ST. JOHNS REVIEW VOLUME 10 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1919. NUMBER 5 News in General Patroniao the Review adver tisers. Ladies, come to the Library next Monday at two p. m. to the Woman's Christian Temper ance Union. What tho year has meant to me, by the mem bers. Reporter. Mr. Josoph Koeneke and Miss Bessie Hayes were united in marriage at the homo of the brido's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Smith, 838 N. Jersey stroot, December 10th. Tho Ladies' Aid society of the Christian church will hold a sale Tuesday, Dccombor 10th, at Dr. Jonas' ofncc.311 N.Jorsoy street. Tho ladies have many pieces of hand work as well as aprons, comforters, etc., moderately priced. If you are planning to buy books for tho children, and of course ovcry child must roceive at loast one, try and soo tho special' collection of books for Christmas buying at tho St. Johns Library for suggestions. There uro oxpensivo books and choan books, and tho librarian will bo very glad to give any advice for buying. Notwithstanding the storm, tho James John High School stu dents will present tho one act drama, "Tho Forward Pass," and tho two act operetta, "Lovo Pirates of Hawaii," Friday and Saturday evenings of this week. The faculty feels that postpone, mont of an ovont dampens on thusiasm. Tho student body as sumes that tho St. Johns citi zens, being tired of tho snow blockade, will heartily welcome an ovening of wholesome and genuinofun and entertainment. Frank A. Rico has openod up lawyer's ofllco in the Peninsula Security company building, as will bo notod by his announce ment elsewhcro in this paper. Mr. Rico is a well and most fav orably known young man of St. Johns who was admitted to the bar somo years ago. For four or five years ho was City Recor der and thon Citv Treasurer of the old city of St. Johns, and later onftaged in tho banking busineai. Mr. Rice is hound to succeed, as he has all tho at tributes that go to make up a uccesaful career. GEORGIA RICH 11 AN o PUPIL aCATRICC HIODCN CICHtNLAUB. HI! Buth A Lsn Bld, Marshall 1307 Is Almworth Ava, Phenaa- Woodlawn 2002 410 Oawago St. Columbia 004 Mrs. Gabriel Pullin Voonl 2'onaliar Risphram Ureathinjr. l'orwnrd Tone placement and Clear diction, Pupils taught ta taka part iu Trios and Quartettes. Hi Lombard St. FlionoCo1urobU 182 Mrs. Frank A. Rice CHILD MUSIC SPECIALIST Violin, Mandolin and Piano Bkort methoa eiptcUtlr prepared (or adutU Studio: 412 S. Kdlson Street Telephone Columbia 389 ELMER SNEED Violin Instruction STUDIO, 315 N. Syracuse Street rkenc Columbia 303 Mrs.BerthaC.Burdick (Liceutitate of the Royal Academy ( Music, London.) Teacher of Piano i37 Hodge St. Phone Col. 87a Dr. Evart P. Borden DBNTIOT Painless Extraction of Teeth und?r Nitrous Oxide Gas Office Peninsula Dank bldg. Offica phone Col. 626; rei. phone Cel. 477 Jlaurs -U a. m.; 1:30 6 and 7-1 p. ta, Fhoae Columbia 379 Kes. Columbia 1 131 Dr. F. P. Schultze Physician and Surgeon loom 10 Peninsula Bank Building " DR. F- PICKENS, DENTIST OBta HaursS to 11 A. M, 1 ta 6 P. U. graning 7 to 9 rtninsula Bank Bldr. Otic Phone Colombia 1 183 MASQUERADE SUITS FOR RENT Mrs. J. A. Hyde, 214 Fessenden Street Mrs. Alex. Davison and Mrs. Lybarger, sistors of Mrs. VV. A. Carroll, are in town visiting. They are from South Dakota and Iowa, and expect to stay until after Christmas. If you have any Christmas victrola records Miss Bowers of the library would liko to bor row them for a musical after noon at tho library on Decem ber 23. Ploaso leave word in the library what records you have., An evangelist who was con ducting nightly services an nounccd that on tho following ovening no would talk on the ssubjectof Liars." He advised his hearers to read in advance tho seventeenth chapter of Mark. Tho next night he nroso and said: "I am go nir to Drench on Liars' tonltmt and would liko to know how many have read the chanter I sutrtrestcd." A hundred hands were upraised. "Now," ho said, "you are the persons I want to talk to there isn't any seventeenth chapter of Mark"-Ex. Work in digging a channel from Columbia river slough to tho Columbia river, that the slough may be utilized as a sow er outlet for tho Peninsula dis trict. wasBtarted Saturday. City Engineer Laurgaard estimates the work will cost close to $350. 