ST. JOHNS . REVIEW VOLUME 1G ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1920. NUMBER 25 ' Plans and specification swere authorized by the Public dock commission for large amount of construction at munic na term inal No. 4, which will, bo neces- ary at an early date to accom mouate tno rapidly increasing 8iii)i)ini? ot the port. This nro posed new construction includes a shed over the outer one-half of pier No. 2, which is nearine completion. As this pier is 1500 loot long the shed will bo approx imately 760 feet long and 180 feet wide. In addition it is proposed to build the substruc ture of pier No. 3. which will bo 1500 feet, in length and also the substructure of that portion of pier No. 5, which faces on slip No. 3. The- estimates for this work havo not as yet been com piled but it will be in excess of $500,000. Chief Engineer He gardt advised tho commission that no time should bo lost in providing theso additional port facilities. Tho official adver tisements for this work will np pear in the Record-Abstract shortly. Abstract. Figures compiled nt city hall headquarters of tho Portland paving plant show that Uliiol it. S. Dul in established a record for the new plant on Thursday. Botwoon the hours of 9 u. m. and 3 p. m. a total of 1270 square yards of asphaltic concruto were turned out, transported to St. Johns and laid down as a part of the Jcfsoy Htroot improvement. "This shows beyond a doubt that in tho ordinary working day of eight hours, tho plant can turn out at leaBt 2000 square yards," said Commissioner A. L. Barbur of tho public works department. Every square yard turned out returns a cash profit to tho gon oral fund of the city, besides giving property owners high grado pavement nt clicnper prices. Tho Portland paving plant procures all its work by Mrlilintr in onon competition with private contractors, and never in tho history of tho old ns well as tho now paving plant has it been underbid by private interests." Journal. Another largo high Bchoil building is needed in Portland and probably will bo erected if tho 3-mill tax levy for school purposes is voted, according to a report mado by Superintendent Grout at tho meeting of tho board of education. Mr. Grout said that a now high school is an ur gont need in tho St. Johns dis trict to roplaco tho present James John high, which is old and in adequate. Tho now building, which not only would roplaco James John but would also re Hoyo tho present overcrowding of Jofforson high, was cited by Mr. Grout as tho most urgent school need at prosont. In. a crowded omnibus a stout woman vainly endeavored to get her faro out of tho pocket of her cloak, which was tightly button ed ns a precaution against pick pockets. After she had been working vainly for somo minutes a gentlemen seated on her right said, "Pleaso allow mo to pay your faro." The lady declined with some acerbity and recom menced her attacks on tho pocket. After these had continued for somo little timo har fellow pass enger said: "You really must let mo pay your fare. You have already undone my suspenders three times and I cannot stand it any longer." New York Tele graph. PANAMA HATS $2.00. ROGERS. Dunning School of Improved Music Study MRS. PRANK A. RICE Announces that she has received from Carrie Louise Dunning a diploma as an exponent of the Dunning System of Im proved Music Study, which includes the Faelten prin ciples concentration and the Leschetzky Technic. Formed into classes pupils are taught by musical characters and rhythm sticks. An ingeniously constructed keyboard with grand staff attached, simplifies notation by uniting these two important factors. Each difficulty is presented in such a thorough manner that a child of ten or twelve years can master transposition, scale building, melody writing by dictation, the Dominant Seventh and Modulation. The written work teaches the student that music, as a language, they must learn to write, as well