St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 09, 1920, Image 1

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ki$ME 16
News in General
Patronlzo the Review adver
tisers. f Mrs. James Watt of San Fran
cisco'is a truest at the home of
her mothar, Mrs. E. D. Vinson
on South Ivanhoo stroat.
It has been our observation
that whon a holiday comes around
overybody takos advantage of it
except those who need it tho
most. Ex.
E. S. Wright, merchant of
Cooks, Wash., was a St. Johns
viaitor tho first of tho week. He
was a well known roaidont of
this place six or soven years ago,
.when ho was ongaged in tho
contracting business. Ho re
ports bu3inosB flourishing at
Cooks, whoreho is also post
master. Tho cost bill of tho Evening
Telegram in tho recent $50,000
libel suit brought by Alzamon
Ira Lucas and won by the defense
was filod in tho circuit court
Tuesday. Tho total was $73G.
90, which will bo assessed against
tho self-styled "healer" as his
sharo of tho cost of dofending
tho action ho brought. This is
far' from tho sum tho defense
actually cost'tho newspaper, as
it does not include special wit
ness fcu3. cost of investigators
in sovoral states nor attorneys'
fees, which will run in to tho
thousands. Of t o $730.90, $350
is for depositions taken in Los
Angolos and Soattle, $108 for
circuit court fees and tho re
mainder for tho fflesandmilcago
of 21 witnosacs called. Oregon
ran. A pleasant Burpriso dinner
was .afforded Mrs. L. M. Palm
er, 625 N. Smith Avonuc, Sun
day, by her daughters and sons
with their families. Those pros
ont vroro: Frank Pdlmor, Will
Palm or, wifo and two children;
Roicoa Palmor, wifo and two
ckildron; Charles Palmar, wifo
and four children; HarrySchmidt
wife and threo children; E. C.
Powell, wifo and daughter; Del
bcrtCpx, wifo and two children;
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gatton and
'tughter; Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
(cCall, Miss Mario Hoin. Tho
family waB represented by all
members with tho oxecption of
ono daughter, a son-in-law and
two granddaughters and ono
great grand daughter.
80S Bush 4 Lan BMu,
IS Alniwarth Ave.
410 Oawao Bt.
Mrs. Gabriel Pullin
Vooitl Temokor
DItphram Breathing, 1or'rrard Tone
placement and'Cler diction,
roplli taught t taka part in Trloa ami
W6 Lombard at, rbone Columbia 182
Mrs. Frank A. Rice
Violin, Mandolin and Piano nclb4 ttptctallf prtpartd lor adults
Studio: 411 S. Hdison Street
Telephone Columbia 139
Violin Instruction
STUDIO, 21B N. Syracse Street
rkane Columbia 803.
(Liccntitate of the Royal Academy
( Muilc, -London.)
Teacher-of Piano
H3T Hodge St. Phone Col. 871
Dr. Evart P. Borden
PaUless Extraction of Teeth under
Nitrous Oxide Gas
Office, Peninsula Bank bids.
OMce phone Col. o!5;.rM, phone Col. 477
Hourt f -13 a. as.; 1:101 and 7-1 p. m.
Phoae Columbia 375
lea. Columbia 1131
Dn F. P. Schultze
Physician and Surgeon
Hoom 10 Peninsula Bank. .Building
OtBee Hours to 12 X. U.ltit P. M.
H-rtnipi 7.t9
Ptninjula Bank Bldr.
OSci Phone Colombia II 13
Mrs. J. A. Hyde, 214 Fessenden Street
Percy Douglas has been laid,
up for tho past, couple of weeks,
having injured, a, .tendon of his
knee by stooping down suddenly
while at work.
A pedigree as long as a clothes
lino isn't worth a cent if tho in-J
dividual isn't what ho should be.
This applies to a man as well as
to a hog.
After tho ceromony tho bride
groom dcew the clergyman aside
and said in a whisper: I'm sorry
I have no money to nay your fee,
but if you like I'll show you how
to fix your gas motor so that
It won't rogistor.
After a serious illness Rev.
