St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 09, 1920, Image 3

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    High Grade Rugs
On Easy Terms
We have the largest stock
of High Grade Rugs ever
carried in St. Johns. These
rugs are all serviceable,
beautiful, room size rugs in
Oriental designs and har
monious color combinations
which will blend perfectly
with modern interior wall
tinting and draperies. In
this showing we offer you
Axminsters, Body Brussells
and Wiltons. All on the
Ormandy Bros. Easy pay
ment plan.. The following
is a partial list of the rugs
which we offer:
9 x 12 Axminsters $ 52.00
9x12 57.50
9 x 12 " 66.50
9x12 "seamless 71.00
8 x 10 Body Brussells 79.00
9x12 " " 85.00
83x 106 Wiltons 100.00
.9x12 " 110.00
9x12 " 117.50
' 9 x12 " 124,50
Pay a little clown . and a
little each week.
Your Credit Is Good
OAmandu Bags
Our Malt and Hypophosites Compound
With Cod Livor Extract
Strengthens the body and the tissues, improves respi
ration, makes the lungs strong; corrects indigestion,
strengthens the blood and gives you more energy,
and in this way heads off illness. Then it is good af
ter cold or grippe to give strength.
St. Johns Pharmacy
The Prescription Store
The Cash and Carry Grabateria
TheChanging Times
The era of Chain Stores carne about because- a
group of nieu with large capital could, by starting
storesn different localities increase the outlet of
merchandise eininating from one source.
The Chain Store system is nothing more than
any other store except the buying part is concentrat
ed at one place. The buyers for these stores have
their headquarters at the source of production and
they buy direct from the packer or the producer.
It goes without saying that a buyer who can buy
the same sort of merchandise for several hundred
stores can command a better price than a buyer for
just one store.
The secret of advantageous grocery prices in St.
Johns is this ability to buy in connection with many
other stores. That is why you have had established
by this store better prices than prevail almost any
where in Portland.
Coupled with this buying capacity, the activity
of the owners, the acquaintance with the locality be
cause of our long residence here ought to convince
any one that we can do business at less cost than the
average grocery.
We always believed that "a word to the wise
was suficitut."
The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery
Register Now
Mrs. W. J. Mackoy underwent
second operation at St. Vin
cent's hospital Wednesday.
C. A Andrew of Throa Forks.
Mont., is viaitimr his mother
and brother, Frank, in St. Johns.
Miss Kathoryn Vernon of '107
North Jersey street, with tho
drug department of Meier &
Frank, is visiting relatives nnd
friends in Astoria.
At tho Pioneer M. E. Church
Sundny at 11 n. m. tho sermon
subject will be. "The Crisis."
Mrs. Acnes Hunt will sing
"Handel L' Allegro."
Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Wninscott
of Oakland, Oregon, wcro guests
of Mr. and Mrs. v. 15. Vernon,
107 North Jersey, sinco last
Issue of tho Review.
Mrs. B. J. Campbell attendod
tho fifth anniversary of tho Py
thinn Sisters' Lodge at North
Plains Saturday evening, and re
ports a most cnjoyablo time.
T. B. Taylor of Mnnloton.
Minn., is a guest at tho homo
of O. M. Cornell, the ganitu
station manager at East St.
Johns. Mr. Taylor is a breeder
of registered Clydcsdalo horses
and Sultan shorthorns.
Friends from Vnncouver.
Wash., gavo Mrs. W. E. Knight
of 322 E. Burllnftton street
very n casanc uirmuny nnrty
Thursday, April 1st, nnd n most
cnioyabio time was had by all.
Mrs. Wolf of Lents was also
Willis Vinson, after more than
three months at Emanuol hoa-
nital. whoro ho underwent scv
eral serious operations, returned
lorno last Saturday and steadily
irnlninir in health. Mis num
orous frionds nro glad to have
l'm back.
Mr. Fred Benedict of Ports
mouth and Miss Pearl Emorick
of St. Johns were united in
marriage. Miss Lmerick is well
known among tho young peoplo
of this city. Mr Benedict was
formerly a James John high
school Btudent. 1 ho young cou
pie will mako their home in St.
Mr. Thomas Lindley and Miss
Minnio Gould were united in
marriago. April 3. 1920. by Rv.
Hatch, of tho Baptist church, at
Bakerfiald. California. Mr. Lind
ley Is a brothor of Mrs. S. N.
Haner of 624 E. Mohawk street.
and Miss Gould is a daughter of
Mr. O. C. Gould, of Eugene, Or.
Mr. and Mrs. Lindley were
both formerly of St. Johns. a
Gen. Compson W. R. C.' No.
52 will give a birthday dinner
on April 17th to members of the
Corps and comrades oi uen.
Compson Post G. A. R. No. 22
whose birthdays occur in tho
montha of March, April and May.
The Corps meets tho first and
third Saturdays of each month
at 2 n. m. Visiting sisters and
comrades are always welcome-
Mary Jane Watts, wifa of W.
H. Watts. 629 Tyler street,
died at Good Samaritan hospital
Sunday -a.ternoon following a
stroke of apoplexy. Sho was
born In Port Dover, Ontario, 04
years ago. one also leaves a
daughter, Mrr. John Fort of
Nawberg, seven sistors and two
brothers. Funeral services
were conducted by the Rev. Mr.
Reed Monday morning at 11
o'clock. Interment was at New-
R unanimous vote the eltv
council decided to purchase the
Caples tract augmented by three
double blocks at rear and extend
ing from Lombard to Hudson
afroota for St. Jnhm nlavcrrnunri.
The only objection heard con
cerning the Caples tract was its
size, and now this feature has
bean taken care of.
Tht, T. O. O. M. will piva a
rffe W " W WWW 0 W W WW
card Darty. dance and lunch at
their hall Friday evening,
April 16th. A rood sociable
time is guaranteed. Complimen
tary tickets will be issued by
members of the committee, as
follows: Jack Corcoran, Frank
Gasser and M. H. Houtan. Ad
mittance can only be gained by
tickets irora tne committee,
S. Sandstrom has gone to Bos
ton for a month's vacation.
Mrs. Enrl Garnott of New
York is the guest of her sister,
Mrs. E. Oliver of this city.
Alex. Cochran of Pendleton
is a guest of his sister, Mrs. S.
L. Irwin, at 116 Chicago street.
Mrs. A. W. Mnrklo onter-
tnincd the Pythian Sisters club
at an all day session Tuesday.
Hiram Entlngcr has gone to
Alaska ror n six months busi
ncsa trip. Ho sailed from Scat
tie Tuesday on the steamer Til-
Earl Kclihcr and John Mc
Grogor returned Monday to tho
University of Oregon after
spending uastor vacation at
A Basket Social and Dance
will be given at Moose Hall April
20th by tho United Artisans.
Snood's Orchestra. Lndies plcuso
bring basKcts. everybody wol
coma. 23
Joe McConnoll sustained a frnc-
turo of tho skull while at work
ac tho Cooperago plant Monday
evening. Hopes nro held out for
his recovery. Ho is 20 years of
age and resides at 730 Olympia
C. II. "fiigler has purchased
iscam'H confectionery nnd is
making somo improvements.
Mr. and Mrs. Biglcr recently
arrived from Tim her, Oro. Thoy
wcro formerly in business in San
1 rancisco.
Edward Galloway haa been an
pointed leader of the Boy Scout
troop which meets nt tho North
school; Dr. Lowls Kellher,
of Eu8t school troop, and Slier
win Shoals, Central school.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Ingleduo
entertained tho Jolly 'Stccn club
In n very pleasing mannor Wed
nesday evening. In the game
of &00 W.R. Evens secured first
prize. D. F. Horsmnn second
prize, nnd Mrs. McLean the
guest prizo. Refreshments of n
delicious naturo were served.
Rabbits for Snlo Two months
old 25 and 50 cents. Black and
gray Flemish Giant, Balgian
Hnres and Himalayan. 815 N.
alo.-1032 N.
Goo'd cow for
Syrucuso street.
I'OR SAI.H Modern two-story six
room home, lull bascmcnt,cemcnt floor,
furnace heat, wash trays; connected to
sewer; all street Improvements paid, 60.
xlOO foot lot; fruit, khrtibbery ami How
ers. Sec K. II, Tl'.NNANT. 929 North
Syracuse, phone Columbia 33G,
I'OR SAI,H Six room modern house,
full basement, furnace, sleeping torch,
garage, JOOxlWJ corner lot, improve,
menu oil paid, fruit and shrubbery,
grounds In perfect condition, located in
the very best residence district of St.
Johns; terms. See It. II. TKNNANT,
1'hone Columbia 33U.
Fresh Cow For Snlo Inquire
507 Baltimoro street. 23
For Snlo good family
Call 723 N. Senoca street.
For Salo Cheap Now Perfec
tion oil hontcr, Inrge size. Phono
Columbia 330.
For Salo Thoroughbred Rhodo
Islnnd Red setting eggs. 714
S. Crawford. 25
"KEDS" for the kids. ROG
ERS. For Sale Tho Columbia Gar
age, 107 Fcssonden stroet. A
bargain for cash. Soo owner on
premisos. 22tf
For Snlo Small houso $100
cash, balance terms to suit. Call
1218 S. lvanhoo street, St. Johns.
Khaki pants. ROGERS.
For Salo or Rent Nine room
house, hot and cold water, toilet,
bath, garage, garden, 160xl32&,
fruit. Call 314 N. Central ave
nue. 23
Auto Gloves $1.75, 2.75, 3.75,
5.50. ROGERS.
For Rent Three furnished
rooms, $10 and $12 per month, al
so garago $2.50 per month. W
G. Til8on. 944 N. central avo
Work Pants. ROGERS.
Garden for rent. Call 116 East
Chicago street.
Housekeeping rooms for rent.
Call GU8 uristoi strcot.
Work Shirts." ROGERS.
For Ront Three houuokeep
ing rooms; also good laying
lions for sale. Phone Columbia
If you want.n good buy in any
part of tho city call on Carroll
& Lucau, 304JN. Jersoy; phono
Columbia 425.
HATS and CAPS, latest sty
lei. lowest prices. ROGERS.
Lost Bunch of koyB between
Jersoy and Fcssendon and Grand
avenue and Unst Mill streets.
Finder call Woodlawn 3371, re
An eleuant homo in Piedmont
district for sale at a bargain, or
might consider exchange for
modern six room bungalow in
St. Johns. Carroll As Lucas,
304i N. Jersey, phono Col. 425.
r A I IT
If we were to advertise an auction sale we could not give heller
values than we are Riving In our retiring from business sale in our quiet
way. which we feel is better than a big hurley hurley sale. We are of
fenng all winter and heavy lines at cost. The summer lines later.
Below we mention a few of the real bargains we are offering:
Men's Heavy Wool Shirts f 1.60 value, now at J3.C0
Heavy Knitting Yarn 1.15 value, now at .85
Saxony Yarn 35 value, now at .25
Men's Aouanclle Coats 1.50 value, now at 4.00
Men's Aquapelle Pants 4.00 value, now at
Men's Heavy Socks 30 value, now at
Men's Heavy Socks , 40 value, now at
Men's Heavy Socks t CO value, now at
Men's Cotton Socks 15c to 50c
Rain Coats 4.60 value, now at
Heavy Coat Sweaters 1.60 value, now at
Heavy Gloves 2.25 value, now at
niankets. IWooluau) 8.60 value, now at
Blaukets , 4.00 value, now at 3.00
Heavy Comforters , , 6.00 value, now at 3.76
Shiuola Sets 60 value, now at .35
Good Broom.....,, G0
Many other low prices In all departments. This saleaffords the people
of St. Johns a rare opportunity to save money, and all who wish to profit
by it should make their purchases without delay, as stock in some lines
s being rapidly sold out.
Ely's Cash Store h
113 W. Burlington Street
Children Do You Know !
That by cultivating a garden you will be do
ing your bit toward reducing the high cost
of living?
That by cultivating a very good garden you
may win a two weeks visit to the Agricultural
College at Corvallis or a trip to the State
Fair at Salem?
That if you are a pupil in any of the schools
on the Peninsula Portsmouth, Peninsula,
Central, East or North Schools you havo
an opportunity to compete also for prizes of
fered by the Peninsula National Bank? The
bank's prizes will be in the form of a SAV
INGS ACCOUNT in amounts as follows:
For five best gardens of 500 feet square:
1st prizo 10.00
2nd " 7.00
3rd 14 G.00
4th " 6.00
5th " 3.00
Five other prizes will bo offered for the five
best exhibits, each exhibit to include five
vegetables, to be shown in an exhibition in
tho bank lobby in the fall. Exhibit prizes
will bo:
1st prize 5.00
2nd " 4.00
3rd " 3.00
4th " - 2.00
5th 1.00
Ask your school principal or find out more
about it hero.
Bank I
Member Federal Reserve System t
Our handy
make House
sure, you need new kitciikn tools, make a
list of what you need and come in.
we will show you many nkw ladok saving
things to make cooking a pleasur t . they
won't cost you much.
don't fokget that new kitchen 1. .ngs are
moke sanitary than old ones and they are
lots easier to keep clean.
our hardware is the uesti it stands the
St. Johns Hardware Co.
Phone Columbia 35
Clovcrland Creamery
Pasteurized Milk and Cream
Fresh Buttermilk Daily
Phone Columbia 659
Shoulder Pork Roasts 30c lb.
Legs of Pork Roasts 35c lb.
Extra Fancy milk fed Veal Roasts 30c lb
Leg of Veal 30c lb.
Choice Steer Pot Roasts 18c lb.
Don't forget to try some of our fam
ous Pork Sausage, links or bulk.
Peninsula Market
11. A. Imboden & Fred P. Myers, Proprietors