as iuterpret. The muscles of fingers, wrists and arms are strengthened by table technic; ear training and sight reading forms a part of every lesson. Mrs. Rice will be glad to show you BY APPOINTMENT the especially made apparatus for teaching this system which in cludes one class lesson and one private lesson each week, making a far more economical way of acquiring a musical education. Classes Now Being Formed Studio 412 S. Edison, cor. Richmond Phone Col. 389 Capital punishment docs not deter murder. In 'the last five years of hangings in Oregon there were 59 homicides. In the first five years without hang ings in Oregon, thero were only 30 homicides. This should settle definitely the question. Fifty nine murders when hangings were in voguo and only 3G when tnnro were no hnngings is proof. full and final, that hangings do not lessen tho numterof mur ders. And thero are other equally definite proofs. Now York, nndorcapital punishment, had in 10 years, 4.8 and Montana 12.2 per murders nor 100.000 population. Michigan and Maine, without canital minishmont. had during tho same period, but 2.2 and 1.8 murders per 100.000 of population. In the presence of such facts, men may argue un til they nro black in the face in favor of capital punishment. But they only flounder in fallacy. Their efforts nro futile. Tho proposal to restore tho death penalty in Oregon is not founded on roason or on fact. Nothing has ocurrcd to warrant it. Fifty- nine murders in fivo years just before and but 3G in fivo years just aftor hangings wero abol ished, show how utterly foolish restoration of killings by the state would be. Wo ought to bo too rational to yield to hyste ria. Journal. Tho "Oregon Grape Club" was pleasantly entertained nt the homo of Mrs. Adu Russell, 1321 E. Madison street, April 21st. A delicious luncheon was sorved to which all did full justice. Those present woro Neighbors Armstrong, Borgmnn, Bean, Cormany, Enicrick, Johnson, Golden, MncGrcgor, Marchand, Muhn, Smock, Russell and the littlo Misses Audry Johnson and Vivian Muhn. At 1 o'clock nil left for homo feeling the day had been well spent. The club meets noxt with Mm. A. McGregor, 1401 Mears street. A good at tendance. is desired ut this time. Reported. Jim McLoud, 45, had n "hap py jng." Ho was arrested Wed nesday of last week nt Thirteenth and Madison atreot, where for moro than an hour ho hnd re clined in tho center of the stroet amid n pouring rain. Soaked Insido and out, McLoud'a antics proved interesting to many spect ators before thepollco were noti fied. Tho intoxicated man re clined in the strc itjuntil an auto mobile approached. Than ho would sit up and happily motion tho driver to pass nround him. McLoud is said to livo nt St. Helens. Tho Inst meeting of tho Polly anna club was hold at the homo of Mrs. H. O. Brown, 1G3G Dwiglit street. Luncheon was sorved nt noon with Mrs. Viola Johnson, who with her husband left that night for Michigan to mnko hor home, as guest of honor. A handkerchief nhowcr was also given for Mrs. Johnson. Members present were Mrs. O . F. Baldwin, Mrs. F. Griswold, Mrs. Norrls, Mri. F. Houghton, Mrs. German and Mrs. H. O. Brown. Guests wero Misa German, Mrs. Kronlin, Roberta and Frederickn Griswold and Alico Brown. Enrl Crow, formerly physical director of the park department, has taken charge of tho filling station recently erected nt the corner of Richmond and Jersey streets by the Standard Oil com pany. Cool CAPS 51.00. ROGERS. North Dakota has tested its "children equity" law. This act, the first of its kind in the country, provides that a child born out of wedlock is tho child of its natural parents, and as such, is entitled to support. Bhelter and educntion equally with other children born in legal marriage, mid is entitled to share in any estnto jointly with all other legal hcirn. Tho law was held constitutional in a case tried at Farco. In that in stance tho child was awarded its father's