Our Malt and Hypophosites Compound this ' 'ii I UTMOST ll I I f STYLE 17 $175.00 BASV TERMS STYLE II !f $115.00 feB EASY TERMS j tfi N With Cod Liver Extract Strengthens the body and the tissues, improves respi ration, makes the lungs strong; corrects indigestion, strengthens the blood and gives you more energy, and in this way heads off illness. Then it is good af ter cold or grippe to give strength. St Johns Pharmacy PHONE COLUMBIA 138 The Prescription Storb COLUMBIA RECORDS OAmondii Bags i The Cash and Carry 'Grabateria The Changing Times The era of Chain Stores came about because a group of men with large capital could, by starting stores in different localities increase the outlet of merchandise eminatiug from one source. The Chain Store system is nothing more thau any other store except the buying part is concentrat ed at one place. The buyers for these stores have their headquarters at the source of production and they buy direct from the packer or the producer. It goes without saying that a buyer who can buy the same sort of merchandise for several hundred stores can command a better price than a buyer for just one store. The secret of advantageous grocery prices iu St. Johns is this ability to buy in connection with many other stores. That is why you have had established by this store better prices than prevail almost any where in Portland. Coupled with this buying capacity, the activity of the owners, the acquaintance with the locality be cause of our long residence here ought to convince any one that we can do business at less cost than the average grocery. We always believed that "a word to the wise was suficint." The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery SCALES & CURRIER, Inc. OWNERS - The H. C. of L. is still on the upward slide. The adoption of denim as a Barb would not be of great aid to our woolen mills. Al Hanson of North Hudson street made a business trip up in Washington state last Batur day. Tho Peninsula Minstrels wil put on u minstrel show at tho Moose hall Muy 12th, under tho auspices of Holmes Lodge No 101, K. of P. The Portland Manufacturing Co. has taken out permits for erection of fuel hunkers at a cost of $20,000 and a new veneer mil at a cost of Mrs. Henry Finn loft for her homo at La Grande, Oregon. last Friday, after spending a pleasant visit with tier sister, Mrs. N. II. Johnson. Patrick Skolloy will erect modern fivo room bungalow on Ivnnhoc street, near Catlin. N. A. Geo will have charge of ex cavation. Mr. Merle Koo-und Miss Alico Parker wero united in marriage at tho home of Dr. Jones batur dav avoning. tho Dr. perform nir tho ceremony. They will mako their homo in Portland. A mas3 mooting will ho held at tho library next Monduy oven mr for tho uurposo of selecting a well fitted candidato for school director at tho Juno election, A largo turnout iu dosircd. Mrs. C. P. Gatos. who under went an operation at Corvallis tho past week, is getting along in fino sty e. it is reported. Her mother. Mrs. Thayer, has boon with her for a couplo of weeks. Tho Jolly 'Steen club was en tcrtained at the homo of Mr. and Mrs.. A. W. Markle Wednesdoy ovoning. In tho gamo of 500 12. R. Inglcduo secured first prize, Dr. A. V. Vincent second prize, and Mrs. E. W. McLean guest prizo. Members of tho Sunshine club wore n easanuy onteriauieu ni the homo of Mrs. Halph Shuts on Thursday a ternoon. Conver sation. needlework and music wore tho divenions and at the usual hour a dainty luncheon was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Smith havo taken up their residenco in St. Johns, occupying apartments n tho McChesnoy hotel. Mr. Smith is tho genial proprietor of tho Columia Garage, and former ly spent a number of years in tho newspaper game. N. A. Gee states that he has exravated to a depth of fourteen feet this week and found tho soil practically as moist as near the ton. He says this is tho first time ho has Known sucn a con dition to exist. It has been ra ther damp of late. Voting for May Queon at tho Portland Woolen mills is, warm ing up and irienus oi mo con testants are working hard. Mary Ludwig, Anna