St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 19, 1920, Image 4

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By F. J. Kupfer.
Tho actora arc now beginning
to rehearse their parts on the
political stage. They are prompt
ed by their managers and
coached to play the part to which
he or she is assigned to meet
the annrobation of the populace.
Ambition in the human breast
iaone of the frailities of nature.
To bo admired and praised for
deeds to better the fellow man
lurks in the minds of every one
who prides himself of his own
importance to lead and show the
way for weal or woo. And such
being tho case in this free and
grand republic the constitution
provides that we arc all equal
and to tho manner born; that
we have the right of free speech,
free proas anu free thoughts.
These guarantees tiuugn are
used only at the discretion of
thoso who are or may be in the
possession of an official capacity
which tho public grants them nt
stated poriods Wo speak of
constitutional rights, and then
wo are conBtnntly being romin
dud by the politicians that wo
must fight for freo speech and
a free press. Wc have not
fathomed this particular doctrine
vfhy tiiis is necessary when tho
declaration of independence tolls
us that wo arc a free and inde
pendent people. Hut then as I
have started this article with
the forthcoming national play
to no enacted ly a now and un
tried set of actors in which
they will stagn that culobratod
American play entitled " Re
form, Efficiency, Economy and
tho Duties of an American
Citizon," wo will expuctto huar
from each and ovory actor a
complete mid versatile erudition
of his policies, bin views, his
methods, and ho possibly may
forgot himself to depict uncon
sciously tho intricacies of what
is required in the makeup of a
roul and genuine exponent of the
principles of American citizen
ship. ; Tho public, in the near
future, should prepare itself to
sou the political show in all its
pristine glory. In a verv fow
weeks the Drama will have it
quota and each participant will
havo thoroughly mastered his
plea for man's and woman's suf
frago. Of course wo all want to
be there and thotimuscL and nil-
Mechanical Drafting
Rates by Hour or Contract
923 South Decatur
Phone Columbia 108
vertised is May tho 21st of this
coming year.
The star performers in this
great American drama are quite
a few in numbers. In fact we
are told that 5 presidental cand
idates will be listed on the pro
gramme, bach and every one
are prize winners in their re
spective occupations which they
are in at the present time.
Those who aro next in rank and
will not have, according to tho
Otiiia board prophcies antagon
istic or friendly opposition. c??99
This m rather unfortunate and
should not be encouraged, as the is a product of the state and of
public expects to get all it can this city. Portland should be
for tho money. The next down represented by all means at the
the ne on tho t cket a of a con- L'apitol with this office, i'ort
trrnqninnnl chnrnctnr. which land being the metropolis, con
means that the deponent is seek- sequently has more at stake than
ing to extract from tho govern- oincr sections oi tne siaie. up
monttheaum of S7.500 a vear posed to Mr. Sliuiderman aro
for tho performance of attending threo other from
to the business of yours truly iiuisnoro, one irom Asniana anu
in the House of Congress. So the other from Tho Dalles, with
far there is a dearth of those the expectation of one or two
Mmid. Hnnnitivfi "lnnk nf win- more to contest the office.
firlonn'" nticrators to inkn hold As to the State Senators and
nf Mila mnafc nf nil rlnsninnd nit- UcnreSOntativeS WO have only
tance. We blame them not, heard of ono from this city who
whim thnru is morn mnnnv in has had the nerve to come out in
selling shoo strings and running tho open and thnt is our friend,
card games. "Tho Father of St. Johns." He
Nnw wo enmn down tn nenl has announced himsolf, to a pro
talent. On tho list of tho con- motion. Ho wants to bo a State
HtilnitnrH n tnkn nwnv nf Minstn Senator this next time. He says
who have, wo find that the Sec he has had more experience as a
rotary of State is the prize to be legislator than any man who has
handed out to tho ono who is ever been at tho legislature,
lucky enough to have tho long- Wc beliovc him, and 8j do most
nal. nnriulmmnn nnln. In niirlof US.
