St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 16, 1920, Image 2

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A. W. Mnrkle, Htlitor
Published Friday of Each Week
" AOVHUTtilN'C. RATKS I.ej-nl nml
nil display, 2Gc cr Inch per week. Lo
cals 2 cents ier word per week, nillli
nium 2Cc.
Subscription prloe $1.50 poryonr.
This lOtvmw is entered nt post office
In I'ortliml, Oregon, ns mall mntter
o( the second class under tlic Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
The sad intcllii?onco reached
the cditorand his brother, V. L.
Marklo, Monday morninn that
their luthcr, II. II. iUnrkio of
Clearfield, Pennsylvania, had
just imaged to the- bettor world
mi It Itrli Tin wnn nnn nf tlm
Koorl mon of this earth. Upright w".v'TTftrfi;fl
and honorable in nil Iiih dealings
with Ilia fellow man, ho was
highly respected by all who
know him. No man can say he
was ever unfairly or unjustly
treated by him, nor did ho over
take an unfair advantage. Ho
believed in treating nil man
kind fairly and kindly, and he
lived bin belief. Ho was devot
ed to his home and his family
ana was never so contented as
whon at his own fireside. Ho
took a keen interest in tho affairs
Charter No, 10103. Reserve Dlst. No. 12
Kcorl of the condition of
in Hie State of Oregon, nt the close of
business December ill, 1915).
4 Loan. mid discounts,
iiicjuiliinj rediscounts.. .. f9M,i:5G..TO
Ovcrdriifts.uusectired 111.87
V. S. Government securities owned:
Dex)sited to secure
circulation (U.S.
bonds wir vnhie). 100,000.00
l'ledgetl to secure
jxjMuI shvIiihi de
posits (jhir value).. d.OOO.OO
I'ledxed ns collnlerid
for State or olhur
detK)sllsor bills
ptiynble 214,500.00
Owned nud tin
picket! 27,000.85
cntes nud Thrift
Sumps actually
owned 1,610.011
Total U. S. Oov
eminent serilrlliofi :il'J,0ir.78
llollils other Hum u. H.
pledged Insecure postal
imviiiKs deioitH. . . 27,025.00
HoniU mid Hecnrltiei
pledged nt colintend
for .Stale or other dc
tNxtits or bills (Kiynlile
(postal excluded) 2, 070. 5:1
Securities other tlmn
t'. S. IximU (not In
cluding Mocks)
owned iiiiiilidnud 112,731,01
Collateral Trust nnd
for Groceries
Phone Columbia 528
funeral s"
F Beautiful gray o;
black ndult oaskot,
henne, box, 2 nutoa
ombnltnlng and "refin
ed ocrvlco for
l'uncrnls if dcilrcd for f20, $30, 1 10, $00. Nlt'lier jirlced funeral In pro
jxirtion. We manufacture caskets. I.ndy assistant,
llcnutifiil funeral chael.
Main 2091 Indopondont Funoral Directors A 70D5
Washington ut Clin Street, Uctwccn 20lb nnd 21st Street, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
CM Central Ave. N.
I'hoiic Columbia SS8
other notes of cor
Kintlons issued for
not less tlmn otic
year nor inuru than
thieo years tliiie. . . 1,000,00
Total Iwnds, securities, etc.,
other tlmn t'. S
.Hloeks, other than I'cdurnl
Reset ve Hank stock 20,000.00
of tho world, and was well vers
od in all tho leading topics of
tno day. llo was n veteran
of the Civil War, and had almost
reached tho 82(1 milestone on his
journey through lifo whun the
Angel of Death nummonod him
homo. For tho past sovonil yearj .stock
110 lllld boon in failing health. of I'edend Reserve
In fni'l rill flwi Inv nf liuitiir mul Itnuk (50 tier cent
infmw.ut Itiltfn i r.iHunbn of WlWrl.-lll) .WP)
i t. . ,i ' iMirnitiirr nud flxtiiitw 13,015.5)1
inn wiiuii nin iiiviiik wiiu, iiuer other real estate otrnotl 10,110.21
more iniin iiuy years 01 float' ivstiii RKrvfwitii
companionship, w.ns called to tin
druat noyond sovoral years ago.
With her passing, lifo for him
was never afterward the siime
And now his course is run, his
lifowork is finished, (he sands
of life have run down, ami he is
happy again in it reunion with
his lifelong companion that will
novor (ind. nud together they will
watch nnd wait, side by side, in
that Hotter I.aiid for their child
ren ns they come, ono by one,
when their (jays are done.
