Hftrortnt Kiltty VOLUME 1G INTERESTING A1EETINQ Tho meotincr of the St. Johns Community Club hold in tho high scnooi minding Tuesday evening was ono of the beat and most in teresting of nny of tho meetings thus far hold. The attendance was good and a spendid fooling of co -operation and helpfulness was manifested throughout. An interesting feature of the gather ing was a fine and appetizing cafeteria luncheon served by tho Domestic Scicnco Depart mcnt of tho high school. Fino vocal Holoctions by the Girls' and Boys' Quartctss mado the event ittill more pleasing, which was followed by a shadow pan tomime on tho inadequacy of the high school building. The meeting was called to or der by Chairman Mouahan after the luncheon had bcon disposed of in n satisfactory manner. Al ter the minutes of the prov ious meeting wore read and approved, the chairmun called for n report from the park committee. Dr. Borden rospjnded and cautioned that unless tho proper efforts wero put forth tho commission wouiu prouauiy scucc mo smaller tract for a playground and a tract across tho cut bo selected for a high school sito. F. P. Drinker stated that its sizo was his only objection to tho Caplos tract. and that ho did not euro what sito wnu solccted so long as it contained nt least 20 acres. County Commissioner" Muck uaid he felt certain that Commission er Mann and tho Mayor, nt least, favored the purchase of a tract of 20 or more acres. It is ex pected that the matter will bo de finitely decided within tho next ten duys. W. II. Bonham, reporting for tho committco on high school, etnU"i Miul t' .vjak Bpota of the hiu'i building had kjti tub.- .nv- i.Igntod and a contrast wu. . ..ulo with tho Franklin nd the latter was found to bo much larger and better in evory way. Tho school board is nlive to tho fnct that this district ia badly in need of u now high school building, said Mr. Bonham, and agreed that when funds aro nvailablu St. Johns will bo served first. . Chairmnn Monahan announced that tho noxt mooting would bo held at the club rooms of tho Peninsula Lumbor Co. Tuosdny qvening, April 0th, whon tho club would enjoy the hospitality of Mr. Knapp and associates. Mr. Drinker, roporting for GEORGIA RICH I I AN 1ST T1SLC11J5H Phonet- SOU Bush K Luna Blda. 013 Anworlh Av. 410 Oiwcao at. Mrs. Gabriel Pullin Vooi Touohor Kuroptau Training Soprano Soloist, Ut. Rplscopat Cliurch Cor. Wall ind Lombird Slrctts AUo City Studio Plione Col. 182 Mrs. Frank A. Rice CHILD MUJIC SPECIALIST Violin, fflandoHn and Piano Mi.tt nslnot pfalr pr.ptnd (or adult StndUt 412 S. nJIson Street Telephone Columbia 3iU ELMER SNEED Violin Instruction STUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse Street Phone Columbia 302 Mrs.BerthaC.Burdick (Llcentltate of the Royal Academy of Muirc, London.) Teacher of Piano 197 Hodge St. Phone-Col. 873 Miss E. Brown Ctrtlflcini Pianist ud Teacher or Huilc European Trainlug Pupils Prepared for Recitals Phone Columbia 843 903 Depauw Street.University Park Dr. Evart P. Borden DENTIST Painless Extraction of Teeth under Nitrous Oxide Gas Office Peninsula Bank bldg. Office phone Col. 625; res. phone Col. 477 riono &-12 a. m.; 1:30-6 and 7-8 p. in. Phoae Columbia 379 Res. Columbia 1131 Dr. F. P. Schultze Physician and Surgeon Room 4 Peninsula Bank Building Dr. L. F. Pickens DENTIST Office Hour 8 to 12 A. M. 1 to 6 P. M. Evenings 7 to 9 Peninsula Bank Bldg. Office Phone Columbia 11 83 ST. JOHNS committee on roadway to Swift racKing v.o., stated that pre- 11 1 . 