I r v.... I H 1 Deserves Your Support What does the opecial two mill tax 'avy moan to the resi dents ci St. Johns nnd the Pen insula? This question has huen propounded by many voters who are interested in Portland in general, but in the Peninsula and St. Johns districts in par ticular. City Commissioner Pier, in charge of the department of finance and paries, answers the question in the following inter view: "There are perhaps few dis tricts in Portland so vitally con cerned with tha succesa of the special two mill tax levy as are the people of St. Johns and the Peninsula districts. While it is true that the entire city is in many ways equally as interested, or affected by tho measure, it must bo rcmoiTibcrcd that at the present time St. Johns is faced trith polico protection which is inadequate. This is true of the entire city, but tho separation of the St. Johns district from the city proper makes it even more aurious in your diHtrict. Tne inadequate police pro toction, I find, is due to the lack of men in tho department. Mora mon cannot lie placed in tho department unless the city has additional rovonuo to pay tho bill. There is no doubt but should tho present two mill tax levy bo defeated that the polico department, already far too small to covor tho city of Port land, must oe reduced, and in a reduction each portion of the city will naturally sulfur. "Another connection with tho two mill measure and your dis tricts come in the street lighting. My observation in your ( sir ol and reports which 1 have received has convinced mo that many arc lights aro necosuary in your din trict. Hut unless tho two mill measure is successful it will be impussihlo to install additional arc lights during tho coming year. "Again tho failure of the vot ers to approve tho mensuru will result in tho postponement of it large improvement program which is to bo paid for by tho property ownora benefited, but which the city mint pay thocostn of engineering and supervision. This program will necessitalo tho employment of Nevoral thousand mon and can bo used t handle any possible unemploy ment problem which might arise In tho city. "And spoakingof employment should bring to tho mind of uvory voter that the defeat of the two mill measure will result in tho closing of tho federal em ployment bureau in Portland. This bureau has hcon operated by tho government, but fin ancial uupport from tho govern- NORTH SCHOOL NOTES The North school has a daily attendance of more than 300 pu pils. Eleanore, Wilfred and Al'ce Zink, children of Mr. J. Zink, entered school this week. Mr. Boyer mado us a pleasant visit last week. Miss Ruifi's room made the highest grade in music. Mrs. Tennant and her two little boyb spent the afternoon with our popular first primary teacher, Miss O'Brien. One of our recent visitor? was Mr. D. C. Lewis, who talked to the advanced grades on the life of Theodore Roosevelt. Emma and Edward Kiehl have been perfect in attondancc, though they como each day from Irv mrton. They wis i to com nlcte tho eighth grade in the school where once they were be ginners. The Frances Willnrd Memorial services were held in North school recently. An appropriate address on the life of the great founder of tho W. C. T. U. was given by Mrs. Turrcll. Miss Stevens spoke of a visit to tho grave of Frances Willard at Hose hill, Chicago. McKINNEY'S BARGAINS that Who is the ,irty that wanted chicken ranch In St. Johns? l'lnc home of seven large rooms with lariic lot; fruit and berries; a well locat ed home. Price for this one J2G00; will make you easy terms. Three room house with lot 70x100, lo cated on comer; streets improved and sewer on street all paid. Price for this one f'JGO. I'ny 35U cash, the balance like rent, Large seven room modern house with 100x110 foot comer lot, with fruit in abundance, streets improved nnd paid. Price J37G0: terms, fli)W cash, balance can be easily urrauged. mcnt has stopped. Unless the two mill measure carries, tho city of Portland will not have funds to conduct the office. "This employment servico is far more essential now than it has over been. Tho continuation of such service means that the man who is iaced with unem ployment can obtain a job with out cost, and that ho will not bo forced to depend upon agencies operated for profit for this ser vice. "Each taxpayer should re member that the success of tho two mill measure is essential, that its success will mean less than three coins a week added cost to the average tapayer and that, it should bo the duty of uvory "100 per cent American" to kuep up thostnndard of living as a truo American citizen by going to tho polls on November 12 and vote Yes." Warm KOCEHS. Auto Gloves ?3.00. Used Cnrs For Sale Model 715 Overland, newly nvcilinulcil. new top, ri'lNilllteil, Kjod lire, f 700. 1UI7 I'ntil, :' 1 eouililiim, fr.H0. I'JIH Olilnimlilte 8, Kd condition, flKX) COI.UMIIIA OAUAOIt 107 I'eMendeii St. QUONO TONO CAPE New three room bttnenlow. has toilet and electric liuhts, streets mtelit Hunt, streets Un paid. Price for this one me $100 cush, the balance BONHAM & CURRIER The Store That Cares For You EVERYTHING FOR MEN TO WEAR Dry Goods and Shoes for Everybody Try Chop Suey uuil Noodles ut imiimiIii juice, Home made iMntry every day it t 'Tale ol Muilt," We aerve breiikMul uuil dinner. )ii fioui II a. m. to 12 in.- iw j. jcraey Mreci. Cloverland Creamery Pasteurized Milk and Cream Fresh Buttermilk Daily SSSSSSSS- MMaJlMBaManaaanaMaaiiBSaiRMMBnaa Phone Columbia 659 :: roniana Manufacturing lo. ,m a n r if a C t r r i ; r s ok I Panels, Berry Boxes, Coffee Drums, Ex celsior drape Boxes, Egg Case Slock, and all kinds of Veneer FACTORY, POOT OP RICHMOND STRUCT Sunset Cash Grocery TUG STORE OP QUAI.ITV AND BETTER SERVICE V .4 - A ftaaaaav - O m Philadelphia Street Phono Columbia IMS Beat Goods nt Lowest Cost to Consumer is our Motto Jersey Belle Butter 73c Roll, 2 lb. Roll $1.45 If you are particular nliottt your Hutter, Jersey Uelle will Mi rely please you. Quality guaranteed until you have used the lost ounce. Oakdale Butter 65c lb., 2 lb. Roll $1.30 Oakilnle is u very high grade Hutter at u lower price than Jersey Ucllu.niul is pleas ing hundreds of families iti St. Johns. Quality guarnn-teed. Fuji Cream Cheese 35c per pound Olympic Flour Crown Flour Kb,jl ck 3'00 U I'M- sack $3.00 Hear Hraiul Flour $2.S5 per quarter bbl. sack Extra Sui;ar Peas, Kic can, (5 cans for )0e FOLdl-R'S I COMRADE COFFEE 42c Pound Regular 50c Coffee Sunset Spec In 1 Hlend Cof fee 35c lb. 3 lbs. $1.00 Why pay -10c for coffee tiot us good? proved nnd $1000, Pay like rent. New four room modern bungalow. best river view in tlic city, Imril surlnc eti street nun eonnccteil witu sewer. My price on lids one is f 21C0, on easy luytneiiis. How about this one? A 5 room home with lot 37JxI00 ret with one of the best river views in St. Johns. My price lor tins one ssoti. Your terms ure mine. Vou should sec this one. l'ive room modern hunenlow. one of the best in St. Johns, well located, close III to Mulness center, lot is fiOxlOO.Mrcct Improved and paid. My price for this one 42800. Vou ti.iv fllOO ciuh. the bal- mice like rent. You should sec this one to iipprccintc it. l'ive room modern houtc. fair condi tion, I ii re tot fiOxlfiO feet, well located. Price $1750; pny 12GU ensh, balance like rent, l'lvc loom modern buni'olow, a dandy fitie location; streets Improved. Price I $2000; nay me SfiOO eash. bid, like tent. Nilly five room modern buiutnlow. This is n new one. My price 2000, pay 1 700 cash, balance like rent. l'ive room bungalow, except b.illi.wlth 100x100 corner lot, At location with im-l proved street. My price f2IOO; pay $:tr0 casii, iKiinncc like rent, I have many others to select from. Call and allow me to show vou some of them, AlcKlNNFY. 215 N. Jersey St. Phone Columbia 2 Notice of Pinal Account In the Circuit Court of thcStatcof Oregon for the County of Multnomah, III tne .