Ruffe, Viola Brico and Mrs. Davis are tho four candidates in the race, and votes aro sold at I cent each. An all day celebration on May day will terminate with a dance in the evening. There was quite an interesting meeting at the Royal Neighors last meeting night when the Supervising Deputy and District Deputy were present. The reg ular business being over thoro was a social hour during which time the lodge members presen ted the Past Orical, Mrs. Read, with a gold pin of her office with name and number of the Camp engraved theraon. Repor ted. Rev. Chester P. Gates, the new pastor or the Evangelical church, will occupy tho pulnit of that church next Sunday morn ing, and Bishop M. T. Maze of LeMars, Jowa, will occupy the pulpit in the evening at 7:30. Rev. Lay ton will conduct services at his new charge in Corvallis Sunday. Rev. Layton and fam ily will move to Corvallis on next Tuesday, and Rev. Gates will move to St. Johnson Wednesday. The St. Johns CoYnmunity Club will meet at the Woof en Mills Club House Tues day evening', May 3d, where dinner will oe served at 7:00 o'clock at 75 cents per plate. Phone Miss Bowers, secre tary, for reservations, Col umbia 562. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Bnkkc have returned from a visit to re latives and friends in Seattle, Tacomn, Bremerton and Van couver, B. C. A letter to this offico from Oakland, Ciil., and signed by I' rod Benedict states that the recent report of his marriairo is incorrect, and nsks that same be corrected. Rapid progress is being made on improvement of Jersey street. and a big ipmrovement is already noticeable. 'I ho top dress mr of Wcstrumite which has been removed is proving a great boon to some or tho other streetB. un- on which it has been placed. Charles Foss hits purchased tho fino lot at the corner of Leavitt and Ivanhoo street and ho says it is his imrnoso to erect a good business building thereon. Major Hiram U. Welch, enndi- data for tho offico of County Assessor, paid St. Johns n pleasant visit last Friday. He has had more than twenty years experience in tho Assessor's of fice and is eminently fitted for tho position of Assessor. Tho business staff for the James John high school senior play, Iingogedby Wednesday," has been elected as follows: Clarence Gilstrap. businoss man agor; Jacob Griffoth, assistant business mnnager; Rnvmond Ketnor, stngo manngor; Alfred Muupln. custodian of properties. and Solon Bugbee, head usher. The Pythinn Sisters Altruistic club was dclightfullylcntcrtained at tho homo of Mrs. Graco Blair at 313 N. Smith avenuo on Tues day, at an all day session, when the bisters finished their quilt. A most dolicious dinner was ser ved at 12 o'clock, the table do. corations being carried out in yellow with mininturo umbrellas as place cards. After plans had been arranged for tho next meeting the ladies departed de claring Mrs. Blair a fine hostess. The noxt meeting will bo with Mrs. L. F. Clark at 023 N. Ivanhoo street May 4th. A good attondanco is desired at this timo. Reported. GLOVES LAUGK ASSORTMKNT W. W. ROOKRS THK RAINCOAT MAN Kodak Now. Currin Says So. Pointers' Overalls. ROGERS. For Sale-Thoroughbred Rhode Island Red setting eggs. 7M S. Crawford. 25 Wanted Good girl for general house work. Mrs. Thomas Aut zen. "101 WillnnTotta boulevard. Prescription specialists. Cur rin's. WORK SHIRTS. ROGERS. For Sale Row boat, oars and locks cheap. Call 1101) S. Syra cuse. Star Vibrator at Currln'H cquul to vibrators that cost much more. A lot to trade for your equity in a house. Call at this office. Cut tho H. C. L. wear ROGERS' WORK PANTS. For Sale by owner Tho busi ness of tho Columbia Garage, 107 Fessondon street; pioneer location iu St. Johns. Fire proof building passed by the department. For particulars see owner on premises. Men's silk lined Dress Hats S3.00. ROGERS. For Kent Thru: furnished rooms $10 nml $12 ench per month. W. G. Wilson, Oi l N. Central Avenue. Also 2000 feet of second 1mm! lum ber for hide. TENNIS SHOES. ROGERS Wanted Middle aged lady for housekeeper and euro for two small children. Call or write 521 Hartman street, St. Johns. Rogers