.Surviving him are the follow
ingHonHund daughters: Clarunee
A., dco. N., and Chas. It., of
IMttbsurg. A. W. am W. L. ol
St. Johns, anil Misses Alary and
Augusta Marino ol Clearfioli
Lighten the house work nnd
buy Wifo or Mother an HUSO
TUIC Washing Machine or Va
cuum Cleaner. I'eniusula I'.lee
trie Co., I1H N. Jersey street,
Who is tho ItalncoHt Man?
I'edeml Reserve Hank l25,Hll).ilH
Cash in vault and nut amounts
due Iphii imiional Innks. . . .lill, 035.8:1
Due from luniks mul banker
.1.,.,. i..l,,.!...! Ill IM I. It II (lull IM
,'r.tivi itinn nn IIIHVil 1111, 1', I u,wat.liw
t. berks on other Imilktt In the
MiiiK't'lty or town ns lelmlt-
liiK iMiuk (other tlmn item 111) 2.H.2I
Total nf lit,
II. 15. ID. 17 ...U5i.:io:i.iii
Chirks oh luniks Itsmltxl out
side of city or town of re
imiltuit hunk and other
cash Hems WhUKj
lt. .h iiiitloiifllllil wllb (I. H.
I reMirei iuhI title Iiom U.
A. TieMWirt'i 5.00IUXI
Other kkm'Iii, liwyiiieuU iluu im
on Vieloiy I.ohii Mibsotlii-
Dons 1,000.0(1
When in need of Gifts
call on us
Watch nnd Jewelry Repairing
a Specialty
107 Philadelphia St.
For Sale
ft numi Modern Hint', Uti IIHI x I INI.
IIhm li Hit, 2IIHI, ftom t'4li IwImwv etwy.
I ItKtm Wmlt lil lluttM. kit M x ltd,
Nil IHtHtlure In, im,
AMMIII lliWM. t'MMW 111, $IUNI, jfHMI
(WtN, IKtWH like lettl.
5) rw lliH4 umvUim incvriv Hl't,
dtwld 4wWim, I'mh- 4tMf, ItH IMUUNI,
flpkl, fWk) -i.
h itMtm lMlni I lomw. lot IOOkIin).
hUhhi to I'.wt (!fW, itmt, fllHMI, IwlntR'e
h rotwi lltHMf, lot HTxtlKI. IW (ttill
$IH), im (m!i, IwLtttf eiwy.
KtvJ. 1'. Cll.l.MOKK
IIHJ N.Jvit)' 8t. T.JtHKH
Notice of Sale Under Ai!l$ter' Men
KtHlie U bervliy niveit llmt tin- nmlei
iluHml Will lU'll Ml iiuMii- liiull.,l, I.. II..'
liQluwt MtUlttr, for ewah in UmiuI, a t eriitui
lUitck HttUlelll 2 er old ow tud bt i
rnu ui Mimiy iim iM'ii hk mi Just nt
reninttile elwine for taif, Ubor, ittleu
tlltll. ftWtl lltul HHkttllHkfV (Uriltslu.l ,111.1
lxMtowtn. tlmieon. Mt lite rul iii.ume
HIIII ItMHIHIl til 111 imilt r Mlltl IMWIHI M1-
wMir thviesif. The Hinomit ol uo liVn
nutl uIiHine Im-Iiib ft&, HmUI eaie, UUir.
HUtllltt, (immI Mild IMttHrHgr Imviiik
lwrll (HruWVl It lid Mill rUMI(cMUIUIII:
nioru UHtH III lev iiioiiiiu Hiui iM'leUt.
S tUI uhImihU mil Ih' iillertsl ttutl mltl hi
thu (tMit of MwiuuiKt., I'tiilUnd, Ore
hi me irnifui-e ui iuv Ulllviilt(ilel
on JiitmiUy. 1'rUiu-ry 7, iWtU. mi tin
uuwwk, 4. t. i mud ww inn ,u) ui
jHHHr, iwau.
l.lvn CIhiumiiI,
Frank A. Rice
Total fl.WKl.tllW.iW
(."HliilMl MiH'k imld III IIMMHKI.OO
.HtiriMtis IMIHI UMHMJ.(X)
1'inllvlilttl iimlilM K5l.:t0
CililllMlliix iHileKoulstaudinK. IIN),(NI0.IKI
Net iiiiiniitilM tine lo iNiiikft,
iMiikem hiiiI tiimt uoiiiini
nieH (oilier tlmn iliellitletl
III Hems 20 or HO) l(l.-ni(t.iH)
Ceitllleil eheekMoiiSbiudliii;.... II7.K7
l iiMilei s file I'kti on own
Unk oiiUtandluu 20.5110.10
roiui oi iiumai),
SI, !I2 mul its w,m,M
Di'llimtd delMwIU:
lntliiduHl ileills Mill'
uh'I to fiut-K TISMIIIi.Sl
t. t'llllll llll'lll IIPMHMl
1 1 Me III leMi llwil m
tUy UJ.77I.:W
Hliilf, etHinly, ot oilier mil-
nlrllNtl tieiMMiiH HH'Hietl lie
iileilutt of iisM't of thU ImiiW IW.500.00
IhebU'iiiUuiiiMliI HMH.tKI
lotrtl of llellMllll
ilesM.lis Stnt,MM.IAe
Time IKuxMiU:
Cettilk'Hte of INS. 101. II
INmImI TmVlUUN IH'InmMU XK.7tsH.rj
Oiltei time iUihh4im 502. 1 0i!. 10
li i(,tl ol time ileiIU will-
Ket to KeM-rve 1 11.111
Win tmiii delt HtTtiiuit tl.H75.(H)
IMVIIllll' Willi
I'e.Untl Kitnervu lUuk tifi.tKX).(H)
TotHl Jl.ttrtiV.iail.lW
Of the total Iomim nnd iUh'ihiiiUIiomi
hImivv, tlHtiiiiiimnt on which Interest I
mul iliM'ouHt uiw clwiKetl Ht r.tten In I
ewstwol IIium- iiormittiNl hy law (.Sec.
Alt7 Uev. .StHt.). exrhitivv of mite
uisitl which IiiIhI elmrue not to exceed
Ml teiiu wan iiwtle, wan mme. The
HMmlmr ol Mich loan wit mmic.
State f Oihiii, I
dainty of Multnomah, I
I, I. N. IHleleii, Caktiier of the
Uvc ituiiietl batik, do mU'iunly kweur
in.ii uie HiMive MHU'ineiil u l rnu id llie
ttrst of my knuwIeilKe ami belief.
J. N. KtllvlMu. Ciuhler.
KhIsm'HIhhI ami nwuru to Imfoto me
this 1'ith day of J-tuiwrv.
I,, j. wriKht, .Notary rulille.
Mulliitimah county. On.
Cotieel Attest: V. C Kuaii,
Thu. Autfii,
1'. 1'. Drinker,
Office in I'cninsula Security lluildin
I'bone Coluiublii .IH!)
809 North Jersey Street
Phonr Columbia 719
304 N. Jrrir) Strc.i. Si. Jokni
When in npetl u( iiaod I'lmlos of any
kind, mil tin ut. Our ic4uir uie unes
telUd. Ilest iriults olilnmatile. Civs us
a call. C. A- tlUi l , I'liototiiaplier.
Real Estate
Thirteen years in the biuine in Si
Julius. List your iiroiwrtv uith us UV
inuke Mlim. t. C. (.'OOK, IU2 N. Jersey.
.DnN. E. AkAlisler
Olllce I'houe Culiuubia 2M
Uittldcncc 1'hi'iie .tl JCCi
St. Johns, Pordniul, OrcRon
KccP on
St Johns Fair Store
Highest Quality and Lowest Prices
Toys a Specially
207 N. Jersey St. I'lmnu Col-831)
507 N. Jersey Street
Kuiploys ex-service help.
Will take care of your frozen
pipes in short order.
Call Columbia 9.5
Fine line ol Vogan's Candles
ES. - - CM,, 7T
O1MJ.Nf i) Cofirrii Suioo
Ed. Aloiiahan, Prop.
317 N. Jersey SI, Opposite Review Office
tl. A. MANNING, Proprietor
Cleaning and Pressing
Phone Columbia 308
Suits Sponged mul Pressed 75)'
Wo Onll l'or nnd Deliver
JJuick Service, OotM WurU
DycliiK, rrotwint;. Clonnlun
i'liiliidt'lplim Slitv Slin Shot's Kqwitiil
Hfst niittftiiil tilituinittiK'. rrlci'srt'itwin-
nblv, All tik nii.ttitntttsl,
Carl Juhnke
St. Johns, Oregon
301 N. Jersey St.
Miuicnl lnstnununW olall kindn.
Vinlins 11 ivfiitlty.
Violin roixiirtsl, ndjiisted mid KrudiiMitl
The Electric Way
Is The Modern Way
Why stay with the old ways
when Electricity will do your work?
See us for House Wiring Appli
ances, Fixtures and Supplies.
We will furnish an estimate on
any electrical work.
Willard Storage Batteries
Auto Accessories
Phone Col. 977
418 N. Jersey Street
Boys' Pants
p Men's all wool Serge Pants $7.00 W
O Blue or Khaki Overalls 4.25
Strong Serviceable Work Shoes 5.00
Turkish Towels '. . .20, 351 to 1.75
Infant Wool Sweaters $1.75 to 2.00
w Misses Black or Brown School Shoes
o $3.G5to5.G5
No Specials but a Saving on Every Item
302 N.Jersey St.
IParfor blccUe noit?
Our parlor (uriuturc loiit.
Under New Alnnnjcmcnt from Sept. 15, 1919.
High class mechanics in charge All work guaranteed
Dealers is Used Cars, Tires, Tubes and Accessories
C. L. Hickman A. A. Smith
107 Fessenden Street
Dr. Lewis J. Keliher
Dear Mary
I have your letter telling mo how pained you are because
Mrs. W called and seemed to be so "critical." You
should not blame her. She showed the propor spirit in
coming to see you. I'm going to be frank ancf say that you
should be PREPARED to entertain those who visit you.
Mrs. W lives in a beautiful home and could not help
noticing tilings. You just go right at Tom and tell him
you must have some new furniture and rilgs.
Hastily HELEN.
P. S. You'll hunt no further for furniture and rugs if
you go first to
H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man
400-402 S. Jersey St.
7i X
Peninsula Bank Building
Room 10
Office Phone Columbia 793
Office Hours 9 A. A. to 6 P. Al.
The St. Johns Millinery
For Seasonable Hats at Reasonable Prices
Order work and Remodeling a Specialty
Hats Reblocked, Plumes Cleaned, Curled and Dyed
Mrs. M. E. CRANE, Proprietress
"" ' ni
ft lr "nlra
Selected Teas and
For your own
daily use or for spe
cial occasions when
you entertain, you want
the very best of Coffees
and Teas for the
least money.
Our Coffees are all high
quality finest flavor, best
selected beans, all evenly
roasted. No matter what
price you wish to pay,
we can please you.
And our stock of Teas
is made up of the choic
est varieties of leaf any
thing you want both as to
flavor and price. Try us.
Crackers, Etc.
You will find a large
assortment here in both
bulk and air-proof pack
Wc carry ftll the favorite
brands and can supply the
ilcwcct and daintiest wafers
for afternoon teas, parties,
etc ns well as the old-fashioned
ginger snaps and va
nilla wafers at prices that
make it prudent to buv here.
St. Johns Lumber Co. rucKGROCERY
3.01 S. Jersey Phone Col. 118
Wholesale and Retail
You can't tell by the looks of a frog
how far he will jump
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot of Burlington St, Buy FIR Wood
Jo ti wope of St. 9ohns an
EL GEO. T. CROW, 907 S. Kellogg St.
Phono Columbia 665 for your new
Ford Pleasure Cars, Light Deliveries
anrl Tnn Trunks
t init Tif1 io fn 11 f1if riro11t nnninnAfl cn will ln in
4 lit. I y ssV A VIVt 4W tlltl . tWV iVtll J I ll k W " WV. 44
greater dcnmml than ever this seascm. Better gqt your order
I'atronizo the homo merchnnt. I Main 75G7 PortUnd, Oregon I have some irood used cars.
We guarantee our 6tock to
be f resit and clean at all times.
SIMMONS & CO., Grocers
lretmleit I'houe Columltin 210
Start the Year Right
Awertaln the truth Mumt your eye
ami if glasses nro iieetletl iurchuso it nil
wetir them. ,
I can uilviM.' you whether jour eyes
eetl help.
The luitUlttcUoit 1 have ulven others
will satisfy you.
Don't buy your Wood for looks, buy
it to make heat
Be Sure and Order From
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Resident of St. Johns havine taxes It i ...i. . , . . . .
an.l city liens to pay in l ortland can 4 ur &cu ou Jonns rropeny
make their payments wnlKHit inconveiii-1 A. W. DAVIS
ence by availing themselves of our er 1 Dnnl TZd in
vices. We will vy sAiue nutl secure your KCI CSifllC
receipt without iucouveiiience to you. Fir lti5HraRce and Notary Public
I'ee. 25c. References: Any St. Johns List your property with me if you
Rink, Peninsula Title. Abstract anil j...: J
Realty Co.. bv II. Henderson. Manaiier: "",,c :,c,, 4itiy
402 North Jersey Street. I ATi JN. Jersey fat. St. Johns