St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 19, 1919, Image 4

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Majority Feel That President Quid,
nee Should De Held He Regards
Pact As Sure to Come Soon.
(By ML Clemens Nuw,i IJuronu)
Aboard ProHldont WIlBon's Spoclal
Train From tho Capital at Washing
ton to tho far I'aclllo const thu Prosl
dottt of thu I'll I tod Htatim Iiuh Jour
neyod on tho most unusual uxpotlltlon
oror undurtnkoti by a chief oxocntlvu
of tho nation.
To dlnciiflrt iiHtlonat cjtioe tlcmn, many
prosldcintM lmvu tonrnd tho land; hut
Mr. Wilson Is laying nufore Amorlca
u quoKtlon wliloli ufTuctH tlm wholo
world tho qunHtlon of whuther or not
wo urn to Join In tho Iengtio of N'u
IIoiih; wliMlior wn tiro to forgot our
foriiior liolntlon and rhnro with (ho
ol!mr pcoplon of tho onrlh tho rnspoti
iilhllltloM of imiliitiilnliig civilization
und jtrovmitlng, ho hii'h wo can do,
futuro warfnro,
Ilnlwomi tho capital and tho const
tho proritilunl mtido flfteon synodic
and half n dozen brlnf tnlkn. All of
100,000 ' ill'w cltlzt'iiii listened to him.
Hovuni! mllllouH had tho cluiuco to sun
bliu, Mil Hpimrnntly cvnryoiio wantnd
U) sei b'm, from thono who thronged
tho BtroolH of tho oltlon and towns
whom ho stopped, to thorni who en inn
to tho ralloldo or Htood lit llttlo flag
ntatloiiH In romotu plnous, knowing
tholr only rawanl could bo u Hunting and n wavo of tho band,
Ho linn mut and talked to nil typo
of citizens to man bli: In tint IjiihI
iiomh, nnauclal and profoNHloual worblH,
to farmers' and mnchanlcul workers,
to Indium, nnd cowboyH and forelgti
bom herders and rnngors, tn soldiers
nnd to inotbnrH who lost soldler-soim
In tho Into war.
What do thoy nil toll lilinT uminl
jnously thoy nay thny want pcaco
definitely sullied, thoy want no inoro
wars, thny want tho I.onguii of Na
tion a, nnd mont of tho Atnerlcnit poo
plu, It may bo fairly wild, loll thu
I'roHldont thoy want tho (xingm JiihI
oh It In, without tho reservations or
iimeiitliiii'iit which corlaln senators
liavo Insisted upon. Tho majority of
cltlionu ny to those who Inttirvlow
thoin on thin tour:
"Woodrow Wllnon guided 11 rlKhtly
bnforo nnd durlnK tho war with Our
many, Wo entered Hint wnr, nvnry
oim iiKrooH, to oml nil wan. Ho any
tlio longun enn do IbaL 'Wo want to
do that, ho lot uri keep on trusting blm
und K'.'t tho Imigtin Into oporatlnn an
soon n poNHlblo, I'orgut poll Hen."
Mont American oncouutorod on tho
tour hiivo forgotten politic. Hopub
I loan (lovurnorn and Mayors huvo In
troducol tho President to bin ntull'
unco; tho Major part of tho local com
mlttooa which hnvo mit him bnvn
boon Itopubllcanii, Thoy hnvo all muIiI:
"Wo ura nothing but Americans, Mr
Mr. Wilson's arguments for tho
lougue, brlotly summarized, am (bono:
Thorn can bo no penco, either now
or In tb futuro, without It Thorn
can only bo u regrouping of iiiiIIoiih
mid it now "llalunco of Power," which
U curtain to load to war. Thorn can
bo no war In tho futuro, with tho
league In tuUtwiro, liocuunit no single
nation would dufy tho united rest of
mankind, and If It did, It could bo
broimtit to tarms by mi ccouomlo
boycott, und without tho uno of arum.
Them can bo no mluutlou In tho
mat of llvlmr until tho Ioiikuu la us
tubllxliud, for natloua will not go
nhc u with pwaca tlmo production un.
til iny ' now lb it pimuo la definitely
naiiurod nnd that production of wur
nmterlnl la no lunger necessary.
