THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. V. Mnrklc, Hdllor Published Friday of Each Week ADVERTISING RATKS I.ccnl mid nil display, 25c per Inch per week. Lo cals 2 cent per word per week; mini mum 25c. Political a 50r per 4ncli- Subtorlptlon prloa $1.GO per year. Tim Rkvikw Is entered nt post office lu Portland, Oregon, ns tnnll innttcr o( the second class under tlic Act of Con gress of Mnrcli 3, 1879. Do not forgot to register. The St. Johns Community Club is developing some rare latent or undiscovered speech making ability. Mrs. Edith Carroll, formerly of Pondleton. has purchased a homo at U24 N. Jersey Btreet. She is a sister-in-law of W. A. Carroll, the roalty man. Little Edward Crow, 5 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. trunk Crow of Nowberg, formerly of St. Johns, died Tuesday morning of pneumonia fever. Hamilton Johnson and wife nttondad the Community Club meeting Tuesday evening. Mr. Johnson is Republican candidate as delegate to tlio National Con vcntion. Mrs. Kynn was hostess to the Sunshino Club at hot home, 100 Hurr street. March 18th. Mrs. VV. A. Sconsc was enrolled as a new mcmbor of the club. Re freshments wore served for cloven and a irood time emovci The next meeting will be held in two wooks with Mrs. G. Rossol. Toilet and Laundry Soaps Our stock of soaps in' eludes all popular brands for toilet purposes as well as for use in kitchen, laundry or workshop. Wc handle daintily per fumed hand or bath soaps which will not irritate the most delicate skin. Our large variety of laundry toaps aiioraj an easy scico ffi'tie us a trial nnti you will find !7Ant in? can stive you money, ) Anve A? best of every tilng, ffront gurilen needs to Aoney. Bucy's Grocery 202 S. Jersey Street V Phone Columbia 528 tion for your needs U SIA1A10NS & CO., Grocers 501 I'lwndeii l'lioiie Columbia 211) Actions Commended At n vurv enthusiastic moot ing of the St. Johns Community Club at tlio Jnmus John high school auditorium last Tuenday evening the following resolutions wore adonted: Whereas, To as a community realize tlio necessity of having goon roads and direct commun ication with the contra! part of trio city, and, WhoraaB, llio Greeley street extension willl shorten the route from ten to fifteen minutes, and, TYhoroaw, 'Iho terminal ele vator with its huge docku and flour mill will be an attraction our Eastern visitors will douiro to uoo nslliuy come to the Sliri- nonr convention nnd also the roroign 'trades Council, and. Whereas, thu Hon. Ralph lioyt, clinirman, nnd A. A. Muck, membor of thu Countv Comisiionurs, have shown n do- Hiro to give- to tho people of the rcninaula vrlmt s nu it. nnd. Wlieroas, Wo havo no interest The Bank Of Commerce 116 North Jersey SI, Buxiiiess concerns and individuals are invited to hank with this institution under the assurance that prom pt and courteous treatment with every con sistent accomodation will always be extended. Carroll & Lucas Real Estate Brokers to sorvo savo tho best interests Cilv Properly Farm Lands or tlio whole people. , Thorofore, Ho it reaolvod, that Loans List your property with us wo as a uiiin wihii 10 oxpriwn our good will and eateom to tho aforosald CommiuionorH, Ralph for quick results. (Hill I), l, 1)1 III. n. I. .1, Monahan, 1'ron. ; l3thol Mowers. buc. t Now IocuUhI nt For Salo- Driring horse, bug gy and burnous.--Dan's Uoa- taurant. 1 A fl . rr uoni--tnrnisiied room, first tiliim: out block from city ball, St. JoIiiih. I'lioni) Columbia Ml. 304 M N. Jersey St JOWER HLOCK IMionc Columlmi J 425 VV. A. CAKKOM, Kfit.tRil N..S)'MtcuwSt. U. MICAS Notary I'ulilli- ufe.j!." No.r,th ' van,' t.ri,ot d AOLI ! M A ' S m uni, luaariiuuil, ! U'lllKUlur Oil the Nile pin. Phono Columbia 10-Wj rownnl. Kuatur at tho Al. H, ..I 1. I nt . a ciiurcn rtinrcu .ust, J.uni'h nr tod at noon and dinnor fromfiiSU) until o p. in. - Hoc. Now ia tho time to haoyom Jawn mowor nut in uhmio. I gunrnntoo first claw work. Cull iyiu uiympla street. NantO(i- Iwulvo guago uliot gun, imiBt lie cheap for cnah. Una ovenings.