St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 26, 1920, Image 4

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By F. J. Kupfcr.
In reviewing the political cast
of characters in the forthcom
in?? primaries on May tho 21st,
otherwise known as the Amer
ican Drama and which is exhib
ited before the people at inter
vals of two and four years, 1 find
that most of the "candidates"
aro somewhat modest in thnir
coming out before the lime
light. This is not so much their
own fault, but from haarsays
and feeling them out, it seems
that they aro anxious to know
what the other fellow is going
to sav first. Some have been
given tho parts of playing to a
frazzle Economy, others again
like tho nnrt of Efficiency,
while still others prefer tho part
of Promises. Most all of them
although arc still weeping to
show the doar miblic that they
can donict tho character of
"Americanism" and "Patriot
ism" much bettor than their
fellow contemporaries.
VVhilo wo mentioned tho fact
that there was a dearth of candi
dates in tho field for Congress
man from, this district, up bobs
our friend and co-worker in tho
newspaper game, taking back
everything he meant Bovcral
wooks ago about contesting thin
pecuniary olJlcc. The last week
ho again comes out in print that
ho has changed his mind and
beliovcs that "Pat" McArthur
hasn't given tho ptiblic a fair
shake. So ho intends to not
only improve on lib) record in
tho House of Congress but is
uoing to show tho voters, if
elected, that when it comes to
play the part of a conuroHsmau
he can put it all over "Pat"
with plenty of pup to spare. As
to our part, I moan all of us, 1
hope he jwill at least make a
stab at it Just to show me how
well ho can do it. In times gone
by wo have hoard of many things
like this to happen, but it was'
tho samo old story I'm in,
you're outthat's all.
I believe in another week
tho cast for this great Ameri
can play will bo completed and
than will give a minute analysis
of each of them to see whether
ho or hIiq is fitted for tho part.
it comos Willi poor grace on my
part to jutlgo of each
cssons. Like unto the masonic
doctrine of having nothing itr
writing to impart, tho myster
ies are all whispered in silence
and seclusion to their novitiates.
So when I hear the time has come
for the final rehearsal for the
public bonefit, I shall give my
honest verdict in an impartial
and unbiased manner to my de
voted fellow voters.
I wish to say in this letter that
owintr to ack of snaco granted
to vouV humble scribe to write
much more, that wo are still
short on the usual quota of per
formers, before the stago sot
ting is completed and effective
I hone by next week this wi
bo remedied to the full satisfac
tion of tho stago manager and
tho various "bosses" in attend
Mechanical Drafting
Rates by Hour or Contract
923 South Dccntur
Phone Columbia 108
Mrs. S.C. Cook of 1002 Oswe
tro rccoived news Monday morn
ing of the death of her brother,
Dr. J. G. Darnell, of Katy,
Texas. Dr. Darnell died at his
homo in Katy, Murch 11), follow
ing an illnoBS of several years.
Ho was a graduate of tho Amor
ican Modicnl college. St. Louis,
Mo., and gavo 35 years of his
life's sorvice to his profession.
For 20 years ho practiced in Kal
ama. Washington, and later for
five roars in Vancouvor. Wash.
On account of failing health
ho iravo no his profession five
years ago and invested in land
in the oil district near Houston,
Texas. Ho united with tho Con
irroirationnl church at Kalama
manv years ago. Ho was also
u mombcr of tho A. F. & A. M.
and the I. 0. O. F. Dr. Darnell
loavos ninny friends in and near
Portland. Surviving mm aro
his widow. Mrs. Cora Darnell:
a son mm. a umignier, iioy
Darnell, of Katy; a daughter,
Mrs. Lou s Foary. of Tunlitin.
Ore; four sistors, Mrs. S. C.
Cook 1002 Oswego stroot, Mra.
Frank Holdman, Pendleton,
Ore., formerly of St. Johns, A.
T. Mrewer of Fall Creek, Ore.,
and Mrs. Susan Darnell of Pet
allium, Calif; a brother. J. S.
Darnoll. residing at Kalama,
Washington, and several nieces
and nephews in this city.
Wilbur Hollingor of Astoria
has been ununilinir a few days at
n advance tho home of iiis father. L, N.
before they have completed their I Hollingor, huro.
We carry a full line of Edison Blue
Records and Disk Records to play on all
machines, also full line of Phonograph
The STtradivara Shop
202 N. Jersey St.
I Sunset Cash Grocery
111 Philadelphia Street
Phone Columbia IMS
Do your trading at the store where quality Counts, at the store where
your Dollar brings home the best and goes the farthest.