Tl.oro onn bo wonderful prosperity,
with league In oiUtonro. for rel
utlona of labor and oupllnl all ovur
tho world will bo niado closer and
moro friendly, nud tho worker will ro
rulvu u fairer aharo of whut be pn
ThONO '. duration of tho president,
loulimlly and aloquoutly put, huvo left
Ids ha- .-a thlnkliiK and tlilnklmc
diopi. Ard then Mr. WiUon hn
polntml out, tho pooplo thoniHolrca, a
ditfuruntlutod from venutora and polltl
dana, setun to want Just what tho
prixldont wants, which la Amurlcti for
liiaJamhlp j
Quito a unuHUul na tho purpoao of
tho aro!i countiy tour la tho inaunvr 1
In which It la buliiR carrlod out uuil i
tbo coinpltoni'w of Uu nrnuiHef !
unta on iho nlno oar truln which ia
baurliiR tho party.
At tho roar U tbn private oar May-
iWwsr, inicuploil by tho Prooldutit and
Mm. Wllaou. Noxi la u coiuiarttuont
car for tho aeorotury Tumulty, Ad
mlrul Orayaon, Mr. Wllnon'a 1'hyal
clan, four atonoeraphnra, tlio chief
oxooutlvo olork nud kovou secret aor
vlco ruon. Hyond nro throo compart
uiunt cam which house twenty-one
corroapomlonta, flvo tuovlo mou, nud
n talegraphlo and a railroad ovport.
'Hi en there la a dinner, a club enr, nud
two bafiirac.0 can, ooe of them con.
Yortod Into a bualnoa offlco. Tho
train waa exactly on tlnto nt ovtry
atop betwoon W ah I as ton and tho
Deafness Cannot Bo Cured
by local eirlUuiloni, lUy oannut r-uih
lit dlxtoJ purllun of lh tar Thr la
uljr uni wiiy lo euro iI(um, nJ lliat It
by aomlllulloiidl i.iuJI 1!iim !
uuil liy ma lurtkinttt t uikHIIuii ul Hi mg
taut llnlNc ol lb HuiUtliUn Tub Wli.n
IhU lull U ItinmiK.I un liiv a rumbllni
Und or Inuurfovt hfarliia. anil wlun II la
nllrrly clwl. 1iiiim It ih rtull. antl
walt Hi lunammatlon tail ! taktn uut
and tkli lul rulorid II uuriual condl
ICu. Iitarln- lll b dttroyid forrr; iiln
out u( Itn ar cauard l Oaiatih.
whlik I nothluc bul an lnnaind cundlllun
( th mucoua aurfaca.
W will ilv On llundrtd lKillara far any
of Da(nta Icauatd by calarib) that
anoot ti currd by Hall' Catarrb Cur,
ad for circular. fr.
r. j. ciiKNKv co., toiwo, oaio.
old by Drull. No.
lai Usir Vl' I'll'
fr catlallB.
People of Pacific Slope Have
Loaned Government Huge
Sum Since 1918
Snn l-Vanclsco Nearly $100,000,000
worth of War SovIiirb and Thrift
Stamps have been sold by tho govern
mont In tho Twelfth Federal HoHorvu
District alnco Undo Ham opened hi
thrift campaign tn 1918 to holp finance
tho wnr. "In othor words, unld Hob
ert K. Bralth, director of tho War I.onn
Organization In tho Twolfth niatrlct
"tho people of California. Oregon
IVnalilnRton, Idaho, Novada, Utnh nnd
part of Arizona havo nddud that much
to tho working capital of tbo nation
nnd tho Wost out of their aavlngM, not
to mention thu trnmendoim mini thoy
havo nuvod by purchasing Liberty
Of courmi many poraoni who bought
Thrift and Wnr Havings Stamps hnvo
cashed In their securities with nmnz
lot: HbortslKhtodnosu. but thu wlsor
purchaser nro holding their stamps
until thoy mnlntaln their full maturity
valuo. "Those persons who hnvo
cashed In their War Htnmps or tho!
