St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 30, 1920, Image 2

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A. W. Markle, iMItor
Published Friday of Each Week
nil display, 25c per Inch per week. Ho
calB2 cents per word per week; mini
mum 2Sc. Political mis 50c per inch-
Subtorlptlon prlo $1.50 paryaar.
Tint Rkvirw Is entered nt txist office
in Portland, Oregon, as ninll mnttcr
of Uie second clnss under tlic Act of Con
gress of Mnrch 3, 1879.
Brooklyn Cltlien, Fond of Pedestrian-
Ism, Has n Record That Few Are-
Llkoly to Equal.
Onrrct Ilrowor of this city wnlkrd
2,000 miles wiien ho wni ninety yonrn
old. lie Is now nlnoty-Hovpn jour old
nnd for the nnut thri-o your lu- linn
Klven up wiilklim as n rtwilnr nmi-
tmtlon. Hut for nhotit 12 yenrs hefuro
thnt ho wnlki'd norIffiitly. In liwl
wcnthiT nnd (mhI. on week tliiys
liolliliivs. And this fit n lltm when
ho I1111I lone insod hwond Urn tjirc
scoro nnd ten jwir tnii'liwl to lit'
mnn's nllottid spun of llfo.
Ho inert to wiillc with 11 ppdomi'tur
nt his holt ns his only cotnimnlon.
From Ms former home on Wllloimli
hy nvcnui. ho would wnlk out lo the
Wllllnnisliiiri: hrldHU nnd urross lo
Mniilinflnn. This not nppoitrluR long
'iiniiKh for 11 grownup mini, he often
would wnlk Imrk lo the llmnklyn end
of the hrlduo 11ml then rnmt nnd n
crntto tho lirhlKo two or llirev times
lieforo MiirtliiK hnme. In his dlnry he
kept n record of the illtiliinn cov
ered on thoo expiHlllloiis, They vn-
rlcd from monlh to month; hut woven
yenrs hro, when ho hud renelnsl the
11 Ko of ninety, his wnlks still uveniKed
six miles n dny. Ilelng now cIihmi to
tho con 1 11 ry murk, ho hits illsrmillnueil
wnllclnit out of iliHirs. "A friend hnr
rowed hy pedometer." ho explwlned
with n IniiKh. HriHiklyn lisxle.
The Bnntist church has been
leased for a period of four years
and twenty local parties are
pledging ihemsolves in tho a
mount of $125 each toward main
tenance and alterations and im
provements. The edifice will be
used as headquarters for the Y.
W. C. A. nnd the Community
club will hold its meetings there
also. A bijr membership cam-
nniirn will be launched May Gth
nnd 7th when a house to house
canvass will be inapjurated. It
is hoped that the total will reach
1000. Tho church will be re
modeled and made attractive and
inv'tinL' and will mako splon
did quarters. Tho Y. W. C. A.
is fully deserving of all the sup
port that can bo accorded'it, and
great interest is being taken in
it. It is n fino organization to
belong to. All tho membership
duos will be used in caring for
tho local institution, nnd nil
mombors will hnvo the privileges
of tho greator organization in
Portland. Ho ready to join.
202 S. Jersey Street
Phone Columbia 528
C. S. Bucy
KHAKI SIIIHTS $1.75, $2.00.
ior bale uoou sowing ma
chine almost now, $25. Also
folding ironing board, $2.50.
Call 302 W. Now York Btrcct.
Carroll & Lucas
Real llslate Brokers
Iiavo the following farms for
salt, all on good roads, close to
ichool.K. K. I), daily, and with- Jol!,of ffUl1'
n radius of 25 miles of Portland, ,
For Bargains
Sonic fmir room houses,
$1 ().")(; $50 cash, bal. like rent.
Six room modern homo on jinved
street. 2800, f 200enli, bulanco like rent,
look at thjs.
