THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. V. Mnrklc, lMllof Published Friday of Each Week i Subscription price $1.50 peryenr. Davis' Bargains Six -room cottage with hath and toilet, electric lights and as, close in to center of St. Johns, on unproved street, lol Tint Rkvikw Is entered nt post office -mv.m. ,.:,. tunft Si'HHI rnli In I'ortland, Oregon, u timll nmttcr .H'MUU, pi ICC ."M8UU, .JUU tnbh, of the second clnsg under the Act of Con. balance .20 per month with rfrcssof March 3, 1879. per cent interest. " - Niftiest new hiniL'alow with Mr. Hamilton Julinslono, who river view and sewer connec- is a enndidate for delegate on tho Hons right in the center of SI. Republican ticket for the Chi- .Johns, lot ulono worth $i;U() caKo Convention, has many u yoes for 1000, $1500 cash, friends In St. Johns who are baltuico inorlgage. This is a anxious to see him elected. They (,uy j,onie and can't he heal spoakofhimin terms of highest f,. location and style, praise, and in every way is ,usl tliinlc of this one: Nine (leemo; a i thoroughly competont ,.0()lns mwvrtt witi, firejilace, and reliable man. He will no dtmijie constructed, includes doubt racoive a handsome vote ll)mll $m NVorh of furniture. hi 01, uuiuin. mi. y mibiiu ia .,0x100 lot, well located lor the husband of Maud Mcl'herson, mm wjl, $nsi) CJls , , who was a tonchor in the St. mwlmil(l ul 7 ce ,,, Voll Johns schools for a number of 31,. Vhe house 'for S.l.'ri(. i'u iti ifnfiil I'fiiiiMliiiii Heller look this on or vou will ii siiouid not OQ lorcoiien tnai. ii inissinti suniel iini. DOW Walker Is a candidate for Kf'vcn rnnni tiinrtpni r.rilliiirp. .1 . . l il ll , .1 f fct - A I .. . .. . . . uc CKaie 10 mo uenuoncan inbi m n u vci-v nut n mm I . i ..if 1.. 1. I. .1.1 .1 . . . . . io tin i uonvcnuon 10 uc noiu ui mi. ikm ChicaKo. No better wi.ll I.I I 1- M.. ! I. I .. UUU U UU II IIUU. I1U IH UllllUWUU Unnw. I rnil mi with nil ma (lunimcauonu aim is om nont v f tied to fill the nosi Hon with credit to himself and the nuonle in general. Ho has been a resident of St. Johns for tho past eighteen years, is a property owner and first class citizen. Mr. Walker gives much of his time to the public welfare and is an active figure in civic affairs. There are two delegates to be elected in Portland, and lion, newly painted and kal located, with the lol. This house is nil double constructed and would cost $:i500 to build at the present lime; it's as gooi as new. Price WOO, with $1000 cash, balance terms to suit. Four-room collage willi wa ter, lights and gas, has lols of nice fruit on the lot, which is 10x1 10, and there is no heller loeallon. I'rice on this place is !jilli.")0. Will accept as low as mice. iMnc home. Twelve rooms Rooming, well furnished, fine piano, lot 100x 100 feet. Small bouse rear rents for $8.00 and gnrnge rents for $5. 