estimation wo havo in mind ono I wish, to stato to tho reader
who 1b especially fitted to fill that owing to the .high cost of
this part of our programme, and newspapor.which Is now quoted
I am most certain that the pub- on tho market at Oregon City
Me Ih nf nn rmnrncintivn turn nf and Which Is mostly monopolized
mind when tho duty to which ho by tho contemporaries of the
has boon assigned has been woll Journal, is almost, but not quite
and faithfully norformod. This $1.00 a pound. So in my next
imiiLlcmiin has hold thnnffitmnf letter 1 will finish what is loft
Corporation CommiiBioner for of the candidates who may como
tho laHt four yoars and during out oi neir winter., quarters.
that time holms mndn nun nf Iho rundar win readily under
the best oflicials in this state. Htand that we aro tho very first
Ho has practiced tho most riirid ones who Bhould sot an example
. .. . it if .... w .. r . .
economy in t ho conduct of i s to mo political aspirantB in
officii and as to irimnllnir tiin practising economy and offici
mihlit! f m m Imlnir rnbhod with ency and when that is done, re
fiatitlniiHnrnimHitinnafrnm Hum. form works out "joost like
panios who aro trying constantly greased lightning." This
touotbvtho Bhm Skv law ho should bo tho slogan of those
never allows any of thesu con- who handle tho most money.
corns to gut a footing in this
state. This is in itself ono of
thu best traits of his honesty and
ability to cope with prospective
transgri'ssors. Air. Shuldcrmnn
Lairds Gash G
We carry a full line of Edison Blue v
T i "i f i t- t i -i n e
iecorus anci jjisk records to play on all
machines, also full line of Phonograph
108 North Jersey Street
xt Door to the St. Johns Review
A Strictly Cash Store for the most
Careful Cash Buyer.
We DELIVER FBCE. All orders In before
l::i() 1. M. will be delivered mime day.
The STtradivara Shop
202 N. Jersey St.
Sunset Cash Grocery
111 Philadelphia Street
Phone Columbia 1MB
Do your Iradlnii at the store where quality Counts, at the store where
your Dollar brings home the best and ijoes the farthest.
Pure Cane Sugar and all you want o buy
6'i lbs. Herry Sunr $1.00 Sacks $15.00 Delivered
Hear Urnnd Plotir, n kooiI family flour 53.10 i, bbl. Sack
New I'ot Toiistle.i, U for 2fc
KclloRn'rt Toasted Com VUU-u 2 Cm . . . . 25c
Puffed Wheat and shredded Wheat Hi.'iiit, Mc, 3 for 0o
Choice Head Nice 'A II. for fiOo
Swift's Pure I.eaf I.nrd Jlfic jmr lb. J II. for
Swift's Jewel ShortoniuK 80c wr lit. J1J I Its
Hooth's Surdiuos, intiMtui 1 spiced ami tomato sauce 20c
Kaucy Dry Pucked Shrimp 20c
I'nncy While Meat Tiuiu l'ish per etui Hie and 2fic
Choice Pink S.ilinou per can 15c and 20c
Imperial Valley Lettuce, extia laie, quality the host, html 10c
nr. ci... i rn ... in. ... mm. i ...
" swum un, ju. .juc, fn". 3 ?l.i)U O mi
Mazola Salad Oil, pt. -10c, ijt. 75c, J al 1.45 5 Ska
n t 'i 1.1 11... . 1. . . i. ...
c t.uiv-' iuiiiiuvf! l ine I'niii jeuv u0e
10 lb. pnils Pure l'iuit Jelly, Flavors oich $2.10
Hull Cream Cheese per lb ;jf,c
Uordeu'sand Carnation Milk, larKusixe, two for 25c
" baby she, four for. 25c
Strictly Fancy New Lade Eao, per doz 40c
We carry n full line of fresh vegetables to be had in Season,
also Fresh Pruits, Oranges a plenty, Apples In abundance, all
Poods rightly priced. Once you get the habit of coming to the
SUNSP.T you make up your mind that ST. JOHNS Is the best
place to do your trading because you can have your groceries tie
, llvered to your door, saving fine, car fare and don't have to carry
home heavy bundle and yet you buy cheaper than vou can on
Yamhill Market.
The Sunset Grocery
IS.xtcn Spualnl for 11 J'oir
unyn utuy
llullr llroml Milk liirjjf cmii at . 10c
I lolly llmml Milk .r inn- IS run l.7r
Vvllolmn Milk - liire rHim . .
IliifiU'u'H Milk, luruu can (r . life
Carimllou Milk, ltiru cnii 2 (nr . . 2fc
llonluu'rt 11ml Cnrimlluii miuill 7c -tfur2c
Criioo Crlioo I lb. cim Mc. 3 (or. .$1,00
Swiff Silver l.nif l.unl Hi. U&o. IWnr 1.00
Miuolit Stilml Oil, 41k: it,7fic,
nun KHioiii $1. in, eiuiou .. . . -J ib
l.uree IhiHIo CaUiip, llnet enuU'
wry hkx'iii hi
Koynl Chili Collie &r Ih. M I In fl f.,1
l.ulril'H SKClitl lllcnd ColTce II ll. 1.00
C.iout Aiiivriaiu ColTce 4Ko lit. a II), 1 HO
Dvliyilriitcil I'niiii't eo twice as
ur, vury h.cmi iu l iim. lor A:c
KxUh Itutcy llldck 2 11m. for U
HxU fmtcy lllue Kihlwn 1'iMclu'ii'J lln, Kk
l'k. if;
Di l Mniile 1'otk ami I) 0.111
litu.ill ctiim It (orUCc, mmllutu ivr
chii 16c, liirKe emu Ufic, a for 15c
I.urKo emiR Ktmulurd Toiualoiw 2 for. .'JoV
I'li'liTfil Stock Mitiil lwiok TtMiiatoni
lor IVK
Country Chili Sutut Corn 2 cans 3fic
I'rcfftcd Stock Slrlni; lloaim, cun . . . ,J0c
Cut SlriiiK Hernia per emi IRc
MiK'ir ivm, cnn inc
Hie, Hstortnirnt of Camiml I'ruitu nt
very icclal priciw
Small while Ilcmu 11 llw fl.00
Kctl Mexican llctiu3 IIk 'Jf
Itxtra Puncy Lima 1Imiu 2 IU c
llciit Kicc 2 IIh 35o
Uollcil Oats cltxui anil white II Hi.. . .'Me
llctt 1:I1k Cut Macaioni 2) IN, 'Mc
Royal White Sviii, 4 bare 'He
lloli While Soap, 4 Uir afc
Create Oil Soap, 3 lwr for 2c
I'lilm Olive Sup, 3 for 9Pc
SVut per can HV
telle fi hoxe for 'ific
Community Topics
New High School, Greeley St. Extension, Play Ground, Improved
Mail Service. New Horn ps. Cmrmnicm fnv "Rpf.fpv nnrl Parkino
The Community Club Meets at the James John High School, Tuesday,
Mar. 23. The Domestic Science Department will serve Cafeteria Lunch
eon at 6:30 o'clock. Phone your Reservation to Miss Bowers at the Li
brary, Columbia 765 not later than Monday noon. The cost of Lunch
eon will be 50
Getting Ready For Easter, The Timely Topic
New models of Mouses thnt arc
just the proper thing for Unstcr wear
nrc being stocked; they come iu
Georgette, Crepe tic Chine and
Voiles. Some printed, some plain.
Models with round neck, models
with the V neck. The prices ntc
$2.50 to$M.60
Indies' Silk Hosiery iu Cham
paign, White, Illnck, Brown, Palm
licnch, Grey and Light Hluc.
Silk Lisle hose a; 05' to $1.25
per pair. Black, Drown, White,
Misses I.lsle Hose in Dlnck, While
and Drown. And the prices on any
of these numbers will compare favor
ably with and of the'Special Sales."
