St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 02, 1920, Image 4

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Money invested in a wood pile at this season of the year pays better interest than
money in bank
1. 1
) i,
'Buy of this Company and be sure and get FIR WOOD and FAT LOADS. We guarantee seven-eighths of a cord" '
to the load when you are putting in your supply
FIR WOOD is worth MORE than some wood oh the market
Phone Columbia 131
1 1 ( I
Intorcliurcli World Movomonl
to Sond Dl(j "Toam"
All Local Protestant Churchca Cooper.
atlng In Movement Will Do
Harly In April Ilia luUreliurch World
MoTomont will hold IIm eonferftm-o In
this ooouty. Representative nre mw
boluii eolootod by tho local 1'roloaiaMt
Ohurehoa o( denomination wtHmelaied
with tho movement, mid from proseut
reports tho attendance at tlui confer
onoo will iiuinliur well Into thu him
drodu. lu addition to the ruiirtnniuirt
tlvoa selected by thu churches, the
conference will bo open to nil church
iuoiubra and friendly clUxoim vliu
ulih to attend.
Tho ineetlnK place probably will to
tho county net, and the attewdauce
will ho oomiHised of tho membership
of thu l'rototitant churchee of thu
Tho conferences will last ono day
oivly. DurltiK that day will bo preiwut
od tho whole proKrum of tho Inter
ohuruh World Movement fur promntlnn
oo-oporatlun lu mUslonury and neuoral
cnuroh uatlrltlns ainonK tho l'rotealaut
churohos. Tlmo will also bo given tu
discussion oX tho local probloma re
pealed by thu lutorohurch Movements
uurvuy of religious coudltlous throuuh
out tho United Btates. '
ThU county conforonco will bo Jusl
ono of tho 2000 odd to bo hold through
out tho United atatoa on upproxlmuto
ly thu samo dates.
No Sldeitepplng of Problem.
It vrlll bo, It la laid, u very eop
tloual county that doos not hear some
tnoro or loss unpalatable truths con
earning unchurched areas, or wasteful
Competition, or underpaid uud nb
wutoo preacher. Not many counUefc,
it Is stated, uro able tq show at aver
ko ministerial salary hltfUor thaii fho
arorago for tho holo United Htutes,
vrhloh Is 937. whllo buroly ono third
of tho outlro I'rotostant population of
tho Unltod States, According to esti
mates muilo by tho lutorohurch survey,
has uu opportunity for regular church
Jlosldos a full consideration of local
problems, tho program at tho county
oonferonco will present the outstand
ing results of the world-wide survey of
rollulous, uoclnl mul oconomlg condl
tloiie mado by tho Iutorchurch Move-
wont, tho material for which lias been
gathered from overy v
dcflnllo proportion of Inconio for re
Union purpoHOH. rinlern ullded will
lm frwdy used to lllimtmtn tho various
Thu confHronuo will m iiihiiiikcoI by
local committees, uud thu various tup'
lew under dlHiniHHlon will bo handled by
h twin of from flvo to uluht uiuu mid
woiueii, VocoKiiUod nH church leadorn
lu thu county or Htntn. ThU teiifn. In
addition to thu loetil ineelluHs, will bo
rtwiiuiiHlhlo for coudiiutluK tho confer-
cnet)H In rinvon other oountleH.
nig Educational Campnlfln Prepared
ThU Borlou of confuroucoH re pro
nnU only mi luturinudlntu utiiKo lu n
Brent cmnpnlKii of lutonxlvo education
In pniellcal Chrlstliinlly preparatory to
the united nppeul for niUilonary funds
mul worlturti whlnli will Imi hold by tho
l'roiwtant dnnoinlimtloun cooperathiK
In thu Jnturchuroh ilovwiuniit betwoon
April l'& ami May 2. Thu uuuubora of
thu it Min (tint will addruHH thu county
ccnfereiu'ti were theiiitolvis trained iva
h "fuciilly" of HpeclnlUtH lu tho varlou
HRpect4 of tho Movement nt n sorlos
of xtuto and piiHtorr conftrouces, Sim
llurly. tliorto who attend tho county
cuiiferuncu will In turn form n "fuc
ulty" fur IntorprotltiK thu inesaaKO of
the liiiorchurcli Movt nieut to their lo
out churches.
. Thus It i uxpectod thut beforo April
to thu lden( of church co-operation ad
vinatml by tho Iutorchurch World
Movement, lu place of church coin
Hllttou, uud tho program of uvuiiko!
Uatlou that fiotM with It, will bu fa
miliar to overy ono of thu fifty million
Vrotoatnnu lu tho raited Htirten.
Iutorchurch World offlcera having In
cliaruo tho conference which will bo
held In thU county early lu April de
clare tho local church workers exoop
iionany loriunaie, as mo sicreopiirou
lldea and other apparatus used In tho
Statu Pastors' Conforonco lu Oregon
linvo bAoit left for uno In tho county
conferences Tho slldos In particular
are said to bo exceptionally interest'
liiK. covorliiK very completely tho ro
suits of tho world-wide survey made
by tho Intcrchurch World Movomeut,
as well ns lllustratluK conditions
throughout tho I'nlted States.
