St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 19, 1920, Image 1

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To Get Big Mill
F. C. Knapp, president of
the Ferunsula Lumber company,
announced last week that the
LontrBoll Lumbor company, n
Kansas City firm, intends to
construct a largo mill on the St.
Johns water front somo timo
within the next year. The con
corn is ono of the largest in the
business. According to state
ments by Mr. Knapp, tho plant
is to cost approximately $2,000,
000 and will employ not less
than 1000 mon at tho outsot,
gradually increasing its payroll
until it becomes ono of the very
largest on tho Pacific coast.
Tho Lone-Boll company recently
purchased a largo tract of timber
land from tho Woerhaeusor in
terests in tho Cowlitz river val
ly and it is presumed that tho
logs for its mill at St. Johns
will bo furnished from this loca
tion. It is understood that
tho plant will bo orocted on the
old site of tho Grant Smith-Porter
Ship company.
ay reiorenao 10 a new ad in
this issuo it will bo notod that
A. M. Warner is opening nn
offico in Room 6. Contral Hotel.
for tho purpose of establishing a
contracting ana uuiiutng buii
ness in which he has had a lot
of experience, and bolicres
this is n good fiold for an
it t m M t
otner noneit and omcienc man
in hia lino. Warner says he
docs not oxnect to set St.
Johns"on firo,"nortry tocrowd
out any already in the fiold, but
is looking for a share of tho
work in hia line. He is working
on a contract now for Mrs.
Kelihor at 81G N. Seneca street.
Ho enlisted and scrrod ovorsous
with tho Canadian forces after
ho had unsuccessfully tried to
onliac in the U. S. army. Ho
was discharged with honor and
is a member of Amorican Legion,
Washington Post No. 5. We
wish him luck.
Funeral serrices for Mrs. Ger
trude Christonsen, who diod at
her home, 512 Oswego street,
March 6th, wero held Saturday
at 2:30 p. m. at tho chapel of
Miller & Tracey, interment tak
ing place at Multnomah Park
Cometory. She was the wife
of C. Chrioteasen and mother
of Norman, Herald and Virgil
Chrintensen. For the pail four
5 ears she had been a rosident of
t. Johns. Influenza was tho
cause of her death.
BOO Buth & Ln lldg,
SIS Alntworth Av,
410 Oiwaua Bt.
Mrs. Gabriel PuIIin
Vooii 2'onoJior
European Training
Soprano Soloist, lit. Episcopal Church
Cr. Will ind Umbird Streets
Alio City Studio Phone Col. 182
Mrs. Frank A. Rice
Violin, mandolin and Piano
Bfcort unlho piy prepared tor adults
StnrtU: 411 S. Kdlaon Street .
Telephone Columbia 389
Violin Instruction
STUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse Street
Phone Colombia 302
(LlcentlUtc of the Royal Academy
of Music, London.)
Teacher of Piano
1957 Hodge St. Phone Col. 872
Miss E. Brown
Certirkatcet PUnlit ind Teichtr of Music
European Training
Pupils Prepared for Recitals
Phone Columbia 843
90S Depauw Street.Uulvcrsity Park
Dr. Evart P. Borden
Painless Extraction of Teeth uuder
ilitrous Oxide Gas
Office Peninsula Bank bldg.
Office phone Cl. 626; res. phone Col. 477
Ilanrs B-12 . in.; 1:30-5 and 7-8 p. tn.
Phone Columbia 379
Res. Columbia 1 131
Dr. F. P. Schultze
Physician and Surgeon
Room 4 Peninsula Bank Building
A. M. Warner
Phone Columbia 12:
Tho commission of public
docks has granted to G. B. Ho
gardt, chief engineer for tho
commission, authority to pur
chase material and proceed with
tho preliminary construction of
bunkers at pier No.G of terminal
No. 4 or better known as the
bt. Johns Terminal for tho hand
ling of phosphate rock in bulk.
Contracts for tho movement of
40.000 tons of this rock 5000
tons in sack and tho remainder
in bulkalready have been nlim.
ed, and tho announcement of
contracts to bring th is amount
to 90.000 tons ia extinr.tnd Mint
the movemont will amount tn
JUO.00O tons a yoar through Port
land for novcral years. Tho
dock commission will advertiso
immediately for bids for furnish
ing all the material for tho con
struction of pier No. 5, whero
the bunkars aro to be located,
and for tho driving of about 1300
pieces of piling. By assembling
me maioriai and naving the piles
driven immediately, tho pom.
mission expects to have the pier
arm uutmera commoted at nn
earlier date than if thoentiro job
waro ion to contractors in the
usual way.
A formal order from the pub
lie service commission, duny
ing tho request of tho dock com
mission for an extension of tho
bt. Johns I no Of the Portland
Railway, Light& Power company
to terminal No. 4, was reccired
at yosterday's meeting and re
a . i k it . . .
jerrcu 10 mo secretary and city
attorney to tako up again with
the nubile scrrico comm salon.
IransDortation to the terminal
hold to be a necessity and tho
commission iu determined to
build tho extension of the linn
from its own funds If necessary
and to make arrangements with
the traction company to operate
me line alter its comn et on
It is considered nrobablo Hint if
an increase in fares is granted
tne traction company, tho ex
tension can bo built by the com
Ihe municipal grain clovator
at terminal No. 4 is in shape
so tnat it can bo used now for
the storing of grain If necessary,
u was reported to the commis
sion by Lng neer Heeranlr.. Thi
installation of machinery and tho
imiBuingoi tne clovator will ba
completed within a short timo.
ROGERS sells (rood nif tv Di-oaa
QllfVtfl nf nnnonnn lit i
Muln 7000
Woodlawn 2002
Columbia OB4
Inspect These
Tires Yourself
Please consider tills announce
tneut a cordial invitation to visit our
salesroom and inspect these sturdy
A new shipment has already
arrived and we join Barney Oldfield
in recommending them to you as
The most built"
We also do first class tire repair
and retreading and carry the best
best line of used tires in the city.
National Vulcanizing Go.
205 S, Jersey St.
The Hoes Studio
Opposite Central School
14 Cabinet Pictures 14
And One Enlargement
Open Sundays 1 to 4 P. M.
McCartney & Berwick
Sand, Gravel and Wood Hauled
Pboat Columbia 31$
101 Swenson Street
Sergeant Crane of the local
police department is in receipt
of an anonymous letter, which
follows: Dear Sir: Your at
tention is called to the following
sidewalks on Willamette boule
vard between Philadelphia and
Burlington, Burlington between
Willametto boulevard and Edison
and Ediaon botween Baltimore
and New York streets. These
sidowalks are covered with dirt
and debris which makes same im
pasBiblc. llio Sliriners are
coming." Yours fofr sidowalks
and streets, "G." The sergeant
says ho would much rather ueo
pic having complaints to make
would make them in person or
at least sign their names to com
munications. All complaints,
ho says, roceivo prompt and
careful attention, but ho has
little regard for anonymous stuff.
Mrs. Mary Crowloy Leonard
passed away last Sunday morn
ing at ,1 o'clock at tho homo of
her daughter, Mrs. EllcivGagen,
G37 Myers street. Mrs. Leonard
was born in Bandon. Iroland,
and came to America when four
teen years of ugo. SI10 residod
continuously in Oregon since
18G1), having come here from
Massachusetts with her bus
bund, tho lalo Cornelius Leon
ard. tier funeral took place
from St. Clement's church 'lues-
day morning at 0 o'clock. Her
six grandsons James, Timothy,
Cornelius and Eugene Murphy,
Frank and Leonard Gagen wero
tho pall bearers, aa she had ex
pressed the wish that they would.
Interment took place in Mt. Cal-
rnry cemetery.
Quality Kodak finishing lias
mado this department of our
store well and widoly known.
