OHNS REVIEW VOLUME 16 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 1-1, 1920. NUMBER SJ ST. The Jolly 'Steen Club gave a farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. Evens at the beautiful now home of Prof, and Mrs. C. II. Boyd in Piedmont on Monday evening last. The houso was beautifully decorated for the occasion with lilacs, narcissus and tulips. Every member of tho Club wan present, and in tho game of 500 Dr. and Mrs. Vincont won the prize. An elaborate luncheon was served and then Mrs. Chambers in bohalf of the club in a fow well chosen words pre sented Mrs. Evens with a beautiful gift. Mrs. Evons re spondod with a neat little spocch of thanks. Dr. Vincent then pre sented Mr. Evens with a gift from tho Club mcmbors and Mr. Evens ipoko a few words in reply. D. Frank Horaman followed with a presentation speech in behalf of the Club and presented Mr. 0. H. Dcrrie with a gift as Mon day was his natal day. Mr. Dcrrie neatly responded. Mrs. Horsman then presided at the piano and tho 'Stcen malo quartot rendorcd somo pleasing selec tions. At a lato hour tho guests J departed, tutor bidding Mr. and Mm. EvenB bon voyage. A pretty homo wedding was solomnizod May 9th at tho home of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haskell at 232 West Tyler street, when tho eldest daughter, Laura Lucilc, was unitod in marriage with Victor H. Wadelc of Sollwood. The brido was attired in a beautiful gown of cream sateen with vol I of ornngo blossoms. The maid of honor was MissIicrgelHcdlic, and tho bridesmaids woro Francos Grant nnd Mary Lud wis. Laura Wadclo was ring bearer. Tho groom was nttendod by Glonn Haskell. Tho brido rccoived many beautiful wedding pre sents. Itboingalso tho 23d anni voriary of tho brido's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Haskell, they woro presented with a lofely brass jardinicr nnd forn by a fow of thoir old friends Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haines, Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Churchill nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. W. Muhm, after which delicious refresh ments woro served. Reported. James John high school Juno 20 class prcsonted its play "En gaged by . Wednesday," at tho school to a capacity houso last Friday night. Membors of tho cast wore Sibyl Bugbeo. Ger trude Hanson, Lindroff Skoar, Lowis Clark, Frank Hodges, Thomas Wood, Goorgo Miksch, Ruth Hoffman, Ella Ackorman, Charlotte Jones, Virginia Duns more, Margery Moxon and Alico Banbury. Clarenco Gilstrap was business mnnnger, Jacob Grif fith. nBsistant, Alfred Mnupin, head usher, nnd Almandn Steel scenery manager. Tho ploy was repeated Saturday evening. Elk Hide shoes for boys Wear good. Ask ROGERS Dunning School of Improved Music MRS. FRANK A. RICE Announces that &he has received from Carrie Louise Dunning a diploma as an exponent of the Dunning System of Im proved Music Study, which includes the Faelten prin ciples concentration and the Leschetzky Technic. Formed into classes pupils are taught by musical characters and rhythm sticks. An iugeuiously constructed keyboard with grand staff attached, simplifies notation by uniting these two, important factors, Each difficulty is presented in such a thorough manner that a child of ten or twelve years can master transposition, scale building, melody writing by dictation, the Dominant Seventh and Modulation. The written work teaches the student that music, as a language, they must learn to write, as well as interpret. The muscles of fingers, wrists and arms are strengthened by table technic; ear training and sight readiug forms apart of every lesson. Mrs. Rice will be glad to show you BY APPOINTMENT the especially made apparatus for teaching this system which in cludes one class lesson and one private lesson each week, making a far more economical way of acquiring a musical education. Classes Now Being Formed Studio 412 S. Edison, cor. Richmond Phone Col. 389 l will handle jour butineu WALTER D. WHITCOMB Cin.fi.fiif of STATE SENATOR FROM MULTNOMAH COUNTY Republican Flimttr Mar ll. IKO -""WJOTTTEID. WHITCOMB &. CO. Pid A Boy's club was organized Monday, May 10th, at Mr. A. M. Warner's house, 208 South Jersey street. The purpose of the club is to provide a place for tho boys to meet when down town, whore they may have reading and writ ing materials, boys' games and recreation. Tho club plans to create, extend and maintain tho higher ideals of Christian livinc. Thero will be no smoking, pro fanity or anything of a degrad ing nature in or about the club. Ono night each week is to bo spent in Bible study. Tho club will be non