St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 26, 1919, Image 4

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Inform Them of Uvea and Treasure
Poured Out to Save
! ClvllltAtlon.
(By Mt, Clemens Nows Duronu)
Aboard Prnnldont Wllaon'fl Special
train Uarryinir bin war ncnlnst (Iioho
who opjioho tho ndoptlon by tho Unl
tod Statn of tho punco tronly ami tho
coronunt of. Iho Imruo of Nations la'
(o tholr liPdHulioldrt, Prenlili'iit Wilson
lust wtclc luvmlod California,
Anil llii-o, whero Uio titiontlon on
which lciiL'uu onpouontB liuvo 1mm
morod the liunlcut, that of Hlinn Tunc
Is ot moot IntorcMt, tho prueldant found
tbo nanio unthunlnuM among thu ot
plo tor jK-nco mil for Innurnnco
. Against futuru warn. Thu pfoplo want
Iho Ionic controversy unilod. They tlilH country to bo nblo to ngnln
turn Itn undlvldod nttontlon to miolal,
nconnmlo nnd Induntrlnl duvolopmonL
Tholr lcadorH may not foot thin way,
but Judging from tho expretwlons
which mat Iho pronldvnt on ovory nblo,
Tho loadorit hnvo ovemtoppod tho
llmttn ot tho pnoplns pnllanco In tholr
tubborn detonnltinllon to forcu n
chnneo In thu great douumonL
Muit Take .This Leaoue,
"Wo mukt Uito Hit IOOimip of Uw
ti6n,M Raid tho prtwlilont. "for Ihcra
In no way In which nnotiiur can bu
obtnlned without ooniptillliut rocon.
fldoratlon by thu power. And It
would ill vory III upon my Rtomnch to
Uko It back to (lunnnny for conilduni
"All ovor tho world Kjopli. nru look'
Init to uh with conflilunco our rlvuTn
along with Iho wuakar nntlomi. I prny
Uod that Uio cniitli'iiion who nru die
laying thin thing may pnnoiilly nvu It
In a dlrroront IIrIiL"
Gonnany, tho prottldont declared, Is
taking now courngo from our ilnlny In
ratifying tho troaty nnd hor nuwrv
paper nnd publlo mon woru again lnv
coinlnic arrogantly out-npokou.
Deeply Imprnmdro woro tho flKiiroH
of tho coat ot the lato war, In llvim
nnd dollnra. It wnn tho Hint tlinii that
thu odlclnl fitntWtlort hnvo liocu mndo
publlo and (ho troiiiundnun tolnln
'ahockod thn pronldont'ii nudloncoH,
Shows Coit of World War.
8ay Every Day of Delay Put. World
In Imminent Peril of New War
Point to National
'Tho war," said Prenldinit Wllnon,
cost UriiAt Ilrltnln and nnd hur Do-
mains $38,000,000,000; I'rnnco 20,000,
000,000; thn UnlUid Htato JJ2.000,.
000,000; Ituiwila $18,000,000,000; Italy
$13,000,000,000 nnd u total, Including
thn expenditures of Japan, IIiiIkIuui
and othor Dtryill countrlen, of 1 12.1,000,-
"It coat tho Contnil lowura an fol
lows: Oormnny $30,000,000,000: Aim-
Irlallungary, $21,000,000,000; Turkny
and llulenrln $3,000,000,000.
-Tho Unltod Htnttw," tliti prwddtmt
aid, "arnml onu million dollarn an
hour tilKht And day fur two year In
Ita rtrugglo t aavu (ilvllluitlim. All
Ibis, howuvor, fadiHi Into lunlt;nl
Aoanco when tho dintlis by
battlo nro comfldort'd, doularud
tbo prosldont, IIwmIu guyo 1,
700,000 men; (lermany 1,000,000;
Franco 1,380,000; tlnmt llrltuln 000,-
000; Italy 361,000; tho Unltod Htntoa
(0,300, In nil, nlmmtt 7,600,000 niun
prlliud in thu grwit atriiKKlu, or
1,600,000 morn mon than died In nil of
tho vara of tho provlmix 100 ytmru.
