THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. W. llarklc, Kriltor Pabllshed Friday of Each Week ADVERTISING RATUS U-f,'nl nntl all display, 25c per inch per week. Lo cals 2 ceuts per word per week; mini mum 25c. Subscription price $1.60 per yonr. TiiK Ricvntw Is entered nl txjut office la Portland, Oregon, as iiinll matter ot tlic second class under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. No decision on the St. Johns jmrk site has been announced. Note the announcement of Coc A. Mc Konna & Co. on Ihc last lKe of this Is sue. N. A. Goc Is moving the old Learned realty office from its present site at the corner of Richmond ntrcetaud Columbia boulevard. Mrs. T. C. Watte went to Dlllev. Ore gon, lost I'rlday and returned .Sunday with hur two lilllu grandchildren whose mother jmssed away several weeks ago. Wlllltnn Surlier linn jmrelmHed tlio tobacco nml Noft drink ontnlillHhmcnt of William l'rcKton oppimlte the St. Jolitm Hardware iitoro 011 .Juntoy hi root. Mr. Surtmr linn JoIiumI forcoH with Mr. Tripp or I'hllniiulphla Htroot noft drink imliilillHliniPiit iiml tli 11 partition tit thu runr of tin' Surlier ntoro Iihm l'on re movoil nml tho two phtcen connuctfd. Thu fifth mid Mlxth tonmira of Jiiiiikk John IiIkIi hcIiooI mtrtnlnuil tin fresh mun Monday nlxlit 11 1 thu high hcIiooI Tho udilroHM of WHlcomo wan kIvoii by W. T. I'li'tehur, prlnelpHl of Ihu hlgl hoIiooI. anil n tulk kIvoii by Ollvn .limnitp, proAldont of the Hltnlont body liiltliitlon of froMhmnii followed tln iu-11 tinim. Ico cronni mid wafer were mirvuil to thu ISO who nttuiulcil Mrn. Hlla Mnry I.iuiko dlud til tin lioiiio of hex diiiiKhlur, Mm. H. Kiiowlim. 1107 8. Kolloug Htrout, Kelt rimry 27th. of citneur. 8I10 wan hkim' 51 yonr. I month mid 1.1 dayti, nml cm tn 0 from I'lillmtui, AVuhIi., to till pliteu nboiit tlittio wuukK mto. Him Ih Hiirvlvinl by lir litixlmnil, IbriMi miiih nml two (IhiikIiIith. h1 1 of thu chlldruli ri'MldliiK In I'orllaiid. Thu funeral HurvluuH went held .Miuidny It) n. m. In tin' clmpid of tin HI. Jnliiw UiiihirlHkltiK Co. InliTiiH'iit In Horn City umuotury. The Kud Cro Shop of Porllaud wniiU to turn lliu wnMc nuwHtPMiKirs nun maun tint of Pottlnnd lulu luiuls for III iw of the Poitlaud Chapter of tint orgaul ziition. To do this It Is oriiHiilltiK drive to be hvld for one day, Satutdny March 111. nl which time its voliiutw nrmy of oriiiNitlou, the Hoy Scouts, will I'OllCCt 111! tile MllltV NIK.'IS Hint iIIm iui oil mngiwintu which limy lie iiuiiutcii the onuu by the iH-ottle of the city. Is nuked that the peoplr nave their i tiers until .Mutch III. nml that they tlie tint them ut their front door nU'H I liumlles. I lie hcoiiM u III Ho 1 lie test Two flriiM, which Miarted from HpnrliH from t'tilmuuyti ilrlvnn by Mull wind, chiihimI imiiikIiIitiiIiIi' iliim iiH) at two residence In tint HI. .loltns illHtrlet liiMt rrldiiy Hflurnooii. in flrat (ii'iiiirrixl nl KI2 Hoiilh Wlllit 1 1 boiiliivurd, ul 11 nwliliiucii owihhI by W. (I. Vntnrl1111y of NuwIhtk, Or., nml ncmipliHl by .1. A. ( iiiiiplicll. Immune lo roof mid fiirnlliini wont otliimle at K(i0. Tim MiTotid on-urriNl hi Kin Nm Hi Htniw'ii HlriHM when the rMi iIiiiikii of Mm. .1 I). Kidllii'i' whm almiiHl entirely detroyd by flu which iart ml lit Him riHif. Mo I of fit clollilin IkiIoiikIiik lo Mm Kelllier, her won I ir I.hwIh KiiIIIht. ami her ilmmlilwr uu Imr lnmlmiid. Mr. and Mm. Thuml !. iiihii, whn dtutlroyiil. Kiiriilliiri' on Hi lownr fliHir whm hhvmI. Tim ICvainnllcnl Ctinfnim' will inmit In CirnllU im April Oth. mid I tin'. A. I'. ImvUm will then Im Irwin tarred lo Hiiuilmr cuMrite, ImvliiH mho ml IIih limit of fivi i-a r la Hi. .Mm The. MHipht of Hi. .Iidnm la genem will rnrtit very nittili lo lom- ltv ltylon hihI lit imwt t'ullMiabli' lumlb