Seven loom modern home, douhlc
liltiinhini!. lot 100x100. uood fruit. This
Ii a ffnc corner. 5 BOO cash.
.Seven room modem house, lot lOOxlOO
This in a fine corner,
I'lve room modern house, fine fruit,
ri;ooii locution, fisauu, ww ensii, iKiiiiuce
1 1
and have never been offered
J I it 4 I Jt
i or saio on u is maruoi uciorc. ike rent.
mm .a . I -
iiavo noun pursonaliy inspected, mi., room modern imufe woo. iooo
and are an gilt odgo property: cash, imimice
No. I- OT a. - U n. lindur Cll It - I'lve loom limitc, fine fruit, $1060.
vation.5a. prune orchard 5 years m c,u"-
. . i i
oiii, Hircam water crosses one
Oclentlsts Have Learned From Indians
That It Can Dc Produced From the
OouqI.ii Fir.
An Indian secret closely KunnliMl for
Ki'iionillnns hy the re I man hss Iihmi
lirntiKht lo light hy .lulin Davidson,
hntnnlst of Hie Unlversliy of HrliMi
Columhln, nt Vaiieouver, ami .Iniih'n
Toll, who has nihiiI most of his life
In tho Interior of Hie ChiihiIIhii pruv-
loco nml litis nn Intimate knowlede
(if tho life nnd hnlilts of the iialhi-s
Tim secret Is Hint Ilia DuiikIhs II
n famous treo of wont Uo priMluees
HUk'nr Hint Is extremely sweet ami Is
valued nt flM n ihiuihI.
Tim nuiiuunt'omeni Is innde hy On
Amerlrnii Conn try hsinh-IhIImii,
throiiKh nn nrllrle wrlllen hy Kranels
Dlrlilo nml iiiiIiIIhIhiI In llui Amerlesii
rornntry Mnenxlne. The urea In which
this MiHiir Is found In nliiinilsnce Is
hetween the llflleih nml llfty flint wr
nllels nml helween 121 and 122 ile
um of lonnlludt. Tliw nrm take
lu Hut TIiihiihmiii river alley. wesl of
llui mouth of McdN rler. the illstrlet
ins r tlw Jimeihiii of the I'rrnwr and
TIioiiikimi rivers at l.yttoii ami a
small (tart of the Urrn-er valley alaive
l.llhmtlt. In I he KatahHt-pt dlslrlH
the Nlrtila ami MIiiiIIwhhkh'ii alle)K
nnd Hih eaalern Ntrt of Hie stale of
Waahlimltm tlw snicar Is alsu ri'isTletl
tO lO flHIIMl.
corner ol land, small house z
rootiix. I'rico $11800. $2000 cash,
bill. .1 years at ( per cent.
No.2 m a. 50 n. under culti
vation, 1 a. fruit boaring prunes,
good lamliy orchard, n room
hoiiKo, largo barn and other
buildings: an idoal farm. Price
$12,000, $5000 cash, bal. ii to 5
years at 7 per cent.
All personal uropcttv for an
additional TtJOUU; same terms.
No. y -15 a.--10 under culli
vation. good 'I room house, barn
and out buildings, 2 cows, all
farm machinery. I'ricu $3250,
$2000 until), bal. ii years at 0 pur
No. 125 a. 10 under plow,
all iiiiaolo land, new ( room
house, now bam and chicken
Iiousoh. 2 cows, all macliinory.
Prieti S2500. $2000 caKli.bal. 1 yrs.
at 7 pur cunt interest.
No. ri-fi n, under cum
vation, (! room house, small barn,
Seven toom modern house. c!oe to
Peninsula mill. SI DM), $iiB0 cnili. This
Is a fine pliiee for Hime one to keep
Tun riMim Iioiim:, moiUrn lu every
Mect, lot 100x100, 6B00, fW) casli.
C ..I.....
pliiiiililni'. lot KMJxIOO, film fruit, .WOO.
fiM) chi.Ii, iMluiice twenty dollars jut
moiitli, luluiest six er cum.