000 and will take six months to complete. Property owners will bo asscssod approximately $10 a lot. Delays in obtaining and set ting up machinery prevented the Pacific Bridge company from carrying out its contract to com plete the cast bank of tho chan nel by January 1st. Laurgaard believes it will bo March 1st be fore tho work can bo finished. Petitions bearing tho names of approximately 2000 residonts of the St. Johns district favored the purchaso of tho Gaplcs tract offered to tho city for $25,000. The assessed valuation of the proporty is only $10.1GO and it is probable that the city will insti tute condemnation proceedings in the circuit court to determine tho prico on this tract, should the council conclude to purchase it. Tho Capes tract is favored by Commissioner Pier over two other tracts, ono known as tho McKenna tract and tho other under various ownerships which is located adjacent to tho railroad cut. Orcgonian. Who is ROGERS? Inspect These Tires Yourself Please consider this announce ment a cordial invitation to visit our salesroom aud inspect these sturdy tires. "TOES A uew shipment has already arrived and we join Barney Old field in recommending them to you as "The wot trustworthy tires built" National Vulcanizing Go. 205 S, Jersey St, PHONE COLUMBIA 1130 HOW many people can you think of right now who would like to have your pho tograph, and bow long since that last one was made? Hake an appointment today The HOES STUDIO OppotXc Central Sdiool Mrs. C. E. Carr of East Sev enth street, broucht in a branch from one of her raspberry bushes loaded with large, well colored fruit one day last week, says the Sellwood Bee. , You may be interested 'n tho December National Geographic Magazine. A military number. it contains illustrations of the Amorican decorations and insiir nia of honor and service. Other articles are on celebrating Christ mas on tho Mouse and The Cam el of tho Frozen North. This magazine is on file at the library. J. M. Sloan. Mrs. Arthur Sloan and Mrs. Hattio Keid vis ited Miss Stevens at tho North School last week. Mr. Sloan. who is tho father of Arthur Sloan, was formerly sheriff of Lane county, but is now located in Gillam county. Moro than $2,000,000 worth of cargo handled, or destined to be handled through Portland, lay at St. Johns municipal terminal in slip No. 1 most of last week, demonstrating the possibilities in that enterprise and showing tho volume of offshore trading now boing done here. The steamer Olockson has a cargo of Hour and lumber valued at close to $1,000,000. Tho lumber goes to Ualboa for the govern ment and tho Hour to Now York for the grain corporation. Tho cargo being sent to tho Orient on tho steamer Conxot, consist ing of cotton, lumber, stoel pro ducts and other goods is said to bo worth more than 51.000.000. and a hlirh valuation is nlaccd on tho 2800 tons of molasses brought into Portland from tho Hawaiian islands by tho barken tine Falls of Clyde. St. Johns terminnl project is not nearly complete, but its docks aro al ready piled high with freight and another immense cargo for tho Orient is now being assem bled for the steamer Montague. FOR HIS XMAS A SmnU Damult Holds Any Avtlolo Auto Driving Gloves, Warmly Lined $3.75 Alcn's FIno Hosiery 25c, 35c, 50c, 65, 75c, $1.00 Silk Handkerchiefs In Xmas packages 60c President Suspenders in Holly Box 75c Combination Set Garters and Sleeve Holders 75c Very Nice Dress Shirts . . .