-Matter ol tile estate ol Kolicrl I'. MacDouidd. Deceased. Willliiin Mac Donald, AdmliiUtrntor. Notice U hereby given that iiudcrlguctl us MilmlustrrUor of the Itstate id Robert I. Mitel taiinlil, Decerned, has Med III ll mil iiccouut In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Mulluom.ih County. nun uiai aiuuuay, iiicziintiityoi .mi vim ncr, win, at tne uimr ol u.;iu o'clock in tho forenoon of said day In the Court Uoom of Mild Court has been ilisluuuteil by Mid Court us the time mid place for (he heariui' of objection thereto and the settlement tiiereoi. urilcr lor puiillcn. tfou made Oct. III. 1010. l-'irtt iiubllca tlou October 17. 11)111. 1111 I lift! l . . IWtV'AI l i . I... I.. I D.C. IiHWIS, Attorney (or AitiufnlMrnlor CHAMBERS COMPANY J. ( Chambeu Mrs. II, It. liwry Funeral Directors 2IH-2T.0 UlllliiKSwnrth Avenue rOKTI.ANI), OKItOON Telephones: WoodbuMi IWlMi C 1IU3 Mr. Chambers Is the only (V A, K, undertaker In the city of Portland. 1'eiMiuid attention mid supcrvUion Kiveu to urrrfiiKcmeut. Suininoiis (. WXW. In the Circuit Court of the .State of OrcKon for the County of Multnomah, I'ciiiusubi Hecutlty Comuiuy, mi Ore jjon CorMinitlou, 1'biiiitilT, vs. 1'. V. Ilrmlley and Avn llradley, his wife, Mil ilreil Iiradley ami Hsther llriullcy. Ik fcuduiits. To V. V. Iiradley. Avn llradlev. Mib iireu nrauiry mm itmiier nriuury iii tne iiAiue ol tne Mate ol WrciMti eacu in you are ueieity rcquiteit to op H-ar in uie aixive euiitieii court ami mi swer t lie complaint liletl aealuM yiu lu the alKive entitliil suit, on or before tin expiration of six weeks from the date of I lu- hrt pubUcHliiuiof IhUsuuiiiHMis. the date of lirst publication belli l Pild.iy. September 2iilli, lUlt). If you fail to so MM The Ccntemcri Gloves Kid Gloves are high but not any more so than is con sistent with the price of other wearing apparel. And they make the very best of gifts. Jot down in your list for Christmas a pair of Cen temeri Gloves Infants Wear You will dress your baby well if you have nothing for yourself. And the baby can now bo dressed daintily and comfortably right at our store. Dresses, skirts, boot ies, stockings, carriage pads, carriage robes, baby blankets, stork sheeting, stork pants, knitted jackets, knitted caps Yarns and Embroideries To be busy is to be happy; there is no unrest or unhapi ncss with the girls who like knitting or who like sewing or embroidering. We like to encourage that sort of thing; you will realize that if you read our advertising. And because we like that sort of thing we carry a stock con sistent with our feelings. The selection of yarns aro varied enough so that a gar ment can be knitted to please most any one DRAPERIES You are planning a Thanksgiv ing Dinner or party; you will want to freshen your home for the occasion. Keeping the pace of the times we have stock ed an unusual variety of Cretonnes, Marquisettes and Scrims. Renewing these where now hang the old draperies and window curtains will make your home a happier occasion. The cost is not too much; there is nothing particularly extrava gant in our store but if you buy from us you know you will have value and you know there is no profiteering. Racine Shirts for the Out-of-Door Man Each year we have sold the Racine Brand of Men's Flannel Shirts has seen an increase in the number of Shirts. In the five years wo have held the St. Johns Agency for the Kacino Shirts there has never been a single complaint brought to our attention. They are honestly made, honestly advertised and honestly sold. Boston Rubber Footwear The Boston Brand of Rubbers is a first quality rubber; they have been sold from our store for years. Other brands have been tried out but wo have always returned to tho Boston. Price them at tho shoo stores over town and then price them hero and see how much cheaper they are here. For Men, Women, Girls, Boys and little Tots L. E. ROSE, Manager Men's Dept. fftf V Just New A new consignment of Mai lory Hats is just here; they are the very proper shapes and colors. The Mal lory is a standard medium priced hat. Umbrellas that are Useable The Umbrella handles are changed this season. Add distinction to yourself by carrying one of the now White Handled Rain or Sun colored. Protect yourself from the elements and lessen the chance of the Flu Warm Underwear Right now is the time to protect yourself from the changes of weather. Warm undergarments may save tho call of a doctor, the loss of work or the health of your child Summons iipjHmr mid muwer, for want thereof, the uu oi plaint, to wit: uiutill will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in its com. tor I'or u judeiueiit aeaiut each of the de fendant for 7M.00. with lnteret there- on at n wr cent per annum I mm lull lt, l'JIS, for the iutthcr sum of 100. 