No Aim in Life Vote For 1.1 THE ChristianChurch Announces The coming of Percy George Cross and Wife EVANGELISTS Of National Reputation Beginning May 27, 1920 Vote for SO.O . UAB& MAY Vote 302 X Yos tor 4 State Koad Band I'ald mlv "Girls with no aim in life hut to walk up and down the streets, satisfied if they can get enough money to take them to picture palaces and keep them supplied with hiRh-heeled shoes." Thii was the indictment delivered hy Miss N. do Silva against the' modern girl of the middle class. Miss de Silva is the wife of Martin Harvey, English actor, and she herself is high in the play world. She was speaking on the subject of Women's Work at a meeting of the People's league and Iliusewivcs' union when she so strongly arraigned the modern young girl. Other points she made were: "Now as women are taking a larger share in puhlic life they must take care that they do not lose, in their emancipation and the knowledge that they could organize, the very thing which in the past had been the backbone of England their love of home. "These little girls, the typo of womanhood known an the "flapper," half children and half women, have become almost a typo of this generation alone, it is one of the saddest types this country has ever known. They do noth ing and are of no use; on the contrary, they do incalculable harm. Thoy do not qualify for mothers or for wives and thero is nothing before them but dis aster. "Iho streets of our towns arc crowded with these little girls, 15 and 1G years of age, with no aim at all. For the most part they do typing or serve in shops and they just on duro thopo few hours of work in order to bo able to dress up and walk about in the evenings. In the wealthy classes wo have found exactly the samo thing- thore is no love for home and very little respect for tho parents. Their idea of life is leas and lunches in hotels and smoking cigarette. What does it end in? Misery and nothing olsc. Smok ing ilHclf is not a harmful thing, out unon acmilrcri as n remit o habit it is a sign of general loose ness, why aiioum a girl smoker I have never been ablo to find out. 1 have had a pretty long experience and I can count on my fingers tho women who smoke because thoy really likoit. "1 recognize that youth must Have enough recreation and pleasure," said Miss do Silva, in conclusion, but it is tho deeper things that matter Mothers, fathers, home lifo and work." AT. a MUCK FOR County Co msrassioner Present County Commissioner Always on the Job Continued Good Service Republican Primary, May 21 Has Splendid Record Mm I Vote : I ELEMEI Vote 314 X Yes ELEMENTARY EDUCATIONAL BILL "Tlie Children's Bill" Will Hive your children good teachers. Will lrin $80,000 into state fund from property in rural counties previously untaxed for school purposes, Washington j;Ivok $.u per census child 'Oregon $i i $5, Which will have th hettur Mihooln? Knur thousand ix hundred children now without school.) more next year if j-iuill levy fails. lillit hundred tuucheis short mote next year unless the "Children's Hill" iwsata. One well educated citieu is worth a tloitm Reds. Our parents sacrificed to give us an education. Will you do less for your children? Vote 314 X Yes l'alil ftilv Wa f heitner tor I Dow V, Walker OP ST. JOHNS Candidate for Delegate to Republican National Convention Prom Third Congressional District Stands for "A UNIT KD RKPl'DMCAN PARTY" Judtro Mnrtin W. Hnwklns. who hv tho way is a member of nnrrv-rrrrvnrirrrp rr 1,10 st Joll8 Community Club, LlyOjj ts . vxslsl n and who was appointed January 11 th to fill tho unexpired term 01 jikiro Arumr u. unyton as District .IikIko of Dopartmont No. a, is sockinK tho nomination for that office. That he iu well iiualifiod for tho position is fully attested by his many friends. Ho was born February 20. 1888, and camo to Oregon with his pftronts in December 1897 and w ith tho exception of ono year has resided in Portland since that time. Ho was educated in tho public schools of Portland attend ed tho University of Oregon in tho fall of 1908 pursuing1 ncado mic course; irradunted from tho l.iw department 1913. Ho was admitted to thn bar in June, 1913 and over since that time has been engngod in tho general practice of law in tho City of Portland, excopt for a period of time spent recently in tho mili tary service. He attended, the first officer's training camp nt tho Presidio of Sun Francisco, May 1917; was given a com mission as 1st U. of Coast Ar tilery; served with thoGoth Ar tillery in Franco for about 10 ' months; rocoivod a promotion to tho grndo of captain in Oct obor, 1918, while at tho front. Ho was recomendod for promo I tion to the grade of major, and 1 was promoted a month after his tho grade of major in the Kcsorvo Corps, April,, r u lii n 1919- Shortly after his dis-. Ur. !1. M. Oreene e, hewas engaged in re- construction work with the Red Cross of this city for about five! months. "In September of this I year, ho again resumed the! practice of law, becoming assoc-1 mted with Hussoll F. Sewell. He I was appointed, Jan. 1, 1920 to I fill the unexpired term of Judge! Arthur J. Dayton, as District Judge, of Dept. No. 3. From A. A. Aluck's Platform "I favor 100 per cent Amer icanism in all departments of I county government: enforce ment of la w and order; develop ment ol the budget system; reduction of cost of govern ment by consolidation of con flicting activities; home labor and home products. "1 shall keep my office door open, as I have iu the past, so that the public can transact business without delay." Jos.W.Beveridge REPUBLICAN Candidate For COUNTY CLERK Vote 145 on Ballot Will H. Bard Republican Candidate For Circuit Judge Dept. No. 6 Justice without fenr or' favor to the rich and poor alike. Ballot No. 68 Paid Adv. Pnld Adv Ballot No. 138 Paid Advt John A. Mears Republican Candidate For District Judge, Department No. I. 5 yfiitii experience n Jinle in Iowa. 17 yearn lav Practice in Oregon, JtitdorH-d by leflilltiK Attorneys and Prominent CitUen of Mnltnomnli Cot BOON CASON For Circuit Judge Department No. 6 lUHTIIMCAK Square Deal to Rich mid Poor Alike. Bnllot N . 69 Xiil lv Your active support will be sin cerely appreciated. Stanley Myers (Present Deputy City Attorney) Candidate for Republican nomina tion lor Dl6trlct Attorney Ballot No. 124 pa M itv Vote No. 28 HAMILTON' 'JOHNSTONE -FOR DELEGATE To National Republican Convention (Two to elect) "Orejon's Choice Is H Choice" ELECTION, MAY 21 allot No. 120 Jotinty Paid Adv. STATE RO Vote 302 X ADS es For 4 State Road Bond Limit TRAINED BY EXPERIENCE FOR THE OFFICE Vote-161-X IMhl ! VOTE. FOR Republican Candidate 1-OR County Coroner 1 1 wtie worn. A ray 302 X Yes 303 No -BALLOT TITLE IS AS FOLLOWS:-: CONsTITirriON'M. AMHN'DMENT IUml to th. pwpU br 0. I-.fuUlivo.WmWy. LIMITATION OF FOUR PEfl CENT STATE INDEBTEDNESS udiuf ixatiii ttrbttamf llabilltta tinUiiiinc ixnuanant roada to tha Artirla l it Ujtl'utlun q( tht Huu of Onton i u tuponnlt tU m'KfufMuwiBuu iuuiiiiim lKiuuiiiff ptfwijv ilruifftiiaiuuut uu nlnuiiuii( (xnoanent ruadt I lojtwil ol two per cent u now provided by Uw, Iji ikttpurrii) building ml ratinUn m:a tn it i mr percent oj th iu 1'iB tMa 1 1 urrgon, la if -SHERIFF STANDI rO MAINTENANCE ORDER. LAW ENFORCEMENT B.tlot No, 142 Mid adv NO PROPERTY TAX-NO DIRECT TAX NO INCREASE IN AUTO LICENSE FEES NO INCREASE OF GASOLINE TAX Keen thi'fo threo facta in mind. Tho nrcscnt auto limn ffxn nnA gasolino tax will nay both the principal and interest on all tho bonds under this amendment, nnd will vield an annual surnhis tiMid fnr nt lip state Jiiglnvay work. No additional taxation of any kind. FEDERAL FUNDS MUST BE HATCHED Orccon niUit have fcuiFu-itnt IIii:liwuv Funds to mntrh Pnlnr-tl .nmrlln.. rnenta or Orvj;i.n cannot get tho benefit of Fulcra 1 money for Oregon Koadi. tuviviuiiiti iina cuiiBiuuiioimi iiiuu is a ncccssuy. unless limit in increased bv direct nrt highways an cither atato roads cannot be completed for many, many years, or must bo finiaheti ujierty mxnuon. una measure nveiia uirect projicrty tax for stato IU I1IUA. Uallot No. 163 paid adv I VOTE FOR WALKER raid adv I Pulley & Zurcher Plumbing, Heating & Tinning We Repair Aluminum Ware ' I'honc Col. 62 5pJ S. Jersey St. OUONQ TONQ CAPE ' Try Chop tincy anil Noodlea at xulur prlcca. Home iiime ludry every day ut 'Cafe of Merit," Wo. serve bnukfat and dinner, 0n Irom t) u, in, to l-' p. ui. ICQ tit Jersey street. Don't send your of town. printing out W. C. North Republican Candidate For Representative Keep Your on ROGERS In order ro Insure a change of ast' rtlsement the copy for such ehanae should reach tMs oh'ico not later then Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Brintr in your job printing. raid ad by KpU. tw i Portland IVfnnfrtfirind fn l MANl'KAOTl RI-RS OF Panels, Berry Boxes, Coffee Drums, Ex celsior Grape Boxes, Egg Case Stock, and all kinds of Veneer FACTORY, FOOT OF RICHMOND STREET General Dressmaking) Reasonable Prices MRS. FERBRATHE 422 East Leavitt Street I makes early completion possible, Lct'a get tho roods built now. Income from Present Sourtw Sufficient to Pay Prinoipl and Interest i.Th8 'f' l'1"' venu rrom aut licne fee and caaollo Ui. without Icrof prent rale. wUl tw ample Ji ry,bpth rriocipol aud iuUrnt on hrj bond.. U clearly aet forth br official fixurS . Exarnio thj Ubl, carWully It rnt that no rrrpcrty U U rwiulrtd and that pronnt'raUa (Sr auto Irftnw In.a and f-J U ili ml.yn nrineimtl and iuUrtat and ye d iiimlm, For Ictorcat TablM, IVmphlcti or further ItfortaiUon, writ to . .iSBS.?.?-4?3. AND DBVELbrUENT ASSOCIATION iwjiMWil itvtcvatci auiuiuin ivruaau, uftgoa VOTE 302 X YES For 4 State Road Bond Limit paid ad buy or sell St. Johns Property A. W. DAVIS Real Estate Fire Insurance and Notary Public List your projx:rty with me if you desire to sell quickly 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns COLUMBIA GARAGE Pioneer in St. Johns Has NOT Moved Furni',K-e,! and But Will Continue in Business at the Old Stand Gas, Oils, Supplies, Storage and Repairs Near Jersey l'ricci Reasonable - EDWARD BROOKS, 525 527 Columbia Blvd Fivim Chnn French Block. 1 107 Fessenden Street