(ilitorieii Boo.ty ' M ST. JOHNS REVIEW VOLUME 16 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 1(5, 1920. NUMBER 10 News in General Patronize the Review adver tisers. Join tho Boosters. Read about it in tho bit; announcement on back page of this paper. Tho Debonair club was most pleasantly entertained at tho homo of Mrs. M. B. Greeno, 810 Smith avenue N., Thursday of last weeK. inero wa9 a froodly attenanca and a food time had by all. Delicious refreshments wore served. Mi's. Lawrence Layton enter tainod her Sunday school class at hor homo at 1010 S. Leonard street on tho nftornoon of Satur day, January 10th, from 2 to 4 p. m. A most enjoyable after noon was Bpent by all. Thoso prosont wero tho Misses Alico Monahan, Elizabeth Offden, Wil ma Maxwell, Mario Prudham, Virginia Hogan, Lucille Tuna cliffe, Boatrico Chadwick and Mrs. L. Layton. Thonowly Installed officers of L.uureiwoou uoboknli Lodo, No. iw. aro Mrs. Nollio Haske . Noblo Grand; Mrs. Birdio Han- tzo, Vico Grand; Mrs. Anna uanriRht, Hoc. Sec; Mrs. An na Gaines, Trcas; Mrs. Emily unurcnin, i'in sec. Tho pant yoar was a very successful ono for this lodfto. On February 11th wo expect a fraternal visit from Mra. Jessie Jarvia, presi dent of Roboknh Assembly, who was prevented from cominjr in ueccmuor uy tiic sovorely cold weather and now storm. All members should bo present on that uatc. AnnnCnnrlKht, Rec. Sec. According to custom thero will bo a union service at tho Jnmes John High school next Sunday night in honor or tho January graduating class. Bccauso the majority of tho class come from Portsmouth and Peninsula Gram mar Schools tho courtesy of selec ting the minister has boon accor ded to thorn. Thoy hnvo invited Rovorond C. II. Johnston of tho University Park Congregational Church togivo tho sermon. Doc tor E. P. Borden has boon asked to assist. Special music will consist of numborby tho Girls' Gleo Club and n Duot by Mary Kioffor and Glwadya Keeney. Sorvices will bogin promptly at Walter Jenkins, Portland com munity song leader, will hold a community sing at the St. Johns library Saturday at 2:30. It will be worth while. A portable building is being erectod at James John high school to roliovo tho crowded condition of tho present build ing and to caro for the new pupils, enrolling with tho be ginning of tho now term. The annual church and Sunday school nlnnr.lnn nf flm TTnifnrl Evnnirolirnl rhumb ivna linlfl Inof prepared by the ladies, Thursday ovenim? nf. tlm nhnrpi, was enjoyed by all, after rno following 8:00 o'clock. church nffiVnra woro elected: Truaton. f.nrrlnn Ogdon; Treasurer, Mrs. Mont gomery. Tho Sundnv achnnl nf. iicera, who wore elected aro: superintendent Mrs. G. Hall: ist. assistant sunor ntonriont. Airs. linsk ns: 2d n.q.qiHtnnr. superintendent, Lawrence Lay ton; sccrotary, Gordon Ogden; iroasurer, Minnie I'Inskct; fit t.-A. m . t 1 h 9 rinniHt, jurs. uouo Thayer. Utl TUOSdav ovnn Her. Mra snaw'ssundoyschool class enter tainca u. Y. jj. u. at tho Y. M. C. A. rooms. In tho last fow weeks Mrs. Shaw's class has spontsevorai onjoyablo evenings wiin uio university rark class. inooojcctor tho party was to nugmont this interclass friend ship. All members agrco it sprvcu us purposo well, for about thirty people wero present. Mrs. Achlan, teacher of tho vlsiifntr Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Medved leave this week for Nez Perce, Idaho, where they will remain indefinitely. The Pythian Sisters' Club was delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. E. E. Phillips on Leonard street lust Tuesday evening. Instead of having an all day session as usual, the Sis ters met in the evening and an invitation had been given their husbands, tho K. of P.'s. A most bountiful dinner had been which which ouu was piaycu. A largo num hor of members wero present and a most enjoyable evening was spent. The Knights wish the Sisters would hnvo theso more often. All Pythian Sisters arc urged to bear in mind tho meet ings are now every two weoks. and much good benefit is in store for all .who. attend. Re ported. On Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Eugene O'Hara entertained in her usual happy manner, at her homo on E. Polk St., honor ing Miss Eliza Cole, whoso wed ding is an ovent of tho near fu ture. Tho rooms wero tnstcfttllv uecorntcti with urcgon grape anu Japanese lanterns, a mis cellaneous shower was planned for tho afternoon and after sev eral musical numbers tho truest of honor was called upon to pro sido at tho gift table. Many class, hod under hor charge Hoi-hvoro beautiful and useful gifts received. Dainty refresh ments were served at tho close of tho afternoon. Tho invited guests wero Miss Katherino Scott, Etta Alsbcrge, Louise Couch, Mesdames E. O'Hara. F. A.Robertson.A.R.Folkonberg, Davidson, Sommner. Lasky. K. Achermnn. Alico Banburv. Kont. Couch, J. C. Scott, Hutchinson. rico Shaw, Lucy Doty. Donald PorryBolieu, Covey, J. M.Walker Green, Earl Priest. James Vroo- of Independence, Oro., and II. en shoemaker, Minnio Kirknat- rick, Gladys Fifor, Vivian Pin- gor, vanco Cummins, Robert i mi or anu Harold Kouldouirh. WhriO t lOSO of Mra. Shiiw'a ciass wero Leonn Boo'msiiter, Cathor no Banburv. C.rncn r.nttn . . m tf MIKIUI Sophia Larson, Rose Priest, Ella man. burl Stuvonunn. UnUart Lemon, Rollan Swartzand Borgor Amborn. To add to this merrv company woro two v nih. J. a. lianbury am Lucv i.Viiii. 801). In tho COIlrsn nf tUn num.. - - 1 1 W I I ing many lively games wero piayuu anu sonira minir. I. b nil - ;-'r" mi iiiunua uio roiresnments were tno corner of interest. At in-:t(i a very appetizing lunch was aor ycd by Mrs. Priest, and nt 11:00 uio puny uroKo up, each class 1001 1 II ff UOlT.Gr ncntlninfml n.wl closer fellowship between in- uiviuunis. C. Petersen and daughter, Bobby llillHlioro, Ore. littlo son nnd and Dorris of Floyd Ynndle, one of the carpenters nt the St. Johns ter minal, took his wife to view the now structure Sunday afternoon ; besides taking several snap shots of the building, Mrs. Yandlo acompanicd her husband to thu top of tho elevator. She says it is some climb, but the view is worth it. Iho annual shareholders' meet ing of the Peninsula National Bank was hold January 13th. when tho following directors wero elected: Thos. Autzen, A. R. Jobes, F. C. Knupp, II. E. Pennell, Grant Smith, J. N. Edlefsen, K. C. Couch, II. W. Bonham. Tho directors thon elected tho following officers: F. C. Knapp, Chniran of the Board, formerly Vice President; Grant Smith. President; J. N. Edlefsen, Vico President nnd Manager, formerly Cashier; F. P. Drinker, Vice President; C. B. Ruuscll. Cashier, formerly Assistant Cashier; S. L. Dobie, Assistant Cashier; E. R. Morris, Assistant Cashier in credit dept. L.J. Wright. Assistant Cashier. formerly Savings Teller; Miss Grnco .Colo uucceeds Mr. Wright as Savings Teller. This banking institution has shown wonderful growth nnd tho volume of business handled by the most efficient and accommodating corps of officers and assistants is immense. Service is ono of tho lending virtues at this bank. and th is together with courtesy. efficiency and sound mannitc ment has mnda it one of tho great institutions of Portland. lliu annual Imnmictoi thu or ficers, directors and staff of the Bank was hold Tuesday ovenitur at tho Multnomah hotel, in the Hollyhock room, which was beautifully decorated for thuoc HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Tho students are all busy fill ing out their forecasts for next semester. Commencement will be a week from Fridny. Jonunry 23. It is still undecided who tho sneaker of the evening will bo. The Bnccalaureate sermon will be delivered next Sunday by C. A. Johnston of tho University I'nrk I'resbytcrian church. iho new portau o is nroirress "... . " ing nicely, it has been sugges ted to call it I'ortnblo X if any math, classes are held in it. Tho basket ball irnmo at Ililla boro Friday was a decided vie tory for James John. Tho scoro was 31-0. "Pug"Toplo thruw the. most bnskets. This week is Student Bodv election week. Jessun was ro elected President and Leu Has kins is our new Welfare Com missioner. Elections will be held all week. John pennant tor tho class, as they sold tho most tickets, nnd the beautiful sofa pillow top wont to George skolls ns tho individual selling tho most tickets. Also tho football men wero prcsonted with their double J's by Mr. 1'iotcner, ns Mr. Unmpboii was not thero. The following received letters: "Huck" Hlntt. "Dick" Girt,,,Shorm"Chockran, Oliver Jcssup, "Porky" Chatterton, Frank Hedges, "Bob" Millor, James Vrooman, "Jnck" Vin son, "Pug" Toole. John Ohm, "Vic" Brown nnd Tell Will ikson, wero absont, but will rccoivo thoir8 when they come back to school. Two last year graduntes were James John visitors Wednesday. They are Louisa Lott and Znra Hindley.-C. A. W. Tho following was received from L. II. Campbell, for a number of yenrs a resident of St. Johns but now located at Los Angeles: Friond Markle: As I think my subscription ox theso ncx for this semester, and some wise person has said "Ashes to Ashes, Utist to dust. If Emr b h don't kill us, History must." I'ho play. "She Stoons to Con quor," is ready to be given Fri day and Saturday. It is tho big gest and best thinir that Jnmoa John litis uvor put on, and if you fail to see it you miss a urcnt treat. A l'inu class of twentv will graduate in n fow days. Those graduating aro: Edmond Kyunl president, uouivivo Brown vice president, Gladys Coon Secru tnry. Clarence Too o Ires.. ension with poinscltns, white Stanley O'Connor Live wire, Ora Do not bo surprised if you see l,irou ab,9ut tho f,f3t ,of,th,s yunr eso notes no more, because nm sending, you check for yonr'a ixt week is final examinations ronownl.na 1 liko to get tho nowa carnations and tor tho banquet tho evening was ing. narcissus. Af- thu balance of spent in dune- GEORGIA RICH BOS Buth A Lans Blrfg. IS Alntworlh Aim, 410 Otwaoo At. TlSAClllSlt Phonaa Main WooUlnwn Columbia 7000 2002 OS4 Mrs. Gabriel Pullin Voon Tumohor DUphrara Ilrenthlnr, Pornartl Tone placement and CUar diction, rnplla taught t take part in Trioi anil Quartettes. gWlombarj 8t. rhoncCojumbla 182 Mrs. Frank A. Rice CHILD HUJIC SPECIALIST Violin, Alandolln nnd Piano Rkert mctbW crKcttltf pr. pared lor atlulU Studio: 411 S. IWiwn Street Telephone Columbia SSO ELMER SNEEP Violin Instruction STUDIO, 216 N. Syracuse Street Fhona Columbia 302 Inspect These Tires Yourself Please consider this announce meat a cordial invitation to visit our salesroom and inspect these sturdy tires. Save 25 Per Cent On Your Spring Suit All Wool Suits $45 GET IT NOW t New ynrdnpe made at today's prices for tho Spring une are louna to cost per cent more than tho largo t assortment still on display from tho Fall line made one year ago. Compare price advancement on any article the past year to prove my statement. I can tailor to your individual measure on all wool suit as low as $45, fit guaranteed. See me today. Delivery later Waggncr. .Harlan Hiutt. Paul Chattvrton, Dorothy Hoy t, Anna ioolu, udith Ilnrtnal, Alury Kui fur, Helen Story, Ruth Kucco, Francos Foster. Rudy Andorson. Lowell Dotson, Guorgo Walker, Fsther I'ilee nnd Gladys Keenoy. Mr. O'Htty is thu, regiHlrntion leacuur. An Imnnrtnnr iiRHnmlilv wiih hold Tuesday morning. Tho term oough to kocp up of off co Liu nir tin lor tho stti. manu. dent Hody officers, thoy mmlo thuir final renorti ' Iho hard earned prizes woro given to the winners in thu tickotselling con test for thu operetta. Alico Hunhury. president of tho 7th term class, received the James from tho old homo town and know what is doing among old friemlB and neighbors. Wo liko Los Angeles verv much.oHnccinl- ly thu beautiful sunshine which wo enjoy nearly overy day. Al so tho vttogoblcs tnid flowers that grow hero all winter. I noticed tho niece in your minor on the soaring of tho spud. Well you can bo thankful that you nro not paying over $1.00. Down hero wo need to add one or two dollars to that price. Hut Hint is not tho worst: when prcpar ing for tho table wo find uuito n largo part of them not fit for use. Hut we havo ono on Oregon - wo can got good swectti hero for less price than thu Irish no tato. L. II. Smith la back at his old job pcddlimr real oatnto Thero is lots of real estato changing hands here, nu people nro coming in so fast that tho houses for rent nro sosenrco thoy huvo to buy to got a plnco to live. Lots of liousou being built but enn't put them mi fast rrith tho do THEATK13 Jj Open Sundnys 2:1G to 11:00. Momlnys nnd Snttiriliiyn open nt OsJV). Other tiny nt 7:00. lingular Atliuliwlou fie, lie, lie, SntunUy, Iniiunry 17tli VIVIAN MARTIN In "THH THIRD KISS." Pnrumoiint. Siimliijr, Jinimry 18th MAY ALLISON In "l'AIR AND WARMUU." l'rotn the jilny of the Mina iinuic. Suo thU one. It will jilcnhc yon. Mondny nml Tucsilnv. Inntmrv 10-20 SESSUE HAYAKAWA In "Tint HltCRUT UAMIt'nnd "Klino thu MlRhty," No. 17. Wcdncolny. Jnmmrv 1! I nt .TACK IMCKFORD WKONtt." In "IN Thurmlny nml l'rldny, Jmumry 22.2.1 "The Auction of Souls" A hl; scltil prodncUnn howln the trcMtniL'ttt of thu Artntminm hy thc Turks. It will ntukc yonr hlmxl Ixiil. AdinUilon ndnlta 20c, chil ilrcn 10c. SAturdny, Jnmmry Ullh A lMrnmount-Artcrnft niicolnl "THE LIFE LINE." A T.'nrnwir pro-itnctlon. Hon Peterson of Smith nvo nuo snyti no Dots inn l-ord can kick harder than Milligansmulu mo is suffering with a brokon nrm, the result of ono of Its kicks. (1 11 ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN Bank of Commerce Balding ST. JOHNS Open Evenings t Wc Use Plain Language Mrs.BerthaC.Burdick (Licentltatc of the Royal Academy of Muilc, London.) Teacher of Piano 1937 Hodge St. Phone Col. 87a Dr. Evart P. Borden Fatalus Kxtraction of Teeth under Nitrous Oxide Gas EE Office Peninsula Bauk bldg. Office phone Col. 6)25; rea. phone Col, 477 Hour 9-12 x. at, J 1:101 and 7-8 p. m. Phone Columbia 379 Res. Columbia 1131 Dr. F. P. Schultze Physician and Surgeon Room 10 Peninsula Bank Building DR. L. F. PICKENS, DENTIST Office Hours 8 to It A. M. 1 U 6 P. II. Hvealnjs 7 to 9 Peninsula. Bauk Bldr. Office rhonr Columbia nS3 5 TTOISIES A new shipment lias nlreailv j arrived and we join Barney Oldfield in recommending thenr to you ns The most trustworthy tire built" We also do first class tire repair- anu retreading and carry the best best Hue of used tires in the city. Dr. Samuel A. Mulkey DJSNTI8T Office Roouii C, 7 ami 8 PENISSUU SECURITY BLOC Hour 0 to 12; 1:30 to 5 l'.venliiKS 8 to U I08 5. Jersey St. ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND. OREGON Phone Ctlut&bU 930 J. W, BOTTOM National Vulcanizing Co. Kalsomini"g Paintig 205 S, Jersey St. in uescnuirur our naints. Don't indulge in hifalutin talk calculated to bewilder or deceive the inexperienced 1 . rm 1 1 uuyer, xne result is wo . .. 1.. 1 TUC OT If! LI MO PA DA PC vurJ iwroiy inuueu receive 1 Ht oliJUnno UAllAut any complaints retrardintr our paint. People come here and French Dry Cleaning And Pressing Wo On For ittul Dullvot LAUNDRY PROMPT SERVICE W.J. HAYZLETT 217 N. Jersey St. Phone Columbia 951 216 North Jersey St. Authorized Ford Service Sta- Only genuine Iford parts used. tiou, Columbia 873 C. 433 Charleston St. PHONE COLUMBIA 1130 HOW many people can, you think of right now who would like to have your pho tograph, and how long since that last one was made? Hake an appointment today The HOES STUDIO . Oppolte Ccntml 5hool DEARING'S For Fine Chocolates Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars 311 South Jersey Street buy with their eyes wide open and get exactly what they think they are getting. Byerle & Armstrong 420 North Jersey Street Tires, size 30x3, guaran teed 6000 miles, $18.00 up. CARS STORED Woolley Bros. riione Columbia 6'JO. MASQUERADE SUITS FOR RENT Mrs. J. A. Hyde, 214 Fessenden Street St. Johns Undertaking Co. THOS. GRICE, Manager 208 North Jersey Street Office, Columbia 527 PHONES - Residence, Columbia 299 ylUTOflOBILE HEylR&E DAY OR NIGHT CALLS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION This is not a branch of any city undertaker's Thare U rtalljr no comparltnu between the eateaml thorough' nri with which nu lilectrla dottier removtil illrt amt the illdiculty ol iweepInK, True, one CAN clean tni and carpets without' an electric cleanor, A broom or arp weeper will bruih up SOUK of thu dirt, and il jou like thu tixercle nnd have plenty of tiuiu and atrength a hnxiiii and carp et beater will do the work afti h fashion, In the Msit way ono caii wash without toap, Watvr a. lone will remote smn dirt if upplicd with enough "elbow KrcHse." Hut people um lunp b un it cleaua more (daily and butter thim witter alone, 1'or the miiic imuou pople u o lilectric Clcanvi bvcii they clean moft eaillr and far bettr than other uiethodi, VRKSU IMtOM THIS IJAKIJKY a layer cake Is a drentn to behold and a joy to taste, I.iglit as n sun beam, with filling that (iimply can not he described, the cake will prove a royal treat. At yonr next affair order one and you'll make yotirnelf I famous lor your splendid hospitality. Wc hate the best. Orders Ukei for Wedding Cike. Fennln's Bakery and Delicatessen 1 1 5 North Jersey Street Portland Railway Light & Power Company 'Buy You EJecif ic Goods l an Eltctric Stori LEWIS CALDWELL LKADING KAKBEIt The place where irood arlce and coutteoua treatment prevail, Chlldrtu'a liiiir cutting receive tpeclal uttcntloa. 109 BURLINGTON STREET Sunday, Jnmmry Wth ENID DENNETT ItVKKV WOMAN I'arnmoiiut. In "WHAT MtAUNS."- Momlny nnd Tiicitday, Jiimmry liibi!7 VIVIAN MARTIN In "UNCI.AIM. HI) tH)()l)S." I'liriiitiiiiint. And END OF ELMO THE MIGHTY. Wodiiemlay, Jmumry !Mth ANITA STEWART In "MAUV KUT.AN."- I'liht Natlou.il. Thurmlny, January '.Will NORMA TALMADGE In "Tlllt ISI.lt OV Ct)Nilll(,ST.,,-Sol't. I'rlday, Jaiiutiry IIOIIi DOROTHY DALTON I" i., in "lAl'ACMI Olll. nix nolft. A khm1 Salunliiy, Jatnmry .tint BILLY BURKE I Illlt Ml- MtAIIINC WII)()W."-AH'rMft. Dr. W. J. Gilslrap Physician and Surgeon Glasses Accurately Filled OriMOIt HOUKS 0.00 to 12 M. OI'l'ICIW 1:80 to 4:80 I'. M. I'luilmuila He. 7:00 to H.OO I'. M. i-uilirbhk' flundayi, i).(X) to 0:SO A, M. Dr. Herbert F. Jones CHIROPRACTOR .111 North Jersey Street Day Phone Columbia 97 Night I'hoiitt Columbia 6J0 Davis Barber Shop otld IJATJI KOOMs S, W, DAVIS, Proprietor OS IMiihuUlphU St. Hat lii. 35c PENINSULA HUE ABSTRACT I REALTY CO H. HENDERSON, Manager 402 N. Jartay Street AbttracU of Title I'rciMired Title lixumiawl Pbone Columbia 265 Hauling and Moving OF ALL KINDS Donu qutokly niuf juxtmnt ly iMiiy iria luniiiiirom 1'urtluml Phone Col. 1040 IS C. KlCfimonU M. Poff & Green TRANSFER AND STORAGE Snnd and Crawl 1 1 aula! Dally Triiw to Portland bone Col. 308 206 N. JERSEY ST EXPRESS - - " Wc haul any thine, any time, auv ilacc. Prices reuonablc IMily Trij to rortluud I'houu Columbia nqalre, 317 N. Jersey St. Pulley & Zurcher Plumbing, Heating & Tinning We Repair Aluminum Ware I'Uout Col. 92 207 S. Jcrioy St.