4 I t SUNRAY GAS RANGE For Convenient Cooking We have just received a line of beau tiful, useful and durable GAS RANGES which we can sell at very Reasonable Prices and on Easy Terms. Below is a partial description of these up-to-date gas ranges. We will be pleased to accept your old stove or range as part payment on a now gas range. 3 Burner Gas Range has 18 inch oven, white enamel oven door $2G.50 Terms $3.00 cash, $3.00 a month. 4 Burner Square Style Gas Range has large oven, white enamel oven door $31.50 Terms $3.50 cash, $3.50 a month. 4 Burner Square Gas Range with oven and broiler, white enameled oven door $37.50 Terms $4.50 cash, $1.00 n week High Oven Leg Base Style Gas Range has oven and broiler, 1 giant burner, 3 medium size burners and 1 summer burner, white enameled oven doors and splasher back, also white enamel dripper under burners $02.50 Terms $6.50 cash, $1.50 a week Your Credit Is Good Qjunandu Bags The Cash and Carry Grabateria The Changing Times The era of Chain Stores eiune about because n group of men with large capital could, by starting stores in different localities increase the outlet of merchandise emulating from one source. The Chain vStore system is nothing more than auy other store except the buying part is concentrat ed at one place. The buyers for these stores have their headquarters at the source of production and they buy direct from the packer or the producer. ' It goes without saying that a buyer who can buy the same sort of merchandise for several hundred stores can command a better price than a buyer for just one store. The secret of advantageous grocery prices in St. Johns is this ability to buy in connection with many other stores. That is why you have had established by this store better prices than prevail almost any where in Portland. Coupled with this buying capacity, the activity of the owners, the acquaintance with the locality be cause of our long residence here ought to convince any one that we can do business at less cost than the average grocery. We always believed that "a word to the wise was suficiant." What a little Rain in April can do Wet feet results in cold and coughs if "wets" are not to be avoided. Coughs and colds not prevented, then relief from distress and prevention from possible illness should be accomplished by the use oour Cough Remedy and Cold Remedy. St. Johns Pharmacy PHONE COLUMBIA 1SB The Prescription Store COLUMBIA RECORDS The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery SCALES & CURRIER, Inc. OWNERS Tho Easter procrnm nt the Christian church Sunday oven intr will bo in charge of the ju nior department. N. A. and C. W. Geo have leased tho front room of tho Chicago Rooming House, where Mr. C. W. Geo will make his home. A bouncing eight pound boy nrriTod at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max WIdmcr in North St Johns bright and curly Sunday morning. Mrs. W. J. Mnckey success fully underwent an operation nt St. V nccnt's hospital Wedncs day and is getting along nicely, wo learn. Mrs. David Dickson under went an onorution at tho Good Samaritan hospital the latter part of Inst week. She is. getting along nicely. Tho II. V. Clark I'urnlturo -1 company hns purcnasca mo u ( nir occupied by it from u. A. DuGuirc. J. S. McKlnnoy negotiated the sale. Limlroff Sknrr was given Burpriso WoJnesduy night at his home in North St. Joiins uy tito senior class of James John high school, of which ho is a mum bcr. Miss Gconrin Rich, tho talent cd pianist, has bcon on tho sick list for tho oast couplo of weeks. Her many pupilB nnd menus will bo glad to know sito is steadily improving. Mrs. Gcorgo Lynn of Hood River was a St. Johns visitor Saturdav. Sho is now n grand mother, as nor daugnter, Gconr n. wcl known in St. Johns. gave birth ton boy ut Hood Rircr last week. C. S. Currin left lait Saturday to tnko chargo ns manager of tho drug stores of tho Southern Oregon Drug Co. nt Morrill and Klamath rails, of which Currins for Drugs nro principal stock holders. Additional cabinet room doliv. ored recently for tho domestic art department of James John high school affords tho girls of tno sewing cinBs needed space for matoriai. ihe girls nro turn ing out some beautiful dresses this term. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. M. Henn nnd family of Minnesota have bcon visiting hero for tho pnst week. Mrs. Henn, who is a sis ter of Miss Minnio Flasket, was a former resident of St. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Henn expect to make their homo in California. All young peoplo abovo thir teen years of ago nro most cord- a y invited to attend n commu nity party at tho local Y. W. C. A. club rooms Wedneoday even ing. April 7th, nt 8 o'clock. Walter Jenkins, the city song leader, will he present. Ser geant Crano will sing, and a de lightful program has been ar ranged. A real informal social time together is tho object. Como and bring a friend. Com mittee on Arrangements. Mrs. John Watson was a most delightful hostess at hor homo on Burr street last week when she entertained tho Pythian Sisters. A most bounteous dinner was served at noon, to which all did full justice, and all left for home feeling well repaid for their presence. The club meets with Mrs. A. W. Marklo on South Ivanhoe street Tuesday, April Gth. A good attendance is especially desired at this time. Reported. Every member of the St. John Community Club should take ad vantage of the kind invitation of Mr. F. C. Knapptobe the guest of the Peninsula Lumber Company at their club rooms on the evening of April Gth, being next Tuesday evening. Auto service will be provided for all, with Thomas Autren in charge.! Meet at tne reninBuia Hank cor ner by G o'clock if possible, and not later than 6:30. Mr, Knapp is one of the best boosters the Peninsula ver possessed and no doubt will make an address that will be interesting to all. Dinner will be served at about neven o'clock and will bo furnished through the generosity of Mr. Knapp. Do not forget. Attorney Frank A. Rico has been deputized assistant regis tration olllcer and his ollko in tho Peninsula Security Co. building, Room 4, is now open lor registration. All persons changing precincts sinco rogis taring last must register anew in order to vote. Tho convn ienco of being able to register in fat. Johns is something that should bo appreciated and taken full ad van (n go of. Rcgistor. I'OR MAMt Modem two-story tlx room home, full bnseiticnt.ccuicnt Itoor, (urnncc hent, wnsh troys; connected to H'wcr; nil Mrcct Improvements pnlcl, CO xlOO font lot; fruit, shrubbery nnd How em. See It. II. THNNANT, 1)20 North byrticuse, photic Columbia 38(1. I'OR SAM5 Six room modern Itouie, full basement, ftiriincc, ileetiliii torch. KnniKa, luuxiuu corner lot, improve incut nil until, irutl nnd litul icrv. k'tound In twrfect condition, loented in the very best residence district of St Johns; term. See It. II. THNNANT, I'lionc CoiumliiA .130. FOR SALE 1G0 acres 18 1 1 m m s nines irom sc. jonn lour mil lion fcot of good Haw timber; ten acres cleared, fruit, build Ings all for five thousand dol lars. Will take house nnd lot ns pnrt payment. For particu lars see owner, 227 Wost Tyler street. WORK SHIRTS. ROGKRS. Dvo SontiH in nil shades at St. Johns Pharmacy. A-k your doctor about our pre scription methods. CURRIN SAYS SO. For Salo Chovrolot car. 1918. first class condition. Cnll Col umbia 378. Alarm clocks and sensible wntchos for tho man who works. CURRIN SAYS SO. Lost Wedding ring on btiB. mess strcctof St. Johns, initials 1 n I 1 M M M.. trt u, J. IV. IU 1... 11. ill. If, 1917" on inside. Finder lenvo at this office. Hat Dye in all colors nt St. Johns Pharmacy. Rubblts for Salo. Block and Groy Flcmiph Giant, Rolginn Hnrcs nnd Himalayan. 