Lay ton will bo back in tho pulpit
of the United Evangelical Church
for the morning service on Sun
day. Jnnuary 11th. Very grate
ful for his speedy recovery, his"
congregation awaits to welcome
him back into the harness, and
ho has promises of support from
every member.
R. E. Scott, ex-secretary of tho
Hood Rivor Commercial club,
announced the sale of Meadow
brook farm, 60 acre orchard placo
of tho Oak Grovo district, by
Dr. Joseph McChesnoy of St.
Johns, to Mr. nnd Mrs. John II.
Hillcs, former residents of Evan
ston, HI. Tho consideration
was $35,000.
With charity for nil I walk tho
yillngo street; I see a duffer
fall, and lift him to his feet. I
dry tho widow's tears, and still
tho orphan's sighs; 'and when
a bum appears, 1 feed him pump
kin pies. With charity on file,
my fallings do not count; my
soul may harbor guile in fabu
lous amount; but charity's a
cloak that Covers all my sins,
and so through town I poke, nnd
meet with friendly grin. With
charity for all I go my modest
way, and strivo not to recall 411
talcB of yesterday; tho rumor
foul and diro that mirch a fel
low's name, nnd drag through
muck and mire aomo onco un
spottod fame. I struggle to for
get tho libels doubly baBO which
mako tho victims sweat in an
guish and disgrace. With charity
1 greet tho follows who havo
failed and all whoso futilo feet
havo to deminition trailed. I'm
not so Bnowy whito that I can
cit on high, and hand out words
that blight, to any erring guy.
If charity is mino I may havo
countless faults, but my whito
soul will shino when through
tho Gates I waltz. Walt Mason.
Main 7000
Wootflawn S002
Columbia 004
Inspect These
Tires Yourself
Please consider this announce
ment n cordial invitation to visit our
salesroom nnd inspect these sturdy
A new shipment has already
arrived and we join Barney Oldfield
in recommending them to you as
"The moit tnftfwortby tires built"
We also do first class tire repair
and retreading and carry the best
best line of used tires in the city.
National Vulcanizing Go,
205 S, Jersey St,
HOW many people can you
think of right now who
would like to have your pho
tograph, and how long since
that last one was made?
Make an appointment today
Oppo&c Central School
Mrs S. I. Irwin .has opened
up her fine roorainrr house at 116
East Chicago Btroet.
Mistress You Bay you can't
read, Norah. the world
did you ever learn to cook so
well? New Cook Sliure, mum,
Oilay it to not being able torade
the cook books Ex.
According to experiments
made at the Pasteur institute in
Paris, an average of about six
quarts of alcohol can be obtain
ed from each 100 pounds of sea
weed. But what's the use?
Tho census takers aro now
busilv encaged In taking the
census of St. Johns. Just what
St. Johns' population will be re-
vcalcd to be, is a matter ot lively
conjecture. It is safe to say it
will bo almost double wnat it was
in 1910. whon the census show
ed 4872 souls residing in St
Johns. About 8000 is the guess
of several of our citizens.
Tho convocation of the United
Evangelical Church listened to
two very interesting and bene
ficial sermons on Sunday, Janu
ary 4th. In tho morning Rev.
Ford pronchod from tho subject,
TheSccond Mile." In the cvon-
inrr Dr. E. P. Borden had tho
pulpit and proached from tho
toxt,"Lovest thou me morothnn
these." as recorded in tito zm
chaptcrof St. John.
Now Year's Ere being tho flf
teonth wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ashby.
about 70 of their friends and
acquaintances gathered at their
home, G15 W. Edison street, to
eclcbrato tho occasion by watch
ing the old year out nnd tho new
ono in. A bountiful lunch was
served and dancing was indulged
until an car y hour in tho
morning, when tho guests de
parted wishing. Mr. and Mrs.
Ashby many happy years to
Rubber Shoes
t Slickers
I Wool Socks
! Work Shirts
I Work Pants
Dress Gloves,
You know it's good if. you get it from .
t Bink if Commrei BoMing ST.
The Bank Of Commerce
116 North Jersey St,
Business coucerns and
individuals are invited to
bank with this institution
uudcr the assurance that
prompt aud courteous
treatment with every con
sistent accomodation will
always be exteuded.