sectarian. Boys of about tho same ago as present may bo proposed by any mem bor in good standing. Mr. War ner is tho organizor and will act as the club's adviser. Tho of ficers elected Monday evening wero as follows: Presidont, Wendell Klosterjvico presidont, Paul Sandifur; secretary, Oscar MeKinney; treasurer, Earl Pruit; sergeant-at-arms, Paul Wagner. Besides the officers elected Monday night tho follow ing boys are members: Baxter Galloway, George Skells, Ralph Farchild, Loyal Thurston, James Noronc, Paul Clark, Arthur Vrooman and Frank King. Tho boys will entertain their pnrcntir at tho club rooms Monday even ing next. Only parents of the boys invited on account of tho limited space. Tho Altruistic Club of tho Pythian Sisters was entertained nt tho homo of Mrs. L. F. Clark Tuesday of last week, at an all day session with a good at tendance. Tho forenoon was spent in quilting. At twclvo o'clock a sumptuous dinner was sorved, after which tho nnnunl election of officers was held. Mrs. Graco Johnson was elected presidont for tho coming yonr, Mrs. Lola Jones, sccrotnry-trca-Btirer. Past supremo chief, Cora Davis, being present, was made a honorary mem bor. It was decided tho club work with tho Public Wolfaro and will carry on tho work in ,tho St. Johns district. Tho next meeting will bo held with Mrs Elizn Condon nt 1097 Cleveland nvenuo, May 18. A good attendnnco is especially desired at this timo when im portant business is to come up. Reported. Tho Roviowis planning to ap pear Thursday morning of next week in ordor to accommodnto somo of tho offico seekers who want to tnko advantage of tho fact that tho Roview goes into overy homo in St. Johns and say a final word boforo election. In order to do this it will bo necess ary for all advertisers having now copy and nil porsons having articles for publication to get snmo to this offico not later than Tuesday evening, and ear lier if possible. Kindly mako a noto of this. Who is ROGERS? in a busincuAA manner. Study CctlKltd Public Accoudkmi dv, Lecture on Christian Science A free lecture on Christian Science was delivered by John Sidnoy Braithwaite, C. S. B. of London, England, Thursday evening in tho Audtorium pf tho Jamos John High School, under : tho auspices of Seventh Church of Christ, Scientist, of Portland, Oregon. Tho lecturer was intro duced by Mrs. E. F. Day, who said in part: A Christian Scientist relies absolutely on God for help in troublo.and according to his understanding and ap plication of the Truth about God, and man's relation to Him, as taught in Christian Science, he is ablo to prove that God in an over present-help and that Ha heals and saves mankind horo and now. Tho lecturo in part follows: The interest that litis boon moused in the subject of Chris tian Science is due to the fuel Hint, besides healing people of physical ailments mid keeping them well, it is also unfolding to them the true method of self- government. I hero is no lesson more needed today Hint that or in dividual self-imveriiinciil. Chris- lion Science turns the Irtttli- seeker to the Biblo'nntl, with the commentary it supplies, turns up the liuhl, so Hint nil can see mid undersltiud things Hint were r I.. . iiiriiienv minion iroin diem. Mrs. Uddy brought to Chris tianity that which it hud hither to lucked the Science- of its leaching. Nolhiiiu could he ndded to the spirit of the Mas ters touching, hut the ngo was demanding its scientific nnd systematic explanation. Mrs. hdtly supplied both. Her book, "Science nnd Health, with Kev lo the Scriptures," is the lext book of Christian Science, mid her Llitiicii Manual provides the rules by which this liciiling sys tem becomes nn inleural IVnltiro of the Church of Christ. These iwo noons never can ne sepa rated nor superseded. It is because men tiro opt lo think themselves dependent on muleritil conditions, that evil seems so real lo them, nnd eon- versely the proof In Christian GENUINE PANAMA HATS $2.00 and $2.50 These are real PANAMAS and must be seen to bo appreciated. MEN'S Ready Made $25.00. $28.50. t STYLES for young or old. T lt. su uiusu. uniuy It li my coniunt effort to give you better merchandise at the lovteit pottlblc prices ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN BanX of Commerce BuSding ST. JOHNS Open Evenings St.Johns Undertaking Co. THOS. GRICE, Manager 208 North Jersey Street Office, Columbia 527 PHONES Residence, Columbia 299 ylUTOWBILE HCylRtSC DAY OR NIGHT CALLS GIVEN PROAIPT ATTENTION This is not a branch of any city undertaker's --- Safe Deposit Boxes Protect your bonds and valuable papers by renting a safe de posit box. The annual rental Is surprisingly small less than lc per day. We have a limited number of vacant boxes. Phone your reservation. 1920 Clean-up and Paint-up Campaign Alay 16-22, This is a good time to check up on your fire insurance. Have you increased your fire insurance to keep pace with cost of rc placements? We will be pleased to quote you rates and explain forms that will give you the broadest covering at lowest cost, IVo Wrlto All Initios ol litHuntnao PENINSULA 108 South Jersey St. Science tlinl they tiro not depen dent on muterinl conditions re lenses from the feur of evil. This wns proved to lie the ense over nnd over nguin by the soldiers in the trenches, who, confronted with horrible conditions of (lump, danger nnd discomfort, seemed to rise to u higher free dom nnd cheerfulness limn tiny body hud supposed to be possi ble. To many of them Christian Science came as a very natural e.Nphiutition of this phenomenon nnd it sceilied easy to realize that (rue optimism involves the rejection of the evidence of the senses because in applying this method, a sense of immunity from evil vjas found to result. It mny lie comparatively easy to sco'tlial the so-called proper ties of matter tiro qualities of thought, but il is quite another lliing to gain the spiritual per ception thai mallcr-lhouuhls are illusion or nothingness. Chris tiou Science tenches that disease is not a law of Cod, neither is il a law of mailer, but that it is mortal mind thai causes disease and mortal mind that needs to lie corrected. II was Jesus' un derslnnding of this fuel Hint gave his mission on earth such startling significance. Willi his clear spiritual vision he taught men Hie simplicity of the truth nnd healed all kinds of discuses, t mi ling them as the results of false belief. Bringing the body "into sub jection does not mean starving it or bullying il, but dropping it out of thought rising superior lo Hie illusive .suggestions ol pleasure or pain in mailer- for getting self, nnd turning lo Cod, Lire, Truth mid Love. The truth about Cod nnd man is set before us in Christian Science nnd we can undersltiud it and demonstrate il. According lo the Bible tin. proofs tlinl we have u right un (lerslaiiding tire to he, not the occupancy of positions of prom inence, "wealth, position and popularity, bill Hie casting out ol devils (fulso obsessions), speaking willi new (ungues (Ha fearless voice of Truth), hand ling of serpents (uncovering of error), immunity from poison. SUITS $35.00. $45.00 If you want real values t IT..?.. -... A. rm T union ftuus $i.zo SECURITY CO. Phone Columbia 1G1 nnd the healing of the sick. Mosl people will say tlinl Ihey wore never (might thai these things were any purl of Iheir duty tis tt Uinstian, regular ttl teiuiaiice at church being reward ed tis an adc(italc sign I'ollow hm Christian belief. Instantaneous healing, such as (hat (might nutl demonstrated by the Master is the kind of healing that needs to be restored today, and Is much to he p tr ie nod lo the groping t,ll(l cx' pcrimcntal methods of materia inediea. What a waste of lime it is trying to locate a diabolical intelligence In a tiny germ, equipped with a body so small that you cannot see it, when the truth Is that neither a germ nor any other suppositional mani festation of evil or disease can influence in the smallest degree a mind that has gained the se cret or self-government We are toltl in the Bible of a certain king, who "sought not to the Lord, hut lo the physi cians" indicating that it was til matter ol reproach that lie did not seek his health from (Sod. If that were the thought today, the large majority of those un selfish workers whose motives is to alleviate the sufferings of itimanlly would not be seeking lo cure muterinl belief with dm drugs nutl inoculation, hut would be Christian Seiinlisls enlisted to lessen sin, disease and death in the Christ way, the way that Jesus taught on the shores of (itililcc. Let us never lose sigh I of the fact thai It is our absolute right lo worship Cod in the way llial seems best lo us, our right to seek health in any direction that we please, provided that we do not trespass on the equal rights of others in so doing. Mrs. Frank Rico prosanted a number of hnr pupils in recital at her Htutlio, corner Fdison and Richmond Htrcots, on WediitMdny evening. The first half of the program wiih taken up with niatio HclectionH by the nunils. who acquitted themselves in a very creditatilu manner, ihu second half of tho program was taken up by a class of small children wan gave a demonstra tion of how quickly children can bo trained by tho Dunning SyH tern of Music. Tlioso children had