from thin coiniiiiinltv Not only liux Im Iwiii hcIIvc and fHlthful la cliiiitli nffulm. bat baa akxii a llvuly Inlcn xi In (ilvlo affalm an well, mHH'lall' hi In iiiuttam liHiiiK a li'iidcncy lowunl Hih tHoml uplift ami ImIIci incut of cMiinllllofiM la Ht. .1 uli iih. Thu 'u Hiillual clinicli whm at'iur in iH'itcr Mham la ovtiry way than nadir hi mlmlnlntrnthm. A kmh) iiihii lo tlx coiiimunity an whII an to hut church will Ih Iin1 v, lni llc. I .in ton li'.ttcit IM. PONY EXPRESS Cull us up for talcs 011 Furniture Moving and Express 75 N. Sixth Street Portlind Older I'honr l!rojday 1402 I.otiir Dititaucc Hauling Anywhere in City Riilv ST. JOHNS Office. 515 S. Jersey St. ci, rnanci loiumoi ui asu ioiuiiidij iuou 2 AT TO TUl'CKS W. L:. McLANU & I. S. FLINN Dr. Frank N. Sandifur, UycsiKlit Spccinlist, has opened his oflice at Suite 312-314 Journal liuildlm!, Uroadway and Vamhlll Sts. Portland, Orcijon. Dr. S.iudtfur has tukcu n railuate and Itoit'Uradliute couiie III Onlus. uiul luu tils oiticu cmlpiK'.l with the uio.t modern appiitucus lor ins pnu tu c. THE HUFF STUDIO 204 N. Jtnty Jtrl, SI. Mm fOR FINE PORTB.tllS AND YIEhS c mnVe ciiluiui'im uts inly Me from Koilak films or H"'l Photos, do arliktic IramiiiK uiul mat ctitttni;. cpv old ct arcs, If you have unytiiinn 111 this luu uriiiK 11 10 nie lor tiest reaults, A new I.lKhtlliK hyuteui recently installed. C A. lVtf, Photouiapliri. $100 Rewnal, $100 Thu rcuilvra of iimm i4ir will tx climed to learn that, then- U ut at one dreaded dlwa that t ltiu- lias been nblo to our.- In all lm niu.n. a ml that U Calurrli. llull'a (.'atarrli Curv Is llie only poklllvu cum now knonu to th nieJlol fraternity. Calurrli IhIiik a cuiiatltutlunal dliraae, rtulrvn a roiwtltuilonul trut mrnt. Hull's Catarrh Cuii Is tukwi In lernally. uvllmr dlrrcily uion the bloai and mucous aurfarva u( tlio ayniuiu. tlwie bjr dl'Stroylnk' the fouiuUtUm of lite dl taie. ond Kivtnr the putiein siienisth by hulldlnir up the coimtltullon and ultlnu nature In dolnir II woik. The proprietor have so much fallli In Its cuiallve Ik)w r that they ofTer One lluudied Dollar for any ouse tlutt It (oil to euro. Bend ior nil or iriimuiTiiait. CIIBNKV Vegetables Addr.Mi V ) ICO. Tl4. a Bald by all llruitln. lie. Take lUII'a Kauilly 1'IIU tor comilpatloa See Carroll for lloiil Eslnte.l v S g I v i L. CUl l'cs( ii lcn We get a fresh supply of vegetables every day. And we have all the veg etables of the season at prices that will make It advisable for you to buy here. Tell us what you want and wc will select your order just as soon as the products reach us. SIA1MONS & CO., Grocers rhonc Columbia 210 Hie Bank Of Commerce 116 North Jersey Si. concerns and individuals are invited to bank with this institution under the assurance that pionipt and courteous treatment with every con sistent accomodation will always he extended. McKlNNEY'S BARGAINS Hrimd now room modern home. Ihih KJinice, nico lawn, fruit and horrios: tho street is improved and paid, I'rico $1500 for short timo; pay HW cash, Iialanet) monthly. I room modern biuiualow, lino liver view, improved street am connected to sower. Price $2050 mmtll payment down the Imlancu like rent. Almoiit now r room ouniralow with improved stroets and hi good location, lot is fiOxlOO; nricu $227fi. I'ay$000 cash, balance ike runt. 5 room modern home, almost now, has ltiro attic, would make three more rooms 11 tfnished; the lot is (10x100 located on uooti corner, rrico oi tins onu wjuu. Pay one half cash, balance like rout. ft room modern homo with lot .r0xia7J feet; price $15f0. Pay SfiiM) caul), halance like rent. r room motlorn liuiuralow. im proved street, connected to sew er: this is a Komi one at liliDl). Pay $1000 cash, imlanco like rent. f roon modern ouiiKidow, close n. well located. Price 51(550 nay $1150 cash balance like rent. 7 room modern homo, a fine one on a kooiI corner lot 50x100 feet; the mice $2700. Pay about 700 cash and tho Imlanco like rent. ou could not duplicate tins property for less than 3500, Como and see it. 5 room biuiiralow modern ex cept bath, has lot 100x100. fruit n abundance; this is one of tho lost located corner lots in St. lohns, and tho price is only $2250. You pay $350 cash and the balance monthly, 3 room modern buniralow, has traraue. on tine corner lot 50x100. 