For Fine Chocolates
Ice Cream, Tobacco and Chjars
311 South Jersey Street
Davis Barber Shop
5. tf. DAVIS, Propnctw
10S Philadtlf hu St. Batha 36c
"Yes," in teaching stonogaphy
we are strong on accuracy."
"How aro you on speed?" "Well,
tho last girl wo graduated mar
ried her employer in three
weeks." Judge.
Ezra: "These city fellows will
find it mghty hard to go with
out their booze." Uncle Ebon:
"Yep, and it takes years of ex
perience before a fellow gets to
know just which medicines con
tain tho most alcohol."
OnTuesday ovening.Deceinber
30th, tho K. L. C. E. of tho
United Evangelical Church hold
a business meeting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Lay ton
for tho purpose of their semi
annual oloction of officers. The
resultBareaB follows: President,
Lawrence L. Lnyton; Vice Pres.,
Alton Rassi; Secretary, Olive
Lay ton; Treasurer, Ted Muol
lor; Cor. Secretary, Luclla Ed
mondson; Pianist, DoraLayton;
Chorister, Faith Greene.
Negotiations will bo opened by
tho public dock commission with
tho O. W. R. R & N. company
for the purchase ofi strip of
ground 100 feet wide nnd 1500
feet long adjacent to tho sito of
the St. Johns municipal terminal
on tho south. A committee con
slating of John II. Burgard, F.
C. Knnpp and A.H. Averill was
appointed Tuesday to open no
gotlntions. Tho commission de
sires this ground as a alto for a
dry dock or othor facilities in
connection with tho terminal.
Engineer Ilegnrdt was directed
to maku arrangements with the
Port of Portland commission for
tho dredging of tho channel in
front of tho proposed Bites for
piora Nos. 3 and 5. He also was
Instructed to prepare plana for
bunkcrago facilities for coal,
sulphur and other products.
When in need of small arti
cles, get them at tho fi-KMBc
store, St. Johns; in tho Penin
sula National Bank Building.
. 2.90
50c up I
98c up
$1.95 up
Work Gloves
JOHNS Open wings
216 North Jersey St.
Authorized Ford Service Sta
tion. Only genuine Ford
parts used.
Tires, size 30x3, guaran
teed 6000 miles, $18.00 up.
Woolley Bros.
Phone Columbia 600.
Dr. Samuel A. Mulkey
Office Rooms 6, 7 and 8
Houn 9 to 12; 1:30 to 6 KvenhiK 8 to 9
I08 S. Jersey St.
Phtnc Ctlunbli 930
Kalsomining Painting
Columbia 873
E. 433 ChdHsttn St.
$1.35 up
JANUARY 9, 1920.
"She" weeps constantly.
"She" flits. Sunday J"sho"
was in Laurelhurst; Monday,
Portland Heights; Tuesday, St.
Johns. "She" is heavily veiled.
"Her" gusty sobs flutter tho
veil. In a voico husky with
emotion "sho" tells whoever an
swers her timid knock at the
door a sad, sad story. "She"
i.q n widow. Her husband hav-
ling shuffled off in Butte, or
Denver, or Kalamazoo, or somo
1 where; she has come to Portland
seeking relatives. Sho has missed
thorn. And, alas! she finds her
self without car fare. Sho
droops with fatigue. "Sho"
has been getting away with it,
inn Hut nf Rf. .1 nlma Tiinsrlnv
it was reported to thow police
that the wind caught "nor
veil and toro it aside, right in
rlin mMrlln nf (lin nnrl ntnt'V.
and disclosed to view stubble on
a granite chin. "Sho" is a
man I News.
Rnplnl nnrnaL was the theme
of Dr. Edward T. Dovino'B ad
dress at tho Portland Woolen
mills club house Monday night
following a dinner given by tho
Social Worker's association of
Oregon. "Remove tho catiBo of
Mm ntrttittfnn rnthur than the
agitator, get together and hold
reasonable discussions 01 1110
social problems which aro con
fronting your own community,"
ho said. E. L. Thompson, pros.
ident of tho Woolen mills, said
Mm Inline turn nvnr YIIS less
than 20 per cent in tho mill as
compared with 400 and up toiuuu
per cent in some places. W. G.
