Historical locltty ST. JOHNS REVIEW VOLUME 16 ST. JOHNS.5PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY,. JANUARY 30, 1920. NUMBER 12 ANOTHER GOOD A1EETING . Tho community club met in tho Library Tueaday evening, ana tno attenunnce was larirc. practically ovary seat being oc cupied. L fe meeting was called to order oy Chairman Monahan, who presided in a graceful and ariiciont manner. After the rainuts of tho provioua meeting, which was the initial one. rind boon road by the Secretary, Miss atnei uowera, chairman of the By-Laws Committee, H. W. Bon ham, proaontcd tho report, which was composed of seren sections, and each section was acted upon separately. It garo as tho pur pose of tho club to promote tho social, moral and physical wel faro of tho lower peninsula. Tho name finally decided upon Was tho St. Johns Community Club, it was also docided that any good citizen residing anywhoro in the United States could becomo n member by paying tho initia tion feo of one dollar and boost ing for St. Johns. A recess was taken and 09 persons nppended their signatures to tho member ship roll. On motion it was, dtcided that tho next niccting should take place at tho Port land Woolen mills club ho'uso two wooku Mat, when a . dinner would be served, fallowed by a business and social session. Stffc. Crano asked that n committoo bo appointed to invest onto condit ions at the local city hallrclativd to needed alterations and addit ional facilities, and was assured tho raattar would bb given pro per attention. The park quos tion was diaciiwed at sonto leh- Kttu Mosara. Borden, Edlefscn, Drinker, Flot'chor, Muck, Jones, Powell, Lewis nnd Walker part icipating. Finally, on motion of R. D. Powell, it was moved that, tho club favor tho selection of what is known as tho "wood ed tract" near tho cut and com prising 23 acres, which motion carried. Dow Walker, on boing called upon, gayo a vory interesting little talk on the value of com munity clubs and thoir success ful oporation. Ma also declared that an effort should be made to secure a community houso as well as a park. The mooting then adjourned to meot at the Portland Woolen mills club houso Tuesday evening, Fob 10. Fin Dress Shirts. ROGERS. A paper on Law Enforcement by Mrs. 0. W. Linquest, will be read at the Library at the Woman's Christian Temperance Union Monday at 2 p.m. You are welcome Reported. The teacher was giving the class a natural-history lecturo on Australia'Theroisone animal," sho said, "none of you huvo mentioned. It docs not stand up on its legs all tho time. It does not walk like other animals; but takes funny little skins. wnat is nt" And the class yell ed with ono voico: "Chnrlie Chaplin." London Tit-Bits. Jacob Flesor died Janunrv 24th at his homo, 729 Tioga street, aged b years, 11 months nnd 13 days. Ho was born in Michigan and camo hero about two years ago from Chohal s. Wash. Surviving him arc two sons and two dnughtcra besides his widow. Thcfunornl services took placo nt chapol of tho local Undertaking Co. Wednesday nt 2 p. m.. Dr. Johos offic ntinir; Tho M. W. of A. was in charge. intermont in Columbia cemetery. . Mrs. Sarah S. . Glass died at hor home. 1510 Oatmnn street, Jnn'. 20th, aged 88 ycari, 9 months arid 29 days. Harden ihg of tho arteries was tho im mediate oaUsa of death. 