ST. JOHNS REVIEW VOLUME 1G ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1920. NUMBER 21 THE PARK QUESTION Purchase by tho city of the Caples tract in tho Peninsula district as an aaaiwon io uiu jm Byatem was blocked at Wednes day morning's council meeting when a largo delegation headed by Dow V. Walker appeared in protest. Tho protest was based ..., the, r1n!m thnt tho Canles tract was not of suf ficient area to accommodato tno uisinci, ami t-ut- fntnntv.norn trnct nnioin- in! the O.-W. U. R. N. rtahLof way was more desirable. Walker and IT. U. Knapp wuru mo iu mi- :i nnnnlnra rnnrnsflntintr the delegation against Commissioner Pier SProposCU oruiiiiuiuu w imr uan fim tiot. C. J. Anderson was tho lone advocato in favor of tho purchase. anciorson .. nhnrircd that the big business 5nff.rn.qta in tho North Portland Kafriph wnrn attomnting to switch tho deal to selfish pur Tim mmmnn nfnnlo. he nnid. ' who really desired the tract, woro at work and unablo to appear before tho council and atatothoir sido of tho matter. Pier's ordinance was finally re ferred for furthor investigation. F. C. Knapp, prosidont of the Dininniiin T.nmhnr fyunrmnv. in favoring tho purchnaa of a larger tract. Bald, "i wwn mwiu - tell tho mayor and council some of tho things 1 know but upon which I am pledged to secrecy. TTim mttanlf linWQVCr. I Cnn SUV till It.uv..., that I expect to employ 500 more men at my pinncaionowumu me year and that 1 am scoking a location on tho peninsula for an industry which if located thcro will employ 1C00 men. "In talk ing with the superintendent of tho Western Union Telograph company tho other day, I learned that the Westorn Union consid i aidora Portland as in first posi tion an a progressing manufac turing and industrial contor, and seriously expects this city to pass Scattlo in tho very near future "I learned that this compnny nlono has appropriated $12,000,000 for improvements to its Bjstom in tho Northwest, and that $10,000,000 of this a mount ia expocted to go for n China cable, with tho woit coast end at Portland or an Oregon sea port." Telegram. ,Tho Standard Oil Company is constructing an oil filling station on 'tho Learned tract at tho in tersection of Jersey, Richmond and Columbia boulovard. The realty building thnt formerly occupied tho Hito Us been re moved noarer the French block. A contract for tho construction of Pier No. 5 at Municipal Tor. minal No.4 was awarded Wednes day by the Public Dock Com mission to A. Guthrie & Co. for $37,805. This pier is boing con structed to caro for tho im mense shipments of potash from Idaho, which will bo transferred hero to vessels for the Orient. A covered conveyer will be built to carry tho potash from tho cars to bins, from which It will bo loaded to tho ships. Mr. Harold H. Hookham and Mrs. Annie L. Oliver, both of this city, were united in marriage on March 20, 1920. Tho, bride was gowned in blue silk and wore a beautiful boquot of bridal roses and ferns. A large num ber of friends and relatives wero present at their reception. They received many very appropriate and useful presents, Tho newly married couple will reside at 525 E. Mohawk street at present. Wo wish them prosperity and happiness. WORKERS INCREASED Through tho transfer of 83 membori of tho supply and sales division of the emergency fleet corporation from tho North west National Bank building to the St. Johns concentration warohouse of tho organization, tho family ot workers at St. Johns hns boon increased 250 per son. I ho concentration yard was formerly the plant of tho urant smith-l'ortor Ship com pany and, while it nnnears n tie cidedly busy place at present, tho working strength is nut to be compared with that during the height of ship construction there. when 67G0 person woro on tho payroll. That was in September, 1918. Many of tho sale and sun- ply division employes aro women and already they have formed coffee clubs." where they Ra ther at noon, while most of the men hio themselves to tho ton of tho hill for lunch. It is un derstood a number of tho male contingent have applied for mem bershin in tho clubs and p an on taking part in noon debates on fashions and similar tonics that have so far been featured. The sales forco has been at tho yard ono wcok, and already thcro has been a decided stir in tho dis position of surplus mntcrial and equipment there. Sales for tho week on the coast reached ap proximately $2,500,000 and of this amount slightly moro thnn half was takon In by tho St. Johns office. San Francisco and Scattlo oflices about dividing honors. -Journal. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES F.Hnb TTntrnrnf rnm In nrnnMinr a residence at 20G E. Edison street. Buyers waiting! List your houses with us for sale. Wo haro the buyers waiting. S. C. Cook, 402 N. Jersey stroet. A man who doesn't advertiao is like a young fellow winking nt his girl in tho dark. He knows what ho id doing but tho girl doesn't. Tho now parking signs on Jersey street hnvo caused con siderable grief among tho auto mobilists in tho St. Johns dis trict who hnvo had an especial ikintrfor that particular locality nsn parking plnco. As a result red tags hnvo been placed in a numborof machines an tho own ers hnvo journeyed to Second tnu Oak to make explanations. Parking on the wrong sidoof tho street is another habit which officers aro correcting. Mrs. J. Blair entertained tho Pollyanna club at noon luncheon Innh I'rlilnv nt hor homo. 313 North Smith avenue. The after noon wns spent in doing fancy work and sawing. Airs. u. i. Rntriwin. Mrs. F. W. Houehton. Mrs, J. F. Gorman, Mrs. II. O. Brown, Mrs. R. Norris, Mrs. George Currior, Mrs. J. G. Haw kins, airs. i. l'. Moyor, Mrs. P. W. firiswold. Mra. II. M. Fassott and Mrs. Casteel were guests. Tho St. Johns Community club will enjoy the hospitality of M F. C. Knapp and associates at the Poninsula Lumber Company club rooms next Tuesday even ing. Auto transportation win be Droided for all who wish to attend. Thos. Autzen is chair man of tho transportation com mittee and will see that all aro Drovidod with auto service. Those desiring to attend aro re quested to meet at tho Peninsula National Bank corner betwoan 6 and'G:30 o'clock Tuesday evening. GEORGIA RICH 60S Buh 4. Lana Bldg. BIS Alneworth Avo. 410 Oiwcgo St. riAXIST ris aguish. Phones- Main 7680 Woodlawn 2002 Columbia 604 5g f.ll '""THE story of the Brunswick Method Reproduction is to music lovers 'The Sweetest Story Ever Told." For is the story of true music. The Brunswick Phonograph once heard adds another admirer to the millions. Of its handsome design and beauty of case finishes there is highest praise. flcar The Brurwuiek today. See if you agree that it is the most perfect. GURRINS FOR DRUGS liiii:iii':iiirftlll lli'mnr-i It f J r in i i -f Asst. School Supt. Rico was a James John visitor Wednesday. Friday and Monday aro all the Easter vacation tho school re ceives this year. In tho Philathcnum meeting Tuesday evoning tho methods for securing moro honor points were discussed. Among tho familiar Alumni seen in tho halls this Easter vacation of tho colleges have been, Gordon Avery, Hazel Green. Randolph and Edward Howard, Margaret Nelson, and John McGregor. Mr. Flotcher wns greatly sur prised on March 2G when the D. S. Dept. prepared a delicious birthday luncheon in his honor. Covors woro laid for oightecn. Tho guests were the faculty and Mrs. Durham from tho Ponin aula National Bank. The room was tastefully decorated in tho spring colors, green and yellow. A birthday cako graced by dainty candlos was a delicious testi mony of tho culinary art of Miss Von b mother. Tho seniors hnvo decided on "Engaged By Wednesday" for tho class play to bo presented on April 23-21. Tho lucky sen iors who won places on tho cast aro uhariottto Jones, Mabel; Amanda Bloelc, Mary; Ella Ac korman. Jnno: Lowis Clark, Ar thur; Georgo Mikach. Dick; Gertrudo Hanson. Mrs. Watson: Sibyl Bugbcc, Miss Persons; Alice Banbury, second girl; Margory Moxson, Mario; vir- ginn Dunsmoro, first girl; Her nico Shaw, second gypsy; Idrys Weimer, first gypsy; Frank Hodges. Jack; Tom Wood. Fred: Ruth Hoffman, Lucilo; Lind- roff Skarr Martin; Messrs. Getz and Bay aro tho concha. If pop and good acting make of play a success, no further rccommondation for this play and enstnre noeded. March is tho month of birth- dnya among tho faculty, as Mr. Fletcher, Air. Campbell, Mrs. Johnson and Miss Rundall cele brated their birthdays.