St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 26, 1919, Image 1

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The Review Will Go Into
Home Here
With next week's Issue
Review will be distributed
licensed carriers in alt the homes
of St. Johns free of charge, and
will continue for a period of
Bomo months, six in nil, pro
Vidinpr conditions and circum
stancos justify it. All present
subscribers in St. Johns will be
given credit for the full time
that this frco distribution is in
progress. That is to say, it n
subscriber, for instance, is paid
up until January, 1920, his dute
will bo advancod for as many
months as tlio frco paper oper
ates, but Instead of receiving
his Review by Uncle Sam's
carriers, tlrey will bo distributed
by licensed cnrriors instead.
The reasons for this innovation
are soveral, but the prime
obiect.howovcr. is to have every
household become more familiar
and bettor acquainted with the
Raviow. There nre now people
in St. Johns who do not know
there is a paper being published
n ore. even iitough the uoviow
has been published continuously
for fifteen yenra. Others are
awaro of tlio existence of a pa
por here, but tor some reason
or another thoy have not yet
arrived at tlio no nt of Bub
scribing. So in order that the
noonln of St. Johns as a wholo
may know there is n newspaper
Iioing published here, may know
what it is liko, and in fact get
a hotter knowledge of the Imp
ponings and keep in touch with
tlio developments of this won
derful Peninsula of ours, tlio
paper will bo mado a weekly,
and we hope a welcome houso
hold guest, "without money
without price" to the recipients.
Another object will bo to pro
mote homo trading in a greater
degree than has yet obtained.
Thoro aro many good stores
and business houses in St. Johns.
and almost every want can be
fully satisfied hero nt home.
Wo want to bring this fact more
clearly and mora convincingly
to tlio people of St. Johns.
The Review will nt all times
bo found boosting and promoting
tlio best interests of St. Johns.
It is apparently on the very vo
of important developments, and
the Review will endeavor to
keep in touch with all indus
trial developments as thoy occur.
Unquestionably it is no little
undertaking, when tho greatly
increased cost of material and
labor is taken into considera
tion, to inaugurate such n cam
paign, but when wo broached
what we had in mind to the bus
iness and professional men of
St. Johns, telling them that we
planned to get out a number of
"Get Better Acquainted" issues
of the Review, practically all
the leading, representative and
enterprising business men of
the city expressed a desire and
willingness to join with us in the
better acquaintanceship cam
paign, and become better ac
quainted also. And it is only
through their kind and generous
cooperation that it has been
made possible for us to present
to the people of St. Johns free
issues for such an extended
period. They are interested in
keeping the trade of the Pen
insula vfhere it really belongs,
and where it will bo of great
benefit in the further upbuild
ing of this, the greatest and soon
to be the most important section
of the great city of Portland.
So, people of St. Johns, the Re
view in connection with the rep
resentat've business interests of
this community of ours will go
to you next week, and for many
weeks to follow, in the hope that
you will look us over and see
what we have to offer.
We had wanted to make the
Review larger than four pages,
but find the cost is prohibitive
at this time. Therefore, in
order to give the business men
space to make their announce
ments to you, the space for read
ing matter will be somewhat
curtailed, and for that reason
lengthy articles for publication
cannot he accepted. The news
columns will be devoted to com
munity happenings. We want the
people as a whole to become
more interested in what is
occuring from week to week in
their very midst, want them to
know and become interested in
what their neighbors are doing,
want them to become more vit
ally interested in local civil af
fairs as well as industrial, want
them to realize more fully that
every dollar they spend here is
an aid in the further upbuilding
f our community, and we want
The Way He's Built
In a gloomy neighborhood of
Queen Wilhclmlna's realm,
Bill, tho Ex, is sawing wood,
sawing hickory and elm; and
his saw is out of whack, and
its blade with rust is red; ho
has fantods in his back, and
ho wishes he were dead.
Once ho snt upon a throne,
had n scoptro rich and rare; and
upon his lightest tono people
scurried hero and there. Thero
in poaco he might Jinve sat till
tho Gorman cows come home,
had he had no buzzintr bat in tho
center of his dome. But ho hod
a thousnnd bats, and he let them
have their way; now he stands
with aching slats, sawing cord
wood nlll the dnv.