00 per month. All rooms filled. Can be handled for $2,000-00. A find for some otic who really wants n money maker. ' A fine Wood Saw on K. M. V Truck. Good ns new. All tools fo for $050. Look tit this. We have fine acreage near Poit land. Good buys. Greater St. Johns Really Co. 403 N. Jersey St. PHONE COLUMBIA IG() 202 S. Jersey Street Phone Columbia 528 C. S. Bucy bo one of them. Seven rooms modern with mid .mirl'iicc si reel mid cvlriil - i r i 1....1 i . I ... . . . . ..... ..... . iju nut luruui nor iiukiucl id i i iiie river viru nil hhi.v Mill, iuis I voto for A, A. Muck for County riivplnee, lots or fruit mid How CommltJHioucr. Ho Iuik demon- ilmulv: imir i.iiuii. Htratud what hu can do, and wo I'our-room modern bungalow cannot ask from a County Com- in n in nnrlli mill Imm'iii'iI lln. miBSiotior more uian no iuik done, imninnl, l ine condition. A I ospeeiaiiy lor inu i 'eninsuia. uim huv at $21 Grocer ecra: SK13 .1. V. (SILLMOKH For nargains Some lour room houses, ' III) Tiilfi.u Stflllll And there 18 more to t o. Wiutiii.ii ,:., ,i i ,.i h.iu nv , imi lll;i. nni. I , , . . . . iiini iriMiiii in iw i t mini io nil T"' .p . ... . ciiiimii urauoniuoruniiiHUiacouiu n,,,. (. ,,mi i, iH ,, ,IHirrn Kw wlili kmk UXPUCI 10 roCOlVO irom lino Wild Uimu. Ii-nil mi Mm Inl Slil... Tlili i llMf ruriiir; Mrrtt hihI fer may know littlo ofourwantaaiii .. ..ii. .i i i u i.. MiMi.rmiiiiviiUHii imiii; f:MiN).9inu()cMii. roilUlremuiltM. Alii IO JUlhred i .... t.i Nliu- hmmii, hkmIith In every ttmiNN'l - .. . . w if llllll II I II. frnm tint Inn inu en. ' . . . mhiiiwikmi iHMim. iiiiuiiie me iince, h,i on,2 i . ril.. .nrrion Vim b wil1' IHOxind, lols of line I rilil. ml.l ....t In- Imllt for ilw money. Uipaticy OI UIOOUICO. All. iMUCK jj S,.( ( i,oVCIIII'lllS llllill: Six wrenon lilK1iw; till vlll ink is n man oaKy of approach, al- 7' -,( )( , ! ) n , J I , , ... d.kken im.ri.; m mile f hi way courteous and accomniodat- " f! ' mmmi Mum fwwo. fmimii, r uiu irwi r.n 5nif. mill nw n linnutiif linn fmv. illilift . . Imuw. ing, and as a booster has few cipials. No one knows better (in .... ' .. . i i I .iivrooui nmuKe uenriy moil- $iK r,M,m nmvtn mtMf I (-111. Willi l.l.l leel lUl'lllg (111 Intri'il, aOOc.i.ll.UlHlK.'ellkerrnl. llllill nil Ilin iiiiiulu or llilu mixl of I t o C( untv nil o I wm hi w WiHamclle Hnnlevanl by 120 ' . mo cou niy, anil no Known now .. . , . , ,. .. . , ?-?n unn io i in i ii num. i noro s not iitm-iiiim.. lot .i . . ..... . .. . Ililif llilu minimi until n iiiiimiih' I r 11 uiu siignioHi iiouni out mat Air. r ' , u.T,.,v.. m "tie eonwr Mill U Will I eili.ntv'.t Mi.. Ilmin. IIIMI I IM I ll'. I I ICC O HMU, I ...,.,,. awi Miiraita luiiuiiu lliu llllllll" I iiMMietn iMmv, uotiine KKIxlOO, u'hhI fruit. Tlii miuturii luaiiua LlI llUlvtfMt fpiuiHi nisu, iiiiiiiuee on lerms. feot, lotn of trull. Tliinl m lino corner. iMiic-room house with halh if mm, mill l.iili.l lulu ul' I'i'iiSl mill iini'.l l'lve iiMim iiMwIarii Imhum. flnu fruit. sr.. .lo ins uist hroo cam i lutes .1,... iiwui-f) ..t.ii.i .... koimi lucntkm. mw. jboo mtii, iince In tho rutin nir. to wit: 1). C. H... '?.... c nu a. . " I HU" llllill III lllll II. I III llllf.l . a I...H- ...lui. iJ I i 'I've r?m imMiern liotwe fWMto, jiwhi 1.. 1 1 ... 1 inmi v ii.iii. 1 1 in in 1111 uiiiii uiu in 1 null. Mlancv iwtiv1 IH MM Irniini-hnil tirtvtillitn mwl nnr i. i. .. . ... i. . . '"i imiih.bwj IWIIIIlIn M It r 1 1 1 1 1 1 liwil mil fn- Il.itl.. " .,... i i; ve n-OIII IMHIH', line IIHU, IVU, .:,. YJZaTL i '" iT.Y. : :t 1'" "igner. m ine pasi., nvinvn. .vKiBiiiiiwii ill uiv HiU (' .,, ,, . .I loini. 