I HlatorUal Batlhty ST. JOHNS REVIEW ..UiJa . . VjL f; . YOLUME 16 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER "itM.019. NUMBER 1 News in General Patronize tlio Review adver tisers. The St. Johns Hardware Co. has installed a pipele3S furnace that is proving a great comfort and convenience. John Brown at Sheridan, Oro gon. in .1017, bought some land which had been farmed for 35 years. From ten acres of logan berries he this year harvested 45 tons, netting him enough to moro than pay for tho 37 acres ho bought. He sold his berries for 8 cents a pound or $7200. Tho incoming and the outgo ing of the tides is caused by the gravitational influence of the moon. Tho moon, so to spoak, draws or lifts tho water from tho depths on tho samo principle that a pump lifts water. And aa with a pump, the water rushes in to fill tho space left; so tho shallow wator near shore rushes out to fill the extra space caused by rising of tho wator. on tho principlo that water seeks its own level. Wo aro mailing out statements to nil our old subscribers in arrears up to Oct. 1st when the frco local distribution began. TThilo tho amounts due are in many cases vory small, yet wo aro desirious of settling all sub scriptions to that date, so that when tho paper locally is again placed on n subscription basis, all shall havo boon given full credit lor tno time the paper circulates free. If convenient at this timo wo would be glad to havo all remit tho balancc.due. Park bureau officials will In vestigato further beforo they purchaso a 20 aero park site in tho St. Johns district, following a sharp difference of opinion between this tract and as com pared with another tract. Sent! ment is equally divided among tho two tracts, according to Com missioner Pier. Those luvorlng tho smaller Caules tract assert that it will serve tho needs of all concerned in that it is nearer tho buainosscontcr of St. Johns. Thoy likowiso assert that tho larger plot of ground is undo sirablo in that tramps loaf about tho cut of the O-W. K. N. railway company, adjacent to tho largo tract. Telegram. GEORGIA RICH 1I ANQ PUPIL BCATniCC HIODCN EICHCNLAUB. SI? ?,u,h kn." Hld Marshall asar OlJ Alnsworth Ava. Phono WootlUwn aoos 4Q O.w.qo at. Columbia 004 Mrs. Gabriel Pullin Vooi Teioior Dlaphrsui Breathing, l'orward Tone placement and Clear tllctlon. Pupils taught to take part In Trio anil Quartette-., MS Lombard St. Phone Columbia 182 Mrs. Frank A. Rice CHIL MUSIC SPECIALIST Violin, Alandolin and Piano Short method cpcUllj prftr4 lor 4u'li Studio; 412 S. Edison Street Telephone Columbia 359 ELMER SNEED Violin Instruction STUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse Street fhone Columbia 302 Mrs.BerthaC.Burdick (Licentitate of the Royal Academy . r i x oi.ruuaic, iouuQU,j Teacher of Piano 1937 Hodge St, Phone Col. 87a Dr. Evart P.. Borden MSXTIST Painless Extraction of Teeth uuder Nitrous Oxide Gas Office Peninsula Dank bldg. Office phone Col. 625;-res. phone Col. 477 Hour 9-12 a. m.; 1:30-5 and 7-8 p. ni. Phone Columbia 379 Res. Columbia 1131 Dr. F. P. Schultze Physician and Surgeon Room 10 Peninsula Bank Building DR. L. F. PICKENS, DENTIST Office 'Hours 8 to 12 A. M. 1 to 0 P. U, Evening 7 to 9 Peninsula Bank Bitty. Office Phone Columbia nS3 MASQUERADE SUITS FOR RENT Mrs. J. A. Hyde, 214 Fessenden Street William Stevenson has return ed from White Salmon, Wash., where ho spent several weeks in tho apple orchards. Bring in your job printing. This office is well equipped to turn out all kinds of commercial printing with neatness and dis patch. And tho prices aro right. Some noise in town Tuesday when Armistice Day was observ ed in a befitting manner. Seemed uku uu inu WIU3UU3 unu ueus in town joined in the celebration A would be vocalist wrote to the Boston Transcript tho follow ing query: "When I sing tho tears come into my oyes. What can I