815 N. Syracuse. KGG-KBEP is tho best nron- oration for tho preservation of eggs. Ask your neighbor. Currin Says So. We BUY raise and sell fur- bearing rabbits, and othor fur bearing animals. List what vou havo with us. stating your low- eat prices on largo lots shipments. I ho bur bpocialty ! arming Co.. 516-517 N. P. Ave., Fargo. N. Dak. Buyers waiting! List your houses with us for sale. Wo have tho buyers waiting. S. C. Cook, 402 N. Jersey street. Havo you asked us for your fa- orito face powder? We havo it. CURRIN SAYS SO. GLOVES LARGE ASSORTMENT W. W. ROGKRS TII15 RAINCOAT MAN cow. 22 HOG- ROGI2RS is open evenings. Get you Columbia April rec ords nt St. Johns Pharmacy. Ukolels musical strings nnd sundries at CURRIN'S. For Snlo good family Call 723 N. Simoea street. NVitt cloth lints $2.0. KHS. Havo you n KODAK problm7 Rring it to us: we will holn von solve it. CURRIN SAYS SO. HOGF.ItS soil TKN'XIS SIIORS mm ,)tAA CAi'S. Buyers wultini;! List your houses with us for salo. Wo hnvo th3 buyers waiting. S. C. Cook, 102 N. Jersey stroet. Hosiery for Stimlitv, Socks or Monday. IIOCKHS. Wo hnvo your favorlto talcum powder. CURRIN SAYS SO. For Salo Dozen fat hens. good layers, market price. Call 122 Lcavitt. .Inzzlcsl .In., collars on earth. IIOCKMS. Found Child's glove. Owner may hnvo same by calling nt this office and paying for notica. lUKiKHS really needs you. Buyers waiting! List your houses with us for sale. Wo havo tho buyeru waiting. S. C. Cook, 402 N. Jersey street. Nifty Litis for speedy kids ROGKUS. Soaps for ovcry purao and pur pose. CUKKIN SAYS SO. For Snlo Thoroughbred Rhodo Island Rod setting eggs.- 714 S. Crawford. 25 Men's Dress Hats SIMM. $5.00 iflUW, .Y(i.r0, IKHiKltS. Stationery in Into shndo and shapes. CURRIN SAYS SO. If 11 isn't nil right bring il buck. IIOCKUS. Promptness, courtesy and offl ciency havo mndo our Kodak Mnishing tho talk of tho com munlty. CURRIN SAYS SO. DON'T WORRY The ST. JOHNS POULTRY FARM s hatching Baby Chicks at the rate of 120 per day White I,erru Chick ,25c ench T 1 1 . . I .. 1-1 1 I -.1 1 1. . fll, 1. Darred Kocks Chicks ....... 30c tacit Duff Ortiinnt Mi Chirks . . IVk each Hatching Es $1.50 to $3.00 per IS Photic Columbia 311 901 Allegheny Street S A L E Prices on many lines of goods until sold out. Below we mention a few of the roal bargains we are offering: Men's Heavy Wool Shirts, fJ.GO value, now at J3.C0 Men's Aquspelle Coats , 4.60 value, now at 4.00 Men's Aijuapulle I'auts 4.00 value, now at 3.50 Men's Heavy Socks , , ... ,30 vnlue, now nt .25 Men's Heavy Socks , 40 value, now at .35 Meu's Heavy Socks , .CO value, now at .45 Men's Cotton Socks 15c to 50c Rain Coats , 4,50 value, now at 3.50 Heavy Coat Sweaters , , 1,50 value, now at 1.16 Heavy Cloves 2.25 value, now at 1.50 Hiankets, (Wooluap) 8,60 value, now at C.60 Blankets 4.00 value, now at 3.00 Heavy Comforters 5.00 value, now at 3.75 Shlnola Sets 50 value, now at .35 Good II room ,00 Many other low prices in all departments. This salcnffords the people of St. Johns a rare opportunity to save money, and all who wish to profit by it should make their purchases without delay, as stock hi some lines Is being rapidly sold out. Ely's Cash Store 113 W. Burlington Street Do You Know That developments now in pros pect will bring thousands of new residents to the Peninsula? That the only way to be sure of proper shelter for yourself and your family is to OWN YOUR HOME? That if you build a home for yourself in this district you will have every reasonable chance of selling it advantageously if you want to? That the best way to plan for a home of your own is to begin with a SAVINGS ACCOUNT? That if you deposit ONLY FIVE DOLLARS each week in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT you will have a balance of $263.78 at the end of the first year? pPeninsula National Bank fcgjgp Member Federal Reserve System ? hit our Good. MX BUILDERS , HARDWARE 'our 3udnd 2 sS&MLa ftOOFMGSPAATCRALS JUSTGKT THBIMAGK OF THIS LITTl.K HOUSK AND TOMMY TINKKK IN YOUK MIND, SO THAT KACH TIMK AFTKK THIS WHEN YOU SKK TOMMY'S SMILING FACK YOU WILL THINK OF US, AND THAT OUK STOKK IS THE PLACE TO I1UY YOUK IIUILDKKS' HARDWARE, OUR IIUILDKHS' HARDWARE HAS "CLASS." WHEN YOU NEED ANYTHING FROM A KNOIl FOR YOUR FRONT DOOR TO A LOCK FOR YOUR HACK DOOR. COME TO US FOR IT. THE PRICE WILL I)E LOW. OUR HARDWARE IS THE HESTi IT STANDS THE TEST. St. Johns Hardware Co. Phone Columbia 35 overland Creamery Pasteurized Milk and Cream Fresh Buttermilk Daily Phone Columbia 659 SPECIAL for EASTER LegS Of Lamb for your Easter Dinner 40c lb. Leg of Veal 30c lb. Prime Rib Roast Boned and Rolled -35c lb, Swift's Premium Hams Half or whole 43c lb. Peninsula Market 11. A. Imboden & Fred P. Myers, Proprietors t t