in Mooso hall. Tho entertainment was well nttonded and heartily en joyed. A number of tho lending bus! ness houses have agreed to cloao thoir business places on Wednesday afternoon of each week durintrthe months of June. July and August, providing thero nro no holidays during: tho week. It is expected that a great ma jorlty of tho business men will close on that afternoon. Tho Christian church member ship is crowing at a rapid rate, a number being added to tho membership last Sunday, mak ing sixty new members added oinco occupying the new church last November. At tho Bible school 233 were in attendance. A largo congregation was in attendance for Mothers' Day services. uougiass u. Keed. little son of Mr. and Mra. George Reed of 1028 East Mohawk street, died May 11th of pneumonia. The littlo boy was aged ono year, five months and three days and had been ill for about twelve days. The funeral services wero held at the chapel of tho St. Johns Undertaking Co. Wednesday at 2 p. m. Dr. Jones preached the sermon. Mr. Bartlet of Portland has purchased Laird's grocery store, adjoining the Review office. Mr. Laird, during his short business career in St. Johns has estab lished a fine and growing busi ness and has made many friends who are sorry to have him leave. Mr. Bartlet has been engaged in bus ness for a number of years and will no doubt make a success of the business here. There was a very enjoyable time spent at the Royal Neigh bors' Camp Wednesday evening when a number of visitors were entertained from Washington, California, North Dakota, and other parts of Oregon, also the Past Oracles' Degree Team re- Dresentinc the six organizations of Portland putting on the initi atory work, which wa very beautiful and impressive. Please come again, ieignDors, ana re member we meet each second anp fourth Wednesday of the month. Reported. Barefoot SANDALS. ROGERS Next l'ridny is election day. Roy Inglcdtie has purchased tho fine Uapt. l reizo property on south jersey Btrcet. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Peterson and Mr. Arrhcnius made a bus! ness trip to tho Capital last week. Tho store windows are liberallv filled with tho smiling nnd hope ful countenances of numerous of fice seekers. W ill II. Bard, candidate for Circuit Judge, Dept. No. G, was circulating among tho St. Johns pcoplo tho first ot the week. John Yandlo of Bull Run vial ted his cousins, Floyd Yundlo at 1027 North Central avenue, and Airs. J. IS. Smith nt 521 Hart man street last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Vincent of North Central avenuo arc planning a motor trip to Cali fornia in the nenr future, where they intend to mnko thoir hdmo. Tho St. Johns Community Club will meet 'at tho library next Tuesday ovoning. Members plcaso mako n note of this and attend. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Evens left Wednesday night for Now York, from whence they will tako a steamer for England. Thoy ex pect to bo gone nbouttcn weeks. Mrs. Craig, or hotter known as Airs. Wilcox, has returned from tho Good Samaritan Hos pita) where she had undergone a very painful operation on her loot. Merl Wilcox of CnmnLewls has boon spending a few days at St. Johns, boiug homo on the ncount of his sick mother. Richard Deich. candidate for District Judge, Dept. No. 2, GLOVES LARGE ASSORTMENT W. W. ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN James E. Lee, brother of Mrs. Robert Walker of St. Johns, was nccidentiy killed while engaged m saw mill work at Yamhill tho first of tho month. Ho leaves a wifo and threo children. Wo desire to express our heart felt thanks to tho mon of tho American Marine for their avm pathy and beautiful floral offer ings. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Walkor. MENS SHOES. ROGERS. Good cow for sale. Call 1040 N. I van hoe. While they last, five oroncr cultivator, special priced $1.00 each. Soo window disulnv. St. Johns Hardware Co. Wantod A Wheel chair: would buy or rent. Phono Columbia 38. address 102 Contrnl avenuo. Canoo for Sale, including two paddles, sail, back rest and Inn-- tern, $28. Call 811 N. Smith avenue. 27 Young Mon'a SUITS, rlurht tin to the minuto for stylo, prices within reach of all. ROGERS. For Rent-Two furnished rooms; also 2000 feet of second hand lumber. Call 911 North Central avenuo. Have moved to Pendleton nnd will sell my sovon room homo at 705 Willamotto boulevard, noar Kisko. Will sacrifice at S2100. on terms to suit. Call Main 5125. For Salo Good as new, gas range, gas water neater, dining GEM I1! 