SILK SHIRTS $5.00 to $12.00
DRESS SHIRTS 1.50 to 4.50
WORK SHIRTS $1.25 up.
FINE NECKTIES 75 cents up.
Hosiery, Belts, Hats nnd Cups
"Arrow Collars," Garters
GLOVES for every purpose
Bank of Commerce BuHdiog ST.
Dr. Samuel A. Mulkey
Office Koomi C, 7 ami 8
Hour 9 to 12; 1:30 to 5 Kvctiltius 8 to 9
. 108 S. Jersey St.
Phone Columbia 930
Sf.Johns Undertaking Go.
THOS. GRICE, Manager
208 North Jersey Street
Office, Columbia 527 PHONES-- Residence, Columbia 299
This is not a branch of any city undertaker's
Let us figure on your automobile insurance this year. It
costs no more to place your insurance with us and we feel quite
sure we can give you better insurance service. Then, too, you
have the satisfaction of placing your business at home. We write
all lines of Automobile Insurance, including Fire and Theft, Lia
bility, Property Damage and Collision.
Liberal Policies, Lowest Rates, Prompt and Kcjuitable Ad
justments. PHONE US FOR RATES.
108 South Jersey St.
Mr.and Mrs. J.Dallas Gillmore
nnd little daughter.Evelyn Jnno,
left Sunday night for Texas.
They will stop a few days in
Oakland, San Francisco and Ba
kersficld, Cal., and expect to
spend two months visiting rein
tives and friends in aim near
tho great Kangor, Caddo and
Strawn oil fields. From Texas 1
they will go to Clovoland, Ohio, j
returning via Canadian Pacific
to Victoria - and Vancouver, B. I
C. Then to Seattle, Wash., ar-,
riving in Portland about July 15.
Burglars entered tho homo of
Ransom Young. 521 East Buch
nnan street, Sunday night some
timo between 0:30 and 1):15 while
the familv were at church. One
ladv's gold watch, size M: on
gold brooch, ono small silver
wrist watch, ono xrnv saving
stnmp and isn.&u in cash are
missing. Olllccr Anderson
who mado the investigation, i
of tho opinion that the theft
was the work of boys becauso
several articles of valuo wore
overlooked in the search.
Tho Right Rev. Walker Tay
or Sumner, bishop ol Oregon
will administer confirmation at
St. Andrews Episcopal church
Porstmouth, Wednesday oven
ing. marcn zun, at :;ju. Arcn
deacon Chambers will timet the
young members of tho conllrma
tion class at 5:30 p. m. Wednos
dny, March 21. Also tho St. An
drews' Ladies' Guild will meet
on tho same date at 2 p. m. ant
will servo supper at 0:30 p. m
All isitors aro welcome.
How about your blood? Isn
t about timo that you mako the
annual system ronovation? You
know wo have all tho remedies
JOHNS Open Evenings X
Kalsomining Painting
Columbia 873
C. 433 Cjjariton St
For Fine Chocolates
Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars
311 South Jer.wy Street
Phone Columbia 161
The I. G. II. Y. Club wns to
hnvo hold Its monthly business
mectitiK at tho Y. V. C. A.
club rooms in Portland this weok,
but instead wo hold the usual
weekly socinl meetimr nt tho
homo of Ruth and Dora Layton
after tho nicotine at tho Evan
gelical church last Monday night.
' About ton o'clock wo enjoyed a
I feast of waffles served by Mrs.
Layion, who certainly knows
how to mako them. Before wo
realized it tho hands of tho clock
had crept around to almost clovon
o'clock and wo adjourned dcclar
inn wo had had an unusually
Kood time. Wo will have our
business mooting next week.
Death ajrain has raided our
family jrroup and took from our
family circle tho jouncest irlrl.
Rose Ruth (I'almer) Cox. Tho
doceascd was born In Portland,
OroRon, a little over 21 yearB ago,
has lived in Oregon all her life.
She has mado her homo in St.
Johns tor 11 years. She leaves
to mourn her death a mother,
Mrs. L M. Palmer, and hus
band, Delbert Cox, onodauixhtor,
Koao Mario, and son Dolbort.Jr.,
four siatcra and four brothers.
Lobar pneumonia was tho cause
of her death, of which alio suc
cumbed just one week nftor tak
ing ill. Reported
Tho now Masonic lodo rooms
in their recently acquired build
ing on Hurl I hi: ton street aro be
imr mado models of bounty and
convenience. No expenso is
boinir enured to mako them so.
Thoy aro finished in ivory with
an elaborate Bystom of olectrie
fixtures. Bountifully uphol-
Htered scttoos aro mado to fit
the rooms, handsomo volvot
carpot covers tho floor spaco
throughout and now furn turo
complete adorns tho interior. A
now roof has also been placed.
Wo wish to express our heart
felt thanks to our friends and
neighbors and especially tho K.
of P. Lodtro of St. Johns for
their many kind acts, sympathy
and many beautiful flowors dur
ing tho long illness, and for tho
flowers, machines and kindness
shown us in tho doath of our be
loved wifo and mother. II. b.
Bellou, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Isoliou, Mr. and Mrs. P. G.
Hcliou. Mr. and Mrs. J. 13.
Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Klwcll
NaSmytho, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Record Phonograph without an
We are Making
right along at this store.
Setting high marks in the
selling of hardware of quali
ty at quantity prices. Wo
do not quoto values and
prices here because you would
believe them impossiblo. But
come and judgo for yourself.
That's the test that tells.
Byerle & Armstrong
420 Nortli Jersey Street
Beckett's Greenhouses
North Kellogg Street
Phoit Columbia 401
Early Wakefield Cabbage Plants
Hardened in cold frames 10c doz,
100 for $1.00
Head Lettuce Plants
Ready to plant iu your
garden 15c doz.
Flowering Pot Plants
For your home from 25c up
Cut Flowers and Floral Designs
at reasonable prices.
GARDEN SEEDS In Packed or by Wdjht.
Frank A. Rice
Office in Peninsula Security Building
. Phone Col. 887 Rldenc Col. 389
Earl Pruitt -,b the school crin
plo at tho present timo, as he ov-
f-I 4.1.. 1 1 .1 1 i r..i 1
juuniiy nucmpiuu last oniuruay
to amputato hts foot with an
axo. Ho ucta about vory clev
erly on crutches.
Tho first period English -1
class havo decided to call their
paper Wachachinza. The ini
tial appcaranco has not been de
cided upon as yot.
On March 5th ton of St.Johns'
most prominent citir.ens took
lunch at tho high school. Dur
ing the hour different means
woro diacuBsed for securing a
now high school,
Next Tuesday ovoning dinner
will bo served at tho high school
in caioteria stylo to tho St.
Johns Community Club. As it
is tho regular meeting, a full
attendnnco ia expected. Tho
dinner will bo prepared by Miss
Chollar and her D. S. girls. Af
tor dinner tho high school will
give an entertainment which
will bo followed by tho rocu ar
business meeting.
Ono of tho I a r trout Latin club
meetings of tho yoar was held
briday ovoning, Mnrch 12. Need
less to say evoryono enjoyed it.
Tho Science 1 olnsB under IMIsh
U rower is studying birds and
attending bird lectures at di Iter
ant places all over tho city.
Dorothy Coulter gave an interest
ing talk to tho class last iIon-
dny on birds. Dorothy is ono of
tho most enthusiastic members
of the class.
Mr. Carrruth is imtiontlv i
awaiting tno arrival ot somo
j w
labrntory onuipment, which
should haro am cd last wool?,
and without it tho class
aro at
irocecd, therefore thoy
a stand still.
Wodnosday boing St. Patrick's
day, ull good Irish, bo thoy
students or tenchors wero wear
ing tho green.
Tho Glcb Clubs wero in charge
of assemly Wodnosday morning
and gave a much onjoyod pro
gram.-C. A. V.
The home of Mrs. J. I). Koli-
her at 810 Seneca street, which
was badly damaged by fire re
cently, is boing ulnced in first
class ahapo by Contractor A. M.
Warner. Tho resldenco is boing
enlarged by tho addition of three
larg rooms with dormor win
dows in tho second story and
otherwise improvod. '1 ho cost
is $1500.
French Dry Cleaning
And Pressing
Wo Cull I'm mid IJulivor
217 N. Jersey SI.
Phone Colombia 951
Why the Electric Cleaner
There U really no ei iHrlii
lietwren tho ee and tlioiough
nca with which nu Uluctrlc
Cleaner removed ilirt mi'l the
difficulty of sneitn.
True, one CAN eUmx riiii ami
carpet wlllwut an el.ctru
cleaner. A broom r
kwerjier will liriuli u 80HU
of thx dirt; anil if jou like the
exercise anil have plenty of lima
nml ntri'MKtli a broom ami carp
et beater will do thu Mork flftttr
u fakhion.
Ill the wine way out can
wiiih without soap. Water a
lone will remove oiue dirt if
upplied with enough ".IUiw
IlUt pVOpIl' UM2 KWp iKCftUte
It cleans more wiilly and IxtUer
tlian water alone.
l-'or tht: Mine reawm pople
um; Itlectrlc Cleaner becante
they clean more eauly and far
bettvr thun other uietl.odi,.
Portland Railway
Llglit & Power Company
-Buy Your Oiclric Goods at an IkItcSW
The place vrhcr Kood fcenrlce and
courteous treatment prevail. Children's
hair cutting receive upeclul attention,
0(CH SUMitay M5 t., 11 m
MmiilnyH ami 8uir!iiys open at f
Other (lays Ht 7m.
RenuUr A(1uiIm1oh--6o, 11c, ltV
Saturday, March 20th -
Billy Burke
"Wanted, a HusbwH
Sunday, March 21-0-
Glials Ray
"Red Hot Dollars"
Monilny ami Tuesday, Mar. 82 '
Mary MacLarf n
Tho Pointing Ftof:v
A lo ")lotiml ami Gurkc"
: Wcduenday, March 24th -
Frank Mayo
"Tho Little Brother
the Rich"
Charlie Chaplin
in "A Day's Plaaaun"
Thursday himI I'ridy,Mtr. 26-y
Roy Stewart
Tho Westerners"
Xrt 7-act Drama of tho 1
Dr. W. J. Gilstnp
Physician himI Surfeon
Glasses Accurately Rttr i
V.1W la is u.
IJWU, ;!P. M.
TUU. !. M.
Stuiy. tHO to 0:8U
Dr. Herbert F. Jono
311 North Joraey Street
I)y 1'lioiH
Coliimhlu U7
XiKht I'ltod
Culuinl.ia 60 i
Davis Barbr Stvn
iitl HA Til KOOMS
W l'liiltt(kliliiu St.
PtNUittllA 1IIU ittTWCT 4
401 N. Jry 9tr
Abi.lJ.ii l f 'l it le l'reu
Title., t
Phone Columbm H65
Real Estate
Thirteen in (he tiiiiirs
Juhu. l.lut your ipttt) mlh us
liuke ai. S. v.. C( iK, loj N. J
Poff & O'Neil
Sand uiul Gravel
Dally Trips to I'ortUud.
Phone CI. 301 2061. JttU (
J. R. WC1M12R '
I'mnsfcr and Slortge
W dtlittr uo-d. to and lm all
of Portland. N.iiuuuver, l.tiuiuiu
nrrouudiiiK niiintiy. I'iuuo und fui. -tnre
uioviiik. I'lioiie Cotuiubi t
IW haat UurliiiKtou bircet.
Pulley & Zurcher
Plumbing, I leatinn Tinnfqf
We Repair Aluminum Ware
I'hone Col. .C Ml . Juwey ,st.