name and declared his heir. There nro just 47 states in tho Union in need of such leg islation nnd Oregon is one of them. News. At tho Forty-third Annual Convention of tho Nntional Elec tric Light Association in Pasa dena, California May 18, 1921, tentative program for which has just been issued, Oregon will be represented by franklin r. urif fitli of Portland, ono of tho pro minent men in the electric power and light industry reporting on tho past year's development. Mr. Griffith is n mombor of tho Portlund Railway, Light and Power Company, and Chair man of N E L A Committee on Water Power Development. Mrs. M. C. Borrymnn nnd her son, C. S. Beach, arrived last week from Wnverly, Ohio. They sold their farm in Vinton, Ohio, and will in thefuturo mnko thoir homo'with nnother boh, A. II. Bench, of Whitwond Court. Mrs. Borrymnn is 71 yenrs young and can rond.writo and sew with out glasses, is halo and hearty and can do moro work Hum most women who are many yours hur junior. A few intimate friends of Mrs. Sarah Komp surprised her nt her homo Inst Thutsday after noon on Smith uvenuo in honor of her floventy-second birthday. Lunch was sorved nt '1 o'clock. Mrs. J. P. Fonos, Mrs. Alico Loarncd, lira. W. E. K lo tor, Mrs. Knto Bosaa, Mrs. S. E. Cook, Mrs. Frank Elicott, Mrs. A. A. Brooks. Mrs. Mary Kemp nnd Mrs. E. Sloan wero guests. My cool UNDERWEAR Won't rip nor tear. $1.25 up. ROGERS. KEEP COOL COOL UNDERWEAR Cool Caps, - - $1.00, 1.25, 1.75 Cool Hats - 1.25, 1.50, 2.50 I Cool Night Shirts, I Cool Dress Shirts Cool Tennis Shoes Cool Barefoot Sandals, 1.35 to 2.75 Cool Looking' Neckties, 25c to 1.50 Cool Panama Hats - - 2.00 COOL SILK SHIRTS - 5.00 up R O G E R S Bank of Commerce Balding ST. St. Johns Undertaking Co. THOS. GRICE, Manager " 208 North Jersey Street Office, Columbia 527 PHONES - Residence, Columbia 299 JIUTOAIO&ILE IILV1RSE DAY OR NIGHT CALLS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION This is not a branch Of any city undertaker's Fire and Automobile Insurance With Ten Large Companies, Lowest Rates, Direct Ad justment iu case of Toss ami years of underwriting experience, we are able to offer you unequalled facilities iu placing your insurance through this office. Then too, you have the satisfaction of plac ing your business with an agency heavily interested in the com munity, whose interests are mutual with your own. We employ no "wandering solicitors" all business is handled direct, aud iu case of loss, you deal only with this agency. Wo Wrlto All L,ino of ItiHtinmoo PENINSULA 108 South Jersey St. Supporters of the legislative bill to be before the voters at tho state election, Mny 21st, pro viding for the Jevying of one sixth of ono mill for tho purpose ot erecting and equiping nn in dustrial and employment insti tution in Oregon for tho blind. nro finding that the bill is meet ing with ccneral favor through out the state, because of its practicability. If this bill is approved it will provide the means whereby tho blind of Ore gon may drop their dependence on charity. Provision is mado in tho bill for tho levying ot ono twenty-fifth of n mill in 1921 and each year thereafter for maintaining tho institution, which will nt all times bo op crated under the direction of the state Board of Control. Many American soldiers, sail ors and marines are now in the ranks of tho sightless as n result of tho great war and becauso of this fact, states throughout the Union nro fast awakening to tho necessity of providing a practical solution of the blind problem. To mnko the unfor unutes dependent on their own work, is considered tho best solution, nnd tho small sum sought from tho taxpayers of Oregon, will result in n per manent solution of his serious problem. Contributed. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. J. Muck en tertained tho Jolly 'Stecn club in a very pleasing manner at their homo on Oswego street Wednes day ovoning. In the game of C00 L. II. Chambers captured first prize, Dr. A. W. Vincent second prize nnd Mrs. R. Jnck son tho guest prize. Refresh ments of n delicious nature were surged. "Uncle Phil, why do you go to see that movie ovcry night?" "Hush, boy. You know thai scene where tho diving nymphs appear, nnd then n train goes by and hides them from view? Well Home day that durucd train will he Into." American Loglon Weekly. "Another now hat! You should really save your money with tho prlcoof overything going up." "But why? Tho longer I snvo It tho less I can buy with It." - - 1.50 1.50, 2.00, 2.25 1.00, l.zb, up THE RAINCOAT MAN t JOHNS Open Evenings SECURITY CO. Phone Columbia 161 ' HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Miss Groves, head of D. S. in this city, visited James John Tuesday. Tho seniors entortnlnod them selves and Mr. Bay, tho chnp. rone, In a royal way on Friday evening In tho IiIrIi school build ing. Tho Portland-Los Angeles game on lliursday afternoon lured many of tho students" from tho delightful pastime of study ing. The seniors are making pil grimages to Van Dyke's Btudio this week for tho purpose of having their pictures taken for the Tumulum. "Tho mysterious hiko" which tho III Klatawa girls took Fri day after school culminated In a happy flower picking party on the Linnton hills. Mr. Giphart, head of the So cial Workers Club of this city, lectured to tho Sociology and English 3 classes on the problem of poverty during tho sixth per iod on Monday. Miss Brester took hor Science 3 class to tho hills ucross the river on Tuesday afternoon for tho purpose of gathoring speci mens of ferns and various olhct plants and animals. The senior class play, "Kn gatred Before Wednesday," will be presented May 7th and 8th. The enst Is working hard to make the play a great success. Thero wero seven rehearsals this week. The cafcterta has been discon tinued for an indefinite time. It probably will not bo reopened again this semester, as Mrs. Cosby, who has been assisting iu the work ii ill. The fourth termers, In a class mooting on Monday, decided to have a picnic on Linnton slopes on Wednesday afternoon after school. Miss Kiuculd and Mr. GeorRO, tho rcgiatrntlon teacher, chaperoned tho caro freo crowd. Mrs. Durham, Mr. Drinker, Mr. Kdlefson nnd Mr. Caskey were guests at luncheon Friday. Mr. Caskey gucitof honor, is engaged in business In Fairbanks Alnska, tho he is contemplating June class of 1 920 PRESENTS "Engaged by Wednesday" James John High School Auditorium May 7th and 8th At 8:00 P. M. Tickets for Sale from High School Students or at Currin's for Drugs "A PLAY YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS" Currin's for Drugs Have been ten years in St. Johns yet they are as new as the ncwcKt. They are always n'ulit up to the minute. Note n few of the standard hues they represent. They never let n ood thing go by. In their store you will only find the very highest class goads that are sold on absolute guarantee. You cannot lose at Currin's because you always hnve a come hack. Ju$t look over this lineup for goods and sec if you could possibly suggest another item that would improve it: Household Remedies Squibb'a Chemicals, the standard of quality; A. I). S Nyal, Orion, Penslar, Hobson, Purola and Currin's. These have no superiors. Toilet Articles and Perfumes Splehler, Melba, Dejerkls, Garden Court, Sanitol, Nyal, A. D. S. aud Currin's. For beauty ami preserv ing elegance and charm these are foremost. Music Victrolas and Ilriinswicks, the only two phonographs that we know of that are made complete Iu their own factories, which are the largest and best equipped of any in the world. These instruments make the home more habitable. They keep Pu and the boys there. Kodaks Keep a picture record of your affairs to refer to in the future. Clocks Famous Westlock always on tick. Watches Famous Ingersols. You know them. Pens Waterman's Ideal. Pencils Kversharp. Stationery Colors