7 f , . . nnmary pjnns wero being worked out ana everything appeared favorable for tlie project. A. E. Jones of the police com mittee reported that Commiss ioner Bigolow would bo out soon to look the situation over. Members of the membership committee reported quite a num ber of now members. Mrs. Montgomery mado a neat little talk in which srotold how tho Community Club was prov ing beneficial to tho commun ity. On motion of Mr. Hull if. wm decided to make tho first and third Tuesday evenings of each month permanent meeting nights, with the library ns headqunrters. C. A. Dotson. a well known I'eninsuln booster of Portsmouth, mucin a wen received address m which ho stated that the folks beyond tho "cut" wanted to work with St. Johns, as all our interests aro in common. He invited tho club to Portsmouth at some date to be agreed upon Inter. Mr. Monahan admonished that unless efforts woro put forth to incronsotho attendance ut tho kindergarten school that there was gravo danger of losing it. Airs. Jones and Mrs. Mulkey mado u few remarks concerning tho cleaning up and beautifying of St. Johns. Ryder Cormnny. D. C. Lewis and Mr. Jones also made pertinent remiirks rclntivo thoreto. Sergeant Crane vol untccrcd tho service af the police department in such project. Ho was then mado chairman of tho cleanup committee, and Mrs. Durham was mado chairman of committco to promote systematic planting or parking along the sidownlks and otherwise benuti tying thin locality. Prof. Flet cher mado some helpful alleges tions. Mrs. Shaw and Mr. Jones cxpressod disapproval of revival of tho daylight javing plan, Mr. jonos averring that no was un- nbio to see where a saving of daylight could como or it. Upon his m tion it wnH decided, alter a rising vote had boon taken, that a rcaJutlon bo drafted nnd presented to tho City Commiss- ioners protesting agninst such revival. Ho' vounteured to present the document to the city fathers the following mornintr. R. D. iPowell sumroated that tho mutter of more uniform timo of operating tho stroet cars in bt. Johns would be a good thing to press, nnd it was docided to Main 70Q0 Woodlawn 2002 Columbia 004 Inspect These Tires Yourself Please consider this announce ment a cordial invitation to visit our salesroom and inspect these sturdy tires. TTOIBES A new shipment has already arrived and we join Barney Old field in recommending them to you as "The most trustworthy tires built" We also do first class tire repair and retreading and carry the best best line of used tires in the city. National Vulcanizing Co. 205 S, Jersey St, PHONE COLUMBIA 1130 The Hoes Studio FOR PHOTOS OF QUALITY Opposite Central School 14 Cabinet Pictures 14 And One Enlargement $7.00 Open Sundays 1 to 4 P. M. McCartney & Herwick Sand, Gravel and Wood Hauled Phone CoiamWi 31$ 101 Swenson Street j take the matter up with the of- iicials. Mr. uannon mado an open confession that he wroto fho letter to Sergeant Crane cnlling attention to tho condition of some of the streets and was ready to auoloirizc if an apology was due. Ho said that efforts should ho made to entertain as many Shriners in St. Johns as possible, and it was decided to appoint a committtc to ascertain how many could be accom modated here. A. Larrowe moved that n re solution be drafted commending County Commissioners Muck and Hoy t upon the stand they had takon and tho efforts thoy have put forth to speed up the im provement of tho Greeley street extension. Adjournment then took place to give way to tho plonsing on tortainmcnt of vocal music nnd shadow pictures put on by the pupils of James John. Sylphia Roth, aged 1 years, was lured to the woods near the North school Sunday afternoon by a man whooliiccrs think must bo tho same ono who has been attacking small girls in other parts of the city. The child, who lives on North Syracuse street, had gono to Shaw's grocery to pur'chaso porno candy nnd found tho nioro closed. According to her story the man appeared and offered to take her to an other storo where sho could get tho candy. After walking sever- al blocks ho told her tho story of puppies being in the woods and conducted her there, taking her monny in the meantime. Tho approach of two larger girls frightened tho man and ho gavo back her money and ran. Tho girls returned her to her home. MEN'S EASTER HATS S3 l YOU KNOW IT'S GOOD IF YOU OUT IT MOM ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN Bank of Commerce Building ST. J5NTI8T Office Rooms C, 7 ami 8 PENINSULA SECURITY BLDG. Hours 9 to 12; 1:30 to 5 IivenliiKt 8 to 9 I08tf 5, Jersey St. ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND. OREGON Phone Columbia 930 Dr. Samuel A. Mulkey SI. Jolins Undertaking Co. THOS. GRICE, Manager 208 North Jersey Street Office, Columbia 527 PHONES Residence, Columbia 299 yiUTOAOBILC HEylR&E DAY OR NIGHT CALLS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION This is not a branch of any city undertaker's MR. PROPERTY OWNER! The Replacement Cost of Your Property Has Materially Increased Over Pre-War Values Have You Increased Your Insurance Accordingly? We can show you actual records where the value of build ings has increased in value over depreciation to the extent of near ly one hundred per cent in five years. The same applies in prob ably a greater proportion to contents of dwellings and stocks of goods iti general. Consult Us at Once and Increase Your Insur ance Accordingly. We write all lines of insurance. PENINSULA SECURITY CO. 108 South Jersey St ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, DESTROYED BY FIRE Part of Portland was thrown into darkness and tho Lombard street substation of tho Portland Railway. Light & Power Go. , gutted by afire which broke out in tho station early Monday I morning. Damage estimated at $100,000 was done. All of the valuable machinery and gener ators in tho, building were re duced to tangled masses of wreckage. Only tho concrete walls of tho station remain. Tho fire started thru tho explosion of an oi switch. Tho flames sprend rapidly and before tho operator in charge could throw otr all lines of current ho was forced to flee from the burning building, Simultaneously lights went out in different scotions of tho city Tho entire Peninsula and St Johns district was thrown ii darkness. Tho weakening 0 power currents was noticed over tho entire city. I'Jngino com panics 30 and 32 and truck resnonded to an alarm sent 1 by neighbors Because of tho danger of electrocution tho firo- mcn could not turn water into theburning building. Falling high current wires much tho work extremely dangerous. Tho exact loss has not been accurately do tcrmincd. Oflicials of tho firo marshal's bureau announced that tho damage would run closo to $100,000. Tho machinery, tho mostvnluablopart.of tho station, is n total wreck. Buy your season's wood now and pay later. St. Johns Lumbor Co.: Columbia iai. A Brunswick Phonograph brings to you tho maximum nleasuro with tho minimum investment. CURRIN SAYSSO. JOHNS Open fventngs $ J. W, BOTTOM Kalsoniining Painting Columbia 873 C. 433 Charleston St. DEARING'S For Fine Chocolates Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars 311 South Jersey Street Phone Columbia 1G1 REVIEW MARCH 20, 1920. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The annual Hi Jinxjwas given Friday evening. No one spent a dull moment from the time tho fourth termers led off with tho "Scholars Soviet" in the gym until tho sixth tormors had Bold tho InBt American waf flo to the accompaniment of Chinese music in a bower of lovclinosa I which transformed tho Science ' Lnbratory. Between the first' and tho last stunts tho second termors presented "It Happens In tho Best Regulated of i am nios," which portrayed tho ad vantages and disadvantages of motoring. A bevy of girls sang songs such as "Tim Tumble Down Shack of James John." The main attraction of the eighth termers was Lindrof Sknrr, tho fnir young brido of Jako Grif fith, in "IV Better Or Fo' Worser." Tho skill with which tho Seniors acted out the amaz ing wedding won for them in tho estimation of