1. os.. It. Sitven uxim otoilerH Iuhiw. cIumi Ui llH. I.etllS keen a I 1.... n.,.,. i:..i...i I lniuuiiit min. tmui. ,ma Thu ....... ..1 .1... 1 ...... 1 . .. .1 ihi iuiiv i 111 win 1 111 -1 ii.-iuiii. , , ; " llllill III. UIU lUKIMIilllVU IUHl. Ulll'l mill nil imfc IlllVi Villi 1 1 " 1 r""- "" ! i '!' way 10 110 tills Ih lor all to hoout r." . 1' . for I). C. l.owiH for Stnto Sen l0" "! . ,UA uUsV !a " ,m" Tl, rM' '" wmU'" ' "very ie- ntnr No 7't 1111 Mm linllnr VVn I"' M,,l,,!' mm- it wci, im iimxiuo, foww, fow e. khiiiiiiii'- iiiiv iv wi tin nut 1111111" 1 wven worn iittMierii iKWke, utHiino i d on l ie Pne MV ( oust. HmhiI.Iiik. lot looOiMJ. Aim Iruit.fiMMMl. A Y I) WIS I " 'in. iMiMitce iHeitly iwiinni ier 202 N. .Ii rsi'v SI inioua vote of tho entire renin- uula. ballot. We havu a candidate for County CoiiiiniHsionoi' in A. A. Muck. Ho in a valuuhloaiwot to thin end of the county, (let in and hornU Ills niunbor on the ballot Ih HIS. I lion wo have a candidate foi delUKato to tho National Cou vontion at Chieaiio in Dow Wal kor. He is active for our wo. faro and should bo sent to the tJliieiiKo Couvontlon. (let in and boimt. Carroll & Lucas Real l-slafe Brokers few of the mimv eood bnr- ituiiiivin, viu-i, in .11 i 1 1. . 1 11 " Hiii iu mii your lliieri) Hi nilinbor Oil ther -1.!118 ,,'r A LUL"S l,1,Vt 1,1 wme in ml me. I emi m;U itfor ou numlli. iMturvot Mx r reut. l'lve rMin iiMhlrrn Ihium, Mhv Im- IIICIIl, fX,O0, fTW CMMI. lwlltlK! !). .Six loom ituMlern luwce, corner kit, new Iioum with KumKe, tret t lttiiro-. iiuiui hiiu, f.Tjini, tihi chii. l'lve KKini nimler 11 Ihhih1, lH fiOvlOtl, nil in tine thn, kmmI HHruK''. JW, 11KKI cit1i. Thu in it miHi. It you WHiit lo Mil your ioierly ballot is !I2. Vote for tlieno mon and thereby help St. John. NO. 211 ul till- t'ollitltltiu 1 ul'IVr this week: IV11 room, modern, lol (il! 2-.'ll slOO, hall block In ear line pruv IjsJ mi North Jersey Strcut riionc Loniinuia til kiit The Bank of Commerce JmlvSL"1'11' 1 "" McKINNEY'S BARGAINS iiinnthlv payments. Mi if room, moilern, lot i2 I ."(); elegiml home, close in, sa.aou uo rem llic eloe u( lm.iifN lluy Itli, Itial KlttUIUKCKS. IMH nml iliooHiiU ftnW III, uvornmiK, Mcuteti hiui mh oeuirl IUhmU mhU wttrmuu .StwU, nmurltlMi, juJwwiiU, etc IkuklHK kMWrfUlMIM MM I'lMHilUH) anit tIUI Oibr itl MlMle uivhwI J)u (ium fwoMl itiMirve Ixtukt CliwLi Mint utktir iteuw Cutk w UhiI Ottor toii; Mlwrty BimhI MiUkerijitkMW hiuI Thrift KtiHHim No. ! Shvoii ronm mmliirn good residential ilistriol; price homo 011 hard aur face at root, lot Si2.i(). cash $22.10. bnlnneo snl. 7Rylim. IntM nf fruit - ,1 iliuulv I siaeiory terms will he mm e. 1 no uiv at sift 00. I'nvSBW . line (iini one-null uerits close cash, lialanco liko rout. mi buildings. Price $2100 No. lfili room modern homo, cash. full comont hasomont and ftirn- Nino-room house. In rue lot. ace. streets improved, fine cor- well located. Price SlffOO. mm nor lot 50x100: price S270: 6.I71.W cash, liulaiiee $2.1 per mouth nil terms can no arrangod. on had I Sw vUr K''' mu l,,,l,ls- nouor see tuts nomu. !!?!!? I lull iii'i-i' Iwii.i'iiiim lwii. I No. lll-NowII room niodnrn I MTU 111 " - - - 'i.,i llllll"! . ' " - -.