really neods you. k it wanieu uoou launuross, per mnnont work. Mrs. Thomas Autzon, 401 Willamette boulu vnrd. Bankors, stenographers, clerks and professional men WEAR ROGERS' OVERALLS. ForSalo-S. C. Rhoda Islnnd Red cockorel. ono year old. 1015 S. Kellogg street. Notico Tho nnrty who nicked l...l-.t II . , I n . up muy h purse in reninsuiauunK plcnso return samo at onco to Anna Stennct, 511 Bristol street. Adv. For Salo-At 310 West John street. St. Johns. Ono d him; table, one Library Table. For Rent Burlington Hotel, 71G Burlington street, 25 rooms, furniture for sale; near St. Johns mill. 2.95 y.15 6.50 1.8C 1.35 6.50 t.sr mm Eli .Do you know that it will repay you to look through our .stock and net prices before making your purchases, as we are making close out prices oil many Hues? You are the loser if you do not, so come and we will otli be benefited. Attmy SJooj.s on Shovn tliln Wuole Ladlus' Patent Leather SHjijHira , 5.00 value, now at Misses School Shoes 4,00 vulue, now at Men's Shoes 7.50 value, now at Men's Shoos , 6.00 value, now at Men's Shoes 5.50 value, now at 1 lot of Ntchoft Show , , 7,50 value, now at " Nlekoff Show C.50 value, now at Men's Heavy Wool Shirts , f 1.50 value, now at f3.G0 Heavy Knitting Yarn ,, 1,15 value, now at .S5 Saxony Yarn . 35 value, now at .25 Men's Atjuaiwlle Coats , , 4.50 value, now at -1.00 Men's Aijuapclle Pants,.., , 4,00 value, now at 3.50 Men's Heavy Socks 30 vulue, now at ,25 Men's Heavy Socks 40 value, now ut ,35 Men's Heavy Socks CO value, now at .15 Men's Cotton Socks , 15c to 50c Rain Coats , , 4.50 value, now at 3.50 Heavy Coat Sweaters , 1.50 value, now at 1.15 Heavy Gloves , 2,25 value, now at 1,50 Hiankets, (Wooluap) , 8.50 value, now at G.50 Itlaukcts 4.00 value, now at 3.00 Heavy Comforters 5.00 value, now at 3.75 Shluola Sets , , 50 value, now at ,35 Good Urooui .00 Many other low prices in all departments. This saleaffords the people of St. Johns a rare opportunity to save money, and all who wish to profit by it should make their purchases without delay, as stock iu some lines is being rapidly sold out. Ely's Cash Store 113 W. Burlington Street Among the famous bells of the world not one lmibccn nawctatcit with events of so Rrcnt imtort to hnumtilty ns tho Liberty Dell. Its prophetic inscription; its appeal to tho people to assemble for the re dress of their Kricvanccs; its defiant clangour thai memorial day of the Proclamation of our Independence; its joyous pealing over the completed work of the American Revolution, and its last tolling over the dead of the nation, jjIvm its story an abiding interest to the tin tion and the world, A miniature reproduction of this famous bell in the form of a savings bank will be given with every new Savings Account opened at our bank before July 4th, 1920, Let this Liberty Bell Bank be a means toward establishing your financial independence, by as sisting you to acquire the habit of systematic Thrift and Economy. We want every child in St. Johns to have one of theso Liberty Bells, which is the most appropri ate type of Home Savings Bank for all free people. OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT TODAY AND GET ONE OF THESE BEAUTIFUL LIBERTY BELL BANKS WHILE THEY LAST. Peninsula Nationa Bank Member Federal Reserve System 5 mMS&F 5 j&MmD Our NEW BALCBEARING LAWN MOWERS Run asy I and Cu t Smoothly. HAVE A NEATLY CLIPPED LAWN ALL OF THE TIME. IT ADDS TO THE JOV OF LIVING AND IT ADDS TO THE VALUE OF VOUK PHOPEKTY. KEEP YOUK LAWN LOOKING P HETTY. TEN YOUH NEIGIIHOKS WILL DO THE SAME, COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU HOW EASILY OUH LAWNMOWEKS HUN. THEY AHE NOT COSTLY. OUH TEST. HAHDWAHE IS THE IlESTi IT STANDS THE St. Johns Hardware Co. Phone Columbia 35 ; )aoaooaoooooa0ooaoooaoooo ' Cloverland Creamery Pasteurized Milk and Cream Fresh Buttermilk Daily Phone Columbia 659 Special for Saturday Fancy Legs of Veal 30c lb. Breasts of Veal for filling - 20c lb. Shoulder Roasts of Veal 25c lb. Fancy Steer Pot Roasts 20c and 22c lb. Picnic Hams 25c lb. Peninsula Market H. A. Imboden & Fred P. Myers, Proprietors X :