St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 07, 1920, Image 2

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A. W. Morklc, litlllot
Davis1 Bargains
Published Friday of Each Weqk
Subiorlptlon prlo $1.60 paryaar.
Six-room collate wilh bnlh
and loilel, electric lights and
gus, close in lo center of St.
lilmu iti i in mMtnl clmit Inl
ins KBvmw iscmcrcaoiTOsioura .,., ciuni finn i.
In Portland. Otccon. m mull matter ""aiw, Viuw, yuan.
o( the second class uuder the Act of Con
great o( Mnrch 3, 1879.
The Salvation Army drivo in
St. Johns is proving very success
ful. Thos. Coupe is assisting A. W.
Davis in his realty business.
Thomas is a hustler and will no
doubt prove a valuable aid.
W. J. Forsytho of Canton,
Ohio, has ucccptcd n position at
tho Sunset Cash Grocery. He
and his wifo and child expect to
make St. Johns their home.
Harry Graham of tho Sunset
CaBh Grocery is onjoyinjf a well
earned vacation in sunny Cali
fornia. Ho expects to bo tfono
soveral weeks. His mother is
accompanying him.
Mr. Frank U. Fullor and Miss
Marjorie M. Sperling wero un
ited in marriage by Dr. H. F.
Jones at his homo Wcdnosday.
Tho happy young couple uro both
rosidonts of St. Johns and will
mako their homo here.
There will be initation at tho
next Koyal Neighbors meeting
on May 12th, at St. Johns. Vis
itors from Portland Camps are
expected and all Royal Neighbor
membors are cordially invited to
attend. Reported.
A fow intimato friends of
Gcorgiu Durrow gavo her a de
lightful May day surprise on
Saturday oftornoon. Following
musical selections on tho piano
and games, refreshments woro
Bcrved, with Mrs. A. It. Mullin
assisting. Lillian Tool
Itii McKoon. Thelma
Margery Smith and Koucttallcd
goa woro guests.
Tho Past Matrons Club of Min
orva. Chapter, No. 105 0. 10. S.
was pleasantly entertained by
Mru. Ida M. Canon at her home,
1G50 Fisko street, University
Park, Saturday. A cafeteria
luncheon was served at one
o'clock to the following members:
Mrs. It. It. Davis, Mrs. Diana
Day, Mrs. Anna L. Harrington,
Mrs. Olivo ingledue, Mrs. Zella
Johnnstone, Mrs. Win. Carroll,
Mm. Mvrtlo A. Weeks. After
lunch the business meeting was
held followed by the social hour.
Tho next meeting will bo at the
homo of Mrs. Catherine Stevens,
on Portsmouth Houlovard.
Tho voters of tho 1'oniiisuln
should not fail to remember that
tho bent interest of this district
in particular can bo best looked
after by a county commissioner
who is familiar with and has full
Knowledge or our wauls ami re
quirements. Such a man is A.
A. Muck, who is now finishing
bin first term as Commisnioucr.
And ho I as made good. Thin
end of jtho county has never re
ceived so much consideration as
during his term of office. There
is still much to bo done, and
there can bo no doubt that Mr.
Muck, if reflected, will continue
his good work. Ono good term
dosorvus another, is a saying
that fits Mr. Muck's case. Why
not givo him tho unanimous votu
of tho Peninsula?
balance $20 per month witli
per cent interest.
Niftiest new bungalow with
river view una sewer connec
tions right in the center of St
Johns, lot alone worth $1500
all goes for $1000, $1500 cash,
baltincu mortgage, this is n
dandy home mid can't be bent
for location and style.
Just think of this one: Nine
rooms modern with fireplace,
all double constructed, includes
about .l()0 worth oi furniture,
on u .)0xl00 lot, well located for
$21)00, with Si 150 cash, balance
mortgage ut 7 per cent. You
couldn't build the house lot
SI. "()(); it's in good condition.
Heller look this up or you will
be missing something.
Seven room modern collage,
till in tin very pink oi condi
(ion, newly pointed mid kn
somiiied, well located, with
some fruit on the lot. This
house is all double conslrucloi
mid would cost tttiiOO to build
nl (he present lime: it's as gooi
as new. Price S.'JOO, wilh $1000
cash, balance terms lo suit.
l'our-room collage wiin wil
ier, lights mid gas, has lots nl
nice I run on Hie ioi, wincii is
10x1 10, and there is no better
lociiiioii. nice on mis place is
$I2."(). Will accept as low as
$100 cash with balance month
Seven rooms modern with
hard surface street and extra
fine river view, lol 100x100, has
fireplace, lots of fruit and flow
mice. Fine home.