been under training for only two weeks and matlo a wonder ful allowing. Mrs. Rico has had thorough training in this unto date and delightful method of teaching music and is to be con gratulated upon her wisdom and foresight in taking up this uys tern. It revolutionizes music teaching and in six months nf tcr starting this aystom children aro so advanced that the toucher can play a selection on tho piano and tho children can go to iho blackboard and writo correctly tho notes of tho selection played without over having previously heard it. Quito a number of parents and friends woro present. After tho recilal Mrs. Rico, as sisted by several of her older girl pupils, served punch to liur guosts. Reported. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Simmons and Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Hall with their families motored to Independence Sunday to assist Mrs. Simmons and Mrs. Hall's mother, Mrs. Andrew Wilson, In celebrating her 70th birthday. A bountiful dinner was spread, covers being laid for fiftoon. Those present besides tho host and hostess Mr, and Mrs. And rew Wilson, wero Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Ball, Mr. Roy Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Simmons, Mr. Lowis Simmons, Miss Vesta Simmons and Mr. Solomon Koch all of St. Johns, and Mr. Arthur Henz of Seattle who is a visitor at tho S'mmons homo. Mrs. Wilson has visited hero often and has many friends in St. Johns. Tho party returned late Sunduy night reporting tho road in good condition except tho few miloa between Salem and Indepen dence. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Carroll of G21 N. Syracuse street enter tained at thoir homo on Sunday, May 9 a number of friends and relatives, the occusion being tho fortieth annirersary of their wedding day. A fine luncheon was sorved. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Car roll, Mrs. Edith Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Carroll, Mr. and Mrs, R033 L. Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Harrett and daughter Ves ta, Ross Jr. and Eugene Carroll. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Yandlo and children and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cieloha and baby motored out to Mr. Yandlo's land near Silverton Saturday. Mr. Cieloha looked at a piece of land to homo stead not far from Mr. Yandlo's land. Contractor A. M. Warner mado a business trip to Seattle and Vancouver, li. C, the past week, Air. Wood a Friend of Labor It is a great advantage to repre sent a candidate who is elenrly com mitted on all questions vitally af fecting America, and whose public statements arc made without equiv ocation or mental reservations. This is the opinion of Dow V. Walker, campaign manager of the Leonard Wood organization in this state, and a rcsjdeut at 310 West Fesscudcu strcci, St. Johns. "As nn example of where Leonard Wood stands on ono of the moat important questions of the day, I might cito his nttitudo toward labor," said Mr. Walker recently, whilo discuHsintr the qualifications of his candidate. "A 8qunro deal for labor und a square deal for capital, an hon est day's work for an honest day's wngo is ono of tho planks in General Wood's platform. Wood's Btand on this proposi tion is dcflnito and clear. There is no possibility of misunder standing it. It Is so clear that labor organizations nnd labor indications throughout the coun try arc indorsing his stand and are aiding tho movement to nom inate hint. The Unionist, a labor paper nublished in Chicniro. has come out in nn editorial indorsing him and calling upon tho union men of Americn to 'put Wood across.' 1 IIU UUUtllU 1.JUIU1 IIUU1 II41I liiiJ followed tho lead of tho Union ist, and tho Labor News, print ed at Flint, Mich., Classen him nu n trim frlnnil nf fhn lnhnrinir man. Speaking of tho Gary.Ind., strike, Carl Yotmg of Musko goti, presidont of the Michigan i Htato federation of Inbor, says! in tho Michigan Labor News: " 'Tho working man of tho nation snw through thu efforts of Washington tokill him(Wood) politically. Instead of alienating tho friendship of labor, howov or, tho army officer gained thu good will of tho best element hi tho ranks of the toilers.' "Wood's handling of tho situ ation in Gary whoro ho was or dered at tho timo of tho steel strike, won him thu admiration of labor and capital alike. When Wood reached tho city tho first thing ho did was to call tho la bor leaders together. " 'You jnon don't havo to work if you don't want to,' ho told thorn,' but you mustn't keop other men from working. You will bo allowed to hold your meetings