'riceSHOO. Pay $375 cash, bal ance like rent. 1 also have several small houses to exchange for larger ones and will pay the difference. 1 hose are only a few of tho bargains offered at my office. f you are on the buy or trade. como in and talk itover with me McKlNNEY. 21B X. Jrrwy S 1 hone Columbia 'J W. A. Carroll 508 N. Jersey St. Has some of tho best bar gains m Kent hstate that an bo had in tho St. Johns District. JSither cash "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" You will find Good, Clean Goods in a Nice, Clean Store at 202 S. Jersey Stree C. S. BUCY GROCER Phone Columbia 528 SKfi .1. V. GILLMOKE For Jiaruains Six room modern house, lo l.iOxlOO. uootl barn, close in $()(): $500 cash. Pive room modern house uood fruit, $2200; $700 casl imlimce like rent. Three room house, lot bUx 120, ood location, $1050; $250 cash. Some four room houses $1050; $50 cash, hal. like rcn Five room house, lot 75x100, $1(500; $500 cash, balance like rent. Five room modem house, lot 00x100, fine fruit, $2200; $1000 cash. Throe room house, lot 50x1.00 nno fruit.$1100: $550 cash, bal ance like rent. Ten room home, modern in every re nect. lot 100x100. tmo, 1 1MX) cimh. Seven room moileru home, lot 70x100 fine fruit, flillOO, fOOO rath, hal. lernm. Three room home, toilet nml link $7W), fllOOcash. Three room home, toilet nml sink Kxl fruit; 1070, f.'i70 cimh. New nix room homo, modern, $.1200 f 800 euiih. ThU In n fiuu corner. If you want lo hell your property come In ami nee, me. I can ncll It lor you HUi North Jersey Street Phone Coliiiubin 81 The (ienovn Confectionery No. 215' North Jersey Street has resumed business under the iniimii'eiiiciit of Mrs. Matilda Kilwurds, with a new and com plt'le slock of the choicest Soft blinks. Candies. Clears tun Tobacco, and Ice Cream in sea son. Short order Hot Lunches served all day. Your piilromifji is respectfully solicited, ami will receive prompt and polite . . , . .. .. ii i niieiuiiiii. lours Kir Mulilda ICdwards. FOY'S St Johns Fair Store Highest Quality and Lowest Prices Toys a Specialty 207 N. Jersfy St. IMione Col.839 J. B. FLETCHER PLUMBER 507 N. Jersey Street Kmploys ex-service help. Will take care of your frozen pipes in short order. Call Columbia 95 I'liiladulohtn Shoe Sho Khovi. Kcjwired Ue.t material obtainable, l'rlee.H reason, able. All work Kraiitvtfd, Carl Juhnkc St. Johns, Oregon 301 N. Jersey St. MiiMcitl Iiutiiiinents of kinds, Violin a fcjKvlalty. Violin rqikiired, adjusted ami graduated funerals1 Osautlful 'gray or blaok adult casket, heanc, box, 2 nutoa embalming and rofln ed aervloe for, .. $75 THE ST. JOHNS GARAGE 216 North Jersey St. Authorized Ford Service Sta- tiou. (July ueuuiue Ford arts used. or erms. Call at his Office and be convinced. Tires, size 30x3, guaran teed 6000 mileS, $iS.oo up. - CARS STORED Woo'ley Bros. 1'honc Columbia 690. Ptk. Jr iH V r 'F' ? rir MIIJ.BR TRACBY funerals if desired for 20, $30, f 10, $C0. Higher priced funerals in pro tortion. Wc manufacture caskets. I.ndy assistant. Ilcautlful funeral chapel, MILLER & TRACEY Main 2G91 Independent Funeral Dlraotora A 7Q0S Woshlngton at Ella Street, Uetwcen 20th and 2Ht Street, West Side ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS, Representative 