-.. . just outside oily limits, bargain bungalow, improved atroot. prico : some terms. Uiouu. ny Mou cash, tial. like M.147.MI at $000 17(1331 Niiui-l'iKillt liinHiM'ii I11I IUIK lit)'.., family orchard, near ear Hue. Price $l;00; half cash. ront. No. 2(5-fi room niodorn home. corner lot, 100x100, lots of fruit: iHilance euu be arranged at 7nrco $2225 Pay $250 cash, uiiiitnui,' iirvv.' it'in. No 5105 room bungalow, bath and electric lights, corner lot, streets improved; prico $1(550. Pay $500 cash, balance liko ront. No. -10 - 5 room trodern home, l..i citi.i'H. ifii'itn it.... ,. .'T:....i I f A I M.I I. o. "VWAUJ .I'l ivp un.u. ill) lx:" r.r.:zr"- -2S5UUH-o N. JCrSCV St Wcasli, balance liko rent. ukT:V:h. . . TO iowfr Ri nru . " n , bun. Kiiinw, iniiiruvtui sircci. a ua uiv price $2iil)0. Pay $500 cash, bal- per cent. t'.ighl-room modern, lol la rue. - . ... . . 1 an eiegani tiome wun good view ol dlamelle river. Price $;IS()() cash, balance Ttt Uil, i.iAHit.rrutK. L'i4Ul slock imkl iu $50,000.00 UAiUv IiImI iiiuAU. mm ex. ieutj nHtl tute 1 ,J) V.'OOO, luiliviilurtl 4eKMiU Miliject to lei'lUS, eiine Mt.ViT. 17 ""ttLu v-ij; - Jf" JOWER BLOCK n,rr,v.T?,.fmr.l,",.,'r,:'?f..r, u." lionc Colnmbin 425 iwmiimivi "rww ii i i row i aa.ooci.ou I Ttl fU18.frlft.ll6 StMc of OreKUU, ) M County of MultoiaU. f I, C. IterliiK, Caviiier of the ubovr naiuwl Iwuk, ilo wlcuinly tvr tkt tke A Few ol Our Bargains mice liko rent. . xno. iui urn mi new i room modern bungalow, a dandy with lot oUxlOO. nr co only S2100. nav $500 cash, balance total payment frifu per month. No. 1075 room modern cot- Two Rnnm 1Tnni Inl 7Kvirrt kSielkirZi1 belief" lo u,c uf v lou of fruit. flBOO. $500 down; tago has tiro place, hard surface C. DUTUUING. CatUier. balance to suit. struct, lot 50x100. This is a Three Room House, fruit iu yard. '' y won't tail to soo it. $15100. $450 down, $20 per mouth 'V J'0,1'131"0". '"oom nt (i per cent Interest. modern bungalow, cement base. Pour Room Moilern Ilo.ts ,,r mu.1 anient. UOOf. IOIS Ol UUU. Suli.eribtxl ami nvoru to lwfure mr till Bill tluv of Marcli. hlltO. Catf II. Wlutler. NoMry l'uWic. My oowinMoii exiiru May U, V)t. Cornwt Atteiti l'raj W. (;ernwu, 1. S, lXMitnkcchr, O.A. Ncntl, Director s month. See this VOTEf'nnn Ua h nrt ii.n4 ui..,. rnnnu imvn d,.;rc. J for uuuu nufluo mAiii fn ; : " : ' n. s I w, ...W HVNIUIMIVU III WW V I il I I - Viu302Xvfor4stt6ReiBoidUH "Vylas.omom,Kn Patronizo tho Review ndvor- ru ijv I $zdw uown, uiortnuge hack on bat-1 tisers. cor line. fl700i $500 down, f o T". V W,,nw,,,,ot ,100 oor inoittli 9 xllO with IS ft. alley. Host buy o; I, . . . , you ever saw. Prico $2760. want . "N K'" I?i,.er" 011 -!vl at least ono-half cash balance !! ttl-et. S5U0 Uown, &I0 lcr v,. 