-J. Outrom, SOtii in. .lorauy siroot, St. Johns. Lost Lady's black nnttmt Inn thor purso containing suiall mux or monuy and other articles. Kinder leave at this office. NOTICK -Doric Lodge A. V, a. ai. wmnoiiispecia ineot hitr HKK .1. R (JILLMOKIi I 'or Hargains Some four room bouses $10r0; $f0 cash, bid. like ren Kivo room house, lot 76x100, $1000; $500 cash, balance lik rent. Five room modern house, lot GOxlOO. fine fruit, $2200; $1000 cash. Throe room house, lot GOxlOO fine fruit.SllOO: $550 cash, ba ance liko rent. Seven room tuoilcrn home, lot 7Cxl00 fine fruit, nil furniture; price fZOOO, $800 ciiiii.iHiiiiiicc fiii nmi interim per month One ncru nnd 2 room house done In JI000. G00 cash. Look nt this for n Ixtr I'nln. Seven room uioilern house, close to Peninsula mill, fill r,0, f'iM cnih. Till Is n ilnildv. Ten room home, modern lu every re nivtct. lot looxioo. ibgoo. iboo eiii. Seven room moilvrn home, lot 7fixl00 nue fruit, :i:!0(), fm) ca, 1m1. teriun. Three room home, toilet nnd uliik $1M, fSOOcmh. Three room house, toilet nuil sink KkxI (ruiti f 1070, f:i70cmh. New nix room home, uioilern, $11200 M00 cnsli. This 1 it flue corner. If you wnnt to sell your nroixirty come in nnu nee me. i emi ken uior you HJIi North Jersey Street l'hoiie Colli inbin 81 FOY'S St Johns Fair Store Highest Quality and Lowest Prices Toys a Specialty 207 N. Jursey St. Phone Col. 839 riiil1olphlii SUoo Sli) SlMKMt Kuwirl ltvt umteriiil olitiiluahle. I'rictM iohwhi wlile. All work KKUHiitcnl. Carl Juhnkc St. Johns, Oregon 301 N. Jersey St. Miulcnl liiktrumeutt of till khuls, VIoHiih a tjHH'iiiUy, Violin ruvilrt-il, mljuMril mul nuluAttil McKINNEY'S BARGAINS Fine line o( Vogan's Candies ICE CREAM. SOFT DRINKS. CONFECTIONERY, BUTTER, HOME MADE PIES, BREAD AND PASTRY, LIGHT LUNCH ES. (.MM, .V 0Msf t Coittrttl tvhol Jul. iHonnhnii, Prop. PONY EXPRESS Call us up for rales on Furniture Moving and Express 75 IN. bixtli Street Portland Office Phont llrojd ay 1102 Long Distance lluttling Anywhere m City Daily SSSi -A' ffvh l" W M SL J0I,NS 0fflCC' 5,5 S JcrSC' St' wantotl House ami sovoral u w ui MtiuiiKu in oi, jonns or Yicnmy. will mako good pay. mont on right price. Call at tin's ouice. A. 1). S. KEMEWES are not .... ..II.. I utjuiuu jib cuiwiiiiH, nor (jo to maKe oxtravaKiint eJaiins for thorn, but thoy aro all K'ood and Rn"H"uu "y us. CUUK1N Wo wish to extend our hoartfelt thank3 to tho kind friends and urothor ftlasons tor their lovo and sympathy in our sorrow, aU ao xor uio many ncnutiful floral ouerinKs. Mrs. Sarah Dearintr, Haymond Uearintr, Airs. L. H. "amiuon, a. u Doming. W. II. Uearmtf, T. DoariiiR, U V. Kieh. VOH SAl.K- Six loom iwo.leni Iuhim;, lull Uiiemeut, furiiace. 1iv.iiiij uich KaruKe, lOOxlilo eoriiei tot, luiU-ve luem nil iwi.1, fruit aud UirublHrrv KroumU In xsttvci condition, Ux-twl in uicvory oe.i ewictu-c ,Jltnct of St. QUONCi TONQ CAFU fty Chop Suoy and .Nuwllwi at uoiwlur prices. Home iiimlc iwtrl' vy0ry dy al 'Cafe of Merit." YVe wrvc lituRkWi nnd dinner. Qjkmi front C u. in. to 12 i. ra. 10i S. Jerbey ttrcet. Ret, Phono Columbia 172 aid Columbia 1040 2 Al'TO TRI CKS 1018 S. Central avenue New 1 room modern hunualow. has irarauo and large lot: a lino loca tion: ao look it ovor. l'rico Si.. 1)00; pay SSOO eash, balanco ?20 monthly, which includes inter est. 812 N. Syracuse street Five room modern bungalow, one of tho best built homes in St. .Johns, street improved and con nected to sower. I'rloo ?2(i00, terms. 503 Pittsburg street Nine room modern home. I us s a now one and you can rent rooms enough to make tho payments. This is cheap at $2500. Pay $500 cash, balanco $25 monthly. No. (b rivo room modern bungalow on good improved street, close in, well located. Price $2200; pay $500 cash, bal anco like rent. W, E. McLNE & I. S. FLINN bungalow, corner lot.OOxlOO feet, lotsot trim. Price $3100, terms. No. 03 Four room modern bungalow, improved street. This is a now one. Price $1700. Pay $500 cash, balanco like rent. No. 5i 1'ivo room modern bungalow on improved street with lot 75x100. A dandy buy at $1000: terms. No. a I lour room bunualow. modem except bath.Icloso in and urge lot. Price S1US0. nav S700 cash, balance like rent. No. 403-East Hurr street- New live room modern bunira- ow, room in attic for several additional rooms, largo grounds. tins is a uiuuly home. Price $28U0; pay $1120 cash, balance $25 monthly. Go seo tho owner J. B. FLETCHER PLUMBER 507 N. Jersey Street Kmploys ex-service help. Call Columbia 95 