The Automobile has killed the
Kaster Dounct business; who wants
to hit lite top of an Auto with a
new Kustcr Donnet. It is not ko
with footwear. The shoes, and
stockings are the millinery of today.
Nifty Pumps, with Louise and Da
by Louise Heels; some with buckle,
some just plain but all arc stylish;
just price them nt our store and do
likewise over town. You will be
back ngain to buy here. We know
because it has been done.
Color Creations
The Spring fabrics rivnl nature in color
ing; not the colors that fight and glare and
blaze, but those that arc modest and harmoni
ous. These colors arc printed into Voiles,
Organdies and Klaxons; into Pongee and
Georgette and printed into Kotilards.
If your Kaster frock is not becoming it
will not be for lack of the loom; and our ex
perienced salespeople will aid you in selecting
materials that will become you. And our
prices will all staud comparison with the city
Men's and Boy's Suits
The new suit season is on;
the prices are higher than ever
and we do not coax you to buy,
but -if you need a suit for your
self or your boy you will find
our lines entirely dependable
in fit, style and workmanship.
You may buy from us on
the installment plan.
Headlight Overalls
Men's Ties
A few men decide they nrc
wearing something when they pay
$1.50 or $5 00 for n neck lie; and
thnt has been done, but you can tukc
it from us; the tic really worth $1,50
is not made. It's n graft. The
assortment we have to sell at .$2 50
ii simply wonderful and you may
be asMired the tjuality is not camo
uflaged in the price.
The new Kaster5 stock has just
nrrived and your fancy may be
pleased in price and pattern: l'rom
75c to $2.50.
Men's Shirts
Men dress for Kaster ns well as
the Indies. And a man is not dress
ed without n shirt. Our stock is
large, the assortment varied nud the
prices within reason. Wc have
Silk nud cotton, nil cotton nud nil
silk; nud nil of them in various patterns.
Men's Shoes
Ourshocsnrc literally walking
nway; our values are true. We
simply scrap for vnlues in footwear
nnd we know we nrc getting results
because our trade keeps coming back
mid they must keep advertising for
us or some ono else would have had
our business a long time ago. The
Crossett and Uegal Shoes nrc msde
just ns good as shoes can be made.
When the linings are high grade,
the sole stock the best obtainable
atttt tne worKtiiansuip simply per
fect, what more can be said of a liuc
of shoes; and it is all true.
L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Men's Dept.
Regal Shoes
216 North Jersey St.
Authorized Ford Service Sta
tion. Onlv Kcnuiue Kord
parts used.
Tires, tubes and accessor-
ivory White Tooth Pick, 0 boxes
Urge KolU Toilet Paper, 4 roll
Strictly l'reh Local Ks per do.
All khtdt of HAULING done by the
mouth or the job
Leave onlem at Laird' Orocery
Phone WootHawn U781
Tho Uruuswlck plays any reword.
Just ix tilmplo twist of tho wrUt and
you tiro roudy to pluy. t'urrun nu)n no.
204 N. Jtntv Strut. SI. Johoi
We make enlargement any Ue from
tvomtK nuns or gooi ritotoi, do urtutic
IrumiiiK and nun cutting, com- old ptct-
uica, ii yuu nave nuyiuin ill tut Hue
tirtug It to tne lor bust result. A new
Lighting Sytcm recently Installed,
C A, HUFF, Pliotou'phi,
J. O. Chambers Mrs. H. U, Lowry
Funeral Directors
'-MS 260 Killinxswortli Avenue
Telephone: Woodluwn JWOti C 1133
Mr. Chambeis U the only O. A. K.
undertaker in the city of Portland.
Personal attention mid supervision
miven to arrangement,
Cull us up for rates on
I Furniture Moving and Express
a in, Mxtn Mrcet
Portlind Office Phone Broidmy 1402
Long Distance IluulttK
Anywhere in City Daily
ST. JOHNS Office, 515 S. Jersey St.
ii. iuimi luiamsri ti JIU VOIUmoU 1040
Woo'ley Bros.