Should Remember Recant Horrors,
-inuso nro termini raoin, mid we
ought noyor to forsot thwm. Wh went
Into this war to do n thing that was
fundamental for thu world mid what I
fcavo eonm out on this Journey for la
to dotormlnn whotlmr thu country 1ms
forKOtttn or not. 1 huvu found out
The country tins not furgottmi uud It
will never pormlt any who stands
In tbo way ot thu fultlllmeut of our
ureal plodnos, uvur to forgot tho or
rowful day ho mad thu attumpt."
Arbltrutlon nnd discussion, tho pros
I dent pointed out, must replnou focu
ot arms In the avttlomunt of world
coutroreralea. Constantly ho dwulla
tipou thu tact that all tho nation In
tho Ieugue agree to do onu of two
things, first to submit their dlffarmuw
to arbitration, la which cmihi they
neroo to abide by thu decision ren
dered, or, it unwilling to arbitrate, to
hare their oasu dlMusd by thu Coun
cil ot thu League, In whleh oasu aix
months is granted for discussion
Three months must elapso following
the msult of this last btep in iirhltrn
tlon before thu nation ooucenied can
declare war,
Holds Out Hope For Ireland,
The prvslduut took advantage of
questions propounded by thu Sail Fran
Cisco Labor Council to give thu lutor-
nc that ho bellevoa Ireland ran bring
hor ccse before tho League of Nations
far sbttlement whuu thu Luaguo is
actually iu existence.
Chan Tung, he declared, will bo re
turrod to China, Japan, bu eald, had
jtnu tier BOlumu pledge to that effect.
And with the League of Nations In
force, ba'.d tho president, wo can, if
occasion arises, stand forth nnd say,
Thin shal' bo dono."
"Deafness Cannot 13o Cured
tr sin . itlom, llif cAiiuut rMclt
lt,r 4ImmJ pvrlloa or Dm r Tlnr.- u
uljr n war iu euro dfln, nnd til It
bf culltullunl itmrSIn lrn ll
cuar4 1')' sn lnflmtd rondllloo of lit mu
out lliilkt ol Ihr l.utUrhlan Tul Wlitn
Ul tub I Iniumtd uu Ue a rumbling
' und ur Imrrrftrt hca'ilnir. and whn II u
allrtlr IomJ. IHaliuta U tl roull and
ualau lh Inflsnimailan can b tW v it
aud thla lubt rtiiurrd to lis normal im.dl
tlen. brarlng will bo dtalroytd furrr. utn
hi u oC Uu r cautd by iNitarrh,
wklch ti notblni but an lnnmd egudlllon
f tht mucout aurlacca.
W will iWc On Hundred Doi'ara for any
u et Dtafnraa uauaod by caurrht Ibai
txtsnol b cured by llall'a Catarrb Cur.
VaSA for clrcalaia. fr.
r. J. C'ltGNKr . CO., Toledo. Ohio.
U b Druttlala. Tte.
Ms Hall'a Vautlly I'lIU tar cB.tuUa.
Now York. (Special.) Two hun
drod and fifty loading Americans, Ho
publloan and Dumocrata roprcsontlng
forty different Htatca and ovory prom
Incut activity hnvo Jolnod In a lion
pnrtlratt offort to Itrlng about tho
ratification of tho I'caco Trcnty "with
out nmoiulmiml and without delay."
Tholr names aro nttachod to nn nd
dress to tho United Htatca sonato,
which was mada publlo today, through
tho Lrtaguo to Unforco I'caco, alter It
had bnon sent to ovory mcmbor of the
Tho signers, almost without oxcop
tlon, nro men nnd women ot national
reputallon. Thoy Include such promt
nnut cltlxcns as ox-l'rusldcut Tnft,
Ooorgo W. Wlckersham, nttornny gon
oral In tho Inst republican ndmlnlstra
tlon; A. Lnwruiicn Lowell, prosldont of
Hnrvnrd; Charles C. Mooro of Ban
l-'rnnclsco, preslilont of tho Panama
Kxposltlon; Jmlgo deorgo Orny of Wll
mluglon, Del,; I'nmlilont Hamucl (Join
pers of tho American I'nderntlon of
Labor, llnrry A. Whuolor of Chicago,
retiring prosldont ot tho chnmbor of
commnrco of tint United Htntos; Mrs.
Carrie Chapman Cntt, prosldunt of tho
National American Woman Huffrago
association; Cyrus II, K. Curtis, thu
Philadelphia publisher; President Ho
bor J. (Irani of tho Mormon church,
nnd Spargo, leader of thu socialists
who supported thu war.
Thn signers doolaro that every day
of delay In ratifying thu trinity puts
tho world In "Imminent peril ot uaw
Their. statement follows:
iu Iho senate nt Washington, now
Hint the committee mi foreign rein
lions has reported tho treaty, thn Hues
nro sharply drawn between tho Immo
dlntu ratification of thu treaty of
ponco with Germany, and Its amend
muut with u roiiaseiiiblliig of tho con
ferenco nnd n reopening of negotla
Hons that would bring groat delay and
prolonged uncertainty In nettling thu
great Issues of tho peace. No partisan
Idea can bu Hindu. Party lines nro ul
ready broken,
Hlandlug nt n distance from tho
conflict In thu senate chamber, wo
plead for Immediate ratification with
out delay. Our land reipilren It. A
statu of nervous strain, tension nnd
unrest exists manifesting Itself In dls
turlHinooM, which In seine eases have
no self evident connection with thu
war, but whleh nru, In fact, Ita utter
iiinlh. The world la put In Imminent
peril of new wars by tho lapse ot each
day. Dlssensloua between us nnd our
former allies nro being sown, Wo
firmly tjyllovu and solemnly declare
that thu Hiatus and ultlea Iu which wo
dwell desire Immediate peace.
Thu waging of wnr steadied nnd
united the American people. Peace
will bring prosperity, uud prosperity
content. Delay In Iho senate post pen
lug ratlfloatlon in this uncertain period
of neither peuuo nor war has resulted
li Indeelslon nnd duubl, bred strife
nnd iiuleUeiied the cupidity of those
who mill the dully uectttudtlu of life
and thu fenra of those whoso dally
wagu no longer (Ills the dally market
We beseech thu mtnatu to give the
land pence uud certainty by a rutldcu
lien which will not keep us longer in
the shadows of piwlblo wars, but give
the whole world the light of peace.
Reservations In the nature of clarifi
cations iu the meaulHg of thu treaty,
not inconsistent with Ita terms, will
not require thu roupoulng of thu ne
gotiations with flermuuy nnd with our
associates In the war, which wo nil
nnd each united to win.
Hut there is no possibility ot doubt
that amendment of the treaty, na Is
now proposed by tho senate commit
tee on foreign relations, would reiiulro
negotiation nnd n reopening of all thu
questions decided nt Paris. Mouths of
deluy would follow. Tho perils of the
present would become the deadly dan
gers of tho near future. All thu doubt
engendered would aid the plots for
violent revolution In this and other
lands. Tho Issues here nnd elsewhere
between capital and labor, thu con
spiracy of spet-ulatur uud profiteer,
would all grow and beoome more perilous.
This cannot be. The American peo
ple cannot, alter a victorious war, per
mlt ita government to petition (lor
many, which has accepted the treaty,
for Its consent to changes In the trea
ty. Yet It the United States ahould
amend the treaty for Ita owu purpose
and policy, Ucruiany would have full
rlht to usk for concessions. Germany
has agteod to make no claim in regard
ta cnomy property seized In this coun
try to an amount of seven hundred
million dollars. Our recent foo could
ask for n reopening ot this Issue and
of tho Lusltnnla claims. It could raise
ovory question open beforo hostilities
In regard to submarine wnrfaro nnd
tho treatment of Its nationals In this
country. Alt tho provisions for our
trndo in Gormany raised by tho eco
nomic clnusos of tho treaty, many of
them vital to our industries and our
farms, an In dyo patents, dye supplies
and fertilizers, tho working of tho
reparation commission, which super
Intends tho trndo ot all with Ucrmany.
could all bo brought up by Berlin for
readjustment by our negotiators, net
Ing for tho United States alone and no
longer associated with other victorious
powers or supported by a victorious
American army on tho Uormnn border.
Pence Itself, tho pence of thu world
Is delayed until ratification comoa,
And any amendment postpones peace
Germany nnd Kngland alone of tho
principal powers hnvo ratified. Iho
other principals necessarily await our
action, Influential and powerful us wo
nro today In the world's affairs, Tho
ravages of war on more than n scoro
of fighting fronts an continued by
any needless delny. Let the senate
glvo thu world tmnco by ratification
without nmoudment.
liven tho nmondment for which most
can bu said, thu provision in regard In
Hhntitung, will secure nothing which
cannot bo gained If China, hacked by
the powerful advocacy of thu United
Status, addresses Itself to thu mnchln
ery for righting International wrongs
nnd meeting Just claims created by
tho league between nations. China,
niter eighty years of oppressive tren
lies nnd despoiled rights, by which nil
thu great powers hnvo profited direct
ly or Indirectly, has for tho first lime,
in this covenant and treaty, the mantis
nnd method to secure Justice nnd tho
removal of thu oppressive economic In
terference of stronger nations whoso
citizens nru within her gntos, protect
in I by a long succession of Interna
tional agreements. Moreover, It should
ho remembered that the elausu regard
Ing Shantung wns mndo upon the state
ment by JaiKiu that she wilt return
thu territory to China and, therefore,
upon that condition, compliance wttu
which promise tho loag'uu can require.
Thu peace of the present uud thn
righteousness of thu future can bu best
teuured by the ratification of the cove-
uunt nnd treaty without amendment.
Lei Iho senate take no action (hat will
illvo nny party to tho treaty, nnd espe
cially (lurmauy, ground for maintain
ing that tho ratlfleutlon of thu United
Htntos la not complete nnd that
shnngus requiring u resumption of con
ference and negotiations have been
made in IL
Among the Hlguers in Idaho, Oregon
tnd Wnshlugton nro:
James II. Iluwley, ux-Goveruor.
Charles II. Carey, Judge.
Illehard W. Montngiin, Lawyer.
Walter Taylor Sumner, lllshup,
William I). Wheelwright, Lumber Mer
V. II, Coffinuu, President Washington
Hankers' Association.
"harlot W I'aaaett, Mayor of Spokane,
r'roderlc W Kontor, lllshop,
fosophluo Corliss Preston, President
National (education Association.
First Kosher Moat In Fivo Years
Goes to European Jews,
as Gift.
New York. Included In the more
thun $3,(HX),000 worth of supplies sent
iihi'iHid by American JowUh relief
iigeiicles thus far this imr were srv.
oral hundred Ions of "kosher"
The stouiuor Ashhurn, which left here
Hime time ago for Danzig, curried f0O
Ions of this conimmllty, while the
llunchucn, which has Just nulled. Is
currying n smaller consignment todui
attuiaii, Uiimaiihi.
Unusual Interest uttuchea to both
those shipments. Prominent Jews of
this city Inspected tho first cargo.
Jewish rublila blessed the barrels of
meat us they wore lowered Into tho
uip a ninii. mo morn was u gin irom
the Jews of America to their co
religionists in Poland uud other' parts
of Ituropo. Those Kuropeun Jews have
oeteu virtually no meat In five years,
for their religion prohibits them using
incut other than that kjlled by n rubhl
uud In uu orthodox manner, mid
'kosher" meat has buen unobtainable.
Among the other Mipplles sent Iu
these regular shipment nre soap,
clothing, shoes mid shoe-repairing ma
terials, (urge quantities of not loon,
medicines, hospital supplies and a
long list ot uddltlonnl articles, every
one of which Is lacking Iu the war
wrecked countries acres the Atlantic.
Funds to continue these regular sail
ings ot relief ships ure now being
sought by the American Jewish Hollet
Committee, whose homlquurlon aru nt
1ft Kust -Will Street, thla city. UuW
Marshall Is chulrman and Henry It.
Itoscufclt director ot this organliu
tlon. Cuttipulgus nre scheduled for
this full In some twenty states, nnd It
Is expected to bring tho totul contribu
tions for Jewish relief thla year up to
The Store That Cares For You
Dry Goods and Shoes for Everybody
Rain Capes For School.
Rain Coats For Men
Those dressy, serviceable, attractive Rain
Capes of blue, red and tan are stocked at
our store. They are not the most expensive
grade; they are just good, medium grade,
good value capes that will keep your girl dry
and warm during the trip to and from
And there are some Misses' Silk Poplin
Rubberized regular rain coats in the same
colors as the Capes; they are a. little higher
in price because of the additional work in
their construction.
The Walrus Brand for Men
Ourstore has been the St. Johns Agency
for several years for the Walrus Brand of Oil
Clothing. This is, the brand that most of the
Astoria fishermen wear in their business.
The garments are -not simply made up of
muslin and then dipped in a vat of oil as the
inferior garments are. But the heavy drill
is soaked before it is ever cut; just soaked in
oil and then rolled until thoroughly saturat
ed and cured. We have other rain coats,'
cheaper, but this particular Walrus Brand
is so constructed that we can, with entire
confidence say to a buyer, "put this on and
wear it all day in the hardest kind of a rain
and if it does not keep you perfectly dry,
your money back." In all these years we
have carried these exceptional slickers we
have taken back but five or six and these
because of a leak in a faulty seam and not
in the body of the stock.
A Short Story of a Long Stock
There arc hundreds of Shirts and Collars in our store from which you can make a se
lection; there are hundreds and hundreds of neckties of all prices and colors. A largo
stock of Rain Coats, Overcoats and Socks. We have a stock of hosiery that would be a
creditlto a city of forty thousand. There are umbrellas of moderate price and some of
higher price. There is a good stock of suits for Men and Boys. And there is a pair of
shoes that will fit any ordinary foot in this section. There is just being placed on the
shelves a thousand dollars worth of one brand of Men's Union Suits. Overalls have al
been a long suit with us, the Headlight and Can't Bust 'Em.
L. E. ROE, Mgr. Men's Dept.
Why the Electric Cleane
There I really no eiuinrIon
between the cum-and thorough
iiena with which nu Klectric
Cleaner removed dirt and the
diniciilty ol sweeping.
True, one CAN clean rtiKand
enrpeta without uu eleetrlc
eleamrr. A lirwtui or oart
wewr will brush up SO. MIC
of th dirt; and II joii like the
exeieUeuml Iwve (tlouly oltlmc
nnd strength a broom audenr
et iMMlerwill do the work alter
a fashion.
In tlw Mine way one can
wutli without sc-iip. Water a
lone will remove some dirt if
applied with enough "elbow
K rente."
lUit people use WMp because
it civHUa mure easily and better
than water alone.
1'or the same renMin jteoplc
use Hlcetrie Ctcuuors bwcuuae
tlwy clean more lly and fur
Utter titan other methods.
Portland Railway
Light & Power Company
"Boy Vow Dcclnc Cccds at sn kctidlwe''
j. O, Clumbers Mr. II. U. Iiwry
Funeral Directors
24S-250 KlllltiKswortli Avenue
Telephones. Woodlawn 3300 C 1133
Mr. Chambers is the only O. A. K
undertaker in the city of Portland.
Persoual attention and supervision
given to arrangements.
Residents of St. Joints having
tnxos ami city liens to pay in
Portland can make their nay
ments without inconvenience by
aval intr themse ves of our ser
vices. Wo will pay same nnd
secure your" receipt without in
convenience to you. Fee, 25
fonts. References: Any St.
Johns Bank. Poninsula Title,
Abstract and Realty Co., by H.
Henderson. Manager; -102 North
Jersey street.
The Home Mercantile Co.
Arc Mcatlqtmrlcrs for nil kinds of
Roofing and Building Paper, Roof
Paint. aid Roofing Cements.
"Stop that leaky roof."
See us for your Paints, Kolsomin
ing and all Building Material.
Also for Hay and Feed for your
cows and chickens.