I'lve kkiiii modem hotiH1, fine
melit, f 2700, 700 caoh, Iwlance easy.
Six room modern Iioum.', comer lot,
new house with Hnmue, street lniirovo
metits wnl. .1700. $700 rash.
I'lve risiiii modem house, lot BOxlOO,
all lu fine shaiw, i;sl KtKe. i'lWO,
1U4X) ciuh. This Is n snap.
If you want to sell your pmiierty
come in ami see me. I can sun 11 lor you,
llili North Jersey Street
l'linne Coliiiiilim 81
: St Johns Fair Store
UiieenvrntlsHal HPrefesslas."
Komu uf the uiHimveiiilimsl "prnfea
slons which have developed In after-
war KiuilaiHl Imliide I he mail who
KuaraHttH lo he Me In furnish an
nfleriHMHi or eveuliuc's pleasant am
versathin nt a nuMlerale fis. Auoilier
ovotlk'er, who aaya he hm-aine an fill
clenl teller writer while In tie
ImiichtM In llandi-rs, will write lroex
I nil htm tti liitei'tMlliitf iMHHde for HM
laiwh par." OhIiiij to the ravaxi-s of
the war iw i4tl istiaUllslnsl fortunes,
WWtw of lilalily plaitHl women are try
Ink I oMmIm ' as ehHiH-rtines or
oMiHfitiMkMui lit WHUUW ami srtrlH h
have In travel, uihers art) wllllin;
slwro lu the timiianrineiit of hiri;.
IU4MU.M M IklUttllkMl U'UIM Tlft.hll
winds of trtrls. umiw of tlew uf llilf. - -n7f vmil ImWIIC
nro npidyhiK for UAm hh eliienoi bW tuuu JUIU iclWUO
Toys a Specially
207 N. Jersey St. Phone Col KW
.nt C..U i. ii r....i. i
K-mnuehlciSrfariniS Quality and Lowest Prices
hoiiHehold goods. Price &500,
IliMK) ciiKh; 2 ycarx or monthly
payments. In torus t 7 pur cont.
No. u 10 . Ii under culti
vation, I room house, barn. 1
i'ow, farm machinery nnd crop,
I'rico ? 100, ?200() cash, balaucu
yoarn, nt (J pur cont.
No. 8-274 a.- 10 a. under
cultivation, l room house, good
barn. Price & WM). $2000 cash.
$1001) year, balance good tonus,
1 ho host liny on the market.
304' 2 N. Jersey St
Phone Columbia I25
It is Time
fioots Spurn Sunday Werk.
Tinl l.eelhuliiie Ims encountered
the MIwIihih preliell.vs of Ike Seol
imin Uo live mi tho eti'iiwle protr-
ty hit has purclm! In the Outer
HehrWes and has a rwiulT. lie
liail plnnnml In make Momoway. on
the Island of Lewis. lli hedtuarlera
(if n hllk'e llshliiK lle't that would
Hwmip the iK'as for Mh) miles around
The projtvt luvolvtl Siiuttay laluir.
and tW Namlrs. nho ailhetv to Hie
ttrlot and Intense form of the Preshy
tflrlsu falih. rojvciitl It.
(NimtHeutiHK an th Incident, the
London iierlmllcal. ("oiimion SeiiM-
says: "Iord Level liulnie Is a man of
hlc hlmis nnd new lilean. while the
population over whom In has deflated
the rlKhu of lalrdslilp aw folk of old
nnd Intense Idiws. Hence tho lne lia
ble collision,"
No. Seven room modern
homo on hard surface street, lot
75x100. lots of fruit: a dandy
fino buy at $2i0l. Pay $500.
cash, halauce like rout.
No. 150 room modern home.
full cement hasement and furn
ace, streets improved, fino cor
ner lot 50x100; prico $2750:
terms can bo arranged. on had
hotter see this homo.