Mr. Tayor, Or. Borden and Mr. Dttnkleburgcr, first prize on tho stngo. Tho seventh term featured "A Night In tho Orient" which was quito realistic, especially the monncing roar of tho lions. "Thoy Livod Huppy Evor Af tor" was a collec tion of nursery rhymes and par odies, featuring Esther Wall aa "Tho OltHVomnn Who Lived in tho Shoo." This nmusitifi stunt was put on by tho third tormora. "Wonder Workora" proved that the first t6rmers wor such in actuality. Tho fifth tormora in tho "0,0, La La, Woo Wee Girls" prciontod " ntl M hi I n ImI'J !. u n h a Ii nil n in disguiso, while tho "sailor quartet" was n group of girl. A Hi Jinx parauo was hold Fri day aftornoon on tho principal streots of St. Johns to advortiso their ovoning'a performance. Tho silver cup as first prizo for tho stage stunt will bo given to the eighth termers. The second termors won second place. In the side shows, the sixth term in will receive tho silver cup first prize, tho seventh term- era ranking second. A delicious dinnor was served to tho St. Johns Community Club luesday evening by the IJ. b. Dept. to ono hundred and fifty persons, tho L). S, jrlrJa do ing all tho cooking and most of One Good Thing After Another Is offered hero. When there is anything new and good in the way of paint we have it here first. And if a price concession is to be had we get that, too, and pass it along to you. Come and see what we offer right now. Byerle & Armstrong 420 North Jersey Street Easter Lilies Hvdranieas. Genistos, Cin erarias, Calln Iyilies and other Flowering Pot Plants at rea sonable prices. Select your Easter Plants now and I will deliver accord ing to your instructions. Your inspection invited. Beckett's Greenhouses North Kellogg Street Phoit Ctlufflbli 401 Frank A. Rice LAWYER Office in Peninsula Security Building Phone Col. 887 Resident Col. 389 A. M. Warner Contractor-Builder ALTERATIONS REPAIRS Phone Columbia 144- Office 208 South Jersey. iii nyT-J 1 the serving. Aftor tho business of tho Club was finished repre sentives of tho Student Body gavo an entertainment. Princi pal Fletcharand the Pres. of the Student Body, Oliver Jcsiup, made- short talks. The girls' quartet sang "Whon You Come To Tho EnU of A Perfect Day" and "Comin' Thro the Rye." Miss Olive Kincaid san? "My Littlo Gypsy Sweetheart." with tho girls' quartet as an accom- paning chorus. Adclaido Egg- man sang an original song tho words of which woro cowposed by Sybil Barrett. Tho boys' quartet also sang several num bers. Thon followed a series of shadow pantomimsB picturing tho many inconveniences of tho fldiool. Prof. Brambaugh of 0. A. C. addressed the assembly Monday morning on the subject of the proposed millago tax. After asvombly, school waa dismiascd because of the lack of electric powr necessary for tho working of the heating ventilating ays tern. This week additional cabinet room for the U. A. Dent, was dolivorsd. This givca the girls of tho sowing classes much needed space for thoir material. Tho drowning of Illchard Bowlos, a member of the fifth term class, Monday, has thrown a cloud of sorrow over the whole school. Letters of sym pathy havo boon sont to his fam ily from his class and student body and faculty. C. A. V. The Oregon Grape Club met at tho homo of Mr a. Emma Boyd, 1220 S. Jeraoy street, March 17th locelobrato"St. Patrick's Day." Tho A.s and B.n ontortainsd. During tho afternoon games wore played, which wero in kocpinR with tho day. Mesdamca Boll nnd Armstronr won the prizes in tho came, "Places of Interest in Ireland," and Mrs. Cormany in abenn forfeit game. Later in the aftornoon dainty refreshments, consisting of "Bit of Green" sandwiches, "Klllarnoy" Salad, "Pacldlo," Hlarnoy Stones," coffee and 'Emeralds,' wsro served. Those present wore Mesdames Arm strong, Bell, Beckman, Brlce,, noyd, iilomgrcn, Kffn Beam