Put in your winter's' supply of
Coal and Briquets before the winter
rains and bad roads, and save money.
See us for United States and Fire
stone Tires and Tubes.
Home Mercantile Co.
209 West Burlington Street
The follcwltiK list of lend blanks
ure kept for .sale nt this office nttil
others will be added as the dettmud
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and -Chattel Mort
gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bills
of Sale, Leasw.
FOR RENT iiNi at thla afflM
A plot of ground 100x600 feet,
which contains twelve 50x100 foot
lots, just across the river from St.
Johns, bounded by Wood and Mills
streets. Hor quick sale $1000 takes
them, which is less than $100 per
lot. Good terms given. Call at
this office.
Not th Ubl en your pfr.
Wanted Men or women to
sell guaranteed hosiery to friends
and neighbors. Handsome pro
fits made in oither full or spare
time. Full line of men's, wom
en's and children's tip-to date
stylos. Large, commission. Ex
perience not necessary.--Phoenix
Hostery Co. Darley, Pa.
Drlni In jour Job printing while
you thin of It. ' Dont wait ubUM you
art entirely out. Wo aro equipped
to turn out seat and tut? prlaUfi
"Ever Octur to You?9'
says the Good Judge
Thnt it's foolish to put up
with nn ordinnry chew,
when it doesn't cost any
more to get real tobacco
Every day more men dis
cover that n little chew of
real good tobacco lasts
longer and gives them real '
There's nothing pke it.
put tip in two styles
RIGHT CUT is n short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
f r JM il I i I I IHII I 1 1 .ill 'HUB W
Knights and Ladies of Security
M. Johns Council 2775
Hcuuliir lltiiliicMiiicctiiig lit mul 3rd
Moiiitiiyii. 0eii mcctiiiK to the public
uiul iiii'iulicrii'iiiit mul -till Mnmlny. Vli
itiir anil member cordially Invited to
nttcinl ut lllckucr Hall,
Prank C. Cnsser, I'res.
Lester Tcellng, Secretary.
No. 186 I. O. O. r
m. joiiNi, oiiccon
Uit$ rtch Monday evening la Odd Pel
lo hall nt 8:oo. A'cordlil welcome lo
all vUltliii; brother.
1'rf.l IU.WII NoMcOltliJ
C. V IMIil Vice (Itllid
Joe Klil. Krc fee.
I) W Norriw. I'ln.hrC.
II. I' CUfk. Trc.
St. Jolins Gamp No. 7546
Modern Woodmen of America.
We licnrtjly solicit the attendance ol
our members at our regular meeting!
every Tliuraday evening.
A. If Mnrcy, Geo. Muliui, Clerk
Contiil. 103 Smith avenue
Meet every l'rldav night at
7:30 o'clock in IMCKNKK
Hall. Vliltori alway wel
come', J. U, WATSON, C. C.
Woodmen of the World
St. Johns Cnmp 773
Meet every Thursday evening in
I. O. O. P. Hall, Leavitt nnd Jersey
streets. Visitors always welcome.
W. K. COON, Clerk.
A. P. and A. M.
'Meets the first and third
Weduesdayof each month
iu Ilickner's Hall, Vis),
tors welcome
A.R. Davis, W. SI.
A, W. Davis. Secretary,
Minerva Chapter No, 105, 0. E. S.
Meets every First and
Third Tuesday of each
month iu Ilickuer's
Hall. Visitors wel-come.
Dxie M. Lewis. W. M.
Ruby R. Davis, Secretary.
If you are a stranger in tovn read
The Review and get acquainted.
I buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
Fire Insurance and Notary Public
List your property with me if you
desire to sell quickly
202 X. Jersey St. St. Johns
Transfer' and Storage
W daliver your rooda to and from
all prta of Portlani Vancouver. Linn
ten, Portland and Suburban Express
C., city dock and all points accessible
W waen, PtaM syul larUur atewiag
Phone Woodlawn 6360
We call and Bellver
The Skldmore Cleaners
Cleauiug, Pressing, Alterations and Re
pairing a spcctaltr
V. C. JUSTICE m SUfewt Strttt
Ntta tka UbI an yw