No. 10 Now !J room modorn
bungalow, improved street, prico
$1500. Pay $150 cash, bal. like
No. 205 room modern homo.
corner lot, 100x100, lots of fruit;
price $'Sb l'ay $UoU cash,
balance like rent.
No, 28- 5 room modern cot
tage, fine location, streot im
proved, fruit: price $2000. SS00
cash tiaiance like rent.
No 110- 5 room bungalow, bath
"Cook Qrabucr" Meanest Criminal,
What Is uuottli'liilly considered to Ik
tho meanest typo of crime In Unicland
lu tho Inst live year Is the "cook
Krabber." It U a crime from which
mvn huvo livid uloof. Tim crime con
sists of lurlnic ii ctwk away from one'
nulxhhtir. So Krent has heii the
sliortoKe of ivhiUs that desperate
housowlves have resortiMl to ijulotiy
vngufc-InK their uolkidmrh' oks lu
convormitkm at tho kitchen doorway
and promlstnt; holier n:e uud butter
hours. In any KMthuriui: of wouion
the consensus of opinion Is that n cook
In tho kitchen Is worth n hundred uuy
whro cJbc
made pretty.
1 make lawns in
any shape and do
all kinds of Land-
t r i and electric lights, corner lot,
SCaping' and Gai'd- streets improved: prico $1(550.
Pay $500 cash, balance like root.
iAC D:....Ci. No. -10-5 room modern home,
rnnCeiOnbt. Iot50xia7; prico $U500. Pay
Phone Columbia 246
Call, Write or Phone
A Few ol Our Bargains
No. 115 5 room modorn homo,
very close in, streot imnrovod.
lot 'lUxMU; price SUOOO. Pay
$iHH) cash, uniauco hko rent.
cash, balance like rent.
No, 03 1 room modorn bung
alow, a new one, stroot un
proved: price $1750. Pay $500
cash, balance like int.
No. Ob o room modern bun
galow, unproved stroot, a dandy
price SOU. t'ay SoOO cash, ba
Two Room House, lot 75x100, nnco llk0 ront
lou of fruit. 51500, $500 down. No. 7U 5 room modern cot-
bnlnnce to suit. tnge,,lot 75x100. fine river view :
rhree Room House, fruit in vartl. l'C0 !MbUU. l'ay b5W cash, bal-
S1U00, 5150 down, S20 ikt mouth u ni.
at o jwr cent interest. io. lua itranu now ! room
Pour Room Modern House, near odorn bungalow, a dandy with
car line. )fl700. $500 down. S20 lotouxiuu, .price only blUU, pay
ikt mouth. 00 cash, balance total payment
Siv lirtom Modern nn mv,l -u ,UI 'UOIUn.
street. S2500. S500 down. ner no, , wi o room modern cot
"If wo tnko uny numiuor bonrdorti
this your," romnrkod rnrmur Com
tosHul, "I'm (,'ulu' to ui 11 luktloii
nolro that ovcrybody'll huvo to u
Bwer." "What for?" luqulml hts wife,
"So'a tlioy'll all Imvu about the aiue
political opinions. I'm tlriHl of belli'
kep' nwiike half tho nlKht by ptwplo
elttln' out on the front porch urtulu'."
month, See this.
I'lve rooms down sUirs. snace tin
lor lour rooms, nosolutely modern,
fmebaiiement, gool location. $5000,
$2500 down, mortKaj;e back on bal
ance, Pine home.
We have fine acreage near Port-
Uud. Good buys.
tago has Are place, hurd surface
street, lot 50x100. This is a
dandy buy don't fail to see it.
At Portsmouth, lino i) room
modern bungalow, cement base
ment foment tloor, lots of fruit,
garden in and up, largo lot 100
xllO with 18 ft.alley. Host buy
Price 52750, want
vnn nvr mm-.