-C. A.W. AlUCK FOR RE-ELECTION A. A. Muck filed today his declaration as candidate for ro election as CountyC'ommissioncr. Mr. Muck has made good during hi3 present term and is deserv ing of another. Tho people of St. Johns and the lower penin sula in general, as well as tho district across the river, have reason to feel well satisfied that Mr. Muck has been a member of tho Board of Commissioners for tho past few years. Previous to his election this part of tho coun ty received but scant attention. but sinco ho has. been in off ico there can bo no complaint nloiur that line. Just what his efforts have produced for tho benefit of this section will bo dwelt upon in greater longth a littlo later on. following is his declara tion filed at Salnm: If I am nominated and elected I will during my term of office, favor and enforce ono hundred per cent Americanism in all de partments of county govern ment. Favor tho development of tho budget Byatem to that tho peo ple will be fully informed in re gard to expenditures. Dovoto my entire timo to tho ofileo, as in tho past. Continuo to discharge my duties with officlcncy, courtesy and economy. Keep my off ico door open, as 1 hnvo sinco I becamo County Commissioner, ao thnt people having business with me may consult mo without delay. Favor reduction of cost of govcrnmont by consolidation of conflicting activities. Favor Homo Labor and Homo Products. Favor enforcement of law. Slogan: Presont County Com missioner. Always on tho Job. Continued Good Service. f Laurolwood Rubckah lodeo held initiation at its regular meeting in the I. O. O. F. hnll Wednesday oroninir.Mnrch 24th. Tho now members aro John Korli, Miss Ircno Jencks and Mrs. Birdiu Swarthout. Tho Indgo is making a steady growth. EASTER HATS AND CAPS Neckties, Hosiery, Belts, Suspenders, Sport Pius "Slip Grip" Cuff Links and Collar Pins Fine Dress Shirts, "Union Made" $1.75 mid up Hoys' Dress Shirts, sires and larger 1,50 and up Men's Underwear, correct weights for Spring 1.25 and up Men's Dress Shoes 8.50, 9.00, 9.50, 11.00 nud M 00 Men's Durable Work Shoes H.85, 4.50 mid 7.00 Khaki Pants 2.75,3.75 and 4.75 Khaki Ridiug Pants 4.00 nnd 5 50 Corduroy Pants 5.00 and G.50 Dress Trousers 5.00 and 8 00 Boys' Knickerbocker Pants 2.00, 2,25 and 2 50 Men's Coveralls , 4.50 and 5.00 Boys' Coveralls 2.50 and a, 00 Men's Bib Overalls 1.90 and up mostly up Boys' Bib Overalls 1.25, 1.75 and 2 00 Ladies' Bib Overalls 2.25 Children's Play Suits 1.50 and 1.75 Children's "Black Bear" Stockings 45c oud 50c WORK PANTS, gray stripe, good value at 3 25 Teamster's and Carpenters' Aprons 1-25, 1.50 and 2.00 P O G E RS THE RAINCOAT MAN Bank of Commerce Building ST. JOHNS Open Evenings St.Johns Undertaking Go. THOS. GRICE, Manager 208 North Jersey Street Office, Columbia 527 PHONES Residence, Columbia 299 DAY OR NIGHT CALLS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION This is not a branch of any cily undertaker's MR. PROPERTY OWNER! t The Replacement Cost of Your Property Has Materially Increased Over Pre-War Values Have You Increased Your Insurance Accordingly? We can show you actual records where the value of build ings lias increased In value over depreciation to the extent of.near ly one hundred per cent in five years. The same applies in prob ably a greater proportion to contents of dwellings and stocks of goods in general. Consult Us at Once and Increase Your Insur ance Accordingly. We write all lines of insurance. PENINSULA SECURITY CO. I 108 South Jersey St Phone Columbia 161 If you believe I'm sawing wood as well air any follow could, hand me nword of nraiso: with out encouragement 1 feol I vainly nly the maty steel, and wa9te my toilsome dnys. But if you say, "You are a peach 1 Tho way you saw your elm nnd beech is Bimply out of sight," my heart ...hi .1... 