1 attorney' lees, mid cost, I'or the fore closure of the plaintiff morlKnne ie- corded .September UOth. 101L, in 1hkU IS7, at pane 207. Record of Keal l'roier- ty .iioriii;e oi .Mumiuimiii touuty, i)r cKon, imunt l.oU 12, 13, U, lf, lu, mid the .North ten (ID) u-et ol l.ot 17. in lllock 12. lu Toiut View, now u the C tv oi rortiHiui, .Moituomuii county, lire Kou, unit to nave mm property bold us iiui execution at law uud the Dnveedn uppiivu o mc lMYineiii oi llie Junmenl recovered in Mid suit or to the navuieiit oi uie iiuieuiCiliiCM owlne; to tile plain till uuil keeuied bv laid morli'iii'i- Thli summon is served ninin you by nubllca- inu in me .11. joiius Kevlew, a weekly new simper of ceuerul circulation, mint ed, published uud circulated in Multuo mail County, State of Oreeou, pursuant to an order of lion. Win. N. Oatens. one oi tne jmiKesut the above eutttletlconit, Mtil order was made ami entered on the till day of September, 1910. uud re ptiles this summons to be published in Mid uuer for six coutccutive weeks mul lues the date of the lust publication September 20th, 1010, and requires you u apiH'ur in uie unove eutiueii court and uutwer s-'id complaint on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date ol the rlrt publication. September ;oiu. ivrj. will tie tne date ol the tirl publication, and November 7tb. 1010. will he the date of the but publication of said summons. l'HKKINS & IIAH.lt V, Attorneys for the l'lalutill. Residents of Oregon. IWoOiee address, 1117 Hoard of Trade tmtldiUK, Portland, Oregon, (1 i6a In lit Ciivuit C. .ut I he ht.lr el Drnieti ihc v uuuiy hi .Aiuiiuamaii. . Uiy l.irlHiiuuii I'Uliilln, t I). C. Ka(i ami AMMath Kunris, lilt wllr. I'lrt NsllMat IhrnkulM luhu. aeumHllii. W.K. Ilekie, IHIU. .11 IM.u W W. lluguii, N K VIUi.N. I n iHuiiuiii nu.it AmtiK, itmui; uuiHr miner IIk uauir ui tkHinuil AaUlk I.HHtbtr Comixii)'. ifririiuaut. TaW K Il..klii2 K. K. Wallet. N. rt. IKhi- Mil auj C. C A.Ml. lu the name oi ih Mate el Otvuou .men ul vou aic Itritby t4unr.l iapirr in tUt abtHrcmli llrt euuit auil u.cr Die euni plaint filnl at;aiHt MM iu Iter above rutillcil suit. tHl at tttlut c iht riirli.iH ui iv urtka Irew I lie tiatr el h MM H.WHali.'U .1 tin. .umiyiHia. the ilale ol nr.t numicaiixu 1 1 way, Nci uwitr mil. WW IttiHilail l m auuear ami answer. Ir Maul tbitl tlic vUiutiM Hill atly to the aWetn tulttliuuit tor tit, itllcl irncil lor In liervoHi- imiui innii I'or luiUim. ut auututt I) O. Kocrr autl A lull! Kon. lot fjs oui, ullli luuir ttwieou at lUr ralr ol - uer uul in?r auiiuw I row May win, wi? Ilicluithrr um ol liMvo allot net. Ics. aiul lirr n .i.iii.l tiiurMiueuta ami lor u ilcvrec ileereeniK lul wliater tlltl. title or liit.ie.t In or claim to or in i. uihii the liereiualttr JrwttU- eJ (uopeitv ili iniautsor auy ol them way !ue ta Mipwiiutni in inue aim iHicrier tu rum to Iitaiuim s liiulltui- ami (orecliMim; ti e l4iln I tit) a moil.!.:, at .'ii.t ulll Lot. 1'tie. iu MloeV lo tu .lliin AiUUiHiit. ami ..ot tine ami the Soutlnn.tti .me lull ol Lot Pour In Hlotk 8ev ciitcen ldiu. K hn AiUltiloti lo St John, all no hi Hit m ,.i orilan'u, Multnomah County iHroii n lu, ii kaul uiortiiaiic I. revvrJeU lu UuoV Vt at liaue i. i lit-, .r.l'ol Keal rraiwftv Mott Uiie Mullii.'uili Cuuuty, tiieiion. ami direct mat Mia iuoikiu be sola as ueoti rxevulional law ai'tt Hi. io.it,l applleJ to the liuytuent ol mm luoyiiiuu an.l ur sucu other lelitl as the latuttn 1. 1 iitttie.l to in eiiutly. This suiuruous K-rtetl upon ou Uy iiutHknllou In the St kly uewsivaper ol c iubllshel auJ clieula Mulluoutah .OLint , Male ol Oregon iwrsuaut to an outer oi I- u . i at ie w in. n. liaieus. one oi the JuJcesol thealwiveeutltleU ejutl, s.tiJ orvler as matte .iuj i utemlon the 14th ilayol SepUm twr. 1414 uud it mines this summons to lie puh lishrU iu uiJ iuir (or six couccutic ucek aud rise the tluir .( drst puUicotlon. SeptcHtUr asth. wisi ami leuulrea ou to aiuit In the aUe euiuUil vouit amt answer saUt vomitlaiut on or belote the rxpirutlon ol sis weeks Irom the ilale ol the hut milill.-atlou. Seutemlier aftlh ibi. win lie inc aaie 01 tne nrsi imoiKaiiou, auu .Nwaitcr rih wilt be the date ol the last 91 39 t SPECIAL SYRUP SALE 0011 ciiwarsiimniioNv.yiuj), 2 cutis aoc, 5 11). 70c, 10 lb. ocuuuer h Aiapie toyrup, lull tjuarts (55c, one-linlf f-ullon ivu u ayiuii, uuik iv iu. can jij. U5; white 10 lb. can 1. 15 f " 55c; " 5 ' oOc Royal Urntid lVautit Hutter, pur pound 20c These prices good for Saturday and Monday Oniv Fine line ol Vogan's Candies ICE CREAM. SOFT DRINKS. CONFECTIONERY, BUTTER. HOME MADE PIES. BREAD AND PASTRY.UGHf LUNCH- - - CM.!, IX Opiasito Contcnl School U. Moauhan, IJrop. IHtUIUatiou ol Mul summons. I'hKKlMS .X UAII.UV. Attorneys lor the 1'UiiiUll UesMcuts ul Oregon. lstoiiiee ajtlies.. u 17 Board ol Trade bulldlni; 1'oitUnd.Oreton. Residents of St. Johns havini! taxes uud eitv liens to iviy iu l'ortluud can make their ivaviueiits without itieonveiii euce iv uv.itiiite themselves ot our ser vices. We will v Mine and secure your receipt wniiout inconvenience to you. l'ee, 25c Helerences: Any St. John llanU 1'eiiiusula Title. Abstract ami Kealty Co., by H. Heiideryon, Manager; 4Ctt North Jerey Street. Portland and Oregon City plannintr bridges across the Willamette river. The Home Mercantile Co. Are Headquarters for all kinds of Roofing and Building' Paper, Roof Paint and Roofing Cements. "Stop that leaky roof." .See us for your Paints, Kolsomin ing and all Building Material, Also for Hay and Feed for your cows and chickens. Put in your winter's supply of Coal and Briquets before the winter, rains and bad roads, and save money. See us for United States and Fire stone Tires and Tubes. Home Mercantile Co. 209 West: Burlington Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON .Knights and Ladies of Security at. Johns Council 2775 KrfiuUr tmtltic mettluf; it anil jl Mondays. Open iiuetlUK. lo the pulilie amt roe ruber lad atidalh Mouiiaa. Vbilora anil member cor. ilially luvilt.1 to attend at Ulckner Hall. PAT'S Barber Shop & 108 NJersey St Portland tax levy 86 mills against 79.1 mills for Seattle, J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage We deliver good to and from all parts of Portland , Vancouver, l.iunton and surroundiiiR country. Tiano and furni. ture uioviuK. l'bone Columbia 82. 109 Hast Hurllngton Street. SLaurel Lodge, 1. 0, 0, F, No, IBS. St. Johna. Oranon .Meets each Monday eveniiiK in Odd l'el Iowa hall nt 8:00. A cordial welcome to all vifitlng brothers. I'red Ha.kell, NO C. V. Dabl, V. O. Joe K)UU Kic Bee. O, W. Noicne, fin. Sac. IIKCIaik.Trtaa; St. Johns Camp No, 7546 Modern Wdodmen of America. We heartily solicit the attendance of our members at our regular mjetincs every 2d anil 4th Thursday evening, A. I.. Marcy, Irvin Grouiarhey, Cleric Consul, . 010 N. Svracuse. HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 KMGIIJS or PYTHIAS Meets every I'ridav night at 7:30 o'clock in ifiCKNER Hall. Visitors always wcl. come, J. R. WATSON, C. C. Woodmen ol the World St. Johns Camp 773 Meet every Thursday eveniug in I. O. O. F. Half, Leavitt and Jersey streets. Visitors always welcome. T. COUrK. C. C; W. n. COON. Clerk. DORIC LODGE NO. 132 A. P. and A. M. Meets the first and third Wednesday of each month iu Bickner's Hall. Visi. tors welcome. A.R. Davis, W. M. AW; Davis. Secretary. Minerva Chapter No. I05.0.E.S, Meets every first and third Tuesday of each month in Bickner's Hall. Visitors welcome. Dixie M. Lewis, W. M Ruby R. Davis, Sec. 4c Hood River in this vicinity an acre. -Prune growers realizing $1000 United Artisans Willumbia Assembly No. 300 Meets every Tueiday at S P. M. I, 0. 0. F. BALL, Carstr Jmty iti Lcivtat Ut, L. K.SiHiQ,tM.- A. Mary RoUrU, S'y Pro Tew.