He is sawing elm and spruce,
be the weather hot or cool; and
ho wonders why tho deuco ho
was such a blawsted fool.
Letting woll enough ulono is
n sune and healthy plan, be a
fellow on n throne or a common
human mini.
Yesterday a neighbor went to
tho poorhousc an tho hill; hois
there, without n cent, leaning
on tho window sill: sad and sick
nt heart is he, and he sheds a
weary groan ; from the poorhouso
ho can sue miles of land he used
to own. But ho wasn't satis
fiod, in those tiencoful days of
yoro; ho was rilled with foolish
i i t . .
prmo, anu must own still mora
and more. Ami ho went three
miles in debt, btivinir hind hu
didn't need; now we see him
sigh and sweat, all his fortune
gone to seed, frrom tho poor
house door he lojks on the farm
house built of stone, on the
meadow and the brooks and tho
herds ho used to own.
Bill, the Ex. in other davj.
hnd tho softest kind ofsnnn:
anywnero ins oyos might gazo
.. i ...
no was owner of the map. lie
hnd ull a king could wish, in the
way of .pomp and s-tato; tho
people stretched a no nt. odsflsh.
and admitted ho was irrent.
lint ho said. "1 ho and a in no.
I'm the boss from shore to shoro
but by nnturo I'm a swine, an
hnnkor after moro. All tho
world I wish to rulo: ether
monnrchs all must wilt: it may
he I am n fool, but it's just
the way I'm built."
Not contented with his lot. ho
his armies mobilized, sent them
forth in haste to swat nations
startled and surprised.
By n castlo's donJon keen.
by n woodpile long nnd low, you
may sco this dreamer weop, you
may hear his wails of woe. He
is sawing elm and bass, and he
cighs, with sickly grin, "This
is suro a beast y nass for a
monarch to be in!" Ho is saw
ing wood and pino, nnd ho mut
ters, with a groan, "If 1 hadn't
been n swine I might still be on
i thronol" Bo we kings, or
lumblo hicks, let us shoo vain
dreams afar; lot us profit from
Hill's fix, and bo hnnnv as we
are. Walt Mason in "Judge."
them all to become boosters for
good old St. Johns.
But to get all the news of St.
Johns wo need tho cooporntion
of all our citizens. Tho editor
will not-have tho time to dean all
tho news. There aro so many
ittle items of parties, visitors
at your home, members of your
family gone away on a visit, ac
cidents, deaths, births, wed'
dings, etc., that may no doubt
escape our attention unless in
formation concerning same is
sent into the oflice. So we
would bo exceedingly glad to have
evjry house! old send in nt
east one news item every week.
Use a post card or enclose in an
envelope. If passing tho office,
drop in and tell us about it.
The Review will be your pa
per and it will be just as newsy
as you care to make it.
The Review has always fol-l
owed the policy that where
good cannot said concerning any
of our inhabitants nothing will
bo said. This will, of course
still hold good. No scandal,
nothing derogatory to the
character, will be published.
The Review will be kept clean
and wholesome, and fit for any
child to read. We do not want
t to be said that any one's feel
ngs were injured, even though
t might be deserved, by any
thing appearing in the Review,
Life has enough shadows, trials
and disappointments without
blazoning them upon the nacres
of the Review.
Automobile insurance. Direct
adjustment and prompt settle
ment in case of loss. Peninsula
Security Company.
Pleasure for every member of
the family every day in the
year is what a VIUTKULA
BKINGS TO YOU. Currin Says
So. v
Reports Things Booming
E. P. Drinker, president of
tho Peninsuln Security company,
returned on Thursday from a
trip to Texas, where he spent
neatly a month visiting tho
principal cities. Excitement
is running high thero. Mr.
Drinker reports, not only in the
immediate districts whore rich
oil fields have already been
developed, but throughout the
"Texas has entered upon a
great period of development,"
Mr. Drinker said yesterday.