We have fine ncrcage near Port'
land. Good buys.
Greater St. Johns Realty Co.
405 N. Jersey St.
: 202 S. Jersey Street
Phone Columbia 528
C. S. Bucy
Boautlful gray or
blaok adult enskot,
hearse, box, 2 nutos
embalming and refin
ed service for ...
MI M.Kit
l'uticrnl If leiirol for 20. $.10, f 10, $00. Higher priced funerals In pro
portion. We iitnnufncture cnskcls. I,ntly Assistant,
HeniUlful funeral clmpcl,
Main 2091 Independent Funeral Dlreotora A 7005
Washington at tlld Street, Uetoccn 20th and 21st Street, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
CM Central Ave. N.
Phone Columbia 888
For llariralns
Some four room houses,
$l()."i(J; $r0 cash, hal. like rent.
l'lve room nioclrrn liotne witli unrobe.
This Is n fine comer; street mid wucr
Improvements nil wll; fU200,$lw0 chIi.
Nine room, modern in every resin-cl
linrriwootl lloors, double fire plnce, lot
100x100, 10500, J2000 ensli. The house
OV C ro- ! '''" -l70. Illlir cash, could not he Indlt for the inoney.
r.' ... I..i.i. iwi.ii iiwwImkh luxurnlLiK Six ncrca oil iiluliwny; lhl will mnlte
Kandall, . 1 ''' model n Ininoal w fillc cllickc rn;cll. IW lnIu fom St
in I lie norm end toward Hie
leiiniiiiil, line condition. A
unod huy nl 2H)(). Takes $1000
I list payment lo uel this. Its n
fine little home and there is
.some fill it on the lol. Sidi
walk, street and sewer nil in
mill paid.
Four-room modern litinuiilow
with 100x100, lots of fine fruit,
all street improvements paid;
price $2.00. $501) cash, iialmict
lernis; close in.
Six-room collate nearly nun
crn, wllli i.i.i leel lucinu on
Willninelle Boulevard by 120
feet in depth, lots of fruit ami
hit fine Harden .spot, u corner
and river view. Price $-1000.
$1000 cash, halaiice on terms.
Nine-room house with linlh
and loilel, lots of fruit and unr
den, lol I(i0i:i2. rioht up in
the center of lown, for $1501),
hull cash. I his is an apaiimenl
sile or for hotel, has been held
much higher in Hie past.
Chance lor n Iiim home close in
I have other properties listed
Johns; 2000, foOO cnh, or will trade for
Six room modern houe on iMved
street, iiSOO. 00 ch1i, Imliuicc like rent,
look ut this.
.Seven loom modern house, double
plumbiiiL', lot 100x100. uooil fruit. Tills
Is n fine corner. $:iS00, W)0 ctish.
Seven room modern house, lot 100x100
feet, lots of fruit. '1 hi is n line vomer,
f woo.
l'lve loom modern house, flue fruit.
iooil locntiou. i'mW), two rnsli, Imlmice
like tent.
I'ivc room modem house MW, WOO
mill, balance wiy
l'lve rtKUii house, flue fruit. JIOf.0.
J.W0 auli.
Seven room modern house, close to
I'eiilnsiiln mill. $I0N). SUM) emit. This
is it fine pluce for some one lo keep
leu room lioun moiieru In every re-
Hect, lot 100x100, ffiWO. ffiOO rush.
neveu iimiiii moiieiu uonse. i on i e
plumhlnK, lot 100x100, Cum fruit, fSOOO.
fWXI noli. Ihiliiucc twenty dollar
mouth, Interest six per cent.
l'lve riMiiu modern house, flue Imic
ment, f 2700, f 700 cash, Iwlmice easy
Six room modem homo, comer lot.
tiew house with Kcnutf, street improve
mem ltiu. fnou, iw chsii.
1,1 . ...... I , .... V.I .11 ..n. I ..II . ..I'.. I....... .... l ive riNiiii iiiminn ituuor, ioi nitiw,
Kill llllll till nun until. oil 1 ll I,, n kjliiliw iumu nuniiru
.1 l .....I... I.., ..I... I.. I I ........ . V '. ' ""''
111111 i iiiiiur iiuy iiiiMinue in iniv- mhhi riuu. nils
Thurnday ovcninn:, May Ifith,
Portland Cnmp 107, Woodmen
of tho World, will vinitSt. Johns
Camp, with n full corps of olli
corn und drill team. They will
assist tho St. Johns Camp in monlhlv itiiviiunii.
,u vi....' i
iiiu in oi. .minis, we nave a
Hiiiirniilee hack of us not eiiuil
lci on the rneilie coast.
'202 N. .Ici-sey SI.
Carroll & Lucas
Real Hslate Brokers
i i i
iev oi me many fioou liar
Mains Carroll - I.ucas have to
oiler this week:
leu room, modern, lot (id 'J-I
I00, hall block lo car line
nice yM.iO, ."jtlOOO cash, balance
IS it klllip,
If you wnut lo Mil your iunrtv
conic lu mid M'e mo. I run sell Itfor you.
11114 North Jersey Street
Phone Columbia SI
initiutinur a oIuhh of caudidatoa.
Tho team will jjivoan exhibition
drill on tho utruot should the
wonthor permit. Tho team is
well drilled and well oflicuied,
Tho drill will ho worth aeoiiiK.
It in roiiuosted that all metiihor
of tho St. Johna Camp No. 773,
Woodman of tho World, ho pro
Bent Thursday ovenintr May 13th,
at tho hall corner I.oa'itt and S.
Jersey street at 8 p. m, to see
tho now work put on by tho
Portnnd team No. 107. Ho
froahmontH served nfter the
work is over. By order of N.
J. Simmons, Council Commander.
May day foativitoiattho Port
land Woolen millB took place lust
Saturdny. Tim Maypolo dance,
in which tha amall diuiKhtors of
tho omployos of tho mill partic
ipntod, and the crowning of Miss
Alma Huffo as iiucon of tho
May woro tho principal ovents
of tho aftornoon. To H. A.
Nine room, modern, lol S)2.
l."0; eleunt home, close in,
ood residential district; price
..u, casn ..)ii, iiaiimce sal
islaelory lerms will be made.
One and tine-half acres close
in, no buildings. Price .'JIOO
Mue-room house, lare lol,
wi ll located. Price $1500, !?,S(HI
cash, balance .'rL'.'i per month at
i per cent mlerest.
I lull' acre, lwt-room housi1
jimi iiin.Miir iiiv minis, naruaiu int riivrt7.
! SHOO, c.,,,,., lOlOONt.H,
No. -I- So ven room modern
homo on hard surface street, lot
75x100, lots of fruit: a dandy
fine buy at ?2(00. Pay $500.
cash, balance like rent.
No. 15b room modern home.
full cement hasomont and furn
ace, streets improved, fine cor
ner lot 50x100; prico S2750;
terms can ho arranged. You had
better see this home.
No. ID New 3 room niodorn
bungalow, improved streot. price
$1500. Pay $150 cash. hal. like
No, 2(- 5 room modern home.
corner lot, 100x100, lota of fruit;
price $'JO Pay SU50 cash,
uaianco iiko rent.
No !10 5 room bungalow, bath
and electric lights, corner lot.
streets improved; prico $ltia0.
Pay $500 cash, balance Iiko rent.
No. dli- 5 room modern homo,
prico SIU00. Pay
KhH) ensli, balance like
There is a Reason why the
Electric Washer
is superior nnd more popular than others.
The APEX( will wash your clothes faster than
any other washer made. Its shining copper tub
oscilatcs lo and fro 80 times every minute, flushing
out every particle of dirt in 10 minutes or less.
There is absolutely no wear-not even tho fric
tion of any moving parts against your clothes.
Strong substantial mechanism, guaranteed to
give service for years without expense to you.
The APEX JK. Copper is now selling for $155.00.
We also sell them on terms to suit.
We arc Sole Agents for the Apex Electric Washer
on the Peninsula,
Buy Electric Goods at an Electric Store.
Phone Col. 977
418 N. Jersey Street
v:.. a ......... i t'u mom unumi;u uiu rem.
.Ill-IIMIIII llllllicril. IOI UIW. M ,IO ft u.Xk.. i
t'ini I .....M.. .... .i. ... i nu, ug u iitoii minium uuu
NIU'-', liiniily orchard, near car !. i,nrnvoH 8t,..r ,in,i,i
inc. Price $ .WO: half cash. w m i .i cVnn l.i. . Vi
,..l........ ...... I ... - I'uvwv-uw J VUW UIBII, U-
.....,..vV iiiniuHiu m nnco ko rent.