1 Sho had been a rosidont of Oregon for thirty ycarfc, and is survived by" 8 children, '22 grandchildren and io great grandchildren. Funeral services woro held last Thurnday. January 22, nt 10:30 a. m. at tho- chhpol of. Miller Mrs. E. W. Cktrlick, who was and Tracoy. Interment In Col-pporatyd upon Inst wook nt tho umin cemetery. Portland Sanitarium, is getting In thd fastest and' cleanest nionir n,co,y' basket bull gamo that has boon YOUNG FARMER BURNS SURE HAD SOME TIME One of tho most daring police raids over planned by tho St. Johns polico department was fouled on Saturday night bv lack of equipment. Only a patrol wag on for tho removal of tho offen ders to tho city jail was needed, but tho "little wagon" is not n part of tho equipment of the vorv efficient polico force of which St. Johns district boasts. How- over, Sergeant ( K. L. Crano did succeed in bringing home n "has been" Chevrolet -199 in stead of tho Essex of which ho fondly dreamed, but th s was hardly adequate for handling tho mob which was arrested on Sat urday night at tho Portland Woolen Mill Club house. Tho police had been tinned off sever- al days before that tho county fair and street earn vn of "H ck- villo" was to bo operated without license and tho policeman wore out a kick, also tho pink tearoom where it is reported that Officer Hatt apont$500on nnothor man's wifo. Arrests wore too numerous to mention. Among the worst of-1 fenders were Sergeant R. L. Crano nnd ono of tho col ored gentlemen for "Shooting Craps." Fifteen minutes in tho city jail was thoir sentence and no ono was narolod. Miss Ada Hammond also suffered arrest several times, twice for crossing tho stnto lino with married mon nnd onco sho, too, was a victim of tho fnscinnting charms of tho "Big Joo" game. Money flowed like water, troubles wero forgotten nnd ovory ono will ono accord joined in thostroot dance. Archio Mayer, Horb Scott, Bill Ocschor, James Hodgos, Jack Hillis, and Gcorgo Marlctto as tho Bingvillo jazz bund furnished music for tho street dancing. Even Olficor Maxwell, who sel dom indulges in such frivolous on the scene. Allow no one to entertainment, ioincd in the Inz i i . i ...... , i ... r. eavo HUB IIOUHO. woro mo or- znru. K. " mmiwnn. nirn dors of Sergeant Crano as ho tary and general mnnngor of tho entered tho door at the front of mill, was gonoral promoter of tho building. At a blast from fun, but laid himself liable to tho poiiro whistle uniformed cons cunBiiro bv ruff ni? off tho boHt sprang irom overywnoro nnu tno looking girl in tho houso for a MEMBER ST. JOHNS FIRE DEPARTMENT Who will tnkc on all comers nnd oilers to give high school pupils hi- awutiiuii irec ui ciinrgc. Dr. Jones was called to Port land Monday afternoon, to offic iate at tho funeral uerylco of Claude M. Stout. played in tho interscholnstic lea- r !. guu bo iar una uuuaun uiujoucrt son high school hoopers won from tho James John tosscrs. Monday on tho Washington high school floor by tho closo score of I 18 to 1G. Tho passing of both teams was exceptionally good. whllo tho defenso put up by tho . i guards kopt iho score down. Long, sensational shots from fitfrtnif nnrvlA nt ' VJ r ti n Irnn" loolo." James John forward, foaturcd tho contest. Toolo net ted 8ix field bnskots for tho boys from tho peninsula, whilo Bauor and Brnmomado thoethor two. ROGERS sells RUBBER BOOTS and SHOES. r,ntuHt Stylos, r.owoHl 'rooN in Hats and Caps Ol QUALITY Men's Flue Ribbed, Closed Crotch GEORGIA RICH OB Buh A Lna Bldfl. IS AUtworth Av. 4lSJ Ovwaio Ot. 11 AX I ST 275 AO JUS It Phonos Main 7000 Woodlawn 2002 Columbia B04 Wool Work Socks , 05e, a pair $1,00 "Rogers' Special" ti durable Work Glove (50c nib Overalls, "Union Made" 1.90 Men's Sweater Coats, real values at l.15 Work Pants ?1.95, 2 75. 3.50, -1.75, COO and G OO Work Shirts 1,25, 1.35, 1.50 Men's Dress Shoes 8 50, 9.50 and 11.00 Men's Work Shoes "U. S. Army Mtinson Last". ...000 and G 75 Slicker Coats or Pants, per garment 2.90 Rain Hats 75c, 1.00, 1.25, 1-50 Men's Pure Gum Rubber Capes . . . : 9.00 Girls' Hooded Rain Capes 4.35 PLANNP.L SHIRTS, Black Hear, Union made 3.00 place was "pinched." Miss Ada Hammond, manager of tho club house and employment sec roiary oi me nun, sprung a mir- iso on tho no co department and mudo tho scene more sonsationul uy minting dead uwny. lhin was ono feature which tho officers hud not oxnoctod and they had had no rehearsals ofifirat aid du ties. All tho nruminent citizonn of Hickvillo wero thtrc in thoir best bib and tucker, bomo who ap poured in costume were J. M. Itlair. Mavor: R. C. McMann. Judge; J. W. Mitcholl nnd W. Loronzon. the colored nomilii lion u. w. Locnrun. a genuine Rtlbo" who nerslsted inirettimr drunk on sodu water; Mrs. May nnrd, Olivo llintt, Ireno Olson and Doloras Gnnr.ngitatlng votos for women; R. Lore, village policornun; Robert Fox, clown; dunce nnd bidding in tho dance himsolf. The evening's ontor- tainmont was a howling success, though Officer Roberts had his wifo with him nnd had to go homo oarly. Employees of tho weave room of which W. R. Wa doll is in charge, gnvo tho fair. Reported. Building operations will short ly befin for erection on tho Pen insula, of a now Independent packing plant by n company with a paid up capital stock of $500,000 and which plans to do a' meat packing business of mill ions or dollars a yonr. Tho plant will 1)9 located on 15 acres of ground immediately adjoin ing tho International Livestock pavilion on the cast. Tho situ fronts deep water, a convenient to the railroads and is well ait MULTNOMAH THEATRE Open Sundays 2:16 to 1 1 ;00. Mondays nnd Saturdays open nl 6:30. Other days M 7;00. Regular Aduilnlon Go, 11c, lfic, Saturday, January 31t BILLY BURKE In "THIt MIS I.HADINO V11)0'."-Artcraft. I llv llIV 1 rl ll"T-r tt rA ", poncurnun; Honort rox. ciown; uated for doing busincau with UNION SUITS $2.50 '&ss . .. m it i u.. it .... ul "J ncii. Mrs. Gabriel PuIIin Vooul Toamhov nuropcan Training Soprnno Soloist, lit. KplKopat Church Cor. Vail aid Lombard Streets Alio City Studio Phone Col. 182 Mrs. Frank A. Rice CBI LB MUSIC SPECIALIST Violin, Mandolin and Piano Skert nctb4 tptcUUr prprl lor adult Stndlo: 411 S. Hdlson Street Telephone Columbia 389 ELMER SNEED Violin Instruction BTUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse Street rkene Columbia 302 Inspect These Tires Yourself Please consider this announce ment a cordial invitation to visit our salesroom and inspect these sturdy tires. ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN Bank of Commerce Bidding ST. JOHNS Open I Chuplin and Miss Hammond as Tho Old Woman Who L vod In tho Shoo." John Tupper wits very realistic in his costumo ns In wild man, ono of tho side show attractions. Thoro woro alao the Gynsy fortuno tellers. Anna nnd Nellio luirroll, n "Kissing Hooth" where daintily dressed maidens dealt out candy kissos. ice cream booths and cider with Rmcrson 11. Roberts nnd Gladys Smith, both of Portland, wero married in St. Johns Wednesday oroning. Dr. Jones officiated. Wanted Position an houso kooper or in hotol or boarding houso. Call Columbia mu Socks for