"So far less than 5 per cent of
tho stnto has been exploited for
oil and gas, but derricks are
now going up, and oil wells go
ing down, in nearly every coun
ty of the stntc. The cost of
boring a well runs from $R0,000
to $75,000. Common laborers
are being pnld from $8 to 10 a
day. The oil exchanges in many
of the cities arc running day
and night and crowds of people
mny be seen at all hours watch
ing the quotations.
"Texas has other assets which
aro partly responsible for tho
great increase in her bank do
posits. Stock-raising in some
sections is highly profitable and
tho cotton growers will receive
high prices for this year's crop,
but the crop will not be nearly
ns largo as was anticipated
early in the year, owing to tho
ravages of boll-wcovil.
"But tho oil fields arc re
sponsible to a great extent for
tho unprecedented prosperity in
Texas tills year. People have
flocked thero from all over tho
United States and tho volume
of business transactions lias in
creased ovor preceding years at
a greater rate than
In any other
Bring in your job printing.
Hats and Caps
"Jazz Caps" 50 Cents
Underwear, Shirts, Gloves
Overalls. Slickers $2.90
1 Rubbers, Tin Pants. Rubber 'Boots I
Arrow Collnrs," 'ROYAL" nlncle to Measure Clothes
Silk Neckties at Low Prices
Mackinaw's, stag shirts
Bank of Commerce BuHding THE RAINCOAT MAN Open Even ngs
Modern Homes
We own and offer for sale the
eight modern housed located
on Willamette boulevard and
Edison street, between ressen-
den and New York streets.
These houses aro thoroughly
modern and up-to dale. Built by
uay muor. whh inu urai
1 1I 'fit. AL - 1 J. - r
with tho nest
iiin.umflnahin nnn mnrnrinla !
completely finished in every de
tail. Ihese nouses are ottered
for sale at a price far less
than they could be built for
today. We will give surprising
ly easy terms to responsible pur
chasers. Peninsula Security
Company. Phono Columbia 161.
Try Chop Suey and Noodles
at popular prices. Home Made
Pastry every day at "Cafe of
Merit." We serve breakfast and
dinner. Open from G a. m. to
12 p. m. S. Jersey street.
partment a very popular place
for KODAKERS. Bring us your
next roll of films. CURRIN
We haul any thiug, auy time, auy
place. Prices reasonable
Daily Trip to I'ortlaml -
Enquire, 317 N.Jersey St.
Columbia 377
NU fcha Ub: en yaur ptfc.
The Shooting Season
In an opinion given by At
torney General George M. Brown,
to Mr. M. A. Bigffs, District
Attorney for Harney County, the
shooting season for ducks, geeso
and other migratory water fowl
has been definitely settled.
Confusion has existed in the
minds of many shooters on nc
countof n difference in the Fed
oral nnd Stnto Seasons. The
State cannot legislate within
the closed season of tho Fede
ral regulations, but it can legis
late within the open season.
The Federal open season is three
and ono-half months, but the
State, if it cares to, may close
nnv nortion or all of this Fed
oral open season. The shooting
season, therefore, which must be
observed by hunters throughout
Oregon, is as follows:
For Multnomah, Clatsop, Col
umbia and Tillamook Counties
the open senson begins on Oct
ober 1st nnd closes December
Mat. In nil other counties o
Game District No. 1, which com
nriscs all that portion of Oregon
lying West of tho summit of the
Cascade Mountains, the season
opens on October 10th nnd cloaos
i t.. ii at....
onunnnnry loin, in nn counties
of Gnmo District No. 2, which
comnritfcsnll that portion of Oro
iron lying East of tho summit
of the Cascade Mountains, the
open season begins on October
1st and ends on December Hist.
It had been hoped that the
Federal and Statu Laws woult
conform, and rccomendntions to
this effect were made by the
Fish nnd Game Commission, tho
rod and gun clubj throughout
tho state, tho Oregon Sports
men's League, and many in
dividual hunters who had given
much study (o the seasons.