and everything. You have to watch Currin's for Drugs to appreciate what they are doing for your health aud comfort. They are with you and for you and will put on anything for the good of this section of the city, changing his residence to Oregon in the near future. Florcnco Blomgron and Mar jory Dotson Thursday sorved tho third luncheon to tho groups of businoss men and women of this community. A four act "grand opera' that is now undergoing all tho tortures of construction, will bo, when finished, a formidable riv al of "Cleopatra, Tho Siren of Tho Nilo". Tho "Opera" will bo presented soon by tho Latin club. Tho track work is progress ing very well. The officials aro Mr. Kalmbach and Mr. Cnmp bull referees; Mr.Goorgo.startor; Miss Brewer, Miss Von and Mr. Fletcher, judges of track o vents; Mr. Dunkleborgcr. Mr. Carruth. judges of field o vents; Miss Kundall, Mr. Gets and Mr. Bay, titna keepers: Miss Clinton and Mr. Taylor, clerka; Verno linn, mugaphona man; Miss Kincnid director of girls' events. -C. A. W. Prior to beginning construction of a streetcar extension from St. Johns to municipal terminal No-1. the commission of public docks Thursduy authorized Stcrotary G. B. Hegardt to sign an agree ment with tho Portland Railway, Light & Power comnmnv. nro- vlding for operation of the lino. All cost of construction will bo borno by the dock commission. This will amount to about $30, 000, Hegardt said. Tho stato public servlco commission re cently ruled that the P. H. L. & P. company's financial condition was such that it could not bo compelled to undertake tho cost of building tho extension. It is hoped to havo tho line in oper ation before the end of Juno. A young man entered tho village shop nnd complained to the owner that u ham ho had purchased there a few days bo foro hud proved not to be good. "Tha hnm Is all right, sir!" in sisted the shopkooper. "No; it Isn't." Insisted tho .other. "It's bad!" "How can that bo," con tinued tho shopkeopor, "when it was cured only last weak? Tho young man reflected a moment, nnd then suggested: "May bo it's hnd o rolapse." London Blighty. ( THEATRE jl Open Sunday 2:15 to 11:00. Mondnya nnd Saturdays open nt 6:30. Other day nt 7:00. Regular Aduilwlou Go, 11c, lCc. Saturday, Mny 1st ELSIE FERGUSON In "HIS HOUSIi IN ORDHR" Arttimft, Sunday, Mny 2 DAREDEVIL LOCKLEAR In "TIII GKHAT AIR ROIIIIURV." Six reel of thrill, and n two reel I.loyd comedy. Monday nnd Tuesday, May II nnd .1 LEW CODY In "TIIU MU.OVlll, CMKATltR." Wednesday, Mny Gilt MAY AND MACLEAN iu "MA RY'S ANKMt"Artcmtt. Thursday nnd l'ridny, Mny 0 and 7 I Mil OHfcAT NAZIMOVA III "STRONOUR THAN U1CATJI" Metro. Saturday, May 8th BRYANT WASHBURN III "THIt SIX MtSTOHI.I.ARS" l'urmnmint Sunday, May 9lh FRANK MAYO In "I.A8CA." A story ol the Texas Unlike. Inspect These Tires Yourself Please consider this niiiioiinco meut a cordial invitation to visit our salesroom and Inspect thene sturdy tires. TJUDBlEffi A new shipment hu alroady arrived aud wc join Barney OlilfUld iu recommending them to you m 'The inou triulwitlitlr Iwill" We ulso do first cIam tire rpir aud retreading aud curry the ml best line of used tircK in the city. National Vulcanizing Go, 205 S, Jersey Si, PHONE COLUMBIA 1130 The Hoes Studio von photos 01' jjlUUTV QpjKWItu Cet ' al Seluwil 14 Cabinet Piclures 14 And One Enlargement $7.00 Open Sundays 1 to .J P. M. McCartney & Herwick Sand, Gravel and Wood Hauled Phone Columbia J 15 101 Swcnson Street LEWIS CALDWELL LEADING HAHBKlt The plucc where g'X.l service hiii! conrtcotu trcHtmiiit ire all . CliiMreu' lmir cutting receive hecll Attention, 1O0 BURLINGTON STREET A. M. Warner Conlrnctor-Btiilder AVTKRATIONS RKPAIRS Phone Columbia M l. Office 208 South Jersey. Dr. Lewis J. Keliher DENTIST Peninsula Bank BIdg. Consolidated with DR. BORDEN Office Phone Columbia 793 Private Operating Room Frank A. Rice LAWYER Office in Peninsula Security Building Phon Col. 887 Rfeidenc Col. 389