St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 07, 1919, Image 3

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    Easy Terms
New Bed Room Furniture
Wo have some very beautiful new Bed
Room Furniture. The bed room should be
cheerful and tastily furnished. You arc
welcome to credit. Select what you want;
pay what you can.
3 Whig DrcssliiR Table $33.00
Ivory Dressing Tabic Chair,
to match 6.50
Ivory Knatncl Wood Hcd 24 00
Ivory Enamel Dresser 21) 75
Ivory Enamel Chiffonier 31.75
Any of nhovc pieces delivered to your home for
$1.00 down and $1 00 week, or reasonable terms on
entire Suite.
Period Design ivory cnnmcl finish
Wood Heel $35 50
Dresser to match 37.00
Terms to suit.
Handsome Bed Room Pieces Ucd with satin finish and velvet
bands. A new design in stub post
style. 2i inch posts with bell caps $GG.00
Terms $6.00 cash and $1 50 n week
Quartered Oak Dresser swell front.... $ig.go
Princess Dresser same style with
bevel plutc mirror 19.00
Chiffonier to match these dressers,
five drawers and mirror. . . -19.50
Terms,- any of above pieces, $5.00 cash and $1.25
a week
Springs and Mattresses wc curry a very com.
plctc line of Mctnl Springs to lit any bed.
Prices from $7.00 to $25.00
Mattresses in the various grades including
Combination, Ail Cotton and Silk Floss.
Prices from $6.50 to $33 50
Exchange Department Wc tnkc used ranges,
stoves and articles of furniture in exchange.
Perhaps you will find what you want in
this Department.
Your Credit is Good
Cash or Credit 9 years in St. Johns
Our Cure for the High Cost
We have reduced delivery to the minimum; we
are active and aggressive in the conduct of the bus
iness; we are preferred buyers because of our quantity
purchases and cash payment.. We pay no book
keeper as we sell for cash only and do not need books.
Our rent is not high compared with the sales
volume; our location is ideal. We have cut the mar
gin of profit consistent with a large amount of sales.
. Our Groceries are not "cheap groceries" but are
simply quality goods at minimum prices.
Compare the prices we are listiug here with those
of the "Service Grocer" who carries charge accouuts,
who carries the goods to you, who loses the bad ac
counts that you must pay and who buys in small lots.
Post Toasties Kellogg's Corn Flakes
Grape Nuts Shredded Wheat Biscuit
all, 2 for 25c pre war prices
Aunt Jamiraa's Pancake Flour 14c
Olympic and Golden Rod P. C. Flour 30c
Cream, of Wheat 25c
Wheat Eats 20c
Flour recently advanced 25 per sack wholesale
but our prices are, Northern Flour $2.85, Snowdrift
$2.95, Crown $3.00. We can sell it this way because
we bought heavily before the rise.
We are first in the market in our district with
the new crop of Raisins, seedless and with seeds; New
Oregon Walnuts, Kraut and Mince Meat.
THE DIAGNOSIS: Competition among the Grocers
for Service got so keen that they would pay a man to
go to your home for your order, pay the bookkeeper
for keeping the account, pay a man for delivering the
goods, besides.
The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery
I St. Johns Pharmacy
The Prescription Store
A few hints at popular prices to help prepare for
Jack Frost
Weeks Cold Tablets 25f-
Cyclone Cold Tablets 25'
Dr. Dietners Cold Tablets 25?
Hromo-quininc Cold Tablets 30'
Laxative Cold and Grip Tablets . . . 25;'
Sautox Cold Tablets 2of
Glycothvmoline 25, 50'
Usteriue 23, 45, 85'
Rubithymol 30, GO
Horothymol 30, GOP
Elixir Tonsilitis 30
Sore Throat Remedy 25
lice's Laxative Cough Syrup. . . .25, 50'
San Tax I'ine JJnlsam 30, 60
Syrup Tar and Eucalyptus GO'
Pine Tar and Honey 50
Wild Cherry and Tar 30, G0r
100 S. & H. Green Trading Stamps on Star Vibrator
Saturday only.
Local News
Rain in nlenty is with us this
Mi. rrnd Mm. .1. H. Krmim
havo returned from the Hood
IMvnr vnllnv. u'lwrn thnv won
KcttinK some practical experience
n harvesting nppics.
Mr. Hon. V. (Vow. who nn.
derwent a serious operation at
a Portland hospital recently, is
reported to be (retting along in
fine style and expects to he homo
in a couple of weeks.
Owinir to the city election
which takes nluce on November
12th, it will be impossible for
Mr. Elliot to give his illus
trated talk on birds at the St.
Johns library on that date. The
next talk in the scries will be
given Nov. 20th.
Miss Leo Currier, of 410 East
Chicago street, who underwent
an operation on the throat at
Good Samaritan hospital two
weeks ago, returned home Mon
day. Miss Currier is book
keeper at the department storo
of Honham & Currier.
Timothy Harbin, formerly a
well known St. Johns hoy. hut
now operating a ranch near
Aberdeen, greeted old time
friends here the first of the
week. The serious HIiicph of
his father in Portland called him
here. "Tim" b'icamen benedict
tho 15th of last month. He is
looking fine.
A "NowlyWds" class is be
ing organized at tho United
Evanircllciil Church and all the
"Newlyweds" aro invited and
urged to come and join this class.
Wo have prospects or having a
very fino and capable teacher, so
como on all you Newlyweds, let's
make this a boomer class. Let's
show them what we can do.
A Hooator.
Two deaths rcniltimr from
"sleeping Bicknoss," technical-
ly known as lethargic enephalitis,
havo occurred in Portland during
tho last week and another case
now is under surveillance. Tho
prevalence of the diseaso until
Tuesday night was unknown by
tho city health authorities be-
caiiBO the cases were said not to
havo been reported to tho city
health bureau. Tho discovery
resulted from tho death certi
ficates entered in connection
with tho two fatal cases, both
of which gave the cause of death
as lethargic enephalitis. A gen
eral opinion prevails that "sleep-
ntr s ckness" is lata in all n-
stances, but according to com
petent medical mon such is not
tho caso. It is said that about 20
per cent of tho victims of the
disease succumb, while the re
maining 80 per cent recover
without any apparent ill effects.
Interest in local business ac
tivities iB just now overshadow
ed by tho critical national sit
uation. Strike condition's are,
for tho moment, much less dis
turbing in Portland than in tho
Bay and Sound cities. A strike
which would havo tied up all con
struction work at the St. Johns
Municipal Tormina! has been
narrowly averted tho past week,
as has also a stroet car strike.
Tho heighth of optimism pre-
vails and business expansion
continues apace, as shown by
bank clearings, new corporations
formed and an unprecedented
volume of retail buying. It is
reported, however, that local
jobbers and retaileri aro plac-
ng their orders for spring de
ivery with greater caution.
Lumber shipments are being
seriously retarded by shortage
of cars. Production has not
quite reached normal in the
coast mills at any time during
the past year. Peninsula Na
tional Bank Letter for Novem
Ozone Oxygen Vapor, Massage,
Violet Kay, High Frequency.
Electricity. Vibratory. Spinal
Treatments. Karadio. Ort'nnfn
Cabinet Sweats; free examina
tions; 24 treatments $20.- Dr.
Jenson, Chiropractor, (since
910). 301 KaleiKh building.
Washington at Gth; phones Main
1132 U 121G.
Wanted Lady calendar sales-
man. Apply at -JUi in, Jersey.
Mrs. David, mother of Mrs.
Vinson, has gone to Montana for
tho winter.
Rev. B. C. Do wey, evangelist,
will Bpcak at the Free Methodist
church next Sunday.
Geo. F. Crow of 1)07 S. Kel
logg ha3 associated liini3elf with
Talbot & Casey as salesman for
Ford cars and trucks. Note his
announcement in next week's
The opening of the new Chris
tian church last Sunday was at
tended by a large number of
people, who wero irreatly nleas
ed with tho convenience and at
tractiveness of the handsome
new edifice.
Deatlt is nothing more or less
than slippimr back into your own
subconsciousness, and so be
coming greater and finer and
moro activo more useful, too
and with grander powers than
we over hnd in our united m
perfect bodies. Life in nothing
but an onlHodo in our universal
life. Death is just a change of
direction then, really; that's
all. From "The Promise of
Air," Algernon Blackwood.
"Carry On" This is the slo
can for tho Third Annual Hoi
Cross Drive and Portland's
quota is $120,000. Come on.
folks let's push it thru. All you
need is a heart and a dollar, and
you surely all have that for such
a noble work as the American
Hcd Cross. The War may be
over, but the results and effects
of the war aro all about us,
so Id ers in hospitals all over our
land nnd "ovor thoro" who must
bo cared for. and who is there
to do it? Tho Red Cross, of
course, uan they do it without
funds? Can you live without
money? No. Neithor can the
Ucd Cross, bo let's all como
across with n dollar. When the
solictors come to you am&isk for
a subscription, do not turn thorn
away, but gladly and willingly
irivo. I'or our Manioc says
"Innsmuch as ye havo done it
unto ono of thu least of these.
my brethren, yo havo dono it
unto me." Hint la what the Kod
Cross is doing; and that is what
wo aro doing when wo stand
behind it.-Contributed.
There is greater need now for
moro extonsivedrydock facilities
in Port and than ever boforo in
tho history of tho city. Throe
ships aro on tho ono drydock
owned by the Port of Portland
commission, three moro nro
waiting to bo docked and ap
nl icat ions wero received Tues
day by tho commission for dock
ing threo additional ships. Tho
shins now on the drydock nro
Mm Htonmer schooner ChchnllB.
the sailing schooner Lucy and a
concreio snip nunc in tne Van
couver. Wash., yards. The
stool steamer Wanama and two
or threo concrete boats wero dry-
docked weuneuay anu on bununy
tho Nishmaha, nun no. &, built
by tho Standilor Shipbuilding
company will bo placed on tho
drydock. The Emergency Fleet
corporation has applied for dry
dock space for the Mindora, a
shin of tho Ballin tvne. and
owner of tho steam schooner
Lindauer want to drydock this
vessel. The steam schooner
Celilo. which recently was dam-
aged in a collision of the Cali
fornia coast, will be brought to
Port and for drvdoekinir because
of labor troubles in the drydock
in California. Tho port commis
sion realizes tho necessity for
greater drydock facilities and is
planning the construction of ono
or more pontoons to tho present
dydock. Tho public dock com-
moeinn t a rn motri fro Vir. mm
struction of a drydock of largo
capacity, but it has not yet
been determined when or where I
this drydock will be located.
Wanted - Two men to board
and room; room has heat.
528 S. Ivanhoo street.
For Sale Coal heating stove
with large 4 hole top. $.50,
pnsr Slfl.35. 503 IMttHhnrir
street, rear basement door,
evenings. '
For Rent Four room house,
partly furnished, gas and water;
$15 per month, two months in
advance; two loads of dry wood
for sale in basement, 721 Rich
mond. Call Gil E. Buchanan.
Corduroy Pants for Boys and
Peninsula Electric Co. sells
anything electrical. House wir
ing, fixtures, our specialty. 118
N. Jersey street.
Good Flannel Shirts 2.00.
Automobile insurance. Direct
adjustment and prompt settle
ment in caso of loss. Peninsuln
Security Company.
Real Ii ather WORK SHOES
$0.00. ROGERS.
When in need of small arti
cles, get them at tho 5-10-16c
storo, St. Johns; in the Penin
sula National Bank Building.
Warm durablo SOCKS 50c.
The cheapest burglary insur
ance is a safe deposit box.
Peninsula Security Company.
Jazzy Jazz Collars 25c. ROG
ERS. Seo us about wiring your
house. Do it now. Peninsula
Electric Co., 418 N. Jersey street.
ERS. High school girl wishes work
after school and on Saturdays.
Call at this office.
WEAR at popular prices.
For Sale Now 3 room house
on two corner lots with largo
barn, prico reasonable. 138 Hart
man, cor. Crook. Phono Sell
wood 2553.
RUBBERS for Mon $1.10.
For Salo--Wickor baby buggy,
in good condition, $15. Call 420
Oswego street; phono Colum
bia 073.
PRICES" I compoto; you'll
find 1 often have them beat.
m ft 1
In the homo provided with one
of our modol talking machines.
For thoro is always at command
entertainment of any kind pre
ferred. Tho moHt classic com
positions or tho latest dance
music. Tho most thrilling solos
or tho rollicking songs of tho
day. Como and learn what a
perfect companion a talking
machine can bo.
1'. C. GaMcr, rroj. 317 N. Jen)- St.
- fcxQ
o -2 i
() "S
C Si
O 2
m So
Safety First!
are becoming too frequent for
comfort hereabouts. It's sur
prising how many people in St.
Johns whose acquaintances have
been held up or whose neighbors
have been robbed, have come in
so as to be on the safe side in
case their turn should be next.
It is dangerous to leave money
in the house or to carry it about
with you. SAFETY FIRST! open
a bank account today.
Open Saturday Evenings G to 8
Opon Saturday evenings 6 to 8
Why not be comfortable these
cold, chilly mornings? Our Electric
Heaters or Oil Heaters will take the
chill out.
Oil Heaters from $ 6.00 up
Headlight Heaters 11.00
Gas Heaters 7.50
St. Johns Hardware Co.
Phone Columbia 35
Here is a BOOK
You should have
It has a most significant title:
What to look tor in buying a
Its language is simple, its message instructive.
It was written by Henry Purmort Eanics, L. L. H.,
Concert Pianist and Lecturer, Director Pianoforte
Dept. Cosmopolitan School of Music. Wouldn't you
like a free copy?
the records of ALL makes, invites the most rigid
application of the tests Mr. Eames says should gov
ern phonograph purchases.
Oome in for the booklet TODAY.
1 05 Philadelphia Street