St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 09, 1920, Image 4

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Ambltloui Plant Credited to Enallsh
Company Wall Within the Realm
of Possibility.
A company Iihh Imhui formal In ItiiK'
Inml for thi) purpu of oporallni; u
Jlt ct of nlrtlilp to vnrlmw iwrtM of tlm
wnrlil. Tlio MjnillfHlo iliwIriM to iu
otilrn Krouuil nonr SouthiMirt, w Intro It
proponkw to urvct n lemur Hit to M
foot IiIrIi to whhli nlmhl! nwy do
mooriMl, nml mi olovntor will tHko tln
pilNMIIIKlTN lip lllO ItlWIT Hllll IlltO till'
Koiulolnit of tlio hlilpn. Tlio wyntllOHlM
Inlomls to Imvo n Hunt of iion-rlKll
nlmlilps In rommWilim uoxt fprliiK;
tlio HOiitllHr will rurry Ki iwwwintor
nml ermv nml tlio iHruor 10 msnmrH
nml crow. Tlio wmiwny hI initio-
IputMK millllllK WOtlH) of tlio lrnH-
rlk'lil nlrchlp now In tHHirs of cou
nt met Ion. TIiono will Imvo h mnliiK
CHpiirlly of IN) pntinoiiKorM nioI Ih mUIh
to imvol to miy part of tlio glol. II
Ih propi)Niil to ino tlio monitor non
iIkIi) nlrwIilpH to fowl tlio lurxor 0110
nml moot jlicin til tlio prtoolpiil o
torn. Tlio ant por mllo Ik put M lout
linlf tlio cmt of n IhvIchIi furo IimIhv,
npproxlmntoly iilnmt 18 cohIn (ht mllo.
Scientific AmoiicHn.
Reasons for Feeding Olrds.
Ity fts'dliiK tint dlnlH In cold womOiw
onn provide mniiumltlon bkhIiisI tlio
HIO$tlltOW of Juno, oxpliilnx It IIIIHII
tier of tlio Antmnl I'mtootlvo Iouku.
It ki'ciih t lint lilnls fts'l tliolr yoium
on moxQiiltooH, thus doktroyliiK Krot
nninhoro of tlio poitx, .lttloiMtiiriil
food In nvnllnhlo for birds In tlio win
tor otcopt In tlio cxtromc South, nod
ami thoro loss cmv bo found by thoiii
nt this aenson tliitn In Die siuuiiior. So
when the tnMo or viinlry sholf Is
rlonrod of crumUs If the content of
tho crumb truy nro sotturol outdoors
liiNtend of IioIiik put In tlio KHrbnKO
can, tho birds will bo tltHiihful. nml
will nhow thtdr KnUltudo by snvlnu
tho food-Klvor ninny u mosquito bile
next duminor.
MomiiiUoos itro only 0110 of tlir nmny
oicellont roNHuiis why birds should bo
fed during tho winter. Tho oihors are
all tho other Insects widely hamper
me production or 1110 iwrmMi. mm nh
)ileasurs of uong and pluutHKo. St.
Joueph (luxotto.
North Dakota's Lignite.
A government report Miya "the fuel
problem lms been forever Milvod In
North Dakota." Hie western half of
the stato Is underlaid with Henlto, the
beds estimated to contnln (VX),000.(XXV
000 tons. Over thousands of mi tin re
in 11 os this soft coal lie oo clou) to the
tsjrfaco that fanners merely dlR n
liolo In their own Holds ami take out
tho coal ns thuy rejulrn It. Hut-int;
1018 l,(XX).(KKl.O00 tons were mliunl. If
the farmer Is too busy with Ids farm
work to help himself, he can buy It
for fl.60 or fl! ptr ton. Many of the
large craln eluvtitors are oporated by
power furnished by coal that Is mined
on the spot, and this yenyral economy
Id fuel lias aided materially In In
creasing the per cuplta wealth.
Money invested in a wood pile at this season of the year pays better interest than
money in bank
Buy of this Company and be sure and get FIR WOOD and FAT LOADS. We guarantee seven-eighths of a cord '
to the load when you are putting in your supply
FIR WOOD is worth MORE than some wood on the market
Phone Columbia 131
That Form of Advertising Is the Most
Popular With the Merchants
of China.