no for this The reply Stuff cotton in your ears." Miss Alice Roycr has returned homo from Chicago and Milwau kee, where she had been spend ing tho summer with relatives und friends. She reports a most cnjoynblo sojourn, but is glad to get back to good old Oregon. Tho G M. Stnndlfcr Shinbulld ing corporation of Vancouver has announced that it would start immediately on construction of five 9500-ton steel ships for the Nafra compnny of new York. The entire force of tho plant will bo required to handlo tho work, which insures 3500 men with employment until next summer, according to N. C. Sou In, sec rotary to G. M. Standifer. pros iilcnt of tho concern, who hns been in the East negotiating tho present deal. Tho Obcrlo & Nelson Packing company has purchased a tract oi lanu at the northwest corner of Vancouver nvenuo and Colum bia boulevard as a site for a now plant. Tho tract comprises Gil acres and the snlo was ncgotia ted by Fred W. Gorman. Plans aro being prepared by J. P Wildman for tho construction of n modern two-story concrete building on tho tract for the packing company. Tho most modern machinery obtainable will bo inatalldd in tho new plant and about 200 operatives will bo ndded to tho payroll of tho city. The new f rm w ill specialize in beef and pork products. Olhccrs of tho con cern doclaro that tho demand for their products will requiro an early oxnansion of tho nlnnt and allowance has been made for additional stories to tho building planned. Inspect These Tires Yourself Please consider this announce ment a cordial invitation to visit our salesroom otid inspect these sturdy tires. A new shipment has already arrived and we join Barney Oldfield in recommending them to you as The most trustworthy tires built" National Vulcanizing Co, 205 S, Jersey St, PHONE COLUMBIA 1130 HOW many people can you think of right now who would like to have your pho tograph, and how long since that last one was made? Make an appointment today . The HOES STUDIO Opposite Central School Oretron citizens will havo to use good judgment at coming election to steor th3 old ship of state clear of the shoals which are threatening in the shapo of proposed freak legislation. The old single tax measure is again on the ballot and a now proposi tion to reduce the legal rate of interest to four and five percent. This latter measure would make it absolutely imnossible to bor row money in Oregon, for who would loan it to individuals at this rato when they could invest in safe government, state and municipal securities drawing creator interest with no risk in volved. Such a measure would nut Oregon on the financial black list of tho world and the small borrower could never get a dollar. Oregon haB voted down radical measures fot years and it will hnvo to do so once more. Indus trial News Bureau. It is a matter of some incon venience, to say tho least, that the Cast St. Johns depot should bo located where it is. Especially islthis truc.totho traveler bound for St. Johns who gets off the train there after dark. In wet weather is it particularly dis agreeable to wado through the mud on the badly lighted thoroughfare loading to St. Johns proper. In fact many people pre fer going on into Portland and thon make tho long trio back by stnsot car rather than get off tho railroad cars at tho I'Just St. Johns depot after night. It is ulso inconveniently located for freight ami express, ilio log ical location for the dopot, it would seem, is at tho cut at Lombard street, where tho sta tion could bo erected on tho high ground with an elevator system arranged to transfer passengers und freight to and from tho tracks below. Why should not this change bo made, can any ono tell V Who is KOGKRS? GUARANTEED SHOES For Dress Wear $6.50, $9;50iTiid $1 1.00 ' t Fine Work Shoes $6.00 t UNDERWEAR $1.25, $2.25, $2.50, $3.50, $5 00 nnd $(5.00 l Warm, Durable Socks 