7 ,,r r w l lwt wild McKINNGY. I bOHCColHUiW $ FUNERALS Beautiful gray or black adult crtskct, henrse, box, 2 nutos ombalmlng and rtln oil bcpvIoo for. . . . MtM.l'.R THACBY l'titiernls If ileMretlfor f20, $80, J10, $00. Iliglier jirlce.1 funerals iu pro portion. We nwnufBCturc enskctn. I.ndy nsslstnnt. Ilentttiful funcrnl clinpel. MILLER & TRACEY Main 2691 Independent Funeral Dlreotors A 7Q05 Washington at Clio Slrccl, Between 20lh and 21st Street, West Side ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS, Representative L CM Central Ave. N. Photic Columbln 888 There is a Reason why the A Electric Washer is superior and more popular limn others. Tho APEX will wash your clothes faster than any other washer made. Its shining copper tub oscilates to and fro 80 times every minute, (lushing out every particle of dirt in 10 minutes or less. Thoro is absolutely no wear- not even tho fric tion of any moving parts against your clothes. Strong substantial mechanism, guaranteed to give service for years without expense to you. "IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST." The APEX JR. Copper is now selling for $155.00. We also sell them on terms to suit. Wo are Sole Agents for the Apex Gleclric Washer on the Peninsula. Buy Electric Goods at an Electric Store. PENINSULA ELECTRIC CO. Phone Col. 977 4 18 N. Jersey Street CHEVROLET Peninsula Motor Sales Go. NOW LOCATED IN THEIR NEW QUARTERS AT 212 South Jersey Street Can make immediate delivery New and Used Cars St Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 C 1101 ' Foot of Burlington St, And the Market's Best That Is our axiom. And our meats are uncommonly good. You will admit It if you enlist ttniirenK tttWIi tlO ff ottti in please and our business meth- 5 ods will meet with your per feet commendation always Roasts, steaks, chops and spe- cial cuts for the most exact- Z iug. i We have plenty of Pulp Feci Steer I ftppf ftvnin Fp.fl Prtvk. Milk Feci : veal ana spring .Lamps at rea sonable prices. 1l JOHNS CASH MARKET GEO. W. IMBODEN, Prop. 109 North Jersey Street Market Phone Columbia 21 2p IB Our 52efrLcierators avz See i i A Slzzb ;lfunqs co arc saultarij. loo. Dear Mary I've just just got me a now ice box. You must got one just liko it. Why, the bad air is drained away and there is not a foul ordor left. It'll save enough on doctor's bills in one summer to more than pay for it. Tho very health of your whole family depends upon having a sanitary refrigerator. Don't wait. In haste HELEN. P. S. A good ice box doesn't cost much either when you get it from H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man 400-402 S. Jersey St. I 'Delicious Syrup'j "::j and! Molasses ( j Those fine, fla IgfflblVu vory hot cakes taste all the better when A?r covered with some of Iff '-n) cur clear, tweet kyrup that comes to you frcih and clean. We sell the best known, most reliable brands on the market cane, corn and maple syrup at price that you can not beat anywhere else. And our stock of mo lasses for baking and cook ing purposes will please you in cver' way in quality, rich, ness, flaor end price. Give us a trial MUCK GROCERY 30! S. Jersey Phone Col. I18 The St. Johns Millinery For Seasonable Hats at Reasonable Prices Order work and Remodeling a Specialty Hats ReblocKcd, Plumes Cleaned, Curled and Dyed Mrs. M. E. CRANE, Proprietress One Load of Fir Wood Is worth two loads of Spruce or Hemlock Be careful what you Buy We sell only FIR St Johns Lumber Co. i