$1.50 up Underwear $1.25, 2.25, 2.50, 3.50,5.00, 6.00 Dress Gloves $2.75, 3.00, 3.50 Warm Jersey Gloves 30c, 35c. 50c, 75c Heavy Durable Work Socks 50c HATS, CAPS, NECKTIES, Flannel Shirts, Work Pants, Alackinaws, Stag Shirts, Overcoats Arctic Leggings, Heavy YOUR CONFIDENCE IS MY BIGGEST ASSET ROGERS TUC DAIMmAT MAM l l tu i rn iv t Bank ol Commerce Building ST. The Bank Of Commerce 116 North Jersey St, Business concerns and individuals are invited to bank with this institution uuder the assurance that prompt and courteous treatment with every con sistent accomodation will always be extended. DEARING'S For Fine Chocolates Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars 311 South Jersey Street Davis Barber Shop and BATH BOOMS S. If. DAVIS, Prtprieter 108 Philadelphia St. Bathi 3S J. A. Hoes, the well known photographer, has returned from the hospital, where he under went an operation, and is now getting along nicely. "A Child Plus Good Books Equals a Citizen of Greater Use fulness." This slogan has been adopted by tho Boy Scouts of America and is a worthy one to consider. To sea tho children at the library, ono calling for a book on South America, another wants to find out how to make an airplane, and still another asks for a book on tho caro of nets, indicates thnt tho average child is hungering to know things. Tho ono who reads worth while books is the child who advances, and it should bo tho aim of cvory paront to put into the hands of his child tho best literature possible. Women will tako the census in Portlnnd; or rather, 237 of the 29(1 enumerators in tho Third congressional district will be women. Most of them are houso- wives. Wo want to earn a little money and penorm a civic duty," 133 women told William Bennctt.supcrvisoroi the census for the Third congressional dis trict. It isn't because Women have more brains than men that most of the enumerators will be of tho "weaker" sex. Not at all, Bennett declares, it is sim ply because most of tho bio ap nlicants were women. The census-taking will begin J miliary and continue two weeks. Everyone is asked to familiarize l mso f w th extensive history. Bediming with the wifo. those nearest in relation to tho head of tho family must bo named in the fo ow nir order: Children, bo- ginning witii tho eldest; re atives, boarders, roomers, ser vants. Those born in tho Uni ted States must bo so designated. Members of tho family who can't read or write English must be reported. Knit Wool Jazz Gaps r i umii T JOHNS Open Evenings THE ST, JOHNS GARAGE 216 North Jersey St. Authorized Ford Service Sta tion, Only genuine Ford parts used. Tires, size 30x3, guaran teed 6000 miles, Si 8.00 up, --CARS STORED r Woolley Bros. I'hone Columbia COO. Dr. Samuel A. Mulkey Office Rooms C, 7 and 8 PENINSULA SECURITY BLDG. Hours 9 to 12; 1:30 to 6 livening 8 to 9 108 S. Jersey St. ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND. OREGON Phone Columbia 930 J. W, BOTTOM Kalsomining Painting Columbia 873 E. 433 Charlwton St. HIGH SCHOOL NOTGS Mo3t pooplo beliovo in "mak ing Imy while the sun shines," and tho students are enjoying the snow, and snowballing, not to mention "face washing" to (he fullest extent. Tho third poriod was ol initia ted on Tuesday and tho time was used in an assembly. A very small, tantalizing part of tho operetta was ir veil. KtuJy Anderson irave a report on the forthcoming Tumolom. Esther Picile wan James Johns' representative at tho beautiful home of Mrs. Ladd Corbott last Wednesday afternoon, where Countess Louise gave a talk on Belgium's gratitude to America during tho war. Tho Countess was at tho head of an orphan age. She told of tho many hard ships through which