Hliterlsti loolttr ST. JOHNS REVIEW VOLUME 15 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1919. NUMBER 47 News in General Patronize the Review adver tisers. September has been a moBt de lightful month. Russell Drinker ha3 entered th University of Washington. Mr. Galloway is building an addition to his home on South Ivanhoe street. The Review is your paper, and will bo just as newsy as you caro to make it. St. Johns is growing as rapid ly in population an its housing facilities will permit. Born To Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Lindloy, 507 East Polk street, Sept. 20, a daughter. A young son arrived at the homo of Mr. and Airs. J. l. Kerns, 126 Allegheny Btrcct, Sept. 17th. If you need printing done, romembor this oflko turns out neat and tasty printing at prices moit reasonable. o People will soon bo able to ulnnn nn hmir tntnr in tho morn ings, which will no doubt bo a greeablo all around. Sugar was a minus quantity hero for somo days the past wcck. It would acorn that a sugar re finory in Portland would not bo a bad thing. James Dickson, who is at tho Good Samaritan hospital, whore he successfully underwent an operation last week, b still otcudly improving. o Dr. and Mrs. Irvino hnvo taken up thoir residenco nenr the Emanual hospital. The doctor will assist at that hospital for tho next year or so. o Portland gets $35,000 knitting mills plant. GEORGIA RICH 1'M.VO PUriL BCATMCK HIDDEN CICHCNLAUB. 012 Bush & Lana Blda. Marahall OjS Alnaworth Ava. Phonea- Woodlaw 410 Oawaoo Btt Columbl Mrs. Gabriel Pullin VoonJ Touolior DUphraui Breadth)?, Forward Tone placement nnd Clear diction, Pupils taught to take part lu Trios and Quartettes. HSS Lombard St. rhone Columbia 162 Airs.Frank A. Rice Tkachrr Ol' Violin, Alandolln and Piano Pupil ol Nolra Dm Studio: 609 W.John Street Telephone Columbia 389 ELMER SNEED Violin Instruction STUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse Street rhone Columbia 302 . , Mrs.BerthaC.Burdick L i , 1 1 , (Uceutitate of the Royal Academy of Music, London.) Teacher of Piano 1957 Hodge St. Phone Col. 87a Dr. Evart P. Borden D1SKTIST Painless Extraction of Teeth under Nitrous Oxide Gas Office Peninsula Bank bldg. Office phone Col. 625; res. phone Col. 477 Hours 9-12 a. m.; 1:80-5 and 7-8 p. tn. Phone Columbia 379 Res. Columbia 1131 Dr. F. P. Schultze Physician and Surgeon Room 10 Peninsula Bank Building DR. L. F. PICKENS, DENTIST Office Hours 8 to 12 A. M. 1 to 6 P. M. Evenings 7 to 9 Peninsula Dank Bldg. Office I'hone Columbia 1 1 83 TlWCiTLDWELL LEADING BARBER The place where good service and courteous treatment prevail. Children's hair cutting receive special attention. 109 BURLINGTON STREET People of St. Johns, wo would recommend that you read care fully every business announce ment in this paper, and then decide to do all your trading with them so far as they arc able to supply your wants. They aro deserving of it. Locey R. Decker, a shipyard worker, and brother ot (Jar Decker, of St. Johns, has just inherited $250,000 In money and property from an uncle who died recently in Minneapolis says a. Portland paper. Mr Decker lives on East Gilsan street. I A strange kind of rain made its anncarnnce in Portland las Saturdny morning. It resembled a mixture of dust and water. Many exnlanations have been offered, from lava dust to plain mud. whatever it was it cer lainly made n mess ot somo windows and nutos. One thing is certain it was not gold dust Tho Review is being distri butcd this week to the homes of St. Johns free of charge, and will uo so distributed for some time to come. Tho idea is to gain a better ncquaintnnco with all the people of St. Johns, both on tho part of tho Rovicw and tho business men whoso an nounccmonts appear in this is sue. Advertising in tie Review is based on weekly rates, and not monthly. It costs a certain a mount each week to get out the Rovicw, and If there aro fivo publications in a month, adver tisers aro charged with fivo weeks' service instead of ono month. Otherwise it would provo a serious burden to get out five papers in one month, nnd rcccivo pay for only four. Petition of the sales and bud ply division. United States ship ping board, to build n storngo warchouso of frame construc tion. 50 feet wido nnd 1G0 foot long, at its storngo station in tho old urant bmlth-t'ortcr shipyards was granted. Twelve existing buildings of frnmo con struction will bo removed boforo the now structuro is constructed, It was agreed. Tho frost will soon be on tho pumpkin. 23B7 Columbia 004 II Barney trusts idem, you can Barney Oldfield knows tires as you know them but more intimately, Surely the tire that Barney Oldfielil recommends and lues himself as the most trustworthy merits your unqualified confidence, You never had so good a reason for choosing a particular make of Tire as you have for riding on Oldfields, National Vulcanizing Go. 205 S, Jersey St, PHONE COLUMBIA 1180 Between Friends a photograph There'sa photographer inyour town The HOES STUDIO Opposite Central School Carpet weaving, ruga and car pets of any description. Prices reasonable. Start Oct. 1st. J. A. Halberg, 812 N. WilJamette boulevard; phone Columbia 939. G J. Verdegan is repairing dwelling on Oswego street. News items of special import nnco aro sure scarce this week in St. Johns. Carl Thompson has taken out a permit to repair residenco at 827 North Edison. . Mrs. Rolph of South Syracuse street left tho first of tho week for an extended visit in Oskosh, Wis. Tho Western Cooperage Com pany Una taken out a permit to repair ury Kims ac an estimated cost of $10,000. . Whnt ifl miflmihtcrllv n rnnnrA cron of D' Anion nonra from nnn aero of orchard has been harvca ted by Mrs. Gladys Brock of Hood Hiver. rom this ncro Mrs. Brock secured 1340 linvnn of pears of tho highest grade. .tiioy wcro marketed through mo Appie urowers' association, which4V0uch.cs for tho record. Her rficoitlta will tin nnnrnv. imately $1020. which will leave a margin of profit of well over 0 Wo would bo triad to havo tho citizens of St. Johns send in nows items thev may hnvo know. ledge of. Wo want nil tho news going, but cannot get it except through tho cooperation of our citizens. So if you hnvo visitor at your home, it is a matter of courtesy to them thnt mention of thoir visit bo mndo In tho homo paper. If any member of your family nnticinates makintr n visit to a distance, let lis know about it. If Voil hnvo a birth nr death, or accident occura in your household, knowledgo of the fact would bo nunrcciatcd. Wed. dings, parties or socials gather ings also nro or general Intorcst. OVERCOATS Very good ones $22.50 and $25.00 i RAINCOATS Slickers, $2.90; Rubber Shoes $4.00 Rubbers for Men $1.10 Tin Pants $3.50 Pair STAG SHIRTS, SOCKS Furnishings for Men YOU KNOW IT'S GOOD IF YOU GUT IT FROM ROGERS . .. The Bank Of Commerce 114 North Jersey St, OFFICERS F. S. DOERNDECHER. President C. DETERINC. Vice President and Catlu'er DIRECTORS F. S. DOERNBECHER, C DETERINC. A. O. NEAL, FRED W. GERMAN. DEARING'S For Fine Chocolates Ice Cream, Tocacco and Cigars 311 South Jersey Street Davis Barber Shop ODtl BATH KOOMS S. W. DAVIS, Prtprutor 108 Philadelphia St. Baths 25c 1 Bank ol Commerce Budding Tilt RAINCOAT MAN Open rente Tho Peninsula Lumber com pany is enlarging its hotel at tho foot of McKenna avenue. aaaataaaaB m mm The Peninsula Lumber com pany is erecting a club house at 1415 McKenna avonue at a cost of $6,000. t N.R. Comello is erecting hand some five room bungalow at 523 South Jersey street, and has tho same well under way of con struction; Advertisers desiring to change copy must hnvo samo in this ofilce not later than Wednesday evening of each week. Other wise a change cannot bo guar anteed. Miss Georgia Rich has opened at a. trr. A a studio suite, oiz uusn nno Lnnc building, corner Broadway and Alder Btreets, to nccom modato n growing class in tho city, also a number of students fronj out of town. Miss Fredia Bratyel of Grcaham, who was assistant librarian at St. Johns the paBt year, is studying with Miss Rich and will bo henrd in recital this season. Miss Ethe Knoff. who has been hoard by St. Johns music lovers a number of times, win bo presented in rocital boforo tno Holidays, to uo nss sted by John Oliver, a talcn ted violinist of St. Johns. A number of pupils will bo tirescnted in recital to bo given n tho city in October, tho dnto to bo announced later. Miss Rich prepares nnd presents her pupils in public recitals. Albnnv GO stand apiary pro duced 8500 lbs. honey this senson. Corvullls Agricultural col lego gets $30,000 for another dor mitory. THE ST, JOHNS GARAGE 216 North Jersey St. Authorized Ford Service Sta tion. Ouly genuine Ford parts used. Tires, size 30x3, guaran teed 6000 miles, $18.00 up. --CARS STORED- Woolley Bros. Dr. Samuel A. Mulkey IJJSNTIST Office Rooms C, 7 and 8 B PENINSULA SECURITY BLOC. Hour 9 to 12; 1:30 to 6 Evening 8 to 9 lOS'A S. Jersey St. ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND. OREGON Phone Columbia 930 Whv buy green slab wood when you can Ret mostly all in side wood for the same money? W. S. Jeans, 501 East Polk street; Columbia 722. 49 The free show at the Multno mah Mondny and Tuesday even ings drew large audiences. The new serial was declared to be "a dandy." Manager McCredie is Burely deserving of credit for his untiring efforts in putting on high class attractions here. T. J. Autzen, A. Larrowe, P. H. Edlefsen and J. N. Edlcfscn motored down to Blind Slough Sunday to spend n few days deer hunting. They report tho roads in fairly good conoition and were successful in getting u deer. Camp wns mado a't Larkin Green logging camp. Lumbermen who aro in close touch with trade conditions ore diet that before the end of the year tho mills in Oregon nnd Washinton will be swnmped with business. In fact, they report that orders now bcins of fered wou d keen tho entire In dustry running at capacity if tnero wcro cars enough to enrry tho product away. As soon as tho car situation improves tho vohtmo of orders accepted by tho mills will increase. This week inaugurates a new featuro in tho library story hour for the children. Stories about music and musicians will bo told tho first story hour of each month, nnd these will bo illus trated with records on tho Vic trola. Tho first nuiBic story hour included the story of "Pan and his Pipes," and delightful flute records wcro played. Tho story of tho early life of Mozart was also told and some of the lovely minuets of Mozart were played. Tho children will be given an appreciation of good music in this way. Arguments on the application of tho city of Portland for nn extension 01 the St. Johns no of tho Portland Railway, Light & Power company, from its pre sent torminus to the St. Johns terminal will bo heard boforo tho public sorvico commission at tho courthouse in Portland at 1 o'clock. October 10. Tho city. in its application, declares the extension to bo ncccssnry for the accommodation of tho cm ploycs at tho municipal dock nnd elevator. Tiro railway comnnny opposes tho extension ns being too expensive and as involving further losses in operation. First Class in Every Respect Will be found the paint offer ed here. Our plan is to make every sale an atlveitisement for this store. So to that cud we are more than particular to keep our merchandise up to the highest standards and our prices down to the lowest. Byerle & Armstrong 420 North Jersey Street NO WEAKY HOURS n the homo provided with one of our model talking machines. or there is always at command entertainment of any kind pre ferred. Ihe most classic com positions or the latest dance music. Tho most thrilling solos or the rollicking songs of the day. Come and learn what a per fect companion a talking ma chine can be. St. Johns Phonograph Company 817 H. JERSEY STREET Local advertising will bo charg ed for at two centp per word. words in capitals counting on word and a half. So count your words when sending in a local ad. to the Review during the "Get Better Acquainted" cam paign. Rapid progress is being made in the construction of tho now steel mill for tho Pacific Coast Steel company at Wilbtidge. William Piggott, manager of tho company, whoso headquarters are in Seattle, was hero recently to look over tho work. It is planned to employ 700 men in this plant whon operations start. St. Johns Methodist Episcopal church, Confercnco Sunday. Thorn will bo no preaching ser vice in tho morning. Sunday school at 11:00 a. m. an uiual. Epworth Leaguo at 7:00 p. m. Dr. Borden, who is a great fav orite with this church, will preach at 8 o'clock. A hearty welcome tojhim and to all. J. H. Irvine, pastor. So many of tho business nion hnvo desired to mako their an nouncements to tho nconlo of St. Johns in this issue that reading matter space is rather cramped. In fact, wo had to rcfuso some advertising