Mondny. Hosiery for sununy. uutiL'US. Mrs.Bei:thaC.Burdick (Ucentitate of the Royal Academy f Muiic, London.) Teacher of Piano t37 IIod; St. Phone Col. 87a Dr. Evart P. Borden DSNTJBT PainleM Extraction of Teeth under Nitrous Oxide Gas Office Peninsula Bank bldg. Ofice phone Col, 626; res. phone Col. 477 Keur 1-11 a. m.; 1:80-6 and 7-8 p. m. fkeve Columbia 379 Res. Columbia 1 131 , Dr. F. P. Schultze Physician and Surgeon Reon 4 Peninsula Bank Building DR. L. F. PICKENS, DENTIST See HeareS to 12 A XI. 1 to 6 P. M. Srealncs 7 to 9 FeaUsala Beak Bid OAce Pkvie Colum 5i"a xi8? A new shipment has already arrived and we join Barney Oldfield in recommending them to you as The most trustworthy tires built" We also do first class tire repair and retreading and carry the best best line of used tires in the city. National Vulcanizing Go. 205 S, Jersey Sf, PHONE COLUMBIA 1130 Dr. Samuel A. Mulkey DJSNTJBT Office Rooms 6, 7 and 8 PENINSUU SECURITY BLDG. Hours 9 to 12; 1:30 to 5 Kvctiinga 8 to 0 !08tf S. Jersey St. ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND. OREGON Phont Columbia 930 J. W, BOTTOM Kalsomining Painting Columbia 873 C. 433 Chartaslon St. DEARING'S For Fine Chocolates Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars 311 South Jersey Street St. Johns Undertaking Co. THOS. GRICE, Manager ' 208 North Jersey Street Office, Columbia 527 PHONES Residence, Columbia 299 AUTOMOBILE IIEyiRE DAY OR NIGHT CALLS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION This is not a branch of any city undertaker's A High Opinion of our good sonso nnd judg ment prevents us from telling you that we can sell tho high est quality hardware at the price others chargo for the lowest. We could not make such a claim honestly. Cut we do claim that our prices are as low as are consistent with quality and lower than you can obtain tho same grade of mdse. for elsewhere. Test us on that proposition, Byerle & Armstrong 420 North Jersey Street French Dry Cleaning And Pressing Wo OttU Jfor ntul Uollvot LAUNDRY o PROMPT SERVICE I W.J. HAYZLETT 217 N. Jersey Si. Phone Columbia 951 The Hoes Studio FOR PHOTOS OP QUAUTV Opposite Central School Wall p Picture Framing Paner l Enlargements 3l Post Card Folders c?nQ I; 14x20 Oval Frames OlgnS 1 with Convex Glass fS.iS A DISTINCTION MASQUERADE SUITS FOR RENT Mrs. J. A. Hyde, 214 Fessenden Street An insurance Solicitor is an Indivfdual who solicits your in surance and if favored with your business places the same with an Insurance Agent. In case of loss you will be obliged to deal with the agent who may or may not be in a position to give your claim the attention it deserves. An Insurance Agent U a duly qualified representative of the Company issuing your policy. He must necessarily have the au thority and ability to bind his company to give you the best pro tection in proper manner. You deal direct with him in case of loss. We are INSURANEE AGENTS. We issue all policies direct and in case of loss or claim you deal directly with us. Wc Insure Anything Insurable. PENINSULA SECURITY CO. I 108 South Jersey Sfc Phone Columbia 161 FRESH FROM THIS HAKKRY la layer enke is a dream to behold and a joy to taste, Light as a sun beam, with filling that simply can not be described, the cake will prove a royal treat. At your next affair order one and you'll make yourelf tamous tor your splendid Hospitality . Wc hire tht ktst. Orders Uktn for WtddlnJ Cikt. Fenning's Bakery and Delicatessen 115 North