Liberty Ilondii and hnvo spent tho
monoy hnvo lost twice tho amount thoy
saved because, no mnttar what they
bought, they paid nearly twice ns much
for It ns thny would havo paid less
than flvo yonm from now," mild Hinlth
"1'rlcos hnvo risen inoro than 100 per
cent slnco 1914. Thoy will drop nt
least CO por cent In tho noxt few years
nnd wilt oventiinlly not buck to tho
19H level, Now Is tho tlmo to snvo."
Smith, who Is n successful flnnuclor,
anld; "Wo hnvo high prices becnuso
of tho expansion of credit nnd ennse
uncut Inflation. Wo won't hnvo low
prlcon until tho people contract the
currency by saving." Havo by Invost
In K In government securltlM,
$5,000,000 W. S. S.
Fraternal Order Buys War
Stamps to Check Waste
and High Prices
Washington--Tho Fraternal Order of
Kuglos, In convention nt Now llnvmi
Conn., him pledged Itself lo tho pur
chnso of tr,000,000 In Wnr Hnvlngs
Hlamps, This uctloii was token na n
moaiiH for tho chucking of national
wasto and oxtruvaganco and for tho
induction of tbo high cost of living
Nowm of tho steps taken by tho order
was received today by William Mutbor
Lewis, Director of Iho Having DltUloti
of tbo Treasury Department.
Aor adopting rt'Holutloua endorsing
the government thrift campaign iih
inurement for developing n national
habit of saving mid approving coiihIs
lent Investment In government savings
SHourltlo, Iho (Irniul Aorlo subscribed
for 12.600,000 In Wnr Hitvlnga Htniiips
for distribution iiiiioiik iiiDiiibura of Iho
Aasunuii'iHi weru received from aub
ordlualo Aottes (but they would aub
aorlbo for nil coiinl amount for tbn
sniiio purpone.
Mr. Uiwla Immedlutoly trniismltted
a mosaagc to Iho officer of Iho order
expressing Iho tiemuiidoiis apiiroclu
Hun of Iho HnvlngH Division of tholr
action In promoting tho thrift move
J.U' b 8 A
Solution of tho riimnolitl crisis supcr-
IndiiPMl by the unjust cost of living,
la largely In the bunds of the American
people themselvos, according to the
Pulled Stutt IVderul lltvmrvo llonrd.
In hUt letter to the Senate Committee
on llnnkliiR nnd Finance. W, P. O.
Harding, governor of the Federal Ho
sono IkKird. said.
"Wlmther viewed from mi economic
or financial standpoint the remedy for
the present sltuutlon Is the aauie, name
y lo wotk nnd to wave; work regularly
and efficiently, In order to produce and
distribute tho lurgost osiblo voluiuo
of toinmodltles, nnd to oteivlso ecouo
inles In order that m6ney, goods and
services may be detottnl primarily to
tho liquidation of debt and to tbo sat
isfaction of tbo demand for necessities,
rather than to tbo Indulgence In ox
truvaganco or the grntlllcatton of n
Ceslro for luxuries,"
America must both work nnd aave.
.There nro many waya to work but only
one way to save. That Is to save II rat
and spend afterwards, to put aside the
first dollar that cornea In, not the but
dollar that gees out. It was to make
pOHslble the saving of even the smallest
sums anil their safe Investment that
government Havings Stniup nud Treat
ury Savings Certificate! were offered to
the Amorlcan people.
Students ef economics declare that
this country la on n magnificent pro
perlty debauch. Dealers In Jewelry, ex
pensive apparel nud food delicacies
throughout tho country My the demand
for their ware la unprecedented nud
that buyers do not care what they pay
for them.
Stop living up to your wages or eat
ery. Save regularly nud Invest In War
Savings Stamps,
The following list of legal blanks
ure kept for sale at this office ami
others will be niliknl as the demand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Mils
of Sale, LasM.
FOR RENT Sara's at this erfls
Leaders In America Striving to
Save Race in Europe From
Children Are the Most Pitiful Sufferers
From the Cataclysm That Has
Ruined a Once Prosperous
The JewM In almost every country
of the world except Amurtcn lire In u
htute more dire und terrible, perhnps,
than utiy In wlilch they hnvo foiim
tbemsulve.i slucu the full of Jerusalem
1 Irlc fly. the Jewish nice In much of
Kuropu Is on tbo verge of nnulhlla
The countries In which the plight of
the Jews Is the worst nro I'olnnd
Cr.echo.iloviikla, Jtigniluvln, Hu
lunula, Serbia, (lullclii, Palestine
Turkey, Oreeco und Slherln, In Vllnii
it typlcnl town of Poland, the Jewlsl
population has been cut down by star
vullnn, typhus nnd other disease: In
(he loit five years from isj.OOO to
115,000. Nearly half of the survlvorH
lire dependent upon relief supplies
sent by I heir co-rellglonlsts In
America. Warsaw, Kovno, Consilium
mid ninny other cities throughout
Central mid Knstorn Uitrupo tell tho
same Inle.
American Jews, nroused by tbo re
ports that first filtered through after
the Ignlug of tbo armistice, Imme
dlntely organized under the American
Jewish llellrf Committee, of 1.1 Fast
Kllli .Street, New York Oily, to snvo
their race nbrond. They sunt some "0
commissioners to various foreign conn
tries to luvcstlgittn tho truth of these
reports. Almost all these commission
era have now relumed nnd the llrst
baud Information that they bnvn
brought buck Is more nlarmliig than the
curly uiiHUbNtaiitlated reports, Such
men ns Nathan Slnius, Henry Morgen
tlinii, Julius Itosenwnld, Jacob II
Sch Iff, Felix M. Wurbtirg, nnd many
other prominent members of Ibis com
inlttee ore now bendlni; every effort
to urotiHo America to the great need
ah ron d nud rush the food nnd Ntippllei
iicrox tlm ocean which, If sent uuuk
ly, will savu the Jewish nice from
Saddest of the victims of nil this
woe ore the children. Tens of thou
annus or pitirui youngsters who nro
seven or eight years old have gone m
long iimlermitirlshed thai tliey are lit
tie further developed than normal In
flints of one or two years. In the
Polish cities orphaned children wander
iibout the streets, homeless mid unable
lo get Into the orphanages. These tire
already overcrowded and depend
primarily upon American relief funds
lo keep tlium going.
Christian as Well as Jewish Suf
fercrs Aro Aided by Orgnnlza
tlon That Covers Many Conn
tries In Europo and the Orient.
Quietly, nud practically without
publicity of any sort, tho Jews of Amor
Itui have built up, through the Aiuer
linn Jewish Itellef Committee nud
liter ollli'liil agencies, a iniirliliiu for
(be nrgnolxntlnii and distribution of
relief to war sufferers of their own
mid other races Hint Is now practi
cally worldwide. The hondituirtcrK of
the Committee are nt IS Kms -10th
.street, New York, Hjpendltures for
lids work now nuh'rcKuto morn (ban
fU,ooo,(MH) a mouth, und by means of
stuto-by-ktate campulcus to bo held
this full a total of UM,000 Is to
bo soiiKbt to tlniiuco tho work through
the comliiK months.
An enumeration of tho countries In
which relief efforts are helm; made
a liidli'iulve of the scope of Iho work.
Itcpriociitntlves of theo JewUh tiuen-
I es are to be found tn Poland, Cxecho-
Slovakia, JiiKoshivIa, tlallcla, Serbia,
lliiimiiila, and oilier llnlkaii states,
(Ireecc, Turkey, Palestine ami Siberia,
Smull Krntips of refoccos, cast up by
the backwash of war, are helm; us-
fisted In Holland, Japan, China und
other Isolated parts of tho globe.
All told, many million Christians
und more than 0,100,000 Jews In conn-
lies other than the United States are
belut; directly aided by American Jew-
sh relief funds. The major portion
of this humanitarian work Is of course
arrlcd on In P.nstorn Kuropc. It Is
there that tho bulk of the world's Jew-
sh population lives. Tbo fact that
these same nations have been perhaps
anlest hit by (be late wur, explains
why World Jewry Is at tho greatest
crisis In Its history.