50c per pair f Shirts, Gloves, Neckties, Latest Arrow Collars OVERCOATS $10.50. $22.50, $25.00, $27.50, $30.00 WORK PANTS $1.95, 2.75, 4.G0, 5.00, 7.00 ATB, CylPS, UMBRELLA ROGERS NEEDS YOU AND YOU NEED ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN X Bank of Commeice BuHding ST. JOHNS Open tags The Bank Of Commerce 114 North Jersey SI, OFFICERS F. S. DOERNBECHER. President C. DETERINC. Vice President nd Cashier DIRECTORS F. S. DOERNBECHER, C DETERINC. O. A. NEAL, FRED W. GERMAN. J. V. BURKE DEARING'S For Fine Chocolates Ice Cream, Tocacco and Cigars 311 South Jersey Street Davis Barber Shop and BATH ROOMS $. . DAVIS, Proprietor 102 Philadelphia Et. Baths 35c "Mrs. David Dickson and little son have gone to Aberdeen, Wash., where they will join Mr. Dickson, who is cngagod in ship building work at that place. Mr. N and Mrs. Underwood, father and mother, Mrs. Currie Asher, sister, and Harold A slier, nephew of Mrs. McAllister, G18 Columbia boulevard, arrived from Oskaloosa, Iowa, Saturday at 7 a. m. They made tho trip n thirty days in a Velio cur without an accident. Tho Woman's Christian Tom neraiicc Union will givo a rccep tion to tho mothers and teachers of St. Johns next Monday after noon at tho St. Johns library. Wc hopo tho mothers will come promptly at three o'clock nnci get acquainted with us while the teachers aro coming. A got to gcthcr meeting is good for us al once in a while, and I cannot think of any people who would more enjoy getting together than mothers and teachers, so plcaxe all come. There will bo a short program; time 3 .to 0. Keported. Will Vinson is making good at tho Willamette University in fine style. Concerning his foot hall ability, the Willamette Col lourian Btatcs: "UIU" Vinson. with real football brains and limitlusB nont-ui) energy, has won n position on the bearcat team as a I t . 1 an end. 110 piayeti wun an monument team in fortlnnd during four successive seasons at thoondnositions. When Uncle Snm called him into training ami Htationcd him at the naval station at Seattle he still found timo for his favorite occupation. On tho training station team ho again gained a purmnncnt position as end. I s wc ght. s iglitly liclow tho average, is 10'J pounds; but he's too good to bo called an nvcrngo player, for ho is a tack ling demon." It nays to advertise, providing you deliver the goons. KUUHKb. ALL LEATHER for Men ! t THE ST. JOHNS GARAGE 216 North Jersey St. Authorized Ford Service Sta tiou. Only genuine Ford parts used. Tires, size 30x3, guaranteed- 6000 miles, 18.00 up. --CARS STORED - Woolley Bros. I'hone Columbia COO. Dr. Samuel A. Mulkey UJSXTJST Office Rooms C, 7 and 8 PENINSULA SECURITY BLDG. Hours 9 to 12; 1:30 to C Rvcniujjs 8 to 9 M'A S. Jersey St. ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND. OREGON Phont Columbli 930 Hauling of All Kinds By Auto Truck All kinds of Wood handled J. W. BERWICK & SON I'hone Columbia 1073 or Columbia 682 ' L. V. Jenkins, who formerly j had chnrpe of tho St. Johns police station, has been uppoint ed chief of police of the city of Portlnnd, Dow Walker having declined the appointment. The people here who had learned to tike Mr. Jenkins so woll for his imfntlttitr crnnH nntiirn. strlnf 'adherence to duty, tact and good judgment, arc grcauy pieasea with his elevation to the hid office, and havo no doubt that he will discharge tho duties his new office with tho same master skill, tactfulncss an judgment that ho exhibited in the minor position at St. Johns Tim Hnvinw inlnn with tho St Johns people in wishing the new cmoi 01 ponce unuountiou sue cess. U. S. Labor Bureau statistics have strikingly indicated the extent to which prices ha 'c ad vanced in the lumber industry and in agriculture. A bushel of corn ov wheat will buy more lumber now than before the war, as will a bale of cotton or a rnzor-bnek hoir. It is true that