Tho Original draft of tho Game
Code included a uniformity of
Shoes J
seasons, hut tho position was
taken by the Gamo Committee of
the Legislature that the federal
regulations wero unconstitution
al and, therefore,, would bo in
operative. Since the Legislative
has adjourned, two I'odornl
courts have upheld the Federal
regulations. It was the clear
intent of the Legislature to give
oqual hunting season. This
ww MU'l
would -havo hfiGn
... . .
"ened, The State law is oper
ative and will bo enforced in bo
far as it docs not conflict with
the Federal law. Tho dates
given above are those within
which hunters may shoot nnd be
within both the Federal and
State Jaw.
The United Artisans met in
the I. O. 0. F. hall Tuesday
evening for theirsecono meeting
night. There wero several new
members taken into the Lodge
and a good attendance reported.
After the business of tho Lodge
the remainder of the eveiing
was spent in singing and danc
fng. alter which delicious re
freshments were Berved by our
fine entertainment committee.
All Artisans living in this
vicinity should come and join
us in our work and good times.
Wo sell VICTROLAS and
on easy terms. CURRIN SAYS
Overalls $2..
Not So Bad as Painted
I wish that some of
ions minded Indies nnd
men who occasionally
Siberia in the old trains
tho 3cr-gentle-crossed
de luxe
and then went home and wrote
articles describing it ns a dark,
deserted, dreary, boundless ex
panse of scintillating snow could
be here now. It would do them
good. The wide, wido land
lies baking under a mid-summer
sun that circles through th
skies for 19 or 20 hours a day
and loaves n twilight over th
earth tho rest of the time. The
country is green ns fnr as th
eye can sou on n nearly love
surface, with growing grni
and open meadows and great
stretches of birch forests. There
have been liberal rains and th
ground is moist and theVo are
many little lakes scattered ove
thu plain. It is upon this that
tho sun looks down, wanning th
rich soil, stimulating and hasten
ing thu season's approaching
harvest and incidentally baking
this railway car until tho ti
roof snaps nnd tho inside is lik
an oven.
But in every big town there
are gardens "sads," they en
tlicm whore one can stroll uu
dor tlio trees, or sit and watc
njilny of an evening and listen
to thu bands and orchestras
flirt, if necessary; drink bevo
and other things nnd koop
qui to comfortable. And in win
tor thoy nuud not bo cold
Hardly anybody suffers from
cold in Siberia and certainly
thero is not as much shivering
In nil this land as each winter
brings to Chicago or Now 'York
Altogether, oiuurm is not so
bad, nnd. if any Americans are
thinking of doing this country
good by coming over nnd help
Ing, but aro deterred by what
thoy havo read in Ueorgo Ken
nnn nnd cleowhero about thu
cold, let them, pack up their
old kit bags and coino on over,
Thu whole truth about tho loca
weather may no put in in suvun
words- Siberian temperatures
aro soveru nut not pain nil
lho whilom aro cold but not
chilly if you know what
mean, nnd very likely you do
not and thu summers aro hot
but not enervating.
To say that tha winters arc
cold but not chilly is morels'
imradox and not a contradiction.
Last wintor, when the mercury
dropped down to ri: iiogrous no
low zero, iMihrenlioit, wo wore
not uncomfortable. Why, Ch
Cairo's justly famous and fro
ouontly mentioned lako breeze
in tho mercury month of May
can inflict more agony in one
hour than wo had during some
weeks of coldest biboriuniHin.
Wo walkud miles through that
frosted ntnioanhoro and grow
fat and happy on it and pined
for lower temperature still to
conquer, disappointed that our
I'alironhoit thermometer, cap
ablo of registering down to 70
ioIow zoro, could not find i
fitting opportunity for tho oxer
clso of its powors. Wo wanted
to soo that thormomotor bust
taelf with cob
Tho wintor long past and
Juno has nearly gone. So far
wo havo found tho Sihorinn
spring and sumnior boauliftd
leyond comparison, lho spring
comos late, I or one reason no-
causo thero is so much snow to
moltod, and until this is ac
compliuhed there can be little
really warm weathor. But in
April and May thu snow goes
with a rush, tho river ico broaks
mi and tho flowers violots. dan
delions, forgotmonoU and IiokU
of others appoar in the meadows
and woods ovon hetoro tho drifts
mvo gono. This yoar thoro was
a period of hot weathor in April.
if tor that camoa couple of rainy
weeks, evon flurrios of snow,
nit the summer has long boon
leru and it is to bo doubtod if
anywhere in tho world the season
is moro beautiful.