they wont, and Esther retold it in a way that could mako you soo tho poor.starving babes of ikgium. Helen Edmondson read a pa per written by Helen Gatko on the D. S. or Cafetera, asking for cooperation. She gavo tho figures of tho first month's ex penses, and tho gain was one dollar and thirty-threo cents, Tho Sodalitas Latina had an other meeting on Friday oven ing, December Gth. A "Roman banquot" wns served consisting of soup, carrots, meat, apnlu salad, raisins, cookies, a iples and "wine." Everyone enjoyed themselves, and boing jrooi Ro mans, none of them wont ionic tipsy. The James John High School students present a ono act dra ma, "Tho Forward I'asa," and a two act operetta, "Lovo Pi rates of Hawaii," on Friday and Saturday evonings, December 12-13 at tho James John Audito rium. Tho play is full of dra matic incidents and tenso situa tions. Tho nperotta is humor ous, yet dreamy and charming. Admission ISO cents. Tickets may bo secured at Currin'a drug store or at tho door. Program at 8:15. Tho cast for tho furco or drama, "Tho Forward Pubs," is as follows: Nora, Jessie Me Niven; Hob, Ellery Landers; Nell, Lucille Bailey; Mrs. Mar tin, Helen Edmondson; Mr.Mar tin, Georgo Miksch; Dr. Brown, Lewis Chirk; Ned Biddlo, Paul Sandiftir; Dolau, Leonard Har rington. Tho cast for "Lovo Pirates of Hawaii:" Dorothy Dear, Erma Griswold; Pirate There Would be One Mad Rush for tho bargains we offer if everybody acted as promptly as they, should. Some will delay, however, and be dis appointed. Don't yQU be one of these. Come early and get the best choice of this unexampled offering of fine quality hardware. You will be well rewarded for your promptness. Byerle & Armstrong 420 North Jersey Street PRUSH FROM THIS BAKKRY a layer cake is a dream to behold and a joy to taste. Light as a sun beam, with filling that simply can not be described, the cake will prove a royal treat. At your next affair order one ami you'll make yourself famous for your splendid hospitality. We hut the belt. Orders liken for Wedding Cike. FennlmPs Bakery and Delicatessen 115 North Jersey Street m - M Wild DISTRICT ENLARGED Sergeant It. L. Crane o. ho second night relief, formerly commanded hy Chiof of Police Jenkins, was Appointed hy the chief to take command of the St. Johns substation beginning Mondav morninor. The district of the substation will also be onlorged to Albina and Killings worth avenues. Three addition al men will be nppointod to tho station and motor equipment will bo provided, including an BUtomobilo to be used in emerg ency cases and as u patrol wag on, and n motorcycle with side car attachment. Sergeant Crane has been going over tho field for several days, and has mapped out a now system of reliefs. A special night reliof will work from 7 p. m. until early in the morning. From 7 a. m. until 10 p. m. iho St. Johns station will also guard Littnton. During tho remainder of tho night Linnton will bo protected by two mo torcycle mon.workimr from head. quarters. Ono of theso men will bo oxpoclcd to patrol tho west ond of Linnton road. The St. Johns district ia denorvintr of bettor notice nrntoctinn. .Tnnkinq said. Ono of tho first moves probably will be stringent on forcemont of tho curfow Inw, which lierctofnrn hurl honn tioir. Iccted, owing to lack of men. Chief, A. Hgffman; Miss Prim er, Muriel Thomns; Scary, A. James; Hilly Wood, S. liggmun; rariani, i-ena urtimp; Lolfna, Harriet I'adden. Chorus of Ha waiian girls Mary Benson, An na L'oe, Zeta Smith. Ruth Schacf or. Greta Hhrct. Idrva Woimnr. Ulenna Jones, Mary Dtigan, Hel en btory, L'arlino Walton, Es ther IMolo. Chorus of IMralcs D. Coulter, L. BooniHliter, K. Vinson, H. Uriswold, II. Jacob hcii, I. Hod way, I). Layton. Mrs. Waito of tho cafeteria hus been confined to her homo for several duys on account of lagrippe.