St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 16, 1920, Image 1

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Doric lodge No. 132. A. F.
and A. M., recently purchased
and is rapidly completing the
renovation of three buildings in
the heart of St. Johns' business
district to house its lodge room,
a general lodge hall for other
fraternities, a number of offices
and several stores. The Masonic
lodge room will be used exclu
sively by Doric and by Minerva
chapter, No. 105, Ordor Eastern
Star, and is fitted up with ox
pensive furniture and access
orloB. The property and renov
ations will total a cos t of $25,
000, and perhaps moro. The
lodge rooms and oificos are on
tho second floor, and the ground
floor is already being occupied
by business firms. The Doric
Masonic Building association is
the namo of tho business organ
ization formed entirely of mem
bers of tho lodge. Its officers
are Charles II. Carter, president;
F. P. Drinker, treasurer; A.
W. Davis, secretary; John M.
Blair, trustoc. . The money to
make tho payments needed to
purchaso the property was raised
by subscriptions, l tie lodge had
less than 125 members at the
timo of making. tho purchaso a
fow weeks ago. It now has
moro than 25 applicants awaiting
degrees, with moro coming at
ovory stated mooting.
Tho following arc the of
ficorB of Doric lodge.- A. R.
Davis, worshipful master; John
M. Blair, senior warden; James
A. Stephens, junior warden;
Frank P. Drinker, treasuror;
Ross walker, sen or deacon: A.
L. Smock, junior deacon:
Charles B. RukscII, senior
stoward: Waltor S. Ormandy,
junior steward; Charles Stratton,
tylor: Charles E. Hutchinson,
Tho lodge was chartered June
11, 1908, and its first worshipful
muster was Dr. Joseph Mculics
Tho following aro tho charter
members: Charles Brode3en, C.
A. Wood. J. E. Williams. W. D.
Weeks. R. M. Johnson. W. II.
John, W. C. Aldorson, S. Char
les Davis, Joseph McChcsncy,
P. W. Ilinman. A R. Jobcs,
J. F. Hendricks, Marion John
ston, Thomas Satton, P. J. Miller,
W. J. Pcddicord. A. W. Davis.
J. H. Donnett. II. II. Evans.
Tho first six havo appeared
beforo tho Great Master of tho
Universe, but tho remainder aro
still active members of tho order.
Tho following aro tho past
masters of the lodge in their
ordor: Dr. Josoph McChesnoy,
A. R. Jobcs, S. Charles Daris,
E. S. Harrington, Charles A.
Fry, Randolph Gradon, John N.
Doric lodgo is composed of
many of tho leading cltizenB of
St. Johns, and its enterprise
and enthusiasm manifest in tho
upbuilding of tho city is nppre
ciated by oil.
Minerva chapter, No.105, Or
der Eastern Star," the sistor of
Doric lodge, was organized 1912
with 42 charter membors, nnd,nt
present has M0 active members.
It has tho following past mat
rons: Mrs. R. R. Davis, Mm.
Diana Day. MrB. Anria L. Har
rington, Mrs. Olivo Ingledue,
Mrs. Zella E. Johnston, Mrs.
Myrtle A. Weeks, MIbs Dixie
M. Lewis.
Its present officers aro Mrs.
Catherine E. Stephens, worthy
matron; Hal J. Davis, worthy
patron; Miss Alda Overstreor,
associate matron; Mrs. Bessie
V, Post, secretary; Mra, Mary
Carroll, treasurer; Mrs. Stella
C. Lewis, conductress; Mrs.
Grace L. Blair, asaociate conduct
ress; Mrs. Ida M. Canon, chap,
lain; Mrs.Flora Moxon.marshal;
Mrs. Bertha Borden, organist;
Mrs. M. Skinner, Adah; Mrs.
Katherine Davis, Ruth; Mrs.
Elizabeth Hanson. Esther; Mrs.
Lola Ormandy, Martha; Miss
Nettie Johnston, Eieotra; Mrs.
Josephine Hendricks, Warder;
O. H. Bigelow, sontinel.Jour
nal. A cooking club was organized
at the North School Wednesday,
April 14th, with the following
officers and membership: Kath
erine Bonham, president; Dollie
Harri?, vice preB.; Alice Glaub,
secretary; Audrey Waite, Justine
Ford and Marion Banbury. The
club will work under the direct
ion of T. D. Kirkpatrick, Urban
Club Leader, and this work of
the Extension Service of O. A. C.
in Agiculturo and Home Eco
nomics. This club will enter all
competitite contests. The club
leader is Mrs. Hagenbuch. Re
ported. ROGERS really needs you.