Hut thoiiKh the Jews of America
hnvo set out to save their race from
destruction, they nro not forgettlni;
that tholr own people aw not tbo only
suiTerers lu those lauds, Tho sltfiiltt
cance of tho wholo umlcrluklm; becomes
apparent when It Is known that tho
relief supplies which have been pur
chased and shipped largely with Jew
Ik'i fuuls aro distributed without dis
crimination to Christians im well us
Jews, Harriers of ruco und creed
have been submersed to the Hood tldo
of surt'erlui; throughout much of tho
earth, nnd the efforts of American
Jcvtry to aid In tho great crisis of
today have become as broad us human
ity Itself.
For Sale Cheap
A plot of ground 100x000 feet,
which contains twelve 50x100 foot
lots, just across the river from St.
Johns, bounded, by Wood and Mills
streets. For quick sale $1000 lakes
them, which is less than $100 per
lot. Good terms given. Call at
this office.
NoU th labsl on yew pajur.
Rain Capes For School.
Those dressy, serviceable, attractive Rain
Capes of blue, red and tan are stocked at
our store. They are not tho most expensive
grade; they are just good, medium grade,
good value capes that will keep your girl dry
and warm 'during the trip to and from
And there are some Misses' Silk Poplin
Rubberized regular rain coats in the same
colors as the Capes; they are a little higher
in price because of the additional work in
their construction.
There I really no ciuiMrUoii
between the cuciiud tboioiiKli
lies with which an Klectric
Clcaurr removed dirt ami the
illfticulty ol sweeping.
True, one CAN clwiu nisand
curcts ttilhout nu electric
cleaner. A broom or carpl
weeper Mill lruh up SOM1C
of thcillrt. slid i( )ou like the
exercise slid have plenty of time
and stienKtli a tmxim nndcitrp-
vt bonier will do the work alter
a fashion,
III the Mine way one con
mi1i without soup, Water a
louc will remove some dirt if
applied with enough "elbow
Hut HXpl use so.ip be-cauic
it cleans more easily und better
Hum water alone,
I'or the same ronton ixHijile
mu Itlectric Cleaners bccaiue
, they clean more easily and (ar
better thnii other methods.
Portland Railway
Light & Power Company
"Buy Youi Oectitc Goods at an IfectncStrye'
O, Chambers Mrs, II, K, I.owry
Funeral Directors
21S-2A0 KilMnKsworth Avenue
clcphoucs: Woodlawn 8300 C 11X1
Mr. Clmtuhvis is the only O. A. R
undertaker in the city of Portland.
IVrfoual attention and supervision
Klvuu to arrangements.
Residents of St. Johns having
tiiNoa and city liena to pay in
Portland can make their pay
ments without inconvenience by
availing themselves of our- ser:
vices. We will pay same nnd
secure your receipt without in
convenience to you. lee, za
cents. References: Any St.
Johns Bank. Peninsula Title.
Abstract and Realty Co.. by H.
HerJerson, Manager; -102 North
Jersey street.
Wanted Men or women to
sell guaranteed hosiery to friends
and neighbors. Handsome pro
tits made in either full or spare
time. Mill line of men's, wom
en's and children's up-to-date
styles, Largo commission. Ex
perience not necessary.--Phoenix
Hosiery Co. Darley, Pa.
Drlnj in your job printing wtdle
you thtnk of It, Doat wait until you
aro entirely out. We ar equipped
to turn out &et url taaty prtatlnjf
The Store That Cares For You
Dry Goods, and Shoes for Everybody
A Short Story of a Long Stock
There arc hundreds of Shirts and Collars in our store from which you can make a se
lection; there are hundreds and hundreds of neckties of all prices and colors. A large
stock of Rain Coats, Overcoats and Socks. We havo a stock of hosiery that would be a
credit to a city of forty thousand. There aro umbrellas of moderate price and some of
higher price. There is a good stock of suits for Men and Boys. And there is a pair of
shoes that will fit any ordinary foot in this section. There is just being placed on the
shelves a thousand dollars worth of one brand of Men's Union Suits. Overalls have al
been a long suit with us, the Headlight and Can't Bust 'Em.
L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Men's Dept.
The Home Mercantile Co.
Arc Headquarters for nil kinds of
Roofing and Building Paper, Roof
Paint and Roofing Cements.