0,dt,m& mB ho W and lawn mowil 102 Wednesday. Mr. Deich is well qualified for tho office, and un doubtedly would mako a line judge Tho St. Johns Lumbor Co. baso ball team played their first gamo in tpo 1-L Lcngue Sunday morning, winning from tho Port land Lumbor Co. M to 2. on tho local grounds. St. Johns will play tho Peninsula Lumbor Co. team noxt Sunday at 2:30 p. m. on tho Hill grounds. Tho young married nnonlo's class of tho Christian church will have its first regular month ly business meeting In tho church parlor Wednesday. May 19th. at 8 o'clock. All young married pcoplo will bo cordially welcome, but especially thosn who are mcmbors of tho church. Aftor tho business session thoro will bo a regular good timo nnd. plenty of cats. Mrs. Nickorson is reported II with pneumonia. Savo timo in tho garden. Uso a Hall Wheel Cultivator, with five tools. 55.75. Seo window dis play. St. Johns Hardwaro Co. Do not neglect to vote next Friday. A big voto may mean greater consideration from tho powers that bo. Thon thero nro some good men to bo nominated. Central avenuo; Columbia 38. Work Pants. ROGERS. A lot to trado for your equity in a house. Call at this offico. Chilly B. V. Ds. ROGERS. For SaloNow ! room houso and bath, thoroughly modern. Prico rtoiBonnblo. 013 E. Chicago street. ROGERS soils SHIRTS for Sunday or for Monday. For Salo Fivo room modorn houso. $1750, some torms. Call 808 North Ivnuhoo street. L. C. Weir. - 29 Covoralls $1.50. ROGERS. For Salo Houso with roomB, pantry and garret, lot 50x1204 feet, $1300, terms; cloao in, immediate possession by ownor, G30 Contrnl avo. north. TENNIS SHOES. ROGERS. For Snlo Ono milk goat, -1 years old: two nnnny kids. Ow nor moving away. Phono Col. 930 or Col. 811. Garden space for rent. Cal 110 East Chicago street. Gonuino PANAMAS $2.00. ROGERS. FOR SALE-Kitchon Stovo with hot water coil, also Gas Rango, both for $10. A big bar gain, at UzU s. Joraey Btrcot. STATEMENT uondonaod Stnlflmnnt nf rt nc nt niielnnoa ' w.-Bawaw v WIWUV Wl UUglUUgD May 4, 1 920 RESOURCES Loan and Diicountt . , , Overdraft! . . , U. S. Uonda and Certificate! , Stock In Federal Reierve Dank . Donde and Seourltlei , , Furniture and Fixturrt , Caih on Hand, Due from Danka and United Statei Tteniurer . 11,029,045.62 136.19 373,555.09 3.450.00 275.660.60 13.545.94 493,225.50 12.189.619.40 LIABILITIES Capital Stock fully paid In . Surplut and Undivided Profit National Dank Note Outstanding Depoaitt . . Federal Reterv Dank . . $200,000.00 51,114.76 . 200,000.00 1,713,501.01 25,000.00 f2.lfl9.6l9.40 lip Peninsula National Bank Member federal Reserve System 'aooooaooaQooooooaaoooooooo Li Eh Some people know a bargain, others do not. We are offering bargains all through our stock, whether you know it or not, and every day is re ucing stock with many items sold out. A Jfow Jilt renins Mentioned Jlulaw to CIohu Out 3000 yards Kuibrolilery ai aud Insertion, at old wholesale price 34c, Gic, 0c 100 I'leeced Union Suits I2.2C to 12,76 value, now at 2.00 All 4 fold Yarn worth 41 Jc wlioleiale, now at ,.15 Adjustable Kiddie Car. ... .n 3.00 value, now at 2.25 Ladies' I'atent Leather Slippers , 5.00 value, now at 2.05 Mimes School Shoes , 4,00 value,jiow at 3.45 Men's Shoes 7.50 value, now at 6.50 Men's Shoes 0.00 value, now at 4.85 Men's Shoes , 5.50 value, now at 4.35 1 lot of Niehoff Shoe. . .' 7.50 value, now at 0.50 Niekoff Shoes , C.50 value, now at 4.85 85 .25 3.50 .25 ,35 .45 Men's Heavy Wool Shirts f 1.60 value, now at fd.W Heavy KimtiuK Yarn l.io value, how at Saxony Yarn 35 value, now at Men's Anuapclle Pants 4.00 value, now at Men's Heavy Socks 30 value, now at Men's Heavy Socks 40 v-due, now at Men's Heavy Sock CO value, now at Men s Lotion socks ioc 10 ow Rain Coats , 4.50 value, now at 3.50 Heavy Coat Sweaters 1.50 value, now at 1,15 Heavy Gloves , 2,25 value, now at 1.50 Iliankets, (Wooluap) 8.50 value, now at C.50 Illankets 4.00 value, now at 3.00 Heavy Comforters 6.00 value, now at 3.75 Good Ilrooni .00 Men's Dress Pants J3.S5 to 8.25 Boy's Summer Under Drawers and Shirts 45c Columbia and Tezto Crochet Thread . 12c 1 Lot Dress Fasteners, 4 Doz, 'Oc value 25c Men's Cotton Gloves, per pair 16c, 20c, 25c Ely's Cash Store 113 W. Burlington Street I i , !! - 4 imiJfn r i ti x . ii ir n A JTurr 15 ,v:iii:vi msx You II. lave a t Good w Garden ffyouiheOURl GARDCr ' loom WATER MII.YUNSI WATKK MILYUNS! OF COUHSK YOU WANT 'KM, YOU ALSO WANT PKAS, HKANS, NRKT5. COHN, NKW lOTATOKJ-- ALL SORTS OF I'KI.r. VT.GKTAnLES GROWN IN YOUR OWN GARDEN. WELL, THEN, COME IN AND 11UY OUR NEW LABOR SAVING GARDEN TOOLS WHICH WILL MAKE YOUR GARDEN WORK JUST FUN. THEY WON'T COST MUCH AT OUR STORr OUR HARDWARE IS THE EST IT STANDS THE TEST- St. Johns Hardware Co. Phone Columbia 35 i Cloverland Creamery Pasteurized Milk and Cream Fresh Buttermilk Daily Phone Columbia 659 We carry a full line of Edison Blue Records and Disk Records to play on all machines, also full line of Phonograph Necessities. The STtradivara Sho 202 N. Jersey St. Cool Dreaa CAPS 81.00. ROG ERS. The antortainlne play, "Breezy oint," will bo given in tho Moos hall Fridayveninir. Tick et 30 cents. Janitrefis wants offico work. Addresa 115 W. Mohawk. 28 Shingles Coated Over With PETR0LASTIC CEMENT All work guaranteed Stops all leaks and pretiervas smugles and nails. Phona Tabor 772 Patronize tho homo merchant. t I i