Pure cane berry Sugar, 6 lbs. for 95c
Bear Bra ml Flour, a good family flour $3. 10 X bbl. Sack
CnrnnUon Milk (lurgc) 2 for 2fie: ease ?5 G5
Cnnmtion Milk (small) 4 for 2T)c; eu.e 5 '15
Hordun's Milk (lure) 2 for 26c; ease fi.(55
Hordcu's Milk (small) d for 25c; case r -15
Jersey llelle Milk (Inr) per caw 10c
Seven lurge rolls Toilet l'upcr , GOc
Booth's Sardines, mustard spleud anil tomato sauce 2()c
l'uucy White Meat Tuna Fish per can 15e unit 2.rc
Choice Pink Salmon per can Ifte ami 25c
Wesson Salad Oil, pt. -10c, jt. 75c, J ul $1.50
Muzolu Salad Oil, pt. dOo, qt. 75c, J kuI. 1 15, Kullons 2-85
2 Larue Tumblers Pure Fruit Jolly 25c
Choice StiKar Corn, 2 cans 25c
Choice Tomatoes (with Puree) 2 cans 25c
Choice Tomatoes (solid pack) cans 25c
Knncy Peeled Tomatoes (solid pack) 2 cans 35c
Strictly Fancy New Lade Eggs, per doz 39c
Death of Airs. Simmons
Mnrindu E. Simmons died at
the home of her daughter, Mrs.
L. E. liussell. 209 Burr street,
March 17th, 1920. Sho was born
in Ohio Oct. 30. 1836. and was
married to James A. Simmons
May 20. 1855. Sho camo to Ore
on March 17, 1885, and located
in IndependenccOregon, just 35
years at tho time of her death.
Deccused wan tho mother of six
children, three of whom survive
her, namoly: Mr. E. A. Sim
mons, Mrs. L. E. HtiBsell and
Mrs. II. O. Finch, nil who ro
side In thin city. She is also
survived by two sisters, Mrs.
Lucinda Fisher of Salom. Ore
iron, and Mrs. Almeda Denison,
of Colorado. Sho also leaves
fourteen grandchildren and nine
great grand children. most of ail
who rosidc in this city, to mourn
her lo83. Mrs. Simmons was
of a loving, Christian chnractor
and a kind and fa thful mother,
and spent many years of service
in tho world. She was a mambcr
of tho Uantist church for many
yoars, and was loved by all who
know her. Funeral services
was hold Friday at 2:30 from
M lIor&Tracov minors of Port
land. Hov. E. A. Leonard
rmstor Uantist church of Grca
ham, Oregon, conducted the
sorrico. Interment took placo
at Independence, Oregon, bat.
March 20. in I. O. 0. F comotory.
Servicos were conducted there
by Hov. Harold E. Pronoc. uau
tor of tho Independence Uantist
church, of which sho wau mucin
Mra. A. J. Wood entertained
tho HoyalNoighbors at her homo
on Jiucliannii ntrcot Wodnuday
afternoon of last week. Those
prcHcnt wore Mra. Hold, Mrs.
Corbett, Mrs. Fairchild, Mrs.
Reynolds, Mrs. Tormey, Mrs.
Wright, Mrs. Caldwell. Mrs.
Hurry and Mrs. Adams from
Aberdeen, Wash. Light refresh
ments wero served and n good
time was had by all.
We desire- to express our heart
felt thanks to the neighbors and
friends for their kind aid and
sympathy and also for beautiful
floral pieoos during the illness
and ueatti or our uelorod mother.
Mr. E. A. Simmons. Mrs. L.
E. Russell, Mrs. II. C. Finch.
New Post Toasties, 2 for
KcIIork's Toasted Corn Wakes 2 for . 25c
Puffed and Shredded Wheat Mc, 3 for .10c
California Head Rice, 3 lbs , .50c
Choice small white lJeans, 3 lbs. 25c; 13 lbs 1.00
Best lilbow Macaroni, 10c lb; 5 lbs. ..5c
Jewel Shortening 3i lbs 1,00
Swift's Pure I.eaf hard 3 lbs. for $1.00
Compare our prices and qualities with Yamhill street and
you will vote to do your trading at home ami save the worry nud
the luggltig of heavy packages, 'caue you know The Sunset
delivers the goods.
0OO OQOO00D00 oooooooooo ooo
All kind of HAUMNO done by the
month or the ol
I.eave orders at Laird' Uiocery
Phone Woodlawn 3781
Tho Uruuswjck pluya uny record.
Jnat a simple twist of tho wrist uml
you are ready to ltuy. Currun bays so.
204 N. Jersey itrctt, St. Johni
We make enlargement any kite front
Kodak tiluu or good l'holos, do ntlWtic
fianiiug and mul cutting, com- old pict
ures. If you hae anything in this line
bring it to me for best results. A new
Lighting .System recently installed.