Blido.- to UluBtnite hymns which
wurojusod In the .iBtatu Pastors! Con-
(ortinco by tho Now York ' teain" also
havo been left for use of tho county
conference. All In all, It U said that
tho equipment afforded for this county
will equal that used at any of tho
titato conference. An experienced
operator with htKhKrade lantern oqulp
meut will accompany tho team.
There aro at loast 60.000,000 young
people of hcliool ako In Cliltuv for wiiom
there uro nt present no educational
facilities nt all. Included lu tho nro
oruur of thoUram of the Iutorchurch World Movo-
arth. Special emphasis w til also, booj wilt bo explained at tho
laid on tho placo of prayer In'C'hrUtlan oouierunco jg oomoia in tins couuiy
llfo. tho Importanco of nsslstliiK youuK arly In April uro flvo universities lu
pooplo In tho rluht choice of their llfo
work and Ui9 duty of laying' unldo f
Cltna each involving the cooperutlon
o( from four to nix denomination, )
Survoy By Intorcliurcli World
Movcmont Rovoals Pul- 1
pit's Poverty. ;
Local County Conference In April Will
Show Necessity for Clinics and
Homes for Aood and Infirm.
A lurtto portion of tho funds to be
rnUod lu thu United .Simultaneous
CnmpalKn of thu Proteatmit donoinlua
tlona associated with tho lutorohurch
World Movement will bo used for
American Ministerial support ami re
lief. It la Krently needed, aocordlnfi
to leudera of the Iutorchurch Move
ment, who early lu April aro to hold
tho conference tu this county,
Ab n result of tho campaign now
boliiK made by tho Iutorchurch World
Movement thu combined Protestunt
churohos of America will provide many
morn hospitals, clinics and homes for
mo aged and Infirm. An Interesting
feature of those Protestant hnnnlinU
will bo frco treatment for ministers,
as recent surveys made by tho Inter
church orimuttatlou have mado the
need for special dispensations very
Tho followliiK stnrtllni; facts wora
dlVUlKOd US to tho averaco snlnrlen in
the various denominations, Startlns
with tlio hlKhest. the averncu for Knls
conal ministers Is fl.Sl'i: thu nv.miL'.s
' - ..... r.
for Presbyterian (North), 11,177; for
the United Presbyterians. Sl.09tS: fur
mo uoformeit I'tutrcli (Dutch), 11,170;
for tho Methodist L'nUconnl iN'onhV
11.170; CouKrotfattonal. ll.OU'. and for
tno uaptists t.Nortueru), J950.
WlUi government oxnerts unnounc
Iuk that 11,500 Is tho lowest salary
upon wnicn n family can he deceutly
maintained and suecostitm bmletit fur
none lower, ministers havo a dlscour-
ukIuk outlook. Such thtugg us hospi
tal bills are almost lmtwsmhlo in m.i.ii
mid yet overy normal family has some
Illness In Its midst overy year. Ac
cordingly the Interchurch Movement,
whllo on Its way to obtain hither aver-
ages In salaries, will assist by provid
ing freo care In Its Institutions.
lu no part of China Is there a mud.
leal force at all adequate to tho needs
of the situation. In one province, there
U but oiurdoctor io flvo millions of
people, and missionaries living. hi lone
ly stations must travel many days to
procure medical help lu case of need.
Join the
I "Home Sweet Home"
T nitre's inarjio in the word
;; There should bo mngio in the
' words HOME TRADE.
The homo merohanU are part
i I of this town.
: : THEIR prosperity means YOUR
I Trade with the home mer
f chants.
(letting tho most for your money to
day and in tho future.
Helng able to meet your obligations
to your business associate, your family
and your couutry.
Getting tho most out of life, in short.
making of It a real success.
War Savings Stamps aro a tanslblo
Mvldeuce of success.
Pnrla nf Hmnl-a nrf?po! nm
charged for nt tho rate of fifty
pnnrs nnili Pi-orna Hpairinrr tn
have such notices published
should make n noto of this.
Bring in yourfjob) printing.
Patronize thof Review adver
tisers, i
Don't send vour nrintincr out
of town.
Now Giood Por
Many More Miles
With the Miller Ad-On-a-Tires Your Old
Tires Arc Made Almost As Good As New
When you put Miller Ad-On-A-Tires on your
worn tires you arc virtually rebuilding them. It
makes them oversize as Veil as more puncture
proof, Fon Miller Ad-On-A-Tires are more than simply
' I 'fSSfSKM treaat i ney are reauy a tire itself without the
with several layers of fabric, a breaker strjp, and
side wall which completely covers the tire and
clinches under the rim. Each has the famous Miller
Geared-to-the-Road or rib tread.
They are put on by a special method. This
makes the Miller Ad-On-A-Tire an integral part
oi me ure. it ms snugiy ana cannot creep.
Bring in your worn tires. Let us show you how the Miller Ad-On-a-Tire
enables you to get 75 per cent more mileage. For a very small fraction of
the original cost of your tires they can be made almost as good as new.
It makes no difference what size they are. Or what make. The Miller '
Ad-On-A-Tire fits them all. So bring your tires to us and let us show you
how to get miles and miles of additional service,
Vulcanizing and Retreading
118 Philadelphia Street St. Johns, Oregon
Join the St. Johns Community Club
f e .