- C. A. W. Wo write insurance against Fire, Marino, Automobile,. Strike. Hiot and Civil Commo tion, Rents, Uho and Occupancy. Profits, Elevator. Liability, Ex plosion, Steam Hoilor, Uurglary and Theft, Life. Personal Acci dent and Surety Honds. Phone Col. 101. Peninsula Security Company. French Dry Cleaning And Pressing Wo Cnll l'nr tnnl Dullvuv LAUNDRY PROMPT SERVICE W. J. H AYZLETT 217 N. Jersey St. Phone Columbia 951 r There I really no cniiri between the eeund thorough ness with which nu Hlrctric Cleaner removed dirt ud the dillicnlty ol snrepln;. True, one CAN clen rup,nd carets without ail elrctric cleaner. A broom or cirt sweeper will brush up SOMK of the dirt; and if yuu like the exorcise mid have plenty of time mid strength a broom and carp et beater will do the work alter a fashion. Ill the same way one can wash without soup. Water a lone will remove some dirt if applied with enough "llow grease." Hut people use soap because it cleans more easily and betttr than water alone, 1'or the same reason pi-oplc use Jilectric Cleaners became they clean more easily uud far better than other methods. Portland Railway Light & Power Company 'BuyYoui leclrie Goedsalan tlecliicStif i" LEWIS CALDWELL LEADING BAKHEK The place where good service anil courteous treatment prevail. Children's hair cutting receive special attention, 109 BURLINGTON STREET Open Sundays 2:15 to 11 00. Mondays and &iturdng upon at C:tO. Other days nt 7:00. Regular Admission Co, lie, 15c, Saturday, December 12 VIRGINIA PEARSON i'i "rtf I'OSSUH.H CATlIHlUN'H"-ritllt, Sunday, IX-cei.'!-- 14th JUNE CAPRiCE -ii'I JREIuM TON MALE I" "Oil. hUYr--lViiiip. AO-nctr 'cd drum taken (ruin the musical .nt iy of ih Home imine. this on will tlkltt you ctenr thru. Monday Mid Tumdny, December lMd dUK t lCnrOKD in"Tllll DUM MY." ranunimnt. Alo "Klutd th Mighty," No. 12. Weiliiridiy, December 17 OLIVE TELL In 'THIt THAI'. I'nivcnwl. Tlmndny rind l'ridrty, December lB-lU MAY ALLISON In "I'AIR AND W'A KM ICK." .Metro. 1'ruHI ib l'ly. A v.oo'1 out'. For Sale for a Shnrt Period My homo number, D2D N. Syracuse street. The ground is fiUxlOO and has Huven fruit trowi in bearing. Tin house has six good looms and an extia dormer that may be used for a bed room. Full cement basement with wash trays; un economical furuaco thnt heals tho whole house. Hath room; bed rooms all have proper cloiuts. The place has always been kept in excellent rapalr and during tho past sum mer wns tinted aud painted in sido. This is a proposition that is naar tho St. Johtif Terminal, within walking diatanco aud in line with an advance in price as the Terminal progressed. The premises may bo inspected by applying to tho owner or to Mr. Downey, tho neighbor just north of the house. W. II. HON II AM. Dr, W, J, Gilstrap PhysicittH and Surgeon Glasses Accurately Fitted OKI'ICIC IIOUKK im in 12 U. OPl'ICNft 1:30 to 4:30 I'. U. feniusuU 7:00 to A.00 r. If. purity bWIg .Sundays, S.0 to KU0 A. M. Dr. Herbert F. Jones CH1ROPRACVQK 311 North Jersey Streol Day Phone Columbia 97 Night Phons Columbia 0y0 St.Mns Undertaking Co. 208 N. Jersey Street Columbia 299 - I'liones Columbia ('if Automobile Ill lur Pricn Befire Coinj la forlliJ PENINSULA TITLE ABSTRACT L TEUTf G4 H. HENDERSON, Manjgur 402 U JorsStrat Abstracts of TH'- I'i -jrad rhaae Columbia 265 Hauling and Moving OP ALL KINDS Ouittt qulaUlv imtl prnnptly Daily Tups'" .m.I from irtUal ph.nt csi. iioj 718 H. Richmond St. Poff & Green TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand and Gravel Hauled Daily Trips to Portland Phone Col. SOS 206 N. JERSETJT EXPRESS -" We haul any thiiiK. any time, ay place. Prices reasonable Dally Trips to I'ortluud Enquire, 317 N.Jersey St. coiKm Ptilley & Zurcher Plumbing, Heating & Tinning We Repair Aluminum Ware I'hone 2 207 3. Jersey St.