St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 09, 1920, Image 2

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A. W. Mnrklc, litlitor
Published Friday of Each Week
nil display, 25c per Inch per week. Ivo
cal2 cents per vorl per week; mini
mum 25c. Political nds COc per Inch.
Subscription prlco $1. GO per year.
Tint Rkvikw Is entered nl twst office
In I'ortlatid, Oregon, ns mnll matter
of the second claw under the Act ol Con
rfress of March 3, 1879.
English Artist Sweeps Away Time
Honored Ideas Having to Do
With Splnsterhood.
Tlirrc Is a flurry nmong Kngllsh
Rpliisit-rs. A prominent nrllst tins
conic to the conclusion Hint 11 girl of
forty fthmitd bo man's Ideal. He
swccjis nuny nil thu tliiio-honorod rub
Irish about spinsters at tbo ago of
forty bcliiR mostly Interested In cnts
tint rnniirlcM. Hero Is wlint he tins
to sny nbout the new old girl.
"Tho Itlfiil ngo for n woninn from
tin viewpoint of the man who studies
tho sex 11 an nrtlst Is forty yenrs.
Tho woman of forty Is nt the perfec
tion of her bounty nnd has nttnlncd n
settled mentality which she did not
possess ns n girl In her teens, or ns
n young womnn In her twenties nnd
thirties. At forty sho Is nn Ideal com
panion, pleasantly matured, tolerant
mid understanding. Only tho Igno
ramuses In life find Joy In tho society
of young glrla or undeveloped
women." ,
1 Hiring the wnr nnd slnco ninny
women of tho Bo-cnilod "swcet-niid-forty"
ago got married, n consider
able number of them widows. This
has led to frequent lamentations by
younger women that, with tho huge
number of unmarried beauties nbout,
It is unpatriotic for Cupid to show
such fiuorltlMii for widows nnd spinsters.
Give us a frlat and you wilt find
&tat we can .taut you money.
We have fh beat of every titnff,
t7rom garden seeds to honey.
Bucy's Grocery
202 S. Jersey Street
Phone Columbia 528
Register Now
Don't forgot to register. Do
it whilo you have tho opportun
ity of doing it in St. Johns.
Monday, April 12th, is tho last
day for registration in St.Johns.
Registration hooks closo April
20th, hut in St. Johns on the
12th. After that timo it will he
necessary to go to Portland prop
er to register. Attorney I' rank
A. Kico in 'Koom 4, Poninsula
Security buiilding, is ready to
register you, nnd his offico is
open in the evenings. Do not
put it off. Do it now.
Tho Bachelor Cluh has Htartcd
a neat I it II o paper christened
'The Scandal." It is filled up
with littlo chatty items pertain
ing to tho Club and its members.
and is not as scandalous as its
namo might indicate. It is the
purpose of tho staff to publish
it once a month, although n cat).
tion in its editorial column staten
that it will be "1'tih Islicd Sons.
modically. " Tho staff comprises :
Kditor, "Hones;" Assistant
Iiditor. "K ooov:" Soc etv id
itor, "Pad;" Advortislng Mano
gor. "Donts" Circulation Man
ngor. "Mot;" Printer's Devil,
"wans." Tlio paper is ex
clusive for members only.
A. A. Muck, who lmiintirwmrl
his candidacy for renomination
as county commissioner last
woek, lias most certain! v nmdo
goon, no has given all of his
timo and attention to Iris official
duties, and has attended ovorv
meeting of the countv hoard hut
ono during iuh lorm of office.
t'rior to assuming his present
(ItltlOH Air. Alticlc. who inn ro
sided in Portland with his fam
ny for 17 years, served a term
as pros dent of the St. Johns
city council and two terms as
mnyor of bl. Johns, being the
iiK'timnunl of that off cu w ion
hi. Johns was merged with Port-
land. Comm ss oner Muck's
activities during tho war gained
him considerable nrominenco.
