St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 27, 1920, Image 3

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Miller Hot Water Bottle
Over Strength Extra Capacity Made to Hospital Standard
Insist on MILLER. Don't accept other kinds when you can get the grade
Surgeons and Hospitals use
Test Your Eyes On Our Cabinet
With this Cabinet wc offer standard, high grade lenses and frames guaranteed
St. Johns Pharmacy
Watch the Peninsula Grow
2 -
Occidental De Luxe
Combination Range
On Easy Terms
Burns Gas, Goal and Wood
The above is an exact reproduction of the
Occidental Dc Luxe Combination Range. It
is the last word - the very best that Crafts
men have ever designed.
It is a handsome range. Notice the stove
pipe is hidden. Notice also the full width
splasher back of white enamel, nickel trim
mings and white enamel oven door. All ex
terior castings arc b ack enamel. The lop
Is highly polished. Easy to keep clean.
Tho Occidental is the only combination
gas, coal and wood range without any change
of parts. It is in reality a gas range built
into a wood and coal range. The gas heats
the same oven surface as the wood or coal.
PRICE $M7.50
Terms $15 cash, $13.50 a month
Occidental Combination Range
Like the range shown at the bottom of ad.
Whito enamel and nickel Trimmings.
Burns coal, gas and wood.
Price $117.50
Terms $12 cash, $1 1 a month
Occidental Combination Range
Like above except has black doors.
Burns gas, coal and wood.
Price $105
Terms $10 cash, $9 a month
0;imcuadu Bags
The Cash and Carry Grabateria
The Changing Times
The era of Chain Stores came about because a
group of men with large capital could, by starting
stores in different localities increase the outlet of
merchandise eininating from one source,
The Chain Store system is nothing more than
any other store except the buying part is concentrat
ed at one place. The buyers for these stores have
their headquarters at the source of 'production and
they buy direct from the packer or the producer.
It goes without saying that a buyer who can buy
the same sort of merchandise for several hundred
stores can command a better price than a buyer for
just one store.
The secret of advantageous grocery prices in St,
Johns is this ability to buy iu connection with many
other stores. That is why you have had established
by this store better prices than prevail almost any
where in Portland.
Coupled with this buying capacity, the activity
of the owners, the acquaintance with the locality be
cause of our long residence here ought to convince
any one that we can do business at less cost than the
average grocery.
We always believed that "a word to the wise
was suficieut."
The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery
The Prescription Storo
Local News
Tlio cninllilnto wilt Boon bo active
onro more.
Tlio nrlco of nnper In still nn tho up
ward climb.
Quito ii tol of cnnlrn innkltiK In now
In proKrcHX,
HnrliiK activity In realty Is beginning
to assert ItHolf.
Dnvld DIckHon ban Bold bin roMldcnco
In North St. JoIiiih.
Tlio need of n hoipltnl In St. JoIiiih
U not growing less.
Mm. Morlo Diivla linn recovered from
nn attack of lllnunn.
Tho rain man Iiiih been bavliii; an
eny tlmo of ItlhlH mouth.
Tlio Krntiud hoc and tlio wenthor
didn't Deem to jlbu thin tlmo.
Tho hum of tho lawn mnwur In nunln
bcKlnnliiK to bo beard In tho land.
W. W. Show, of I'rlncotnu ntroot
linn rocuntly purchased u now Oakland
J. II. Powell, of tho 1'ortlnud woolen
iiiIIIh, Iiiih left for u IjumIiiuhh trip to
Oakland, Cat.
Itav II. .Walls ban taltun over tho
IntoroMt of bin partner In tho l'uu
liiMiila lUectrlo Co.
(lood Idea for tho city offlclulri to
liavo Homo of tho ruin Ironed out of
certain 8 tree In In St. Johns.
I'or Halo Nineteen Whlto l.eijliom
hciiH onu yenr old In May. 018 N.
Ivanliou Htreet; pnono uoi.
Peter Doth returned from Antorla
Saturday, wliero ho had boon HpondliiK
a row dayn with bin ditiiKhtor, Mm.
O. I). Htarr.
W. W. ltouern. tho Itutncoat Man,
wiih nn tho Hlrk lint for n couplo or
duyn tho pant week, llo In now back
on tho "Job."
Mr. nnd Mr8. Addlnon KIlKoro (I'lo
McN'lvun) bavo nurchiiHod a ronldoiico
on llartman ntreet, and will mako St.
Jolinn tbulr homo.
Mr, O'Nell has niirchaacd tho Inter-
out of Mr. (Iroouo In tho I'off & Oreo no
traiwfur IhisIiuihh, and tho firm nnmo
In now Porr & O'Nolt.
Mm. N. A. flee, who had Imr rib
broken recently, U nlowly ImprnvliiK.
and 0. W. Ow In nblo to lw around
ah'alu after a hIoko or IIIiuwh.
It In Raid that petitions for the lm-
nrovenient of I'rwiendoii atreot from
Jersey to Kdlfton will noon bo circu
lated. Thin will bo an Important Improvement.
Alma Itasal and Helen IMmomlsoii
roturnod lalo Sunday ovonliiK aftor
spoudlnir amoral days at tho C. K.
Stnto Convention at Albany. A very
pleasant tlmo In reported.
0 bull's KWott and Ilnrnco H. linn-
niim wcro married February SO. Mm.
lliuinum Is tho datiKhtor of Mrs. IIukIi
Simmons, and has boon a resident on
tho peninsula for about 15 yoarn.
A. W Anderson has purchased (ho
Martin Hammor two ncros on Tioga
street. Itobt. t . I.ear lias purciiascxi
tho Straw rosldonco at B07 llaltlmoro
street. Iloth salon were handled dur
ing tho past wook by A. W. Davis.
Dr. W. n. Scott of Seuttlo, was callod
boro tho first or tho wook on account
or tho lllnoss or bin slstor. Miss Kallior
Ino, who is affllctod with pneumonia.
Her many frlonds will bo clad to know
sho In Improving.
Tlio Doric Masonlo Jlulldliig Asso
ciation has incorporated with tho fol
lowing directors olectod Monday night;
P. 11. Carter, pres.: B. 8. Harrington,
Vice-pros,; 1 I Drinker, Treas.; A.
W. Davis, Soc, J, M. IJIalr.
Mr, and Mrs. II. A. Monday, aftor
a pleasant six weeks' sojourn In St.
Johns, buvo returned to their homo
In Daker county, Mr. Monday In ono
of tho largest alfalfu growers In Ilakor
county. Mm. Monday Is tho duugbtor
of Mm. Hoover or this place.
Mrs. W. J. Zimmerman of C81 Del
mont street died Feb. 22 of heart dis
ease. Sho was well known to a num
ber of our old tlmo citizens, having
lived hero In tho early days. Tho
funeral took place Wednesday.
Mrs. J, M. Shaw, secretary of the St.
Johns branch, V. W. C. A., ban an
nounced that beginning the first week
In March an art class will be organized
to moot Wednesday afternoon from 1
to 3. Mlsn Helen Philips, art teacher
of tho main V. W. C. A., will Jnstruct
the class.
At tho last meeting or Laurelwood
Rebekah assembly of St. Johns, Mrs.
JesBle Gervals, state president, address
ed tho meeting. Five members wero
Initiated. Refreshments wero sorved,
and at the closa of tho meeting Mrs.
Oorvals was presented with a cut-glass
The Jolly 'Steon Club was delight
fully entertained at the home or Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Evens on Stafford
street Wednesday evening. In the
game of S00 Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Cham
bers secured first prize, and Mr. and
Mm. C. J. Muck second prize. Dell-
clous refreshments wero served.
Mr. D. A. Thompson will give a lec
ture on astronomy at the St. Johns
library Tuesday, March 2d, at 8 o'clock.
He will use charts and globes, ir you
are Interested in the study or the stars
you will want to hear him. Mr. Thomp
son does not pretend to be a prophet,
but he thinks he can tell when the
world will not como to an end.
I have for salo the best buy in the
city or Portland: Modern house, lot
100x100; owner, non-resident, says
sell; $3000 takes this, worth $5000.
W. A. Carroll, 608 N. Jemey street.
Auto GloveB. ROGERS.
Doric Lodge, A. V. & A. M., ban pur
chased a portion or tho Holbrook block
on Durllngton street, from Cnldwcll'8
barber shop to Ivnnhoo street. Tho
building Is being reroofed and extcn
Hive remodeling and alterations nrc be
Inir mndo In tho second ntory. A mod
ernly appointed lodge room In being
fitted up.
About forty attended the father-aud-nou
banquet hi thu bnnemeut of Pion
eer Methodlnt church Friday evening.
At 7:15 the guests nut down to u four
course dinner, after which npecchon
worn made. J. II, Hrown talked on
"What My Father Meant to Mo tin it
Hoy." John Quorren, gave u few facta
concerning tho Italian homo nnd W.