Emma' Boam, Canright, Cor, many, Frantz, Harrington, Mnrchand, MacGregor, Muhm, Hinge. Smock. IVoline. Wolmer. Drusilln Frnntz, Vivian Muhm Paul and Hay Bockman Re ported. Work pnnta?2.75up. ROGERS. French Dry Cleaning And Pressing Wo Cil I'or iuuI DaHven LAUNDRY PROMPT SnRVKE W. J. HAYZLETT 2irN. Jersey St. Phone Colambin 951 Why the Electric toner There is raally no totaparlsoa between tht d thormh. uess with which an Hltr1e Cleaner removsd dirt and the difficulty o( swetplne. Trus, one CAN cUan rats aid carxts without aa eisctrlc cleaner, A tiroom or aarps sweeper will brush up BOMB of th dirt; and If you like the exercise and have plenty of time and strength a broom and carp ct beater will do the work afltr a fashion. In the same way n wash without soap. Watsr a. lone will remote some dirt If applied with enough "elbow grease."! Hut iople use aoap txunse it cleaurniore naiily and bsttvr titan water alon. Por the same rtason psoplu use Itlcctric ClMUtrs bacausa they clean more tasllr and far bcttsr than other msthoa's, Portland Railway Light & Power Company Ctr Your OKtiic Goeds at an Eltcfnc Stan LEWIS CALDWELL LEADING BARBER The place where eood sendee aaai courteous treatment pravall, Ckildr'a hair cutting receive special attautlov, 109 BURLINGTON STREET NUMBER 20 MULTNOMAH THEATHE Ojw Sundays 2:1G to 11:00. Mondays nnd Saturdays open nt 6:30. Other Jays m 7:00. Rlsr Admission Oc, 11c, lGc. Saturday, April 3 ENID DENNETT i "Tint WO MAN IN THH SUITCASK" l'nr nmount. S'Uiday, April ETHEL CLAYTON In "TItIC 13lh COMMANDMUNT" - Parmnnuiit. Ami tlnrold Moydln nlwo-rccl coin, cdy comedy. "Cnpt. Kldd's Kids." Monday nnd Tuesday, April G nnd 6 wnuLtiifc rtfclD in "iJOimi.it Sr-IiHD" lMMiiiottiit. Also Till? KN1) 01' "IJOrNIJ AND OAO GUI)." Wednesday, April 7th MARGUERITE CLARK In "ALU OV A SUDDUN l'UOOY" I'am. mount, Thursday nnd l'rldny, April 8 nnd 0 UUUULAS rAIRUANKS In "WIIKN Tim CLOUDS ROM, nY," In 7 acts. A United ArtlstV Sxclnl. Saturday, April 10th- URYANT WASHBURN In "TOO MUCH JOHN.SON '-fnrnuiouut. Sunday, April lltli CONSTANCE TALMADGE I" "A VIRTUOUS VAMP." A l'lrt Nntlonnl production, Almi it two reel Idoyil comedy, " Ilimipf iii; Into llrondway," Monday nnd Tuesday, April 12 mid 111 To be ntuioiiiiccd Inter. Wednesday. April Mth DOROTHY GISH I" "MARY III,. I.HN COMKS TO TOVN"-Pnrii. mount. Thursday nnd Friday, April in nnd 10 HENRY WALTHALL In "Tint LONG ARM OP MANISTUR," a 7 act SKrclul. Saturday, April 17th IRENE CASTLE In "Tint IN VI.SlIII.lt IIOND" Paramount. Sunday, April 18th MAY AMD MACLEAN In "WJIAT'H YOUR 11USIIAND DO. INtlf" The same xtan who umdc "231 Hours I.cnve." They arc ill waysK'ood. Also Harold I.loyil In "Ills Royal Slyness." Monday and Tuesday, April Ii) and "JO CHARLES RAY In "ALARM CLOCK ANDY." Dr. W, J, Gilstrap Physician and Surgeon Glasses Accurately Fitted PPICIl nouns 9.00 to 12 M. Ol'PICIW 1;S9 to 4:10 P. .V. Pculuwte 7:00 to 8:00 P. M. curlty bWr Sundays, 0:00 to 10:80 A. M. Dr. Herbert F. Jones CHIROPRACTOR 311 North Jersey Street Dy Phue Night Phone Columbia COQ Clutabln 97 Davis Barber Shop ud UATII KOOMS S. If. DAVIS, Proprietor 108 Philadelphia St. Untlis 85c PENINSULA TITLE ABSTRACT & REALTY CO H. HENDERSON, Manager 402 N. Jorsay Street Abstracts of Title Prered Titles KxaiuiHed rhone Columbia 265 Real Estate CENTRAL LOCATION Thirteen year In the business In St. Joliai, I.itt your property with us, V tnske sales, s, u, cuuk.-htc N. Jersey. Poff & O'Neil TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand nnd Gravel Daily Trip to Portland Pbtne Col. 308 206 N, JERSEY ST J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage We- dtllTcr goods to and from all pnrtJ oi Portland, Vancouver, I.luuton ami surrounding country, Piimo and furni ture moving. Phone Columbia b2, 100 Kast llurllngtoii Street, Pulley & Zurcher Plumbing, Heating & Tinning We Repair Aluminum Ware Phone Col. 92 207 S. Jersey St.