Ho oruanizdd tlio Im cll.n-v mirth
of Fremont street for tho war and of tho employes of tho K. l I Ifrithpct flunlitv and InwMt Prlrp.
savings stamn drivonnd hnd full (!. yards for tho many boautiful "'i1'" YUailiy anu LOWCSl IHCCS
charge of that dr vo n Mu too. moral offerings at tho iimo oi
mah county outsu o of Portland, hleath of our boloved ono. Ira
Ho particiimted oh a dtutrict J. Asher. husband: Mrs. Myria
lender in nil of tho Itml (IrmiH I I'urnett. mother: Mrs. Ouy J.
drives and in threoof tho liberty Smith, Mrs. R. Dopoo, sisters;
loan campaigns. In two of the A. 0. Florer, C. H. Horor,
liherty loan dnvoiiho had charge brothers.
of all territory in Multnomah A fino Mat of farms and ranches
County outsido of Portland. within 2fi miles of Portland for
snlo, somo for oxchango for St,
Johns nronerty. Carroll & Lu
cas, 1101 J N. Jorsoy, phono Col.
netlred Sua Captain Evidently Knew
Little of "Impressionistic" Bchool
of Painting.
"I onro engaged honnl nnd lodging
til the bouse of n retired Now Kngland
en eaptiiln." says n Now York nrtlst,
"and from him I received hoiiiu sincere
"(Hie day, whllo I was busy paint
ing. I biwHino nwnro that the cnpluln
wns stnudlng behind me, gazing nt
Die canvas over my shoulder.
"'How do you llhu It?' I nsldil.
"Now. It chanced that tho captain's
hnUM has been without uu nrtlst
iMiarder for Hevernl years nnd that I
was the llmt follower of tho Impres
sionist school It hnd over harbored.
"The old sea dog gaxed thought fully
ul Hie lower rlxhlhaiid corner of the
cHiivas where I had thrown a mass of
pin II colcirtil splashes and splotches.
"'You're kinder young, said Iho
enptnln. kindly. "This Is your first
summer outdoors nt ItV
" 'Yes.'
'"Well. now. see here,' resumed the
captain. Theru'H two or three old
palettes up In our Nbcd chamber. You
get one of thojo nnd try out your
pnlntN. You'll have lo lose that whole
corner of your canvas, I'll but you,
mid It'll mnle jour plcluro consider
nbly smaller. I wouldn't do that ngaln
If I was you.' "Hurpcr'H Magarlne,
Card of Thanks. To tho many
friends and tho fraternal orders
For bargains
Some four room houses,
$ I ()."(); $0 cash, hal. like rent.
Five room house, lot 75x100,
$1000; $500 cash, balance like
Seven room modern house, lot 7Gxt00,
fine fruit, f.'S300, fCOO cash, Iml. terms.
l'ivc room modern house 2G00, f 1000
ensh, balance easy,
l'lvc room Iioiim.', fine fruit, SlOfjO.
$500 cash.
Seven room modern house, clow to
I'euliisula mill, $1050, 250 cash. This
is n flue place for some one to keep
Ten room house, modern In every re
spect, lot 100x100, ,5500, JT.00 cash.
heven loom modern iionsc, iiounic
plumbing, lot 100x100, film fruit, ,11500.
fWM) cnili, lutuncc twenty dollars per
month, interest six r cent.
l'ivc room modern house, fine Ixisc
ment, f 2700, TOO cash, Ixilauce cosy.
Six room modern house, comer lot,
new house with garage, street Improve
ments Hild, 370O, $700 cash.
l'ivc room modern house, lot 50x100,
all In flue shape, good gnrn(;c, f'itiOQ,
f 10(H) cash. ThUlsnsuap.
If you want to sell your provrty
come In and sec mc. I can sell Itfor you.
11114 North Jersey Street
Phone Columbia 81
St Johns Fair Store
Toys a Specialty
207 N. Jersey St. Phone Col.8J19
lho committee on parkway
planlingB and community honuti-
Mention of tho Community Club
has made arrangonicntH for loo
turo with steroopticon slides
which will bo gi -on by Professor
I. I.. Peck of tho Oregon Agri
cultural i ouogo at the St. Johns
hihrary 1'iiday evening, April
inn iHeiuro u res urn in
toudod to bo of help to those who
navo Lilian homo grounds, with
lawns and flowers, to air for
l'rof. Peek is probably tho best
Known authority on landscape
gardening in Oregon and hi
talks have holnod thouHimrfi of
pooplo to plan their plant inns of full concicte basement 21II, pip
shrubbory and flowers to tho fr gns. wired for electricity,
ooHi auvantago, especially when Mixtures nil connected with sew
their liaco is limited Tlim-nlir. XfiO lln. feet sewer. .'!()() lin. feet
should ho a canncitv crowd in of sidewalk nml ctos walks nroiitul
For Sale
in St. Johns
Five room modern bungalow,
this )locU and nil paid, lieu house,
burn, 21 fruit trees. This property
is freeiuul clear and will give good
terms to right party. It must be
eeu to be fully nppteciatcd. See
J. S. Downey
SM N. Syracuse Street.
Ilargiiliis in Homes.
Fight room house, coniont
buM-nuMit, chicken house, 2 lots,
'JO hearing fruit trees, cement
walks; $1500.00.
Six room house, one lot, ce
ment walks, macadam street:
the library and tor urn to
nun, iho lecture is free.
ihogot-acnuaintod imi-tv l'Iv,,,,
uy iwrB. j. fli, biuiw, secretary
of tho Y. W. C. A. Wednesday
niirht nt the club rooms, u nu
uiienuoti ny moro than 200 young
jiuopio iroiu au me d liferent
unurcnoH in tno distr et. tvunv-
i... I....... i
in niuoouuiion oncu ono wore a
trianglo can with hi.t or imx
namo written on it. Tho pro
gram consisted of a piano hoIo
vena uarii; vocal solo, Dora
j.uyion; viounsoio, Alma Hasai:
vutiu auio, vootaiuo hggman:
steel guitar solo, llarohl Koda
baugh; i-iolin and piano boIoo.
won, jonn and Oscar Oyeu
ictuiiiir. IUUI1 W1CKIS! voen an.
i .. r . '
io. oorgoant i. u Urftiio; pan
loiuimo oy tnu young people oi
tho Lutheran church!
m. ii'.."' '"
mi p. viuuruo iiai l. anil : inns i
1 . W ------w
uy OUarlOt. ICO cronni nml
warors woreservod.
St. Johns is a part of Portland
with tho city'u 1,000,000 bushtil
iiuik elevator and Stf.OOO.OOO
iuuKninmi jrrain terminal al
most in its doorvnrd. It 1,
financial institution known
too t'onmsuia isat onn mnW
which is so enterprising that it fionnfal nrAoo,,,.,!.:.. Unco lik wn.
publishes at fre-Quunt intervals " 1,1 aaiiiaivnix " ""
No. G-l Now '1 room modorn
Mungalow. large Lot 50x110, has
darago, fino location, worth
SIM00. My prico few days only
$1000; pay $5100. cash, balance
$20. monthly.
No. 4- Seven room modern
homo on hard surface street, lot
75x100, lots of fruit; a dandy
fino buy at $. Pay $500.
cash, balance like rout.
No. 150 room modern home.
ruilcomcnt imscmcnt nnd furn
ace, stroots improved, fino cor
ner lot 50x100; prico $2750;
terms can bo arranged. You had
better aeo this homo.
No. 19 New a room modem
bungalow, improved street, prico
$1500. Pay $150 cash, bal. liko
No. 2G 5 room modorn homo.
corner lot, 100x100, lots of fruit;
price $20 ray $250 cash,
uaiunce iiko rent.
No, 28-5 room modern cot
tage, fino location, street im
proved, fruit: prico $2000, $S00
cash balance like rent.
No 110 5 room bungalow, hath
and electric lights, corner lot, I
streets unproved; prico $1(550,
Pay $500 cash, balance liko rent.
No. 31 4 room bungalow, I
modern except oath, largo cor
ner lot, vory cbse in with im
proved stret. Price $10S0, pay
l'ivc room plastered house. $750 cash, balance $15 monthlv.
large ultic, wood shed, gas light, NOi a5G d ,
very close in, street improved, tin.t COOlin !....
house, corner joo ensh. Imln.ieo lik-o rn,,f
nut trees, full
walks; $1200.00.
Four room m w
Int. I'tmiiMi! w.'ill.'K imiiiiilinii
slreet; $1150.00. No room modorn home,
live room house, luvgc attic, M.0.1"'! .I'8 Pay
electric Ug i s. cement base- s" -"a"i uineu iihe rem.
ment, wood shed, lull lot, ce- No. 03-4 room modern bung-
iiu iii wmu, uiiou uie alio i: a ow. a now one. stront im.
"SloOO.OO. proved; price $1750. Pav i500
these arc real bargains. cash, balance like lent.
o. I.. (..(JOK, m no r j t...
m- is, Ju-scn hlieet. ffa)0W( improved street, a dandy
price $200. Pay $500 cash, bal-
lsssslsw?' K
Beautiful gray or
blaok adult casket,
hoarse, box, 2' auto
embalming and refin
ed service for .
IK ssLLaRk
I'utiernls i( desired for $30, f 10, $C0. Hfglicr priced hnicrnls In pro.
jortion. V mnmifnctiirc enskcts, I.mly nsslslnnt.
llenutlfut funeral clmpcl;
Main 2691 Independent Funeral Dlraotors A 7005
Washington at Ella Street, Between 20th and 21st Street, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
014 Central Ave. N.
Phone Columbia SS8
Do it Electrically
See us for appliances of all kinds
Repairing Contracting
Motor Work Our Specialty
Electric Auto Accessories
c Wiiim p
Phono Col. 977
418 N. Jersey Street
Peninsula Motor Sales Co.
107 Fessenden St. St. Johns
Can make immediate delivery
New nnd Used Cars
Dr. Lewis J. Keliher
Peninsula Bank Building
Consolidated with DR. BORDEN
Office Phone Columbia 793
Private Operating Room
The St. Johns Millinery:
For Seasonable Hats at Reasonable Prices
Order work and Remodeling-a Specialty
Hats ReblocKed, Plumes Cleaned, Curled and Dyed
Mrs. M. E. CRANE, Proprietress
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot of Burlington St.
!t it i i. i .ii. :
iiimruaunn mm niioiIIL'eiH Com
mentB upon the local, domestic
anj loreien iniancui aitiialion.
it una a lartre industrial popula
tion, ulir woolen anil luinbor
nuns una tn remains of n Bhip
ynrd. Hut dospito these marks
of progress, St. Johns bumps
alonR over streots that would
discourajre any posaiblo investor
Kointr to aeo what tho district
offera. St. Johns needs u pav
ing campaign, Journal.
Reasonable Prices
423 Oast Lcavitt Street
buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
Fire Insurance and Notarv Public
j.ihi your properly witn me it von
202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns
room modern cat.
tage,.lot 75x100. fine rirtrviawr
price ray ouu cash, bal
ance like rent.
I also havo Borne fine buys at
rorismown. iz on tho buy, call
ana tunc with me.
1 houc Columbia :
Portland Manufacturing Co.
215 N. Jersey St
In ordr to Iniurc a crunoe of
ortlemont tho cocv for such chmo
ihould reach tM ortica not later then
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m.
Panels. Berrv Boxes, Coffee Drums, Ex
celsior Grape Boxes, Egg CastaStock,
and all kinds of Veneer ' i
Boys' Pants
c8 Under the present conditions silk hosiery W
is expensive. We believe that the popular rt-
Mercerized Lisle Hose looks well and gives m
better service, and for every day use will be
a good substitute for your more expensive
ones in various' colors.
For Men 35, 50, 75
For Women 65, 75, $1.00 &
302 JST. Jersey St.
ain show
Multnomah Theatre
Monday and Tuesday, April 12-13
For Young
and Old
"The Invisible Hand"
and Other Good Pictures
Dear Mary-
Did it ever occur to you that we women spend more
than one-half of our lives in bed rooms? Wo ought to
have them pretty. What a joy to turn down beautiful
covers, to repose on a, comfortable mattress, to sink your
tired head into a downy pillow! What a delight to awak
en in a prettily furnished room and to sit at a luxurious
dressing table and primp! Cheerful bed rooms will make
every member of the family retire happy and awaken with
energy and delight.
as ever irinJLUiN. ,
P. S. Haven't you seen the new bedroom sets at
H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man
400-402 S, Jersey St.
I Everything for Your
Good home
made bread, biscuit
and cookies always make a
"hit" with husbands and
kiddies. And they're tic
kled when you bake a
delicioui cake.
If you are not getting
as good results as you
would like to have, why
not consult wuh'ut about the
flour you are using.
We have handled many
different brands of flour
and meal and know just
which are giving the best satis
faction. We invite you to
proHtbyourexperience. j
MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey Phone Cel. 118