A. Wnrronor, ox Canndlnu wildler. also
spoke. Singing of tho "Star Hpiingli'd
Haulier" cloned tho program.
"Tommy," four-yoar-old mnlteno ter
rier, valued at $5000 by Itn owner. Mm.
M. Willis, widow nn dnoldler mother, of
1)19 Mohawk St., ban been poisoned.
Mm. Wlllln feels tho lonn Kroatly be
cause tho dog wan tho kind nil had
sea relied for many yoarn, slio asserts.
Sho ralsen dons for u IIvIiik. The
poisoned ilo wan her mont vmIuimI
prize winner, slio says. Her ono wan
tried In .ludgo Hell's court but dismiss
ed for hick of ovldunco. News.
Denial of ullogod ntateinenln that
selfish IntorontH uro allemptliiK to
forcu tho city council Into acquiring
thu Ciiplon tract In St. Johns for a
playground In mado by K. Wilson. "A
delegation or twelvo honest citlziiun
Interviewed tho people unit got their
sentiments and wish concerning tho
proper location or playgrounds and
park." wild Wilson. "Helwuon mm
mid 3001) or IIiuho people petitioned tho
council for tho Caplon tract. "While
tho delegation wan Interviewing tho
citizens, there wan no undue Influence
used In representing tho tracts of hind
offered for playground; neither did
they solicit nlgnern from thu liuttmlrloH
by Intimidating tho employes." Con
Kggtt for Sitting Full blood Rhode
Inland Red oggn, Columbia 072.
For Salo Lot GOxlSUV feet with
four room house, pantry and garret,
furnished, olono In. Inquire Laird's
Work Shirts. ROtJHItS,
Hoard and room In private family for
man or woman at 706 S. Crawford
limine lluynm: It will bo to your
Interest to consult W. A. Carroll, S0K
N. Jersey street, bforo olonlng a dual
for real estate. adv.
U. S. Army-Muunoii last shoeti $7.00.
For Sale Thoroughbred White Leg
horn oggn for hutchlntc, $1.50 per 15,
F. W. C'lilpnian, ISUti Meara street,
St. Johns. 19
Found Hunch of keys. Owner may
have name by calling at this office,
proving property and ikying for notice.
For Sale Rhode Inland Red sotting
eggs. Call 714 South Crawford ntreet.
Trout f lilting Hip Hoots, $C.OO to
$8.75. ROOKRS.
Found A sum or moitdy. Owner may
buvo samu by proving property and
paying ror thin ad. 720 Allegheny
For Salo Small house, six fruit
treos, strawberries, raspberries, lot
50x100, riuo comer, simp; price $1000,
terms. G32 Bast Richmond.
For Snlo or T rado for Vacant
LotFive room modern house
near terminal: cash or terms.
Gall at this office.
is hatching Baby ""
Chicks at the rate of 120 per day
White Leghorn Chickn .. .26c inch
Rhode Island Red thicks 30c each
Barred Rocks Chicks . , ,30c each
Huff Orpington Chick .. 35c each
Hatching Egijs $1.50 to $3.00 per 15
Phone Columbia 311
901 Allegheny Street
An opMrtunlly for a live, energetic
young man to learn the pattern umki-r'n
trade M open at the Peninsula lion
Wotkn, foot i( Altu Street, St. John.
Empty tin ennu hauled away.
Call Columbia fill aftor 3 p. m.
Garden TooIh of all descrip
tions at tlio St. Johns Hardware
Fresh stock of Gardun Seeds
has arrived at tho St. Johns Hard
waro Co. in bulk and packiiKos.
For Salo-S. C. R. 1. Hods,
pure brcds. Also sottlnir ckijh.
Ajidoraon, 'Mi Philadelphia
N OTIC 13: Your Income tax is
duo on or before March 10th.
I have blanks and can make them
out for you complete with notary
seal. A. W. Davis.
For Salo. If you aro looking
for a baruain in a trood six room
house, barn, three Kood tots,
close in, call Columbia 232.
SewliiK dour at KM Hast
Mohnwk .street.
When in need of small arti
cles, jrot them at the fi-10-iro
store, St. Johns; in the Penin
sula National Hank Huildinnr.
To Track' Two elmr kits iu
St. Johns for tfood automobile. Knst 1 1 III slrcc'l N
For Salo Nino room Iioubo,
aplcndidly located, lUUx(K) cor
nor. lino lawn, fruit. Call at
this ofllce.
Plowing and, harrowing done
on snort notice; woo'i delivered
on orders.- Kills, 731 Tioga at.
Hugs for Setting.- H.'ll N. I-M-
ison; phone Columbia 1)12 1.
Tho (Jencva Confectionery,
No. 2i:',i. Norlh Jciwy Street,
bus resumed business under the
niiiniigeiiient of Mrs. Matilda
ImIwiii-iIs, with a new anil coin
oleic stock of the choicest Sof
Drinks, Clinches, Cigars anc
Tohiicco, mid lee ('.renin in sea
sou. Short order Hot hunches
served all dny. Your jmtrontigt
is respectfully solicited, ami
will receive prompt and polite
:. r ii....!
attention. Yours for
Matilda Kdwnrcls,
Mechanical Drafting
Rates by Hour or Contract
923 South Decatur
Photic Columbia 108
7 room ntod rn lioue near ht. J'-lin
tirmiiial, lot WxiW, milt trtii. iiml ber
ry btiihun, cement walks, cement (loor iu
basement, wash truyk, furunrt', living
room, diuliii; room, bedroom, mutry
mill kitchen, vxxl hoUt, upper floor, Ii
bed room, epjkcts mul Imlli room, win
(low shudei complete; new lllioleiim on
kitchen floor; Kod rane jjoe ulth
place; price $3W)0, $1000 ciub, Iwlnuce
lm per mouth, houe lociited 0211 Noilli
rtyracuw; street. Laii puoue coi, rai,
VV7E declare without qualification,
W that the Brunswick is "All
Phonographs in One" the iooo
If this is true you ought
to know it before you buy.
Come in today for free demonstration.
Currins for Drugs
105 Philadelphia Street
An ideal industrial community would be
one in which there was work for all the inhabi
tants and inhabitants enough to do all the work.
An ideal location for such a community
would be a site having ample space for manu
facturing plants along the lowlands bordering
the waterfront and broad hillsides for homes for
the workers.
An ideal development for such a community
would be one that offered the greatest degree of
comfort and enjoyment in the living quarters of
the town and tho highest degree of efficiency in
the manufacturing section.
Such an ideal arrangement, as far as natural
conditions go, is found in Portland's groat in-'
dustrial and shipping center the Willamctla
Columbia Peninsula.
An issue of the St. Johns Review published
Nov. 11, 1904, contained this statement: "From
a population of 250 people in 1902 at present St.
Johns has more than 2,000 inhabitants." The
district which was then the town of St. Johns
now has nearer 10,000 inhabitants.
Do you realize what tho future may be of
tho district in which you live?
Peninsula National Bank
for a
A varnish stain of unujtunl
ac!nptability,vcnring qualities nixl
beauty. Stains and varnahe in
one operation.
Por thu worn pmcc on live
floors, stairuuys, woodwork; tlx;
marred and scratched furniture;
the kitchen cabinet; tltc ice chest'
all these and nunv odiar!
an these ami many outer
Znui rinio flnlw mcs for FLOORF-AC con l
rcW UuVo univ foi.,nd "i t!,e ,,ome-For
J J cning up the home ic is a varnWi'
Sfnm nf oiMieml iili'lllir nn nattA
stain oi pcncrni utiiitv ami use
PLOORLAC is incAiietvir
to use and prodtbw tieasmy
results. It combines dtiralnlity,
with beauty.
Floorlac, Family Painr, Scrm
Enamel, Porch Paiutx ami many
other Shcrwin-Willidiiu Product
for your home can Ixt found at
our store.
One-ciunrler pint can of l'loorlncr-siifllcient to fiiilnh h autalt
cliuir, table, cupboard, other .small piece vitltm HOe, ml Wt 10e
vuruisli brush, total value of both articltw .15c. Special eombi
nation, both for IOC,
7Vmi. j
Tills courwn and 10c entitle
lirarcrto J (pint con of l'lxirl,ic
and one Vurnltli HmUi. ( Only
one of cuch to each purcliuwr.)
St. Johns Hardware Co.
Phone Columbia 35
ClovcHand Creamery
Pasteurized Milk and Cream
Fresh Buttermilk Daily
-in in mm
Phone Columbia 659
Extra Fancy Veal Roasts 25 and 30c lb.
Breast of Veal for filling 18c lb.
Legs of Pork half or whole 33c lb.
Shoulder Pork Roasts 27 and 30c lb.
Fancy Steer Pot Roasts 20c lb.
Shoulders of Mutton for roasting 20c lb.
Sugar Cured IJacon Backs 38c lb.
Sugar Cured Hams half or whole 35c lb.
Peninsula Market
H. A. Imboden & Fred P. Myers, Proprietors