Iu;',.l0,;, , . , , No. 101-Hrand new -I room
I'.igm-room moilern. lot
an elegant home with good view ot 50,100. prico only $2100, pay
'J-wmN ' i!.Vin l' , r,Cl, 00 sh. valance total payment
.000. ISOO cash, ha lance SPrt n,i. mmitli
U'l lll!.
Peninsula Motor Sales Go,
212 South Jersey Street
Can make immediate delivery
New and Used Cars
And the Market's Best!
That is our axiom. And our
meats are uncommonly good.
You will admit it if you enlist
yourself with us. We aim to
please and our busiuess meth
ods will meet with your per
fect commendation always.
Roasts, steaks, chops and spe
cial cuts for the most exact-lug.
We have plenty of Pulp Fed Steer
Beef, Grain Fed Pork, Milk Fed
Veal and Spring Lambs at rea
sonable prices.
109 North Jersey Street Market Phone Columbia 21
mm Our
II III III a ' S i tkl't.
M Ut
eave gee
Jee TfiLiifjs coo
are sanitary, wo
Dear Mary
I've just just got me a new ice box. You must got
one just like it. Why, the bad air is drained away and
there is not a foul ordor left. It'll save enough on doctor's
bills in one summer to more than pay for it.
The very health of your whole family depends upon
having a sanitary refrigerator. Don't wait.
In haste-IIELEN.
P. S. A good ice box doesn't cost much either when
you get it from
H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man
400-402 S. Jersey St.
What Shall I Get
for Dinner?
wo. 1U7-1 room modern eot
WaddelhoverauorofthewoavinK JU4$ IN. JerSCy K lot i 5 T R'l
room, nnd Char es Dell eux, ,riw:n i i i i ! Y' A 1
overseer of tho apoolinn room JOWEU BLOCK dmuly huy don't fail I to seo t.
foil the honor of crowning the P10nc Columbia 42S 'V 1 .rts,"0,uth' (' 1,,0,
que9n. lleadinK hyMisslluth 1 M"C Lo,umb,n iUb modern ImiiKnlow, eement hnse-
l)irku. Hnins iv srrn i? i . . ment cement Uoor. lota of fruit,
A Few of Our Bargains
Crane, mucic by tho Woolen mill
orchestra, two reels of movies
and speeches by L. 10. Thompson,
irtneral manutrer ami socrutnrv.
and C.H.Carter, Biiporinten- T wo Room House, lot 75n100,
dont of the mill, nuuio up tho f"h. ?1500, ?500 down,
aftornoon proRram. Miss Mil- oainncc to suit,
drod KlinKenimith win in charfjo Tliree Room House, fruit lu yard,
of tho proKram and dnnco. Ko. $1800, ? 150 down, ?20 per month
lowinir tho program refreshments ut (5 per cent interest.
were Borvcd, nfter which tho Knur ttnnm fJ.,.. IT
eveninRwas ki ven over to dime- Car line. non. srwin son
intr in the club room,
Shingles Coated Over
All work guaranteed
siops an leaics una preserves
smugles and nails.
Phona Tbr 772
uurden in and up. la mo lot 100
xllO with 18 ft.alley. Host buy
you over saw. Prico $2750, want
at least one-half cash balance tl
years 7 per cent.
216 N. Jmcy S' riionc ColumUU 2
Western Cooperage Co.
have openings for a few
month. Sec this. stenriv ennnhln mnn Ro.
l'lve rooms down stuirs, space un
for four rooms, absolutely modern, ltlents of St. Johns nrofm-orl.
fine basement, koo1 location. $5000.
$2500 down, mortc back on bal- Apply at St. Johns plant.
St Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot of Burlington St.
How many times
have you asked your
self this question? Day
after day, week after week,
it is a problem that it con
ttantly confronting you.
If you were to stock
your shelves with a good
assortment of canned goods,
you would always have some
thine on hand that your
folks would like.
Canned meats canned
vegetables canned fruits
we have thcrri all in the
best known brands and at prices
that will please you, Placo
your order at once.
MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey Phone Col. 118
per mouth.
Six Room Modern on paved
street. S2500. S500 down. &t() oer
O.. .1.1'. '
The St. Johns Millinery
For Seasonable Hats at Reasonable Prices
Order work and Remodeling a Specialty
Hats Reblocked, Plumes Cleaned, Curled and Dyed
Mrs. M. E. CRANE, Proprietress
One Load of Fir Wood
Is worth two loads of Spruce or Hemlock
Be careful what you Buy
Wc sell only FIR
St. Johns Lumber Co.