as long as you stay within tho constitution of the United StateH.' "This stand on the part of tho Goncral won him thu admiration of tho labor officials, and when ho left tho city after having re stored order without firing a shot, tho steel men worn his frionds. Tho esteem in which laboring men hold Wood for his actions in Gary are best express ed by tho action of tho local un ion No. 2G3 of the International Union of Steam and Oporating Engineers which recontly adopt ed tho following sot of resolu tions by unanimous voto: " "Whoroas. during tho strike in Gary, when tl o city was sav ed from violence by tho prompt action of Leonard Wood in or ganizing a considerable number of tho strikers into a military organization nnd arming tho samo (Many of llieso strikers wero ox-noldicraand were In un iform nt tho time,) 'And whereas, in many parts of tho Middle West, when it be came necessary to establish martial law in order to proaorvo law and order, Gonoral Wood restored tho rights of freosposch and free assemblage, which had been donied tho workmen by local authorities for many years: 'Ho it resolved; That locul union No. 203 of the Internation al Union of Steam and Operating Engineers wishes to exprosu Its npnreciation of the square deal given labor by Major Gonoral Leonard Wood in thorecont Bteol and coal strikes: "And bo it further resolved: That a cony of this resolution bo sent to all affiliated locals of tho statu branch of tho Internation al Union of Steam and Operating Engineeru.' "Tho resolution was signed by Patrick A. Sheehan, president; J. C. Stewart, vice-president; James L. Wilmarth, secretary and treauror and Jamw O'Haro, business ugontof the union." (mill Jv Tho Misses Toole, who livo on North Central avenue, wero on the electric train that was wreck ed out about four miles from Portland Sunday morning, but they escaped without being hurt. They report it a scene long to bo remembered, and hopa they never experience tno samo again. Graham Moxon of tho U. SS. Prairie, and a friend, Will Vanco, aro hero on a furlough. They will return on tho 18th. Mrs. S. L. Irwin has returned from a three weeks' business trip in Baker City. (I TI IEATKK JJ Open SuniUys 2:16 to 11:00. Motulny nml .Sdtimliiyn oiien nt 6:1 Olticr ly in 7:00. Hcf'ulnr AclmMoii Be, lie, 15c. Note These Specials And be sure to sec th-'in at our regular admission prices: "Lnst of Dunnes" Mny ao-2i Norma Tnlinmlge in "She Loves nnd Lies" Mny 3ft "Scnrlct Da a" May $o "Pinto" June 3-4 "The Silver Horde" June 101 1 "Pollynnna" June a.-as "The Sporting Duchess" June 10 Sntunlny, Mny lfi IRENE CASTLE In "TIIH AMA TltUR Wll'tt. Suiitlnv. Mny ltltli ENID BENNETT In 'THH KUAD." rrmii,iiiu. At. Hurol I.toy.l in "llmuilicl Mtmolu." , ilnmty lwt tevl couaily. Momliiy nml Titcmlny, Mnv 17-18 TOM MIX In "A 11ntv.it uinivii an. MANCIt," Vox. Mm "lnvMblo llmul" N. U. WcdnvMUy. Mny ItHli- " FRANCILLIA B11.L1NQTOH In "TIIH DAY MIH l'AII.n TluiMHliiy mnl 1'rlHy. My 20 21 WM, MRIUM "TIIH I. AST III' TIIH IT A Nit! I'ox. A Zii (5 my ntury, ami w 1 of tlic lunt Wt'ftlfiti )uu 1 vr uw. Satunlny, Mny 'JU- WM. rUJSSULLin "KASTWAI ' no." ix. Tomato Plants 20e ier dozen i Cabbage Plants 15c do.., $1.00 er 100 Cauliflower, Pepper, Cel ery, Cucumber and other Vegetable Plants at riht prices. HauRin Huslwti are now filled; make your tw lection early and have the' 1 delivered laler. Winck boxes filled to your order. Von me Mlwuy welioiiic Ki loo . around thciw hiiuiIiuiim v Beckett's Greenhouses 814 nml 81G North Kollogg Stmt Phoit Columbia 401 FOY'S St. Johns Fair Store Highest Quality an' Lowest Prices iuys a specialty 207 N. Jurwy St. I'hune Cul 830 Willamette Blvd. SANATARIUM 1270 Willamette Blvd. Special care given to Maternity Cases. Pricos reasonable. Call Woodlawn 2156 A. M. Warne Contractor-Builder AIl'IiRATlOXS -li:i'AlK3 Phone Culumlnj 1 1 1 Office 20H South Jeiscy. Thochiirclii.'8of St. Johns we reurcsontod in nu man manr nt Statu Sunduy School Oonvi tlon hold last week in I'ortlm tho you iik' peopl being eajx iully prominent. William Curt . Maynurd Mikaoh, J units Vic mini, nml Komsyne Rrand. wi ia secretary und treasurer of ti Multnomuh County Oldor Bos Sunduy School Association; eac had an important part in the pi nount, "Tho Holy City." whle was presented on Friday ever inir at tho First Presbyteria Church. William Curtis pU, tho part of an old hump buck i man selling fruits on the streets ; Homayno Brand va one of thu valiant Crusaders who drove ou,; Mnnammcdism ; Mnynard Mikach and Jamos Vrooman ware guards at the city unto. Three of Uw boys aro muni bora of the Bible cla3 for High School Credits.