Finally it should bo remember.
od thnt,Siboria is a largo land
with a diversity of weathor.
i'he maritimo province in the
ar east is warmed by the ocean.
Vadivostok weathor is as mild
as that ot wow xork or Chi
cago. It is only as you go in-
and that tho cold of wintor and
the heat of summer become
severe, hven those extremes
re invigorating and stimulat-
ng. ihe binerinns aro a hardy
race. raui u. wright in Port
land Journal.
For Sale-Lot 100x100 with 3
room house, 12 bearing fruit
treos, 4 bearing English walnut
trees, chicken houses for 200
chickens, lots of berries. Price
$1G00; one half cash, balanco
monthly.-021 East Polk street.
Best FELT HATS made $6.00:
I latest styles. UQCERS.
The Park Situation
After soveral months of care
ful investigation of proposed
sites for additional playgrounds
in Portland, City Commissioner
Pier is now ready to issue and
sell bonds to the extent of $500,
000. A full report on proposed
sites has not yet been completed
and probably will not be sub
mitted for tho consideration of
thu city council for several
weeks. Tho park oonds wero
authorized by the voters at tho
special election on Juno 3.
A special committee composed
of residents who were largely
instrumental in tho passage of
tho bond measure for added park
facilities in Portland has been
working for soveral months,
collecting data in connection
with proposed sites. Commiss
ioner Pier has given a largo a
mount of timo to viewing sites
and examining data. In ad
dition tho city planning com
mission lias compiled data and
has submitted a tentative report
to Mayor Baker, which will
not bo mado public until several
additions have been mado to it.
Many sections of the citv.
through its residents, havo peti
tioned for parks, and it is the
plan of Commissioner Pier to ob
tain us many now parks as is
uossiblo with tho availablo
money, and to insure that dis
tricts now without parks bo
given first consideration.
Thu city council has nludgcd
itself, to a man. to refuse to nay
exorbitant prices for propurty
needed for park purposes, and it
will probably take months ol
negotiations and possible court
action before tho city will nc
quire much new property.
Higher Fare Solicited
An8'Cent street railway faro
for Portland is asked in a petition
filed witii tho public service
commission Monday bv tho Port
land Itnilway, Light A: Power
romimny. when tires t ent Frank
lin T. Criillth and other olllclnlH
of tho corporation appeared hu
foro tho comissioners to present
their arguments for an increnso
u pnssengor rates. In his talk
before the public service com
mission, ami by financial tables
presented ns exhibits, President
irilllth Kol forth thu Men that
tho street railway company can
not continue to operate on tho
irosont (J'cent fare, Increased
wages and operating oxnonses
considered, nnd that its failure
k definitely forcast tin ess relief
sal forded in higher faro.
Tho petition itsolf asks for
hu cancellation of tho oxistinu'
faro and tlio substitution of one
that will insure a return of 7
ier cent upon the investment.
as determined by tho coiumis-
Hton, atior operating expenses
mvo been defrayed. Such a re
turn. Haiti President (irilllth.
otild only be realized by anU-
cent faro if tho unit-faro system
to bo continued, .oniiitr of
tho transportation districts has
lorotoiorc been discussed as ono
way out of tho dilemma but was
not touched upon Monday, savo
ly inference. Tlio city of Port-
and will content auy increnso
n street railway fares, declared
Stanley Myors, deputy city at-
tornoy, who appeared at the
tearing, and will carefully chuck
up tho statements suhmilt tl by
thu company in justification of
ts demands.
