St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 06, 1920, Image 3

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Tramp - Tramp - Tramp
Back and forth by day and by night over
that living room rug. Look at it. That's
where the wear comes,
You should use care hi selecting rugs
and sec that you buy rugs of good, strong,
substantial material. Don't allow a few
dollars to inf.ucncc you to acccptan inferior
Here arc some very dependable rugs,
at reasonable prices.
You arc welcome to buy on easy terms.
Seamless Rugs
9x12 Seamless Tapestry Brussels $37.50
9x12 " " 42.00
9x12 " " " 47.00
9x12 Seamless Velvet Uuj; 44.50
In Muvonil l'nttovitH
Grass Rugs
9x12 Grass Rugs .... $11.50
9x12 " " 13.75
8x10 " " '.. 900
8x10 " " 11.75
Gx9 " M 7.25
Small Rugs
27 Inch Velvet IUirs f 1.90
3Ginch 7.25
And n lot more Small Rugs
Congoleum Rugs
Many new patterns of Room size Rugs, 0x9 to
Easy Terms
Qmondu Bos
Canned Fruit Prices
Scales & Currier Cash Grocery
No. 1 I,emon Clhig Sliced Peaches "Otter"
each 20c, doz. $2.25, case $8 25
M 2i Yellow Free Peaches "Otter"
each 35c, doz. $3.85, case $7.50
" 2
" Del Monte" brand
each 25c, doz. $2.85, case $5.65
For Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Heartburn, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Gastritis, Auto-lntoxicatlon
In offering Root's Tlinlo-mint ns n medicine for the above diseases we feel that we nrc placing in
the hands of the customer a preparation which can be safely used at all times and occasions when
there is distress resulting from a derunged stomach. Many of the chronic ills from which we suflcr
originate in excessive acid condition of the system, beginning with the mouth and extending clear
through the digestive tract. In Root's Thalo-inlnt will be found an agreeable and effective Aromatic,
Autiacid and Klimiuallvc, which, on account of its delicious flavor, will be widely acceptable for use
from infancy to old age.
St. Johns Pharmacy
The Proscription Storo
Local News
" 1 Canned Apricots "Otter" " 20c, " $2.15, " $8.00
" 25 " " " "35c, " $3.75, " $7.35
1 Pears "Otter" Bartlett " 20c, " $2.35 " $8.65
Our stock is large, we buy in such manner that
quantity prices are obtained. It is to your interest
to buy where 'you get the best prices; that is the way
we buy. But we insist that you may get what you
want at better prices than prevail elsewhere for stand
ard groceries if you patronize the pioneer store of
this locality in the establishment of the Cash Grocery
Business. The delivery cost is cut so that we can
deliver free any order of reasonable size.
The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery
Mra. William Ford of Oswcco
street is visiting her mother in
Mr. and Mra. Dick Darnell of
Knlamn. Wash., wore St. Johns
visitors Sunday and Monday.
Mrs. Edwards has purchased
the confectionery storo or a. l.
Smock on North Jersey street.
James Tufts loft Wodnosdoy
for San Francisco, whero he ex
pecta to ennntfo in ship caulking.
Mrs. C. W. Boynton of Po Ell.
Wash., is u attest nt
Hendricks home on South
hoo street.
Uuv. A. Mover, pastor of St.
Clements Catholic church. Is ill
of pneumonia at St. Vincents
Mrs. K. II. Sickafoose of New
bene was u uuest of hor sister,
Mrs. S. A. Mulkoy. for n couple
of days last week.
Mrs. Fnnnio Smock and daiiirh
tor, Mabel havo returned from
San DIoro, Cal., whero they
have been for tlio past year or
P. II. Dodge of Pc Ell, Wash.,
has been tho truest of J. F.
Hondricks tho pust wook. Ho
is n business man una ex
councilman of Po Ell, and J. F.
is trvintr to nuuco him to uo
como a resident ot sat, jonns.
Mrs.G. A. Larson loft Tuesday
niaht for Astoria whero Mr. Lor
son has entered business. Mrs.
Larson has boon employed in tho
Peninsula Security company's
off co while her husband was in
tho service, but recently resign
A training for sorvico clainfor
young womon was organized at
tho Methodist bunday school
Sunday morning with Mrs. S. C.
Cook as mannuor and Mrs. Mvr
tie Weeks teacher. Ten mombers
were enrolled. Tho class is still
open for enrollment.
