St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 16, 1920, Image 4

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A Model Institution
Wo are nil just children grown
un.nnd a irroat industrial concern i fore the emnloyes
with hundreds of employes is taken upon it. In some cases the
1 A t II.. il.HH I 1 1 At. .,1 A 1 f L
no more complex io iiunmu uiuu incaus oi mo iJiant iounu it nw
ly the question ot a 48 hour week workers como from their looms
came up, where previously 51 and other machines and sit to-
hours had heen the schedule, gcther at long white .tables, in
The question was brought be a neat, quiet, cheerful atmos-
anu a vote i pnere anu their lunch Hour brines
a big fnmily, with its little essary to urgo the adoption of this
squabbles and good times mlng- measure, piece workers fearing
line toirether in the problems of a reduction of their wages. It
its daily life. This is the simple was finally agreed upon to a
theory which is. L. Thompson,
secretary and general manager
of the Portland Woolen mills, at
tributes the contentment which
pervades the plant. The Port
land Woolen mills finds the qual
ity of its product simply a man
ifestation of contontul minds
which finds ready response from
loyes carry 10 uioir and which is a monument to the member or the ciuh anu holds a
ving that thu best spirit of cooperation, is the em- membership card to the Portland
icompliahed by in- ployed' clnbhouHc, constructed clubhouse. Regulations and ac-
opmont of talents, ; n 1918-1'Jand simply "grown up tivitics are carried out entirely
to them relaxation and rest.
The clubhouse contains rooms
for both women and men. Down
stairs is a library, a bowling
alley, a largo living room for
the men and a well cciuinncd
dopt the 48 hour schedule, uressing room lor the women.
with all wage3 placed on a piece I he men s cluuroom is built for
work basis. comfort and use. Cards and
There has nover been a strike billiard tables are part of the
. I l Alt J 11 I
in the history oi tnu company equipment, an oi wnicn sees
and as further evidence of the hard daily usage. Clothes
results which the company's driers are provided that work
policy is achieving, the labor men may have warm, dry gar
turnover in 1018 was less than meats to don at the end of the
willing hands to carry on thoir 20 tier runt nacomnarcd with 256 day.
work according to the standard nor cent, which was the average The bowlihg alley, clubrooms
subconsciously instilled into the1 in the United States during that and library are used both night
livesnf thoao workingunder ideal 'year. and day, for they area part of
conditions. ' uot things right; A ftmturo which Mr. Thomp- the community life of the mem
then keep them right," is the 0n has introduced into the plant bership. Each employo is a
motto the employes carry to their and which is a monument to the member of the club and holds a
tasks. Jiclioving that the best
results are acco
dividual development
the heads of this orcaniZRtion with the famllv." The h story on a club p an by tho cmi oves.
haV9 dwolt on tho independence nf thin club trnoa back to a time The women havo a lartre. airv
. . I . i j i ". - - 7 . I . . " '
oi mo employe development oi when four or fivo workmen used room an tnoir own in n corner
tho individual. And in tho dovol- in irnthL'r at noon lunch da y. of the build rig upstairs, where
opmont ol individual skill comes i Now a noonday meal Is served they too may gather about a big,
tho development of earnings. : to HOO or 400 omnlovos in a large, warm fireplace, enjoy tho com-
Iho quoution of wages has orderly, sunny room or on long fort and daintiness of white
nuver been an inurmoiintablo ir aHscd porches, at abao ute cost, wicker furniture or dance on
difficulty, because, like every- A plate lunch is Borvod for 15 the smooth floor while tho
thing e so in tho nan of mioni-'mnlH Innlnrlnn lmlninL'H of I olionoir rauh nlnvs 1 volv mumo.
tion, there is perfect cooporalion1 meat, potato and a vegetable, in a Bpotless white lavatory of
between employer and emtilove. Coffin is 2 cetitn. bread and but- this room is a complete medical
resulting in a fair "trivo and tor 'A coats. Thnnrico of a hearty department for tho care of minor
tako" proposition. Only recont-i limeh avoraires 25 centH. The injuries.
JSntcrtninmenls and meet intra
I .. I. ..i.i e ii . a t !.. 1 1. .. I
a- a-a a. ru eiu 1 1 urn iiuiu 10 umu in mu
assemuiy nan. a moving pic
ture projector is only partof the
eiiuipmenl for tliis side of the
life. Thu plant has its own or
chestra, under the leadership of I
himcr bnccd. iho social and
employment work is inchargoof
iMiss Hammond, industrial sec
Iho Portland Woolen mills I
plant covers 54 acres of ground.
I Kneh factory room has windows
on practically all sides and dark-
iiuhh Its u nogativo quantity in
the lives of the workers. Tennis
courts and g miens are a part of I
thu landucaping of the sloping
liehind it all lies tho personal
ity of 10. I.. Thompson, whose
philosophy of lifu lias wrought.
I - T a - - . I
an indiiMtr al Htructuro which
stands defiant before radical.
I destructive, revolutionary doc
trines which are threaten ng in-
iiusiry. with opportunity goes
rcHiionsinility. accon iiir to Air.
'lhmpson'H conception, and in
that hoiihu of responsibility to
hits follow workers ho has beun
able to bring into their lives the
growth or an ideal upon which
is mult tho contentment of tho
industry. Journal.
4 .
Over One Hundred and Seventy seven Millions of DoIIim
rcproMuiiU the combined tiHMrts of the PIUIv INSURANCK com
jhiiiIch rejircMrntttl by thin office.
With the InrneMt unit NttoiigeNt of coniKitiles; n reputation for
prompt mid eqnitiible .settlement in chn of Um; heavy interests in
I lie eoiiiintinity mid h tlioiougli knowledge of loctil conilitions, is
it not renNoniihle to uijkwk' tlittt we chii kIvv you insurance ser
vice ec(inil to none?
Wo write nil kinds nf insurance.
108 South Joraoy St. Phono Coltimbiu 101
Goverland Creamery
Pasteurized Milk and Cream
Fresh Buttermilk Daily
Phone Columbia 659
I Portland Manufacturing Co.
Panels, Berry Boxes, Coffee Drums, Ex
celsior drape Boxes, Egg Case Stock,
and all kinds of Veneer
pactouy, roor oi- Richmond struut
I Sunset Cash Grocery j 2
111 Philadelphia Street
Phone Columbia IMS
Our Molto: Best Goods at Lowest Prices to the Consumer
Lairds Cash G
Will you join a St. Johns Booster Club .
You pay taxes. What do you get for
them. Do you know that St. Johns can have
a good high school play ground, community
house, good streets ANYTHING if her
citizens will go after them.
We need concerted effort let's get
together. Have a Booster Club and get
what we want.
This Organization of St. Johns citizens
will be perfected at a
Community Dinner
Tuesday Evening, January 20, at 7 P. ML
Woolen Mill Club House
Phone your reservations to the St. Johns
Library, Columbia 562. . Plates 750. If you
cannot attend the dinner, come for the dis
cussion which will follow.
This space is donated by
Another Big Consignment! Two hundred
boxos Apples -Hod Cheek IMppins, Northern 'Spy,
GroenhiKs, Ortleys, ltoldwins, Jonathans, Spitzon
borgs and Winter Unnnnas, ranging in price
From $1.00 to $3.00 per box
Crown Flour Olympic Hour
$3.15 per sack $3.10 per sack
Spcrry's Drifted Snow Plonr $3.15 per sack
Hear Brand Flour 2.95 per sack
108 North Jersey Street
Next Door to the St. Johns Kcvicw
A Strictly Cash Store for the most
Careful Cash Buyer.
Country Club Sweet Corn lSc,2 cmnt !irc
1'ri'fcrrtwl Slock, luiicy Maine
Lorn Hie run UUc
I'ri'tertisl MooU temtur uivHiiiK Vvn. 20c
l'olur lirnml 1'tsin, the caii 15c, 7 for 1,00
HootliV Toimitoos 13c, 2 for 25c
I'rcft'rwl tock ollil pack Toma-
ioe im.', i. lor 3.V
t'rcfcrrwl utiwk SlrliiK Uwiw thy ran 20c
il.k rink SaIiiioii In 1 lb. eiuu. . . 2(X'
Cliuu at 15'
OyUr thv ch 15c
.....1. M.i.l ltt..l. t.. I II.
i"" -' ".. . i.iimtnup ninniuiP
nncw, a iim 15c Ylf irarar.T .'X liAKIf Al v
cum, very iH!ll ill i0c
l.lbby'H Apple or l'or llutter the cu llic 100x100 on jersey street, lmnl surface
None Such Mluce Miut ISc. S iiLi-n ML-1 street hiM sewer all in ami uilil. My
Mutc.u.perm.xJf. 21 Uuus 1.00 fc' Sf W
1010 Chevrolet auto used very little,
Want to trade in as first juiyment on
i:kxi noiue mm pay uainuce iiioutiuy.