Requires Plenty of Room
Tho removal of Swan Island
will provide Portland harbor
witii a splendid turning basin.
n addition to that it will pro-
ido dock facilities, or the
opportunity for tho construe
e , ... . !tfi! ... it . .
nnn 01 Hticn laciiiiies, uiai, to
limited extent, will servo doep
sea commerce, lho greater
volume of tho hoavior. doonor
raft doup sea trailic will be
lant.led from tho St. Johns ter
minal and other dock units of
imilar or more ambitious char
acter that will he built in courso
of timo below St. Johns. There
are two reasons for this. Any
considerable volume of deep sea
commerce handled in tho linger
vessels win not go through a
iridgo draw. Moreover, the
uture industrial area of Port-
and, takitu into account the
establishment of what might be
termed tho heavier industries,
will bo located on the Peninsula.
Commerco based upon industry
of that character requires plenty
of room, und thero is not and
never will bo plenty of room for
that character of commorce in tho
insido harbor of which tho Swan
Island section is a constituent
part, Telegram.
515 Aitiftworth Avenue
110 Street
I'hotiei: Wood town 201)2; Columbia 554
Mrs. Gabriel Puliin
Vocal Teacher
Dinplirmtl llrenthiiiK, forward Tot
placement ami diction,
I'uplU taught to irtkr jmtt in Trio u. 1
OliG I.ombnrd St. I'honc Columbia I 2
Mrs. Frank A. Rice
Tku'hkk or
Violin, (Mandolin and Piano
I'linll nt Natrr I
Stlldlol m V. Jn Strert
Tvlilmiif ColtiMibln asH
rui m.iy tirmH' Mrmberx nt the Jiwnlle
OrclHvIra whkh Mill mnke puMic appratntit.
Violin Instruction
STUDIO, 215 N. Syrncuw Strcrt
Phone Columbia :02
Mrs. Bertha C.Burdick
(LIccntltnte of the Royal Academy
of Music, Loudon.)
Teacher of Piano
'957 Hode St. Phone Col. R72
Dr, W. J. Gilstrap
Physician and Surgeon
Glasses Accurately f itted
oi'i'icit notms
0:00 to 12 M. (il'I'ICI-S
liSOto UtO 1. M. l'cniiinuln .v
7:00 to 8:00 l'. M, i-uiity
.Siiii(Ihh, 0:00 to 10:0 A. St.
Dr. Evart P. Borden
Painless Kxtrtiction of Teeth under
Nitrous Oxide Gun
Ollice I'ciilnsuld lUuk bid.
OlKeejilioiit! Col. QUA; tr. 4iotieCol. 177
Hour 012 ii. in.; 1:80 8 mnl 7-S p. mi.
Dr. Herbert F. Jones
311 North Jersey Street
Dity Phone
Columbia J7
Night llin:
Columbia C'.tti
Phone Columbia J79
Ken. Columbia 1 131
Dr. F. P. Schuitze
Physician and Siirgomi
Room 10 PeniiiMiU Hank Hiiil'li".
OMcc I lour 8 to IK A. M. t to I V. M.
ItvviiiiiK 7 to 9
I'viiIiimiIh lUnk UMk.
Ollice I'Iioim Columbia 1 iKl
The iiUit ulurr uiuul u-rvk-r .11 !
i-ollllroiiii Irrutliinit .ii-uil. Chilili. .
luir rillliliK rvt'iv -ti.,l Htlciitwn.
Davis Barber Shop
S. X. DAVIS, frfHlw
108 Philudelplmt St. Ruths 1V
St, Johns Undertaking Go.
20S N. Jersey Street
I'lione: Columbia
Columbia !'.' 1
Autnmoliiltf Hearse.
Gel Our Pr'ccs Before foin it Pwiwd
40 N. jJfy Stfo.l
AUtructk i( Title l'itMr I
Title KxaiuiiK !
I'liout- Coluiiiln.i U&3
Hauling and Moving
Done OtiicUlv and Promptly
iMily Tni t
. s
Phone Col. I0SO
ui l Ifinii I'ortlaim
m E. Richmond St.
Poff & Green
Sand and Gravel Hauled
Daily Trips to Portland
Phoix Col. 308 206 H. J EME'T SI
Wood of all kinds
Auto Express
I'tlcti KtHRiimble l'touit Service
Good Second hand ScwIiil' iiwckllW for
rem. H, I'. Clark. t(