C A. HUFF. Photographer.
108 North Jersey Street
Next Door hi the St. Johns Review
A Strictly Cash Store for the most
Careful .Cash Buyer.
We DELIVER TREE. All orders in before
1;IU) 1'. M. will be delivered Mime day.
Juy for Cash nnd Save Money
Larue gluwe of tMire I'rult Jelly, nil
flavors, regular l&a site, srwclaliy
priced two for 86c
I , r no Ixtttle Catnip, duett made
very special, the Ixittle 20c
Crtsoo 1 lb. can 36c,3 lb. f, G lbs. .$8.00
.Swift's Silver Leaf Lard, 3 lt. (or . .1.00
Maiola Salad Oil, fits. 10o: ills. 7fc:
nail canons
Koyul Club l'liuipkiii in larue sin-'
tins, a cans tor ac
Large cans standard Tomatoes 2 for. .8fi
Sweet rotatoea in cans, two for 26c
Country Club Sweet Corn 2 cans 3Gc
I'refered Stock String llwws, can . . . .'JOe
Cut String Deans per can 16V
Del Monte 1'ork nud Ileitis
small cans U (or 2&c, medium per
can 15c, huge cans 26c, 2 for 15c
Laird's Special lllend ColTee
:iro lb., a itw..,,,,, 1.00
Try our Primrose Hoast in bulk, lb..f0c
Royal Club ColTee C6c lb. 3 lbs 1.55
Great American ColTee 45c lb. 3 lb. 1.30
Dehydrated Prunes fo twice as
far, very special at 23c lb, 2 fbs, (or -Ow
Hxtra fancy lllue Kibbon Peaches 2 lbs.65e
Small white lleaus 10c lb, 11 lbs... .$1.00
Red Mexican ltenus 3 lbs 25o
Hxtra l'auey Lima lleaus 2 lbs 25c
llcst Rice 2 lbs 35c
Rolled Oats clean and white 3 lbs.. . .25c
Hest Hlbo Cut Macaroni 2J lbs. 26c
l'ive bars tusorted Toilet Soap,
Glycerine nud l'loatinj;, for,..,,,,25c
Royal White Soap, 4 Kirs 25c
Hob White Soap, 4 bars 25c
Matches 5 boxes (or. , , ,26c
Toilet Paper, re;, 10c siie,4 rolls 26c
Ivory White Tooth Picks, the ten
cent kind, our price G boxes 25c
Pull cream Cheese the lb 35c
llorden's Milk, larse can 2 (or ..... , 25c
Carnation Milk, lure can 2 for.,, ,, ,26c
Hordcu's & Carnation baby sire, 4 for 25c
Community Topics
New High School Adequate Playground Road to Swift Packing Plant
jersey St. Greeley St. Club House
The next meeting of the CLUB will be at the Peninsula Club House
by invitation of Mr. F. C. Knapp, Tuesday, April 6th. Dinner will be
served at 7 o'clock. Meet at the Peninsula National Bank at 6:30. There
will l?e enough Autos to take all who wish to go.
The prettiest Mouses ever nmdc
arc being fashioned this season. We
hnve placed our orders for n few
ench of the very newest patterns as
they arc designed and made. These
hnve been coming in just this week
and many more will be shown next
Under Garments
You will want to wear your new
Kastcr Dress over the proper Ling
erie. Wc have stocked for you n
nice line of Pink Cniuuilssoles nud
Knvclope Garments in Jtnlinn Silk.
You will be able to buy from lis n
proper rating l'lnk Corset that will
be the biggest factor In making you
nttrnctivc in tlmt Hnster Gown.
Infants Wear
And your Ilnby must look nice
for Kaster whether you do or not.
In our stock nre Soft Soled
Shoes, Silk Hosiery, Dainty Dress
es Stork Pants, Hands, Reuben
Shirts of silk and wool nud bccam
ing Iiotiucts.
Headlight Overalls
Easter Fabrics
Vc arc ready with the new creations In Printed
Voiles, extra quality of Plain Taffetas (30 inch). A
few patterns of Tricotlne. All the wanted colors in
Silk Poplin (30 inch). A large assortment of white
goods in Uatistc, Lawns and Plnxous.
Make your own Kuslcr I'rock and save your money.
I)uy n Huttcrick Pattern from our large stock, begin
early and plan well. You will then be nble to make
your own garment, will have the satisfaction of having
done something well and earned n good fee.
Our prices of all these ynrdngc goods nre absolute
ly right.
Men's Suits
The Spring delivery of
Men's Suits is rather late;
there are practically no carry
overs in the more wanted
models; we give you the in
stallment privilege on any
suit. And we have a line
that does not take a back seat
for any line of moderate price.