Jersey Street There Is really no eoiaparlwiu between the cuscaml thniouxh ni'M with which an lilrctrlc Cleaner removed ihrt anil the difficulty of sweeping. True, one CAN clean rues ami carpets without hii electric cleaner. A broom or carptt bweeper will brush tip SOMIt of tlm dirt; and l( jou like tlm exercUe-aml have plenty of time mid strength a broom ami carp et heater will do tht work aftM u fushion, In the same way one snti wash without soap, Wotvr a lone will remove some dirt if applied with enough "elliow grease." Hut people use soap bruusu it cleaus more ciully ami hotter than water alone, l'or the same reason people use lilectric Cleaners htrausu they clean more easily ami far better than other methods. Portland Railway Light & Power Company 'BuyYour Oectiic Goods al an Electric Store LEWIS CALDWELL LEADING HAHHEK The place where rood service and courteous treatment prevail. Children's hair cutting receive special attention. 109 BURLINGTON STREET Sunday, February 1st MONROE SALISBURY l "TIU bUNlJUW.V TKAll.." A Univcrmt Special In six acts, Monday and Tuesday, 1'cb. 2 and 3. BARGAIN DAYS Admission 5 CTS. Voting and old. A Dig rrogram of Seven Keels Fatty Arbuckle - -IN' "THE GARAGE" Ills latest and best. LITTLE GLORIA JOY In "1'OU Tt NHS 01' CUKK1NNK." B0UAD ylAD GTIGGED You'll say this Is the best serial you Imve seen. It's n short one Ten llnlsodmi. Wednesday and Thursday, l'ob. l-fi WtUUL NORMAND In "Tlllt JINX" Ooldwyu, Itttinemhor "Mickey?" This picture is pitmouu ccd "Just ns good" by most crltlos. Don't miss It. I'rlday, l'cbriiary Oth FLORENCE REED In "Tlllt WO MAN tNIJKK OATH." Satllrdav. I'chrimrv 7lli BRYANT WASHBURN In "WIIV SMITH I.Ul'T IIOMIl" Pant mount. Author of this spular stnr'rt comedy dramas, Sunday, l'ebrtiaty Hth WALLACE REIDIh "Tlllt I.OT TUUY MAN," paramount. Monday and Tuesday, l'eh. 9 nud 10 BIG BILL IMRT In "JOHN I'UTTICOATS" Art cruft. Ills latest picture mid a gianl one, AIm "Hound and (lauged" No. 2. Wednesday,' I'rbruary llth ANITA STEWART In "KINO. "Of"' DURA MS" In seven acts. Thursday and I'rlday, l'eh. 12 and 13 I). V. OUU'lMTIl'S "BR0KCA BltOSSOAS" This picture failed to arrive fttr our mo hut December during the hfg snow. Hanked as one of the strong est productions ever thrown on th M-'reeu, It Is wll worth seeing. All mission 10 and 20 cents. Dr. W, J, Gilstrap Physician nnd Surgeon Glasses Accurately Filled ON'lCIt HOURS 9:00 to 13 U. OI'MICIttt 1:110 to 4:30 I'. M, reiiluiul.i n 7:00 to :00 I'. M. rmltv UUU Sonda;., 9.00 to 10.JW A, M. Dr. Herbert F. Jones CHIROPRACTOR 311 North Jersey Street Day Phone Columbia 97 NiKht I'lioiitt Coin mbiu G'JO Davis Berber Shop ontl UATII ROOMS J. ff. DAVIS, PropricUr 108 Phlladttlplilrt St, lintlu ',f ..j. , . .. .. PENINSULA HUE ABSTRACT REALTY CO H. HENDERSON, Manauor 402 N, Jirmy Slraet Abstracts of Title l'remrvd Titles Rxauiiued Miotic Culutabia 2W Hauling'' arid Moving OF Ml KINDS Datip (julokly tinlj)voinitly tiii i ii iu uihi fium l oiiiuuu I. . phone coi. io6o io c. Kicnmonu it. Poff & Green TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand and Gravel Hauled Dally Trips to Portland Phone Col. S08 206 N. JERSEY ST jr'wuimer Transfer nnd Storage We deliver L-oods to and from all parts of Portland, Vancouver. I.lunton ami surrounding country. Piano ami furni ture nioviiiK'. 1'hoiie Columbia Sfi. Mast llurlliiKtou Street. Pulley & Zurcher lumblng, Heating & Tinning We Repair Aluminum Ware FUone Col. 02 207 S. Jursy St,