It bus been known for n lone Hum
uhnt h relative tunic It wnn to k visit
ItiK In Clilnii tlmt Is, If you liuppened
to bo n lofty dlculmry mid must (hero
foro curry iiIoiir h oitril of uucomfort
nblti dlmonsloiis. Advertising. It Miems,
shows n corrospomllnK illverKuueo not
only from occidental methods, but
from Ihosn of neitrhy Jnmn, There
hio ihoiiMiuds 4ipou Ihousuutls ' nf
iitmspnporH In fhlnn, but they ore
not ery llrmly estoldlshtsl, mid when
tlioy do jmt mmiii illstipposr nltinfetber,
t ! nro utmost suio to cIihiiko iinnie
froiuently, iu Iihh beou known lo hup
pou Willi corlHln Aniwltun- imMucts.
NoWMMporH of tho riiilitlc Imvo mi
orno dully circulation of 11,000,
which Is htrcer limit It looks, since
the ixipers nro ciirofully pushed from
Imiiil to liiinil. Thorn Is, then, to be
sure, newspaper nilvertlsiUK us well its
imators. Hut the most itopulnr form
of publicity for niercliHiits Is the ml
mills r I Nowhere Is Hint humble do
mn(le urtlclo more lni.irlsnt tlmn In
C'hliiH. AdvertUements hero pluewl are
looked njHiii every day. And after nil,
when you look nt tlio calendars "tlmt
begin to nirlve slmnt this time of Hid
josr. Un't It posHlble to IiiihkIuo tlmt
t'blim Is not ho fsr from the West m
It mlKlit lol Christian Sclisico Monl
Captain of Industry at Three.
T.lttlo Kdwnrd Is Jut ,1 years old,
but "colitu on -I." He Is very fond of
Ids crmidmother's homo mul often Is
a young visitor, Ills last call was last
.Sunday afternoon, aruudmotlier, who
had been taklui; a imp, was u bit Into
coiiiIiik downstairs to greet her fa
voiilo Kuust. Kho found blm cmldled
up In the blfr easy chulr In front of the
fireplace, lCdwutd siiiIIimI as she
stooptMl to kiss blm, but, boylike, that
was about the only sign of affection
from blm,
"(let up, dear," urged Kdwnrtl's
mother, "that's grandmother's chair."
"No, 'It Isn't," assorted tho young
man, "I beat lier to It."
Possible Restraint.
"i'hore Is a great deal of dsnger In
nil this socialistic literature."
"1 suppose so," replletl tu nmu who
Is osnsperntlngly tmnqull. "And yet
If a man would take tho trouble to
rend mid understand all tlmt bus
been written about socialism before
embarking In business as a 'red,' lio'd
bo entirely too old to participate lu
uny active demonstrations."
Why Horses Are Diminishing.
An authority attributes Tlio diminu
tion In number of horses to the Im
possibility of hurst prices keeping
pce with the prices of wheat, corn,
pork, beef and inuttou, and therefore
the farmer neglects horse breeding
for something more profitable. Hut
what are we going to do for work
stock live or teu years from now! he
Intorchurcli World Movomont
Surveyors Find Lolhargy
In Orogon.
Tho churdi used to have to compoto
with tho saloon ns tho center of recrea
tion, Now it bus to contpotn with tho
movie, the danoo-hall and the motor
This Is tho vlow of tho problum fso
Iiir rural churolios Oregon, of hup
voyors for tlio lnteruhureh World
Movomont who Imvo spuit munths
making Investigations of conditions in
tlio state.
"Wo cannot complulu booauso theso
other attractions nro drawing tho poo
plo nwnv from tho oliureh." ald ono.
"ao long as wo do not provide any
alternative social attractions. Tho
rJiureh has to moot tho domamls of tho
ooiuinuulty in which It oxldts. nhvHinui
unil recreational as well as spiritual,
and so long us It does not moot thoin
It cannot protest against (ho fact that
tho diincohnll nml movies ooounv ihn
loUuro tlnio of the younger people,
wutio tho whole family Is lured by the
prospect oi a motor trip rather than
by what the church nt nreseut lma in
The church has to offer somathlnv
bettor. It will not accomplish much
by denouncing the dance-hall urn! other
amusements or which- it disapproves
so long as its criticism is merely nega
tive. It has to take a oosltlvo rmirnn
and provide eutortalnmont and recrea
tion or genuine attraction uud so oust
tho bad with the Kood. I knu- of
ono Sunday school that forml this nmh.