S05 Bush 4 Lan BIdB.
015 Alntw.rth Av.
'41. OtwQO St.
There seems little connection
between the Salvation Army
and tho paper famine. Yet the
industrial homes of the Salvation
Army annually salvago upwards
of 100,000,000 pounds of waste
paper to help relievo the short
age. One newspaper publisher,
investigating the work of tho
Army waste paper harvesters,
declared tho salvaged paper sent
to paper mills last year would
print ono edition of newspapers
witn a comuincd c rcu at on o
1,250,000,000 copies, or supply
a nowsnaper oi y.iiM.i57 c r
culatlon with paper for a year,
mis represents tho saving o;
paper alone and takes no cogni
zance of tho work of redeeming
men irom tho gutter and plac
ing them on their feet whilo
thoy work ut baling and sorting
tno waste paper handled. Hun
dreds of men who come to tho
Industrial homes of tho Salvation
Army are given a now viewpoint,
healed in body and mind and
made over into -useful cltizenB
savod from wasto oven as they
savo discarded newspapers and
magazines from wuste. During
the past ten years these men,
whilo finding renewed man
hood, havo saved moro than
three quarters of a million tons
of wasto paper. Still there arc
thousands of tons total loss bo
cnusu tho public's aid in con
serving waste paper has not been
solicited. In Portland hundreds
of tons of paper are sorted and
baled ut tho Industrial homo at
20 Union Avcnuo.
Mr. and Mrs., Floyd Yandlo
and two small sons and Mr. and
Mrs. Bon Peterson and daughter.
Helen, motored out 18 miles
south of Silvcrton. Oregon, Sat
urday and attended a surpriso
danco at Alford Hullts. givon in
honor of Mr. Hullts' 3 1th birth-
dayM'hero were about. 51 guests.
Mrs. I lull t was assintod by sev
eral of the neighboring ladies in
serving tho midnight lunch,
which consisted of coffco, sand-
witches, pickles and cake. Thero
were fifteen cakes including tho
birthday cako baked by Mrs. S.
W.Milligan of Silvcrton which
was decorated with 31 candles.
Tho evening was very much on-
joyed by all, especially Grandma
limit, who is 72 years old. At n
Into hour the guests departed
wishing Mr. Hullt many moro
such occasions.
A dispatch from Eugono to tho
Oregonian Wednesday states:
Mr. ond Mrs. David Hyerloo of
this city will sail from an At
lantic port some timo in August
for Bolengo, Africa, whore thoy
will cngago in mlsjionery work.
Both nro graduates ot tho Eu
gene Biblo Univoraity. Mr. By-
erko also was instructor in music
in that institution. Mr. Byerleo
is a practical printer and will
manage a printing establish
ment. Ho has been employod
on tho local papers in that ca
pacity for a number of years."
Mr. Byerleo is well known in
St. Johns, where ho rosided a
number of years. He learned
his trade at this ofllco. His
many menus hero win wish him
"Bon Voyage" and plenty
good luck at the other end.
After all. high prices are not
a question of the profiteer. The
trouble is simply that too many
men are taking profits from tho
production and distribution or
goods. Tho manufacturer gats
tho profit duo him; a broker nf!f. a inhhm rrwfa n
profit;a wholesaler gets a profit; I
I 4 1. ,UA uAfillnn nnfu a '
legitimate profit. Figure it out
yourself on a pair of socks.
French Dry Cleaning
And Pressing
Wo Cull Far and Dollvor
217 N. Jersey St.
Phone Columbia 951
Msln 7880
Woodlawn 2082
Columbia 654
Tho eighth term girls met on
Monday nnd Tuesday at study
period to discuss graduation.
In tho first torm class meeting
hold Tuesday ovening it was de
cided to havo masquerade party
in the 5f. W. C. A. rooms Friday
On Wodncsday after school a
party of girls under the chaper-
onago of Goorgo and Miss Kin-
caid paid an interesting visit to
tho Portland Woolen mills.