Men's Ties
Of course every innu will want
a new Fresh Tic for Kastcr. Wc
have it for you right here. If you
cannot be suited out of the array of
color wc have provided this year It
will not be our Inability to provide
n variety. The prices arc 75 to
Men's Shirts
Your Kaster Suit demands n
new Shirt nud Collnr nud wc never
were so well supplied in just the
things the trade is daily demanding.
Boy's Suits
You arc not going to let your
boy wear overall or oM cli
when he uk. (rt th l'r!
festivities. N vvlnn yM ran be
fitted out right here t hot with a
suit that N .?; nifty ami adds
manly, feeling to nny boy.
L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Men's Dept.
Shoes , I
216 North Jersey St.
Authorized Ford Service Sta
tion, Only genuine Ford
parts used.
Tires, tubes nud accessor
ies. --CARS STORED -
WooMey Bros.
I'iiv-no Columbia 690,
. O. Chamber Mrs. II, U, I.owry
Funeral Directors
24S-260 KilliiiKSwotth Avenue
Telfjhoite: Woodluwu 330C C U33
Mr. Chambers i the ouly G. A. U.
umlertuVer in the city of rorthml.
l'cisouat attention ami supcrvUiou
given to arrangement. v
Notice to Creditors
No. 175)50
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, (or the County of Multnomah.
Probate Division
In the matter of the will of Oscar M.
Down, deceased. .
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, Mubellc V. Gordon, has been ap
pointed bv the above entitled Court. Hx.
ecutrix of the last Will AndTestaineut and
of the estate of Oscar M. Downs, deceased,
All VH:rous having claims against tbe es
tateof said Oscar M, Downs are hereby
lutiiivM v iiiescni mc uuic, uuiy veri"
lied at the ottke of Sidney Gordon. 40C
Gerliuger Hhlg, Portland, Oregou, with
iu six months from the date hereof.
IXited and tirst published Starch 5,1920.
M All HI. I. R V. GORDON, Hxecutrix.
400 Gerliuger llldg, Portlaud, Oregon,
Jr. N. E. McAlister
0ce Phoue Columbia 251
Resilience Phone 31SC5
St. Johns, Portland, Oregon
Before Buying
Roofing, Building Paper,
Lime, Cement, Plaster,
Paints and Oils,
Doors, Windows,
Coal and Briquets, Hay and Feed,
' Auto Supplies or Hardware,
Get Wices From
Home Mercantile Go.
209 West Burlington Street
Knights and Ladies of Security
St. Johns Council 2775
Ktgular buslntta netting ut and jd MonJiys.
Opn rotlnifi to the puliiic mt nitrotxrt and
ud 4th Monday. Vlltor and members cor
dlaliyintilcd lo attend st Hlthoer Uall,.
Laurel Lodge, 1, 0, 0, F,
'-W No. IOO, St. Johns. Or.oon
Meets each Monday evening in Odd Pel
lows hall at 7:3o, A cordial welcome to
all visiting brothers,
C, V Dhl, N O Carl itckman, V. O.
toe Kolxiti. Kec. Kec. O. W, Noreo, fin, Sec.
II. F.Clark. Treat.
SI, Johns Camp No, 7546
Modern Woodmen of America.
We heartily solicit the attendance of
our members at our regular meetings
every 2d and 4th Thursday evening.
G, W. Muhtu, Irviu Groinachey.Clerk
Consul. 910 N. Syracuse.
Meets every Prlday night at
7:30 o'clock In niCKNKR
Hall, Visitors always wel
come. ANDY KERR, C. C.
E W. Hood
Cuusultini! Member of the American
Techuical Society.
Builder of Automatic Machines
Practical, expert advice viven on any
thing mechanical. 1027 fet$ St. PtrtUsd
2 Barber Shop I
108 N. Jersey St.
Wo,odmen Of the World
St. Johns Camp 773
Meet every Thursday evening in
I. O. O. F. Hall, teavitt and Jersey
streets. Visitors always welcome.
N. J. Simmons, C. C; R.& Clark, Clerk.
A. f. and A. M.
Meets the first and third
Wednesdayof each month
in Bickner's Hall. Visl
tors welcome.
A.R. Davis, W. M.
A. W. Davis. Secretary.
Minerva Chapter No, 105, 0.E.S,
Meets everv first and
- third Tuesday of each
t ll:t '
fyv Catherine 1. Stephena, W. M
Beuie V. I"om, etc.
in; & Muctloh ttrcet
United Artisans
Willumbia Assembly No. 300
aieeis every Tuesday at S r. M.
MOOSE BALL. Sarll,ten Strtct
L. K. Simons, M. A,
Mary Roberts, Sec'y Pro Tern.