MacLaron, superintendent of tho
Pacific Coast Rescue and Protec
tive Bociety, presented thoitced
for an appropriation to provide
n n1m fir Mm enru nf fouhlo
minded children under flvo years
of ago. At present thesu child
ren nro not admitted lo the state
institution. A motion was mado
hv M Mil n Trumbull which
carried and a committoo was ap
pointed to proparo such a bill,
which is to bo presented at the
jpeclul meeting or mo legisia-
(lint Tim ntrmlttl0 n Mrs.
'lYnmiinll. W. (J. MucLuron nnd
Miss Emmadu Hrulllo. Another
bill which it was voted to intro
duce provides for sterilization of
tho feeble-minded. The I'ortinnti
Woolen mills orchestra lurnlBheci
music and two Koloa woro given
by II. L. Graham, an overseas
man. Ho also leu the singing
of "Amorica" and "Swaneo
River." Plates were laid for 130.
A Dutch Treat
Is where everyone re
ceives just the equivalent of
what they give. You al
ways get the worth of your
money here. Our hardware
is high grade and of the best
quality, and our prices are
bed rock. You certainly re
ceive the equivalent of your
money in hardware here.
Byerle & Armstrong
420 No'rth Jersey Street
a layer cake is a dream to behold
and a joy to taste. I.Ight as a sun
beam, with flllimr that simply can
not he described, the cake will prove
a royal treat. At your next affair
order one and you'll make yourielf
famous for your splendid hospitality.
We hut the bctt. Orders liken for WeJdlo Cikc
Fenninjj's Bakery and Delicatessen
115 North Jersey Slrett
School again and no vacation
to iook lorwaru 10. iNotning,
only final examinations.
Next Friday Jaraea John playa
its first basket ball enmo of
the season. It is to he nUyed
with Hillaboro at Hillaboro. Tho
lineup is as follows: Richard
Girt, "Huck" Hlatt, Brame,
Kuards; Hedges center: Toole,
Bower, forwards; J. 13. Kalm
bach coach.
Tho class play of the Fob. '20
class, "Sho Stoops to Conquer"
a comedy in fivo acts, Is tho big
gest thing in dramatics that
James John has over undertaken
and It promises to bo a big suc
cess, Tickets nro on sale at 30
conts n seat. It will bo presen
ted on January 1G nnd 17.
On December SO, Miss Clinton
entertained tho graduates of
last Juno at her homo. Ercrr
ono pronounced her a delightful
hostess. Miss Clinton was the
graduates' registration teacher
last year.
Tho Student Body party is to
bo held Friday evening. Ono of
the ohicf features of the ovon
ing will be tho presentation of
"Cleopatra, Tho Siren of tho
Nile,'' which isan opera. Erma
Griswold is Cleopatra and Stanley
O'Connor, Mark Anthony.
One of tho busiest of our many
busy BtudcntB is Stanley O'Con
ner, nB he is in tho senior play,
"Sho Stoops to Conusor", also
tho oporn "Cleopatra, Tho Siren
of Tho Nile." Besides consider
able work to do with tho Turn
ulum, which will noon mako its
nnpcarnnco.and then not to men
tion at all the school work which
ho must keep up.
On Tuesday ovcry ona was shot
with the camora, as a man was
at school taking tho class pictures
for the Tumalum.
Miss Groves, tho head of I). S.
was a James John visitor Wad
neaday. C. A. W.
Hurry Rawaon formerly twell
known St. Johns yountr man.
hut for tho naatfow years heinr
located ut Snokano. uroetod
friends hero Inst Friday. He wan
on his wny to Ollfornlu where
lio will spend seroral weeks in
tho interest of thecompany with
which ho is connected.
French Dry Cleaning
And Pressing
1ro Oitll Ikir nnd UoUvoc
217 N. Jersey St.
Phone Columbia 951
Why the Electric Cleaner
There li rt.lly no coinpirlioa
between the .ate and thorough
nets with which au MctrU
Cleaner removtil dirt and tlio
(lldiculty of aneeplnj;,
True, one CAN clean rrtre and
carcta nlthout an electric
cleaucr, A broom or aarpet
weeper will brush up SOUK
of th. dirt, and it jou like tilt
txercise and have plenty of tlm
aud strength a broom and carp
et beater4 III do the work aftar
a fashion.