Six nui inoJerii liouie with 100x100
lot, loculiM on ko'1 comer lot out huu
ilrel fevt tocArmul lmnl surface street
Thyi lot is well coveretl with fruit. M
rCe for this one J2100. 1'ay J1000 c
lKikuce like tent.
l'ivc room buiiKnlow. almost new: has
I.MUK'uune, locateil in licit resilience iiutr ct
.Site " CMr 1,111 n"ri' "r(Hi;e street; this
Royal lUkiuc, l'owdur mrneeiiu SAo
Arm H: llaininur Soil a So, j pk(s UV
lluy lleuus at Ihuoc I.uw Prices
Knl Mexican llisius II s UrV
Kxtra I'aucy Limn lluaus 2 lbs . . . ,2f)C
Sumll white llosus 10c lb, 11 11m. . . .11.00
l'op Corn, 2 lbs Sfto
Crin-o 1 lb. can 3lV
Maioln Oil pts ItV, its WV, half gul
Snow I'lakc ShortuiiiK er lb,
Two as. Best Bread fift, 14c j
I.itrise enn Tonuitocu, l'lircc. UW can, two for 25c x
I.urueeau Totnatocti, soliil jwek, 18oc, two lor :15c $
Lholce (..illicit reus. Ific cnn. six for rn X
Kxtrn choice yiftwl Pons, 20c can, three for 55c
l'.xtrn choice Corn, Muinc style. 20c cnu, three for 55c
Good Corn, teiuU'r ami sweet, Irk can, tlaxun $1.75
I.nrRe can Suctir Kiaut, UU can. two for 2fe
I.ntjje can Hominy 15C
W)n Oil, pts. -10c, ips 7fie, half Knllons. . . . $1.50
Mazola Oil. jits. .0c jU. 75c, half gallons 1.50
Klk Mvou Nwp cr Uir fie, 11 Uta . .MV
l-asy ilay Nuptlmliiic SiM7 lMra....S0i'
Van Holers llli-acliinx SMi 7 Iwrs . . .hOc
Crystal Wliiln .Soap, 2 for lPo; 7 for. .SOe
Royal Whtlc hoap, 4 Ur 2Je
home has f looo worth of furniture coos
wun 11 ai me price 01 f jzw: terms can
ne arrau;cl if ueelel.
l'ivc room IiuukiiIow with looxlui
corner lot, in jjooil iliilrict, fruit of all
KIIUU. lui one l.irui? walnut tree. 0110 f!i
....... .-i'! i w... ilPV r , . ---- 4 : . .
IMli WhliL. ID inn ril, cnerry anu a vartciy ot oilier
-1 wv 1 Iriiili TI.I. .... f,i. ltll
Creme Oil Soap. 2 bar for 15c U M0 cash, the balance like' rent.
k.t... Mt i- ... ... I
ihiiii v.ineaiiHp, ,inr Tjlrw. room modern house, almost
t'limrose iiiyceriue toilet ,stp new. stievts improvetl ami paul, f 1600.
Hr Iwr 06e IV Jloo cah, the balance like rent.
Holly Milk, can lfc, one 0.50 Nice 6 mum uioilerii bungalow, lot CO-
llordeu's mi.) Ctirnatioti, tall cans 16 , ' ver" c,0!c m lo ,lst'1 center.
llonleu's ami Carnation small. 2 cm in.. ? I":. ot u,"yJ ,WOr!!' "'. l'.ric.e
I KIT I Hill HI IMU II itucli
I l.arKc rolls Toilet IW tfo iCc ke ,Tt7 ' ' ""'
Scat in cans for iiv. sv ...... ,,,1.,,, inm .. i.,r..
..... ,, v,. HKIKIH ,VIMV MHV I'Vt tUt
Me us lor rresn CKviaiiics, rotating wiui imnroveil street ami sewer; the lot
is ihii;w teet In sue. Tin
Best Curve Cut Macaroni, 5 lb. 45c
KolKer'uSlinkt llleml Tons are kIvIiir satisfaction to
many of the St. Johns f.nnille, ami our Special Price otiKht to
make it n family Pet. Oiimowler, Japan, Ceylon ami India
lea, one-unit Knml package 25c, five jwiunl jwckaKes ?2 10
vc tuny a mil line oi i-riuts aim veKeiatiles. Unr sptnls are
the talk of the town for quality, and the reason is we select noth
ing hut the best.
New California Rhnbatb only 10c pound.