1 . wiui grauiuuo ib warm, now energy iB in my form, l know tho world's all right. Wlion 1 hnvo nut my saw away, to rest forover and a day. no doubt you will como along and viow my pile of ash and oak, and sigh. "Alas, that ho should croak, so patient, bravo and strong! I watched him sawing, year by year, and always meant to grab his ear, and whisper something nico; but ore I could my messngo say, thoy boro his work worn frnmo away nnd placed it on ice." And thus wo'ro always heaving sighs, when somogood friend or neigh bor dies; wo're fillod with wild rogrot, becauso wo breathed no word of cheer into his tired and sagging ear, when ho was with us yet. When someono dies we nil unito to make his character seem white, without tho slight est flaw; wo glvo his virtues quite a boom but he can't sit up in tho tomb with laughtor nnd applouoo. Walt Mason. SPRINGTIME Wo are boosting good old St. Johns becnuso wo lovo it. By tho way, what is lovo? Love is the root of all that is good nnd evil. Nothing can bo dono without lovo that ii dono. Lovo is tho greatest power on tho earth. Tho ovil man docs ovil things becnuso ho lovea to; tho good man does good becauso he loves to do good. Without Ioyo thoro would bo nothing done. Groat men love to bo groat be cause it is great to lovo. If a man hates his brother it ii bo caiiHO no loves to hate, and if ho didn't lovo to hate ho would surely love. Earl Wood, Booster. Septletu wero born last weok to the wife of Jesus Lopez, n private in tho Moxicnn army. Tho nrrivals nro throe girli and four boys, woighing about two pounds nplcco, and each perfectly developed in every rcapuct. It is boliovod that this blow at rnco suicido is unprecedented in nny country. One Good Thing After Another Is offered hero. When thcro is anything new and good in the way of paint wo have it here first. And if a price concession is to be had wo get that, too, and pass it along to you. Come and see what we offer right now. Byerle & Armstrong 420 North Jersey Street Easter Lilies Hydranjeas, Genistos, Cin erarias, Calla Lilies and other Flowering Pot Plants at rea sonable prices. Select your Easter Plants now and I will deliver accord ing to your instructions. Your iuspectiou invited. Beckett's Greenhouses North Kellogg Street Phoie aiurabli 401 Frank A. Rice LAWYER Office in Peninsula Security Building Phone Col. 887 RosJdenc Col. 389 A. M. Warner Contractor-Builder ALTERATIONS RKPAIUS Phone Columbia M l. Office 208 South Jersey. Written by a St. Johns lady When tho pttMy willows come agnln In thnt beautiful suggestion of spring, 'Will our homes nil be the same, Or will it sorrow to some bring? 01 the beautiful coming of spring, We nil look forwnnl to, May it happiness to all bring llccausc sorrow wont do. Wc all look for the first peep of tho pussy willow, As wc know what that mentis; It is n coming of the beautiful spring Wc have hud in our dfcauis. So wc dream of the springtime in life w licit wc cxpcci to mm as me pussy willows. Wc do not count on the strife, Aim pcrimpi being thrown on tho billows. Wo all look forward to happtness, We do not count on the sorrow We nil KfnP for the ulsdness Aim sorrow lest not hare biiu borrow. Let's like the pussj willow any way bloom Ami make all times a snrtm: time: Tnke nway ns much as we can of gloom, As we walk down the lile ot time. The young girl and bor too, Isn't It a joy to sec them, in (tic springtime ot uie as they go. with no inoughtoi sorrow or condemn. Soon to men and women they grow, To take up tin duties of life; May it all be a springtime as they go. aiiu tney ncter know sorrow or striie. Mow as we meet those dear lives, With the spriugtlme passad; May wc throw thonghts of the higher, That will intuit tlieut to the last. Those lives too with th spring, ui earth almost gone, Uut the heaven of the springtime, just beginning to uawu. They can feel the heavenly springtime, as it draws near to them, And sends a gleam of eternal time, Which is n rtit and liappiuesa to all of them. And now on the ere of life, They have from th earth gone, May it have been to them, Just on happy song. In heaven It Is all song And happiness too, If wc have lived good lives And did all tlic good we could do, So Just make your life tiers A springtime to nil you meet, You will llud when you cater 111 gates ot heaven To all it has been so sweet. God in his goodness gava us springtlm That happiness to look torward K, May In return n good Ufa yon have lived, i lint is the best oua can do. It, W. II. 1 Over five thousand mothers uml 21.G51 children in the Uni ted States ware irlvcn health restoring uutnmcr outings by th Salvation Army iaat your. o Mm. K. L. Hosso arrived laat week from Lincoln, Neb., and will spend the Biimmor with her sistor, Mrs. J. Konea, 318 Hart man stroet. French Dry Cleaning And Pressing Wo Onll Jfoa eid DoUvov LAUNDRY PROMPT SERVICE o W. J. HAYZLETT 217 N. Jersey St. Phone Columbia 951 MULTNOMAH THEATRE Why the Electric Cleaner There is really no cotapsrlso bstween tin aid thorough, ness with which an niwtrla Cleaner removed dirt and tke difficulty of sweeping. True, one CAN clsan rars sad carpsts without aa lacUia cleaner, A broom or aarptt sweeper will brush up ROHK of tht dirt; and If jou like the exercise and have plenty of time and strength a broom and carp, et beater will do the work a flee a fashion, In the aatue way one aan wash without soap. Watar a. lone will remove some dirt if applied with enough "elbow grease." Hut people tis soap beaau it cleans more enslly aud butter than water alone. I'or the nine ritason poplo use JMectric Clcauers because they clean more eaillv and far better than other uiethoJe, Portland Railway Light & Power Company 'Buy Your DfKtiic Goods at u DactxicSttrtw LEWIS CALDWELL LEADING BARBER The place where good service aaJ courteous treatment prevail. Children's hair cutting receive special attention. 109 BURLINGTON STREET OtMsn .Sundays 2:15 to 11:00. Mondays and Saturdays open nt GftO. Other days nt 7;00. Regular Admission 6c, 11c, ICo. Saturday, April 10th BRYANT WASHBURN in "TOO MUCH JOHNSON" Paramount, Sunday, April 11th UUNSTANCE TALMADGE in "A VIRTUOUS VAM1V' A First National production. Also a two reel Lloyd comedy, "Bumping Into Uroadwny." Monday and Tuesday, April 12 nnd 111 Sec announcement elsewhere in this issue. Wednesday, April 14th DOROTHY GISH in "MARY HI. I.UN COMHS TO TOW.N"-lmi. mount. Thursday nnd I'riday, April 15 nud lfi HENRY WALTHALL In "TH1C LONG ARM 01' MANI8THR," a 7 act Special. Saturday, April 17th lltttie CASTLE 111 "THH IN 110NI)" l'iirmnotint. Sunday, April 18th MAY AND MACLEAN In "WHAT'S YOUR Hl'SIIANI) 1)0. INO?" The anine stars who made "234 Hour Leave." They nro nl ways irood. Also Harold Llovil in "Ills Royal Slyness." Monday and Tuesday, April 11) mid U0 CHARLES RAY in "ALARM CLOCK ANUV." Wednesday. April 21 DOROTHY D ALTON ! ""LACK IS W1HTK" lMniiiiouiit. Thursday uml I'riday, April 2 nud lit rumen uitf special "DESERT GOLD" By ZANIl ORHY. You will like It. Saturday, April 24th- HOPE HAMPTON In "A MOD. liRN SAI.OMIt," Sunday, April 2filh HTlRRY eyiREY , In "A Ol'N 1'IGHTINO OltNTLIt MAN." ami Al St. John hi u 2 ucl comedy, "Speed." Monday nud TiuiMUy, April Ud and IT- TAYLOR HOLMES In "NOTH INO HIT Tlllt Tltl'TH." Inspect These Tires Yourself Please consider this iiniioutice- incut a cordial Invitation to visit our salesroom and inspect thcc sturdy tires. 4. UK A new shipment hats already arrived aud we join Uurticy Ohlfhtld in recommending them to you an The most trustwoithytlres bIH" Wc also do first class tire repair- and retreading aud curry the bwt best line of used lire in the city. National Vulcanizing Go, 205 S, Jersey St, PHONE COLUMBIA 1130 The Hoes Studio I'OR PI-IOTOS 01' QUALITY Opposite Central School 14 Cabinet Pictures 14 And Ons Enlargement $7.00 Opeu Sundays 1 to 4 V, M. McCartney & Herwick Sand, Gravel and Wood Hauled Phone Columbia 3IS 101 Swenson Street I'OR SALU Six room modem home. full basement, furnace, sleeping porali, KtruKO, 100x100 comer lot, Tunifove ments all paid, fruit nud shrubbery, Krounds in perfect condition, iocatud In the verr best residence district of St. Johns; terms. See 1. II, TKNNANT, Vhoue Columbia 330.