Tho first of a scries of lun
oheons to be served on Thursdays
to nrom nent neon e in the com
munity was served lost Thurs
day under tho capable manage
merit of Catherine Banbury and
LUcy Thomas.
Life On Mt. Olympus, an in
teresting playlet, written by
Jewel Montaguo and JoyEfle
lnntl, two enthusiastic members
of the Latin club, wob given by
tlfe club at their meeting Inst
Friday ovening.
"Yo Poofs Club" is soon to
bo organized with Sybil Barrett,
Ceuilo Robcrson, Charlotte Jones,
and Stanley O' as char
ter mombors. Tho club will have
a largo part to play in the liter
ary lifo of tho school in the near
Tho fourth term biology class.
under Miss Browor, visited tho
Ccntrnl Library on Friday af
ternoon to st'O'tho butterflies
exhibited thero. They also visited
the public market to observe tho
many diffcront kinds offish nnd
vegetables. llioy visited Rut-
lego's seed store nnd a florist'B
Tho one tonic of conversation
in the halls is track, as the inter-
class moot is to bo held April
23. Miss Clinton. Mr. Gcorgo
and Mr. Kalmbach comprise the
faculty committoo on arrange
monts. Tho clnsj captains nro
as follows: Oliver Jcssup and
Gortrude Hanson, eighth term
ors; Harriot Padden, sovonth
tormcrs; Owen Robortson and
Viola Kryor, sixth tormcrs;
Margaret Clcmmons nnd Peter
Ermlcr, fifth termers; Gladys
I Have a Full Line of
U. S. Rubber Co.'s best grade of
Tennis Shoes
Can fit you all, both big and small :
X Shoes
Bank of Commerce Building ST. JOHNS Open Evenings
St.Johns Undertaking Co.
THOS. GRICE, Manager
208 North Jersey Street
Office, Columbia 527 PHONES Residence, Columbia 299
This is not a branch of any cily undertaker's
The Replacement Cost of Your Property I las Alaterially
Increased Over Pre-War Values
Have You Increased Your Insurance Accordingly?
We can show you actual records where the value of build
ings has increased in value over depreciation to the extent of near
ly one hundred per cent in five years. The same applies in prob
ably a greater proportion to contents of dwellings and stocks of
goods in general. Consult Us. at Once and Increase Your Insur
ance Accordingly. We write all lines of insurance.
108 South Jersey St. Phone Columbia 161
Britton and Henry Bauer, fourth
termers; Sylfi Larson and Orvil
Johnson, third termers; Etta
Baas and Harold Llewellyn, sec
ond termers; Florence Thomp
son and Ralph Fairchilds, first
The High School division of
Campfiro Girls hiked to Holbrook
Wednesday evening. C. A. W.
A small boy of tho Jewish
persuasion who was playing nt
tho end of the pier full into tho
aea and was only rescued after
great difficulty by an intrepid
Bwimmer, who dived off tho
end of the pier and succeeded
getting tho boy into a rowboat
Half an hour afterward, much
exhausted by his efforts, tli
rescuer was walking off tho
pier when a man camo up and
tanned him on tho shoulder,
"Aro you the man who saved my
son Ikoy's life" ho said. "Yes
answered tho much exhauster!
hero. "Then," soid tho Hebrow
in indignant tones, "vero's his
cap?" Tit Bits.
A man may use tho mole on
the back of his neck for a collar
button: ho may givo his child
ren n penny to go to bed without
their supper, and steal the penny
from them after they go to s eci
to fool them again noxtnight;ho
may stop his watch nt night to
savo wear; use a period for a
semicolon to savo ink; pasture
his grandmothers grnvo for hay
but a man of this kind is a actio!
nr nnd a gontictmm compared
with n mun who takes a news
paper from ono to three years
and when asked to pay for
will put it back in tho postoffico
mnrked "KcfUHcd"' that he
don't want tho blamed thing no
how. Scllwood Bee.
Gcorgo vlleinrich. 13-year-old
boy of l&lfi Menra street, it)
missing from his house- and his
parents aro of tho opinion Hint
ho left with Jesse Cook, of GS3
Tioga strcot, who is also miss
ing. Jesso left a short time two
and was returned to his homo by
nolieo officers, but has disappear
cd ngain. When last seen tho
Heinrich boy woro n pair of
khaki trousers, blue mackinuw.
low shoea nnd torn gray hat.
Hats and Caps I
The young people of tho Evan
gelical church and members of
James John high school reserves'
club gave n farewell party honor
ing Miss Dorothy Currin Monday
afternoon in tho Y. W. C. A.
club rooms. Music nnd games
furnished the entertainment.
Refreshments wore served. Dor
othy will leave with her mother
for Klamath Falls today, Friday,
whero her father, C. S. Currin,
has already gone to tako charge
of the drug stores in which
Currin Bros, are principal own
Tho United States Civil 3ervico
Commission announces tin ox
nminntion to bo hold on April
24th for tho nosition of clork
nnd carrier in tho Portland Post
Office. Salnry,$1200 nor annum.
Men only will bo admitted to
this examination. Further in
formation nnd application blnnks
may be secured nt tho Informa
tion Window, or J. S. Howe,
Local Secretary, Hoard of U. S.
Civil Scrvico Examiners, now
post office building, Portland,
The world do move. Follow
ing1 is tho first paragraph of a
Jotter sent br tho Director of
the Government Savings Organi
zation for tho Twelfth Federal
Reserve District to parents of
now bornchildren:"TheGovorn
ment of tho United State? is
vitally interested in tho fact that
you and your wife have been
blessed with tho advent of a
child. ThiH Government is tho
society of American peoplo, and
it ib luting that it should be in
terested in its now members."
Tho letter goes on to ask parents
to ussuro the education of their
children by buying a War Sat
ing stamp ovory week.
A Burnrisingly larco number
registered nt theoffico of Attor
ney Frank A. Rico during tho
week or ho that tho books ware
oooii here, and which clossd
Monday with a registration for
the day of 15(3. In all there were
625 registrations, which is said
to bo approximator 15 per cent
of tho cntiro votoof the district.
Tho registration is largely dun
t. tho efforts of tho St. Johns
Community Club.
Mr. C. A. Rny is exnectinir
his mother from San Dicco.
Calif., 10 spend thrco months
ith him.
'None but the wealthy
can enjoy this life"
is a saying that isn't true.
That is so far as the enjoy
ment of good sporting goods
eady to prove that our
sporting goods will cost you
more than you usually pay
but are tho highest possible
quality. No matter if you
lad unlimited money to
spend you couldn't buy bet
Byerle & Armstrong!
420 North Jersey Street
iltivty Onhhiino 1'lnntn
lfcperdoz. J .00 per 100
rnrgo lluntl rutttiao
lGcpcrdoz, f 1.00 per 100
lGcpcrdtu, $1.00 per 100
CionitiliiiiiH and other plants
window boxes and haii;iii) baskets.
Cllt l'lOW U't'H
and I'loral
at reasonable prices.
Beckett's Greenhous
814 and 816 North Kellogg
Phone Columbia 401
Frank A. Rice
Office In Peninsula Security Building
IMwne Col. 887 RnldeiM Col. 389
A. M. Warner
Phone Columbia M l.
Office 208 South Jersey.
Beggars Who Float In Dowli.
In various countries durlnc pnst
ages hcRjrars linve carried bowls, but
China Is probably trjo only country
In which bowls carry bcRRnrs. Tho
bowls nro boats, round In shape, nntl
Inrjje cnouch to carry two bcRRnrs,
one of whom maneuvers tho craft be
side an Incoming steamship while the
other, usually an need Chinese woman,
does the hoggin from tho passengers,
sometimes making It easier for them
to contribute by reaching upwnrd with
n bag on tho end of n long pole. Tho
dexterity of tho lieggars In handling
their seemingly Impossible boat glrcs
entertainment In return for alms, says
an exchange. Tho craft has no risible
distinction between bow nnd stern,
and the paddlcrs, coming out from the
shore, sit, ono might 6ny, nt opposllo
ends of tho diameter, looking forward,
mid each paddling vigorously over his
in vn side of llio bowl.
Leap Year Mlited.
Tho rule used to tell If n yonr Is,
or was, n leap year Is to dlvldo It by
tho llgurc 4. If It tuny be dono with'
out n remainder It Is generally sup
pesod to piovti that tho year Is n leap
year. This Is correct In respect of
all years save In tho caso of tho 100
years, that Is, tho beginning of n cen
tury, ns 1700, 1800, 1000. In
years the tost Is to dlvldo by 100. If
theso tests nro applied to the last 100
yearn we shnll find tho year 1000 Is
not dlvlvlblo by 400 nnd neither wan
tho year 1S00. Leap year occurred
every four yours after tho year 1800
until 1MK), but there whn no leap year
between 1700 and 1801 (n space of
eight years). Neither wan thero n
lenp year between 1S00 nnd 100 1.
Th nina-Ouiel.
The migrant rlng-ouxcl builds year
after year In n granlto quarry, nnd 1
Imvo often heard him there. It Is
a Military, forgotten plnco nnd ho
known It better than most people.!
, . . iiih song uiiti'm mini nut in
tlumto music of bin klufnllc, tho black
bird and thrush, it m thinner, cold
er, moro ellln tho puro tluklo of n
mountain brook. With aoinu bird you
feel that they like you to listen to
them; not no tho hy rlug-ousul. One
payn something In tlmu mid patience
for his nniig, nnd values It tho more.
I'dcu 1'hllputtH.
Ounched Them All.
I nsked Itllly If ho loved mo and ho
mild "Yes." Then I naked If ho llkixl
Aunt Nell better than mo and his re
ply wirii "I llko both." I continued
itsklng similar quertlonx In regard to
other members of tho family, Finally
tho child grew Impatient and said:
"Oh, geo whiz I I llko tho whole bunch
of you I" Uxchango.
No Moro Dlrthdays,
"Yen. my son.H
"W'hiil nro tho 'mlddlo ngenT
"Why. tho middle ages, my boy, arc
the one which when tho women reach
they Mop counting." Yonkerti Stoteit
ninn Get it at
Currins for Drugs
On Your Own Termi
When friends
entertain tliom with tha H
stand I 1 " i
y iciroia
Tliere'a always fresh in H
tercst in Victor Records of H
tho world's masterpiece, H
eunc and played by tho Hj
world's greatest artists; in H
tho latest popular eonga; H
nnd( tho newest danco H
music, Hj
There aro no "cmburasa- H
Iing momenta when you
entertain with tho Victrola.
t.lec Srv W YWl
Open Sundays 2:16 to 11:00.
Mondays and Saturdays open at 6:30.
Other days at 7:00.
Regular Admission Gc, lie, lRc.
Saturday, April 17th
IRENE CASTLE In "Till I.V HUND" Paramount.
Sunday, April 18lh
ING?" The same stars who made
"281 Hours Leave." They arc nl
wars food. Also Harold Lloyd in
III Hoyal Slyness."
Monday and Tuesday, April 19 and 20
unnnuca rwu in -aikm
Wednesday, April 21
IS WHmr Paramount.
Thursday and Priday, April 22 ami 2.1
rauics nitf special
Ay ZANH GRHY. You will like It.
Satnrday, April 24t1i
Sunday, April 2Gtlt
MAN," and Al St. John in a 2 reel
comedy, "Speed."
Monday mid Tiiemlay, April 20 mid 27
WcduciKlay, April 5M--
MRS. WIN'mRO!'" Paramount.
Thuradiiy and l'rlday. April liOnnd ilO
OR TINt IIIM.S." A l'lrst Na
tloual production that la Hire, to
Saturday, May lit
Sunday, May 2
To be announced Inter.
Monday and Tuesday, May 3 and I
LEW CODY In "Tlllt llltl.OVRI)
Wcducaday, May 6th
RY'S ANKI.K" Artcralt.
Inspect These
Tires Yourself
Please consider this announce
ment n cordial Invitation to visit our
salesroom and Inspect thcc sturdy
A new shipment has already
arrived and we join Harney Old field
in recoinmcndinn tlicin to you uti
'Tin most tnutworthyltlms built"
We also do first class tire repair
and retreading and carry the best
best line of used tires in the city.
National Vulcanizing Go,
205 S, Jersey St,
The Hoes Studio
- I'OR- -
Oposltc Central School
14 Cabinet Pictures 14
And One Enlargement
Open Sundays 1 to 4 P. M.
McCartney & Herwick
Sand, Gravel and Wood Hauled
Phone Colombia 3IS
101 Swenson Street
The place where good service uud
courteous treatment prevail, Childrenfs
hair cutting receive special attention.