We have few of those beautiful Culendtus ' left. Did yon
Rut yoms? If not, nsk the patty who waits on you and you will
4 O0C4JafijClOQ0O0D00OO03C4O00 D00
nn 1 Apples.
J. . Chamt eis Mrs. II, K. l., rv
Funeral Directors
2-IS-250 KitluiKworth Avenue
Telephones; Wotnlluwn ItSlHJ O H38
Mr. Chanibeis is the only 0. A, R.
uiulerlaker iu the city of t'ortlatul.
l'crsoual atteutiau ami supervision
Kivcn to arranyeincnts.
Transfer and StoraRC
We deliver kocmIs to ami from all parts
of rortlaml, Vaucouver. I.iuiitou ami
sunouinliiiK country. Tiano ami furni
ture moviuK, I'houe Columbia ,S2.
IW liast llurliiigtou Street.
is a ila ml v
j..... ...... ...
") in win make verv easy jmy.
mvnts on this one.
How about this one? One ami one.
thtiil acres of the best la ml hi Oregon in
cny limits ot m. jonns. i ins lias gooa
nun new nvc axim moiicrn uungalow
nul the entire tract is covered with
luie orehnnl in full beariut;; the fruit
aioue on tins tract slioulil pay you not
ii'ss uiau one tuousaiin Hollars -r year.
My juice on this one is $1250; jy mc
f.xu casu ami take cnarge ot it.
I have manv others that arc eoo.1 buvs.
If ou the purchase, don't fail to see me.
.MiyiililiK you wish to sell list it wttli me
tor nuick ivnults.
216 N. Jersey St. I'houe Columbia 2
Try Chop Sucy and Noodles at popular
(trice. Home made pastry every day at
"Cafe ol Merit." We serve brcak'fast
and tinnier. Open from 6 a. tn, to 12 p.
m. 100 S. Jrey street.
Before Buying
Roofing, Building Paper,
Lime, Cement. Piaster,
Paints and Oils,
Doors, Windows,
Coal and Briquets, Hay and Feed,
Auto Supplies or Hardware,
Get Prices From
Home Mercantile Co.
209 West Burlington Street
Knights and Ladies of Security
St. Johns Council 2775
Krgultr Ui.lnta iuccIIuk lit and j4 MtaiUys,
Open meetings to Ibc public taA tutaUri imi
iid 4tli MomU). Vl.llor. nd iu. mtxr. ooc
tlUlly itttitcil to llcuJ t IlUkutc 1UI,
S Barber Shop &
108 N. Jersey St.
Bring in your job printing.
Oregon Grape Circle No. 541
Meets every 2nd and 4lh Tuesdays
in Dickuer's Hall.
Visiting Neighbors Welcome
Don't send your nrintinc out
of town.
jg&Laurel Lodge, 1. 0, 0, F,
No. 1 80, St. Johns. Orsoon
Meets each Monday evening in Odd Pl
Ions hall at 7:3o, A cordial welcome to
all vIsltiiiK brother.
C. V, Itahl. N 0, Carl Itclmin, T, O.
JoeKoUlU, Krc. Sec. O. W, Noimm, Via. IHc
II. KCUrk. Tit... J
St, JohnslCamp No. 7546
Modern Woodmen of America.
Wc heartily solicit the attendanM (
our members at our regular mtitlugi
every 2d anil 4th Thursday veu(oj;.
A. I.. Marcjr, Irviu Gromachey, Clerk
Consul. 910 N. Syracuw.
Meets every Friday night at
7:30 o'clock iu H'lCKNlR
Hall. Visitors always wJ.
Woodmen of the World
St. Johns Camp 773
Meet every Thursday evenlne iu
I. O. O. F. Hall, Leavitt and Jeracy
streets. Visitors always welcomt.
W. B. Coon. C. C ; R. C. Clark. Clerk.
A. P. and A. M.
Meets the -first and third
Wednesdayof each month
in nickner's Hall. VUi.
tors welcome.
A.R. Davis, W. M.
A. W. Davis. Secretary.
Minerva Chapter No. J05,0,E,S,
JUeets every first and
third Tuesday of each
month iu Bickner'a Hall.
Visitors welcome.
Dixie M. Lewis, W. M.
Ruby R. Davis, Sec.
United Artisans
Willumbla Assembly No. 300
Meets every Tuesday at 8 1 M.
I. 0. 0. F. MALL Ctmr Jcmv ui LuUst
L. K. Simons, M. A.
Mary Robert, Sec'y Pro Tem,