this week in order to get any nows in tho paper. However, if wo tiro assured of enough advertising encourage ment we may decide to enlarge tho paper durlngour "Got Better Acquainted" campaign. On Thursday afternoon. Oct ober 1Kb, there will ho a mooting in the St. Johns L'brnry Audi torium for all St. Johns women. and especially with babies. Dr. Moore 01 Portland, baby special ist, who has worked much with the babies of Franco and Bel gium, will conduct a free clinic from 1 to 2 and examlno tho babies. Mothers can talk over their experiences with each other and Miss Eldridge of New York, representing the Amort- can Nurses' Association, will talk at 8:30 on Community and Homo Sanitation. Our own community nurse. Miss Hcnd rickscn, will be present. Tea will be scived and there will be music, making the afternoon a pleasant social affair at well as informative. Everybody wcl como from 12:00 to G:.'10. French Dry Cleaning Anjl Pressing Wo Cnll i'or tmtl Dollvor LAUNDRY PROMPT SERVICE o W. J. HAYZLETT 217 N. Jersey St. Phono Columbin 951 There is really no ciiimris'i between the case mid thorough, uess with which un Jllectric Cleaner removed dirt and the difficulty of wt-ciiiK, True, one CAN clean rup and carpets without un electric cleaner. A hro in or carpet sweeper will brush up SO.MH of the dirt; and if you like the exercise and have plenty of time uud strength a broom and carp, et beater will do the work after a fashion. In the ssauie way one can wash without soap, Water a loue will remove some dirt if applied with enough "elbow Krease," Hut people use soup because It cleans more easily and better than water alone. For the same reasou ople use Iilectrlc Cleaners because they clean more easily ami far better than other methods. Portland Railway Light & Power Company 'Buy Your Electric Goods atan llecdicSloi e" u nijr wurn yicuuus you , iJlUdba tell your friends. If cot, tell me.Roffors. 202 N. Jersey I i. ..i ...... i etraet. Why tlie Electric Cleaoer MULTNOMAH THEATRE ST. JOHNS Open Sundays 2; 15 to 11:00 MondavsarfdSaturdavsonenat 6:30 Other days at 7:00 ADMISSION, 6c, c, Igc NOTE: We show nothing but good, clean pictures tho best to be had. However, because of tho prices we are chanred for some of the especially big ey," "Daddy Long Legs," "The Brat' "Paid in Ad vance' "His Majesty the American." "The Hoodlum," etc., we snail have to add five cents to our regular admis sion prices, on these particu lar nights. For such pict ures over town in the big shows, you nav from 30c to GOc. As these big pictures aro few and far between, and as we know you wish to see tho very best, wo shall endeavor to show them all. This Week Sunday, Oct. 6 Ali-HUr Out In'-TIIlt IIMNDNKSS 01' DIVOUCH"-lii G net. MomUjr and Tuesday, Oct. 0 mid 7 Big Bargain Show AdulU rc cncli Children 2 for fie A kx)1 ilxiw Wednesday, Oct. 8 "THIt CAUHim 01' KATIMUUN HUSH" I'aramoutit-ArtcrailHpecUl Slory by Itliuor C.lyn Thursday only, Oct.O LI LA LEE In "KOfil'. 01' Tint IUVUK." 1'iiday only, Oct. 10 CONSTANCE TALMADGE In "ItXl'fMIMIfNTAI. MAKKIAO It" Saturday, Oct. 11- ETHEL CLAYTON In "TllltGIKI. WHO CAM It HACK," Sunday, Oct. 12 FRED STONE In "JOHNNY OICT VOUK GUN." Dr, W. J. Gilsfran Physician and Surgeon Glasses Accurately Fitted Ol'I'ICH HOURS ;00 to 12 M. Ol'l'IClt 1:30 to 4:301'. M. Peninsula 7:00 to 8:00 P. M. entity bldi; Sundays, 9,00 to 1010 A. M. Dr. Herbert F. Jones CHIROPRACTOR 311 North Jersey Street Day Phone Night Phone Columbia (!.)() Columbia 07 St. Johns Undertaking Go. 208 N. Jersey Street Columbia 299 Phones Columbia 62? Automobile Hearse. 6tl Our Prlcti Before Going lo Portland PENIMSULA HUE ABSTRACT I REALTT CO H. HENDERSON, Manager 40? H, Jarsay Slratt Abstracts of Title I'rciurcd Titles Kxumhwd rhone Columbia 255 Hauling and Moving OF ALL KINDS Done utilolcly titul prompt ly Many Trips to una irom rortiami . S. 111 XN tin rit Pi Chosi csb mm io n. KicnmonuM. Poff & Green TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand and Gravel Hauled Daily Trips to Portland Phoai Col. JOB 206 N. JERSEY ST EXPREd We haul any thing, any time, any place. Prices reasonable Daily Trips to Portland Enquire, 317 N. Jersey St. coiSlwn" 377 EDMONDSON & CO. Plumbing, Heating & Tinning We Repair Alumiuuui Ware Paaas Cl, ! 307 S. Jersey St.