UfPHtOr t h hno Uqq tu Pn t least ono-hnlf cash balance y
uiuuiui ui, juiiiio nouiij uu. years 7 per cont.
405 N. Jersey St. McKlNNEY.
PHONE COLUMBIA H0S 1 216 N. Jersey St. i'lioue Columbia 2
Beautiful gray or
blnok adult oaskot,
hoarse, box, 2 nutos
ombalmlno and refln
od servlco for
I'ttncrids If desired for f 20, $30, f 10, $S0. inciter priced funerals in pro
ixirtion. Wc mnnufnclure enskcts. I.ndy nsslstnnt.
llcnutlful funeral chapel.
Main 2091 Indopondont Funoral Dlrootors A 7005
Washington at Clio Street, Uctwccn 20lh and 21st Street, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
Gld Central Ave. N.
Boys' Pants
Ladies' Georgette Waists
n i 1 i. 1. A. -1 -
rr Our stocK or waists is mouesc uuu semui,
cd and unexcelled in quality and design. We hh
Deiieve UUIL UllUl uu ina7cv;tiuii jruu yiii uc p.
surprised at the moderate prices. w
Each $6.50 to $7.50
Ladies' Light Underwear
m Complete range of sizes in various styles
Q) of knit summer Union suits, aiso separate 2
garments. Price 25, 40, 75, $1.15
302 N. Jersey St.
Phone Columbin 888 U &
There is a Reason why the
Electric Washer
is superior and more popular than others.
The APEX will wash your clothes faster than
any other washer made. Its shining copper tub
oscilates to and fro 80 times every minute, flushing
out every particle of dirt in 10 minutes or less.
There is absolutely no wear not even tho fric
tion of any moving parts against your clothes.
Strong substantial mechanism, guaranteed to
give service for years without expense to you.
Tho APEX JR. Copper is now soiling for $155.00.
We also sell them on terms to suit.
Wc arc Sole ArciiIs for the Apex Electric Wnslicr
on the Peninsula.
Buy Electric Goods at an Electric Store.
Phone Col. 977
418 N. Jersey Street
in A
ilzzp 'Ifungs coo
are saruiarn. wo
Dear Mary
I've just just got me a new ice box. You must get
one just like it. Why, tho bad air is drained away and
there is not a foul ordor left. It'll save enough on doctor's
bills in one summer to more than pay for it.
The very health of your whole family depends upon
having a sanitary refrigerator. Don't wait.
In haste-IIELEN.
P. S. A good ice box doesn't cost much either when
you got it from
H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man
400-402 S. Jersey St.
i Y4i
Peninsula Motor Sales Go,
107 Fessenden St. St. Johns
Can make immediate delivery
New and Used Cars
1 1 1 11
Fresh Vegetables
in Season
Eat plenty of
vegetables and you
will enjoy good health.
They arc full of nour
ishment and have a ben
eficial influence upon
your whole system.
We keep a large and
complete stock of all the
fresh vegetables in season
and sell them at prices you can
easily afford to pay,
And those not in season
can be foynd in our
canned goods department,
where quality and prices are al
ways sure to be just right.
MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey Phone Col. 118
StSCo-1 One Load of Fir Wood
?ar - m ,t m a '! ' 1,1 " ' " Hlltk
Be careful what you Buy
The St. Johns Millinery We sell only FIR
For Seasonable Hals jt Reasonable Prices J0hnS LUtTlber CO.
Order work and Remodeling a Specialty
Hals Reblocked, Plumes Cleaned, Curled and Dyed Notice is hereby given that I Cards of thanks notices are
will not be responsible for any charged for at the rate of fifty
Mrc M F TPANF Pfnrkfiof-focc bills contracted by my wife. Mrs. cents each. Persons desiring to
TS. lYI. L. LKAniL, rrOpriCtrCSS W. H. Everett. W. H.Everett, have such notices published
adv2o should make a note of this.