Pastor E. J. Hlbbard will
favor us with another of his
wonderful lectures next Wednes
day evening reb. 11th, at tho
S. D. A. church, Central avenue
and Charleston street, at 7:30 p.
m. Subject, I ho Law that
Christ Abolished, Como onoand
all. Free. Reported.
Mrs. C. E. Wooley and daueh
tors Lucilo and Marjorio of Os
wecro street havo returned from
Central City, Neb., whero thoy
were called on account of the
death of Mra. Wooloy's mother.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W.E. Wooley of
Carney, Neb., father and mother
of C. E. Wooloy, accompanied
her home and will reside hero.
Tho monthly publication of the
Peninsula National banK, which
is a consistent booster for St.
Johns, calls attention to the
healthy condition of business at
thoSt. Johns municipal terminal.
A ahinment of rubber received
at the terminal was sorted and
routed to various destinations in
the United States tn record time.
Modern facilities havo made
this fast work possible. News.
A crvmnasium class for women
employes of the Portland Woolen
mills has been organized with
Mis9 Mildred Klingensmith, of
fico employe of tie mill, as in'
structor. Thirty women have
a ready enrolled. The class
meets on Friday evenings from
5 to G in the woolen mill club
house. From 7 to 8 on the same
nights Miss Klingensmith will
be in charge of a dancing class.
The regular Friday evening em
ployes' dances will lollow.
Remember the meeting of the
St. Johns Community club Et the
clubheuse of the Portland Wool
en Mills next Tuesday evening.
Dinner wi bo served at seven
o'clock, after which matters per
taining to the welfare of this
community will be taken up.
Every good citizen should be
long to the club. It is a good
thing for the community and a
good thing for every individual
citizen. It will do you good to
get out and mingle with your
fellow townsmen in an effort to
make this place better to live in
in the way of more conveniences
and better utilities.
Panama Huts $2.00. ROGERS.
I' or Sale. If you nro looking
lor a onrgnin in a good six room
house, barn, three good lots,
close in, cnll Columbia 232.
Regular 50c Nt'cktlcs $1.00.
When in need of small nrti-
i k 1 I . i . t j -
f m m .. r ciuh, trei mom at inn
l ie J. FJSMiMIp. ni-ri!i,,nn,n nf 8"'10! St. Jolll S; in tllO Ponlll-
uth Ivan- Adam Trcber, 123 Bristol street. m,ln Nt'' "nnk Huilding.
Mrs. Hrucc is Mrs. Trcbors sister.
Tho political pot will soon
boiling overtime.
William Peterson left today
for Whito Salmon.
David Dickson will lonvo
next Monday for California.
Lelnnd Marklo is recovering
from an attack of pneumonia.
Tho groundhog didn't cut much
ice with tho woather out this
Johnson and Hnvos havconon-
od up a now grocery storo at 702
roll: stroot.
if you havo knowledgo of a
news Item lot us know about it.
Wo want to make tho Review as
newsy as possible, and need
your help.
Harry A. Imboden nnd Fred
P. Movers have purchased tho
Fairchild meat market at tho
cornerof Jcrsoy nnd Haltimoro
streets nnd have taken charge.
Uoth nro energetic, courteous
young men, with a fine know
ledgo of tho meat business. Note
their announcement in this
wcek'u Roviow.
Tho North School Girl Re-
serves' club, chaperoned by Mrs.
J. M. Shnw, local secretary of
tho bt. Johns branch of tho Y.
W. C. A., enjoyed a hiking party
Wodnosday afternoon and return
ed with armloads of ferns nnd
pusBy-wlllows, which thoy will
uso to decornto the clubrooms.
Members of tho club who wero
in tho party nro Lydin Frailoy,
Audrey Wait, Alico Glaub, Leu
tha Fuller and Ruth Iiartlott.
Lowell Anderson, son of Robt.
Anderson, is at homo on a thirty
day furlough from tho United
States steamship Huffnlo. This
is his first visit to his fnthor
and mother sinco August, 1917.
During that timo ho tins visitod
ports or i(us3in, Japan, Italy,
Franco and England. Ho was
married about a year ago to Miss
Simmonds of Now Jersey. Mrs.
Anderson left Chicago Wednes
day and will join her husband
President Monnhan of tho St.
Johns Community Club has ap
pointed tho following committeo
on I'arx: uow v. waiKer,
chairman; H. W. Bonhnm, Dr.