014 Central Ave. N. Photic Columbia 888 If you are contemplating wiving your house for Electricity or mak ing changes which will necessitate changing your wiring, or if you want better light, Phone us and we will give you an estimate. See our Stock of Lighting Fixt ures for Residences, Stores and Industrial Plants. "NATIONAL MAZDA LAMPS" Appliances of all kinds c Wiiim o PENINSULA ELECTRIC CO. 418 N. Jersey Street Phone Col. 977 Boys' Pants MEN'S SHOES w . hj Below are listed some of our new numb- p O ers in our line of men's fine dress shoes which g" 3 are so Priced as to mean a substantial saving on every pair. Men's Two Tone English $10.75 Men's Full Brown English $8.50 to 10.75 g Men's Brawn Blucher 7.00 to 8.50 0 o Men's Black Blucher 6.50 to 9.00 m C2 We also have a very complete line of work shoes of every quality ajid weight. Prices range from $5.00 to $8.60. W. JOWER, 3 02 N.Jersey St. W fien, ijott want Dr. Lewis J. Keliher DENTIST Peninsula Bank Building Room 10 Office Phone Columbia 793 Office Hours 9 A. Al. to 6 P. Al. The St Johns Millinery For Seasonable Hats at Reasonable Prices Order work and Remodeling a Specialty Hats Rcblocked, Plumes Cleaned, Curled and Dyed Mrs. M. E. CRANE, Proprietress St. Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 C 1 101 Foot of Burlington St. FOR SALE-Best Buy in St. Johns Nine lots, 21 fruit trees, barn and hen house, $1500 improvements all in and paid for, 5 room Modern Bungalow, full concrete basement 24x44 piped f or s:asfwired.for electricity, fixtures all in, connected with sewer. Must be seen to be f ullv annreciated. Price $5000. $3000 cash, balance on terms J. S. DOWNEY, 933 N. Syracuse St. $ t t " Portland Manufacturing Co. -MANUFACTURERS OF- Dear Mary I've just finished "putting down" my new linoleums and mattings. How neat and clean my kitchen looks! How cool my bedrooms are and how easy to sweep and keep tidyl My "girl" just sings as she works. She was getting cross before. I don't blame her. .1 ought to have been considerate of her surroundings as well as my own. VVhon you come over and see how refreshed my whole homo is since I've fixed tho floors, you too will get some new linoleum and matting. Come over HELEN. P. S. You got yours whero I got mine from H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man 400-402 S. Jersey St. M-- I II 1 1 VfeJO IIU ii ll-.r. Best Grade Lard and m Cooking Oils i There are many grades of lard and the price usually governs the quality. However, we can supply you with a hlh grade at a moderate price. We can also give you some very good values in imported olive oils and all the various cooking oili that you might need, for cooking and salads. Our oils comply with all the requirements of the pure food laws, so you can be sure their quality) right And so arc the prices. MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey Phone Col. 118 Panels, Berry Boxes, Coffee Drums, Ex celsior Grape Boxes, Egg Case Stock, j and all kinds of Veneer . FACTORY, FOOT OF RICHMOND STREET You can't tell by the looks of a frog how far he will jump Buy FIR Wood Don't buy your wood for looks, buy it to make heat Be Sure and Order Prom St. Johns Lumber Co. Residents o( St. Johns having taxes T K c. . , and city liens to pay in Portland can 1 bUy or St Johns Property make their payments without iuconveni. A. W. DAVIS fit AMP 7 ence br availing them&l virM Wa n4 ... 1 , muic iuu Mrvurc your receipt without Inconvenience to you, Fee, 25c. References: Any St. Johns Rank. Peninsula Title, Abstract and Realtv Co.. bv II. nn.i 402 North Jersey Street. ' 6 ' Real Fustic Fire IfunraRce and Netlry PsUk List your property with me if you desire to sell otiicltlv 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns