THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. W. Marlcle, Ktlllor Published Friday of Each Week ADVItkTISINO "rATHS J.cirni ntid all display, 25c per inch per week. Lo cals 2 cents per word per week: mini mum 25c. Subi orlptlon prlc $1.G0 par year. pot nil i Tun RKVIKW In Portland. Oreiron, ns mall mutter of the second clnss under the Act of Con gress of Mntcu 3, 1879. It hnnnened in the Anronne. A regiment was cut off from its support. The telephone was !S. 10 knocked to pieces. Ket ai it was needful to send word to the supporting column, three miles away and out of sightover a low ridge. The cut off rcgi mcnt was surrounded by its foes. It could hold out but n few min utes longor. No human courier could hope to traverse one-tenth of that three thousand yards of open ground without being blown to atoms or riddled with bullets. A dispatch, telling of the regiment's plight, was tied to the neck of a young collie The colonel lifted the dog over the top of the trench, livery oyo in the regiment watched him sweep away toward the distant ridge. It was three miles to the supporting column -three thousand yards of it ra ked with the German fire. The collio set off like a Blrcak of golden light. He ran as gaily as if His master and tils lionu waited for him instead of death. The enemy sharpshooters blazed into action at tho first glimpse Modern Homes We own and offer for sale the eight modern houses located on Willamette boulevard and Edison street, between Fessen den and New York streets. These houses are thoroughly modern and up-to-date. Built by day labor, with the beat of workmanship and materials, completely finished in every de tail. These houses are offered for sale at a price far less than they could be built for today. Wo will givo surprising & ly easy terms to responsible pur f chasers. Peninsula Security Company. Phono Columbia 161. That English walnuts, when properly cared for, results in biir returns to the grower in St. Johns, is evidenced by a four teen year old tree at the homo of II. N. Spencer, 301 West Mo hawk street. It ia of the Van quetto variety, and this year produced iuu pounds ot walnuts. Mr. Spencer expects to realise about $160 from this year's pro duct. Last year ho soul over $100 worth of walnuts from the tree. It is now 20 inches in diameter, about fifty feet high and has a spread of fifty feet. YE OLDE BARN DANCE You can't miss it mid feel happy after. Why? HKCAUSIi It embraces tea years of life's fun. Mini utu'Mi ai, uiu Mini. K'liii '3U I c nt .t n t ii i of him, an along ti.o iino taking St. Clement s School Hall, put uiiuia at unit luiimj. rur n t j n i nr yd i uiu ay, uci. zo ovor two thousand yauls he sped along close to earth, his gold and white 1 o ly whizzing through tho shell sraken air like a cat apault. He cleared crntvro in bin stride, ho hurdled groups o doad. Ho ran as unerringly straight toward that ridgo as a crow could have flown. And a1 tho time tho bullets wero spat ting into the rocky earth in front of him ami behind him and over his back. It was glorious race with death! When ho was within five hun dred yards of tho ridge a groan wont up from tho whole faaefna ted regiment. The collio hud leaped high in air and had come crashing to tho ground n uouirm ing, huddled heap. Hut on tho infltant.tho groan changed to a hysterical cheer. For tho dog was up againi Keeling, stag goring, lurching, bleeding - stumbling along as no animal does unless ho iu mortally woun ded tho collio continued his journey. And tho sharpshooters redoubled their efforts to got him. On ho lurched, still in a atraight Hue, anil with such speed as ins mighty will power couiu injoci into ids stricken body. Ah ho noarod tho summit of tho ridge, and was outlined 'gainst tho Bkylino.auother bullet or moro than one- found him. Ho collupscd, helpless; and lay still. Hut presently ho was not lying huh any longer, no was moving. Ho could not stand. Tho last shot had hit him some where in tho spine. Hut ho could still crawl along, by means of his forelegs and his splendid will. And over tho ridgo ho wriggled his way. He crawled up to tho general to whom ho had been sent; and died as his nose touched tho general's outstretch ed hand. Ho had saved a whole regiment. And ho had lost nothing but his own life. Tho L adieu' Homo Journal. To tho child objecting land lord: How long would your pro perty not you an income if the raising of children would stop? wny, wnen soiling property. don't you ask, how many child ren have you instead of, how much can you pay down? That seems to bo the leading uuos tion. Tho house 1 live in is just a shell nid one of tho oldest in St. Johns, but 1 hava to move or knock my children in tho head. so will moro us soon as 1 can find a house not to good for my children. - A Mother of throe boys, and proud of them. It GET A BADGE THE HUFF STUDIO 214 N. Jersey Street. Si. Johni When in need of itood Photos of ony kind, cnll un Ui. Our nioliirei are unex. cr lied. Ileal remits obtainable, lilve uc II. C, A. HUM-, I'holotfttplier, FOY'S : St Johns Fair Store Highest Quality and Lowest Prices Toys a Specially U07 N. Jersey St. Phone Col. 839 McKINNEY'S BARGAINS FLOUR Spcrry's Drifted Snow is a perfectly blended White Hour Include a sack with your next order and the whole family will love the cook and tri an k us lor telling you a- bout it. 8 V V V' V T C. S. BUCY GROCER Phone Columbia 528 3 Toilet and Laundry Soaps Our stock of soaps in cludes all popular brands for toilet purposes as well as for use in kitchen, laundry or workshop. We handle daintily per fumed hand or bath soaps which will not irritate the most delicate skin. The Ideal Home Phonograph Notice to alt Music Lovers Wc have just received our first shipment of "GOLDEN THROATED" " CLAXTONOLAS and wish to announce that wo are ready to de monstrate this quality Phonograph to all inter ested. This Ideal Home Pho nograph makes your home complete. Plays all records. W. M. TOWER 107 Philadelphia St. ST. JOHNS 601 Our large variety of laundry j soaps affords an easy sclco ft tion for your needs SIA1AIONS & CO., Grocers I'cssemlcn I'liouc Columbia 210 Deafness Cannot Be Cured iy local iptillealliinii, si Ihty cannot rraeli i tin million ,if I lie tar. Tlicr If only line wny la cur. itra'niu, unit thai la uy cniifiiiutinnm rrmruirs. iwniiirii i.mispil liv an Inrtuninl cmiilltlun of th tmi llnlii of (hp ISinlacliInn Tub Whrn (lilt tu tiu innamni you nsvo a rumuiinn 1'iunil nr Imiierfri t lir rln, nml when II la entirely lmmns in lh mull, ami unlun the Inrmrmnntl m can lie taken out ml Dili tub rrtinrtil to lla normal comll tion. hmrlnir will l.. iliroyel forereri nlti. man out of len ar' rauurd liy Catarrh, which la noililna but an Indameil conillllan of tho tmicoua urfaret. V. will live One Hundred Dollar for any rate of l)'(ne. (ramril by catarrh) that cannot be etirrrt by eMail'! Catarrh Cur. Vend for circular, free y J. CIIKNMV A CO., Toledo, Ohio, Mold !. ttrtliil.l. T(c Tak Hall's family I'lll for conillpallon. F L WHITE Building Contractor Day or Job Large or Small Phone Coi. H33 912 So. Syracuse St. Summons . No, G-9120. In the Circuit Court of the State Oregon (or the County of Multnomah. Jessie M. Stanton, I'lnlutlff, vs. Char les IJ. Stanton, Defendant. Tu Charles K. Stnntou: In the tmmc of the State of Orccon you arc hereby required to appear in the aoove cntiiieu court anu answer tuc com plaint filed against you In the above en titled suit on or before the expiration six weeks from the date of the first pub I lent luii bcine I'riday. October 3rd. 1919 If you fail to so nppcur and answer, for tnc want inereol, tile piaintllf will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to wit: I'or a decree dissolving absolutely the bonds oi matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant. This summons) served upon you by puuilcailon in tlic bt. Johns Review, i weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, published and circulated ii .Multnomah County, State of Oregon pursuant to an order of Honorable Wll iiam N. Oaten, one of the Indues of the above entitled court, which said order was made iind entered on the 30th da of Sentembcr. 1919. and rcmiires till summons to be published in said pope for six consecutive weeks, and fixes tin date of the fitst publication, I'riday, Oc tobcr 3rd, 1919, and requires you loop tcnr in tlic above entitled court mm un swer said complaint on or before the tx titration of six weeks from the date ul the first publication, to wit: October 3rd. 1919. I'HRKINS & IIAIUJV, Attorneys lor I'laintiir. KcJl'tctils of Orcnon. l'oslofficc address, 1117 Iloatd of Trade, l'ortland, Oregon. Dr. E. R. Sparks CHIROPRACTOR AND NATUROPATH 717 Dcktim Bldg. Acute and Chronic Diseases calls day or night Office Main 47S3 PHONES Ret. Tabor 7075 I buy or sell St. Johns Property A. W. DAVIS Ren I Estate Fire Insurance and Notary Public List your property with tuc if you I desire to sell quickly 202 N. Jersey St. St. John Patronize tho home merchant Who is tho imrty that wnntei to pnrchiiHo that chicken ancli in bt. JoIiiih Hotter comu in and see mo quick. I have room house with 0 Innru lots lo cated in tho beat pari of St. .lontiH, ono mock irom enra; price for muck an e 52001). Pay mo $2?0 cash, tho balance like rout. Not many utich opportun (ties; cot busy quick. Kino homo of ho ven lurcoroomH with larue lot. Htreeta tnnroved. cioae in location: mm. berries anil k'nipi'H in abundance. Price today S2G00. Terms if dealrcd. Small room bouse with cor nor lot 7Bxl00 feet, street im proved, also sower on street. rrico today S1000; pay mo SHG0 cash, balanco like rjnt. I have customers who wish to purchase properties as follows: want ft room modern house; will pay 500. caah, balance reason able monthly payments. Want threo or four room mod urn house; pay $150 caah, balanco mummy. WantO room modern buncn ow: will pay ?7f0 cash, balance monthly. Want ft or (1 room modorn homo. must bo uood; will pay tho cash. want u room modern homo; pay $100 cash, balance monthly. Want'l room modorn homo; will pay ?a00 cash as first pay. ment. Want 2 or tl room modern house. close to woolen mills, on reason able terms. I have many other customers wlo wish to nurchaao homes. Como in and let mo know what you have to sell. AtcKINNGY. Your Eyes or a Million Dollars Would you sell your sight for u million uoiinrr If you value them to that amount is it nut fair thut you consult me, us 1 know your ryes and know what they must liuvc. If I tart foMour tyti Your Eyti Mill Cart for you OltltclUIn 7J67 . H, 1 1 US I tlourtiUA, si. lo 3 t . si, ttenlngi tiy Appolnlmcnl jrTonETRl5T-0PTic,A 206-7-8 SWtHAND DLDG. nilh and WMonton Str(t Mdln 7367 Portland, Oregon Get your shoes Repaired in n first class manner at the Old Reliable SHOE REPAIR SHOP CARL JUHNKC, Prop. JOWER BUILDING Prices right and prompt service Used Cars For Sale Model 75 Overland. newly overhauled , I new ton, rejiatntetl, jjooii tires, flw. HU7 I'onl. kooiI couilltlou. f&w. HU8 Oldtuioblle 8, nood condition, POO COU'MIUA OAUAOl 107 1'essemleu St. FUNERALS Bonutlful gray or blaok ndult oaiktt, huorsr, box, 2 autos ombalmlng and rafln ed sarvloa for., , $75 I aW W Ppjpv, MIM.HU TACV I'unerglj if desired for f20, ?3D, fit), $00. Ili(lier j-rucl Iu1 cmI Id uo portion, Wc manufacture caskets. I.ody utut. lleautiful fuiicritl chapel, MILLER & TRACEY Main SOOt Indopondont Funsrnl Dlrootors A 7008 Wjjlilnxton at CIU Street, Uctern 20lh and 2tt Street, West Side ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS Representative CM Central Ave. N. Phone Columbia 8S8 PENINSULA ELECTRIC CO. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Dr. Lewis J. Keliher DENTIST yRKSII PROM THIS IJAKKRY a layer cake is a dream to behold ana a joy to tnsie. as a sun beam, with fillimr thut simtilv ciin not be described, the cake will prove a roym treat. At your next alfair order out nnd you'll make yourself lainousioryoitrspiemiut uosmtality Wc kit 1st but. Orders UVcn for Vcddia Cikt. Fennln's Bakery and Delicatessen I I 5 North Jersey Street Real Estate CENTRAL LOCATION Thirteen years la the utilities in St. Johns, List your jirojierty with us. We susc Mies, a, j, tuoK,g: n, Jersey, 1 Peninsula Bank Building Room 10 Offlco Phone Columbia 793 Office Hours 9 A, M. to 6 P. A. Wireing, Fixtures, Auto Accessories Diamond Tires Expert Storage Battery Work SFRVICE STATION Appliances of All Kinds Phone Col. 977 418 N. Jersey Street Eg Clothing, Trousers, Notions, g & UPN'3 IINflPRWFAR Uinmon'c llndorupsr 4 yj u uiiuliim knii if UIIIUII u unuuinuui ( & rH W o 03 CD P A plentiful assortmeut of undergarments for men, of cotton, all wool or mix ed, Single piece or union suits In all weights. Prices from $1.25 to$G.75 An inspection will prove their quality. made iu a rouge of styles for everv dress aud cut so as to insure perfect fit. Some are with low neck, short or without sleeves, knee or ankle lengths in medium weight. Regular sizes $1.35 to S1.50. Out sizes $1.50 to $1.75. Also high neck long sleeves ankle length, in wool or cotton. Underwear for children from infant sizes to 1G years. These are fleece lined or of mixed wool, separate garments or union suits. They are comfortable, durable and warm and in prices that will suit you. CD O s I CD CO O W. JOWER, 302 Jersey St. War Kuui ' Come iee ifienv. HramBps mm are Jkmn Dear Mary: I think that the Orientals are entitled lo a prominent nlace in the Hall of Fame. They, in creatine: their luxuri ous rugs, have given the world ideas both of comfort and beauty. Lwasdown at II. P. CLARK'S yesterday . and seeing their charming rugs was like going through a pict- ni'n nrollntf Tlinn ni'innrnl Inuirrnc unin ni'olinnfinrr nnrl the French and domestic patterns surprisingly harmonious and the prices so low. You ought to see them. Your friend HELEN. P. S. Fverv home should have beautiful rugs such as they have at H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man 400-402 S. Jersey St. Fresh Vegetables m Season I Eat plenty of vegetables. and you will enjoy good health. They are full of nour ishment and have a ben- . -cficul influence upon your whole system. -; We keep a large and f complete stock of all the fresh vegetables in season and sell them at prices you can easily afford to pay. - ' And those not in season can be found in our canned goods department, where quality and prices arc al- , ways sure to be just right. ' ' ' MUCK GROCERY 301 S, Jersey Pho(ie Col. 118 COLUMBIA GARAGE Under New AlanngemciU from Sept. 15, 1919. The St. Johns Millinery For Seasonable Hats at Reasonable Prices Order work and Remodeling a Specialty Hats Reblocked, Plumes Cleaned, Curled and Dyed Mrs. M. E. CRANE, Proprietress e3 High class mechanics in charge All-work guaranteed Dealers is Used Uars, Tires, Tubes and Accessories C. L. Hickman A. A. Smith 107 Fessenden Street Sherman Cochran DEALER IN LIGHT LUNCHES SOFT BRINKS CAN6Y art TOBACCO 107 N. JERSEY STREET Dr. N. E. McAlister PENINSULA BANK BLDG. St. Johns, Portland, Oregon COAL Also WOOD Be Sure and Order From St. Johns Lumber Co. The St. Johns Shoe Shop 201 South Jersey Street Does all kiuds Shoe Repairiag. Rubber heels put on ia 5 All work guaranteed "Unioa Shop s i raitmtes. 1 I