"Stop that leaky roof."
See us for your Paints, Kolsomin-v
ing and all Building Material.
Also for Hay and Feed for your
cows and chickens.
Put in your winter's supply of
4Coal and Briquets before the winter
4 rains and bad roads, and save money.
See us for United States and Fire
stone Tires and Tubes.
Home Mercantile Co.
209 West Burlington Street
"Here's a Friendly Tip"
says the Good Judge
put up itt two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut 'tobacco
. im y Mia a
If you are a stranger in town read
The Review and -get acquainted.
Rain Coats
The Walrus Brand for Men
Our store has been the St. Johns 'Agency
for several years for the Walrus Brand of Oil
Clothing. This is the brand that most of the
Astoria fishermen ' wear in their business.
The garments are not simply made up of
muslin and then dipped in a vat of oil as the
inferior garments are. But the heavy drill
is soaked before it is ever cut; just soaked in
il and then rolled until thoroughly saturat
ed and cured. We have other rain coats,
cheaper, but this particular 'Walrus Brand
js so constructed that we can, with entire
confidence say to a buyer, "put this on and
wear it all day in the hardest kind of a rain
and if it does not keep you perfectly dry,
your money back." In all these years we
have carried these exceptional slickers we
have taken back but five or six and these
because of a leak in a faulty seam and not
in the body of the s(tock.
Men who know tobacco,
chew the best without its
costing them any more.
They take a little chew and
it's amazing how the good
taste stays in a rich, high
grade chewing tobacco.
For lasting tobacco satis
faction, there's nothing
like a small chew, of that
rich-tasting tobacco.
For Men
Knights and Ladies of Security
St. Johns Council 2775
Itcuulnr lliuiticM mcctliiK Ut ami 3rd
Monday. Oik.ii iticctinue lo tlic inilillc
Hurt mill member coitlltilly invited to
nttcud ut lllckiicr Hall.
Frank C. Gasscr, Prc9.
J.ealer Tccljiig, Secretory.
iSfy LAU.aLOD(jt
No. 186 I. O. O. T.
UmU each Monday evening la Odd Pel
lo IiiUI nt 8:oo. A cordial welcome to
all vUltini! brother.
ifrl IU.WII Otn J
C. V (ht Vic (Iraiid
Joe Kllli. Krc tWc,
O. W, Norm. I'lii.fec.
II. I' CUik.Tira.
St, Johns Gamp No. 7546
Modem Woodmen of America.
Ve licnrtllr solicit the attendance of
our member at our regular Hireling
every Thursday evening.
ft, ! .iiarc) i ncii. .iiuiiiii, v.jcik
Coiiiul. 108 Smith avenue
Meet every l'riday night at
7:30 o'clock In irtCKNKR
Hall, Visitor nlwnyi wel
come, J. U. WATSON, C. C.
Woodmen .of the World
St. Johns Cnmp 773
Meet ever Thursday evening lu
I. O. O. If. Hall, Leavilt oud Jersey
streets. Visitors always welcome.
TIIOS. COUl'li, C. C.
W. H. COON, Clerk.
A. f. and A. M.
Meet the first and third
Wednesday of each month
In lllckiier' Hall, Visi
tors welcome.
A.U. Davis, V. M.
A, V. Davis, Secretary,
Minerva Chapter No, I05, 0. E. S.
Meets every First and
Third Tuesday of each
month in Hickuer's
Hall. Visitors wel
come. Dxie M. Uwis. W. M.
Ruby R. Davis, Secretary.
I buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
Fire Insurance and Notary Public
List your property with me if you
desire to sell quickly
202 N. Jersey St. St.' Johns
J. R. WEIMAR ; '
Transfer and Storage
W deliver your good to and from
all parta of Portland, Vancouver. Linn?
ton, Portland and Saburban Exprasa
Co., city dock and all points aeeesaibl)
W wafVQ. y4 larnllm a .tig
I'hone Woodlawn 5360
W call and Dallvar
The SkMmere Cleaners
Cleaning, Pressing, Alterations and Re
pairing a specialty
W. C JUSTICE U2 Skitew 1 5 (ret
Nat tha labal an yur aaaar.