prices ore higher than they were three years ago and that a dollar will not buy so much as then would, but it is also true that tho lumberman's dollar has less purchasing value, lirinuing out these facts is timely in view of tho urgent necessity, felt throughout the country, for greater building during tho present year and during tho coming year. Tho price of lumber has advanced and nrobab ly will iro hiirhcr. This naturally irritates tho man who desires to build and he experiences a desire to wait, to "hold off" 11 tho hone that there will ho a reduction. Itehind this hope is a vague idea that tho lumber munis "profiteering." Tho fur mer is among thoso who enter tain an idea that this "profiteer inn" exists. Yet the farmer. for a given quantity of products from his acres is ablo to obtain moro lumber than tho same quantity of this products would have assured Inn prior to l'JM. In the northwest ?:100,000,(H)0 is invested in lumber iiianu racturing. 125.U0O men aro employed and 7,500,000,000 cut unnua ly. Tho lumber industry is ono of tho foundation stones of prosperity in Northwest and Pacific coast states. -raclffc Coast Manufacturer. I uuaranteo my KURMKH SHOES. KOGICHS. "You May Lead a Horse to Water but you cau't make him drink" goes the old saying, Especial ly if he knows the water isn't good. If you are thirsty for )ig values in the better class of sporting goods come here and drink your fill, This store is just full of them. Byerle & Armstrong 420 North Jersey Street Avoid the Rush! For the convenience of those who are compelled to work ev ery day through the week, and to avoid the congested condi tions which always take place the last week before Christmas, arrangements are now made for the opening of The Hoes Studio ON SUNDAYS Until after the Holidays, the hours being from 1 to 4 1'. M, "Just a Hunch" Do not overlook the fact that you might he well paid for your trouble if you take the time to investigate our work and prices. T. A. HOES. HIGH SCHOOL -NOTES First Assistant Superintendent of Portland schools. Mr. Kico. was u James John visitor last week. Every one was glad of a holi day on Armistice Day.andwoarc looking forward to our next noli day, which will beThanksglving. Friday, Nov. 7th, ended tho second quarter of this semester. Many will bo faint hearted be fore wo receive our cards, which will be on Wednesday or Thurs day. The sixth period was elimina ted on Monday and tho time was spent in an assembly in obser vance 01 Armistico Day. Mr, Georgo and Mr. Bay were in charge. Short talks were given by Oliver Jessup, who was in training with tho marines at Maro's Island, but ho saw no active service. Oliver said he was looking for a soft job, so rrhen tho officer wanted chauf fers, he voluntoored, and was nut to work scrubbing decks. Edmund Kugcll had tho floor next. Ho was in tho Navy rtnd is at present in tho Reserves. The Germans heard ho was going "over there," so thoy decided 'twas best to sign tho Armistico. Earl Pruit.tho ladies' man, joined the Marines and thought lie would see tho world and learn trades. Ho saw very little of tho world and tho trade ho learned was dish washing. Tho only ono of tho speakers that crossed tho "pond" was "Vic" Brown, who saw service on tho Mexican bor der, and was among tho first few thousand to go across. Vic spent nineteen months in France, but was in England when tho Armistico was signed. Mr. Georgo was tho last speaker. Ho spout two years in tho navy, or training camps and like Oliver, was on tho lookout for a soft job, so did the same thing Oliver did, but the results were diircront. Ho ran u wheel bar row, und was stationed in Chi cago when tho Armistico was signo.1. All speakers kept tho audionco laughing. Gladys Kcuny sang "Keep tho Home Fires Burning," Erma Griswold sang "Tho Uattle ltymn 01 Tlio ltopublic." Muriel lhomas sang Adilene Eggmon sang tho "Star l l.UIIK, J. I (III, 1IIIU Spangled Banner." Everyoho sang other songs, Mr. Bay bar ing charge. U. A. Y. French Dry Cleaning And Pressing Wo Cull l'or mul liollvor LAUNDRY PROMPT SERVICE W.J. HAYZLETT 217 N. Jersey St. Phone Columbia 951 There is really no couipsrlwu between the eatennd UioioukIi iicm with which an Ulrctric Cleaner removed dirt and the difficulty of becphi, True, one CAN clean ruiand carts without nu electric cleaner. A broom or raret sweeper will brush up SOMR of the dirt; and if )ou like th exercise and have plenty of time and streiith a broom uud carp et beater Mill do the nork after 11 fashion, In the same way one can wash without soap. Water a lone will remove some dirt if applied with enough "elbow grease," Hut people use Map because it cleans more easily and better than water alone. I'or the same reason people use J'.lcctric Cleaners because they clean more easily and far better than other methods, Portland Railway Light & Power Company 'Buy Your Electric Goods it in lectiic Store" Wfiy Hie Electric Cleaner LEWIS CALDWELL LEADING BAHBEH The place Where j;ood service anil courteous treatment prevail. Children's hair cutting receive special attcutlou, 109 BURLINGTON STREET MULTNOMAH THEATHK Open Sundays 2:15 to 11:00. Mondays nnd Saturdays open nt 6:30. Other days nt 7:00. Regular Admlslon-Gc, lie, 16o. Saturday, November lGtli LlLfl LCD HI I1HAK 1 Ul' YUUTII rarnuiouut. Sunday, November lfith UOROTHY GISH In "OUT 01' l.UCK." rnramouiit. Clever com edy drama. Monday nnd Tuesday, Nov. 17 nnd 18 rniutT riCKr-utiu m "lts-Mim-AI.I)0."l,rtramount. Also "Himo the Mighty," No. 8. Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 19-20 UGH I LTlfcLL III "I.U.M1IAKIU I.IMITHIV Metro. A fjwd pic ture from the fatuous ntuge suomm. Friday, November 21st rnttS. CMA.5. CHAPLIN (Mildrtil Harris) In "l'ORIIIDDltN." Unl venal, A jxipulnr star hi a vcty strong picture. Saturday, November 22 DHYANT WASHBURN In I.OVK INSUKANCIt.-lMrunmuut. Sunday, November 23 "Till? DARK STAR," u Robeit V. Chambers story. A strong 7nel Attend speclnl. Monday nnd Tuesday, Nov. 'It MARGUERITE CLARK hi MIH OKOKGH WASHINGTON. Paw mount. Also "Itlmo the Miuhlv" No. 0. ' Wednesday, Nov. 2(5 JACK PICKFORD hi "A llUlt GI,AR IIY I'ROXV." A Pint NV tloual production. Thursday Thanksgiving. Oimn at 2:1C continuous. MRRY eyiREY hi "RIDItRS OP THK LAW." Universal. A mli;h: good nlxmct picture, with this popular star in the role of u Texas Hauler. 1'rlday, November 28 IRENE CASTLE In "Til It HIR ING I.INU." A stx.ucl Artoralt special. v- Saturduy, NuvemlNr29th ELSIE FERGUSON hi "Tint AVAl.ANCHIt." Artcrnft. Sunday, November itOth - tAZ MURR1Y in "A ni:ucous mtti.h nuv- I'lilversnl in (', nets. A irfc turc you will like. Dr. W. J. Gilstran Physician mul Surgeon Glasses Accurately Fitted OPI'ICH HOURS 1:00 to 12 M. Ol'VICUtf 1:30 to 4:30 1'. M. l'cnlimil. St 7:00 to R;00 P. M. eurily hUg Sundays, D.00 to 10:80 A. M. Dr. Herbert F. Jones CHIROPRACTOR 311 Norlli Jersey Street. Day lMione Night I'houte Columbia COO Columbia 97 St. Johns Undertaking Go. 208 N. Jersey Street Columbia 2'J Phones Columbia 52 f Automobile Hearst. Gel Our Prices Before Going Is Porllan j PENINSULA TITLE ABSTRACT i REALTY CO H. HENDERSON, Manaovr 402 N. Jur.oy Str.ct Abstracts of Title Prepared Titles Kxamiued I'hone Columbia Hauling and Moving OF ALL KINDS Doiiu (tiiolciy mid ironif ly iany i rips 10 ami (rm rortiauu tin r it-i 1 r k. Phoni Col. H69 IB L KICnillOnU M. Poff & Green TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand and Gravel Hauled Daily Trips to Portland Phone Col, 308 206 N. JERSEY ST --EXPRESS-- We haul any thing, nny time, any place Prices reasonable Daily Trips to Portland in Enquire, 317 N. Jersey St. Columbia 377 Pulley & Ziircher Plumbing, Heating & Tinning We Repair Alumiumu Ware I'hons Cl, 92 207 S. Jsrsey St.