lorn iu a vigorous way. It found that
the local pool halt was uttraotliig largo
numbers of young men, so It bought
tho pool tables, thus closing thn mini
hall, ltut It. did not stop there. It
offered entertainment which effective
ly reuched these youug men who had
previously spent their time at tho pool
hall. Wo can Imvo movies in tim
church too, especially those education,
al films which can oasllv ba uot fmm
tho Uovernnient departments."
homo surveyors found that thnrn wu
a general lack of luterest In thn nhnr.i
and religious things In tho rural dis
tricts which they visited. "Pastors uro
eecomiug uiscouraKed." ono unt.t "an.i
spend part of their time working ou
farms instead of outtlnc all thir ,.f.
fort Into church work."
The results of thoso Hiirvnva will
form an important nart of thn
at tho conference to be held Iu this
county early In April.
The I'rlueliml Miss llroun. I wish
you would give up this Idea of nutr
rlage. The training of children Is n far
higher calling tlmn the mere beariuc
of them.
Tho 'lVnchois ,Ym
but int weren't fo those of the lower
calling, whoiu would you have to
riwj Ufe. .
The Home Merchant
Ho kuows what THIS TOWN
He knows your INDIVIDUAL
Ho is anxious to please.
He wants you to call again,
He GUARANTEES his goods.
He'll exchange them if they do
not please.
Why Not Trade
at Home?
Imports of Precious Stones.
Tho value of the precious stones Ipi
ported Into tho United States In the
fiscal year thai ended recently was
greater than it luul been In nny pre
vlous year, Pearls are growing more
populor, but became tho war Inter
fered with the fisheries they haw be
come so scarce that dealers cannot
supply tho demand, The South Africa
diamond producers nre taking advan
tage of the favorable market to un
load the diamonds that they have been
accumulating during the war. Ac
cording to the National City bank' of
New York half the diamonds In the
world are already owuVd In the United
States. VoutU's Companion.
Cards of thanks notices are
chm-Rod for at tho rate of fifty
cents each. Persons desirinj? to
have such notices published
sho)ild make a note Of this.
Bring in your job printing.
Patronize tho Review adver
Don't send your printing out
of town.
www abt. ji
e W
Charles S. Rudeen
Candidate 'for
Thirty years in Bus
iness in Portland
$100 Reward, $100
Tha reader of thU Darr- wilt ba
Pleased to learn that there l at least one
Qreailed dl-ao that science has been
able to cur In all Its stages, and that U
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only
positive euro now Known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional
dUease, requires a constitutional treat,
ment. Hall Catarrh Cure Is taken In
trnall. acilnc illrecllv unon tha blood
an J mucous mrfaf t of the system, there
by eestroyinar the foundation or tne dis
ease, and slvlns the pattern stremrth by
bulldtnfT up the oorutltutton and aaslstlns
naiuro in dolnir Its work. The oroorletors
have so much faith tn Us curative pow
era that they offer One Hundred Dollars
fr any oa that It falls to cure. Send
ter list of testimonials.
AdJreM! '. J. CIIK.NKr A CO., TOIJO, O.
Sold by all Drug fUt. fie.
Tkt llslfs Family mils for ceasUpUa.
We Can Save You
75 Per Cent
of Your Tire Value
The greater part of a tire value is in the car-
cass. Yet many tires are discarded m because tho
tread is worn out. . '
With a Miller Ad-On-A-Tire we will make '
your worn tires practically as good as when you
bought them. After applying the Ad-On-A-Tire
you cannot telt the old tire from a new, except
that it is over-size and mere puncture-proof than
a new tire.
The Miller Ad-On-A-Tire is built like a tiro
without beads. It is made of tough, buoyant
rubber with several layers of fabric. The side
walls completely cover the tire and clinch under
the rim. And it also ha3 the famous tread that is
The many caterpillar feet of tAis tread engag
with the ground like cogs. You are assured com
plete, traction and greater safety.
Any tire, regardless of rnake, can be re-milecj
with a Miller Ad-On-A-Tire.
i Bring your worn tires, and we will show
how we can lengthen their life,
Sweet's Tire Shop
Vulcanizing and Retreading
118 Philadelphia Street, St, Johns, Ore,