In the Mine war one an
wash without oap, Watar a.
lone will remote aonie dirt if
applied with enough "albow
Hut people iim soap WMUe
it cleans more cy an bvtttr
thnn water alone,
I-'or the same raaaou pople
use Iitectric Cltantrs bucause
they clean more easily and far
betttr than other methods.
Portland Railway
Light & Power Company
'Buy Yoiv Electric Goods at an UictncStuTi"
The lace where good sarrlce and
courteous treatment prevail, Childran'a
hair cutting receive special attention.
., l.lit
Open bumlftys 2:15 to 11:00.
MouiIats nnd Saturdays oticn at d'M,
Otber days at 7:00.
Regular AiIuiIhIou Co, 11c, lfc.
Satunlay, January 10th
WIDOW UY l'KOXY."- .Ulctuft.
Sunday, Jauu-i 1' ;i
BILLY .Un.Ki In'SA. l.'.OVIt1
Monday nnd Tucsil , l,!urv lH-lU
J. oTEVVAF., ftlrtCKTON "
"A WOULD l'OR ,ua."-l1wi.
amount. Also "l'.lmo the lifahly."
Wednesday, Jntnwry 14th
Thursday nnd l'rlday. January 15-10
ICAN," aii eiKlit reel rx.cml. Ail
inlstlon adults 20c. children 10c.
Saturday, January 17th
THIRD KISS." l'araiuottut.
Sunday. January 18th
WARMHR." l'rotn the Uy of Oie
Mino name. Sat IliU tiu. It will
j)lcc you.
Monday and Tiiwd.i. Js .aty ID B0
MBCRKT O 4 " .1 "KIiim ttw
Mighty," No. li.
Wednesday, January lilit
Thursday and l'rlday Juutuiry
"The Auction of Souls"
A big specUl production rtniwiiiK
the t.eatnieut of tin- Armenian liy
the Turks. It wilt iimlte your hlouil
Imll. Adtulstlou- lultn 'iOc, chil
dren 10c.
Saturday, January 2llh
A l'attiiiouiit-Arlcrnlt six-clul "TI1U
LIFE LINE." A Tourumir pro.
Sunday, January 25th
Monday nnd Tucadny, Jmiuarv S7
HI) GOODS." r.irmiiouiit. Ajwl
Wednesday, Jauuury lli
RKOAN."-I'lrl Natioiul.
Dr. W. ', Gilstrap
Physician nnd Surgeon
Classes Accurately Fitted ,
opricit houn.
;( iau. OIMMCRS
1:80 ta 4'0 I1. M. I'mnIumIm ll
7:01 to 8.00 f, M. curity
fluaisjs, 9.00 to 10 30 A. M.
Dr. Herbert F. J Ones
311 North Jersey Street
Day Pk.ue
C.luiibls 97
Night I'houu
Columbia 690
St. Johns Undertaking Co.
308 N. Jersey Street
Calsmkia 2W - Phone-- Columbia HI
Antouinbilc Hcnrsc.
Ill Our Mtti Before Sting lo PirNind
H. HENDERSON, r- -agor
402 N, Jo St
Abstracts af i " trJ
Title Stxauinvd
fh.a. CoUuiWIa 2K
Hauling and Moving
Doitv quillet v uiid pram (tly
Uall) Trips t ard (rum t'ortlaad
fkm csi. nw 7IS fi. Richmond St.
Poff & Green
Seind and Grand itauttxl
Dojly Trim to rortlatid
UmM. m 206 N. JERSEY ST
We haul any thing, any time, any
place. Prices reasonable
Dally Trips to Portland
EBinito, 317 N. Jersey St. coitSw "
Pulley & Zurcher
Plumlfing, Moatlny & Tinning
W Kepatr Alttmlmmt Ware
Plicae eK 2 'JOV S, Jsrsey 3t,