Plu ne Columbia 690.
Notice to Creditors
No. 17950
Iu the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Multuoumh.
Probate Division
lit the mutter of the will of Oscar M.
IViwus, tleceaked.
Notice i hereby Kiven that the under
signe!. Mabellc V. Gordon, has been ap
pointed by the above entitled Court, Ux.
ecutrtx oi tttc last Will and Testament and
of the estate of Oscar M. Downs, deceased .
All persons having claims agaiiist the es
tate of 4id Oscar M. Downs are hereby
notified to oresent the same, duly verf.
lied at the ortice of Slduey Gordon, 40t5
Getliiiger HKljj, Portland, Oregon, with
in six mouths (rout the date hereof.
lXiusl ami tirst published March 5.1920.
4WGerliuger Hldg, Portlaud, Oregon.
I.ook nt that worn jilnce on your kitchen floor. The paint is
gone. Soon the bare floor boards will absorb moisture and dirt,
then warp, splinter and decay. Then the repair man!
A few cents now for Acme Quality Floor Paint will save you
dollars later on. Save the surface and you save all.
Acme Quality Floor Paint is n wear-resistitiR.surface-protect-ing
paint. It serves a double purpose. It protects the life of
your floors. That's most importaut. And it beautifies your
home and saves work by making cleaning so much easier. No
need to scrub, as the dirt cannot sink into the floor when protect
ed by the smooth, hard, sanitary coating of Acme Floor Paint.
Home Mercantile Co.
209 West Burlington Street
Knights and Ladies of Security
St. Johns Council 2775
KrguUr Uitlnc ineetlnc il tni y MaUyi.
Omii nttttnK to Hit I'ubfic miakr Ml a
ami 4th Mond). Victor oJ lumbers or
Uially Invited to attcui! t Illclimr tli.
liLaurel Lodge, 1, 0. 0.F,
Meets each Monday evenln
No. 160, St. Johm. Qreac
Monday evenlnt? in Odd I
lows hall at 7:3o, A cardial welcome to
all vIsitliiL' brothers.
C. V Ihl. N O Crl Itelmtn, T. fi.
Joe KolxiU, Krc ike. Q. W, Norco. Flu, Sec.
It. V. CUik. Treat.
St. Johns Gamp No. 7546
Modern Woodmen of Anwica.
Wc heartily solicit the attendance of
our members at our regular nettings
every 2d and 4th Thursday evening.
G, V. Muhtu, Irviu Gromachey.Clerk
Consul. 910 N. Srracuie.
Meets every 1'rlday nltht at
7:30 o'clock in BICKNHR
Hall. Visitors always wwl-
Woodmen of the World
St. Johns Camp 773
Meet every Thursday evening in
I. O. O. F. Hall, Leavitt and Jersey
streets. Visitors always welcome.
NLSimmons. C.C.; R. C. Clark. Clerk.
A. f. and A. M.
Meets the first and third
Weduesdayof each month
In Bickuer's Hall. Visl
tors welcome.
A.R. Davis, V. M.
A. W. DvU. Secretary.
'Minerva Chapter No, 105,0. E.S.
Dr. N. E. McAIister
Ortice I'hone Columbia 25-1
Residence Phone 31SC5
St. Johns, Portland, Oregon
E. W. Hood
Consulting Member of the American
Technical Society.
Builder or Automatic Machines
Practical, expert advice given on any
thing mechanical. 1027 0syk St. Portland
S Barber Shop &
108 N. Jersey St.
-0s utuiau iu j
"Qto, k Visitors w
1 BculcV. Poi
Meets every first and
third Tuesday of each
mouth iu Bickuer's Hall.
StcDhcm. W. II
Put bee.
Priu9toa street
United Artisans
Willumbia Assembly No. 300
Meets every Tuesday at 8 P. M.
M&OSEHtU, BarUiitciSlrtd
L. K. Simons, M. A.
Mary Roberts, Scc'y Pro Teal,