on ROGERS Keep Your T. W. HAYES UliiU'imt nnd T,, l tllO plllCO, wv.,w. ,.., , U(r, No, 21--Three room modern liasemeni txcavailni bungalow, a dandy. Price $1500; 7 1 0 Calhoun Street ?L?2Bn?? W mo.nth- iiiu u u uuiiiuui in nnu uuys ar. rortsinoutn and universitv Park. If interested in a uood buy in that district, call and see me, or call at Portsmouth it L FUNERALS Beautiful Jgmy or blnok adult onskat, hearse, box, 2 autos ombnlmlng and rofln ocf servlco for. .. $7 TltACKV funerals If desired for f20, $30, f 10, $G0. HlHhcr priced funcrnls in pro portion. Wc nmnufacture enskcts. Iidy nssistnnt. llcntttiful funcrnl clmpcl. MILLER & TRACEY Main 2601 Independent Funeral Dlrootors A 7005 Washington at tlla Street, Uctwccn 20th and 21st Strccl, West Side ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS, Representative CM Central Ave. N. Phone Columbia 8S8 Do It Electrically See us for appliances of all kinds Repairing Contracting Motor Work Our Specialty "NATIONAL MAZDA LAMPS' Electric Auto Accessories C WiUIfd D PENINSULA ELECTRIC CO. Phone Col. 977 418 N. Jersey Street CHEVROLET Peninsula Motor Sales Co, 107 Fessenden St. St. Johns Can nmkc Immediate delivery New nnd Used Curs Dr. Lewis J. Keliher DENTIST Peninsula Bank Building Room 10 Office Phone Cohimbln 793 Office Hours 9 A, A. to 6 P. At. The SL Johns Millinery For Seasonable Hats at Reasonable Prices Order work and Remodeling a Specialty Hats Rcblocked, Plumes Cleaned, Curled and Dyed Mrs. M. E. CRANE, Proprietress St. Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Foot of Burlington St. Columbia 131 C 1101 LEE MEAD CONCRETE CONTRACTOR AND HOUSE REPAIRING lUtiuuue (uniLhrd 011 all kuMsot Con- "m , o i i V' crete Htui Kuir Work. ollko, i0G Lombard street. Phont Columbia 411 617 N. Jersey St. PORTLAND, ORE.I216.V. y s I'houe Columbia 2 i Portland ivianuracturing to. MANl'PACTl'RKRS OF Panels, Berry Boxes, Coffee Drums, Ex celsior Grape Boxes, Egg Case Stock, t and all kinds of Veneer FACTORY, FOOT OF RICHMOND STREET J Boys' Pants Ladies' Underwear in lightweight Knit Goods suitable for spring wear. Vests and m Union Suits, priced 25c to $1.16 jjj g . p O uoy s suits mat win urigmen up yum youngster, in the latest patterns and styles, priced $1U.UU to $14. uu Our line of Men's Trousers is large and m varied and are made from dependable fab cu ric that insures long service, moderately O priced from $3.75 to $8.00 rg W. JOWER 302 N. Jersey St. y, - '-i Lata win our "drev2uM see Dear Mary You must meet Mrs. Clay. You know she has just moved to this town. She lives in our block. I called on her. She is so nice and friendly. Lots of her furniture was broken in being moved and she asked me to- go with her to look at some new. I'm glad I went along becauso she told me she had never seen such good furniture and rugs priced so low. She bought such pretty things. I'll go with you to call on her. Your Fal HELEN. P. S. I took Mrs. Clay to H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man ; 400-402 S. Jersey St. Will II ll rT till mm law i mi s MMeiigpJ Ui II Flavoring Extracts m of All Kinds !l Before you start to bake that cake, make sure you have the kind of flavoring extract you need the kind tho (ami) likes the best Our stock is complete and comprises the best known and purest quality ob tainable. Don' l take chances with cheapened, unreliable adulterated brands. The prices we charge are as low as can be, and we are sure you v;ill be more than pleased with tho quality and die results. mm MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey Phone Col. 118 One Load of Fir Wood Is worth two loads of Spruce or Hemlock Be careful what you Buy We sell only FIR St Johns Lumber Co. Residents of St. Tohni hav ami ctty Itens to pay tit Portland can make their payments with "Ut meonveni. ence by availing themselves ol our ser vices. We will pay same ami secure your ii-v-tipi muiuui uicouvcnience to you. Fee, 25c. References: Auv St. Johns lUnk. reninsula Title, Abstract ami Realty Co., by II. Henderson, Manager: 1 402 North Jersey Street. I buy or sell St. Johns Property A. W. DAVIS Real Estate . Fire Insurance and Notary Public List your property with me if you desire to sell quickly 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns