Big Demonstration ELECTPTf! At Ormandy Bros, Furniture Saturday, Oct. 18, 10 a, m, (o Store 6 p, in, The Only Motor Driven Brush Vacuum Cleaner That Has Real Ease of Oper ation without necessity of adjusting for different grades of Rugs. Light Weight yet Powerful Section Nozzle Resting directly on cleaning surfaces for most thorough work. Air Cooled Motor Unexposed dust and pin proof belt. The Famous Worm Drive on Motor Shaft to regulate speed of brush. Balanced Motor Fan driven from one end of motor shaft and brush from the other end. Price $53,50 Pay $5.00 Month Your Credit is Good ORMANDY BROS. FURNITURE Cash or Credit 9 years in St. Johns tfjC80sOiCiCOiC The Grabateria Cash Grocery The sales of the Scales & Currier Grabateria keep up because the prices are kept down. It-istasy to prove that our prices are lower thau the regular charge account "several-deliveries-a-day Grocery. We make the prices consisteut with a large vol ume of buying, with the minimum of overhead ex pense because we employ no bookkeeper, we make but one thorough delivery each day, we are both ac tively engaged in the business, we eliminate the losses on charge accounts and our rent is low. Make up a substantial order for us, give us your check and we will convince you that you are saving money. Try it. The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery SCALES & CURRIER, Inc. OWNERS St. Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 0 Mil Foot , of Burlington St. Columbia Graf onola To make a good record great play it on the Graf ono la. The New Columbia Graf onola has a real automat ic stop; no adjusting; plays any size record then stops. Cabinets in Walnut, Mahogany, Golden and Waxed Oak. Prices and terms to suit. New records weekly St. Johns Pharmacy The Prescription Storo PHONE COLUMBIA 138 COLUMBIA RECORDS Local News Boost your town nnd it will boost you. Vacant houses are still very much In demand. Ileal estate is moving mi I to steadily in St. Johns. Timo will soon bo normal again, oven if times arc not. Job nrintintr done nromntlv and at reasonable rates at this office. Spend your dollars here nnd add to this community's pros, perity. Mrs. P. A. Emcrick is on a week's sojourn at Winlock. Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cochran have returned to St. Johns from California. The Bi to for the St. Johns nark will bo selected within a short time, it is suld. Hallowe'en will soon be here. nnd the youngsters are already laying their plans. Jorsoy street is ulated for hard surfacing, from Iiurr to Catlin, in tlio spring, it is said. Don't forgot to read every business announcement in this acr. It will pay you to do so. Politics has had a rest this year locally, but next yonr pro miscs to uo a hummer that way. S. V. Rogors. tho woll known Jeweler, has been confined to his homo for a couple of weeks. Mrs. B. F. Ilnloy of Walla Walla, Wash., is visiting her noico, Mrs. A. R. I'olkenberg. A number of houses are being mado rain proof by roshingling or application of rain proof com position. President Wilson's condition is causing much concorn. May 10 mako a speedy nnd complete recovery. J. V Burke, a prominent busi ness man of Portland, has boon added to tho list of directors of tho Bank orCommerce. Fred Young has razed his small storo building at the cor nor of Fessenden and Jersoy and moved to North Kellogg street. Several largo industries ara contemplating locating in St. Johns in the near future. St. Johns has struck her stride, and will not loso it. Junior Christian Endeavor, at Evangelical church. Sunday. 11 a. m. Topic. "Indian Boys and Girls." Leader. Elizaboth Og den. Everybody welcome. A lady was in tho offico yes. erday and said she had recefvod two copies of tho Iteviow and was surprised to know there was such a good little paper hero. Dorsey Hill, who has been serving as plumber for tho past eleven months in tho Marines at Mare Island, Cal., has received lis honorable dischargo and has returned to his homo in St. Johns, The United Artisans held a dance and basket social last Tues day, Oct. 14, in I. O. O. F. hall. A large crowd was present and reported a good time. Breed's orchestra furnished the music. Tho Lodge cleared over fifty dollars from sales of the baskets. Avery interesting stereontican will be given byF. H. Conway and wife, returned missionaries from the Hawaiian Islands, at the Seventh'Day Adventist churcl, Central and Charleston street, Saturday, Oct. 18th, at 7:30 p. m. Come, and bring your friends. ueported. James Dickson of North St, Johns died at the Good Samari tan hospital at 1:30 Thursday morning. The funeral services will be held tomorrow, Satur day, afternoon at 2 o'clock at tho chapel of the St. Johns Un dertaking company. Tho obitu- ary notice will appear in next week's issue. For Sale Late model touring car. a real bargain; terms to right party. Columbia 665. Mammoth seawall to b built this season at Seaside. Don't send your printing out of town. Miss Hazel Wallaco was a guest at dinner at her grand mother's homo at 818 N. Jersey street last Sunday. At n meeting of tho stockhold ers Wednesday tho capital stock of tho Peninsula National Bank wns doubled, making it now $200,000. This is certainly n flourishing institution. Wo desiro to thank tho Ladies' Aid and Homo Missionary so cictics of tho Methodist church, Holmes Lodge K of P. and other friends who so kindly nnd gen erously tendered their aid, sympothy and floral tributes at the funeral and burial of our be loved son nnd brothnr, and can assure them that tho same will bo gratefully remembered. Mrs. Sarah A. Kemp, Miss Nellie Kent p. Willumbin Assembly. No 300 of United Artisans of St. Johns will give n masquerade ball Tuesday evening Oct. 28th, in tho I. O. O. F. Hall. Admis sion of thirtyfivo cents will be charged. Music furnished by Snced's Orchestra. Tickets on sale at L. Simmons & Co., G01 FoHHcndcn. nnd Bank of Com merce, on North Jersoy street. CO We wish to express our sili con) gratitude to our neighbors ami friends for their kindly help nnd sympathy, also thoir beau tiful floral offerings during tho sickncsB nnd after the death of our beloved mother, grandmother nndslBtor. Mr. and Mrs. II. U. Show, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Shnw, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. J. Shaw, Mrs. Annn Stevenson, Mr J. C. Wix son. Fine warm SOCKS COc. 110 GEltS. If my work pleases you; pleaso tell your friends. If not, tell mo. Rogers, 202 N. Jersey street. Rubbers for Men Dollar Ton. ROGERS. For Sale About 35 rabbits for sale. 10. Cull C03 W. Burr street. Go to Mrs. Becbo at COG N. Jersoy street to havo that now suitor dress made. Lost By lady who could ill afford to loso it, pockctbook containing $10 in bills nnd a dol lar or two in silver. Finder kindly leavo at this oillco. RUBBER SHOES $1.00. RO GERS. For RentModorn houso and acreage, with privilego to keep cow and chickens. Call - 1215 East Charleston street. For Salo Household furniture, ash and walnut. Call G18 Col umbia boulevard ; pnone Col umbia 1174. Ar,,i ni time down town stores beat my prices they don't. TIN PANTS $3.50. ROGERS. i.-CninIuvn room house nnd 2 lots, one in orchard. $2000; terms. Aisoiurni.ure. ucv iuuai Buchanan. Lost-Light brown fur neck niece, lined with Persian pat tern. Finder please leavo at C02 W. Richmond; reward. Found Lady's glove on Smith avenue, corner Tyler, about one week ago. Owner may havo same by calling at this offico and paying for adv. For Sale-Baby buggy, Fulton, fnldine. with storm cover, in good condition; 715 N. Willam ette boulevard. Lost Between Catholic church and Oswego tret. a Following of Christ prayer book. Finder please leave at 528 h. lyler street. For Sale-Seven room house, modern, Iot75xl00. Price$2500, terms. Also four room house, Partly modern, gfage. $1200; terms. All street improvements paid. Call 519 Oswego street. LOOK! FOR SALE-New three room bungalow, largo barn, on two corner lots, including heater, new largo gas range, curtains and shades. Call 1338 Hartman. corner Cruikshank street. GLOVES LAUGK ASSORTMKNT W. W. ROGHRS THIi RAINCOAT MAN ROGERS want you. When in need of small arti cles, get them at tho G1015c store, St. Johns; in the Penin sula National Bank Building. Wear ROGERS' RAINCOATS. Tho cheapest burglary insur ance is n snfo deposit box. Peninsula Security Company. Swell NECKTIES COc up. RO GERS. For Sale Seven room modern houso nnd soven lots, $0500. Also 5 room cottage, nine lots, $0500. Seo J. S. Downey, 933 N. Syracuse. CO Who is THE RAINCOAT MAN? For Salo-Two lots, COxlOO each, 1G foot alley, N. Leonard street. $250 each, purt cubIi. Call at this ofllco. GO Warm GOLF GLOVES 35c. ROGERS. Seo ub about wiring your houso. Do it now. Peninsula Electric Co., 118 N. Jersey street. Trade in St. Johns, whore you live, when tho price is right. ROGERS. Peninsula Electric Co. sells anything electrical. Houso wir ing, fixtures, our specialty. 118 is . Jersey street. ROGERS sells HATS and CAPS at tho lowest possible prices; latest styles. Automobilo insurance. Direct adjustment and prompt settle ment in enso of loss. Peninsula Security Company. a "ARGONNE," tho latest Arrow collar for snlo by RO GERS. Whv buy green slab wood when you enn Rot mostly nil in side wood for tho samo money? W. S. .IrnitlH mi Pnof Pr.ll, street; Columbin 722. li) THE PRESIDENT is better The crops are fine Business is good The elevator is nearly finished And the Peninsula is growing WHY WORRY? Eat well, sleep tight, play fair Do your work as well as you can Add a little each week to your Savings Account And BE HAPPY j Peninsula Natona Ban Open Saturday Evenings B io 8 For tho convenience of many of our customers, banking hours on SATURDAYS will hereafter be: 10 to 1 and 6 to 8. Triple Coated Blue and White Enamel Ware We are overstocked on a few items and will sell a limited number at a price below Gray Enamel Ware. 2 qt, Blue and White Enameled Coffee Pots special $ ,90 6 " " " " " Rice Boiler " 1,98 6 " " " " " seamless Tea Kettle L98 Several other items in this Ware at Special reduced prices. l wnnwii Tmnir m i i ; St. Johns Hardware Co. Phone Columbia 35 'uooa40aoooocia4aooKooooocioo Music Lovers Choose the BRUNSWICK MUSIO lovers chooso the Brunswick Phonograph to play their favorite records, for it plays all records at their best, The Brunswick Method of Reproduction makes this possi ble. It consists of two out standing, exclusive features tho Brunswick Ultona and the Brunswick Tone Amplifier. The Ultona The Ultonla Is a scientific creation which enables one to play all records with faithful regard for the require merits of each make. It is not in any setibc a combination contrivance, but involves a fundimental principle of sound reproduction. Nor is the Ultonia a complex me chanis'm. liy a slight turn of the hand it is adapted to any make record, in stuutly supplying the correct position on the record, the proper needle and diaphragm and the precise pressor or weight necessary to play that pardon lar record. The Tone Amplifier The Bsunswick Tone Amplifor is another improvement of fiiudiimuutul importance. As the name implies, it amplifies the tone, making it richer, sweeter, truer. This vibrant tone chamber, con structed entirely of moulded lullwood, free from metal, provides the requisite resiliency that unfolds and projects true tone. Like a fine violin or tlic.-utuU iug board of a piano, it complies with the approved laws of acoustics. Hear The Brunswick Before You Buy One hearing of this remarkable in strument is enough to convince, the most critical music lover that here is the final type of phouograph. We Sell all Models on Easy Terms Currin's for Drugs 1 05 Philadelphia Street o 0 o i : i i