E. P. Horuen. A. b. Jones. J.
N. Edlofson, Rev. A. P. Lnyton,
R. S. Lavrack, Mrs. C. II. Thay-
er w. t. I'letcner, Ain. J. ai.
Shaw, F. P. Drinker, Mrs. E.
A. Blow, D. C. Ely, Mrs. J. A.
Campbell, G, II. Lemon, A. A.
Muck. C, H. Carter, W. R. Ev
ens, xnos. Autzcn, 11. w. ur-
mandy, A. Larrowo, F. C. Knapp,
E. L . Thompson, A. S. Benson.
Polic Committeo A. E. Jones,
chairman; F. A. Rice, W. M.
Tower. W. W. Rogers, C. S.
McGill, S. L. Dobio, C. B. Rus
sell, C. L. Holmes, E. F. Mona
han, G. M. Hall. Advisory Com
mittee II. W. Bonham, chair
man; J. N. Edlefson, Dr. E. P.
Borden, C. II. Uartor, r. r.
Drinker, W, T. Fletcher, Rev.
A. P. Layton, Mrs. R. G. Brand.
If itsnny thing ELECTRICAL
seo tho Peninsula Electric Co.
u Ovcrconts $22.50 up. ROGERS,
For Sale Cook stovo In good
condition. Apply at 317 E. Bur
lington street.
First class hair work mid
hair chains made to order. Mrs,
A. 1). Bond. Loavo orders at St.
Johns Millinery.
Black Sateen Shirts $1.95.
For painting, papor hnnging
nnd knlsomining, call nt resi
dence, 215 W. Richmond street,
or phono Col. 851. All work
HATS undCAPS Hint fit your
fnco and pocket book. ROGERS.
NOTICE: Your incomo tnx is
duo on or before March 15th
I havo blanks nnd enn mnko them
out for you complete with notary
seal.- A. w. unvis.
For Solo Furniturojono vroo(
rango and hcator 800 S. Jorsoy
Children cry for ROGERS
For Salo-1 largo, 2 small win
dow shades, bargain. AlsoSful
blooded R. I. Cockerels $2.25
each. 202 Burr stroot, cor. Kel
LOST-Lady'a small black
purse near Roviow Office, con
tnining money and personal of.
foots. Finder lonvo nt this of-
lice. May keep money if purse
and effects nro returned.
Get that Million Dollar Roya
Tailored Look. All Wool Suits
$15.00. ROGERS.
See this Home before Buying
in St. Johns.
Strictly modern, six rooms, furimcc
rouiiccttsl to timer, Uiif muiit ct-muiit
iloor, beautiful Inwn, fruit tr.
Tills Is uUsolutuly the buct buy In St
Inquire 929 North Syracuse Street.
Ten Commandments of M
Check them off and see how
many of them you are living up
to and then resolve to obey the
rest of them this year:
1. Make a budget.
2. Keep an intelligent rec
ord of expenditures.
3. Have a bank account.
Carry life insurance.
Make a will.
Own your own home
V. Pay your bills promptly.
8. Invest in War Savings
Stamps and other government
9. Spend less than you earn.
10. Share with others. Thrift
without benevolence is a doubt
ful blessing.
will help you to adhere to the
first and second commandments.
Peninsula National Bank
small home in St, Johns. 2 clear
ImildiiiLr lots ns first payment. Give
location. Address R, this Office
VV7E declare without qualification,
W that the Brunswick is "All
Phonographs in One" the ioo$
If this is true you ought
to know it before you buy.
Come in today for frte demonstration.
Currins for Drugs
105 Philadelphia Street
. cgml We Se
& a. Jitf II U HI
a . w i ivin nil
5 ."It; .; in'"
Let us the splendid Huilders Ilftrdwsirc we i
have for tlmt new house or barn you are figuring on
When you sec the quality of our stuff and got our
"figures" you will give us your order for all the Hard
ware you will need.
We stand behind everything we say and sell,
Our hardware is the best, it stauds the test.
St. Johns Hardware Co.
Phone Columbia 35
We wish to announce to the people of
St. Johns and vicinity that we have
purchased the Fairchild Market at the
corner of Jersey and Baltimore streets,
and we are prepared to take care of the
Meat Wants of the public in a first class,
courteous and careful manner. We in
vite a share of the public patronage and
can assure fair and honest treatment to
all, and the best meats the markets af
ford at all times. Come and give us a
Peninsula Market
H. A. Imboden & Fred P. Myers, Proprietors